HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1216-1997ORDINANCE NO. J. ? 16- 97
010-160, 015-010-340 AND 015-010-350 AS THE BAY WEST COVE
The City of South San Francisco does hereby ordain as follows:
Section 1:
Title 20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code (Zoning) is hereby mended in the
following manner:
The Zoning District map of the City of South San Francisco, which is incorporated by
reference into the South San Francisco Municipal Code by Section 20.04.020 of the Code, is hereby
amended to change the zoning of the parcel 015-010-160, 015-010-340 and 015-010-350 consisting of
approximately 172 acres of land generally located on the north side of Oyster Point Boulevard, east of
the Bayshore (101) Freeway, "Shearwater Specific Plan District" to "Bay West Cove Specific Plan
District", as indicated in attached Exhibit 1.
Section 2:
Chapter 20.61 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to
read as follows:
Zone district established
Zoning map
Project description and intent
Regulations generally
Uses permitted
Maximum densities
Site planing development standards
Landscape design standards
Architectural guidelines
Open space standards
Transportation and circulation
20.61 ·080
Public Services
Administration and Implementation
Zone district established
20.61.010 Zone District Established
A zoning district entitled "Bay West Cove Specific Plan Districff is established, consisting of
all lands so designated on the zoning map of South San Francisco. All regulations herein shall apply to
such district:
20.61.020 Zoning Map
The district boundaries shall be as described in Exhibit 1 to Ordinance
specific plan map are reproduced at the end of this chapter.
· Copies of the
20.61.025 Project Description and Intent
(a) The intent of the project is to:
(1) Implement the East of 101 Area Plan.
(2) Provide for the efficient extension of services and infrastructure.
(3) Provide for a comprehensively planned development.
(4) Ensure coordination of planning efforts with other local, state and federal agencies.
(5) Provide a mechanism for flexibility in the long term development of land uses,
within the bounds established by the specific plan.
(6) Provide a description of the project allowing for comprehensive environmental
reviews and inclusion of mitigations into the specific plan.
(b) The intent of the plan is to promote a modern mixed-use retail, lodging, office and
professional service center. The Bay West Cove site has been divided into five planning areas as
follows and as shown on Exhibit 2.
(1) Planning Area 1 consists of 20 acres at the southwest corner of the site.
(2) Planning Area 2 consists of 19.2 acres at the southeast corner of the site.
(3) Planning Area 3 consists of 4.6 acres in the center of the site.
(4) Planing Area 4 consists of 8.5 acres on the northerly portion of the site
(5) Planning Area 5 consists of 119 acres within the waters of San Francisco Bay.
20.61.030 Regulations Generally
(a) The regulations contained in this chapter shall apply to the Bay West Cove Specific Plan
(b) Whenever this chapter, as adopted, does not provide specific standards and/or procedures
for the approval and/or administration of development projects within the Bay West Cove
specific plan district of for appeals concerning such approvals or the administration of
development projects, the standards and procedures outlines in Title 20 of the South San
Francisco Municipal Code in effect at the time the issue arises shall be the standards and
procedures applicable to such development projects.
(c) Whenever a subdivision map or parcel map is filed in connection with a project within the
Bay West Cove Specific Plan District, no building permit shall be issued for the project unless
and until all of the requirements (including but not limited to recordation) related to the final
subdivision or parcel maps have been met.
(d) Any land use designation not specifically authorized herein shall be deemed prohibited.
(e) The public improvements referenced to serve the uses set forth in this chapter may be
funded, as practicable and legally and fiscally feasible, by one or more of the following
(i) Contributions and advances by the owner.
(ii) Financing as authorized by the Community Redevelopment Law (commencing at
California Health and Safety Code Section 33000).
(iii) Assessment districts (including but not limited to public improvement districts,
landscaping and lighting districts and other mechanisms) and bond issues authorized
The credit, assets and revenues of the city of South San Francisco redevelopment agency shall
not be pledged, used, or relied upon in obtaining such financing.
