HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecialMeetingPacket17-May-2024-04-01-10Monday, May 20, 2024
6:00 PM
City of South San Francisco
P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue)
South San Francisco, CA
Library | Parks and Recreation Building: Art Gallery (3rd Floor)
Commission on Equity and Public Safety
Arnel Junio, Chair
Alan Perez, Vice Chair
Bianca Bedigian, Commissioner
Krystle Cansino, Commissioner
Salvador Delgadillo, Commissioner
PaulaClaudine Hobson-Coard, Commissioner
Carol Sanders, Commissioner
Steven Yee, Commissioner
Special Meeting Agenda
Special Meeting
May 20, 2024Commission on Equity and Public
Special Meeting Agenda
How to submit written Public Comment before the Meeting:
Members of the public are encouraged to submit public comments in writing in advance of the meeting
by emailing: [email protected]
How to provide Public Comment during the Meeting:
Under the Public Comment section of the agenda, members of the public may speak on any item not listed on the
Agenda. Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the
agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Chair may direct staff to investigate
and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future meeting. If there appears to be a large number of
speakers, the Chair may reduce speaking time to limit the total amount of time for public comments (Gov. Code
sec. 54954.3(b)(1).).
American Disability Act:
The City Clerk will provide materials in appropriate alternative formats to comply with the Americans
with Disabilities Act. Please send a written request to City Clerk Rosa Govea Acosta at 400 Grand
Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080, or email at [email protected]. Include your name, address, phone
number, a brief description of the requested materials, and preferred alternative format service at least
24-hours before the meeting.
Accommodations: Individuals who require special assistance of a disability-related modification or
accommodation to participate in the meeting, including Interpretation Services, should contact the
Office of the City Clerk by email at [email protected], 24-hours before the meeting.
Page 2 City of South San Francisco Printed on 5/17/2024
May 20, 2024Commission on Equity and Public
Special Meeting Agenda
Motion to approve meeting minutes for March 18, 2024. (Devin Stenhouse, DEI
Motion to approve meeting minutes from April 15, 2024. (Devin Stenhouse, DEI
The Commission will finalize their schedule for tabling at the June 1 South City Pride
celebration and discuss display options (Devin Stenhouse, DEI Officer).
The Equity and Public Safety: Webpage Sub-committee will provide an update to the
commission regarding a potential commissioner webpage on the City of SSF’s
website (Carol Sanders and Steven Yee, Commissioners)
Page 3 City of South San Francisco Printed on 5/17/2024
City of South San Francisco
Legislation Text
P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400
Grand Avenue)
South San Francisco, CA
File #:24-533 Agenda Date:5/20/2024
Version:1 Item #:1
City of South San Francisco Printed on 5/17/2024Page 1 of 1
powered by Legistar™4
City of South San Francisco
Minutes of the Commission on Equity and Public Safety
Monday, March 18, 2024
City Hall: City Manager Conference Room
6:00 p.m.
Commitee Members:
Present: Arnel Junio, Alan Perez, Bianca Bedigian, PaulaClaudine Hobson-Coard,
Carol Sanders, Salvador Delgadillo, Steven Yee (arrived at 6:32 p.m.)
Absent: Krystle Cansino
Staff Members:
Present: Devin Stenhouse, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Present: Scot Campbell, Chief of Police
The Mee�ng was called to order at 6:01 p.m.
There are no changes to the agenda.
1. Provide an update to the commission regarding the status of the Municipal Services Building
(Devin Stenhouse, DEI Officer)
Officer Stenhouse explains that the City has no plans right now for the building. He provides
background informa�on regarding the community’s interest in preserving the building. He says
that Mayor Coleman is open to a discussion with the public.
Vice Chair Perez: Where did this idea originate?
• Officer Stenhouse does not know.
2. Provide a summary of the Public Safety Mee�ng on Friday, March 8 (Devin Stenhouse, DEI
Officer Stenhouse explains that the mee�ng was a result of the shoo�ng at St. Augus�ne Church.
