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4.3 Air Quality
This section evaluates the potential impacts on air quality resulting from implementation of the proposed
project. This includes the potential for the proposed project to conflict with or obstruct implementation
of the applicable air quality plan, to violate an air quality standard or contribute substantially to an
existing or projected air quality violation, to result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any
criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment, to expose sensitive receptors to
substantial pollutant concentrations, or to create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of
The section has been prepared using methodologies and assumptions recommended in the air quality
impact assessment guidelines of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) CEQA
Guidelines: Assessing the Air Quality Impacts of Projects and Plans, most recently published in
December 1999. The air quality assessment considers both ?criteria air pollutants? (pollutants for which
state and federal ambient standards exist) and ?toxic air contaminants? (pollutants that pose human
health risks).
Data used to prepare this section were taken from various sources, including the City of South San
Francisco General Plan prepared by Dyett & Bhatia and adopted in October 1999; the East of 101 Area
Plan prepared by Brady and Associates and adopted in July 1994; and the Genentech Existing Conditions
Report prepared by Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates and Fehr & Peers Transportation
Consultants in April 2005. Full bibliographic entries for all reference materials are provided in
Section 4.3.4 (References).
No comment letters related to air quality were received in response to the December 9, 2005, Revised
Notice of Preparation (NOP) circulated for the project. In addition, no comments were received at the
public scoping meeting held January 17, 2006. The NOP and comment letters are included in
Appendix A of this MEIR.
4.3.1Existing Conditions
South San Francisco enjoys generally good air quality, due largely to the presence of the San Bruno Gap,
a break in the Santa Cruz Mountains that allows onshore winds to flow easily into San Francisco Bay and
quickly disperse air pollutants. Within South San Francisco, certain areas of the City are more likely to
result in pollutant exposure for residents and workers. These areas include the US 101, Interstate-280,
and El Camino Real corridors, which experience relatively high pollutant concentrations due to heavy
traffic volumes, particularly during peak periods. In addition, wind blowing out of the south and
southeast exposes the City to emissions from the San Francisco International Airport (SFIA).
Climate and Topography
South San Francisco and the MEIR Study Area are located in San Mateo County, within the nine-county
San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin. Specifically, the MEIR Study Area is located within the Peninsula
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
climatological subregion of the Basin, that extends from northwest of San Jose to the Golden Gate. The
location of the Santa Cruz Mountains throughout the center of the Peninsula has great influence on the
climate and air quality of the area. The mountains, with elevations exceeding 2000 feet at the south end,
and gradually decreasing to 500 feet elevation in South San Francisco, block the typical high incidence of
cool, foggy weather that occurs along the coast. Warmer temperatures and fewer foggy days characterize
the southeastern area of the peninsula, where the marine layer is blocked by the ridgeline to the west.
However, in the north end the marine layer is able to flow across most of San Francisco due to its low
topography. In the South San Francisco area, near the MEIR Study Area, the marine air is able to
penetrate the bay through the lower elevations at the San Bruno Gap.
The East of 101 Area generally slopes downward to the east, towards San Francisco Bay. The MEIR
Study Area itself comprises a hilly region to the south, formed by southeast-trending Coyote Point Fault
Zone, and low-lying areas to the northeast. Elevations range from 182 feet above mean sea level (MSL)
at San Bruno Hill to 0 feet MSL at the low-lying areas in the northeast portion of the EIR Study Area
(USGS 1956a, USGS 1956b).
The large-scale influences of the Bay Area?s climate are summarized below, based on meteorological data
presented in ?Climate, Physiography, and Air Pollution Potential? (BAAQMD and the Association of
Bay Area Governments 2006).
The San Francisco Bay Area?s regional meteorological conditions are dominated by the semi-permanent
high pressure area in the eastern Pacific Ocean, which is in large part responsible for the cool, dry
summers and mild, moderately wet winters. This pressure system is also responsible for the daytime sea
breeze that tends to provide fresh air to the Bay Area.
Region-wide temperature inversions, caused by warm air positioned above the cool daytime surface air,
prohibit vertical mixing of air. Thermal inversions may be caused by flows of cool marine air at the
surface moving inland from the Golden Gate or by rapid cooling of the surface after sunset, which
causes the air close to the surface to rapidly cool. Air pollution potential in the region is highest when
inversions are strong and winds are light.
Annual average wind speeds range from 5 to 10 miles per hour (mph) throughout the Peninsula with
higher wind speeds in the MEIR Study Area due to the low-lying areas in the mountain ranges. The
prevailing winds in the peninsula are westerly and in the MEIR Study Area the winds are in a southwest
wind pattern. These winds typically dilute pollutants and transport them away from the area.
Average maximum temperatures during summer in the area between Half Moon Bay, west of the MEIR
Study Area, and San Francisco, north of the MEIR Study Area, are in the mid-60s Fahrenheit (F), while
minimum winter temperatures are approximately low-40s F.
Air Quality Background
Air pollutant emissions within the Bay Area are generated by stationary and mobile sources. Stationary
sources can be divided into two major subcategories: point and area sources. Point sources occur at an
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
identified location and are usually associated with manufacturing and industry. Examples are boilers or
combustion equipment that produces electricity or generates heat. Area sources are widely distributed
and produce many small emissions. Examples of area sources include residential and commercial water
heaters, painting operations, lawn mowers, agricultural fields, landfills, and consumer products such as
barbeque lighter fluid and hair spray. Mobile sources refer to emissions from motor vehicles, including
tailpipe and evaporative emissions, and are classified as either on-road or off-road. On-road sources may
be legally operated on roadways and highways. Off-road sources include aircraft, ships, trains, racecars,
and self-propelled construction equipment. Mobile sources account for the majority of the air pollutant
emissions within the Basin. Air pollutants can also be generated by the natural environment such as when
fine dust particles are pulled off the ground surface and suspended in the air during high winds.
Both the federal and state governments have established ambient air quality standards for outdoor
concentrations of various pollutants in order to protect public health. The national and state ambient air
quality standards have been set at levels where concentrations could be generally harmful to human
health and welfare, and to protect the most sensitive persons from illness or discomfort with a margin of
The air pollutants for which national and state standards have been promulgated and which are most
relevant to air quality planning and regulation in the Bay Area include ozone, carbon monoxide (CO),
), fine particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO), and lead. In
respirable particulate matter (PM
addition, toxic air contaminants are of concern in the Bay Area. Each of these is briefly described below.
Ozone (O) is a highly reactive and unstable gas that is formed when volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NO), both byproducts of internal combustion engine exhaust,
undergo slow photochemical reactions in the presence of sunlight. Ozone concentrations are
generally highest during the summer months when direct sunlight, light wind, and warm
temperature conditions are favorable to the formation of this pollutant.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by the incomplete combustion of
carbon-containing fuels, such as gasoline or wood. CO concentrations tend to be the highest
during the winter morning, when little to no wind and surface-based inversions trap the pollutant
at ground levels. Because CO is emitted directly from internal combustion engines, unlike ozone,
motor vehicles operating at slow speeds are the primary source of CO in the Basin. The highest
ambient CO concentrations are generally found near congested transportation corridors and
Respirable Particulate Matter (PM) and Fine Particulate Matter (PM) consist of extremely small,
suspended particles or droplets 10 microns and 2.5 microns or smaller in diameter, respectively.