20.61.035 Uses Permitted
Uses permitted in the Bay West Cove Specific Plan District and Planning Areas, which must
be consistent with the Specific Plan and which are subject to first obtaining approval of a precise plan
and, as applicable, subdivision or parcel maps, are subject to the regulations contained in this chapter
and applicable sections of Title 19 and 20 of this code. The following uses shall be permitted:
(a) ancillary and accessory uses normally and customarily associated with any other
permitted uses
(b) automobile sales and service, new and used
(c) commercial retail, including convenience retail
(d) hotels and motels
(e) offices: business, professional, administrative and financial
(f) drive through restaurants, subject to a conditional use permit
(g) personal services
(h) repair services
(i) restaurants
O) shoreline-oriented recreation
20.61.040 Maximum Densities
(a) The maximum amount of development intensity shall be in accord with the following table:
Land Use and Maximum Square Footage
Retail auto sales (90,000 sq. ft.)
Commercial retail (244,372 sq. ft.) or hotel, (225 rooms, 184, 258
sq. ft.) and commercial retail (175,000 sq. ft.)
Commercial retail (61,420 sq. ft) or hotel (150 to 250 rooms,
204,732 sq. ft.)
Two hotels, 350 to 450 hotel rooms (370,260 sq. ft.) or commercial
retail (222,156 sq. ft.)
No development allowed
617,948 to 1,033,250 sq. ft. depending on the configuration
(b) Open spaces shall be integrated into development with pedestrian walks and defined by
landscaping and other elements to create a sense of place. Additionally, open spaces shall provide
pedestrian linkages between on-site gathering places. Open spaces shall be accessible to the public,
highly visible and well lit. Benches, light standards, kiosks, trash receptacles, and other street
furniture shall be provide din open spaces and shall be designed in a coordinated fashion to
enhance the appearance and function of the site and open space.
20.61.045 Site Planning Development Standards
Development shall be regulated by the following standards:
(a) Setbacks shall be provided for both buildings and parking, as follows:
Setback feature Building Setback Landscape Setback
Oyster Point Blvd. 20' 20'
West property line 20' 10'
East property line 20' 10'
Bay West Cove Blvd. 15' 15'
Bay shoreline and marsh see note 1 35'
Other For buildings exceeding 2
stories or 35 '. as measured
for highest finished grade,
whichever is more restrictive,
an additional 1' of setback
area shall be provided for
each 1' of height above 35'
(1) Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) jurisdictional area development will
comply with requirements established by the BCDC pertaining to the BCDC jurisdictional area. The
BCDC jurisdictional area is located within 100' of the mean high tide line. Commercial improvements
located with the shoreline band are permitted by BCDC on a case-by-case basis. The City of South San
Francisco may similarly permit improvements within the shoreline band and as permitted by the East
of 101 Area Plan.
(2) Activities permitted within building setback areas include landscaping, pedestrian walkways,
gathering areas, driveways, utilities and parking.
(3) Activities permitted within parking setback areas include landscaping, pedestrian walkways,
gathering areas, driveways, and utilities.
Co) Maximum building height, unless noted below, shall not exceed the maximum height limit
established by the San Mateo County Airport Land Use Commission based on Federal Aviation
Administration Regulation Part 77, as noted on Exhibit 2.
Building height for single story "big box" retail buildings shall be 40 feet to the top of parapet or roof,
plus 15 feet for architectural elements and roof screening. For other single story retail buildings, the
maximum building height shall be 40 feet, including mechanical equipment screening, if utilized.
(c) Parking shall be provided as follows:
(1) All uses located in Bay West Cove shall provide on-site parking and loading
facilities in accord with the city parking ordinance and Bay West Cove specific plan
(2) Convenient pedestrian circulation shall be provided throughout all projects to
connect parking areas and public transit facilities with buildings and pedestrian open spaces.
(3) Parking stall requirements within Bay West Cove are subject to the guidelines
established in the South San Francisco Municipal Code and the east of 101 Area Plan. Parking stall
calculations shall be based on gross floor area (gfa).
(4) Parking standard stalls shall be 8' 6" x 18' 0", unless larger sizes are desired by
tenants. Aisle widths shall be as follows
Stall angle
One-way aisle
Two-way aisle
90-degree 25' 0" 25' 0"
60-degree 21' 0" 25' 0"
(5) a two foot overhang is permitted into adjacent landscape areas where landscaping
width is six foot or greater.
(6) Parking spaces required for public shoreline access shall b convenient to the
shoreline and shall be properly and clearly marked and posted per the California Vehicle Code.
