HomeMy WebLinkAbout23_AppB_Special-StatusSpeciesTable Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Invertebrates No None Bay Checkerspot Butterfly ThreatenedNone None N/A Restricted to native grasslands No on outcrops of serpentine soil Euphydryas editha bayensis Critical Habitat No Critical Habitat in the vicinity of San Francisco present. Bay. Bridges’ Coast Range Species of Concern None None N/A Known from open, west slope No No None Shoulderband Snail hillsides in Alameda and Contra Costa counties in a Helminthoglypta nickliniana variety of habitats. 1,2 bridgesi Bumblebee Scarab Beetle Species of Concern None None N/A Coastal sand dunes, crest of No No None sand dunes. Lichnanthe ursina California Linderiella Fairy Shrimp Species of Concern None None N/A Large, fairly clear vernal pools No No None and lakes. 3 Linderiella occidentalis Callippe Silverspot Butterfly Endangered None None N/A Northern coastal scrub of the No No None San Francisco Peninsula. Speyeria callippe callippe Edgewood Blind Harvestman Species of Concern None None N/A Open grasslands in areas of No No None serpentine bedrock where Calicina minor permanent springs create moist habitat underneath rocks. Globose Dune Beetle Species of Concern None None N/A Coastal sand dunes; with dune No No None vegetation Coelus globosus 1 Roth, B. Rare and Endangered Land Mollusks in California. California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Administrative report No 72-10. 1972. 2 Eng, L.L., Native Land Gastropods of California. California Department of Fish and Game. No Date. 3 USFWS, http://sacramento.fws.gov/es/animal_spp_acct/linderiella.htm, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-1 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Leech’s Skyline Diving Beetle Species of Concern None None N/A Previously considered limited No No None to the San Francisco Bay Area. Hydroporus leechi Now believed to be disturbed widely throughout the western United States. Known only 4 from freshwater ponds. Mission Blue Butterfly Endangered None None N/A Grasslands of the San No No None Francisco Peninsula. Icaricia icarioides missionensis Monarch Butterfly None None None N/A Winter roosts in wind-protected No—very few trees No None tree groves along the coast onsite and monarchs Danaus plexippus with nearby nectar and water tend to winter further sources. south. Opler’s longhorn moth Species of Concern None None N/A Serpentine soils and open No No None grasslands with sandy soils Adela oplerella and the host plant, cream cups (Platystemon californicus) Ricksecker’s Water Scavenger Species of Concern None None N/A Freshwater ponds, vernal No No None Beetle pools, and shallow quiet areas of streams within the Bay Area. Hydrochara rickseckeri San Bruno Elfin Butterfly Endangered None None N/A Coastal mountainous areas No—Suitable habitat No None with grassy slopes, steep north not present within the Incisalia mossii bayensis facing slopes. project area. San Francisco Lacewing Species of Concern None None N/A Freshwater streams. No No None Nothochrysa californica 4 National Park Service, Yosemite Lodge Area Redevelopment Environmental Assessment, Appendix D ? Special-status Species Evaluation, http://www.nps.gov/yose/planning/lodge/html/ylarpapdx_d.htm, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-2 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Sandy Beach Tiger Beetle Species of Concern None None N/A Found in dry sandy areas No No None adjacent to freshwater water Cicindela hirticollis gravida along coast Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp ThreatenedNone None N/A Vernal pools and depressions NoNo None in grassy swales, earth slumps, Branchinecta lynchi and sandstone outcrops. 5 Mollusk Black Abalone Candidate None None N/A Found in marine subtidal rocky No No None habitats only. Haliotes cracherodii White Abalone Endangered None None N/A Found in marine subtidal rocky No No None habitats only. Haliotis sorenseni Fish Chinook Salmon—Central Valley Species of ConcernNone Special N/A Central Valley streams with No No None fall/late fall-run Concernstable water supply, clean gravels, and good quality Oncorhynchus tshawytscha riparian habitat. Chinook Salmon—Central Valley ThreatenedThreatened Special N/A Central Valley streams with No No None spring-runConcern stable water supply, clean Proposed Critical Habtiat gravels, and good quality Oncorhynchus tshawytscha riparian habitat. Chinook Salmon—winter-run EndangeredNone None N/A Central Valley streams with No No None stable water supply, clean Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Proposed Critical Habitat gravels, and good quality riparian habitat. Coho Salmon—Central California Endangered Proposed Endangered None N/A Coastal streams with stable No No None coastCritical Habitat water supply abundant woody debris, and high quality riparian Oncorhynchus kisutch habitat. 