Some sources of particulate matter, like pollen and windstorms, are naturally occurring. However,
in populated areas, most particulate matter is caused by road dust, diesel soot, combustion
products, abrasion of tires and brakes, and construction activities.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO) is a nitrogen oxide compound that is produced by the combustion of fossil
fuels, such as in internal combustion engines (both gasoline and diesel powered), as well as point
sources, especially power plants. Of the seven types of nitrogen oxide compounds, NO is the
most abundant in the atmosphere. As ambient concentrations of NO are related to traffic density,
commuters in heavy traffic may be exposed to higher concentrations of NO than those indicated
by regional monitors.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Sulfur dioxide (SO) is a colorless, extremely irritating gas or liquid. It enters the atmosphere as a
pollutant mainly as a result of burning high sulfur-content fuel oils and coal and from chemical
processes occurring at chemical plants and refineries. When SO oxidizes in the atmosphere, it
forms sulfates (SO). Collectively, these pollutants are referred to as sulfur oxides (SO).
Lead (Pb) occurs in the atmosphere as particulate matter. The combustion of leaded gasoline is the
primary source of airborne Pb in the Basin. The use of leaded gasoline is no longer permitted for
on-road motor vehicles, so the majority of such combustion emissions are associated with off-road
vehicles such as race cars. However, because it was emitted in large amounts from vehicles when
leaded gasoline was used for on-road motor vehicles, Pb is present in many soils and can get re-
suspended in the air. Other sources of Pb include the manufacturing and recycling of batteries,
paint, ink, ceramics, ammunition, and the use of secondary Pb smelters.
Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC) refer to a diverse group of air pollutants that are capable of causing
chronic (i.e., of long duration) and acute (i.e., severe but of short duration) adverse effects on
human health. They include both organic and inorganic chemical substances that may be emitted
from a variety of common sources including gasoline stations, motor vehicles, dry cleaners,
industrial operations, painting operations, and research and teaching facilities. TACs are different
than ?criteria? pollutants in that ambient air quality standards have not been established for them,
largely because there are hundreds of air toxics and their effects on health tend to be felt on a local
scale rather than on a regional basis.
State standards have been promulgated for other criteria air pollutants, including SO, hydrogen sulfide,
and visibility reducing particles. The state also recognizes vinyl chloride as a TAC with an undetermined
threshold level of exposure for adverse health effects. Vinyl chloride and hydrogen sulfide emissions are
generally generated from mining, milling, refining, smelting, landfills, sewer plants, cement
manufacturing, or the manufacturing or decomposition of organic matter. The state standards for sulfate
and visibility reducing particles are not exceeded anywhere in the Basin.
Pb is typically only emitted during demolition of structures expected to include Pb-based paint and
materials. However, the project applicant would be required to follow federal and state regulations that
govern the renovation and demolition of structures where materials containing Pb are present. Further
discussion on the presence and removal of Pb-based materials is included in Section 4.6 (Hazards and
Hazardous Materials).
Health Effects of Air Pollutants
Individuals exercising outdoors, children and people with preexisting lung disease such as asthma and
chronic pulmonary lung disease are considered to be the most susceptible sub-groups for ozone effects.
Short-term exposures (lasting for a few hours) to ozone at levels typically observed in Southern
California can result in breathing pattern changes, reduction of breathing capacity, increased susceptibility
to infections, inflammation of the lung tissue, and some immunological changes. Elevated ozone levels
are associated with increased school absences. In recent years, a correlation between elevated ambient
ozone levels and increases in daily hospital admission rates, as well as mortality, has also been reported.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
An increased risk for asthma has been found in children who participate in multiple sports and live in
high ozone
Ozoneexposure under exercising conditions is known to increase the severity of the above mentioned
observed responses. Animal studies suggest that exposure to a combination of pollutants that include
ozonemay be more toxic than exposure to ozonealone. Although lung volume and resistance changes
observed after a single exposure diminish with repeated exposures, biochemical and cellular changes
appear to persist, which can lead to subsequent lung structural changes.
Carbon Monoxide
Individuals with a deficient blood supply to the heart are the most susceptible to the adverse effects of
CO exposure. The effects observed include earlier onset of chest pain with exercise, and
electrocardiograph changes indicative of worsening oxygen supply to the heart.
Inhaled CO has no direct toxic effect on the lungs, but exerts its effect on tissues by interfering with
oxygen transport and competing with oxygen to combine with hemoglobin present in the blood to form
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). Hence, conditions with an increased demand for oxygen supply can be
adversely affected by exposure to CO. Individuals most at risk include patients with diseases involving
heart and blood vessels, fetuses, and patients with chronic hypoxemia (oxygen deficiency) as seen in high
Reduction in birth weight and impaired neurobehavioral development have been observed in animals
chronically exposed to CO, resulting in COHb levels similar to those observed in smokers. Recent
studies have found increased risks for adverse birth outcomes with exposure to elevated CO levels.
These include pre-term births and heart abnormalities.
Particulate Matter
and PM) levels and an
A consistent correlation between elevated ambient fine particulate matter (PM
increase in mortality rates, respiratory infections, number and severity of asthma attacks and the number
of hospital admissions has been observed in different parts of the United States and various areas around
the world. In recent years, some studies have reported an association between long-term exposure to air
pollution dominated by fine particles and increased mortality, reduction in life-span, and an increased
mortality from lung cancer.
Daily fluctuations in PM concentration levels have also been related to hospital admissions for acute
respiratory conditions in children, to school and kindergarten absences, to a decrease in respiratory lung
volumes in normal children and to increased medication use in children and adults with asthma. Recent
studies show lung function growth in children is reduced with long-term exposure to particulate matter.
The elderly, people with pre-existing respiratory or cardiovascular disease and children appear to be more
and PM.
susceptible to the effects of high levels of PM
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Nitrogen Dioxide
Population-based studies suggest that an increase in acute respiratory illness, including infections and
respiratory symptoms in children (not infants), is associated with long-term exposures to NO at levels
found in homes with gas stoves, which are higher than ambient levels found in Southern California.
Increase in resistance to air flow and airway contraction is observed after short-term exposure to NO in
healthy subjects. Larger decreases in lung functions are observed in individuals with asthma or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g., chronic bronchitis, emphysema) than in healthy individuals,
indicating a greater susceptibility of these sub-groups.
In animals, exposure to levels of NO considerably higher than ambient concentrations results in
increased susceptibility to infections, possibly due to the observed changes in cells involved in
maintaining immune functions. The severity of lung tissue damage associated with high levels of ozone
exposure increases when animals are exposed to a combination of ozone and NO
Sulfur Dioxide
A few minutes exposure to low levels of SO can result in airway constriction in some asthmatics, all of
whom are sensitive to its effects. In asthmatics, increase in resistance to air flow, as well as reduction in
breathing capacity leading to severe breathing difficulties, are observed after acute exposure to SO. In
contrast, healthy individuals do not exhibit similar acute responses even after exposure to higher
concentrations of SO
being a respiratory irritant, it does not cause substantial lung
Animal studies suggest that despite SO
injury at ambient concentrations. However, very high levels of exposure can cause lung edema (fluid
accumulation), lung tissue damage, and sloughing off of cells lining the respiratory tract.
Some population-based studies indicate that the mortality and morbidity effects associated with fine
levels. In these studies, efforts to separate the
particles show a similar association with ambient SO
effects of SO from those of fine particles have not been successful. It is not clear whether the two
pollutants act synergistically or one pollutant alone is the predominant factor.