Chief Campbell provides more details of the incident.
Chair Junio asks for verifica�on that the shooter is a resident of San Francisco.
• Chief Campbell confirms.
• Chair Junio finds it odd that this church was the target.
• Chief Campbell offers more informa�on about the shooter including that the shooter’s
last name is the link to the church. He also lists the various resources law enforcement
used to track down the shooter.
Vice Chair Perez: Regarding crime stats, are there any categories that have elevated since 2019
and remain elevated?
• Chief Campbell: It’s up and down all over the place.
• Vice Chair Perez: It’s nice to see cataly�c converters coming down.
• Chief Campbell: A lot of our property crimes have gone down where other ci�es are
seeing them rise.
Commissioner Bedigian: Is there one area or type of crime residents are most concerned about?
• Chief Campbell: Property crime is impac�ng a lot of ci�es. Flash mob vehicle burglaries,
stolen vehicles, and general property crime. Not a lot of violent crimes.
• Commissioner Hobson-Coard: What about home invasions?
• Chief Campbell: We had two home invasions over the last three years, and they were
commited by people who were associated with the residents. No random home
Commissioner Hobson-Coard: Are there a lot of fentanyl cases?
• Chief Campbell: We have found that most if not all the fentanyl were purchased in San
Francisco. We’re trying to stay on top of it. We’re working with the DA on stronger
charges against those who sell fentanyl that result in a death.
Commissioner Hobson-Coard: What is “Mental Health Commitment?”
• Chief Campbell: When an officer or clinician determines that an individual needs
immediate assistance and is detained. The clinician follows up and provides resources to
get the individual on the right path. We’re seeing a decrease in repeat commitments,
and we’re hoping it con�nues in that direc�on.
Commissioner Bedigian: How o�en are you seeing that minors are involved?
• Chief Campbell: We do not arrest a lot of juveniles. The school district has their own
programs in place. We’re working with a partnership program that focuses on youth.
• Vice Chair Perez: Do you have a sense of how that number compares to 10 or 20 years
• Chief Campbell: I’ve been here for 26 years. It’s hard to scale it because of popula�on
growth. The policies and procedures have changed, which skews the numbers.
• Vice Chair Perez: So more of rules changing rather than behaviors changing among
• Chief Campbell: Different approaches.
Commissioner Hobson-Coard: Burglaries went down by almost half.
• Chief Campbell: Most burglaries were storage units. We’ve worked with storage units to
increase security. The City was undergoing a lot of construc�on, and the�s were
happening at the construc�on sites.
3. Other announcements
Officer Stenhouse announces a few save the dates:
• Every Kid Deserves A Bike (EKDAB) program
o May 2 – Parkway Heights
o May 4 – Monte Verde, Ponderosa, Buri Buri (at former West Orange Library
parking lot)
o May 6 – Los Cerritos
o May 10 – Sunshine Gardens
o May 16 – Spruce
o May 20 – Mar�n
• June 1 – Pride Celebra�on on Grand Avenue
• June 8 – San Mateo County Pride Fes�val
Commissioner Delgadillo states that he has par�cipated in EKDAB program before. He was
shocked at how many kids didn’t know how to ride a bike.
• Officer Stenhouse reflects on how emo�onal and beneficial the program is.
No public comments were made.
Chair Junio says he is surprised that with so many public comments made at the previous City Council
mee�ng that there are none here. He believes that is due to lack of exposure and reiterates the need to
increase exposure of the commission to the public.
Chair Junio brings up that Councilmember Nagales would like to receive updates from the commission.
• Officer Stenhouse asks for clarifica�on.
• Commissioner Sanders suggests that perhaps Councilmember Nagales just wants to hear from
the commissioners directly.
• Commissioner Hobson-Coard says she’s heard the same request from Councilmember Nagales.
Officer Stenhouse summarizes the public comments received at the two previous Council mee�ngs. The
comments either advocated for or were against a proclama�on of a ceasefire in Gaza.
