HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1298-2001ORDINANCE NO. 1298-2001
The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby ordain as follows:
Chapter 20.27, entitled "Transit Village Zoning District" is hereby added to the
SoUth San Francisco Municipal Code to provide as set forth in Exhibit A attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Consistent with the adoption of the Transit Village Zoning District, the Council
dods hereby adopt Re-Zone 01-041, which designates the properties within the
Transit Village Zoning District established in Chapter 20.27.
The findings and determinations contained herein are based on all competent and
substantial evidence in the record, both oral and written, contained in the entire
record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the
independent findings and determinations of the City Council and are supported by
substantial evidence in the record, including the General Plan adopted in 1999, the
staff reports and consultant reports submitted at the Planning Commission meeting
on i June 21, 2001 and Joint Study Session on July 19, 2001, and the proposed
General Plan amendment and Negative Declaration related thereto; the Planning
Commission meeting of August 16, 2001 and the public hearing, documents and
tesiimony received at the City Council meeting of August 22, 2001.
The South San Francisco BART Transit Village Zoning District is internally
consistent with the South San Francisco General Plan. The Transit Village Zoning
DiStrict implements the goals and policies of the South San Francisco General Plan
ad6pted in December 1999. Specifically, the Transit District implements policies
3.4~I-3, 3.4-1-5, 3.4-1-6, 3.4-1-7, 3.4-1-8, 3.4-1-9, 3.4-1-10 and, 3.4-1-11 which
require the establishment of a pedestrian-oriented transit village, with transit-
supportive development requirements, within V2 mile of the South San Francisco
BART Station. The Transit District zoning amendment contains provisions relating
to pedestrian support services, transit oriented support services and comprehensive
design guidelines that are intended to achieve a transit oriented development area.
The South San Francisco BART Village Zoning District and Plan Negative
DeClaration has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was circulated for a 30-day public/agency
review period beginning on June 4, 2001. Public notice of the availability of the
SoUth San Francisco BART Village Plan Negative Declaration was published in a
neWspaper of general circulation and mailed to agencies. In addition, all persons
whO had requested notification were mailed a notice. All public comments were
responded to in accordance with CEQA and the Negative Declaration adopted by
the City Council by Resolution No. 78-2001 on August 22, 2001.
In ~he event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or
unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other
sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 36933, a Summary of this
ordinance shall be prepared by the City Attorney. At least five (5) days prior to the
CoUncil meeting at which this ordinance is scheduled to be adopted, the City Clerk
shall (1) publish the summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk's Office a certified
cop..y of this ordinance. Within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of this
ordinance, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the summary, and (2) post in the City
Clerk's Office a certified copy of the full text of this ordinance along with the
names of those City Council members voting for and against this ordinance or
otherwise voting. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after
its adoption.
Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council
Francisco, held the 22nd day of August 2001.
of the
City of South San
AdOpted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of
the City COuncil held the 26th day of September, 2001 by the following vote:
CoOncilmembers Pedro Gonzalez and Karyl Matsumoto, and
Mayor Pro Tem Eugene R. Mullin and Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes
CoUncilmember John R. Penna
ity Clerk
As Mayor Of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this
26th day of September 2001.
F:~le cabinet\Current Ord' ;\TOD_Ord_Clty_Council_Augustl71.doc
Chapter 20.27: Transit Village Zoning District
Land Uses
l~egulations and Standards
Overlay Maps
Design Review
20.27.010 PurpOse
This Chapter establishes regulations for a Transit Village Zoning District. The Transit Village
District applies ~o all land within the South San Francisco BART Transit Village Plan, within
one-half mile of!the BART station. This District is intended to establish thc use regulations,
standards and development review procedures needed to implement the South San Francisco
BART Transit Village Plan. For purposes of design review, the Transit Village Design
Guidelines shall be used, and shall supercede all other City-wide guidelines. The regulation and
standards below may be revised. See Principal Street Map, Transit Village-05 for reference to
applicable standards.