5 Central Coast Water Authority, http://www.essexenv.com/endangered_species/vshrimp.pdf#search='habitat%20of%20vernal%20pool%20fairy%20shrimp', Accessed April 6, 2005. B-3 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Delta Smelt ThreatenedThreatened None N/A Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta NoNo None as salinities less than 2 PPM. Hypomesus transpacificus Generally not found in smaller freshwater streams. Longfin Smelt Species of Concern None Species N/A Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta No No None ofat salinities less than 2 PPM. Spirinchus thaleichthys ConcernGenerally not found in smaller freshwater streams. Historically present in the southern portions of San Francisco Bay. Pacific Lamprey Species of Concern None None N/A Coastal streams with stable No No None water supply, clean gravels, Lampetra tridentata and good quality riparian habitat. Sacramento Splittail Species of Concern None Special N/A Slow moving rivers and No No None Concern sloughs often associated with Pogonichthys macrolepidotus flooded vegetation. No None Steelhead—Central California ThreatenedNone None N/A Coastal streams with stable No Coast water supply, clean gravels, Critical Habitat Project is adjacent to and good quality riparian Critical Habitat unit 6. Oncorhynchus mykiss habitat. Steelhead—Central Valley Threatened None None N/A Central Valley streams with No No None stable water supply, clean Oncorhynchus mykiss gravels, and good quality riparian habitat. Tidewater Goby Endangered None None N/A Brackish water habitats along No No None coast, fairly still but not Eucyclogobius newberryi stagnant water and high oxygen levels. B-4 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Amphibians and Reptiles NoNo None Alameda Whipsnake ThreatenedThreatened None N/A Found from sea level to 1,835 m (6,020 ft). Prefers mixed Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus chaparral, chamise-redshank chaparral and valley-foothill riparian habitats. Also occurs in a variety of other habitats, including valley-foothill hardwood and hardwood- conifer as well as various coniferous habitats. California Horned Lizard Species of Concern None Species N/A Scattered shrubs over exposed No No None ofsandy substrates, annual Phrynosoma coronatum frontale Concern grasslands, and riparian woodlands. 6 California Red-legged Frog ThreatenedNone Species N/A Pools in slow-moving streams NoNo None ofand ponds with well-developed Rana aurora draytonii Proposed Critical Habitat No Critical Habitat Concern emergent freshwater marsh present. vegetation. 7 California Tiger Salamander ThreatenedNone Species N/A Annual grasslands and NoNo None ofunderstory of hardwood Ambystoma californiense Proposed Critical Habitat Concern habitats. Breeding typically associated with temporary pools and ponds. 8 Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Species of Concern None Species N/A Generally prefer shallow water No No None ofin flowing streams and rivers Rana boylii Concernwith some cobble substrate. 9 6 Jennings, M.R. and M.P. Hayes, 1994. Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern in California. Final Report, Inland Fisheries Division, California Department of Fish and Game. 255 pp. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid. 9 Ibid. B-5 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Green Turtle Threatened None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Chelonia mydas (incl. Agassizi) Leatherback Turtle Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Dermochelys coriacea Loggerhead Turtle Threatened None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Caretta caretta Olive (=Pacific) Ridley Sea Turtle Threatened None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Lepidochelys olivacea San Francisco Garter Snake Endangered Endangered Fully N/A Found in a vicinity of No No None Protected freshwater marshes, ponds, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia and slow moving streams in San Mateo County. Upland habitat that provides suitable hibernation and estivation burrows. Western Pond Turtle includes Species of Concern None Species N/A Ponds, lakes, slow moving No No None Northwestern and Southwestern ofstreams, areas with multiple subspecies. Concern aerial and aquatic basking sites are preferred. 10 Emys (=Clemmys) marmorata Western Spadefoot Toad Species of Concern None None N/A Grasslands with shallow No No None temporary pools. Spea hammondii Birds Alameda (South Bay) song sparrow Species of Concern None Species N/A Tidal salt marsh habitats along Marginal habitat No Low of the edge of the Bay and present in adjacent Melospiza melodia pusillula Concernsalt marsh areas. streams where tidal flow affects the vegetation. Allen’s Hummingbird (nesting) Species of Concern None None N/A Chaparral, thickets, brushy No nesting habitat on No None site. slopes, and open coniferous Selasphorus sasin forest. 10 Ibid. B-6 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc American Peregrine Falcon Delisted Endangered Fully N/A Frequents bodies of water in No No None (nesting)Protected open areas with cliffs and canyons nearby for cover and Falco peregrinus anatum nesting. Ashy Storm-petrel (rookery) Species of Concern None Species N/A Pelagic, nests on offshore No No None islands. of Oceanodroma homochroa Concern Bald Eagle (nesting and wintering) Threatened (Proposed Endangered Sensitive N/A Shorelines, lakes, large rivers. No No None for de-listing) SpeciesNests in large open trees. No Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Fullynesting habitat onsite. Protected) Bank Swallow (nesting) Special Concern ThreatenedNone N/A Nests in steep river banks or No No None other exposed sandy bluffs. Riparia riparia Bell’s Sage Sparrow Species of Concern None Species N/A Restricted to shrubby habitats No No None ofbut tolerant of a fairly broad Amphispiza belli belli Concern range of shrublands, from coastal sage scrub to various types of chaparral. 11 Black Oystercatcher (nesting) Species of Concern None None N/A Rocky seacoasts. No No None 12 Haematopus bachmani Black Rail None ThreatenedFullyN/A Found in tidal salt marshes No No None Protectedwhere pickleweed is the Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus primary vegetation. Also found in fresh water and brackish marshes at low elevations. 11 http://www.sdnhm.org/research/birdatlas/wrenderings/99spring-reports.html#sage, Accessed April 6, 2005. 