• Commissioner Yee says he watched some of the comments and overall most people were
• Officer Stenhouse reminds commissioners that if public comments are made at a mee�ng
regarding items not on the agenda, commissioners are not permited to respond.
1. Approval of Minutes from February 26, 2024.
Commissioner Hobson-Coard mo�oned and Commissioner Bedigian seconded. The Commission
voted to approve the minutes 7-0.
1. Equity and Public Safety Webpage Sub-Commitee Update
Commissioner Yee gives a brief introduc�on regarding the files provided (compiled by
Commissioner Sanders and Commissioner Yee).
The first part is South City inspira�on of different pages.
The second part lists similar commissions/groups outside of the City.
Chair Arnio: How many ci�es have equity commissions?
• Commissioner Yee: I only found San Francisco. Millbrae is new and does not have a web
page yet.
Commissioner Yee brings up the confusion that may be caused by the different names for the
commission. One web page shows “The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social
Equity” and another page shows “Equity and Public Safety Commission.”
Vice Chair Perez no�ced that the only way to get to the commission page is to scroll down on the
Boards and Commissions page. He notes that it would be preferred if the page is listed in the le�
• Commissioner Sanders agrees that it’s hard to get to the page.
• Officer Stenhouse informs the commission that a new website is currently in
development. He advises commissioners to focus on the page content rather than the
Commissioner Sanders: What do you mean when you say, “I can build a page?”
• Officer Stenhouse explains that he can create new pages on the City’s website.
• Commissioner Sanders asks about the Granicus page.
o Officer Stenhouse explains that the pages for minutes is a separate website from
the commission page; he would not be adding pages to that website.
Commissioner Yee and Commissioner Sanders present examples from California’s Racial Equity
Commission and San Francisco Community Equity Advisory Council.
• California’s Racial Equity Commission
o Example pages: About, Members (with links to bios), Mee�ng Info/Agendas,
Contact Us, Resources
• San Francisco Community Equity Advisory Council (under the Planning Department)
o Example pages: About, Members (with short bios), Mee�ng Info, Strategies,
o Commissioner Hobson-Coard asks what type of informa�on is in the bios.
Commissioner Yee says some give background and some have Q&A.
o Chair Junio comments on how they seem to be focused on housing since they
are part of the Planning Department. He states that this commission (SSF) is
broader and is s�ll finding its iden�ty.
Commissioner Yee agrees that the web page is where they can state
what the commission is focused on.
• Chair Junio says he likes the aesthe�cs of the California’s Racial Equity Commission
pages. It’s easy on the eyes. Easy and simple is good.
o Commissioner Yee: We like the simple and direct.
• Officer Stenhouse asks what the San Francisco Community Equity Advisory Council’s
summaries look like.
o Commissioner Yee looks at one and says they are really simple, short
• Commissioner Yee points out the differences and similari�es between the two samples.
Commissioner Yee and Commissioner Sanders would like to incorporate resources and
strategies into this commission’s web page.
o Commissioner Delgadillo appreciates the presenta�on of the examples.
Commissioner Sanders asks if the commission’s page would come up in a Google search.
• Officer Stenhouse says he can’t guarantee anything. There is an ac�on report that shows
up. He makes sugges�ons on how the different pages and links can be shown. He
suggests removing the old commission page and pu�ng that informa�on into a PDF that
the new page links to.
Commissioner Yee presents a spreadsheet on web page comparisons of features and content
• Chair Arnio, referring to the data, points out that only two of the sites contain member
bios, which is surprising.
• Commissioner Yee asks the commission what features they would want to include.
o Commissioner Sanders urges the group to make decisions now so that changes
can be made soon.
• Features/Content Types:
o About/Vision/Mission/Purpose/Strategies/Goals
The group decides this is important.
o Du�es/Tasks/Responsibili�es
Commissioner Bedigian asks for clarifica�on.
Officer Stenhouse explains that the About/Vision would include the
bylaws, which is more general. This category would be more specific in
terms of du�es and responsibili�es.