(7) The minimum size of fire lanes shall be 20' 0". Where fire lanes are bordered by
walls, (20 foot clearance, wall to wall), or to structure, an additional 5 to 10 feet shall be provided
between fire lanes and structures to provide room for laddering buildings and other fire ground
(8) Designated "Accessible Parking" spaces and signs shall be provided to meet current
California Administrative Code regulations, Title 24, Part 2. In addition, one in every eight handicap
accessible stalls required must meet van access standards.
(9) Designated bicycle parking areas should be considered for the convenience of
employees using bicycles. To avoid clutter of bicycles parked in unplanned locations, bicycle parking
areas shall be conveniently located next to employee entrances and be provided with racks having
security locking capabilities.
(10) Parking areas shall be screened from view from streets and adjacent property by
landscaping, including berms where appropriate.
(11) Dead end parking aisles shall be avoided.
(d) Loading and service areas
(1) All loading facilities and maneuvering areas shall be located on the same site as the
use it serves.
(2) Loading and unloading shall only be permitted in the rear or side yard areas and
shall not face the Bay.
(3) Aisle widths adjacent to loading docks shall have a minimum width of 30'.
(4) Loading docks shall be set back a minimum distance of 60' from the northerly
right-of-way line of Bay West Cove Boulevard.
(5) Loading facilities shall be adequately screened from public view to the satisfaction
of the Chief Planner of South San Francisco through the use of screen walls and landscaping.
(6) Minimum aisle width adjacent to loading areas, without high dock doors, shall be
16' for one-way traffic and 28' for two-way traffic.
(7) Provisions shall be made on each site for necessary vehicle leading. On-street
vehicle loading is prohibited.
(8) No street parking, staging or maneuvering of delivery trucks shall be permitted in
order to access loading docks unless within designated truck maneuvering areas.
(9) Truck dock and loading zones are subject to individual evaluation by the City of
South San Francisco Public Works Department.
(10) Truck docks or loading areas shall not face San Francisco Bay.
(e) Screening area of auto sales
An 8" 0" high masonry screen wall shall be located adjacent to the southwesterly edge of the main
access road for purposes of screening the auto sales area in Planning Area 1. This screen wall shall be
set back from the main access road approximately 15' 0" to incorporate a 10' 0" landscape interior
zone and a 5' 0" concrete sidewalk for pedestrian access. See Exhibit 3.
(f) Emergency vehicle and trash truck clearances.
Parking lot layouts and service areas must be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles and
appropriate service vehicles.
(g) Minimum sight distance clearances.
A clear sight area shall be established at all intersections of public or private streets within each
planning area. This area shall be defined by a linear a horizontal plane, taken at a forty-five (45)
degree angle, connecting the two points twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of the property lines
or the prolongation of such lines. The maximum height of visual barriers, including but not limited to
signs, landscaping, fences, walls and other structures, shall not exceed thirty-six (36) inches above the
top of the curb or forty-four (44) inches above the surface of the street. See Exhibit 4.
(h) Lighting and illumination.
Parking lots, driveways, circulation areas, aisles, passageways, rec~ses and ground contiguous
buildings shall be provided with high-intensity discharge lighting with sufficient wattage to provide
adequate illumination to make clearly visible the presence of any person on or about the premises
during the hours of darkness and provide a safe secure environment for all persons, property and
vehicles on the site. Such lighting shall be equipped with vandal-resistant covers. The following
minimum levels of illumination shall be achieved:
(i) Open parking lots: one (1) to two (2) foot-candles at ground level;
(ii) Pedestrian path/bike path: One-half (0.5) to one (1) foot-candle at ground level;
(iii) Covered parking: Five (5) foot-candles at ground level.
(iv) Cart storage.
Cart storage areas shall be conveniently located throughout the parking area. When cart storage
areas are located along the facade of buildings, low decorative screening shall be utilized to screen
(j) Ali outdoor storage areas shall be visually screened with a durable six (6) foot or higher
non-combustible enclosure, so as not to be visible from adjacent sites or streets. Refuse enclosures
shall be designed and constructed of materials, finishes and colors so as to be compatible with primary
20.61.050 Landscape Zones and Design Standards
Landscape areas for the Bay West Cove project are divided into three separate zones or areas:
streetscape zone, landscape setback zone and landscape interior zone, as shown on Exhibit 5.
