HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.04.2023 @630 Regular Measure W COCWednesday, October 4, 2023 6:30 PM City of South San Francisco P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA City Hall, City Manager's Conference Room 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA Measure W Citizens' Oversight Committee Engy Del Rosario, Chair Edmund de Guzman, Vice Chair William Zemke, Committee Member Mike Brosnan, Committee Member Jamie Rey, Committee Member William Romero - Alternate Regular Meeting Agenda 1 October 4, 2023Measure W Citizens' Oversight Committee Regular Meeting Agenda How to submit written Public Comment before the Meeting: Members of the public are encouraged to submit public comments in writing in advance of the meeting by emailing: [email protected] How to provide Public Comment during the Meeting: COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO THREE (3) MINUTES PER SPEAKER Under the Public Comment section of the agenda, members of the public may speak on any item not listed on the Agenda. Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Chair may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future meeting. If there appears to be a large number of speakers, the Chair may reduce speaking time to limit the total amount of time for public comments (Gov. Code sec. 54954.3(b)(1).). American Disability Act: The City Clerk will provide materials in appropriate alternative formats to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please send a written request to City Clerk Rosa Govea Acosta at 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080, or email at [email protected]. Include your name, address, phone number, a brief description of the requested materials, and preferred alternative format service at least 24-hours before the meeting. Accommodations: Individuals who require special assistance of a disability -related modification or accommodation to participate in the meeting, including Interpretation Services, should contact the Office of the City Clerk by email at [email protected], 24-hours before the meeting. Page 2 City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/5/2024 2 October 4, 2023Measure W Citizens' Oversight Committee Regular Meeting Agenda CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL AGENDA REVIEW ITEMS FROM STAFF MEMBERS PUBLIC COMMENT MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION Review and approve of the meeting minutes for the Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee meeting of August 2, 2023 1. Presentation to the Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee on the audit scope and timelines (Amy Meyer, Maze and Associates) 2. Presentation and Discussion on Measure W Financials Update (Karen Chang, Director of Finance) 3. ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS, COMMISSIONERS, COMMITTEE MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT Page 3 City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/5/2024 3 City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:23-850 Agenda Date:10/4/2023 Version:1 Item #:1. Review and approve of the meeting minutes for the Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee meeting of August 2, 2023 City of South San Francisco Printed on 9/29/2023Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™4 CALL TO ORDER Chair Del Rosario called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m. ROLL CALL Chair Del Rosario, present Vice Chair De Guzman, present Committee member Zemke, present Committee member Brosnan, present Committee member Rey, absent AGENDA REVIEW No changes. REMOTE PUBLIC COMMENTS No remote public comments made. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Finance Director Karen Chang provided a brief overview of the agenda for the evening. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Motion to approve the Minutes from the meeting June 7, 2023. Motion – Committee Member Brosnan/Second – Committee Member Zemke: To approve the minutes from June 7, 2023, by roll call vote: AYES Committee Member Zemke, Committee member Brosnan, Chair Del Rosario, and Vice Chair DeGuzman NAYS: Non; ABSENT: Committee member Rey; ABSTAIN: None. Motion passes unanimously. 2. The Elements of the Brown Act presentation by Assistant City Attorney Kimia Mahallati IN PERSON PUBLIC COMMENT: Mina Richardson asked how important is parliament procedure in the execution of understanding the Brown Act? Moreover, she stated that organizational training for meetings would be helpful. Assistant City Attorney Mahallati advised it would be taken into consideration. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MEASURE W CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Wednesday, August 2, 2023 6:30 p.m. IN-PERSON MEETING 5 MEASURE W COC SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 2, 2023 PAGE 2 3. Action minutes -Presentation and discussion on Measure W Financials. Director Chang provided a brief overview and update of financials. Director Chang stated that the budget as of last meeting in June, financials posted were as of April 30th. There is a slight update on revenue, currently at $13 million. Reminder that there is a two-month lag on sales tax. We are still expecting May and June receipts to be recorded. The estimate for the year end will be roughly $15 million. We will also continue to post expenditures. The revenue less expenditure snapshot total was about $3.3 million, and estimated fund balance was $15 million. The fund balance is in “cash” at this point as there are pending projects. Summary of expenditures for current fiscal year 2022-23. The previous revenue estimate was $13 million, and expenditure was $9.7 million. The revenue less expenditure is about $3.3 million. $14 million was budgeted for the civic campus expenditure and currently have $13 million to go. The projected fund balance is estimated at $2 million. Director Chang paused for questions. Vice Chair De Guzman clarified revenues for June 30, 2021 was $13.3 million, June 30, 2022 was $15.4 million, and June 30, 2023 was $13.8 million, are these estimated or actual? Director Chang confirmed that the revenues are actual sales tax receipts through April 2023. We are still expecting May and June receipts to come in. We are estimating an additional $1 million each month with a projected year end total of $15 million. Vice Chair De Guzman proceeded to ask for clarification with the Civic Campus expenditure of $16 million for June 30, 2021, $3 million for June 30, 2022, and $1.4 million for June 30, 2023. Vice Chair De Guzman asked for clarification on the reduction of expenditure amount. Director Chang clarified that Civic Campus was composed of numerous funding sources, the majority being bond funding. Bonds were issued to fund the majority of the Civic Campus. Some funds were used to complete the paving project. Vice Chair De Guzman asked why the expenditures were being reduced from $17 million in 2021 to $3 million next year and $1 million in June 2023? Director Chang clarified that the City issued bonds to fund the majority of the project. The bond money was used first, then any donations received were used next and Measure W funds were used last. Director Chang will clarify that in 2021, more Measure W funds were used initially. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if $17 million in bonds were issued. Director Chang said no. Director Chang stated that the City issued three tranches of bonds. In 2020, we issued the first bond to fund the police station at $53.8 million, in 2021, $104 million for LPR and Street project, etc. In 2022, a 3rd bond of $65 million was issued mainly for sports field and aquatic center. We will use the Measure W money to pay down the bond debt service. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if the $2.7 million debt service was paid in 2020? Director Chang said the payment is coming from revenue generated from Measure W sales tax. The majority of Civic Campus expenditures are from bond funds. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if all of the bonds issued are done, is it closed? Director Chang said the City does not plan to issue additional bonds at this time. City Council will need to approve any future bond issuance. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if Measure W revenues are very specific to fund only Civic Campus, police department and street paving program? Director Chang replied no. Measure W is a general tax, it can be used for any general government purpose. 