Fetuses, infants, and children are more sensitive than others to the adverse effects of Pb exposure.
Exposure to low levels of Pb can adversely affect the development and function of the central nervous
system, leading to learning disorders, distractibility, inability to follow simple commands, and lower
intelligence quotient. In adults, increased Pb levels are associated with increased blood pressure.
Pb poisoning can cause anemia, lethargy, seizures, and death, although it appears that there are no direct
effects of Pb on the respiratory system. Pb can be stored in the bone from early age environmental
exposure, and elevated blood Pb levels can occur due to breakdown of bone tissue during pregnancy,
hyperthyroidism (increased secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland) and osteoporosis (breakdown
of bony tissue). Fetuses and breast-fed babies can be exposed to higher levels of Pb because of previous
environmental Pb exposure of their mothers.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions
TACs are airborne substances that are capable of causing chronic (i.e., of long duration) and acute (i.e.,
severe but of short duration) adverse effects on human health. They include both organic and inorganic
chemical substances that may be emitted from a variety of common sources including gasoline stations,
motor vehicles, dry cleaners, industrial operations, painting operations, and research and teaching
facilities. TACs are different from the ?criteria? pollutants previously discussed in that ambient air quality
standards have not been established for them.
Existing Regional Air Quality
Measurements of ambient concentrations of the criteria pollutants are used by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to assess and
classify the air quality of each air basin, county, or, in some cases, a specific developed area. The
classification is determined by comparing actual monitoring data with federal and state standards. If a
pollutant concentration in an area is lower than the standard, the area is classified as being in
?attainment.? If the pollutant exceeds the standard, the area is classified as a ?nonattainment? area. If
there are not enough data available to determine whether the standard is exceeded in an area, the area is
designated ?unclassified.?
Air quality in the basin is monitored by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD),
which operates a regional network of air pollution monitoring stations to determine if the federal and
state standards for criteria air pollutants and emission limits of toxic air contaminants are being achieved.
The Bay Area Basin is considered ?nonattainment? for ozone federal standards, and is considered
?nonattainment? for state standards for ozone and respirable particulate matter (PM). It is in
?attainment? for the federal standard for PM, and in ?attainment? for both the federal and state
ambient air quality standards for PM, SO, Pb, and NO, which is a pure form of NO.
The average daily emissions inventory for the entire Bay Area and San Mateo County is summarized in
Table 4.3-1. In the Bay Area, motor vehicles generate the majority of VOC, NO, and CO emissions;
stationary sources generate the most SO; and area-wide sources generate the most airborne particulate.
Existing Local Air Quality
The BAAQMD monitors ambient air pollutant concentrations through a series of monitoring stations
located throughout the Bay Area. While no monitoring station is located in South San Francisco,
BAAQMD samples local air quality from the nearby Arkansas Street station in San Francisco,
approximately eight miles from the MEIR Study Area. Table 4.3-2 identifies the national and state
ambient air quality standards for relevant air pollutants along with the ambient pollutant concentrations
that have been measured at the Arkansas Street-San Francisco monitoring station through the period of
2002 to 2004. Monitoring was not conducted at this station for the CO maximum 1-hour concentration,
. Therefore, no site-specific data is available for those emission levels.
or for SO
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Table 4.3-1 2004 Estimated Average Daily Emissions
Emissions in Tons per Day
Emissions Source
San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin
Stationary Sources 89.4 68.3 42.3 58.6 16.0 12.3
Area-wide Sources 90.1 19.3 174.4 0.6 151.6 48.6
Mobile Sources 233.4 472.3 2,104.6 12.4 21.3 17.1
Total Emissions 412.9 559.9 2,321.3 71.6 188.9 78.0
San Mateo County—San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin
Stationary Sources 7.2 1.9 1.7 0.04 1.0 0.8
Area-wide Sources 9.3 2.3 19.2 0.07 15.7 5.1
Mobile Sources 26.3 57.0 248.7 0.75 2.3 1.8
Total Emissions 42.8 61.1 269.6 0.85 19.0 7.7
SOURCE: California Air Resources Board 2005
Monitoring station measurements indicate that air quality in the vicinity of South San Francisco performs
well against state standards for criteria air pollutants. Ambient PM concentrations have violated the
state standard on occasion at the Arkansas Street station. PM in the atmosphere is the result of many
dust- and fume-producing industrial and agricultural operations, construction, fugitive sources (such as
roadway dust), and atmospheric photochemical reactions involving VOCs and NO. For carbon
monoxide, a product of incomplete combustion, the air in South San Francisco meets state and federal
standards; however, concentrations in the vicinity of congested intersections and highway segments
would potentially be higher than the monitoring data indicates.
BAAQMD maintains an inventory of substantial stationary sources of TAC emissions in the Bay Area.
According to the South San Francisco General Plan, as of 2002, there are seventeen such sources that
exceeded trigger threshold listed within South San Francisco, fourteen of which are dry cleaners. The
remaining sources include the South San Francisco San Bruno Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Shell Oil
Company Distribution Plant, and the Superior Aluminum Body Corporation. The Genentech Campus is
not included within this list.
Existing EIR Study Area Emissions
The EIR Study Area is located along the western shoreline of the City, and is developed on and around
San Bruno Hill, the highest point in the East of 101 Area and the approximate center of the MEIR Study
Area. The MEIR Study Area is largely paved and occupied primarily by buildings and parking lots. San
Francisco Bay forms the eastern boundary of the MEIR Study Area, while the rest of the area is
surrounded by mixed industry, warehouse, office, and hotel uses in the East of 101 Area.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
Table 4.3-2 Summary of Ambient Air Quality at San Francisco-Arkansas Street Station
Air Pollutants Monitored at the San Francisco-Arkansas Street Monitoring Station
Ozone (O)
Maximum 1-hour concentration measured 0.05 ppm 0.09 ppm 0.09 ppm
Days exceeding federal 0.12 ppm 1-hour standard 0 0 0
Days exceeding state 0.09 ppm 1-hour standard 0 0 1
Maximum 8-hour concentration measured 0.05 ppm 0.06 ppm 0.06 ppm
Days exceeding federal 0.08 ppm 8-hour standard 0 0 0
Respirable Particulate Matter (PM)
Maximum 24-hour concentration measured 60.2 µg/m 52 µg/m 52 µg/m
No. of days exceeding federal 150 µg/m 24-hour standard 0 0 0
Days exceeding state 50 µg/m 24-hour standard 2 1 1
Annual arithmetic mean (AAM) 24.7 µg/m 22.7 µg/m 22.5 µg/m
Does measured AAM exceed federal 50.0 µg/m AAM standard? No No No
Does measured AAM exceed state 20.0 µg/m AAM standard? Yes Yes Yes
Fine Particulate Matter (PM)
Maximum 24-hour concentration measured 70 µg/m 42 µg/m 40 µg/m
No. of days exceeding federal 65 µg/m 24-hour standard 1 0 0
Federal and state AAM 13.6 µg/m 10.1 µg/m 9.9 µg/m
Does measured AAM exceed federal 15.0 µg/m AAM standard? No No No
Does measured AAM exceed state 12.0 µg/m AAM standard? Yes No No
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Maximum 1-hour concentration measured 3.5 3.6 2.9
Days exceeding federal 35.0 ppm 1-hour standard 0 0 0
Days exceeding state 20.0 ppm 1-hour standard 0 0 0
Maximum 8-hour concentration measured 2.6 ppm 2.8 ppm 2.2 ppm
Number of days exceeding federal and state 9.0 ppm 8-hour standard 0 0 0
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO)
Maximum 1-hour concentration measured 0.08 ppm 0.07 ppm 0.06 ppm
Days exceeding state 0.25 ppm 1-hour standard 0 0 0
AAM 0.019 ppm 0.018 ppm 0.017 ppm
Does measured AAM exceed federal 0.0534 ppm AAM standard? No No No
Sulfur Dioxide (SO)
Maximum 24-hour concentration measured N/A N/A N/A
Days exceeding federal 0.14 ppm 24-hour standard N/A N/A N/A
Days exceeding state 0.04 ppm 24-hour standard N/A N/A N/A
SOURCE: California Air Resources Board 2005
ppm=parts by volume per million of air.