(a) Overall landscape standards include:
(1) A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the area within property lines of the
development site shall be devoted to landscape materials, inclusive f landscape setback zones.
This landscaping shall be evenly distributed throughout the site.
(2) Landscape plantings shall be selected from the plant materials list within the design
(3) Landscape phasing, if any, shall be consistent with Planing Area phasing and
indicated on the landscape plans submitted to the City of South San Francisco.
(b) Standards for the landscape setback zone.
(1) Transition from the streetscape to the site landscape areas shall be smooth, with
grades not exceeding 5 (five) percent.
(2) Landscape plantings shall be continuous across setback lines.
(3) Surface parking areas within the landscape setback zone along major arterials shall
be screened by a berm maintained at a continuous three (3) feet, consistent with the plant list
contained in this chapter.
(4) Landscape plantings shall be selected from the plant materials list under the setback
zone with the final selection of plant material to be approved by the City of South San
(5) All landscaping, including public street trees, shall be shown on public
improvement plans and approved by the City of South San Francisco.
(6) Enhanced landscape plantings and major project identification are encouraged at
parcel and/or street corners within the landscape setback zone.
(7) Perimeter landscape phasing, if any, shall be indicated on landscape plans
submitted to the city.
(8) Building entrances shall be well articulated and project a formal entry statement
through a variation of building form, decorative pedestrian plazas and planted areas.
(9) Complementary colors, materials and textures in conjunction with building forms
are encouraged.
(10) Landscape design and plant material selection will be as appropriate for specific
areas within the landscape setback zone. These areas include the railroad right-of-way setback,
adjacent property setback and bay front setback.
(c) Standards for landscape interior zone.
(1) Enriched, low-profile paving in paving area, adjacent to main building entrance,
plazas, outdoor eating areas and pedestrian circulation areas through parking lots is
(2) Accent trees providing contrast in texture, color and form to surrounding buildings
and located in groups and masses are encouraged. The number of different species used shall
be kept to a minimum and repetition of species is encouraged to retain continuity and conform
to the harsh environmental conditions of the site. Accent shrub, vine and ground cover
plantings providing contrast in texture, color, and form, grouped in masses are encouraged.
(3) Parking lot landscaping should facilitate easy and safe pedestrian circulation. A
minimum of one (1) 15-gallon tree shall be installed for each ten (10) parking stalls, to be placed at the
end of the rows, within planting "fingers" and/or 6' x 6' tree wells aligned on striping between double
rows of parking. The minimum number of parking lot trees is dividing by ten (10) into the total
number of parking stalls.
(4) Planter areas within parking areas shall be a minimum of three (3) feet clear in
width, measured from the inside of the curb. A three (3) foot wide concrete walk shall be constructed
inside the planter area at the ends of rows of parking stalls, Tree wells and planter area curbs may be
used in lieu of wheel stops. Curbs for tree wells and other planter areas shall have a minimum of six
(6) feet in height. Concrete curbs shall be constructed in accord with City Standard Drawing No. 20,
or successor drawing.
(5) A maximum slope of 2:1 is allowed within the side or rear yard planting zone. A
one (1) foot minimum flat transition area shall be provided at the top ad bottom of all slopes. Sloping
areas along the easterly and southeasterly portions of the property may require retaining wall solutions.
(6) At all side and rear yards, whenever development of a planted area adjacent to the
property line is proposed, the design plans for each adjoining parcel shall be coordinated for
consistency. Tree species shall be selected for continuity between projects, with the number of
different species kept to a minimum. Accent shrubs, vine and ground cover plantings providing
contrast in texture, color, grouped in masses, are encouraged.
(d) Landscape amenity standards.
(1) Pedestrian plazas or courtyards shall be provided to promote the proposed
pedestrian aspect of the project. Centralized outdoor lunch patios/courtyards are required at each
development site. Seating, shade and other amenities are also required, as determined by the Chief
Planner. These areas will play an important in establishing Bay West Cove as a quality working and
shopping environment.