6 MEASURE W COC SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 2, 2023 PAGE 3 Committee Member Brosnan, asked if debt service at $8.287 million and $8.289 million were fixed for many years. Karen advised that the $8.2 million were covered with the first two bonds. When the 3rd bond was issued, we included the first two years of debt service payments with the last bond. In 2025, the 3rd bond debt service payment will come out of Measure W. At this time, the $8.2 million, of Measure W only cover 2020 and 2021 bonds. Chair Del Rosario, asked if the debt service would then increase and if the first bond has a term? Director Chang clarified that all the bonds have a 30-year term, or final maturity of 2046 to line up with the expiration of the Measure W sale tax. Chair Del Rosario asked what the expected increase would be? Director Chang advised that the debt service payment is roughly $4.9 million each year. Chair Del Rosario asked $4.9 million on top of the $8.2 million? Director Chang said yes. Vice Chair De Guzman stated the total debt service will come very close to the total Measure W revenues of $15 million. Director Chang said that was the goal. Committee Member Brosnan asked about a line item reviewed two months ago called maintenance. Was this discussed over the last two months to see if some of the future excesses can be leveraged for ongoing maintenance over the next 30 years? Director Chang mentioned that either Measure W or general fund would cover the maintenance. Chair Del Rosario opened the meeting for public comment. Nina Richardson commented about the total amount given to the City to build the projects was limited to the collection of the tax. The projection was $7 million a year to collect until the end of the 30 years. Has the City issued all the bonds, $210 million? At what point are we going to be finished paying? If the bonds were already issued, how are we funding the aquatics park? Director Chang clarified that the total bonds issued was roughly $190 million ($54 million, $104 million, and $65 million). Chair Del Rosario, clarified it was $223 million. Nina Richardson asked how much is left for the City to issue? Director Chang explained that when we issue the bonds, the City will need to present certain information to the bank to ensure the City has the ability to repay the bonds. Nina Richardson commented that the Committee could benefit by having someone explain to them how much is left that the banks are allowed to issue. Director Chang stated she does not have that information at this time. 4. Consider and Move to Approve Measure W Committee Regular Meeting Schedule Change to Quarterly Regular Meetings Chair Del Rosario moved to item 4 on agenda. Director Chang said Assistant City Attorney Ali Wolf has done some research in terms of the frequency of the meetings and results were inconclusive. It was found that most cities surveyed or that we are aware of have (1) one to (2) two meetings per year. Committee Member Zemke advised that when the committee initiated the meetings, it was set every other month. What works best for staff with the process? Director Chang said most cities have a meeting once or twice a year as it coincides with mid- year to provide more information. There are not a lot of updates or activities to report monthly. We can invite the auditors to provide updates on their internal control. Then at the end of the audit, when the books are closed and before it is finalized, it can be presented to the committee. Director Chang advised that a regular schedule is needed. The meetings can continue on a quarterly basis and if anything comes up, we can call a special meeting. If there is nothing to 7 MEASURE W COC SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 2, 2023 PAGE 4 update, we can cancel and meet on the next scheduled date. The Brown Act requires us to have a regular meeting schedule. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if meetings were held on a quarterly basis, he would propose changing how the financial statements are presented. I would like to present it the same way the auditors present it on a quarterly basis. I want just the Measure W balance sheet, assets, liabilities, capital and surplus, statement of cash flow, management analysis and discussion and budgeting. I am in the field of financial analysis. I work in insurance regulations and deal with quarterly statements. We tell the insurance companies how we want to see the reports. We will ask for the assets, liabilities, and income statements of Measure W, so we can see the revenues and expenditures. Director Chang said that is how we are presenting it now and that you would also like to see the balance sheet. Vice Chair De Guzman said yes. Director Chang clarified that the revenue and expenditure were presented. Government funds work slightly differently from the private sector, we update on accrual basis. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if a balance sheet on cash basis was able to be produced. Director Chang advised that she would provide what is appropriate or available at the next meeting. The balance sheet is not available until we close the books. Vice Chair De Guzman clarified if it would be done on cash basis and not accrual basis. Director Chang said government funds work slightly differently than private sector. We operate by budget. If Measure W ended up with no funds, then the general fund would have to bail it out. A lot of government funds work on budget basis. During the budget process we make sure the revenues and expenditures are balanced. If it is not balanced, then we use fund balances to cover any deficit. The balance sheet requested would only have the cash and payables. Accrual revenue wouldn’t be noted because we are on cash basis. A report may be produced, however, it will not have the information you are requesting. We can try to produce what you are asking for, but it will not be very meaningful. Committee member Brosnan asked if we knew what other committees are provided with in terms of finance statements? What other formats were found? Assistant City Attorney Wolf advised that the statement that Director Chang shared were inconclusive. The records being provided are similar to what this committee is receiving. Some were being provided with more of line item expenditures. What Director Chang was offering is if the city staff has the capacity to provide the expenditure list, based off of that inconclusive finding? Committee member Brosnan asked where are the expenditures to the Orange Park project documented in the slide presentation? Karen advised they were not on the slide because they are bond funded. The funds were borrowed already and are sitting on another fund that are funding the project. The Measure W sales taxes are used to pay the debt service. Committee Member Brosnan advised that before we had bonds, and Measure W cash was being used, updates were still being provided for those expenditures. Now we are going to have the combination of Measure W and the debt service. Do we have an oversight of the bond expenditures at all? Director Chang advised that staff could provide project expenditure however it may be a combination of the bond funds, Measure W funds, and other funds. Committee Member Brosnan advised that this was the first time we are not concerned yet on monies being spent on the bond issuance. He wants to ensure we do not have responsibility of oversight for that. 8 MEASURE W COC SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 2, 2023 PAGE 5 Director Chang advised that when the bond was issued, it was very clear on what the funds were intended for. Committee member Brosnan advised that he is concerned in reference to Mrs. Richardson’s question. Initially, it was projected to $7 million a year, it is now over $1 million a month. The $50 million overage that Mrs. Richardson spoke about, were the funds decided to be used towards Orange Park. It would make it clearer if there was a line item explaining Orange Park. Orange Park is a direct result of overages not expected. Director Chang advised that it would be taken into consideration for future bonds. Committee Member Brosnan advised that it was related to overage. $7 million projected and $15 million was the actual. Vice Chair De Guzman asked why the PD station was no longer noted. Director Chang clarified that the PD station is part of the Civic Campus. Committee Member Brosnan clarified how the projects were presented. Civic Campus A was PD, Civic Campus B was Library/P&R & City Council, and Civic Campus C 33 Arroyo/new fire station. Vice Chair De Guzman requested a breakdown of Civic Campus project. Director Chang advised she could go back to the records, however the breakdown was expanded through the bonds. Only a portion of Measure W is being used. Assistant City Attorney Wolf advised it was clear where the confusion or concerns are. In order to provide those expenditures, we can discuss them in meantime prior to next meeting and how that may be presented in a different manner to try and address concerns. Because of the agenda item we are on, she wanted to bring us back around the timeline. Do you prefer to meet every other month, then there could be effort in the next two months to bring back information that presents expenditures as requested? As Director Chang mentioned, a more purposeful schedule may be more on a quarterly basis at this point. Vice Chair De Guzman asked if we could have some type of foot notes of what is not included? Director Chang advised that she will review and try to put something together. Chair Del Rosario opened up meeting to public comment: Nina Richardson suggested meeting every other month. The meetings should be held every other month, however, they have not been. Director Chang clarified that meetings were in February, April, and June. Mrs. Richardson advised she did not receive a notice. Director Chang advised that the meetings are published on the website. Mrs. Richardson commented that there should be separate sheets for all expenditures as previously presented. Chair Del Rosario would like to review item. Chair Del Rosario moves