HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F - Tribal OutreachAppendix F: Tribal Outreach Materials Infinite 131 Project – Native American Consultation Contact List Date Letter Sent to Contact Comments/Concerns Amah Mutsun Tribal Band of Mission San Juan Bautista Irene Zwierlein, Chairperson 3030 Soda Bay Road Lakeport, CA, 95453 [email protected] (650) 851-7489 9/27/2023 N/A Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe Tony Cerda, Chairperson 244 E. 1st Street Pomona, CA, 91766 [email protected] (909) 629-6081 9/27/2023 N/A Indian Canyon Mutsun Band of Costanoan Ann Marie Sayers, Chairperson P.O. Box 28 Hollister, CA, 95024 [email protected] (831) 637-4238 9/27/2023 N/A Indian Canyon Mutsun Band of Costanoan Kanyon Sayers-Roods 1615 Pearson Court San Jose, CA, 95122 [email protected] (408)673-0626 9/27/2023 N/A Muwekma Ohlone Indian Tribe of the SF Bay Area Charlene Nijmeh, Chairperson 20885 Redwood Road, Suite 232 Castro Valley, CA, 94546 [email protected] (408)464-2892 9/27/2023 N/A Muwekma Ohlone Indian Tribe of the SF Bay Area Monica Arellano, Chairwoman 20885 Redwood Road, Suite 232 Castro Valley, CA, 94546 [email protected] (408) 205-9714 9/27/2023 N/A The Ohlone Indian Tribe Andrew Galvan, Chairperson P.O. Box 3388 Fremont, CA, 94539 [email protected] (510) 882-0527 9/27/2023 N/A Wuksachi Indian Tribe/Eshom Valley Band Kenneth Woodrow, Chairperson 1179 Rock Haven Ct. Salinas, CA, 93906 [email protected] (831) 443-9702 9/27/2023 N/A 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Amah Mutsun Tribal Band of Mission San Juan Bautista September 27, 2023 Irene Zwierlein, Chairperson 3030 Soda Bay Road Lakeport, CA, 95453 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Chairperson Zwierlein: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2. P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3. P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4. P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Indian Canyon Mutsun Band of Costanoan September 27, 2023 Ann Marie Sayers, Chairperson P.O. Box 28 Hollister, CA, 95024 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Chairperson Sayers: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2. P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3. P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4. P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Indian Canyon Mutsun Band of Costanoan September 27, 2023 Kanyon Sayers-Roods 1615 Pearson Court San Jose, CA, 95122 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Kanyon Sayers-Roods: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2. P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3. P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4. P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe September 27, 2023 Tony Cerda, Chairperson 244 E. 1st Street Pomona, CA, 91766 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Chairperson Cerda: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2.P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3.P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4.P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Muwekma Ohlone Indian Tribe of the SF Bay Area September 27, 2023 Monica Arellano, Vice Chairwoman 20885 Redwood Road, Suite 232 Castro Valley, CA, 94546 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Vice Chairwoman Arellano: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2.P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3.P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4.P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Muwekma Ohlone Indian Tribe of the SF Bay Area September 27, 2023 Charlene Nijmeh, Chairperson 20885 Redwood Road, Suite 232 Castro Valley, CA, 94546 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Chairperson Nijmeh: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2.P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3.P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4.P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] The Ohlone Indian Tribe September 27, 2023 Andrew Galvan, Chairperson P.O. Box 3388 Fremont, CA, 94539 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Chairperson Galvan: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1.P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2.P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3.P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4.P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 CITY COUNCIL 2023 FLOR NICOLAS, MAYOR (DIST. 3) MARK NAGALES, VICE MAYOR (DIST. 2) MARK ADDIEGO, MEMBER (DIST. 1) JAMES COLEMAN, MEMBER (DIST. 4) EDDIE FLORES, MEMBER (DIST. 5) SHARON RANALS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (650) 829-6620 FAX (650) 829-6657 E-MAIL [email protected] Wuksachi Indian Tribe/Eshom Valley Band September 27, 2023 Kenneth Woodrow, Chairperson 1179 Rock Haven Ct. Salinas, CA, 93906 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (Assembly Bill 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (Senate Bill 18) for the Infinite 131 Project and the Amendment to the South San Francisco General Plan, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California Dear Chairperson Woodrow: The City of South San Francisco (City) has received a project application for the Infinite 131 Project (project) and is conducting an environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this letter is to provide you with: 1) a description of the project site and the proposed project; and 2) a summary of a records search of the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and Sacred Lands File (SLF) at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). This letter serves as formal notification pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.1 (AB 52) and Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18). Project Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco (see Figure 1 attached). The project site is identified as assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015- 113-210. Surrounding land uses include industrial and commercial uses. Specifically, Terminal Court and a large Park N’ Fly surface parking lot is north of the project site, a large surface parking lot and U.S. 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) are adjacent to the eastern portion of the project site, a navigable slough that feeds into San Bruno Canal is south of the project site, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings and San Mateo Avenue are west of the project site. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. The project site includes a portion of the shoreline band jurisdiction of the San Francisco Conservation and Development Commission, adjacent to the navigable slough. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The topography of the project site is relatively flat, approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market facility, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings, a smaller administrative building, and open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations Page 2 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 of the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. The project site outside the existing building footprints is covered with asphalt and concrete paving, with minimal surrounding landscaping and no trees. The project proposes demolition of all existing on-site uses (i.e., warehouse buildings, administrative building, open-air structures) and the construction of Research and Design (R&D) uses and an on-site amenity space. Overall, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.6 million square feet (sf) of new uses across six buildings (I131S A, I131S B, I131S C, I131S D, I131N A, and I131N B). In addition, the proposed project would include two parking garages, associated with the I131N buildings and I131S buildings. The I131N parking garage would be approximately 551,631 sf in area and approximately 100 feet tall. It would include three below-grade levels of parking as well as nine levels of above-grade parking. The I131S parking garage would be approximately 453,034 sf in area and include two levels of below-grade parking. The proposed project would provide a total of 3,011 parking spaces, including 114 surface parking spaces. A total of 377 bicycle parking spaces would also be provided throughout the site, including 358 long- term bicycle parking spaces and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The buildings would be linked together though a cohesive network of landscaping and open space. Two central landscaped courtyards would be located along the interior of the project site and framed by the shape of the I131N and I131S buildings to prioritize pedestrian- and bike-friendly connections as well as outdoor amenities. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases, including demolition of the warehouse buildings, administrative building, and open air structures. After receipt of the building permit, construction of the proposed project is anticipated to take approximately 5 years, with construction on the southern portion of the project site beginning in March 2026 and ending in October 2028 and construction on the northern portion of the project site beginning in November 2028 and ending in May 2031. The phases of construction would consist of (1) rough grading and site demolition, (2) deep foundation installation, (3) foundation installation, (4) superstructure construction, (5) building enclosure construction, (6) interior buildout, (7) sitework, and (8) final building inspections. Demolition, grading, and excavation would generate approximately 40,214 cubic yards (cy) of material, including removed fencing, building materials, concrete, soil, and asphalt. In addition, during demolition and grading, approximately 22,299 cy of soil would be imported for site preparation. Utility work associated with the proposed project would require excavation to a depth of approximately 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The maximum depth of excavation would be 5 feet below sea level for the sanitary sewer main upgrade. The proposed project would require a general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendment to change the existing and use designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) and Mixed Industrial Medium (MIM), respectively, to Business Technology Park-High (BTP-H), and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (referred to as the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH and zoned as T6 Urban Core (T6UC), would also seek general plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of the redesignation of these parcels. Results of Records Searches In August 2023, ICF (the City’s cultural resources consultant) conducted a records search of the project site and a 0.25-mile radius at the NWIC on behalf of the City. The NWIC, an affiliate of the State of California Page 3 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Office of Historic Preservation, is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for San Mateo County. One previously recorded archaeological resource was recorded within the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000051 (CA-SMA-47) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. Four previously recorded archaeological resources were recorded within a 0.25-mile radius of the project site, as described below: 1. P-41-000045 (CA-SMA-41) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and San Mateo Avenue, between Airport Boulevard and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Basin Research Associates. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 2. P-41-000047 (CA-SMA-43) – Originally recorded by N. Nelson as a shell mound, the first site record was completed in 1909. Nelson recorded the site in South San Francisco, near US 101 and the San Bruno Canal, between Shaw Road and South Airport Boulevard. However, no evidence of the site was identified at this location during archaeological surveys conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1995 and Basin Research Associates in 1988. Nor was evidence of the site identified during Geoprobing conducted in 2016 by AECOM. Based on these negative results, AECOM concluded that the resource was either mapped incorrectly or no longer present. 3. P-41-000049 (CA-SMA-45) – This site was originally recorded by N. Nelson in 1909 as a shell mound located in South San Francisco. No additional information is included in the record on file with the NWIC. 4. P-41-002147 (CA-SMA-353H) – This site was originally recorded by Mooney & Associates in 2000 as a historic refuse scatter eroding out of a railroad embankment. Based on ceramics identified in the field, it was estimated that the scatter was deposited between 1890-1918. Subsequent archaeological site visits in 2005 and 2009 indicated that the area had been heavily disturbed, although some sparse historic artifacts were observed. In June 2023, ICF requested a search of the NAHC SLF on behalf of the City. In July 2023, ICF received a response from the NAHC stating “the results of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was negative.” The Native American Heritage Commission provided your name as a representative of a California Native American Tribe who may have knowledge of cultural resources within or near the project area. The City would like to provide you with an opportunity to communicate concerns you might have regarding places within the project area that may be important to your community. The City requests your participation in the identification and protection of cultural resources, sacred lands or other heritage sites within the above 400 GRAND AVENUE  P.O. BOX 711  SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94083 Page 4 of 4 Subject: Formal Notification of Consultation Opportunity for Infinite 131 Project in South San Francisco described project area with the understanding that you or other members of the community might possess specialized knowledge of the area. Lead Agency Point of Contact Attn: Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Department of Economic and Community Development 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to PRC §21080.3.1 (AB 52), tribal representatives have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to request consultation, in writing, with the City of South San Francisco (i.e., until October 27, 2023). Pursuant to Government Code §65352.3 (SB 18), tribal representatives have 90 days from receipt of this letter in which to request consultation under SB 18. Therefore, the City respectfully requests that you submit any requests to consult under PRC §21080.3.1 or Government Code §65352.3 by December 29, 2023. Very Respectfully, Billy Gross, Principal Planner City of South San Francisco Attachment: Project Location Map CC: File Figure 1 Project Location \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0 _ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ C u l t u r a l \ C u l t u r a l . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 6 / 9 / 2 0 2 3 0 2,0001,000 Feet Project Site Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:24,000 Source: USGS