µg/m=micrograms per cubic meter.
N/A=No monitoring performed for this standard.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Traffic-congested roadways and intersections have the potential to generate localized high levels of CO.
Localized areas where ambient concentrations exceed national and/or state standards for CO are termed
CO ?hotspots.? The BAAQMD considers CO as a localized problem requiring additional analysis when
a project is likely to subject sensitive receptors to CO hotspots. Land uses such as primary and secondary
schools, hospitals, and convalescent homes are considered to be sensitive receptors to poor air quality
because the very young, the old, and the infirm are more susceptible to respiratory infections and other
air quality-related health problems than the general public. The proposed child care facility at 444
Allerton would be considered a sensitive receptor for localized CO concentrations. Residential uses are
considered sensitive because people in residential areas are often at home for extended periods of time,
so they could be exposed to pollutants for extended periods. Recreational areas are considered
moderately sensitive to poor air quality because vigorous exercise associated with recreation places a high
demand on the human respiratory function. The MEIR Study Area does not contain any of these
receptors, other than the above mentioned child care facility.
Localized CO concentrations are calculated based on a simplified CALINE4 screening procedure
developed by BAAQMD. The simplified model is intended as a screening analysis, which identifies a
potential CO hotspot. This methodology assumes worst-case conditions and provides a screening of
maximum, worst-case CO concentrations. Only intersections that were projected to operate at level of
service (LOS) E or F were analyzed. As all other intersections would operate at a better LOS, localized
CO concentrations at those intersections would be expected to be less. The resulting emissions are
compared with adopted federal and state ambient air quality standards. Table 4.3-3 presents the results of
localized CO monitoring, conducted by EIP.
Table 4.3-3 Existing Localized Carbon Monoxide Concentrations
CO Concentrations in Parts per Million
25 feet 50 Feet 100 Feet
1-Hour 8-Hour 1-Hour 8-Hour 1-Hour 8-Hour
Gateway Boulevard and Oyster Point Boulevard 4.8 3.7 4.5 3.5 4.2 3.2
Gull Road and Oyster Point Boulevard 4.7 3.6 4.4 3.4 4.2 3.2
Airport Boulevard and Grand Avenue 4.4 3.3 4.2 3.2 4.0 3.0
Forbes Boulevard and East Grand Avenue 4.5 3.4 4.3 3.3 4.0 3.1
Allerton Avenue and Grand Avenue 3.9 3.0 3.8 2.9 3.7 2.8
Grandview Drive and East Grand Avenue 4.0 3.0 3.8 2.9 3.7 2.8
US-101 Ramps and Dubuque Avenue 4.5 3.4 4.3 3.3 4.0 3.1
Gull Road and Forbes Boulevard 4.2 3.3 4.1 3.1 3.9 3.0
Airport Boulevard and San Mateo Avenue 4.6 3.6 4.4 3.4 4.1 3.2
Gateway Boulevard and Mitchell Avenue 4.4 3.4 4.2 3.2 4.0 3.0
SOURCE: EIP Associates 2006; calculation sheets to be provided in Appendix C
Federal 1-hour standard is 35.0 parts per million. State 1-hour standard is 20.0 parts per million.
Federal 8-hour standard is 9.0 parts per million. State 8-hour standard is 9.0 parts per million.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
In order to reduce vehicular emissions within the MEIR Study Area, Genentech offers employees several
Trip Demand Management (TDM) programs as alternatives to commuting by private automobile. TDM
policies and programs are outlined in the 2006 FMPU. As referenced in this document, in 2005
Genentech conducted a detailed cordon count that found that 23 percent of their South San Francisco
employees commuting at peak hours arrived via carpool, vanpool, transit, bicycle, or means other than
driving alone. Genentech estimates that at least an additional 10 percent of employees commute during
nonpeak hours by one of these modes.
Table 4.3-4 displays the TDM measures currently provided by Genentech, and proposed TDM programs
to further decrease drive-alone rates. Genentech currently markets its TDM through promotional
programs and a comprehensive transportation intranet site.
Table 4.3-4 Genentech Transportation Demand Management Implementation
Increase TDM staff with responsibility for maintaining, coordinating and implementing the Genentech TDM program.
Maintain a TDM Coordinating Committee, consisting of representative from the City and regional transit agencies, that meets on
a regular basis to oversee progress toward attainment of the goals.
Preferential Parking
Ensure the adequate availability of designated preferential, conveniently located car/van-pool parking areas, including in on-
street locations close to buildings where possible.
Pricing and Subsidies
Maintain a coordinated program of parking pricing and transit subsidies that helps achieve Genentech’s overall parking and
transportation demand objectives.
Provide free or subsidized car-pool spaces.
Partner with Vanpool vendors for onsite service and consider subsidizing employee seats in vanpools
Provide a car/van-pool matching service (could be web-based), particularly for neighborhoods that have 50 or more Genentech
employees within a five-mile radius.
Implement new shuttle and bus services between Genentech and San Francisco, Glen Park, Millbrae, and surrounding areas,
as discussed in Section 4.1 of the Ten Year Master Plan: Transit and Shuttle Services.
Provide guaranteed ride home in evenings to workers who use alternate transportation.
Work with the City, San Mateo County Transit (Sam Trans), and other agencies to provide convenient, comfortable, safe and
sheltered waiting areas for transit and car/van-pool users.
Bicycles and Pedestrians
Explore providing secure and safe, and preferably sheltered, bicycle parking at new buildings.
Locate bicycle-parking areas conveniently in relation to established bicycle routes and main building entrances.
SOURCE: Genentech Central Campus Ten-Year Master Plan, Draft, November 2005
TDM Goals:
Achieve an enhanced reduction of single occupancy vehicles (SOV) used by Genentech employees of up to 70 percent of commute trips.
TDM Strategies:
Increase TDM staff for maintaining, coordinating, and implementing the Genentech TDM program.
Bolster existing programs such as existing car and vanpool programs.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
To encourage and assist employees in using alternative transportation, employees utilizing alternative
modes are qualified for the Guaranteed Ride Home Program and pre-tax commuter benefits.
Carpool and Vanpool Services
Carpools in the Bay Area consist of three or more people riding in one vehicle for commute purposes.
Vanpools provide similar commuting benefits as carpools, though a vanpool consists of seven to fifteen
passengers, including the driver, and the vehicle is typically leased by a vanpool rental company such as
VPSI or Enterprise.
Guaranteed Ride Home Program
Genentech offers a guaranteed ride home to all participants of alternative commute programs. The
Guaranteed Ride Home Program provides a ride home in the event of an emergency.