motion to continue meetings every other month. Committee member Zemke second the motion. Committee member Zemke, yes, Committee member Brosnan, yes, Committee member Ray is absent, Vice Chair DeGuzman, yes, and Chair Del Rosario, yes. Chair Del Rosario moved to approve the meeting every other month. Committee member Zemke second the motion. ADJOURNMENT 9 MEASURE W COC SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 2, 2023 PAGE 6 Being no further business, Chair Del Rosario adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Submitted by: Approved by: _____________________ ______________________________ Patty Gomez Del Rosario Secretary Chair Approved by the Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee: / / 10 City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:23-854 Agenda Date:10/4/2023 Version:1 Item #:2. Presentation to the Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee on the audit scope and timelines (Amy Meyer, Maze and Associates) City of South San Francisco Printed on 9/29/2023Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™11 9/25/2023 1 Independent Auditor Presentation – South San Francisco Measure W Planning Phase For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023 Citizens’ Oversight Committee October 4, 2023 Amy L. Meyer, CPA Partner 1 An Audit Maze & Associates – we are an independent CPA firm, independent from the City of South San Francisco and its Component Units. Audit of the City’s Basic Financial Statements is being conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States of America. 2 1 2 12 9/25/2023 2 Our Responsibilities Under U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Express opinions about whether the financial statements prepared by management are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) Does not relieve management of its responsibilities As part of the audit, we will consider the City’s internal control for the purpose of determining audit procedures, but will not provide any assurance concerning such internal control. 3 Materiality SAS AU-C Section 320,Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit – concept of materiality includes: Misstatements, including omissions, are considered to be material if there is a substantial likelihood that, individually or in the aggregate, they would influence the judgment made by a reasonable user based on the financial statements Judgments about materiality are made in light of surrounding circumstances and are affected by the size or nature of a misstatement, or a combination of both Judgments about materiality involve both qualitative and quantitative considerations 4 3 4 13 9/25/2023 3 Audit Scope Generally includes the following, subject to adaptation from our risk assessment process: Perform risk assessment brainstorming and planning Create audit plan tailored to the City and sector Transactions cycles subject to control testing and sampling Transactions cycles testing Transactions and balances tested in total Evaluate overall duty assignments Information system controls tests Perform compliance tests 5 Audit Timing We have met with Finance staff and agreed the following schedule: Interim fieldwork: May 2023 Final fieldwork: October 2023 Reports finalization: December 2023 6 5 6 14 9/25/2023 4 Measure W Activity is Recorded in Fund 101 in the City’s General Ledger Included in the City’s General Fund for financial reporting purposes Does not meet the GAAP requirements for separate presentation 7 QUESTIONS? 8 “We are in the business to help our clients succeed” 7 8 15 City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:23-855 Agenda Date:10/4/2023 Version:1 Item #:3. Presentation and Discussion on Measure W Financials Update (Karen Chang, Director of Finance) RECOMMENDATION This report is informational and requires no formal action from the Committee. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION On November 3,2015,South San Francisco residents approved a half-cent sales tax by an overwhelming majority.The adoption of Measure W ensures that the City of South San Francisco will be able to maintain and enhance locally controlled City services that the community cares about and has come to expect -including neighborhood police patrols,911 response times,crime and gang suppression programs,street maintenance and pothole repair,maintaining youth/teen educational/recreational programs,providing a police operations center that meets earthquake safety codes, and other essential services. The voter-approved half-cent sales tax (Measure W)went into effect on April 1,2016.Since that time,the sales tax proceeds have been accounted for separately from the City’s General Fund to track the commensurate revenues and expenditures. Major projects currently funded by Measure W are: 1.Community Civic Campus Program a.Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center (pf1707) b.Library, Parks and Recreation and Community Theater/Council Chamber (pf2103) 2.Orange Memorial Park Project a.Multi-Use Sports Fields b.Aquatic Center c.Park Playground d.Park Bridges 3.Paving Program Use to augment City efforts towards street maintenance and pothole repairs In this meeting,the City’s auditor,Maze &Associates (Maze)will provide an overview of our Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 audit plan and scope.The City is still in the process of closing the books for FY 2022-23.We will provide an update on the preliminary Measure W results before the issuance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. A.MEASURE W FUND BALANCE THROUGH JUNE 30, 2023 (PRELIMINARY) The following is a summary of Measure W revenues and expenditures since its inception through June 30, 2023: Table 1: Measure W Fund Balance Summary Culmulative Total as of June 30, 2020 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 7/1/22 - 6/30/23 Inception Total as of June 30, 2023 TOTAL REVENUES 45,891,353 13,379,292 15,399,766 15,618,697 90,289,108 Expenditures Civic Campus 24,569,553 16,693,441 3,019,534 2,278,676 46,561,204 Paving Program 5,935,264 964,312 174,279 48,381 7,122,236 Debt Service 407,155 2,767,200 8,287,833 8,289,450 19,751,638 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,911,972 20,424,953 11,481,646 10,616,507 73,435,078 Revenue Less Expenditures 14,979,381 (7,045,661) 3,918,120 5,002,190 16,854,030 FUND BALANCE 14,979,381 7,933,720 11,851,840 16,854,030 16,854,030 City of South San Francisco Printed on 9/29/2023Page 1 of 3 powered by Legistar™16 File #:23-855 Agenda Date:10/4/2023 Version:1 Item #:3. Culmulative Total as of June 30, 2020 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 7/1/22 - 6/30/23 Inception Total as of June 30, 2023 TOTAL REVENUES 45,891,353 13,379,292 15,399,766 15,618,697 90,289,108 Expenditures Civic Campus 24,569,553 16,693,441 3,019,534 2,278,676 46,561,204 Paving Program 5,935,264 964,312 174,279 48,381 7,122,236 Debt Service 407,155 2,767,200 8,287,833 8,289,450 19,751,638 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,911,972 20,424,953 11,481,646 10,616,507 73,435,078 Revenue Less Expenditures 14,979,381 (7,045,661) 3,918,120 5,002,190 16,854,030 FUND BALANCE 14,979,381 7,933,720 11,851,840 16,854,030 16,854,030 As shown above,the fund balance for Measure W as of June 30,2022,was $11,851,840 which is reflected in pages 116 and 117 of the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for year ended June 30,2022.The fund balance (unaudited) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023, is $16,854,030. The completed financial report for fiscal year 2021-22 can be found on the City’s website: B.FY 2022-23 REVENUES In FY 2022-23, the City collected $15.6 million in Measure W sales tax revenues. C.FY 2022-23 EXPENDITURES The following is a summary of expenditures as of June 30, 2023: Table 2: Expenditures by project Budget Actual Remaining Balance Civic Campus Construction (pf1707, pf2103)14,581,039 2,278,676 12,302,363 Paving Program (st2104, st1903)1,160,626 48,381 1,112,245 Debt Service 8,289,450 8,289,450 - TOTAL Expenditures 24,031,115 10,616,507 13,414,608 Payroll expenditures related to the administration of Measure W funds will be allocated to the projects during year end. Ongoing Capital Project Funds appropriated in prior years by Council but unspent will be carried over as appropriated funds to be spent in FY 2023-24 or future years. City of South San Francisco Printed on 9/29/2023Page 2 of 3 powered by Legistar™17 File #:23-855 Agenda Date:10/4/2023 Version:1 Item #:3. CONCLUSION In FY 2022-23, the City collected $15.6 million in Measure W sales tax revenues and expended $10.6 million in compliance with the Measure W ballot measure language. Attachments: 1.Revenues Detail report - FY 2022-23 (preliminary) 2.Expenditures Detail report - FY 2022-23 (preliminary) 3.Pf1707 project summary and detail FY 2022-23 (preliminary) 4.Pf2103 project summary and detail FY 2022-23 (preliminary) 5.Power Point Presentations City of South San Francisco Printed on 9/29/2023Page 3 of 3 powered by Legistar™18 9/22/2023 4:18:38PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 1 Fund:101 Account: 101-00000-30207 MEASURE W AND USE TAX (0.5%) Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Measure W Sales Tax76259 11057887/25/2022 0.00 0.00C 1,903,171.18CRCR 2 FY21-22 Measure W Tax-CA76272-R 