12 http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesRECNUM.asp?recnum=BD0161, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-7 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Black Skimmer (nesting colony) Species of Concern None Species N/A Requires shallow, calm water No No None offor foraging, and sand bars, Rynchops niger Concern beaches, or dikes for roosting and nesting. Nesting sites 13 very sensitive to human disturbance. Black Swift (nesting) Species of Concern None Species N/A Nests on cliffs near water. No No None of Cypseloides niger Concern Black Turnstone Species of Concern None None N/A Winter resident on rocky No No None coastlines throughout Arenaria melanocephala California. Breeds in western Alaska. California Brown Pelican (rookery Endangered Endangered Fully N/A Estuarine, marine subtidal, and No No None and communal roosts) Protected marine pelagic waters along the California coast. Nests Pelecanus occidentalis californicus typically on islands or offshore rocks. 14 California Clapper Rail EndangeredEndangered Fully N/A Saltwater and brackish Marginal habitat No Low Protected marshes often crossed by tidal present in adjacent Rallus longirostris obsoletus sloughs in the San Francisco salt marsh areas Bay. Closely associated with pickleweed. California Least Tern (nesting No No None Endangered Endangered Fully N/A Nesting colonies found along colony)Protected the coast and in San Francisco Bay. Uses bare or sparsely Sterna antillarum (=albifrons) vegetated flat beaches, alkali browni flats and other relatively open areas for nesting. 13 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/B236.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. 14 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/cgi-bin/read_one.asp?specy=birds&idNum=13, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-8 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Cooper’s Hawk (nesting) None None Species N/A Dense stands of live oak, No No None ofriparian, deciduous, or other Accipiter cooperii Concern forest habitats near water used most frequently. 15 Costa’s Hummingbird (nesting) Species of Concern None None N/A Chaparral and low desert No No None regions. Calypte costae Double-crested Cormorant None None Species N/A Nests in trees along lake No No None (nesting)margins and on coastal cliffs. of Concern Phalacrocorax auritus No No None Elegant Tern (nesting colony) Species of Concern None Species N/A Inshore coastal waters, bays, ofestuaries, and harbors; rarely Sterna elegans Concern occurs far offshore, and never inland. Generally does not breed in the Bay. Ferruginous Hawk (wintering) Species of Concern None Species N/A Winters in a variety of habitats No No None ofin California. Buteo regalis Concern Fairly common winter resident of grasslands and agricultural areas in southwestern California (Garrett and Dunn 1981). None None Species N/A Rolling foothills, mountain No No None Golden Eagle (nesting and winterig) ofareas, sage-juniper flats, Concern desert. Ranges from sea level Aquila chrysaetos up to 3833 m (0-11,500 ft). (Fully Protected) Harlequin Duck (nesting) Species of Concern None Species N/A Usually nests along shores of No No None ofshallow, swift rivers with Histrionicus histrionicus Concern plentiful aquatic invertebrates. 16 15 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/B116.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. 16 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/B096.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-9 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Lawrence’s Goldfinch (nesting) Species of Concern None None N/A Oak and riparian woodland, No No None chaparral, pinion/juniper Carduelis lawrencei woodland, and weedy areas near water. Lewis’ Woodpecker (nesting) Species of Concern None None N/A Breeds in tree cavities in inner No No None coast range. Melanerpes lewis Little Willow Flycatcher (nesting) None Endangered None N/A Summer resident in wet No No None meadow and montane riparian Empidonax traillii brewsteri habitats at 600-2500 m (2000- 8000 ft) in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range. Most often occurs in broad, open river valleys or large mountain meadows with lush growth of shrubby willows (Serena 1982). 17 Loggerhead Shrike (nesting) Species of Concern None Species N/A Grasslands for foraging and No No None of associated riparian and scrub Lanius ludovicianus Concernfor nesting. Long-billed Curlew (nesting) Species of Concern None Species N/A Upland short-grass prairies and No No None of wet meadows are used for Numenius americanus Concern nesting; coastal estuaries, open grasslands, and croplands are used in winter. 17 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/B315.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-10 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Marbled Godwit Species of Concern None None N/A Winter resident along the No No None coast. Uses primarily mudflat Limosa fedoa and estuarine habitats. Breeds in central Canada. Marbled Murrelet ThreatenedEndangered None N/A Occurs year-round in marine NoNo None subtidal and pelagic habitats Brachyramphus marmoratus Critical Habitat Critical Habitat not from the Oregon border to present within the Point Sal, Santa Barbara Co. project area. (Sowls et al. 1980). Breeds in 18 mature coniferous forests. Northern Harrier (nesting) None None Species N/A Occurs from annual grassland No No None ofup to lodgepole pine and alpine Circus cyaneus Concern meadow habitats, as high as 3000 m (10,000 ft). Frequents meadows, grasslands, open rangelands, desert sinks, fresh and saltwater emergent wetlands; seldom found in wooded areas. 