(2) Textured (low-profile) pavement treatment in the form of brick/stone/tile pavers
and/or exposed aggregate concrete are encouraged to help define pedestrian from vehicular travel
(3) Plazas and courtyards shall be separated from loading areas with the placement of
plazas and courtyards intended to further public access and use of these facilities.
(4) Public access along the Bayfront is required, site amenities shall include some or all
of the following amenities: bicycle path, seating and viewing area, landscape planting, marsh/wetland
establishment and interpretive signs. Bay trail improvements shall be installed by Bay West Cove LLC,
or successors, in conjunction with the development of a precise plan along the frontage of the bay front
adjacent to the precise plan area.
(5) All ground mounted utilities and irrigation equipment shall be screened from
public view by massing of trees, shrubs, or combination of same.
(6) All landscape areas shall be completed irrigated by remote controlled, underground
irrigation systems. Irrigation plans shall be approved by the City of South San Francisco.
(7) All planted and paved area shall be maintained at all times in a well-kept, weed and
litter free conditions. Unimproved sites shall be maintained at all times by the property owner.
20.61.055 Architectural guidelines
(a) Building massing is to be pedestrian in scale and not excessively bulky, overbearing or
monolithic. Primary building masses are to e setback from the street or accessway to avoid cramping
the streetscape.
Co) Balancing of sloping roof forms with horizontal and vertical roof elements, such as towers
and parapets, is encouraged. Building forms of simple geometry with sensitive use of sculptural forms,
to define and enhance, are encouraged. Building offsets to reduce mass, strengthen entry plazas and
establish architectural interest is stressed. Projecting forms which break up long blank facades,
overheads which add shade and shadow, emphasizing horizontal elements are also encouraged.
(c) Low pedestrian scale is encouraged through the use of low profile building facades,
stepping building masses and landscaping. Building signs and other elements constructed near
pedestrian levels create a pleasant, human scale and shall be promoted as part of project development.
Diversity of material within the lower zone of a project is encouraged to create both visual interest and
convey a sense of quality.
(d) Building proportions should achieve a strong building base and a diminishing appearance as
the building is visualized against the skyline.
(e) Design and materials of all elements within a development should be similar and
(f) In addition to height requirements, consideration should be given to permitting additional
height for accent features and focal elements, such as towers.
(g) Colonnades, arches, plazas, arcades and courtyards should be used to create architectural
and functional interest. Window designs should be used to accentuate the rhythm of building bays, and
maximize pedestrian view of storefronts as appropriate.
(h) Sensitive choice of building materials is essential to the character of buildings within the
Bay West Cove project. Primary surfaces should be finished in materials which convey the character of
natural materials and smaller modular scale, such as wood, stone, brick and plaster. Prefabricated
materials of larger scale, such as metal panels, should be discouraged except in areas of limited
visibility. Materials should be simple and easy to maintain. All structures erected within the project,
with the exception of trim and minor architectural features, shall be constructed of masonry, concrete,
glass, steel, or other materials of a similar high quality nature.
(i) Building color schemes will be non-complex, light in shade and consist of simple accents.
Ground floor glazing should be clear. Primary walls should be treated with a neutral color with a
wider spectrum of complementary accents.
O) All sides of a building visible from streets or a public area shall be detailed and treated with
relief elements and variation in plane. Architectural elements used for providing relief should include
awning projections, trellis, built-in planters, integrated plazas, expression of structural elements,
changes in material and textures or use of other elements that create shale and shadow pattern.
(k) Architectural style is intended to be complementary throughout the Bay West Cove project.
Varying architectural styles may be proposed so long as no visual conflict is created.
(1) Colonnades and arcades providing protection from sun, wind and rain should be used
whenever possible
(m) Roof mounted equipment shall be screened from view by parapets or other building forms.
20.61.060 Signs
A separate master sign plan shall be approved by the Director of Community Development,
identifying the maximum type, size, number and locations of temporary and permanent signs to
be allowed.
20.61.065 Open space standards
(a) The linkage of the regional Bay Trail along the northerly frontage of the project site
adjacent to the bay shall be constructed in a meandering manner. Buildings developed near the
open space area shall, to the fullest extent possible, orient activities toward the open space.
Pedestrian circulation along building storefronts shall provide distinct and easily accessible
connections to the shoreline path. The pedestrian path shall consist of an unobstructed 48-inch
wide paved surface to and from all accessible routes. Elements such as signs, light standards,
trash receptacles and benches shall not encroach into the 48-inch paved area.