11074137/25/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,903,171.18GJGJ 2 SUTA SVCS - CA TAX QTR ENDINGINV06-014437 11092578/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 7.81APIN 1 Measure W Sales Tax76410 11119568/26/2022 0.00 0.00C 1,175,216.76CRCR 2 FY21-22 Meaure W Tax-CA76413-R 11145718/26/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,175,216.76GJGJ 2 Measure W Sales Tax76526 11166899/26/2022 0.00 0.00C 1,132,113.95CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax76805 112675210/24/2022 0.00 0.00C 843,914.60CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax76917 113103311/29/2022 0.00 0.00C 1,916,100.95CRCR 2 SUTA SVCS - CA TAX QTR ENDINGINV06-015457 113135712/16/2022 0.00 0.00D 3,163.54APIN 1 Measure W Sales Tax77018 113348812/27/2022 0.00 0.00C 1,203,264.31CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax77120 11368881/24/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,182,662.58CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax77298 11420662/24/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,893,267.72CRCR 2 SUTA SVCS - CA TAX QTR ENDINGINV06-016075 11425683/6/2023 0.00 0.00D 978.49APIN 1 Measure W Sales Tax77424 11473513/23/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,084,301.11CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax77558 11528844/24/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,387,777.80CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax77835 11594485/30/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,252,063.75CRCR 2 Measure W Sales Tax77962 11649496/26/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,195,516.33CRCR 2 SUTA SVCS - CA TAX QTR ENDINGINV06-016608 11643726/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,270.54APIN 1 2nd qtr sales tax accrual78298 11758816/30/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,159,169.73GJGJ 2 FY 22-23 LOCAL TAXES-ST OF CA78224 11766356/30/2023 0.00 0.00C 1,373,964.27GJGJ 2 TOTAL 101-00000-30207 0.00 0.00-15,618,696.72 Fund 101 TOTAL -15,618,696.72 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL -15,618,696.72 0.00 0.00 Page: 1 19 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 1 Fund:101 Account: 101-00000-9461 TRANSFER OUT TO DEBT SERVICE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine POLICE STATION LEASE REVENUE B12/01/2022 11342911/12/2023 0.00 0.00D 868,225.00APIN 3 PUBLIC FACILITIES FINANCING AUCT2113941 11364371/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,684,000.00APIN 3 CIVIC CAMPUS & CAPITAL PROJECTCIT213941 11597305/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 3,839,000.00APIN 4 POLICE STATION LEASE REVENUE BSOSANFRAN20A 11597335/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,898,225.00APIN 4 TOTAL 101-00000-9461 0.00 0.00 8,289,450.00 Account: 101-05101-4001 REGULAR SALARIES Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD07/07/2 11034567/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 470.84PYLD 1 WagesLD07/21/2 11080547/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 8,475.12PYLD 1 WagesLD08/04/2 11132828/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 1 WagesLD08/18/2 11133448/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD09/01/2 11210049/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD09/15/2 11211979/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 8,083.20PYLD 1 WagesLD09/29/2 11218599/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,598.80PYLD 1 WagesLD10/13/2 112647510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD10/27/2 112657810/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD11/10/2 112897811/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD11/24/2 112909411/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 4,041.60PYLD 1 WagesLD12/08/2 113250912/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 7,578.00PYLD 1 WagesLD12/22/2 113279112/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 8,335.80PYLD 1 WagesLD01/05/2 11372261/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 5,052.00PYLD 1 WagesLD01/19/2 11374861/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD02/02/2 11412002/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 8,083.20PYLD 1 WagesLD02/16/2 11420802/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 5,557.20PYLD 1 WagesLD03/02/2 11438173/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 4,041.60PYLD 1 WagesLD03/16/2 11473813/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 9,851.40PYLD 1 WagesLD03/30/2 11505673/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 1 WagesLD04/13/2 11525994/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 10,104.00PYLD 1 WagesLD04/27/2 11549624/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 4,041.60PYLD 1 WagesLD05/11/2 11574115/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 3,031.20PYLD 1 WagesLD05/25/2 11595315/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 4,041.60PYLD 1 WagesLD06/08/2 11627156/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 3,031.20PYLD 1 WagesLD06/22/2 11658536/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 3,031.20PYLD 1 WagesLD06/30/2 11695136/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 2,121.84PYLD 1 TOTAL 101-05101-4001 0.00 0.00 173,237.00 Account: 101-05101-4008 REGULAR HOLIDAY Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Page: 1 20 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 2 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4008 REGULAR HOLIDAY Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD07/07/2 11034567/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 470.84PYLD 2 WagesLD09/15/2 11211979/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD10/13/2 112647510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD11/24/2 112909411/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 2,020.80PYLD 2 WagesLD12/08/2 113250912/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD01/05/2 11372261/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 3,031.20PYLD 2 WagesLD01/19/2 11374861/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD03/02/2 11438173/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD03/30/2 11505673/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD06/08/2 11627156/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD06/22/2 11658536/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD06/30/2 11695136/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 606.24PYLD 2 TOTAL 101-05101-4008 0.00 0.00 14,212.28 Account: 101-05101-4009 VACATION PAY Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD09/15/2 11211979/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 3 WagesLD10/27/2 112657810/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD11/10/2 112897811/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD11/24/2 112909411/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 4,041.60PYLD 3 WagesLD01/05/2 11372261/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 3 WagesLD02/02/2 11412002/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 2,020.80PYLD 2 WagesLD05/11/2 11574115/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD05/25/2 11595315/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 TOTAL 101-05101-4009 0.00 0.00 12,124.80 Account: 101-05101-4010 SICK PAY Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD07/07/2 11034567/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 3,766.72PYLD 3 WagesLD07/21/2 11080547/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 941.68PYLD 2 WagesLD09/01/2 11210049/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 WagesLD09/29/2 11218599/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 505.20PYLD 2 WagesLD12/08/2 113250912/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,515.60PYLD 3 WagesLD12/22/2 113279112/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,768.20PYLD 2 WagesLD02/16/2 11420802/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 4,546.80PYLD 2 WagesLD03/02/2 11438173/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 5,052.00PYLD 3 WagesLD03/16/2 11473813/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 252.60PYLD 2 TOTAL 101-05101-4010 0.00 0.00 19,359.20 Account: 101-05101-4011 ACCRUED VACATION/SICK LEAVE Page: 2 21 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 3 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4011 ACCRUED VACATION/SICK LEAVE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave76793 11276017/31/2022 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave76794 11276238/31/2022 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave76795 11284409/30/2022 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave76796 112846310/31/2022 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77140 113699511/30/2022 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77152 113703112/31/2022 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77164 11370671/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77385 11453162/28/2023 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77729 11575613/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77741 11575994/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave77990 11656975/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave78002 11657396/29/2023 0.00 0.00D 201.99GJGJ 51 TOTAL 101-05101-4011 0.00 0.00 2,423.88 Account: 101-05101-4013 MEDICAL APPT LEAVE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD01/05/2 11372261/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 4 TOTAL 101-05101-4013 0.00 0.00 1,010.40 Account: 101-05101-4016 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD08/04/2 11132828/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 9,093.60PYLD 2 WagesLD08/18/2 11133448/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 1,010.40PYLD 2 TOTAL 101-05101-4016 0.00 0.00 10,104.00 Account: 101-05101-4021 INCENTIVE PAY Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine WagesLD08/04/2 11132828/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 4,800.00PYLD 3 TOTAL 101-05101-4021 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 Account: 101-05101-4306 IN LIEU HEALTH INSURANCE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 126.92PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Page: 3 22 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 4 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4306 IN LIEU HEALTH INSURANCE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 253.85PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 101.53PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 101.53PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 126.92PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 101.53PYLD 1 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 101.53PYLD 1 TOTAL 101-05101-4306 0.00 0.00 5,736.96 Account: 101-05101-4308 CITY SPONSORED MEDICAL Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 0.88PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Page: 4 23 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 5 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4308 CITY SPONSORED MEDICAL Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 1.77PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 0.71PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 0.71PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 815.25PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 652.20PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 652.20PYLD 2 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 473.11PYLD 1 TOTAL 101-05101-4308 0.00 0.00 2,630.46 Account: 101-05101-4309 HEALTH BENEFIT-MISCELLANEOUS Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 500.00PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 1,000.00PYLD 3 TOTAL 101-05101-4309 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 Account: 101-05101-4311 PERS-EMPLOYER Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 354.54PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 709.09PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.82PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.82PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 760.84PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 760.83PYLD 3 Page: 5 24 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 6 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4311 PERS-EMPLOYER Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 304.33PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 304.33PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 380.41PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 304.33PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 304.33PYLD 3 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 205.42PYLD 2 TOTAL 101-05101-4311 0.00 0.00 17,322.54 Account: 101-05101-4315 AUTO ALLOWANCE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 103.85PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 207.70PYLD 4 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 124.62PYLD 3 TOTAL 101-05101-4315 0.00 0.00 5,420.97 Account: 101-05101-4326 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE Page: 6 25 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 7 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4326 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 14.58PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 26.37PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 31.09PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 28.29PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 11.37PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 11.37PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 14.19PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 11.37PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 11.37PYLD 5 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 7.67PYLD 4 TOTAL 101-05101-4326 0.00 0.00 648.60 Account: 101-05101-4329 RHS ER EXPENSE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 70.62PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 141.25PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 223.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Page: 7 26 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 8 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4329 RHS ER EXPENSE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 151.56PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.62PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.62PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 75.78PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.62PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.62PYLD 6 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 40.92PYLD 5 TOTAL 101-05101-4329 0.00 0.00 3,522.69 Account: 101-05101-4338 OTHER BENEFITS - LIFE / ADD / LTD / STD Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 30.25PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Page: 8 27 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 9 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4338 OTHER BENEFITS - LIFE / ADD / LTD / STD Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 60.52PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 24.20PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 24.20PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 30.25PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 24.20PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 24.20PYLD 7 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 16.34PYLD 6 TOTAL 101-05101-4338 0.00 0.00 1,384.04 Account: 101-05101-4340 FICA ER AND MEDICARE ER EXPENSE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD07/07/2 11034917/7/2022 0.00 0.00D 375.92PYLD 9 Benefits/ContributionsLD07/21/2 11080907/21/2022 0.00 0.00D 751.87PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/04/2 11133218/4/2022 0.00 0.00D 662.65PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD08/18/2 11133798/18/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.47PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/01/2 11210399/1/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.48PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/15/2 11212349/15/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.48PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD09/29/2 11218949/29/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.47PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/13/2 112651510/13/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.48PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD10/27/2 112661310/27/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.47PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/10/2 112901711/10/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.48PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD11/24/2 112912711/24/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.47PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/08/2 113254512/8/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.48PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD12/22/2 113282912/22/2022 0.00 0.00D 152.47PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/05/2 11372591/5/2023 0.00 0.00D 804.44PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD01/19/2 11375221/19/2023 0.00 0.00D 880.94PYLD 9 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/02/2 11412312/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 804.44PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD02/16/2 11421152/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 817.15PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/02/2 11438543/2/2023 0.00 0.00D 804.44PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/16/2 11474153/16/2023 0.00 0.00D 817.15PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD03/30/2 11506173/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 804.45PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/13/2 11526324/13/2023 0.00 0.00D 804.43PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD04/27/2 11549964/27/2023 0.00 0.00D 354.16PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/11/2 11574475/11/2023 0.00 0.00D 342.79PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD05/25/2 11595645/25/2023 0.00 0.00D 419.93PYLD 8 Page: 9 28 9/22/2023 4:23:35PM GL/PA Transaction Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO glpatrans Page: 10 Fund:101 Account: 101-05101-4340 FICA ER AND MEDICARE ER EXPENSE Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Benefits/ContributionsLD06/08/2 11627506/8/2023 0.00 0.00D 333.17PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/22/2 11658876/22/2023 0.00 0.00D 344.54PYLD 8 Benefits/ContributionsLD06/30/2 11696036/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 210.43PYLD 7 TOTAL 101-05101-4340 0.00 0.00 11,857.65 Account: 101-05101-5005 PROFESSIONAL & SPECIALIZED SVCS Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine COMMUNITY CIVIC CAMPUS FUNDRAI0101942 11173437/1/2022 0.00 12,675.00 0.00APOP 1 Auto PO Open (0101942)2023-PO-OPEN 11242797/1/2022 12,675.00 0.00 0.00GJBA 1 COMMUNITY CIVIC CAMPUS FUNDRAI0101942 11775136/30/2023 0.00-12,675.00 0.00APCL 1 TOTAL 101-05101-5005 12,675.00 0.00 0.00 Account: 101-99999-9510 TRANSFER OUT TO CAPITAL IMPROV Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Project Accounting AJpf1707 11337177/1/2022 7,215,693.26 0.00 0.00GJBA 3 Project Accounting AJst1903 11376347/1/2022 557,766.02 0.00 0.00GJBA 7 Project Accounting AJst2104 11548377/1/2022 572,535.20 0.00 0.00GJBA 9 Project: st1903 Allocationst1903 115269410/31/2022 0.00 0.00D 44,070.08PAGJ 5 Project: pf1707 Allocationpf1707 11476442/28/2023 0.00 0.00D 962,298.38PAGJ 3 Project: pf1707 Allocationpf1707 11551503/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 44,301.17PAGJ 3 TOTAL 101-99999-9510 8,345,994.48 0.00 1,050,669.63 Account: 101-99999-9516 TRANSFER OUT TO FUND 516 CIVIC CAMPUS Actual D/C Encumbrance Budget AdjDoc Date Doc #Ref #Description Project StringJrnlTypeLine Project Accounting AJpf2103 11337297/1/2022 2,529,373.74 0.00 0.00GJBA 3 Project: pf2103 Allocationpf2103 115514312/31/2022 0.00 0.00D 21,876.63PAGJ 3 Project: pf2103 Allocationpf2103 11551523/31/2023 0.00 0.00D 105,505.70PAGJ 3 Project: pf2103 Allocationpf2103 11779346/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 861,708.64PAGJ 3 Project: pf2103 Allocationpf2103 11779406/30/2023 0.00 0.00C 166,012.47PAGJ 3 Project: pf2103 Allocationpf2103 11780066/30/2023 0.00 0.00D 166,012.47PAGJ 3 TOTAL 101-99999-9516 2,529,373.74 0.00 989,090.97 Fund 101 TOTAL 10,616,506.07 0.00 10,888,043.22 GRAND TOTAL 10,616,506.07 0.00 10,888,043.22 Page: 10 29 9/27/2023 8:54:39PM Project YTD/ITD Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCOpaProjectStatusYtd Page: 1Through: 6/30/2023 Project:pf1707 COMMUNITY CIVIC CAMPUS YTD ITD Start date: Funding Source Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,992.38 0.00 211,992.38 0.0001-12101 MEASURE W Phase 01 total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,992.38 0.00 211,992.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0011-11008 LOAN/DEBT PROCEEDS Phase 11 total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0012-11001 DONATIONS 7,215,693.26 0.00 1,010,349.55 6,205,343.71 33,730,393.00 0.00 27,525,049.29 6,205,343.7112-12101 MEASURE W Phase 12 total: 7,215,693.26 0.00 1,010,349.55 6,205,343.71 33,730,393.00 0.00 27,525,049.29 6,205,343.71 Project pf1707 Funding total: 7,215,693.26 0.00 1,010,349.55 6,205,343.71 33,942,385.38 0.00 27,737,041.67 6,205,343.71 Expense Balances Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance 113,047.67 0.00 0.00 113,047.67 696,381.66 0.00 0.00 696,381.66100 PRELIMINARY STUDIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.52 -112.52100-400 SALARIES & BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,227.36 1,227.36100-500 MTRLS & SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 595,240.83 -595,240.83100-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Phase 100 total: 113,047.67 0.00 0.00 113,047.67 696,381.66 0.00 594,125.99 102,255.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,992.38 0.00 0.00 211,992.38101 MEASURE W - FY 15-16 EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,992.38 -211,992.38101-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Phase 101 total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,992.38 0.00 211,992.38 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00105 FINANCIAL ADVISOR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00105-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Phase 105 total: 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 785,124.57 0.00 0.00 785,124.57 20,804,580.11 0.00 0.00 20,804,580.11110 DESIGN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00110-400 SALARIES & BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,242.24 -57,242.24110-500 MTRLS & SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 466,814.03 -466,814.03 0.00 0.00 20,418,235.33 -20,418,235.33110-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Phase 110 total: 785,124.57 0.00 466,814.03 318,310.54 20,804,580.11 0.00 20,475,477.57 329,102.54 5,185,116.49 0.00 0.00 5,185,116.49 5,352,884.93 0.00 0.00 5,352,884.93120 CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00120-400 SALARIES & BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,634.14 -10,634.14120-500 MTRLS & SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157,134.30 -157,134.30120-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Page: 1 30 9/27/2023 8:54:39PM Project YTD/ITD Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCOpaProjectStatusYtd Page: 2Through: 6/30/2023 Project:pf1707 COMMUNITY CIVIC CAMPUS YTD ITD Start date: (Continued) Expense Balances Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance Phase 120 total: 5,185,116.49 0.00 0.00 5,185,116.49 5,352,884.93 0.00 167,768.44 5,185,116.49 488,869.00 0.00 0.00 488,869.00 488,869.00 0.00 0.00 488,869.00123 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00123-400 SALARIES & BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00123-500 MTRLS & SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00123-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Phase 123 total: 488,869.00 0.00 0.00 488,869.00 488,869.00 0.00 0.00 488,869.00 543,535.53 0.00 0.00 543,535.53 6,287,677.30 0.00 0.00 6,287,677.30160 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 729.18 -729.18160-500 MTRLS & SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 543,535.52 -543,535.52 0.00 0.00 6,286,948.11 -6,286,948.11160-600 CONTRACT/CONSULTANT SERVICES Phase 160 total: 543,535.53 0.00 543,535.52 0.01 6,287,677.30 0.00 6,287,677.29 0.01 Project pf1707 Expense total: 7,215,693.26 0.00 1,010,349.55 6,205,343.71 33,942,385.38 0.00 27,737,041.67 6,205,343.71 Excess of Funding over Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page: 2 31 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:1 9/28/2023 5:18PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf1707 COMMUNITY CIVIC CAMPUS Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + Phase #110 DESIGN FY 2017-21 allotment~E 510-99995-5999 123,935.25 123,935.259/6/2022 0164624R 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 303002 9/14/2022 FY 2017-21 allotment~E 510-99995-5999 69,774.49 69,774.4910/6/2022 0165341 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 303633 10/12/2022 FY 2017-21 allotment~E 510-99995-5999 91,248.93 91,248.9312/21/2022 0167672 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 305454 1/18/2023 FY 2017-21 allotment~E 510-99995-5999 69,389.57 69,389.571/25/2023 0166199 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 305992 2/8/2023 FY 2017-21 allotment~E 510-99995-5999 108,715.79 108,715.791/25/2023 0166914 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 305992 2/8/2023 TEA/DARYL JONES-CONSULTANT-CIV E 510-99995-5999 3,750.00 3,750.006/20/2023 48279 023724 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING, ASSOCIATESCheck: 309199 6/21/2023 Phase Total:110 DESIGN 0.00 0.00 0.00 466,814.03 466,814.03 Phase #160 PROJECT MANAGEMENT FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 93,453.00 93,453.008/25/2022 107341 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 302634 8/26/2022 FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 86,328.25 86,328.2510/6/2022 107759 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 303591 10/12/2022 FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 80,823.67 80,823.6710/25/2022 108433 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 304051 11/2/2022 FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 100,551.20 100,551.2011/22/2022 109052 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 304477 11/23/2022 FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 67,900.23 67,900.231/10/2023 109531 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 305622 1/25/2023 FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 70,178.00 70,178.001/25/2023 110092 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 305924 2/8/2023 FY2016-17 APPROVED CONSULTANT E 510-99995-5999 44,301.17 44,301.173/29/2023 110690-A 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 307332 4/5/2023 Phase Total:160 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 543,535.52 543,535.52 Project Number Total:pf1707 COMMUNITY CIVIC CAMPUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,010,349.55 1,010,349.55 GRAND TOTAL: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,010,349.55 1,010,349.55 1Page:32 9/28/2023 5:48:09PM Project YTD/ITD Report CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCOpaProjectStatusYtd Page: 1Through: 6/30/2023 Project:pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND YTD ITD Start date: Funding Source Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance 490,000.00 0.00 490,000.00 0.00 490,000.00 0.00 490,000.00 0.0009-09830 CHILD CARE IMPACT FEES FUND 830 Phase 09 total: 490,000.00 0.00 490,000.00 0.00 490,000.00 0.00 490,000.00 0.00 4,794,000.00 0.00 154,895.43 4,639,104.57 4,794,000.00 0.00 154,895.43 4,639,104.5712-11001 DONATIONS - MULTIPLE 258,820.93 0.00 258,820.93 0.00 258,820.93 0.00 258,820.93 0.0012-11004 OTHER - SSF LIBRARY FOUNDATION 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.0012-11005 MISC REV - COMM CENTER INITIATIVE 6,984,373.74 0.00 989,090.97 5,995,282.77 19,455,000.00 0.00 13,459,717.23 5,995,282.7712-12101 FUND 101 MEASURE W 255,000.00 0.00 0.00 255,000.00 255,000.00 0.00 0.00 255,000.0012-12280 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1,100,000.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 0.0012-12786 PEG FUND Phase 12 total: 13,467,194.67 0.00 2,577,807.33 10,889,387.34 25,937,820.93 0.00 15,048,433.59 10,889,387.34 Project pf2103 Funding total: 13,957,194.67 0.00 3,067,807.33 10,889,387.34 26,427,820.93 0.00 15,538,433.59 10,889,387.34 Expense Balances Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance Budget Encumbrances Actual Balance 005 CONSTRUCTION 2023 11,427,820.93 0.00 21,703.62 11,406,117.31 11,427,820.93 0.00 21,703.62 11,406,117.31 120 CONSTRUCTION - MEAS W 101 2,529,372.74 0.00 1,056,887.03 1,472,485.71 14,999,999.00 0.00 13,527,513.29 1,472,485.71 121 830-CONTINGENCY (CHILD CARE FEE) 0.00 0.00 490,000.00 -490,000.00 0.00 0.00 490,000.00 -490,000.00 122 280-CONTINGENCY (COMM CTR INITIATIVE) 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 -75,000.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 -75,000.00 123 280-CONTINGENCY (MULTIPLE DONATIONS) 1.00 0.00 154,895.43 -154,894.43 1.00 0.00 154,895.43 -154,894.43 124 280-CONTINGENCY (SPECIAL REV) 0.00 0.00 255,000.00 -255,000.00 0.00 0.00 255,000.00 -255,000.00 125 786-CONTIGENCY (PEG) 0.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 -1,100,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 -1,100,000.00 126 516-CONTINGENCY (GRANT-LIB FOUNDATION) 0.00 0.00 232,387.53 -232,387.53 0.00 0.00 232,387.53 -232,387.53 Project pf2103 Expense total: 13,957,194.67 0.00 3,385,873.61 10,571,321.06 26,427,820.93 0.00 15,856,499.87 10,571,321.06 Excess of Funding over Expenses 0.00 0.00 -318,066.28 318,066.28 0.00 0.00 -318,066.28 318,066.28 Grand Total: 0.00 0.00 -318,066.28 318,066.28 0.00 0.00 -318,066.28 318,066.28 Page: 1 33 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:1 9/28/2023 5:41PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + Phase #005 CONSTRUCTION 2023 Wages E 516-99999-4001 24.00 3,031.20 3,031.204/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 24.00 3,031.20 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4306 76.16 76.164/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 76.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4308 0.53 0.534/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 0.53 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4311 228.25 228.254/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 228.25 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4326 8.46 8.464/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 8.46 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4329 45.47 45.474/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 45.47 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4338 18.16 18.164/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 18.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4340 238.60 238.604/27/2023 LD04/27/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 238.60 Wages E 516-99999-4001 24.00 3,031.20 3,031.205/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 24.00 3,031.20 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4306 76.16 76.165/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 76.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4308 0.53 0.535/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 0.53 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4311 228.25 228.255/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 228.25 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4326 8.46 8.465/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 8.46 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4329 45.47 45.475/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 45.47 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4338 18.16 18.165/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 18.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4340 230.70 230.705/11/2023 LD05/11/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 230.70 1Page:34 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:2 9/28/2023 5:41PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + Wages E 516-99999-4001 24.00 3,031.20 3,031.205/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 24.00 3,031.20 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4306 76.16 76.165/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 76.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4308 489.16 489.165/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 489.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4311 228.25 228.255/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 228.25 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4326 8.46 8.465/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 8.46 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4329 45.47 45.475/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 45.47 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4338 18.16 18.165/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 18.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4340 230.70 230.705/25/2023 LD05/25/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 230.70 Wages E 516-99999-4001 24.00 3,031.20 3,031.206/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 24.00 3,031.20 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4306 76.16 76.166/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 76.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4308 489.16 489.166/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 489.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4311 228.25 228.256/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 228.25 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4326 8.46 8.466/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 8.46 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4329 45.47 45.476/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 45.47 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4338 18.16 18.166/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 18.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4340 224.22 224.226/8/2023 LD06/08/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 224.22 Wages E 516-99999-4001 24.00 3,031.20 3,031.206/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 24.00 3,031.20 2Page:35 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:3 9/28/2023 5:41PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4306 76.16 76.166/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 76.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4308 489.16 489.166/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 489.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4311 228.25 228.256/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 228.25 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4326 8.46 8.466/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 8.46 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4329 45.47 45.476/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 45.47 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4338 18.16 18.166/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 18.16 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4340 231.96 231.966/22/2023 LD06/22/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 231.96 Wages E 516-99999-4001 12.00 1,515.60 1,515.606/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 12.00 1,515.60 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4308 262.83 262.836/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 262.83 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4311 114.13 114.136/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 114.13 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4326 4.23 4.236/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 4.23 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4329 22.73 22.736/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 22.73 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4338 9.07 9.076/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 9.07 Benefits/Contributions E 516-99999-4340 111.81 111.816/30/2023 LD06/30/2 11450 JACOB GILCHRIST 111.81 Phase Total:005 CONSTRUCTION 2023 132.00 21,703.62 0.00 0.00 21,703.62 Phase #120 CONSTRUCTION - MEAS W 101 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 4,134.00 4,134.0010/3/2022 262532 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 303473 10/5/2022 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 1,962.00 1,962.0010/3/2022 263450 3Page:36 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:4 9/28/2023 5:41PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 303473 10/5/2022 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 5,128.50 5,128.5010/6/2022 264867 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 303604 10/12/2022 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 4,288.77 4,288.7710/6/2022 265793 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 303604 10/12/2022 PF2103 LPR - AT&T Service Box E 516-99999-5999 800.00 800.0012/7/2022 223444 028629 AT&T INC.Check: 304861 12/14/2022 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 5,563.36 5,563.3612/21/2022 267739 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 305210 12/28/2022 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 1,928.05 1,928.051/12/2023 266824 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 305638 1/25/2023 PF2103 LPR - AT&T Service Box E 516-99999-5999 4,287.34 4,287.341/17/2023 223444 028629 AT&T INC.Check: 305562 1/25/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 1,371.24 1,371.242/3/2023 270049 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 305951 2/8/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 6,557.44 6,557.442/27/2023 268923 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 306668 3/8/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 5,362.80 5,362.803/27/2023 271097 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 307356 4/5/2023 ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 18,472.83 18,472.833/29/2023 110690-B 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 307332 4/5/2023 ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 67,526.00 67,526.003/29/2023 111101 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 307332 4/5/2023 ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 77,774.00 77,774.005/3/2023 111818 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 308223 5/10/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 11,418.84 11,418.845/3/2023 272072 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 308238 5/10/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 6,106.18 6,106.185/25/2023 273070 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 308669 5/31/2023 05/04/2023 03:35PM ~E 516-99999-5999 85,971.73 85,971.736/20/2023 0169044-A 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 309188 6/21/2023 05/04/2023 03:35PM ~E 516-99999-5999 77,985.92 77,985.926/20/2023 0169585-A 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 309188 6/21/2023 ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 70,855.50 70,855.506/20/2023 112902R-A 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 309142 6/21/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 12,169.86 12,169.866/20/2023 274129 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 309160 6/21/2023 Metro-E Retail of Comcast Util E 516-99999-5999 18,913.58 18,913.586/27/2023 261945 4Page:37 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:5 9/28/2023 5:41PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + 112522 PROJECT RESOURCES GROUP INC Check: 309307 6/28/2023 05/04/2023 03:35PM ~E 516-99999-5999 95,261.28 95,261.286/30/2023 0170187-A 107999 SMITHGROUPJJR INC Check: 309944 7/20/2023 ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 77,878.09 77,878.096/30/2023 112363 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 309655 7/12/2023 ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 67,961.55 67,961.556/30/2023 113587-A 106730 KITCHELL CEM Check: 309883 7/20/2023 PF2103 LPR - AMH SYSTEM FOR LI E 516-99999-5999 44,516.56 44,516.566/30/2023 14370-A 000791 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM Check: 309694 7/12/2023 PF2103 LPR NETWORK EQUIPMENT F E 516-99999-5999 1,243.20 1,243.206/30/2023 14373 000791 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM Check: 309694 7/12/2023 PF2103 CIVIC CAMPUS PLAN REVIE E 516-99999-5999 193.13 193.136/30/2023 223-06-411-07 104475 WEST COAST CODE CONSULTANTS Check: 309763 7/12/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 4,253.35 4,253.356/30/2023 275400 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 309907 7/20/2023 Consulting Services - amount b E 516-99999-5999 5,112.27 5,112.276/30/2023 275772 104960 NINYO AND MOORE GEOTECHNICAL Check: 309907 7/20/2023 SMITHGROUP E 516-99999-5999 87,823.68 87,823.686/30/2023 78338 SMITHGROUP E 516-99999-5999 78,188.79 78,188.796/30/2023 78338 Smith Group E 516-99999-5999 89,499.68 89,499.686/30/2023 78411 PF2103 LPR LIBRARY EQUIPMENT E 516-99999-5999 16,377.51 16,377.516/30/2023 SSFPL23001-1 028878 AWE Check: 309790 7/20/2023 Phase Total:120 CONSTRUCTION - MEAS W 101 0.00 0.00 16,377.51 1,040,509.52 1,056,887.03 Phase #121 830-CONTINGENCY (CHILD CARE FEE) ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 490,000.00 490,000.006/14/2023 27-C 104472 SWINERTON MGMT & CONSULTING Check: 309198 6/21/2023 Phase Total:121 830-CONTINGENCY (CHILD CARE FEE) 0.00 0.00 0.00 490,000.00 490,000.00 Phase #122 280-CONTINGENCY (COMM CTR INITIATIVE) SWINERTON E 516-99999-5999 75,000.00 75,000.006/30/2023 78338 Phase Total:122 280-CONTINGENCY (COMM CTR INITIATIVE) 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 Phase #123 280-CONTINGENCY (MULTIPLE DONATIONS) SWINERTON E 516-99999-5999 154,895.43 154,895.436/30/2023 78338 Phase Total:123 280-CONTINGENCY (MULTIPLE DONATIONS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 154,895.43 154,895.43 Phase #124 280-CONTINGENCY (SPECIAL REV) 5Page:38 paTran Project Expense Transaction Detail Report Page:6 9/28/2023 5:41PM CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023 Project Number #pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND Hours Benefits Materials Other TotalAccount #DescriptionReferenceDate Labor + SWINERTON E 516-99999-5999 255,000.00 255,000.006/30/2023 78338 Phase Total:124 280-CONTINGENCY (SPECIAL REV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 255,000.00 255,000.00 Phase #125 786-CONTIGENCY (PEG) ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 1,086,590.80 1,086,590.806/14/2023 28-C 104472 SWINERTON MGMT & CONSULTING Check: 309198 6/21/2023 SWINERTON E 516-99999-5999 13,409.20 13,409.206/30/2023 78338 Phase Total:125 786-CONTIGENCY (PEG) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 Phase #126 516-CONTINGENCY (GRANT-LIB FOUNDATION) ____________________________~E 516-99999-5999 123,940.55 123,940.556/14/2023 27-C 104472 SWINERTON MGMT & CONSULTING Check: 309198 6/21/2023 SWINERTON E 516-99999-5999 108,446.98 108,446.986/30/2023 78338 Phase Total:126 516-CONTINGENCY (GRANT-LIB FOUNDATION) 0.00 0.00 0.00 232,387.53 232,387.53 Project Number Total:pf2103 LIBRARY-PARKS & REC- PHASE II -MISC FUND 132.00 21,703.62 16,377.51 3,347,792.48 3,385,873.61 GRAND TOTAL: 132.00 21,703.62 16,377.51 3,347,792.48 3,385,873.61 6Page:39 Karen Chang, Director of Finance October 4, 2023 Presentation to Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee 40 Overview of Measure W Financials 2 Cumulative Total as of June 30, 2020 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 Inception Total as of June 30, 2023 TOTAL REVENUES 45,891,353 13,379,292 15,399,766 15,618,697 90,289,108 Expenditures Civic Campus 24,569,553 16,693,441 3,019,534 2,278,676 46,561,204 Paving Program 5,935,264 964,312 174,279 48,381 7,122,236 Debt Service 407,155 2,767,200 8,287,833 8,289,450 19,751,638 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,911,972 20,424,953 11,481,646 10,616,507 73,435,078 Revenue Less Expenditures 14,979,381 (7,045,661)3,918,120 5,002,190 16,854,030 FUND BALANCE 14,979,381 7,933,720 11,851,840 16,854,030 16,854,030 41 FY 2022-23 Expenditure Budget vs Actual 3 Budget Actual Remaining Balance Civic Campus Construction (pf1707, pf2103)14,581,039 2,278,676 12,302,363 Paving Program (st2104, st1903)1,160,626 48,381 1,112,245 Debt Service 8,289,450 8,289,450 - TOTAL Expenditures 24,031,115 10,616,507 13,414,608 42 Fund Balance and Balance Sheet - FY 2023 4 Beginning Fund Balance on 7/1/2022 $11,851,839 Add Revenues 15,618,696 Less Expenditure (10,620,256) Ending Fund Balance on 6/30/2023 $16,850,279 Balance Sheet as of 6/30/2023 Assets $16,850,279 Cash and Investment 14,317,146 Receivables 2,533,133 Liability - Fund Balance as of 6/30/2023 $16,850,279 43 Bond Proceeds - Projects Fund Projects 2020A Bond 2021A Bond 2022A Bond Total Bond Funding Cumulative Expenditure as of 6-30-23 Unspent Bond Funding 515 Police Station $53,800,000 53,800,000 (53,626,872)173,128 517 Street Improvements 24,000,000 24,000,000 (21,583,488)2,416,512 518 Solar Panel 2,000,000 2,000,000 (7,200)1,992,800 519 Civic Campus 78,000,000 78,000,000 (72,819,765)5,180,235 522 Ballfield 12,300,000 12,300,000 (9,744,872)2,555,128 523 OMP Ballfield 2,200,000 2,200,000 -2,200,000 524 Aquatic Center 49,000,000 49,000,000 -49,000,000 525 Colma Creek Bridge 1,500,000 1,500,000 -1,500,000 $53,800,000 104,000,000 65,000,000 222,800,000 (157,782,197)65,017,803 5 44 Civic Campus Expenditure Summary -Measure W FY 2020 - 2023 Project#pf1707 pf2103 Site Purchase Total Expenditure Budget Amount 33,942,385 19,455,000 53,397,385 Expenditures (Actual)* FY 2015-16 211,992 211,992 FY 2016-17 382,566 382,566 FY 2017-18 2,635,917 2,440,861 5,076,778 FY 2018-19 6,516,178 2,236,224 8,752,402 FY 2019-20 10,255,536 10,255,536 FY 2020-21 4,072,030 12,368,084 16,440,114 FY 2021-22 2,652,474 102,542 2,755,016 FY 2022-23 1,010,350 989,091 1,999,441 27,737,042 13,459,717 4,677,085 45,873,844 Unspent Funds 6,205,344 5,995,283 12,200,626 6Expenditure doesn’t reflect the salary allocation 45 QUESTIONS 7 46