19 Red Knot Species of Concern None None N/A Migrant shorebird. Present in No No None very low numbers during Calidris canutus migration, especially in the fall. Rufous Hummingbird (nesting) Species of Concern None None N/A Coniferous forest, thickets and No No None brushy slopes, forages in Selasphorus rufus adjacent meadows. Saltmarsh Common Yellowthroat Species of Concern None Species N/A Fresh and saltwater marshes, Marginal habitat No Low ofpresent in adjacent thick continuous cover down to Geothlypis trichas sinuosa Concernsalt marsh areas. water surface for foraging; tall grasses, tule patches, willows for nesting. 18 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/B240.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. 19 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/B114.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-11 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Short-eared Owl (nesting) None None Species N/A Usually found in open areas No No None ofwith few trees, such as annual Asio flammeus Concern and perennial grasslands, prairies, dunes, meadows, irrigated lands, and saline and fresh emergent wetlands. Occasionally breeds in northern California (McCaskie et al. 1988). Short-tailed Albatross Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Diomedea albatrus Tricolored Blackbird (nesting Species of Concern None Special N/A Colonial nester that uses tules No No None colony)Concern or bulrush for nesting. Also requires open water and Agelaius tricolor nearby source of insects to prey on. Vaux’s Swift (nesting) Species of Concern None Species N/A Prefers redwood and Douglas No No None of fir habitats with nest-sites in Chaetura vauxi Concern large hollow trees and snags, especially tall, burned-out stubs. Western Burrowing Owl Species of Concern None Species N/A Habitats with low-growing No No None ofvegetation (grasslands, scrub, Athene cunicularia hypugaea Concern deserts). Dependent on burrowing mammals, especially California ground squirrels. Western Snowy Plover (nesting) ThreatenedNone Species N/A Nests on sandy beaches of the No No None ofocean, bays, salt ponds, and Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus Critical Habitat Proposed Concernlarger lakes. B-12 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc White-tailed Kite (nesting) Species of Concern None Fully N/A Grasslands, agriculture, No No None Protected wetlands, oak-woodland and Elanus leucurus savannah habitats, and riparian areas associated with open areas. WhimbrelSpecies of Concern None None N/A Common winter resident. Uses Yes No None mudflat and sandy shoreline Numenius phaeopus habitats. Breeds in eastern Alaska and along Hudson Bay. Mammals Alameda Island Mole Species of Concern None Species N/A Soft soil in valleys and No No None ofmountain meadows in several Scapanus latimanus parvus Concernbiotic communities. 20 American Badger None None Species N/A Most abundant in drier open No No None ofstages of most shrub, forest, Taxidea taxus Concern and herbaceous habitats, with friable soils. 21 Berkeley Kangaroo Rat Species of Concern None None N/A Found in Briones Valley and No No None east Oakland. No records for Dipodomys heermanni the peninsula. berkeleyensis Blue Whale Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Balaenoptera musculus Finback (=fin) Whale Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Balaenoptera physalus 20 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, , June 2000. Long Term Management Strategy Program http://www.spn.usace.army.mil/draftmgtplan/table4.pdf#search='habitat%20of%20alameda%20Island%20mole', Accessed April 6, 2005. 21 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/html/M160.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-13 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Fringed Myotis Bat Species of Concern None None N/A Pinyon-juniper, valley foothill No No None hardwood and hardwood- Myotis thysanodes conifer, generally at 4000-7000 ft. Most common roosts are in caves, mines, buildings, and crevices (CDFG 1999a). Southern Sea Otter Threatened None Fully N/A Pelagic. No No None Protected Enhydra lutris nereis Western Mastiff-bat Species of Concern None Species N/A Roost in cracks on cliff faces Foraging habitat only.No None ofand buildings. They may forage Eumops perotis californicus Concern quite some distance from roosting locations. 22 Grey Whale Delisted None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Eschrichtius robustus Guadalupe Fur Seal Threatened Threatened Fully N/A Pelagic. No No None Protected Arctocephalus townsendi Long-eared Myotis Bat Species of Concern None None N/A Found in all brush, woodland, No No None and forest habitats from sea- Myotis evotis level to 9000 feet. 22 Williams, D.F., 1986. Mammal Species of Special Concern in California. Administrative Report 86-1, Wildlife Management Division, California Department of Fish and Game. 112 pp. B-14 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Long-legged Myotis Bat Species of Concern None None N/A Woodland and forest habitats No No None above 4000 ft. Forages in Myotis volans chaparral, and coastal scrub habitats, and in early successional stages of woodlands and forests. Roosts in rock crevices, buildings, under tree bark, in snags, mines, and caves. (CDFG 1999b) Pacific Western Big-eared Bat Species of Concern None Species N/A Well distributed throughout a No No None of variety of habitats (coniferous Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) Concern forests, oak woodlands, broad- townsendii leaf forests, grasslands, etc). Roosts in caves, buildings, tunnels, and other human structures. 