Walking and Bicycling
Genentech has over 100 private bike lockers that can be reserved by employees. Locker requests can be
submitted on the Intranet site and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Existing Sources of Toxic Air Contaminants
The Genentech Campus conducts routine operations that generate TAC emissions regulated by
California. The primary sources that contribute to the release of TACs are typical of research and
development facilities, and include the following types of equipment as compiled primarily from San
Mateo County Environmental Health Department file records and BAAQMD permit records:
Laboratory fume hoods
Spray booth
Diesel emergency generators
Diesel storage/dispensing
Gasoline storage/dispensing
Chemical storage tanks
Wipe cleaning
Ethylene oxide sterilization
Hazardous waste storage
4.3.2Regulatory Framework
Air quality within the Bay Area is addressed through the efforts of various federal, state, regional, and
local government agencies. These agencies work jointly, as well as individually, to improve air quality
through legislation, regulations, planning, policy-making, education, and a variety of programs. The
agencies responsible for improving the air quality within the Bay Area are discussed below.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
The U.S. EPA is responsible for setting and enforcing the federal ambient air quality standards for
atmospheric pollutants. It regulates emission sources that are under the exclusive authority of the federal
government, such as aircraft, ships, and certain locomotives.
As part of its enforcement responsibilities, the U.S. EPA requires each state with nonattainment areas to
prepare and submit a State Implementation Plan (SIP) that demonstrates the means to attain the federal
standards. The SIP must integrate federal, state, and local plan components and regulations to identify
specific measures to reduce pollution, using a combination of performance standards and market-based
programs within the timeframe identified in the SIP.
The California Air Resources Board (ARB), a part of the California Environmental Protection Agency, is
responsible for the coordination and administration of both federal and state air pollution control
programs within California. In this capacity, the ARB conducts research, sets California Ambient Air
Quality Standards, compiles emission inventories, develops suggested control measures, provides
oversight of local programs, and prepares the SIP. The ARB establishes emissions standards for motor
vehicles sold in California, consumer products (e.g., hair spray, aerosol paints, and barbecue lighter fluid)
and various types of commercial equipment. It also sets fuel specifications to further reduce vehicular
emissions. To address diesel particulate and other TAC emissions, the ARB has recently finalized an Air
Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community Health Perspective (April 2005) as an ?informational guide? to
prioritize the important sources of TACs and reduce exposures to proximate populations.
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
The BAAQMD is the primary agency responsible for comprehensive air pollution control in the entire
San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin. To that end, the BAAQMD, a regional agency, works directly with the
Association of Bay Area Governments, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and local
governments and cooperates actively with all federal and state government agencies. The BAAQMD
develops rules and regulations, establishes permitting requirements for stationary sources, inspects
emissions sources, and enforces such measures through educational programs or fines, when necessary.
In 1991, the Bay Area 1991 Clean Air Plan was developed to address the state requirements of the
California Clean Air Act. The Plan has been updated twice, in 1994 and 1997, with the continued goal of
improving air quality through tighter industry controls, cleaner fuels, and combustion in cars and trucks,
and increased commute alternatives.
The BAAQMD is directly responsible for reducing emissions from stationary (area and point), mobile,
and indirect sources. It has responded to this requirement by preparing a sequence of Ozone Attainment
Plans and Clean Air Plans that comply with the federal Clean Air Act and the California Clean Air Act,
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
accommodate growth, reduce the pollutant levels in the Bay Area, meet federal and state ambient air
quality standards, and minimize the fiscal impact that pollution control measures have on the local
economy. The Ozone Attainment Plans are prepared for the federal ozone standard, and the Clean Air
Plans are prepared for the state ozone standards. The most recent Ozone Attainment Plan was adopted
by the BAAQMD Board of Directors on October 2001 and demonstrates attainment of the federal
ozone standard in the Bay Area by 2006. The current regional Clean Air Plan was adopted by the Board
of Directors on December 20, 2000. It identifies the control measures that would be implemented
through 2006 to reduce major sources of pollutants. These planning efforts have substantially decreased
the population?s exposure to unhealthful levels of pollutants, even while substantial population growth
has occurred within the Bay Area. The Clean Air Plan predicts that regional ozone concentrations will
decrease by 1.2 percent per year or 9.0 percent over the 12 years after it was adopted.
Although no plans are currently required to demonstrate attainment of federal or state particulate matter
standards, the Clean Air Plan discusses this pollutant since the health effects of particulates can be
as ozone precursor
serious, and many of the measures identified in the Plan to reduce VOCs and NO
emissions will also reduce ambient concentrations of particulate matter.
The BAAQMD?s New Source Review Rule, Regulation 2, Rule 2, and the District's Air Toxics Risk
Management Policy require that new or modified stationary sources of air pollutants constructed and
operated undergo permit review for Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and/or Best Available
Control Technology for Toxics (TBACT) when certain thresholds are exceeded. Mobile sources of TACs
are also regulated indirectly through vehicle emissions standards and fuel specifications. Under
BAAQMD rules, BACT is defined as the most stringent emissions control which, for a given class of air
pollutant source, has been achieved in practice, identified in a State Implementation Plan, or has been
found by the BAAQMD to be technologically achievable and cost-effective.
To minimize the emissions of TACs, the BAAQMD requires laboratory facilities to either demonstrate
that the health risk resulting from emissions of TACs is less than one additional cancer risk in one
million or follow Responsible Laboratory Management Practices (RLMPs). Because of the varied nature
of research, estimating TAC emissions and demonstrating low risk is difficult while following the RLMPs
is fairly straightforward. Moreover, the RLMPs are based on risk analyses using information from
Stanford University and the University of California, San Francisco.
South San Francisco General Plan
Local jurisdictions, such as the City of South San Francisco, have the authority and responsibility to
reduce air pollution through its police power and decision-making authority. Specifically, the City is
responsible for the assessment and mitigation of air emissions resulting from its land use decisions. The
City of South San Francisco is also responsible for the implementation of transportation control
measures as outlined in the Clean Air Plan. Examples of such measures include bus turnouts, energy-
efficient streetlights, and synchronized traffic signals.
City of South San Francisco environmental plans and policies recognize community goals for air quality.
Chapter 7.3 of the South San Francisco General Plan identifies goals and policies that help the City
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
contribute to regional air quality improvement efforts, and are consistent with the Clean Air Plan. These
are outlined as follows:
Continue to work toward improving air quality and meeting all federal and state ambient air quality
standards by reducing the generation of air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources, where
Encourage land use and transportation strategies that promote use of alternatives to the
automobile for transportation, including bicycling, bus transit, and carpooling.
Minimize conflicts between sensitive receptors and emissions generators by distancing them from
one another.
Cooperate with the BAAQMD to achieve emissions reductions for nonattainment pollutants and
their precursors, including CO, ozone, and PM, by implementation of air pollution control
measures as required by federal and state statutes.
Use the City?s development review process and the CEQA regulations to evaluate and mitigate the
local and cumulative effects of new development on air quality.
Adopt the standard construction dust abatement measures included in BAAQMD?s CEQA
Require new residential development and remodeled existing homes to install clean-burning
fireplaces and wood stoves.
In cooperation with local conservation groups, institute an active urban forest management
program that consists of planting new trees and maintaining existing ones.
In accordance with CEQA requirements and the CEQA review process, the City assesses the air quality
impacts of new development projects, requires mitigation of potentially adverse air quality impacts by
conditioning discretionary permits and monitors and enforces the implementation of such mitigation.