Commissioner Yee points out that the du�es are listed on the current
page. Officer Stenhouse clarifies that this language is pulled directly
from the bylaws.
Commissioner Sanders asks if there are City protocols that define what
are considered to be “du�es” etc.
Commissioner Bedigian explains that it’s important to have a place
where the du�es/responsibili�es are stated should they need to
reference them.
The group agrees to include responsibili�es into About, and that there is
no need for a separate page.
o Resolu�ons/Outcomes/Our Work
Commissioner Sanders would like to include this and explains why.
The group decides to add this page.
o Bylaws/Chapter/Charter/Principles
The group agrees to keep this page.
o Members/Staff List
The group agrees to keep this page.
o Members/Staff Bio
Chair Junio says he is not against this but asks about what that would
look like. Would a template be used?
Commissioner Sanders says commissioners should be able to share what
they want to share.
Commissioner Delgadillo agrees and says to keep it professional.
Vice Chair Perez suggests the bio only needs to be a few sentences and
to think about what South San Francisco residents would want to know
about their commissioners.
Commissioner Sanders agrees to include qualifica�ons.
Commissioner Yee shares that the bios he has seen are varied.
Chair Junio reiterates how surprising it is that only two of the sites have
The group decides to add this page.
o Mee�ngs
The group agrees to keep this page.
o Agendas
The group agrees to keep this page.
o Minutes
The group agrees to keep this page.
o Recordings
The group agrees to keep this page.
o Calendar/Events
Commissioner Delgadillo asks who would be upda�ng this.
Officer Stenhouse says he would update but cau�ons against
oversatura�on as there are a lot of events. There are also programs that
occur over mul�ple days.
Commissioner Sanders suggests linking to events under Resources.
Commissioner Yee wonders if there would be commission specific
Chair Junio thinks it would be good to include events hosted by Council
(like Coffee with the Vice Mayor).
Officer Stenhouse points out that not everything has to be included for
the launch. Events could be a page added later on.
Vice Chair Perez asks if there is a budget for the commission.
Officer Stenhouse says the City Manager’s Office would support
however they could within reason.
The group agrees to add this page for commission specific events only.
o Resources/Data/Related Info
Vice Chair Perez would like to include presenta�ons and reports on this
Chair Junio wonders if past presenta�ons would be included in the
Recordings page.
Officer Stenhouse recommends that if these pages are to be created
that they should be con�nuously updated with current informa�on.
The group decides to hold off on crea�ng this page. They will gather
resources over �me and decide what should be added at a later date.
o Contact Us
The group agrees to keep this page.
Commissioner Sanders asks to confirm that the email address listed
would be Officer Stenhouse’s.
Officer Stenhouse confirms and says there would be access to a
complaint form.
Commissioner Yee indicates that “complaint” may not be the right word
as there are other reasons to contact the commission (like public
comments or sugges�ons).
Commissioner Sanders wants it to be clear that the commission does
not have power to make actual changes.
Officer Stenhouse believes it’s important to have his contact informa�on
listed. For public comments, it’s possible that the commission will be
contacted about issues that should be addressed by other commissions.
Commissioner Yee poses the ques�on to the group if they want to be
the “triage,” the first point of contact since the commission
encompasses a broad range of topics.
The group is hesitant about that idea.
o Applica�on/Nomina�on/Selec�on
Group agrees to keep this page.
Officer Stenhouse will start building new pages as next steps.
Commissioner Yee asks the commissioners for feedback on the presenta�on and the
spreadsheet created by the subcommitee.
• The group gives posi�ve feedback and says it was helpful.
• Vice Chair Perez says it was more than he expected.
• Chair Junio says he got a lot out of it. It was very informa�ve. He thanks
Commissioner Sanders and Commissioner Yee.
Commissioner Yee asks if anything else is needed from the subcommitee.
• Officer Stenhouse suggests pu�ng some thought into what the bios would look like. An
agreed format would be helpful.
• Officer Stenhouse asks about headshots.
o The group indicates they want to get a group photograph.
• Officer Stenhouse clarifies how the subcommitee should communicate with other
commissioners so as not to violate the Brown Act.
Chair Junio adjourned the mee�ng at 8:12pm.
City of South San Francisco
Legislation Text
P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400
Grand Avenue)
South San Francisco, CA
File #:24-534 Agenda Date:5/20/2024
Version:1 Item #:2
City of South San Francisco Printed on 5/17/2024Page 1 of 1
powered by Legistar™13
City of South San Francisco
Minutes of the Commission on Equity and Public Safety
Monday, April 15, 2024
City Hall: City Manager Conference Room
6:00 p.m.
Committee Members:
Present: Arnel Junio, Alan Perez, Bianca Bedigian, PaulaClaudine Hobson-Coard,
Salvador Delgadillo (arrived at 6:04 p.m.), Krystle Cansino (arrived at
6:21 p.m.)
Absent: Steven Yee, Carol Sanders
Staff Members:
Present: Devin Stenhouse, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Rich Lee, Assistant City Manager (departed at 6:11 p.m.)
Present: woman [11min in]
The Meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.
Officer Stenhouse states that Commissioner Yee requested that the Commissioners review items
regarding the web page, but the request was made after the agenda had been created. Chair Junio has
the option to address this under the Items From Board Members, Commissioners, Committee Members
There are no changes to the agenda.
1. Officer Stenhouse introduces Assistant City Manager Rich Lee.
No public comments were made.
1. Approval of Minutes from March 18, 2024.
Officer Stenhouse recommends holding on approval of minutes as there are corrections to be
made. Chair Junio agrees.
2. The Commission will consider relocating regular meetings to the Library | Parks and
Recreation Center. (Devin Stenhouse, DEI Officer)
Officer Stenhouse shares that the City Clerk has reviewed the bylaws and concluded that no
location was established in the ordinances for these meetings, thus making relocation an easy
Officer Stenhouse spoke with the Parks and Recreation Facilities Supervisor, who suggested the
Art Gallery as a possible location for future meetings. Officer Stenhouse will need to check
audio/visual capabilities. Other possible locations have potential conflicts with classes or
operating hours.
Chair Junio says he would like to visit the space and hope that most, if not all, Commissioners
can visit too before making the decision. Commissioner Hobson-Coard suggests having the next
meeting at the Art Gallery, and then making the decision of whether the Commission would like
to relocate to that space. Officer Stenhouse will check to see if the Art Gallery is available for the
next meeting.
Officer Stenhouse shares feedback he has received from the public. This (City Hall) location is
not central to the City. Accessing this room (City Manager Conference Room) can be challenging
at times. The lighting outside may not feel adequate when it’s dark. With regard to the Library |
Parks and Recreation Center (LPR), parking may not be accessible.
Commissioner Cansino shares that it’s difficult for her to get up the stairs here. She also points
out that having the meetings at a public space like LPR means more Commission accessibility
and exposure to the public. Commissioner Bedigian believes that more people know where LPR
is than City Hall.
The group agrees to have the next meeting at the LPR Art Gallery to test the space.
Commissioner Hobson-Coard shares that she likes the current space because the location is
convenient and quiet.
3. The Commission will consider volunteering at each of the Every Kid Deserves a Bike program
events. (Devin Stenhouse, DEI Officer)
Officer Stenhouse provides background information on the Every Kid Deserves a Bike (EKDAB)
program. The program needs volunteers to help assist with teaching children how to ride
bicycles. Officer Stenhouse details the dates and times volunteers are needed.
Chair Junio explains that he hopes to have at least one commissioner at each of these events.
1. Thursday, May 2nd at Parkway Heights Middle School from 12:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
Vice Chair Perez and Commissioner Bedigian can attend.
2. Saturday, May 4th at West Orange Library from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Commissioner Delgadillo will attend.
3. Monday, May 6th at Los Cerritos from 1:20 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Chair Junio will be available.
4. Friday, May 10th at Sunshine Gardens from 12:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Commissioner Cansino can attend.
5. Thursday, May 16th at Spruce Elementary School from 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
6. Monday, May 20th at Martin Elementary School from 12:30 p.m. -2:30 p.m.
Chair Junio will attend.
Officer Stenhouse will provide more information prior to each event.
Commissioner Bedigian asks if the kids receive bike locks. Officer Stenhouse confirms they
receive locks, kick stands, helmets, and a bell.
4. The Commission will review upcoming City events and consider tabling at these events (Devin
Stenhouse, DEI Officer)
Officer Stenhouse lists upcoming City events where the Commission can have a table/booth.
• Concert in the Park – September 21
• Festa Italiana – September 29
• Farmers Market – every Saturday
• Pride Celebration – June 1
Officer Stenhouse gives examples of things the Commission might need: tablecloth, giveaways.
Commissioner Cansino asks what the commissioners would do at the table. Officer Stenhouse
explains that awareness is the main objective. He suggests an option would be to create a
pamphlet to hand out. It is an opportunity to hear community concerns.
Commissioner Cansino thinks it might be a good idea to offer a giveaway (like sunglasses) in
exchange for someone filling out a survey. She asks if there’s a budget for these items. Officer
Stenhouse says yes.
Chair Junio expresses concern about timing. The June 1st Pride event will come fast.
Officer Stenhouse recommends tabling in shifts and in groups of two.
Commissioner Cansino asks who is responsible for set up and break down. Officer Stenhouse
explains that it depends on the event and provides details on what would be needed from the
Vice Chair Perez says he would be available for the Pride event. Officer Stenhouse offers to
gather everyone’s availability for future events, which will allow the Commission to decide
whether to table.
Commissioner Bedigian is not available June 1st. Chair Junio is available June 1st. He is confident
they will have enough volunteers to participate in the Pride event. He feels strongly that the
Commission should move forward with tabling at events.
Commissioner Cansino motions to table at June 1st Pride event. Vice Chair Perez seconds. The
Commission voted to approve the motion 6-0.
Public Comment [1:05:30]
Woman asks what the goal of tabling is. Is it to build awareness? What’s the plan to address
concerns residents may have? Officer Stenhouse reiterates that tabling would offer exposure for
the Commission. Increase awareness that the Commission exists. The purpose of the
Commission is to be the ears and the voice of the population.
Chair Junio suggests a subcommittee to plan for the June 1st event. Commissioner Cansino
volunteers to lead the subcommittee. Chair Junio and Commissioner Delgadillo volunteer to be
part of the subcommittee.
1. Chair Junio brings up email notifications he has received from the City.
Chair Junio mentions that the email regarding the Farmers’ Market included information, a call
out, about a City’s department that will be at the upcoming Farmers' Market. He likes that these
emails inform the public about things they may not be aware of. He believes the Commission
should be a part of the Farmers’ Market at a later date.
Officer Stenhouse details the different email newsletters sent out from the City and other
2. Commissioner Cansino refers to the previous minutes that mention Councilmember Nagales
wanting to hear from Commissioners directly.
Commissioner Cansino shares that she had a great conversation with Councilmember Nagales.
She reminds everyone that the Commission had been focused on mental health previously. It
seems that the Commission has moved on, and Commissioner Cansino wonders what the next
topic of focus should be. She suggests putting the discussion on the agenda.
Chair Junio agrees that he would like the Commission to identify a subject to focus on next. He
mentions that he spoke with the Assistant City Manager of Mountain View because they are one
of the few cities that have a commission similar to this one. He expresses that he wants the
Commission to hit its goal of tabling at events.
Officer Stenhouse shares that Councilmember Nagales has spoken to different chairs of various
commissions. Council is looking for updates and check-ins at a Council meeting from all
commissions. Officer Stenhouse recommends selecting a Council meeting date to provide an
update. He reminds everyone that there was a decision to focus on child care as well as seniors.
The subcommittees should be doing research on content. Officer Stenhouse gives an overview of
City programs that cater to seniors. He gives examples of organizations outside of the City that
can potentially be brought in to present to the Commission. He urges the subcommittees to let
him know if there are specific individuals or groups they want him to invite to the Commission
Commissioner Cansino feels the commissioners need to spend time to discuss these matters.
3. Commissioner Hobson-Coard brings up the Every Kid Deserves a Bike program. She asks if
there’s help for seniors who cannot afford to buy assisted devices, like wheelchairs or walkers.
Officer Stenhouse recalls that there is an organization that provides that assistance. They take
donations of items like wheelchairs, walkers, and portable toilets, then host events to give those
items to those in need. Commissioner Hobson-Coard mentions that Sunshine Gardens Pharmacy
has something similar. Officer Stenhouse clarifies that the Commission would promote these
organizations, not create a program that offers similar services. The Commission should seek to
find out how to provide support for these existing organizations.
Commissioner Cansino asks if there’s a day to celebrate the elderly. Officer Stenhouse believes
there’s an annual Senior Picnic. Commissioner Cansino suggests that is an event commissioners
can help out at. Officer Stenhouse says there is also a Senior Health Fair. He encourages
commissioners to volunteer at these events and to talk to seniors to hear from them directly.
4. Officer Stenhouse recommends that commissioners either attend or listen to City Council
meetings and be aware of current topics of concern for the public.
He also suggests being aware of the topics of discussion at other commission meetings.
Commissioner Cansino asks if there are any commissions that have recommended to Council in
support of a ceasefire in Gaza. Officer Stenhouse says no commission has advocated for or
against the ceasefire. He shares that a couple councilmembers have said they are open to
agendizing the item.
Chair Junio adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m.
City of South San Francisco
Legislation Text
P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400
Grand Avenue)
South San Francisco, CA
File #:24-551 Agenda Date:5/20/2024
Version:1 Item #:3
The Commission will finalize their schedule for tabling at the June 1 South City Pride celebration and discuss display
options (Devin Stenhouse, DEI Officer).
It is recommended the Commission finalize the schedule for tabling at the June 1 South City Pride Celebration
and discuss display options.
At the April 15 commission meeting,Commissioners voted to table at the South City Pride celebration on June 1.It is
recommended the Commission divide shifts into three with two commissioners always present at the booth (although the
Commission can create their own format). Recommendations are as follows:
·9:00 am - 12:00 pm (set-up - beginning event)
·11:30 pm - 2:30 pm
·2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (end event - breakdown)
Additionally, commissioners should consider content to display and swag to give away. Possible content might include:
·Commission on Equity and Public Safety Brochure
·Mini Pride Flags
·Pride Glasses
The Commission will finalize the schedule for tabling at the June 1 South City Pride Celebration and discuss display
City of South San Francisco Printed on 5/17/2024Page 1 of 1
powered by Legistar™19
City of South San Francisco
Legislation Text
P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400
Grand Avenue)
South San Francisco, CA
File #:24-535 Agenda Date:5/20/2024
Version:1 Item #:1
The Equity and Public Safety:Webpage Sub-committee will provide an update to the commission regarding a potential
commissioner webpage on the City of SSF’s website (Carol Sanders and Steven Yee, Commissioners)
It is recommended Commissioners Sanders and Yee of the Equity Commission Webpage Subcommittee provide an
update regarding a potential webpage for the Commission.
At the February commission meeting,the Commission on Equity and Public Safety decided to research existing
commissioner websites for ideas and inspiration on how to design and build their own.A “webpage”sub-committee was
created which would include Commissioners Carol Sanders and Steven Yee.The two have met since the February
meeting and are prepared to review websites with the commission and lead a conversation on potential ideas for their
Commissioners Sanders and Yee provided an update and review of potential webpage ideas at the March 18 commission
meeting. The two have since provided the following links to review for discussion:
Webpage Redesign:
Webpage Comparisons:
Webpage Features:
Commissioner Bio Guide:
Commissioners Sanders and Yee of the Equity Commission Webpage Subcommittee will provide an update regarding a
potential webpage for the Commission.
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