HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1291-2001 ORDINANCE NO. 1291-2001 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ab ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20.40 OF THE SOUTH SAN FR ~INCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY DEVELOPMENT AND PARKING STANDARDS IN THE GENENTECH RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT AND REZONING FIVE EXilSTING PARCELS FROM PLANNED INDUSTRIAL TO GE NENTECH RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT WHEREAS, Genentech, Inc. has submitted a request to the City of South San Francisco to rezone five existing parcels and amend the Zoning Ordinance as described in the attached Exhibits A anti B; and, WHEREAS, Genentech, Inc. has submitted a request to the City of South San Francisco for approval Of two tentative parcel maps; and, WHEREAS, the amendments will not change the land use classification, approved uses or increase toe approved density in the East of 101 Area over that analyzed in the South San Francisco General Plan Environmental Impact Report; and, WHEREAS, the City has prepared a Negative Declaration in accordance with the provisions of CEQA, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing April 19, 2001; and, WHEREAS, on April 19, 2001, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council amerid the ordinance as requested and rezone the property in accordance with the maps submitted to the Planning Commission on April 19, 2001; and, WHEREAS, the above described rezoning and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance will ensure internal consistency in the General Plan. [ NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby ORDAIN as ,bllows: Section 1 i FINDINGS. Chapter 20.40 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Rezone: mo As required by the "Amendment Procedure" (SSFMC Section 20.87) and the "Research and D?velopment Overlay District Regulations" (SSFMC Section 20.39.040 (B) (iii), the following findings are made in support of the rezoning and the amendments to the zoning ordina~nce of the "Genentech Research & Development Overlay District" (Chapter 20.40), based on public testimony and the materials submitted to the City of South San Francisco Planning Division which include, but are not limited to the "Annual Report and Five year Review," dated April, 2001, prepared by Genentech and the testimony and materials submitted to the City Council at the public hearing on May 23, 2001. 1) The amendments are consistent with the City's General Plan which designates this si~e for Business and Technology Park Use. The proposed amendments are consistent w!th this designation. 2) Tl~e amendments are compatible with the intent and purpose of the "Research and Development Overlay District" (SSFMC Chapter 20.39.050 (a), (b) and (c)) which prpvides that development standards and requirements of an underlying zoning district including, but not limited to, building setbacks, lot coverage and floor area ratio may be amended in order to reclassify property within the District. 3) The amendments meet all standards of the "Genentech Research and Development O~erlay District" (SSFMC Chapter 20.40). The amendments comply with the Ptlrpose, Definitions, Design review, and the Development standards and refluirements of the Genentech Research and Development Overlay District. Bo As required by the "Minor Subdivision Procedures" (SSFMC Section 19.48) the following findings are made in support of the Tentative Parcel Map PM-01-022 to merge the two parcels containing buildings B56 and B57 into a single parcel and merge the parcels containing buildings B20, B21, B24, B25, B26, B55, and B58 into a single parcel, based on materials submitted to the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission whicl~ include, but are not limited to: "Tentative Parcel Map 00-" (Parcel One 22.429 acres)i dated September 2000 and "Tentative Parcel Map 00-" (Parcel One 9.99 acres) dated !September 2000, prepared by Wilsey Ham, and materials and testimony submitted to the !City Council on May 23,2001: 1) The tentative parcel maps are consistent with the standards and requirements of the Ciiy's Zoning Ordinance and the policies of the City's General Plan. The proposed parcels exceed the minimum lot size and dimension requirements for all commercial an~t industrial districts within the City. 2) The tentative parcel maps comply with the requirements of SSFMC Title 19 (Shbdivision Ordinance) and with the requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act. 3) The design and improvements on the tentative parcel maps are not in conflict with any existing public easement. Co The amendment to Chapter 20.40 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code attached heretc~ as Exhibit B is hereby adopted and the property is rezoned as indicated in Exhibit A. Section 2 SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3 PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be published once, with the names of those City Councilmembers voting for or against it, in the San Mateo Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. II [ I IntrodUced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held the 23rd day of May, 2001. Adop~d as an Ordinance of the City of South Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council held !he 13th day of June, 2001 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Councilmembers Pedro Gonzalez, Karyl Matsumoto and John R. Penna, Mayor Pro Tem Eugene Mullin and Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes None. None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: t'O,~ ~. City Clerk As Ma~yor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 13th day of June, 200 i. EXHIBIT A Modifications to the Zoning Map May 2001 Modify the Zo~ning Map to reclassify or rezone five existing parcels into the Genentech R&D Overlay Distr~t boundary established in Chapter 20.40 "Genentech Research and Development Overlay Distrijct Regulations, Overlay district designation." EXHIBIT B Modifications to Chapter 20.40 "Genentech Research & Development Overlay District Regulations" May 2001 Modify the existing wording in Chapter 20.40.070 Development standards and requirements as follows: Chapter 20.40 "Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Regulations" (d) Off-Street parking Requirements. Off-street parking requirements are established within the Genentech R and D Overlay District at a rate of 1.6.parking spaces per one thousand square feet of gross floor area for all buildings with the exception of new or retrofitted office buildings, as defined herein. Office buildings are defined as having fifty percent or greater floor area devoted to administrative uses. For office buildings meeting this definition, a rate of 2.5 parking spaces per one thousand square feet of gross floor area shall apply. For short term parking operations in construction areas for up to two years, a 0.95 factor could be applied to the 1.6 ratio. The city shall review these ratios every five years to determine whether they continue to adequately reflect parking needs at the Genentech facility. All sub areas shall provide a minimum of seventy five percent of the required parldng spaces for the associated use on the project site. A maximum of twenty five percent of the parking spaces may be situated in common parking facilities. (h) Growth and Development Projections. Consistent with the projections analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report for the East of 101 Area Plan the South San Francisco General Plm~ and the East of 101 Area Traffic Improvement Plm~ Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, development for the Genentech Facility shall be limited tc the following through the yea,- 2010: consistent with. the General Plan development standards, floor area ratio, in the Business and Technology Park land use classification, the East of 101 Area Plan iDesiv, n Element. and the arowth and development proiections analyzed in General Plan Environmental Impact Report. Any greater level of deveiopmem would require, m: a nfinimum, additional area-wide em;ironmental review, m~ mnendment to the General Plan. and an amendment to the zoning ordinance. (1) Four thousand five hundred employees; (2) Total gross floor area of two million six hundred thousand gross square feet (based on an FAR of 1.0); (3) Vehicle trips generation of two thousand twenty five vehicle trips in the AM pealc hour and one thousand four hundred forty vehicle trips in the PM peak hour; (4) Sewage generation of 0.556 million gallons per day; 0ii (5) Watcr demand of 0.576 million gallons per day. These figures are the maximum development currently possible for the Genentech facility through the year 2010,and any such development is subject to obtaining the required development permits and approvals and the existence of adequate infrastructure capacity. Any greater level of development would require, at a minimum, additional area wide environmental review, an amendment to the East of 101 Area Plan, and an amendment to the zoning ordinance. 012 Genentech R&D Overlay District Existing and Propsed Parcels ~" Genen~ch R&D Overlay District Area ~ Existin~l Genentech Buildings ApproVed Genentech Buildings ~ Genenl ech Temporary Buildings San Francisco Bay