23 Point Reyes Jumping Mouse Species of Concern None Species N/A Bunch grass marshes on the No No None uplands of Point Reyes. of 24 Zapus trinotatus orarius Concern Right Whale Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Eubalaena glacialis Riparian (San Joaquin Valley) Endangered None Species N/A Builds nests of debris in No No None Woodratofriparian corridors, scrub and Concern woodland habitats throughout Neotoma fuscipes riparia the San Joaquin River system. Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Endangered Endangered Fully N/A Found only in emergent salt No—essentially no No None Protected marsh habitats of San pickleweed present on Reithrodontomys raviventris site. Francisco Bay where pickleweed is the primary vegetation. 23 Ibid. 24 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/cgi-bin/read_one.asp?specy=mammals&idNum=66, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-15 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Salt Marsh Vagrant Shrew Species of Concern None Species N/A Found in dense, low cover No—essentially no No None ofabove high tide line of tidal pickleweed present on Sorex vagrans halicoetes Concernsite. marshes of South of San Francisco Bay. San Francisco Dusky-footed Species of Concern None Species N/A Builds nests out of debris in No No None Woodrat ofriparian corridors, scrub and Concernwoodland habitats. Neotoma fuscipes annectens San Joaquin Pocket Mouse Species of Concern None None N/A Grassy or weedy fine-textured No No None soil in the Lower and Upper Perognathus inornatus Sonoran life zones of the San Joaquin and Salinas valleys. 25 Sei Whale Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Balaenoptera borealis Sperm Whale Endangered None None N/A Pelagic. No No None Physeter catodon (=macrocephalus) Steller (=northern) Sea-lion ThreatenedNone None N/A Pelagic. No No None Eumetopias jubatus Critical Habitat Critical habitat pertains to rookeries and haul-out areas and foraging habitat in Alaska. Yuma Myotis Bat Species of Concern None None N/A Optimal habitats are open No No None forest and woodlands with Myotis yumanensis sources of water for feeding. Plants Adobe Sanicle Species of Concern Rare None 1B Meadow and seep; valley and No No None foothill grassland. Sanicula Maritima Alkali Milk-Vetch Species of Concern None None 1B Valley and foothill grasslands No No None and vernal pools. Astragalus tener var. tener 25 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, , June 2000. http://www.spn.usace.army.mil/draftmgtplan/table4.pdf , Accessed April 6, 2005. Long Term Management Strategy Program B-16 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Arcuate Bush Mallow Species of Local None None 1B Chaparral. No No None Concern Malacothamnus arcutatus (=M. fasciculat) Beach Layia Endangered Endangered None 1B Coastal Dunes, on sparsely No No None vegetated semi-stabilized Layia Carnosa dunes. Bent-flowered Fiddleneck Species of Local None None 1B Cismontane woodlands, valley No No None Concern and foothill grassland, 50-500 Amsinckia lunaris meters above sea level. Big-scale (=California) Balsamroot Species of Local None None 1B Valley and foothill grasslands No No None Concern and cismontane woodlands, Balsamorhiza macrolepis var. often associated with macrolepis serpentine soils. California Broomrape Species of Local None None None Dry washes, mountain slopes No No None Concernand flats 26 Orobanche californica ssp. californica California Croton Species of Local None None None Coastal sage scrub, chaparral, No No None Concern desert scrub, and coastal Croton californicus strand. 27 California Goosefoot Species of Local None None None Dryish plains and slopes below No No None Concern 5000', cismontane to desert Chenopodium californicum edge. 28 California Saltbush Species of Local None None None Coastal areas over sandy soils. No No None Concern Atriplex californica California Seablite Endangered None None 1B Coastal salt marshes. No No None Suaeda californica 26 http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/index.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. 27 California Native Plant Society, Yerba Buena Chapter, http://www.cnps-yerbabuena.org/rare_croton.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. 28 http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/californiagoosefoot.html, Accessed April 6, 2005. B-17 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Choris’s (=artist’s) Popcorn-flower Species of Local None None 1B Chaparral and coastal prairie. No No None ConcernBlooms Mar–Jun. Plagiobothrys chorisianus var. chorisianus Coast Rein-orchid (=elegant Species of Local None None None Open sites in shrublands and No No None piperia)Concernconiferous forests. 29 Piperia elegans Coast Indian Paintbrush Species of Local None None None Valley and foothill grasslands No No None Concern Castilleja affinis spp.affinis Coast Lily Species of Concern None None 1B Forest, prairie, coastal scrub, No No None marshes, and swamps. 30 Lilium maritimum Coast Rock-cress Species of Local None None 4 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal No No None Concernprairie, coastal scrub. 31 Arabis blepharophylla Coast Yellow Leptosiphon None None None 1B Coastal bluff scrub, coastal No No None prairie. Leptosiphon croceus Coastal Triquetrella None None None 1B Coastal bluff scrub, coastal No No None scrub. 32 Triquetrella californica Compact Cobweb Thistle Species of Concern None None 1B Chaparral, coastal dunes, No No None coastal prairie, coastal scrub. 