20.27.020 Sub-districts
The following sPecific districts are established within the Transit Village District. Transit Village
sub-district boundaries are shown in Overlay Map Transit Village-01; see also Chapter
20.27.050: Overlay Maps. The purposes of each sub-district are as follows:
(a) Transit Village Commercial (TV-C). The Transit Village Commercial subdistrict is intended
to provide sites ~or commercial and office buildings to support vital activity surrounding the
South SF BART station. Mixed retail, office, service, and housing uses are allowed, with
commercial uses on the ground level and additional commercial or residential space on the floors
above. The Transit Village Commercial sub-district is generally located in areas with opportunity
for commercial redevelopment within the Transit Village District.
Co) Transit Village Retail (TV-R). The Transit Village Retail sub-district is intended to provide
sites for pedestgian-focused retail activity at the intersection of McLellan Drive B the Transit
Village' s "Main Street" B and BART Access Road #2. The TV-R sub-district requires retail
uses or eating and drinking establishments on the ground floor, with commercial or residential
space up abovei The McLellan retail node will have 6,000 to 10,000 square feet of commercial
space and a small plaza with public seating, landscaping, signage, and lighting. This intersection
is intended to be the lively "center" of the Transit Village, with ground floor businesses, people
crossing the intersection between BART and their homes, connections to the future Linear Park
along the BART row, as well as slow moving vehicular traffic.
(c) Transit Village Residential, High Density (TV-RH). The Transit Village Residential, High
Density sub-district is concentrated to the west of the BART fight-of-way and adjacent to the E1
Camino Real. It is intended to provide sites for higher density, multi-family neighborhoods near
the Station Area. To support these developments in creating an active, urban pedestrian
environment at the sidewalk level, commercial uses are allowed fronting the principal streets in
the TV-RH sub-district. Parking exemptions are provided to accommodate small commercial
spaces. Buildings that front E1 Camino Real and McLellan Drive are intended to have a strong,
urban presence and help to define the edge of the pedestrian environment along the Transit
Village' s busiest streets. Internally and facing the linear park, site architecture may "soften,"
becoming more residential in nature.
(d) Transit Village Residential, Medium Density (TV-RM). The Transit Village Residential,
Medium Density sub-district is intended to provide sites for medium density housing in close
proximity to the iBART station. Townhouse and multi-family units on Mission Road will serve as
a physical and visual buffer and will provide a transition between the BART station and the
existing Sunshine Gardens neighborhood. The TV-RM subdistrict supports additional
neighborhood development and/or redevelopment along Mission Road.
20.27.030 Land Uses
Schedule 20.27.030 below prescribes the land use regulations for the Transit Village sub-
districts. The regulations for each sub-district are established by letter designations as follows:
(a) "P" designates use classifications that are generally permitted in the Transit Village District
without discretionary review by the City.
(b) "L" designates use classifications that are generally permitted in the Transit Village District,
subject to a use permit. In addition to procedures and criteria of any use generally permitted in
Schedule 20.27!030 shall meet the criteria established for conditional uses.
(c) "U" designates use classifications that may be permitted in the Transit Village District after
review and approval of a Use Permit, as described in Chapter 20.81. In addition to procedures
and criteria of any use generally permitted in Schedule 20.27.030 shall meet the criteria
established for Conditional uses.
(1) The development will be of a quality and character which harmonizes with and serves to
protect the value of private and public investment in the area;
(2) The development will encourage an appropriate mixture of residential and commercial uses in
a manner that promotes and enhances the use of multiple transportation modes; and
(3) The development is designed to provide a safe and pleasant pedestrian environment. Use
classifications are defined in Chapter 20.08: Use Classification System. In cases where a specific
land use or activity is not defined, the Director shall assign the land use or activity to a
classification that is substantially similar in character. Use classifications not listed in the
Schedule 20.27.0
30: Land Use Regulations for Transit Village Subdistricts
20.27.040 Regulations and Standards
Schedule 20.27.040 below prescribes the development regulations for the Transit Village
District, including building scale, building form and location, pedestrian orientation, vehicle
accommodation, and other standards. The letter designations in fight-hand column refer to the
additional regulations listed at the end of Schedule 20.27.040. Overlay map references are to
maps established in Chapter 20.27.050.