The City does not, however, have the expertise to develop plans, programs, procedures, and
methodologies to ensure that air quality within the City and region will meet federal and state standards.
Instead, the City relies on the expertise of the BAAQMD and utilizes the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines
as the guidance document for the environmental review of plans and development proposals within its
The goals and policies outlined in the City of South San Francisco East of 101 Area Plan are generally
consistent with the General Plan, as well as the Clean Air Plan. Both City documents are discussed in
more detail in Section 4.8 (Land Use).
4.3.3Project Impacts and Mitigation
Analytic Method
Because the proposed project is still in a conceptual development phase and has not been designed, no
site-specific drawings that depict the buildings, structures, and other project features have been
developed. Therefore, the proposed project is evaluated in this MEIR for potential impacts related to air
quality, such as increases in construction or operational emissions, release of toxic contaminants, or
production of odorous emissions.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Although the BAAQMD is responsible for regional air quality planning efforts, it does not have the
authority to directly regulate the air quality issues associated with plans and new development projects
within the Bay Area. Instead, the BAAQMD has used its expertise and prepared the BAAQMD CEQA
Guidelines to indirectly address these issues in accordance with the projections and programs of the
Ozone Attainment Plan and Clean Air Plan. The purpose of the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines is to
assist Lead Agencies, as well as consultants, project proponents, and other interested parties, in
evaluating potential air quality impacts of projects and plans proposed in the Bay Area.
Specifically, the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines explain the procedures that the BAAQMD recommends
be followed during environmental review processes required by CEQA. The BAAQMD CEQA
Guidelines provide direction on how to evaluate potential air quality impacts, how to determine whether
these impacts are adverse, and how to mitigate these impacts. The BAAQMD intends that by providing
this guidance, the air quality impacts of plans and development proposals will be analyzed accurately and
consistently throughout the Bay Area, and adverse impacts will be minimized. It should be noted that the
BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines were published in December 1999 after the ARB?s identification of diesel
engine particulate matter as a toxic air contaminant.
Construction Emissions
Construction-level air quality emissions are not compared with a quantified threshold, in part because the
construction industry is an existing source of emissions within the Bay Area, and the entire state. In
general, construction equipment operates at one site for a short time, and when finished, moves on to a
new construction site. The same situation occurs for the construction employees who make a living
going from one site to another doing similar construction work. For those reasons, construction exhaust
emissions are included in the regional emission inventory that is the basis for regional air quality plans.
Further the Revised San Francisco Bay Area Ozone Attainment Plan for the 1-Hour National Ozone Standard
(2001) shows construction equipment comprises a good portion of the past, existing, and future (through
2006) emission inventory within the Bay Area. Also, the Bay Area 2000 Clean Air Plan states that PM
emissions from ?other sources? include construction operations for the past, present, and future (2006)
emissions inventory. Consequently, the BAAQMD does not expect these emissions to impede
attainment or maintenance of ozone or CO standards in the Bay Area.
Operational Emissions
Operational emissions associated with the proposed project are estimated using the URBEMIS 2002
computer model developed for the ARB, the information provided in Chapter 3 (Project Description),
and trip generation rates from the project traffic study, included in its entirety as Appendix C of this
MEIR. URBEMIS 2002 is a program that estimates air pollution emissions in pounds per day or tons per
year for various land uses, area sources, construction projects, and project operations. The model uses
the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Manual along with the ARB's motor vehicle
emissions model, EMFAC 2002, to calculate motor vehicle emissions. Operational emissions would be
comprised of mobile source emissions and area source emissions. Mobile source emissions are generated
by the increase in motor vehicle trips to and from the MEIR Study Area associated with operation of the
proposed project. Area source emissions generated will include the following: the increase in natural gas
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
consumption for space and water heating, utilities operations (including diesel-powered emergency
generators), an increase in TAC emissions associated with research and development and manufacturing
activities (including fume hoods and chemical storage), and the increase in landscape maintenance
equipment. To determine if an air quality impact would occur, the increase in emissions will be compared
with the BAAQMD?s recommended thresholds.
Localized CO Concentrations for Operation
The ambient air quality effects of traffic emissions were evaluated using the BAAQMD?S simplified
CALINE4 screening model. As noted in Section 4.3.1 (Existing Conditions), this methodology assumes
worst-case conditions and provides a screening of maximum worst-case CO concentrations. The
evaluation will utilize traffic volumes provided in the project traffic study, which is included in its entirety
as Appendix C of this MEIR. For this analysis, CO concentrations from approximately ten roadway
intersections determined to operate at a Level of Service (LOS) E or F in 2008, with F representing the
heaviest level of traffic congestion, were analyzed. All other roadway intersections are expected to
operate at LOS D or better, and would therefore generate lower CO concentrations.
Thresholds of Significance
The following thresholds of significance are based on Appendix G of the 2006 CEQA Guidelines. For
purposes of this MEIR, implementation of the proposed project could result in potentially significant
impacts to air quality if the proposed project would result in any of the following:
Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan.
Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality
Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project
region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including
releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors such as VOCs and
Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations.
Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people.
The thresholds discussed below are currently recommended by the BAAQMD in the BAAQMD CEQA
Guidelines to determine the significance of air quality impacts.
Construction Emissions Thresholds
Construction?related activities are generally short-term in duration, and the BAAQMD does not
recommend any environmental criteria for their associated emissions. Instead, the BAAQMD bases the
criteria on a consideration of the control measures to be implemented. If all appropriate emissions
control measures recommended by the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines are implemented for a project, then
construction emissions are not considered adverse. Currently these control measures only apply to
emissions of fugitive dust. Emission controls are not required for the emissions generated by
construction vehicle engines.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
The BAAQMD currently recommends that projects with operational emissions that exceed any of the
following thresholds be considered significant. These thresholds apply to the operational emissions
associated with individual projects only; they do not apply to construction-related emissions. The
operational emissions that are generated by individual projects and exceed these thresholds are also
considered to be cumulatively considerable by the BAAQMD.
80.0 pounds per day (ppd) of ROG
80.0 ppd of NO
80.0 ppd of PM
Also, operational emissions of CO are considered significant if they cause or contribute to violations of
the federal or state ambient air quality standards for CO (i.e., 35 ppm and 20 ppm, respectively, for one-
hour averages; 9 ppm for eight-hour averages).
The BAAQMD recommends that projects that could emit carcinogenic or toxic air contaminants that
exceed the maximum individual cancer risk of ten in one million or a hazard index greater than one be
considered significant.
Consistency with the 2000 Clean Air Plan
Although the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines identify specific significance thresholds for a project?s
emissions or concentrations of most criteria air pollutants (as specified below), there is no similar air
quality-related threshold or methodology to determine whether a general development project would
conflict with or obstruct implementation of the Clean Air Plan. The BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines specify
that, in jurisdictions where the local general plan is consistent with the Clean Air Plan (as is South San
Francisco?s General Plan), and if a project is consistent with the local general plan?s land use designation,
then it is consistent with the Clean Air Plan.