33 Cirsium occidentale var. compactum Congdon’s tarplant Species of Concern None None 1B Grassland. No No None 34 Hemizonia parryi ssp. congdonii 29 http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesRECNUM.asp?recnum=WF1553, Accessed April 6, 2005. 30 Marin County, , 2002, http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/main/pdf/planning/BioticresourcesBR.pdf, Accessed Biological and Wetland Protection Technical Background Report April 7, 2005. 31 National Park Service, Marine Mammal Center Site and Facilities Improvements Environmental Assessment and FONSI, Appendix B, 2004, http://www.nps.gov/goga/admin/planning/pdf/appendixb.pdf, Accessed April 7, 2005. 32 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, , Accessed April 7, 2005. http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf 33 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf, Accessed April 7, 2005. B-18 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Contra Costa Goldfields Endangered None None 1B Open grassy depressions in No No None valley and foothill grassland Lasthenia conjugens and vernal pools. Crystal Springs Lessingia Species of ConcernNone None 1B Grassy slopes on serpentine No No None soils through coastal sage Lessingia arachnoidea scrub, valley and foothill grasslands and woodlands. Curly-leaved (=curlyleaf) Species of Concern None None 4 Chaparral. No No None 35 monardella Monardella undulata Davy’s Clarkia Species of Local None None None Coastal scrub and valley and No No None Concernfoothill grasslands. Clarkia davyi Diablo Helianthella (=rock-rose) Species of Concern None None 1B Broadleaved upland forest, No No None cismontane woodland. Usually Helianthella castanea in chaparral/oak woodland interface in rocky, azonal soils often in partial shade. Dune (=Camphor) tansy Species of Concern None None None Stable or semi-mobile coastal No No None sand dunes. Tanacetum camphoratum Fountain Thistle EndangeredEndangered None 1B Drainages through serpentine No No None soils in woodland, chaparral, Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale and grassland habitats. Fragrant Fritillary (=prairie bells) Species of Concern None None 1B Valley and foothill grasslands, No No None typically over serpentine soils Fritillaria liliacea although the soil type varies. Franciscan Manzanita Species of Concern None None 1A Chaparral, formally endemic to No No None San Francisco, now only exists Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. in cultivation. Coastal scrub franciscana (serpentinite). 34 City of Palo Alto, Stanford EIR. 35 City of Palo Alto, Stanford EIR. B-19 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Franciscan Onion Species of Local None None 1B Clay and serpentine soils on No No None Concern dry hillsides in woodlands and Allium peninsulare var. valley and foothill grasslands. franciscanum Franciscan Thistle Species of Concern None None 1B Forest, coastal bluff scrub, No No None prairie, and coastal scrub. 36 Cirsium andrewsii Greene’s popcorn flower Species of Concern None None None Grasslands and forest. No No None var. rossianorum Hairless Popcorn-flower Species of Concern None None 1A Coastal salt marshes and alkali No No None meadows. Plagiobothrys glaber No No None Hickman’s Potentilla (=cinquefoil) Endangered Endangered None 1B Coastal bluff scrub, closed cone coniferous forest, Potentilla hickmanii freshwater marshes, seep, and small streams in open or forested areas along coast. Hillsborough Chocolate Lily Species of Concern None None 1B Through valley and foothill No No None (=Gray’s fritillary) grasslands and woodlands, likely restricted to serpentine Fritillaria biflora var. ineziana (=F. soils. grayana) Kellogg’s Horkelia Species of Concern None None 1B Closed cone coniferous No No None forests, coastal scrub, old Horkelia cuneata ssp. Sericea dunes, coastal sandhills, 10- 220 meters above sea level. King’s Mountain Manzanita Species of Local None None 1B Broadleaved upland forest, No No None Concernchaparral, and north coast Arctostaphylos regismontana coniferous forest. Large-flowered (=flower) linanthus Species of Concern None None 4 Coastal bluff scrub, closed-No No None cone coniferous forest, valley Linanthus grandiflorus and foothill grasslands. 36 Marin County, , 2002, http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/main/pdf/planning/BioticresourcesBR.pdf, Accessed Biological and Wetland Protection Technical Background Report April 7, 2005. B-20 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Loma Prieta Hoita None None None 1B Chaparral and riparian No No None woodlands, usually serpentine Hoita strobilina soils. Marin Dwarf-flax (=western flax) Threatened Threatened None 1B Found on serpentine barrens, No No None grasslands, and chaparral. Hesperolinon congestum Marsh Microseris (=marsh Species of Local None None 1B Forest, woodland, coastal No No None silverpuffs)Concernscrub, and grassland. 