HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Inetent - 800 Dubuque Avenue NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC REVIEW AND
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the City of South San Francisco Planning Division has completed the
Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the 800 Dubuque Avenue Project. This
IS/MND is now available for public review and comment. The IS/MND may be accessed on the City’s
website at https://weblink.ssf.net/weblink/ under Planning Division/Environmental Reports
Physical copies of the IS/MND and all documents incorporated by reference are available for review at
the Planning Division at 315 Maple Avenue. Additional physical copies of the IS/MND are available at the
Orange Avenue Library at 804 W. Orange Avenue, the Grand Avenue Library at 306 Walnut Avenue, and
the City Clerk’s Office at 400 Grand Avenue.
PROJECT LOCATION: The 5.89-acre project site (Assessor’s Parcel Number 015-021-030) is located in the
City of South San Francisco, California at 800 – 890 Dubuque Avenue. It is bordered by Dubuque Avenue
and the U.S. 101 highway on the west and the Caltrain right-of-way to the east. The adjacent property to
the north is currently occupied by a Costco. The property immediately to the south supports PG&E
transmission lines and surface parking, and further to the south is a now-vacant former Lowe’s Home
Improvement store, currently used as a construction staging site. Figure 1 shows the project location.
The project site is currently developed with two one-story buildings and one two-story building, totaling
113,595 square feet of office/R&D (life science) use and associated surface parking.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project applicant, Dubuque Center, L.P., is proposing demolition of the
three existing buildings and construction of three new office / research and development (R&D)
buildings, for a total of up to approximately 900,000 gross square feet. The buildings would be
connected by a two-story terrace, featuring a central plaza and courtyard that would provide open
space and gathering and rest areas. The project would include structured parking 4 stories below grade,
with approximately 1,335 parking spaces. Project site improvements would also include sidewalks,
landscaping, and lighting along Dubuque Avenue. Ground floor amenities would include a fitness center,
event center, and food/beverage uses. The applicant is targeting life science tenants. Figure 2 shows the
site plan.
Small areas of residual soil contamination may exist across the site from past uses, but not at levels
anticipated to require special disposal arrangements. The majority of the site soil would be removed
from the site during excavation for underground parking.
The project is consistent with the East of 101 Transit Core Zoning and General Plan Designation. Project
applicants are requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Floor Area Ratio Increase based on a
Community Benefits Agreement, Design Review, and a Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Project construction activities are anticipated to span approximately 4 years. Demolition and site
preparation would take approximately 4 months. Excavation for subsurface parking would extend to
depths of up to about 50 feet below ground surface and would require construction during excavation,
taking approximately 9 months. Building construction would occur over about 26 months and
finishing/paving/landscaping over about 6 months.
800 Dubuque Project - Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration Page 2 of 4
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: The IS/MND that has been prepared for the project concludes that impacts
of the project are considered to be less than significant with mandatory compliance with existing
federal, State and local standards and the implementation of mitigation measures listed in the
document. Mitigation measures relate to minimizing potential construction-period impacts, including
construction dust and emissions best practices; surveys for and buffering of nesting birds; monitoring for
and appropriate response to undocumented cultural, paleontological, or tribal cultural resources;
compliance with design plans prepared by appropriate engineers; implementation of a Soil Management
Plan and Health and Safety Plan to safely remove the soil at the project site; and implementation of
measures to improve driver site distance at both driveway intersections with Dubuque Avenue.
Implementation of the project would not degrade the quality and extent of the environment or result in
adverse effects on human beings, provided the project adheres to all mandated policies, rules and
regulations of all relevant governing bodies.
PUBLIC REVIEW COMMENT PERIOD: The City of South San Francisco is soliciting comments regarding
the analysis contained in the IS/MND. All comments must be received by the City of South San
Francisco Planning Division no later than 5:00 PM on April 27, 2023. Written comments on the IS/MND
may be sent via email or U.S. mail and addressed to:
Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner
City of South San Francisco
Economic and Community Development Department
315 Maple Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Comments may also be sent via email to [email protected]
For comments sent via email, please include “MND Comments: 800 Dubuque Project” in the subject line
and the name and physical address of the commenter in the body of the email.
For additional information please contact Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner at (650) 877-8535 and/or
[email protected].
Date: March 29, 2023
[email protected]
Telephone: (650) 877-8535
800 Dubuque Avenue Project - Notice of Intent Page 3 of 4
Figure 1: Project Location
800 Dubuque Avenue Project - Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration Page 3 of 4
Figure 2: Project Site Plan