(b) A permanent "no build" easement shall be recorded on the northerly tip of Planning Area 4
to allow for potential future emergency access from Koll Center/Sierra Point to the north,
however, there is not obligation on the part of Bay West Cove to actually construct any
emergency access improvements.
20.61.070 Transportation and circulation
(a) Access to the project from Oyster Point Boulevard shall be provided at three points: an
intersection formed with the extension of gateway Boulevard, a new intersection with bay West
Cove Boulevard and a secondary access near the easterly boundary of the site.
(b) A two lane primary roadway, Bay West Cove Boulevard, will provide primary access
through the site. The intersection with Oyster Point Boulevard will be widened to
accommodate four travel lanes. Landscaped medians shall be installed to provide an entry
statement as well as to facilitate separation of left turning movements.
(c) Access and transportation standards shall include:
(1) Access drives shall be coordinated with other drives indicated on the approved Bay
West Cove Specific Plan.
(2) The development of common access drives is encouraged within the bay West Cove
project to minimize the number of curb cuts. Access drives should be coordinated with adjacent parcels
so as no to impede efficient traffic flow. Minimum two-way drive aisles shall be twenty-five (25) feet
in width.
(3) Access drive designs should incorporate provisions for efficient vehicle stacking
during peak periods of use.
(4) Major drive aisles from Oyster Point Boulevard or the primary roadway shall be a
minimum of fifty-two (52) feet wide. The main access road is to accommodate two ingress and two
egress lanes divided by a five (5) foot wide landscaped planter. Parking shall not be permitted on
either side of Bay West Cove Boulevard.
(5) Drive aisles at the entrance sides of proposed buildings shall be a minimum of
twenty-eight (28) feet in width. These aisles are intended for travel lanes and exclude parking lot drive
(6) Drive aisles at the rear (service) sides of buildings shall be a minimum of twenty-
five (25) feet wide, or as approved by the South San Francisco Fire Department. Dead end drive aisles
behind buildings shall be provided with a minimum 110-foot diameter turning radius.
(d) A five (5) foot wide concrete walk shall be provided along the. southeast edge of Bay West
Cove Boulevard for pedestrian access. Cross walks shall be provided at strategic locations
along Bay West Cove to provide full pedestrian access throughout the project.
(e) One bicycle parking rack shall be provided for every fifty (50) stalls. Bicycle parking racks
shall be located in convenient locations, including adjacent to building entrances and along the
Bay Trail linkage.
20.61.075 Infrastructure
(a) General standards shall include:
(1) All exterior utilities, including but not limited to drainage systems, sewers, natural
gas lines, water lines, and electrical (except for transformers), shall be installed and maintained
(2) On-site underground utilities shall be designed and installed to minimize the
disruption of off-site utilities, paving and landscaping during construction and maintenance.
(3) No antenna or device for transmission or reception of any signals, including but not
limited to telephone, television, and radio, shall be placed on any lot so hat it is visible from five (5)
feet above the ground or ground floor level at a distance of 500 feet in any direction, unless specific
written approvals granted by the Chief Planner of the City of South San Francisco.
(b) Site grading shall include the importation of fill to raise the site adequate to allow positive
drainage in a 10-year storm occurring at the 100-year flood elevation established by FEMA. Building
floors shall be a minimum of three (3) feet above the 100-year FEMA flood elevation. Finished slopes
shall not exceed a maximum of 2:1.
(c) Drainage of the site is proposed via a combination of drainage swales and underground
gravity pipelines. Planning Area 4 is proposed to drain directly into the Bay through a new drainage
outfall near the large existing outfall north of the site. The remainder of the site will drain to a single
outfall into the Bay near the existing site drainage outlet.
(d) Water service to the site is to be provided by the California Water Service Company from a
16-inch main within Oyster Point Boulevard. A distribution main will provide anticipated maximum
on-site demand for domestic and fire flow water volumes and pressures.
(e) Pacific gas and Electric Company will provide natural gas and electrical service to the site.