37 Microseris paludosa Marsh Milk-vetch (=brine milk-Species of Local None None 1B Coastal dune or salt marsh. Salt marsh habitat No Low vetch) Concernadjacent to the project area may be suitable Astragalus pycnostachyus var. for this species. pycnostachyus Marsh Sandwort Endangered Endangered None 1B Swamps, freshwater marshes, No No None and other wet areas. Arenaria paludicola Mission Delores (=San Francisco) Species of Concern None None 1B Often on mudstone or shale, No No None Campion coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland, coastal bluff Silene verecunda ssp.Verecunda scrub. Montara Manzanita Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal Scrub, chaparral, No No None endemic to San Mateo county, Arctostaphylos montaraensis slopes and ridges. Most Beautiful (uncommon) Species of Concern None None 1B Grasslands and upland scrub. No No None Jewelflower Streptanthus albidus ssp. peramoenus 37 Marin County, , 2002, http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/main/pdf/planning/BioticresourcesBR.pdf, Accessed Biological and Wetland Protection Technical Background Report April 7, 2005. B-21 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Northcoast (=Point Reyes) Bird’s- Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal salt marsh, dunes. No No None beak Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. palustris Nuttall’s Milk-vetch Species of Local None None 4 Coastal dunes and bluff scrub. No No None Concern Astragalus nuttallii var. virgatus Oregon Meconella (=white Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal prairie and coastal No No None fairypoppy)scrub. Meconella oregano Pacific Cordgrass (=California Species of Local None None None Marsh and swamp. Salt marsh habitat No Low 38 cordgrass) Concern adjacent to the study area could support this Spartina foliosa species. Pallid Manzanita (=Alameda or Threatened Endangered None 1B Endemic to broadleaved No No None Oakland Hills manzanita) upland forest, closed-cone coniferous forest, coastal Arctostaphylos pallida scrub, grows on uplifted marine terraces, on siliceous shale or thin chert. 39 Pappose Tarplant None None None 1B Coastal prairie, meadows and No No None seeps, coastal marsh, valley, Centromadia parryi ssp. parryi and foothill grasslands. Pink Sand-verbena Species of Local None None 1B Coastal dunes and sand. No No None Concern Abronia umbellata ssp. umbellata Point Reyes Rein Orchid None None None 1B Coastal bluff scrub only from No No None Point Reyes National Piperia elegans ssp. Decurtata Seashore. 40 38 City of Palo Alto, Stanford EIR. 39 City of El Cerrito, El Cerrito Plaza Mixed-Use Development Project Draft SEIR, 2004. 40 Marin County, , 2002, http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/main/pdf/planning/BioticresourcesBR.pdf, Accessed Biological and Wetland Protection Technical Background Report April 7, 2005. B-22 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Presidio (=Raven’s) Manzanita Endangered Endangered None 1B Coastal prairie, coastal scrub, No No None open rocky serpentine slopes, Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. ravenii 20-215 meters above sea level. Presidio Clarkia Endangered Endangered None 1B Coastal scrub, serpentinite No No None valley and foothill grassland. 41 Clarkia franciscana Purple Owl’s-clover (=wideleaf Species of Local None None None Fields, deserts, and open, No No None Indian paintbrush) Concernwooded areas. 42 Castilleja exserrta ssp. latifolia Robust Monardella (=robust coyote Species of Local None None 1B Chaparral. No No None mint)Concern Monardella villosa ssp. globosa Robust Spineflower Endangered None None 1B Sandy terraces, bluffs, and No No None loose sand of coastal dunes, Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta coastal scrub and foothill woodlands. Rose Leptosiphon None None None 1B Coastal bluff scrub. No No None 43 Leptosiphon rosaceus Rose Linanthus Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal bluff scrub. No No None Linanthus rosaceus Round-headed Chinese Houses Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal dunes. No No None 44 Collinsia corymbosa Round-leaved Filaree None None None 2 Cismontane woodland, valley No No None and foothill grassland. 45 Erodium macrophyllum 41 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf , Accessed April 7, 2005. 42 Marin County Open Space District, http://enature.marinopenspace.org/openspace/mcosd/showSpeciesRECNUM.asp?recnum=WF1688, Accessed April 7, 2005. 43 CNDDB (California Natural Diversity Database) 2005. Natural Diversity Data Base, Information dated January 18, 2005. Commercial Version 3.0.5. Published by the California Department of Fish and Game. 44 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf , Accessed April 7, 2005. B-23 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Salt Marsh Owl’s Clover (=Johnny-Species of Local None None None Coastal salt marshes. Salt marsh habitat No Low nip)Concern adjacent to the project area is suitable for this Castilleja ambigua ssp.palustris species. San Bruno Mountain Manzanita Species of Concern Endangered None 1B Coastal scrub, sandstone No No None outcrops in chaparral. Arctostaphylos imbricata San Francisco (=bluehead, Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal dunes, coastal scrub. No No None 46 Chamisso’s, dune) Gilia Gilia capitata ssp. Chamissonis San Francisco Bay Spineflower Species of Concern None None 1B Found on sandy slopes and No No None terraces of coastal scrub, dune, Chorizanthe cospidata var. and prairie habitats. cospidata San Francisco Collinsia None None None 1B Closed-cone coniferous forest, No No None coastal scrub. Collinsia multicolor San Francisco Gumplant Species of ConcernNone None 1B Found in coastal scrub, coastal No No None bluff scrub, valley and foothill Grindelia hirsutula var. maritima grasslands, sandy or serpentine slopes or sea bluffs. San Francisco Lessingia Endangered Endangered None 1B Coastal scrub, remnant dunes, No No None open sandy soils relatively free Lessingia germanorum from competing plants. San Francisco Owl’s-clover Species of Concern None None 1B Coastal prairie, valley and No No None foothill grassland, on Triphysaria floribunda serpentine and non-serpentine substrate. San Francisco Popcornflower Species of Concern Endangered None 1B Coastal prairie, valley and No No None foothill grassland. 