Impacts and Mitigation Measures
Threshold Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan
Impact 4.3-1 Development associated with implementation of the project is consistent
with current zoning and land use designations, and would not conflict with
or obstruct implementation of the Clean Air Plan. This is considered a
The Clean Air Plan, discussed previously, was prepared to accommodate growth, reduce the pollutant
levels in the Bay Area, meets federal and state ambient air quality standards, and minimizes the fiscal
impact that pollution control measures have on the local economy. The Clean Air Plan assumed that
future growth would occur within the zoning restrictions in effect at the time of its adoption. As
described in Chapter 3 (Project Description) and Section 4.8 (Land Use), the floor area ratio (FAR)
maximum within the Genentech R&D Overlay District is 1.0, which is to be calculated on facility-wide
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
basis. According to the 2006 FMPU, development intensity would vary within each Neighborhood, but
the maximum FAR of each proposed Neighborhood would not exceed 1.0. The overall Genentech
Campus FAR would be 0.69. The FAR is calculated as part of the total area of the Genentech Campus
buildout, not on a parcel-by-parcel basis. The development intensity is consistent with the Genentech
R&D Overlay District standards. The MEIR Study Area?s current zoning designation would
accommodate the proposed project?s components. Thus, the proposed project is consistent with the
Clean Air Plan, and this impact is .
Impact 4.3-2 The proposed project would implement and conform to various
transportation control and trip reduction measures that are consistent with
the BAAQMD?s goals for reducing regional air pollutants, and would not
conflict with or obstruct implementation of the Clean Air Plan. This is
considered a impact.
As outlined in Table 4.3-4 the TDM programs in place and planned for implementation would provide
amenities and incentives that would help to encourage non-motor vehicle transportation by employees
and visitors. Based on this information, the programs and policies would satisfy BAAQMD
requirements. The proposed project would implement and conform to various transportation control
and trip reduction measures that are consistent with the BAAQMD?s goals for reducing regional air
pollutants. Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with or obstruct the implementation of an
applicable air quality plan, and this impact would be .
Threshold Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected
air quality violation (Construction)
Impact 4.3-3 Implementation of the proposed project would include excavation,
grading, and construction activities which could generate dust, thus
exposing people to the potentially unhealthy effects of particulate matter or
the annoyance of particulate matter soiling. This would be a temporary but
potentially significant
impact. However, with implementation of identified
mitigation measures MM 4.3-1(a) and MM 4.3-1(b), this impact would be
reduced to .
As discussed previously, construction?related activities are generally short-term in duration and the
BAAQMD does not recommend any thresholds of significance for construction-related emissions.
Instead, the BAAQMD bases the determination of significance on a consideration of the control
measures to be implemented. At this time, the only construction-related control measures the BAAQMD
recommends are those related to dust. If all appropriate emissions control measures recommended by
the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines relating to dust are implemented for a project, then construction
emissions are considered less-than-significant.
MM 4.3-1(a) Implement appropriate dust control measures recommended by the BAAQMD as outlined
below. The project contractor(s) shall comply with these dust control strategies. Genentech shall
include in construction contracts the following requirements or measures shown to be equally
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose construction and demolition debris from
the site, or require all such trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard.
Water all exposed or disturbed soil surfaces in active construction areas at least twice daily.
Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved
parking areas and staging areas.
Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved parking areas and staging areas.
Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the site.
Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non-toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt,
sand, etc.).
Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph.
Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways.
Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible.
Install wheel washers for all existing trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and
equipment leaving the site.
Install wind breaks at the windward side(s) of construction areas.
Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles
per hour over a 30-minute period or more.
To the extent possible, limit the area subject to excavation, grading, and other dust-
generating construction activity at any one time.
MM 4.3-1(b) Designate a dust control coordinator. All construction sites shall post in a conspicuous location
the name and phone number of a designated construction dust control coordinator who can
respond to complaints by suspending dust-producing activities or providing additional personnel
or equipment for dust control.
The implementation of mitigation measures MM 4.3-1(a) and MM 4.3-1(b) would reduce Impact 4.3-3 to
a level.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
Threshold Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected
air quality violation or result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any
criteria pollutant for which the project region is nonattainment under an applicable
federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions that
exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors) (Operational)
Impact 4.3-4 Operational emissions generated by both stationary and mobile sources
would result from normal day-to-day activities within the MEIR Study
Area. These would potentially exceed air quality standards, contribute
substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation or result in a
cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which
the project region is nonattainment under an applicable federal or state
ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions that exceed
quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors). As there is no feasible
mitigation to reduce these emissions, this impact would be
Stationary and area source emissions would be generated by the consumption of natural gas for space
and water heating devices, the operation of diesel-powered emergency generators, the operation of
landscape maintenance equipment, and the use of consumer products. Mobile emissions would be
generated by the motor vehicles traveling to and from the MEIR Study Area.
The analysis of daily operational emissions was prepared utilizing the URBEMIS 2002 (Version 8.7)
computer model recommended by the BAAQMD and the project daily motor vehicle trip generation
data for total daily trips contained in traffic study (see Appendix E). As stated above, URBEMIS 2002 is
a program that estimates air pollution emissions in pounds per day or tons per year for various land uses,
area sources, construction projects, and project operations. The model uses the Institute of
Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Manual along with the ARB's motor vehicle emissions
model, EMFAC 2002, to calculate motor vehicle emissions.
As described in the 2006 FMPU, in terms of operational emissions the proposed project has
incorporated certain features in its design that would help reduce the operational emissions that would
otherwise be generated. These design features would encourage pedestrian activity, which would reduce
emissions from the operation of motor vehicles by project employees. These features include the
Creation of a safe and accessible pedestrian environment through the use of signage, lighting, and
crossing treatments such as high-visibility striping
Creating a continuous off-street pedestrian connection that links all quadrants of the Genentech
Supporting pedestrian movement with frequent circuits of the shuttle bus and well-placed and
designed bus shelters
Use of landscaping features such as tree-spacing
In addition, Genentech offers employees several TDM programs (Table 4.3-4). In 2005 Genentech
found that 23 percent of its South San Francisco employees commuting at peak hours arrived via
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
carpool, vanpool, transit, bicycle, or means other than driving alone. Genentech estimates that at least an
additional 10 percent of employees commute during nonpeak hours by one of these modes. While TDM
reduces vehicle emissions, the percent reduction is unknown.
The estimated daily emissions associated with operation of the proposed development are identified in
Table 4.3-5 along with the thresholds of significance recommended by the BAAQMD. As shown, the
average daily emissions would exceed the thresholds of significance recommended by the BAAQMD.
This is a significant impact. It should be noted that use of diesel-powered emergency generators would
not occur under normal daily operation of the proposed project. Although TDM and design features
have been incorporated into the proposed project, the performance of these measures is unknown. As
there is no quantifiable and feasible mitigation to reduce these emissions, this impact would be
significant and unavoidable
Table 4.3-5 Project Daily Operational Stationary and Mobile Source Emissions
Emissions in Pounds Per Day
Emission Source
Stationary 46.26 20.96 20.10 0.00 0.04
Mobile 212.54 256.92 2,110.75 2.09 316.10
Maximum Daily Emissions 258.44 277.84 2,128.33 2.09 316.14
BAAQMD Thresholds 80.00 80.00 NT NT 80.00
Significant Impact? Yes Yes NT NT Yes
SOURCE: EIP Associates 2006; based on year 2015 emission factors, which is the expected year of project buildout.