(f) Telephone and telecommunication service will be provided by pacific bell
(g) Wastewater flows from the site will floe by gravity from the site to be pumped into an
existing collection system in Oyster Point Boulevard. Flows would then be conveyed to City pump
station No. 2, which will pump wastewater to he City's water quality control plant.
20.61.080 Public Services
(a) Law enforcement shall be provided by the South San Francisco Police Department
(b) Fire and emergency services to the site will be provided by the South San Francisco Fire
Department. Buildings on the site shall be fully sprinklered. On site fire hydrants shall be
provided at the direction of the Fire Department
(c) Solid waste disposal service shall be provided by South City Scavenger Company.
20.61.085 Administration and Implementation
(a) The Bay West Cove Specific Plan shall be implemented through the review of Precise
Plans, which sets forth in detail development details for proposed structures and related improvements
and their arrangements on individual parcels; parcel maps, design review and sign permits. The South
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency shall review precise plans to determine consistency with the Bay
West Cove Specific Plan and the Redevelopment Plan.
(b) Precise Plans shall be governed by the following requirements.
(1) No person shall commence any use, erect any structure or make exterior
modifications to any existing structure, parking area or structure, or shall any certificate of occupancy
shall be issued for any new use or structure or modification until a Precise Plan has been approved in
accord with this Section. The following shall not require the approval of a Precise Plan:
(i) Change in sign copy on existing sign, or on signs designed to allow a
change of copy;
(ii) Changes required in whole or part by a requirement of a requirement of
any governmental agency.
(2) When a Precise Plan is required by the Bay West Cove Specific Plan, the Precise
Plan shall be submitted to the executive director of the redevelopment agency. The executive director
shall check each application for completeness and, if the Precise Plan is deemed incomplete, the
executive director shall notify the applicant of any deficiency within thirty (30) days of Precise Plan
(3) The following information and drawings shall be required for Precise Plan
consideration, except that the executive director of the redevelopment agency may require either less or
additional information, depending on the nature of the application.
(i) Applicable tentative or final parcel and/or subdivision maps for the area
encompassed by a Precise Plan;
(ii) Aon of landscaping, sign locations and related features related to the project. The site plan shall
also include a north arrow, vicinity map and name of applicant and plan preparer;
(iv) A landscape plan, drawn to an engineering scale, identifying information
pertinent to the landscape requirements, showing all landscape, hardscape and amenity features with
appropriate plant materials and sizes;
(v) Grading and drainage plans, unless the South San Francisco City Engineer
determines such plans are not needed;
(vi) Architectural plans and exterior elevations indicating profiles and exterior
materials and colors, drawn to scale;
(vii) Scale drawings of all signs and light standards, with details of height,
area, color, methods of sign illumination;
(viii) Any other drawings or additional information necessary for the
redevelopment agency to review and make its necessary determinations.
(c) Each Precise Plan application shall be referred to the Design Review Board, which shall
forward a recommendation to the redevelopment agency prior to final action on the Precise Plan.
(d) In reviewing Precise Plans, the redevelopment agency shall adhere to the standards set forth
within and shall further attempt to foster and promote the general character and purposes of the
Specific Plan.
(i) To ensure orderly development of the site, the redevelopment agency shall act
promptly on any request for approval
(ii) The executive director of the redevelopment agency shall review the application in
light of guidelines and standards set forth herein and shall consult with the staff of the affected
departments in the review of each Precise Plan. Upon completion oiii)The redevelopment agency shall
approve, conditionally approve, disapprove or suggest modification to the Precise Plan. No approval
shall be unreasonably withheld by the agenc been met.
(e) If significant changes to an approved Precise Plan are desired by the applicant, a revised
Precise Plan shall be submitted and reviewed in the same manner as the original Precise Plan. Minor
revisions shall be reviewed and approved by the executive director of the redevelopment agency.
(f) The redevelopment agency shall make the following findings in approving or conditionally
approving a Precise Plan:
(i) The proposed Precise Plan is consistent with the Bay West Cove Specific Plan;
(ii) The proposed Precise Plan is designed to achieve compliance with the standards of
the Bay West Cove Specific Plan;
(iii)The proposed Precise Plan is consistent with the City's redevelopment plan and the
owner participation agreement;
(iv) The proposed Precise Plan is consistent with the East of 101 Area Plan.