Schedule 20.27.040: Development ~Regulations for Transit Village District
Building Scale B intensity of Use
Minimum Lot Area (square feet)
Minimum Site Area per Unit (square
feet) ,
Maximum Density (units per acre)
Maximum Non-residential FAR
Maximum Lot Coverage (%)
Building Form and Location
Maximum Building Height (feet)
Minimum Yards feet)
Street Side
TV.C TV.R TV. RM TV. Rtl Additional
10,000 5,000
5,000 5,000 (a)
1,000 1,500 1,000
50 30 50 (b)
2.0 0.75 1.0 (c)
100 75 75
See Overlay Map Transit Village -02
See Overlay Map Transit Village -03
0 5 5
yes yes yes (g)
0 lO ~0
Build-to Lines
Longest Fagade Length (feet)
Pedestrian Orientation
Retail Frontage Continuity
Depth of Retail space (feet)
~ 40
Building Transparency "'
Blank Walls
See Overlay Map Transit Village -03
300 25O 25O
See Overlay Map Transit Village -01
40 20 20
Not allowed
Building Entries
Vehicle Accommodation 1~ Driveways and Parking
Rexluired Parking
Driveway RestriCtions
Location of Parking
Percent Allowable of parking podium
visible from PrinCipal Street'
Required distanc~ (feet) behind
building facade
Fee/Public parking Structures
Parking Lot Landscaping
Parking Lot Pedestrian Circulation
Parking Structure Landscaping
Yes Yes Yes (m)
See Chapter 20.74
Yes -
See Overlay Map Transit Village -04
0 - 20
Drive-Thru Facilities
Auto-related Sa!es & Services
40 20 20 (p)
No No No (q)
Yes Yes Yes (r)
Yes Yes Yes (s)
Yes Yes Yes (t)
Not allowed
Loading and ServiCe Areas
Pedestrian Walkways
Other Standards
Bicycle Amenities
Employee Eating Area
Not allowed
Yes Yes Yes (w)
Yes Yes Yes (x)
.., Yes
Yes - (y)
Yes Yes Yes (z)
Trash Enclosures, Yes
Screening of Mechanical Equipment Yes
Non-conforming Uses
Yes Yes (aa)
Yes Yes .(bb)
See Chapter 20.97
(a) Minimum Lot Area.
(1) Minimum lot area required for comer residential lots shall be 6,000 square feet. Smaller lots
may be approved under the provisions of Chapter 20.77, Planned Unit Development Regulations.
(2) Narrow lots [(not wider than 40 feet) fronting Mission Road, may have front loaded parking
garages for individual residential units.
(b) Maximum Density. Bonus floor area, up to a maximum of 25 percent, may be granted in the
TV District for projects where greater than 25 percent of the units are reserved for moderate and
lower-income households, as defined by the California Government Code. To be reviewed based
on current City Policy and potential changes likely to be included in the Housing Element to
conform to ABAG' s fair share allocations.
(c) Maximum Non-residential FAR. The provisions of Chapter 20.66, Floor Area Regulations,
are subject to the following supplemental regulations:
(1) Bonus floor area, up to a maximum 0.2 FAR, may be granted in the TV-R sub-district for
projects that prOvide a public plaza. The plaza shall satisfy all of the following criteria:
(A) An open area, not greater than 3,000 square feet, open to public use for walking, seating, and
(B) At least 60!percent of the plaza shall be hard surfaced and pedestrian accessible.
(C) At least one space of public seating shall be provided for every 75 square feet of plaza area.
CD) At least one tree shall be provided for every 500 square feet of area.
(E) Directly handicap accessible from at least two places along adjacent public sidewalks.
(2) The Retail and Personal Service space exemption established in Chapter 22.66.030 does not
apply in the TV-C and TV-RH sub-districts.
(d) Maximum BUilding Height. Maximum building heights are shown in Overlay Map TV-02.
(1) Buildings are~ required to have a 2-story frontage on Principal Streets (El Camino Real,
McLellan Drive, or Mission Road). If a use has unique operational requirements that prohibit 2-
stories, then the minimum building he, ight shall be at least 22 feet to the top of parapet or middle
of the roof structure.
(2) To accommodate architectural features, a maximum of 10 percent of each building facade
may extend up to 4 feet above the height limit.
(e) Front Yard Setbacks. Setback requirements are shown in Overlay Map TV-03.
(I) Required front yard setbacks along E1 Camino Real and McLellan Drive (if street design
changes) include 6 feet adjacent to the sidewalk that shall be paved, similar in appearance to the
public right-of-Way. In these setbacks, projections of 2.5 feet are allowed for porches, stoops, and
stairway access to housing over podium parking, as well as awnings, bays, and balconies.
(2) Additional setbacks for front loaded individual garage access to residential units may be
granted in tho TV RM sub district. See Overlay Map TV 0dWhere front-loaded parking is
allowed along Mission Road, garages must be setback from the face of the building an additional
8 feet minimum,
(0 Street Side Yards. A minimum 50 percent of the street side setback shall be landscaped in
the TV-RM and TV-RH sub-districts. The maximum fence height in a street side yard shall be 3
(g) Rear Yards.
(1) The minimum depth of a rear yard shall be 6 feet adjacent to existing single family uses. This
setback shall be landscaped and provided with a wooden or masonry fence, not more than 6 feet
high (see Section 20.37.020). Trellises above the fence may extend to 8 feet to assist in
screening, privaCy, and landscaping between residential yards. Chain link fencing is not
permitted in the Transit Village District.
(2) Rear yards adjacent to the BART tracks fight of way or to the flood channel shall not have
fences other than those required for security. Fences along these rights of way must be
transparent, constructed of decorative metal or wood, and not. more than 6 feet high (see Section
'"-' 20.37.020). Trellises above the fence may extend to 8 feet to assist in screening, privacy, and
: landscaping between residential yards.
(h) Build-To Lines. The minimum percentages of the front building elevation that must be
located at the required setback line (the "streetwall") are shown in Overlay Map TV-03.
(1) In the TV-R sub-district, exceptions to this requirement may be granted for the provision of
public improvements, including plazas, public art and water features, with approval of a Use
(i) Longest Facade Length. Large parcel structures shall have breaks in their facades, in order to
create a sense of ia walkable block scale. Breaks must be complete through the structure, and may
provide pedestrian walkways or a co..m, bination of pedestrian and vehicular access. In some cases,
if not feasible to break through the development block, then a deeply recessed break or other
facade articulation may be acceptable upon design review.
(j) Retail Frontage Continuity. Retail street frontages are shown in Overlay Map TV-01.
(1) In that portion of the Transit Village fronting on McLellan Drive, a minimum 70 percent of
ground floor building space shall have a storefront appearance, regardless of ground floor use. In
sub-districts where retail frontage is allowed but not required, the building facade may or may
not have a storefront appearance.
(2) Exceptions may be granted for unique uses, such as commercial recreation and entertainment
uses, and public:and semi-public uses.
(k) Transparency.
(1) In the TV-C and TV-R sub-districts, views into buildings shall be provided by storefront
windows and dOors in a zone between 2 to 10 feet above grade. Glass block shall not be
considered transparent.
(2) In the TV-RM and TV-RH sub-districts, views into the ground floor are not required unless
the ground floor use is a commercial use, as in a live-work unit.
(!) Blank WallS. Building facades without windows that are over 24 feet in height or 50 feet in
length shall include offsets, recesses, and projections providing shadows and visual interest for at
least 50 percent' of the frontage.
(1) Display windows, at least 3 feet deep, may be used to articulate blank walls.
(m) Building Entries. Entries may include primary or secondary and shared or individual
residential entries, or entries to commercial spaces. Exit stairs, utility/service entries, or other
doorway not regularly used by building occupants and visitors do not apply.
?' (1) Entries to any commercial spaces shall be from the sidewalk level, or where not feasible, a
.ramp entry must be designed as an integral element of the architecture.
(2) Stoop access to residential units, shared or individual, must be provided at no more than 50
feet on center. The maximum distance from finish grade and the floor level of the first floor
above the podium structure shall be no greater than 5 feet.
(3) Entries into ground floor residential uses from sidewalks in the Transit Village may be
directly from sidewalk level or from a stoop, not more than 5 feet to the finish ground floor level.
Entries into groUnd floor live-work uses shall be from sidewalk level.
(4) Pedestrian entrances to all buildings shall be directly from a principal building frontage. From
side or rear surface parking, entrances may be accessed through a break in the building between
the front and back of the parcel, or vlh normal pedestrian circulation along the parcel sidewalk.
(n) Required Parking. Parking requirements below and in Chapter 20.74 may be reduced up to
25 percent in TV District, with approval of a Use Permit. Additional reduction of parking
requirements may be granted for shared parking, with approval of a Use Permit.
(1) No off-street parking is required for allowable commercial uses occupying less than 1,500
square feet.
(2) On-street parking along a parcel' s corresponding frontage lines shall be counted towards the
parking requirements.
(3) In the TV-R!and TV-C sub-districts, 1 space per 300 gross square feet shall be required.
(4) In the Tv-RM sub-district, 1 covered space per unit shall be required and up to 2 spaces per
unit allowed.
(5) In the Tv-RH sub-district, between land 1.75 spaces per unit shall be required, depending on
provision of access to transit facilities.
(o) Driveway Restrictions. In the TV-C and TV-R sub-districts, access to parking shall be from
a side street or alley, wherever possible.
(1) Vehicular entries through a building facade shall be no wider than 20 feet.
(p) Location of Parking. Required and allowable parking types are shown in Overlay Map TV-
(I) Surface Parking shall be located at the rear or side of the building. No surface parking shall be
visible from a Principal Street at any location in the Transit Village, except in the case of surface
parking at the side of the building.
(2) In the Transit Village, no parking podium shall be visible from McLellan Drive. Views to
limited surface parking at the side of the buildings are permitted.
(3) On other PrinCipal Streets, up to 20% of a parking podium may be visible from the street.
(4) All parking in~ the Transit Village shall be located behind the main building with frontage on a
Principal Street. Exceptions may be granted for locations where front loaded parking is allowed.
(5) NarrowShallow lots (not vfi~4eeper than 40 feet) fronting Mission Road may have front-
loaded parking garages for individual residential units.
(q) Parking StrUctures. Public parking structures are allowed only in the TV-C district. A
minimum of 80% of the ground floor must be fronted by active uses on all sides visible from a
public or neighbOrhood street. ...
(r) Parking Lot Landscaping.
(1) Shade trees shall be provided at a minimum ratio of 1 tree for every 6 spaces.
(2) A minimum Of 10 percent of a surface parking lot shall be landscaped and accompanied by an
irrigation system that is permanent, below-grade, and activated by automatic timing controls.
(s) Parking Lot,i~Pedestrian Circulation.
(1) All parking lots must contain pedestrian access within the lot to the public sidewalk.
Pedestrian accesa must be either a raised sidewalk or composed of a material different from the
parking lot itself. Pedestrian access must be at least five feet wide, excluding vehicle overhangs.
(2) Surface lots Shall be accessed through a break in the building between the front and back of
the parcel, or via normal pedestrian circulation along the parcel sidewalk.
(t) Parking StrUcture Landscaping. A minimum 20 percent of the open area above parking
podiums shall be landscaped.
(u) Drive-through Facilities. Drive-through facilities are not allowed in the Transit Village.
(v) Auto-related Sales and Services. Auto-relates sales and services are not allowed in the
Transit Village.
(w) Loading and Service Areas. Truck docks, loading and service areas shall be located at the
side or rear of tile site, and screened so as not to be visible from public streets. Acceptable
screening includes wood or masonry walls, or lattice with no more than 40 percent transparency.
Chain link fencing is not permitted in the Transit Village District.
(x) Pedestrian Walkways. Clearly defined and lighted walkways shall be provided between the
main building ehtry and a public sidewalk.
(1) Sidewalk widths must be at least 4 feet wide when accessing individual units and 6 feet when
accessing multi-family units.
(2) Pedestrian walkways shall be separated from on-site circulation and parking areas by
landscaping, a change in paving material, or a change in elevation.
(3) Pedestrian walkways that connect building entries to parking areas between and/or behind
buildings shall be well-lighted to assure night-time safety.
(y) Bicycle Amenities.
(1) Commercial and Retail uses that..are required to provide parking must provide bicycle parking
at a minimum of five spaces plus 1 additional space per 5,000 gross square feet.
(2) All residential development over five units must provide four bicycle parking spaces per 10
(z) Employee Eating Areas.
(1) In the TV-C! and TV-R sub-districts, 300 square feet of outdoor eating facilities for office
uses of more than 10,000 square feet shall be provided within 500 feet of the building. Rooftop
or balcony eating areas may be used to meet this requirement.
(2) Shared outdOor open space as part of the development may be substituted for outdoor eating
(aa) Trash Enclosures. All trash and recycling facilities shall be enclosed by a gated area
accessible from She parking or loading area. No trash or recycling facilities may be located in a
required front or street side setback.
(bb) Screening iof Mechanical Equipment. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from
public view, including streets, pedestrian paths, and upper story windows, as per the Design
20,27.050 Overlay Maps
Certain regulations have provisions that vary by location within the Transit Village District. The
maps referred tO in this section indicate the sub-districts where such differentiated regulations
apply. These maPs are part of the Zoning Map and shall be shown on it as overlay sub-districts.
They may be amended in the same manner provided for amendments to the Zoning Map. The
Transit Village District overlay maps are as follows:
Transit Village~01 Land Use Overlay B Zoning sub-districts:
Transit Village Commercial (TV-C)
Transit ~illage Retail (TV-R)
Transit ~illage Residential, High Density (TV-RH)
Transit ~illage Residential, Medium Density (TV-RM)
Transit Village-02 Height Zones Overlay B Maximum height limits:
25 ft
35 ft
45 ft
55 ft
Transit Village-03 Setbacks/Streetw.a, lls Overlay B Setbacks and streetwall requirements:
C-3-60 5
A-1-80 6
No Setback
80% of Building to Streetwall
10 Feet minimum to 15 Feet maximum
60% of Building to Streetwall
0 Feet minimum to 10 Feet maximum
80% of Building to Streetwall
Feet minimum to 15 Feet maximum
60% of Building to Streetwall
Feet minimum to 16 Feet maximum
80% of Building to Streetwall
Transit Village~04 Parking Overlay B Parking requirements:
Podium structure for 80 to 90% of all parking
Podium structure allowed if fronted by active uses
Front loaded residential units
Rear-loaded parking required behind principal street frontage
Transit Village;05 Principal Streets Reference Map:
E1 Camino Real
McLellan Drive
Mission Road
20.27.060 Design Review
All development shall be subject to design review, pursuant to Chapter 20.86. Design guidelines
for the Transit ~illage, adopted as part of the South San Francisco BART Station Transit Village
Plan, shall be Used, and should take precedence over other design guidelines that otherwise
would apply in the case of conflicts.
20.27.030 Land uses.
Section 20.27.030 prescribes the land use
regulations for the Transit Village sub-districts. The
regulations for each sub-district are established by
letter designations as follows:
(a) "P" designates use classifications that are
generally permitted in the Transit Village District
without discretionary review by the city.
(b) "L" designates use classifications that are
generally permitted in the Transit Village District,
subject to a use permit. In addition to procedures and
criteria of any use generally permitted in Section
20.27.030 shall meet the criteria established for
conditional uses.
(c) "U" designates use classifications that may
be permitted in the Transit Village District after
review and approval of a use permit, as described in
Chapter 20.81. In addition to procedures and criteria
of any use generally permitted in Section 20.27.030
shall meet the criteria established for conditional
(1) The development will be of a quality and
character which harmonizes with and serves to
protect the value of private and public investment in
the area;
(2) The development will encourage an
appropriate mixture of residential and commercial
uses in a manner that promotes and enhances the use
of multiple transportation modes; and
(3) The development is designed to provide a
safe and pleasant pedestrian environment. Use
classifications are defined in Chapter 20.08: Use
Classification System. In eases where a specific land
use or activity is not defined, the director shall assign
the land use or activity to a classification that is
substantially similar in character.
Table 20.27.030: Land Use Regulations for Transit Village Sub-districts
Use Classifications
Residential Uses
Congregate Living Facility
Family Residential
Group Residential
Joint Live/Work Quarters
Large Family Day Care
Residential Care for the
Senior Citizen Residential
Civic Uses
I TV-R I TV-gM I TV-RI'I I Additional
L-I L-1
L-1 L-I
Administrative Services
Community Education
Community Recreation
Cultural and Library
Day Care Center
(South San Francisco 5-02)
· ! I Ii ;[
Use ClaSSifications TV-C
Essential Services P
Group Care ! U
Religious ASsembly P
' Safety ServiCes P
Utility ServiCes U
Commercial~ Uses
AdministratiVe and L-2
Business Of~ces
and Collectables P P
Animal Sales and Services
and Pet Stores P
Veterinary P
Business and Professional L-2
Conveniencei Sales P U
Commercial Recreation
Amusement Arcade U -
Indoor Entertainment U U
Indoor Sport~ and U -
Eating and Drinking Establishments
Full Service, P P
Limited Service - -
Convenience P U
Cocktail Lounge U U
With Live Entertainment U U
With Outdoor Seating L-4 L-4
Financial Services P L-2
Food and Beverage Retail P P
Lodging SerVices L-5
Medical Services P
Personal Services P P
Repair Services, Consumer P U
Retail Sales i L-6 L-6
Transportatian Services P
(South San Francisco 5-02)
Use Limitations
(Ord. 1298 § 1 (pa~), 2001)
Not permitted as a principal ground floor use on a street where retail
storefronts occupy fifty percent of more of the building frontage.
Customer service offices are permitted on the ground level, and other
offices are permitted on the second floor or when conducted as a accessory
use with a permitted use on the site, occupying no more than twenty-five
percent of the floor area. Additional office space may be allowed with a use
permit, upon finding that such use will not conflict with adjacent street
level retail uses.
Permitted as a secondary use on the second floor, occupying no more than
twenty-five percent of the total building area. Retail sales by separate
tenants are not allowed.
Permitted with less than fifteen seats, provided no parking spaces are used
for the seating, that all legal requirements for alcoholic service are being
met and the use does not violate state, federal or local laws for handicapped
accessibility. For fifteen or more seats, a use permit is required.
Hotels only are allowed with approval ora use permit.
Only stores with less than thirty thousand square feet are allowed as-of-
right in order to maintain a neighborhood-oriented scale and avoid traffic
congestion and parking impacts that may occur with larger retail
businesses. Larger stores may be allowed with a use permit, upon finding
that such uses will not conflict with adjacent neighborhood-oriented uses.