NT=No threshold
Threshold Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations
Impact 4.3-5 As described below, the project would not potentially expose sensitive
receptors such as schools, hospitals, convalescent facilities, and residential
areas, to substantial pollutant concentrations. This is considered a
Localized CO Concentrations
The simplified CALINE4 model was used to predict existing and future (Year 2015) CO concentrations
at selected locations along the major access routes within the MEIR Study Area, other than the planned
child care center to be located on Allerton Avenue. The BAAQMD defines sensitive receptors as
facilities that house or attract children, the elderly, people with illnesses, or others who are especially
sensitive to the effects of air pollutants. Hospitals, schools, convalescent facilities, and residential areas
are examples of sensitive receptors. There are no long-term sensitive receptors within the MEIR Study
Area; other than the planned child care center to be located on Allerton Avenue. These locations were
chosen because of the likelihood that people sensitive to CO would be so exposed there over the short-
term (e.g., on sidewalks near busy intersections). The results of these calculations are presented in
Table 4.3-6. Existing and future CO concentrations at these receptors would not exceed the national and
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
state 1-hour and 8-hour ambient air quality standards for CO (as presented in Table 4.3-2 or in the
footnote to Table 4.3-3). Therefore, implementation of the project would not expose any sensitive
receptors located in close proximity to these intersections to substantial pollutant concentrations. This is
considered a impact.
Table 4.3-6 Future Carbon Monoxide Concentrations
CO Concentrations in Parts per Million
25 feet 50 Feet 100 Feet
1-Hour 8-Hour 1-Hour 8-Hour 1-Hour 8-Hour
Gateway Boulevard and Oyster Point Boulevard 4.3 3.3 4.1 3.1 3.9 3.0
Gull Road and Oyster Point Boulevard 4.2 3.2 4.1 3.1 3.9 3.0
Airport Boulevard and Grand Avenue 3.9 3.0 3.8 2.9 3.7 2.8
Forbes Boulevard and East Grand Avenue 4.2 3.3 4.1 3.1 3.9 3.0
Allerton Avenue and Grand Avenue 3.9 3.0 3.8 2.9 3.6 2.8
Grandview Drive and East Grand Avenue 3.9 3.0 3.8 2.9 3.7 2.8
US 101 Ramps and Dubuque Avenue 4.1 3.1 4.0 3.0 3.8 2.9
Gull Road and Forbes Boulevard 3.9 2.9 3.8 2.9 3.7 2.8
Airport Boulevard and San Mateo Avenue 4.1 3.2 4.0 3.1 3.8 2.9
Gateway Boulevard and Mitchell Avenue 4.0 3.1 3.9 3.0 3.7 2.9
SOURCE: EIP Associates 2006 [Note: Calculation sheets to be provided in Appendix C.]
Federal 1-hour standard is 35.0 parts per million. State 1-hour standard is 20.0 parts per million.
Federal 8-hour standard is 9.0 parts per million. State 8-hour standard is 9.0 parts per million.
Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC)
Diesel particulate matter (DPM), a known toxic air contaminant, would be emitted from diesel-powered
delivery trucks traveling to and from the MEIR Study Area. Emergency diesel generators are also a
source of potential intermittent diesel emissions, although these emergency generators would only be
used intermittently and would not be used under normal daily operation of the proposed project. To
address DPM and other TAC emissions, the ARB has recently finalized an Air Quality and Land Use
Handbook: A Community Health Perspective (April 2005) as an ?informational guide? to prioritize the
important sources of TACs and reduce exposures to proximate populations. Among the important
sources of DPM it identifies are distribution centers, warehouses and other facilities that accommodate
100 or more large diesel trucks per day, and it recommends that no new residential uses be located within
1000 feet of such facilities (or conversely that no new large sources of DPM be located near existing
residential uses). The proposed development would not represent these uses, and typically only a fraction
of delivery trucks would be diesel-powered, and only a fraction of the latter would consist of the large
tractor-trailer type described. Furthermore, the MEIR Study Area is not zoned for residential use, as
described in Chapter 3 (Project Description) and Section 4.8 (Land Use). There are no residential uses
located within 1000 feet. According to the South San Francisco General Plan, there are seventeen
stationary sources of TAC emissions listed within South San Francisco, as of 2002, fourteen of which are
dry cleaners. The remaining sources include the South San Francisco San Bruno Wastewater Treatment
Plant, the Shell Oil Company Distribution Plant, and the Superior Aluminum Body Corporation. The
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis
Genentech Campus is not included within this list. While the proposed project would increase truck trips
and create new sources of emissions from proposed laboratories, these increase would not be expected
to increase TAC emissions to hazardous levels. Additionally, the typical sources of TAC emissions
associated with research and development facilities, such as laboratory fume hoods, boilers, ethylene
oxide sterilization, and chemical storage tanks are regulated by the BAAQMD, and other regulatory
agencies as discussed on page 4.6-10 (Hazards and Hazardous Materials). Activities that could create
biohazardous aerosols are conducted in biosafety cabinets, which filter all released air to remove
biohazardous materials. Biosafety cabinets are tested annually in accordance with regulatory
requirements. Therefore, the effects of the DPM emissions resulting from future truck delivery and TAC
less than significant
emissions from Genentech?s proposed operations would be .
Threshold Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people
Impact 4.3-6 Construction of and operation of the proposed project would not create
objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people. This impact
less than significant
is considered .
The occurrence and severity of potential odor impacts depend on several factors: the nature of the
source, the frequency and strength of the emissions, the presence/absence of odor-sensitive receptors
near the source, and the local pattern of wind speeds and directions. While offensive odors rarely cause
any physical harm, they can be unpleasant and cause distress among the public and generate citizen
Construction activities do not usually emit offensive odors. Although construction activities occurring in
association with the proposed project could generate airborne odors associated with the operation of
construction vehicles (i.e., diesel exhaust) and the application of interior and exterior architectural
coatings, these emissions would only occur during daytime hours, would generally be restricted to the
immediate vicinity of the construction site and activity, and would not affect a substantial number of
There is one hotel located within the MEIR Study Area; however, hotels are not among the land uses
that the BAAQMD has identified as prime sources of odors (e.g., wastewater treatment plants, sanitary
landfills, certain manufacturing plants). The most likely potential operational airborne odors associated
with operation of the project office uses could emanate from refuse storage area(s). These odors would
likely be confined to the immediate vicinity of the storage area(s), and since the refuse receptacles would
have lids and be emptied on a regular basis, substantial odors would not likely have a chance to develop.
Therefore, there would be no significant odor impacts to on-site or off-site sensitive receptors. This
less than significant
impact would be and no mitigation is required.
Air Resources Board (ARB). 2005. Air Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community Health Perspective,
April 2005.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR
4.3 Air Quality
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). 1997. 1997 Bay Area Clean Air Plan.
???. 1999. BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines.
???. 2000. 2000 Bay Area Clean Air Plan.
???. 2001. Revised Bay Area Ozone Attainment Plan for 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Standard.
???. 2004. Toxic Air Contaminant Control Program Annual Report 2002.
BAAQMD and the Association of Bay Area Governments. n.d. Climate, Physiography, and Air Pollution
Potential. http://www.baaqmd.gov/dst/papers/bay_area_climate.pdf. Accessed March 2006.
Brady and Associates. 1994. East of 101 Area Plan. Adopted 1994.
Dyett & Bhatia. 1999. City of South San Francisco General Plan. Adopted October 1999.
Genentech. 2005. Genentech Existing Conditions Report. Prepared by Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates
and Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants, April.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Air Pollution and Health Risk, 1999.
Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR