HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.0 FEIR Introduction 1.0 I~TRODUCTIO~ 1.1 OVERVIEW This Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) has been prepared for the 494 Forbes Boulevard Office/R&D project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as amended (commencing with Section 21000 of the California Public Resources Code), and the CEQA Guidelines. The Lead Agency for the project, as defined by CEQA, is the City of South San Francisco. The Final EIR comprises the Draft EIR which was circulated for public and agency review from April 24 through June 8, 2007 and this response to comments document which provides responses to comments submitted by government agencies, organizations, and individuals on the Draft EIR. This response to comments document includes copies of all written comments received within the 45-day public review period following publication of the Draft EIR, and provides responses to those comments. In some cases, the responses have also resulted in revisions to the Draft EIR, and all such changes are presented in this document. As required by CEQA, this document addresses those comments received during the public review period that raise environmental issues. The EIR (which is comprised of the Draft EIR and the Final EIR) is intended to be certified as a complete and thorough record of the environmental impacts of the proposed project by the City of South San Francisco. Certification of the EIR as adequate and complete must take place prior to any formal city action on the proposed project. Certification of the EIR does not equate to approval of the proj ect. 1.2 PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project would develop an Office/R&D complex on approximately 7.48 acres of land in the East of 101 Area. The project site is located within the Planned Industrial Zone District (P-I) and therefore, would not require any changes to the existing R&D Overlay District. Additionally, the site is situated within the "Business and Technology Park" General Plan Land Use designation which supports Office/R&D projects. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 1.0-1 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 1.0 Introduction Project elements would include two five-story buildings totaling 326,020 square feet, 1,036 on-site parking spaces at grade and within a three-story parking structure, and ornamental landscaping. The proposed project will require approval of a Use Permit by the City of South San Francisco. The project will also require Design Review Board approval, adoption of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program, approval for on-site flood control design by the City of South San Francisco, and an application to the State Water Resources Control Board for coverage under the General Permit for discharges of Storm Water associated with Construction Activity. 1.3 ORGANIZATION OF THE FINAL EIR The Final EIR is organized as follows. Section 1. Introduction: Presents background information on the project and environmental review process. Section 2. Comments and Responses: Presents responses to all comments submitted on the Draft EIR. Section 3. Revisions to the Draft EIR: Presents revisions to the Draft EIR based on responses to comments submitted on the Draft EIR. Section 4. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program: Presents the strategy for monitoring and verifying the method of mitigation implementation. Section 5. Preparers: Lists the persons who prepared the Responses and Final EIR. These sections, in conjunction with the Draft EIR, combine to form a complete Final EIR. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 1.0-2 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007