HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.01.2023 Youth Commission MinutesCity of South San Francisco
Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes: Monday, May 1, 2023
City Manager’s Conference Room, City Hall, South San Francisco, CA 94080
6:30 pm
Commission Members:
Present: Ethan Mizzi, Melissa Hua, Aaron Adriano, Sophia Cyris, Nika Mariano,
Nataly Quinteros, Claudia Miller, Danielle Leong, Sara Vides,
Daniela Aceves
Absent: Julia Tsuei, Jiancarlo Ray, Jasmine Ho, Megan Yoshida
Staff Members:
Present: Tamiko Huey, Management Analyst II
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm.
Agenda Review:
No changes to the agenda.
Items from Staff
Library is having a free comic book day on May 6 as well as a Mothers’ Day Craft event.
The Farmers’ Market is opening again on May 13.
There will be an AAPI Community Conversations event on May 12.
For commissioners who have yet to return their stipend forms, please do so by June 30.
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes from April 3, 2023, were approved.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
Matters for Consideration
1. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Leong motioned to approve the minutes and were seconded by Commissioner Mariano.
2. Presentation on Reach Codes by Christina Fernandez, Deputy City Manager
Reach Codes are a way to reach out climate goals; our largest emitters are transportation and
buildings… Reach codes was a way to impact our emissions via buildings. So, the state also has a state-
wide energy code, so reach codes go beyond that “minimum” set by the state.
Staff is currently looking into all-electric.
Common Feedback
Local Businesses:
-willing to follow so long as the City provides incentives
-concerns about panel capacity to meet EV requirements
-increased EV requirements may increase parking demand
-hesitation to transition due to unfamiliarity with the technology
-majority of businesses rely on gas
Takeaways for Ordinance:
-provide a runway or long enough implementation period
-apply to only new construction
-take into consideration unique industry make-up, including life sciences and commercial kitchen needs
-consider back-up power for public health and safety in the event of outages
-consider technical infeasibility & discretion of building officials
The Youth Commission expressed their interest in possibly voicing formal support for reach codes.
Commissioner Adriano asked if reach codes can be applied to the residential side or only commercial?
Deputy City Manager Fernandez said that residential buildings were tackled first because residential was
easier, so for new residentials or for those of 51% remodelling will have to follow reach codes.
Chair Mizzi asked if there were any ideas to cut back driving like parking maximums or getting rid of
parking minimums to discourage driivng?
Deputy City Manager stated that this is more a question for Planning.
3. Recap on Sister-to-Sister Evaluation by Marcelle Valdez at Asian-American Recovery Services
-Modelled after the Sister-to-Sister Conference in San Jose
-Gave surveys and asked for testimonials
-Outreach began in Oct. 2022 for the March 2023 event
-80.3% of the attendees go to middle school while 18.7% go to high school
-majority of participants were from the South San Francisco Unified School District, San Bruno Park
Elementary School District, and Samoan Community Development Center in San Bruno
-40% identity as Asian American; 38.3% as Pacific Islander; 16.7% as mixed 2 or more identities
as to deeper demographic breakdown of “Filipino, Samoan, Chinese, etc.” will be better captured
moving forward
-73% described the event as great and 27% described it as good
Commissioner Leong commented that this seems like a really good program and wishes that she had
this when she was back in middle school. It may be a good idea to work with the student leadership and
El Camino in particular has a program called “Link Through” where upperclassmen support
lowerclassmen that would be nice to include for outreach.
4. Debrief on Boards and Commissions
Vice Chair Hua shared that she watched the Parks and Rec Commission and mentioned that they were
planning for what movie to pick for the summer movie.
Chair Mizzi asked the Commissioners if this was a project that was working out?
-Tamiko Huey shared that they were no end date, but that it is inherently optional.
Commissioner Adriano tried to watch but only read the agenda and minutes.
Chair Mizzi shared that he understands why interest is low for the other Commissioners to attend other
commission meetings.
Chair Mizzi also shared that watching school board meetings and City Council meetings would be more
relevant to them and so recommended them to watch these instead.
Commissioner Leong shared that she attended the school board meeting and mentione that they
discussed El Camino’s graduation. She expressed frustration since there is a handicapped classmate in
her class yet the school board did not suggest buying or having a community member make a ramp for
that student. She explained that this student will not be the only handicapped student and that the
ramp would be a good investment for the school.
5. Debrief on Youth in Government Day
-total of 12 students who attended
-Commissioner Leong suggested that MWF would be better than 3 Wednesdays; she also suggested
having students or Tamiko come to class to present in person because she didn’t think Mr. Gassaway did
a great job doing marketing for YIG
-Chair Mizzi thought the Boba Session went alright … he noticed that not all of the participants were
there which hindered it a little
-Commissioner Leong mentioned that they should have promoted themselves to lowerclassmen
because they will spend more time on the Commisison rather than a senior
-Chair Mizzi remembered that the luncheon was the last thing in 2019 so thought it was interesting to
have it on the second day in 2023
-Vice Chair Hua mentioned that is it possible to do an opt-in tour for PD… Tamiko clarified that for those
not interested in touring PD were allowed to stay on the bus
Items from Commissioners
Commissioner Leong suggested that the Commissioners present on Youth in Government Day to their
classes sometime before they go away for college… however, May is finals season as well as AP testing
so the fall might be better.
Commissioner Leong also asked about the Youth Poet in Residence, if they could team up with the
English department at the schools to showcase the chapbook as a way of outreach and let students get
interested in the program.
Tamiko reminded the Commissioners that some of them have their terms expiring in July 2023.
Vice Chair Hua asked for a final social event before some of the Youth Commissioners officially leave.
Chair Mizzi shared that their term ends in July as well as the Vice Chair’s and recommended the Youth
Commission to start thinking about replacements.
Meeting adjourned on May 1, 2023 at 8:08pm.