(g) A conditional use permit may be approved by the redevelopment agency for drive-up and
drive-through restaurants within the Bay West Cove Specific Plan area, as follows:
(i) Applications for conditional use permits shall be filed with the South San Francisco
Planning Division, on forms specified by the Division with appropriate plans, drawings and necessary
(ii) Conditional use permit applications shall be considered at a public hearing held
before the redevelopment agency, with notice of said hearing provided as required by the South San
Francisco Municipal Code.
(iii) Conditional use permits may be approved, conditionally approved or disapproved
by the redevelopment agency. If approved or conditionally approved, findings shall be made by the
agency as specified in the South San Francisco Municipal Code.
(j) Applications may be requested for a variance from standards contained in the Bay West
Cove specific plan on forms prescribed by the Planning Division. The following other requirements
shall also apply to variance requests:
(i) When a variance application is filed, the executive director of the redevelopment
agency shall make an investigation and review of said application. Upon completion of the review, the
executive director of the redevelopment agency shall set a public hearing before the redevelopment
agency on the application;
(ii) Variance applications shall be considered at a public hearing held before the
redevelopment agency, with notice of said hearing provided as required by the South San Francisco
Municipal Code;
(iii) At the conclusion of the public hearing, the redevelopment agency shall make
written findings of fact as to whether the variance sought will be in harmony with the Bay West Cove
Specific Plan. The redevelopment agency may, by resolution, grant to deny the variance as it deems
necessary to fulfill the purpose of the Bay West Cove Specific Plan and may grant the variance with
conditions and require reasonable guarantees and evidence that separtment. Parcel maps shall be
reviewed and approved or conditionally approved by the Planning Commission in conformity with the
State Subdivision Map Act and local subdivision requirements.
(k) Sign permits within the Bay West Cove Specific Plan areas shall be governed by the
following requirements:
(1) All signs shall comply with the Bay West Cove Planned Sign Program.
(2) No sign shall be constructed or installed without a permit from the South San
Francisco Planning Division and written approval from the property owner and landlord.
(3) Sign permits are required for all new signs and changes of sign face for existing
signs. A sign permit application must be filed with the Planing Division and must be signed by both
the business owner or authorized agent and the property owner or authorized agent. Sign permit
applications and filing instructions are available at the Planning Division.
(4) All pylon signs, project entry signs, and wall signs shall be approved as part of a
Precise Plan by the redevelopment agency.
(5) Minor signs, including new signs containing less than twenty-five (25_ square feet
of copy area and change of copy for an existing sign shall require a Type A sign permit, to be issued
by the Planning Division. In cases not covered by the Planned Sign Program, the City of South San
Francisco Zoning Ordinance and East of 101 Area Plan shall apply.
(l) Environmental reviews for implementing projects for the Bay West Cove Specific
Plan shall be as follows:
(1) All development within the specific plan area is subject to the mitigation measures
contained in the Bay West Cove Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring Plan.
(2) As provided in State law, certain projects may be exempt from further
environmental review when:
(i) The project is consistent with the Bay West Cove Specific Plan and the Bay
West Cove Environmental Impact Report;
(ii) The Bay West Cove Environmental Impact Report adequacy identifies the
project's significant impacts and corresponding mitigation measures;
(iii) The City of South San Francisco has determined the type of environmental
document needed in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act, and has given notice of
such fact as required by State law and City of South San Francisco implementing procedures.
(3) Ali Precise Plans, subdivision and parcel maps within the Bay West Cove site have
been obtained through the adoption of the Bay West Cove Environmental Impact Report and are in
conformance with the project description and impact analysis. Future amendments to the Specific Plan
may require additional environmental reviews and determinations.
(m) The Bay West Cove Specific Plan may be amended as set forth in California Government
Code 65500 through 65507
In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or
unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable an all other section or portions
hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
This ordinance shall be published once, with the names of those City Councilmembers voting
for or against it, in the San Marco Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San
Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption.
Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held
the 10th day of December ,1997.
Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a special meeting of the City
Council of the City of South San Francisco, held the 17th day of December , 1997 by the
following vote:
Councilmembers James L. Datzman, Joseph A, Fernekes.
Karyl Matsumoto and Mayor Eugene R. Mullin
NOES: None
Councilmember John R. Penna
City Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance
this 17th day of December ,1997.