47 Plagiobothrys diffuses 45 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, , Accessed April 7, 2005. http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf 46 CNDDB. op. cit. 47 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, B-24 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc San Francisco Wallflower Species of Concern None None 4 Found in dune hills, ocean No No None bluffs, and open grassy or Erysimum franciscanum brushy slopes near the coast. This species prefers rocky, gravely or sandy soils, often of disintegrated serpentinite. San Mateo Thornmint Endangered Endangered None 1B Chaparral, valley and foothill No No None grasslands, coastal scrub, Acanthomintha duttonii extant populations only known from very uncommon serpentine vertisol clays; in relatively open areas. San Mateo Tree Lupine Species of Local None None 3 Chaparral and coastal scrub No No None Concerncommunities. Lupinus arboreus var. eximius San Mateo Woolly Sunflower Endangered Endangered None 1B Often found on roadcuts No No None through woodlands both on Eriophyllum latilobum and off serpentine soils in San Mateo County. Santa Cruz Manzanita Species of Local None None 1B Broadleaved upland forest, No No None Concern chaparral, and north coast Arctostaphylos andersonii coniferous forest. No No None Santa Cruz Microseris Species of Concern None None 1B Broadleaved upland forest, closed-coned coniferous forest, Stebbinsoseris decipiens chaparral, coastal prairie, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland/open areas, sometimes on serpentine. 48 http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf Accessed April 7, 2005. 48 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County, http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf , Accessed April 7, 2005. B-25 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc Santa Cruz Tarplant Threatened Endangered None 1B Coastal prairie, coastal scrub, No No None valley and foothill Holocarpha macradenia grassland/often clay and sandy. 49 Short-leaved Evax Species of Concern None None 2 Coastal bluffs, coastal dunes. No No None 50 Hesperevax sparsiflora var. brevifolia Slender-leaved Pondweed None None None 2 Freshwater marsh. No No None 51 Potamogeton filiformis Tiburon Buckwheat Species of Local None None 3 Chaparral, coastal prairie, No No None Concern valley and foothill grasslands, Eriogonum caninum often in serpentine soils. Water Sack (=saline) Clover Species of Concern None None 1B Marshes, swamps, No No None valley/foothill grasslands, and Trifolim depauperatum var. vernal pools. hydrophilum Wedgeleaf Horkelia Species of Local None None None Open sandy fields and No No None Concern chaparral, old dunes, southern Horkelia cuneata ssp.cuneata oak woodland, coastal sage scrub. 52 Western Leatherwood Species of Local None None 1B Broadleaved upland forest, No No None Concern closed cone coniferous forest, Dirca occidentalis chaparral, riparian scrub, and riparian woodland. 49 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, , CNDDB Species Lists, CNPS Electronic Inventory, USFWS Species List for San Francisco County http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/sanfrancisco/documents/applicant/AFC_CD-ROM/Vol_II/Appendix_8.2A_B.pdf. , Accessed April 7, 2005. 50 Sonoma County, Canyon Rock Quarry Expansion Project Draft EIR, , Accessed April 7, 2005. http://www.sonoma-county.org/prmd/docs/eir/CanyonRockDEIR/AppG.pdf 51 City of Palo Alto, Stanford EIR. 52 http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/wedgeleafhorkelia.html, Accessed April 7, 2005. B-26 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Appendix B: Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Special-Status Species Potentially Occurring within the EIR Study Area Status Potential a Project Species Name Habitat Habitat Present Observed FederalStateCDFGCNPSEffect bc White-rayed Pentachaeta Endangered Endangered None 1B Open dry rocky slopes and No No None grassy areas often on soils Pentachaeta bellidiflora derived from serpentine bedrock. Yarrow-leaf (manyleaf, dark-eyed) Species of Local None None 1B Coastal Dunes. No No None 53 giliaConcern Gilia millefoliata Habitats Northern Coastal Marsh S3.2N/AHabitat present in Yes Moderate small areas. Northern Maritime Chaparral S1.2N/ANot present in project area. Serpentine Bunchgrass S2.2N/ANot present in project area. Valley Needlegrass Grassland S3.1N/ANot present in project area. a Endangered and threatened are species statuses under the California or Federal Endangered Species Act. Federal Species of Concern do not receive any statutory protection under the Federal ESA. b California Department of Fish and Game. Species designated as Species of Special Concern by CDFG are to be mitigated for under CEQA. A fully protected designation indicates that these species are fully protected under the Fish and Game Code and cannot be taken or possessed without a permit from the Fish and Game Commission or CDFG. c California Native Plant Society. Species on List 1A are believed to be extinct within California. Species on List 1B are rare or endangered in California and elsewhere in their range. Element Rankings: S1.2? less than 6 occurrences, less than 1,000 individuals, or less than 2,000 acres - Threatened in California S2.2? 6-20 occurrences, 1,000-3,000 individuals, or 2,000-10,000 acres - Threatened in California S3.1? 20-80 occurrences, 3,000=10,000 individuals, or 10,000-50,000 acres ? Very Threatened in California S3.2? 20-80 occurrences, 3,000=10,000 individuals, or 10,000-50,000 acres ? Threatened in California 53 CNDDB. op. cit. B-27 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR