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Appendix G - Noise Report
Appendix G: Noise Technical Report NOISE TECHNICAL REPORT INFINITE 131 PROJECT P REPARED FOR: City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, California 94080 Contact: Billy Gross Billy.Gross@ssf.net P REPARED BY: ICF 201 Mission Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 F EBRUARY 2024 ICF. 2024. Noise Technical Report, Infinite 131 Project. Final. February. (ICF 104668.) Prepared for City of South San Francisco. Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report i February 2024 Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Project Description ......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Project Location and Site Description .............................................................................. 1-3 Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals .......................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Frequency, Amplitude, and Decibels ............................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Noise Descriptors ............................................................................................................. 2-2 2.3 Sound Propagation .......................................................................................................... 2-4 2.4 Human Response to Noise ............................................................................................... 2-5 2.5 Noise-Sensitive Land Uses ............................................................................................... 2-7 Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals ............................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration ....................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Frequency and Amplitude ................................................................................................ 3-2 3.3 Vibration Descriptors ....................................................................................................... 3-2 3.4 Vibration Propagation ...................................................................................................... 3-3 3.5 Effects of Ground-Borne Vibration .................................................................................. 3-3 3.6 Vibration-Sensitive Land Uses ......................................................................................... 3-5 Chapter 4 Existing Noise Environment ............................................................................................... 4-1 Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework ...................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Federal ............................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 State ................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.3 Local ................................................................................................................................. 5-2 Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ..................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Thresholds of Significance ............................................................................................... 6-8 6.3 Project Impacts .............................................................................................................. 6-12 Chapter 7 References ........................................................................................................................ 7-1 Appendix A Noise and Vibration Data and Modeling Results Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report ii February 2024 Tables Table Page 2-1 Rules for Combining Sound Levels by Decibel Addition ............................................................... 2-2 2-2 Typical A-Weighted Sound Levels ................................................................................................. 2-3 4-1 Measured Existing Noise Levels in the Project Vicinity, Long Term ............................................. 4-2 4-2 Measured Existing Noise Levels in the Project Vicinity, Short Term ............................................ 4-2 5-1 Caltrans Vibration Guidelines for Potential Damage to Structures .............................................. 5-2 5-2 Caltrans Guidelines for Vibration Annoyance Potential ............................................................... 5-2 5-3 Noise Level Standards for the City of South San Francisco .......................................................... 5-3 5-4 Noise Exposure – Land Use Requirements and Limitations ......................................................... 5-4 5-5 Land Use Compatibility Noise Standards for New Development ................................................. 5-5 6-1 Construction Equipment Vibration Levels .................................................................................... 6-4 6-2 Noise from Equipment Proposed for Project Construction (Leq) ................................................ 6-12 6-3 Combined Noise Levels for Each Construction Phase at 50 Feet ............................................... 6-13 6-4 Weekday Daytime Construction Noise Levels at nearby Land Uses for Rough Grading/Site Demolition ............................................................................................................. 6-14 6-5 Non-Daytime Construction Noise Levels at nearest Sensitive Land Uses .................................. 6-17 6-6 Haul Truck Traffic Noise Analysis ................................................................................................ 6-21 6-7 Example Combined Mechanical Equipment Noise ..................................................................... 6-24 6-8 Modeled Traffic Noise Levels for Segments with a 10% Project Increase or Greater ................ 6-29 6-9 Detailed Evaluation for Segments with a Modeled 3 dB Project-Related Traffic Noise Increase ....................................................................................................................................... 6-31 6-10 Cumulative Traffic Noise Evaluation for Potentially Affected Segments .................................... 6-33 6-11 Detailed Traffic Noise Evaluation for Potentially Affected Segment .......................................... 6-33 6-12 Summary of Outdoor Play Area Noise ........................................................................................ 6-36 6-13 Vibration Levels for Project Construction Equipment at Various Distances............................... 6-37 Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report iii February 2024 Figures Figure Page 1 Conceptual Site Plan ..................................................................................................................... 1-2 2 Project Location Map .................................................................................................................... 1-4 3 Noise Measurement Locations ..................................................................................................... 4-3 Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report iv February 2024 Acronyms and Abbreviations ADT average daily traffic ALUCP Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan APN assessor’s parcel number Caltrans California Department of Transportation CEQA California Environmental Quality Act City City of South San Francisco CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level dB decibel dBA A-weighted decibel DOAS direct outside air system FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration General Plan Shape SSF 2040 General Plan HVAC heating, ventilation, air-conditioning Hz Hertz in/sec inch per second kHz kilohertz kW kilowatt Ldn day-night sound level Leq equivalent sound level Lmax maximum sound level Lmin minimum sound level LV vibration velocity level Lxx percentile-exceeded sound level PPV peak particle velocity project sponsor US Terminal Court Owner, LLC proposed project Infinite 131 Project R&D research and development rms root mean square SEL sound equivalent level sf square feet SFO San Francisco International Airport SLM sound level meter SOG slab on grade SOMD slab on metal deck SPL sound pressure level US U.S. Highway VdB vibration decibel µPa micropascals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 1-1 February 2024 Chapter 1 Introduction The purpose of this noise technical report is to identify potential noise and vibration impacts associated with the proposed Infinite 131 Project (proposed project), which is to be developed by US Terminal Court Owner, LLC (project sponsor). The analysis provided in this report evaluates the potential for short- and long-term noise and vibration impacts associated with construction and operation of the proposed project. In addition, the report documents the assumptions, methodologies, and findings used to evaluate the impacts. The report also includes a description of the environmental setting for the proposed project, including existing noise conditions, as well as a discussion of applicable laws and regulations. 1.1 Project Description The project sponsor is proposing construction and operation of the proposed project, which would include demolition of approximately 126,750 square feet (sf) of industrial and commercial operations at the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, along with approximately 116,572 sf of open-air structures (e.g., loading docks, trash compactor areas) on a 17.67-acre site (i.e., the project site). In its place, the proposed project would construct approximately 1.7 million sf of research-and-development (R&D) uses and amenities within seven buildings, ranging from one to six stories. The proposed project would require City of South San Francisco (City) Shape SSF 2040 General Plan (General Plan), Specific Plan, and Zoning Code amendments to change the existing land use and zoning designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) to Business Technology Park High (BTP-H) and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (i.e., the off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated as MIH, would also seek City General Plan, Specific Plan, and Zoning Code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. However, the proposed project would not include the construction of any new uses as part of redesignation of these parcels. The proposed project would also include two parking garages. A stand-alone structure would provide 1,378 parking spaces in a 12-level parking garage (three levels below grade and nine levels above grade) as well as 20 surface-level parking spaces. The I131S parking garage, located beneath the I131S buildings, would provide 1,538 parking spaces as well as 40 surface parking spaces. The project would include twenty-four 500-kilowatt (kW) emergency generators with Tier 2 engines. Six of the generators would be located at grade inside I131N in a separate generator room. The remaining 18 generators would be at grade in one of three outdoor service yards. The generators would all be housed in acoustic enclosures, which would help to reduce engine noise from the generators. Refer to Figure 1 for a conceptual site plan of the proposed project. Once construction of the proposed project is complete and the site is operational, a small day-care facility would be opened to serve the general public and project employees. The proposed footprint for the facility would include a 4,050 sf single-story building and a 4,950 sf outdoor play area. The facility would open at 8:00 a.m. and operate until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Nine people would be employed at the day care, which would accommodate up to 50 children per day. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 OWNER ARCHITECT One Maritime Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94111 CONSULTANTS / ENGINEERS NO.DATE DESCRIPTION DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NUMBER NO T F O R CON S T R U C T I O N DRAWN BY CHECKED BY A B C D E F G H I J STEELWAVE101 CALIFORNIA STREET, SUITE 800SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 4683 Chabot Drive #300,Pleasanton, CA 94588 Civil: 555 Beach St floor 4,San Francisco, CA 94133 Landscaping: Lighting: 304 S Broadway #300,Los Angeles, CA 90013 560 14th St #300,Oakland, CA 94612 Parking: 1900 Powell St #890,Emeryville, CA 94608 Trash Management: 1617 Clay Street,Oakland, CA 94612 Traffic: KEYPLAN N SEAL L02.01 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 50 100 200 SH A W R O A D S L O U G H F U T U R E O V E R P A S S T E R M I N A L C O U R T P R O D U C E A V E N U E ADJACENT PROPERTY SOUTH COURTYARD 131 GARAGE NORTH COURTYARD B A Y S H O R E F R E E W A Y 1 0 1 S A N M A T E O A V E N U E 131S C 131S B 131S A 131N B 131N A 131S D I N F I N I T E R O W PROPOSED DAYCARE 10 10 9 12 3 6 6 16 14 6 5 1 5 5 5 5 3 4 15 15 11 11 14 157 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 14 16 14 17 17 9 1 6 8 4 4 8 8 8 14 9 9 10 10 13 13 15 15 15 11 15 15 15 1 VEHICULAR ENTRANCE 2 ROAD (SEE ARCH FOR FIRE ACCESS) 3 SURFACE PARKING 4 SERVICE YARD 5 LOADING AREA 6 PERIMETER PATH (10’ WIDE BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN SHARED) 7 PROMENADE (20’ WIDE) 8 INFINITELOOP (10’ WIDE) 9 VEHICULAR DROP-OFF 10 SHUTTLE DROP-OFF 11 MECHANICAL BOLLARDS (FOR SHUTTLE + FIREACCESS) 12 FIXED BOLLARDS 13 LARGE EVENT/RECREATIONALSPACE 14 LOBBY ENTRANCE 15 SILVA CELL/BIORETENTIONAREA 16 PLANTING (FOR WIND MITIGATION) 17 RETAINING WALL 18 PEDESTRIAN WALK (SEE ARCHFOR EGRESS) LEG END ADJACENT PROPERTY 11 11 7 7 10 10 11 NOT PART OF PROJECT Source: SteelWave and SOM LLP, 2024. Gr a p h i c s … 1 0 4 6 6 8 ( 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 2 4 ) J C Figure 1 Conceptual Site Plan Chapter 1 Introduction Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 1-3 February 2024 1.2 Project Location and Site Description The approximately 17.67-acre project site comprises one parcel at 131 Terminal Court in the city of South San Francisco. Refer to Figure 2 for a map of the project location. The project site, assessor’s parcel number (APN) 015-113-210, is bounded by Terminal Court and a large Park ‘N Fly surface parking lot to the north, a large surface parking lot and U.S. Highway (US) 101 (known as Bayshore Freeway) to the east, a navigable slough1 that feeds into San Bruno Canal to the south, and several mixed industrial and commercial buildings, along with San Mateo Avenue, to the west. The project site is approximately 1 mile west of San Francisco Bay and 0.30 mile west of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that runs along San Bruno Canal. In addition, the project site is approximately 1 mile northwest of San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The project site is currently occupied by the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, a produce market, and associated surface parking. The project site consists of two warehouse buildings and a smaller administrative building, totaling approximately 126,750 sf. In addition, the site is also developed with approximately 116,572 sf of open-air structures, including loading docks and trash compactors, associated with operations at the Golden Gate Produce Terminal. 1 The navigable slough is a remnant tidal channel that cuts through a commercial district in South San Francisco; the slough is connected to San Francisco Bay (ESA. 2019. Navigable Slough Flood Management Study. Prepared for the County of San Mateo, City of South San Francisco, and City of San Bruno. Available: https://oneshoreline.org/ wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Navigable-Slough-Flood-Management-Study.pdf. Accessed: April 12, 2023). Figure 2 Project Location Map \\ P D C C I T R D S G I S 0 1 \ P r o j e c t s _ 1 \ C i t y _ o f _ S o u t h _ S a n _ F r a n c i s c o \ 1 0 4 6 6 8 _ 0_ 1 _ 1 S T e r m i n a l _ 1 3 1 \ F i g u r e s \ D o c \ L a n d _ U s e \ L a n d _ U s e _ F i g u r e s . a p r x ; U s e r : 5 8 3 0 3 ; D a t e : 8 / 1 / 2 0 2 3 0 500250 Feet Project Site Off-Site Redesignation Parcels City Limits Colma Tiburon Alameda Pacifica Millbrae BerkeleySausalito Daly City Burlingame San Francisco South San Francisco [N 1:5,000 Source: ESRI Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-1 February 2024 Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals 2.1 Frequency, Amplitude, and Decibels Continuous sound can be described by its frequency (pitch) and amplitude (loudness). A low-frequency sound is perceived as low in pitch; a high-frequency sound is perceived as high-pitched. Frequency is expressed in terms of cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz) (e.g., a frequency of 250 cycles per second is referred to as 250 Hz). High frequencies are sometimes more conveniently expressed in kilohertz (kHz), or thousands of Hz. The audible frequency range for humans is generally between 20 and 20,000 Hz. The amplitude of pressure waves generated by a sound source correlates with the loudness of that source. The amplitude of a sound is typically described in terms of sound pressure level (SPL), also referred to simply as the sound level. The SPL, which refers to the root-mean-square (rms)2 pressure of a sound wave, is measured in units called micropascals (µPa). One μPa is approximately one hundred billionth (0.00000000001) of normal atmospheric pressure. Sound pressure amplitudes for different kinds of noise environments can range from less than 100 to more than 100,000,000 μPa. Because of this large range of values, sound is rarely expressed in terms of μPa. Instead, a logarithmic scale is used to describe the SPL in terms of decibels, abbreviated dB. The decibel is a logarithmic unit that describes the ratio of the actual sound pressure to a reference pressure (20 µPa is the standard reference pressure level for acoustical measurements in air). Specifically, an SPL, in decibels, is calculated as follows: ×=Pa XSPLµ20log2010 where X is the actual sound pressure and 20 µPa is the reference pressure. The threshold of hearing for young people is about 0 dB, which corresponds to 20 μPa. 2.1.1 Decibel Calculations Because decibels represent noise levels on a logarithmic scale, SPLs cannot be added, subtracted, or averaged through ordinary arithmetic. On the dB scale, a doubling of sound energy corresponds to a 3 dB increase. In other words, when two identical sources are each producing sound of the same loudness, their combined sound level at a given distance would be 3 dB higher than one source under the same conditions. For example, if one bulldozer produces an SPL of 80 dB, two bulldozers would not produce a combined sound level of 160 dB. Rather, they would combine to produce 83 dB. The cumulative sound level of any number of sources, such as excavators, can be determined using decibel addition. The same decibel addition is used for A-weighted decibels, described below. Similarly, the arithmetic mean (average) of a series of noise levels does not accurately represent the 2 Root mean square (rms) is defined as the square root of the mean (average) value of the squared amplitude of the noise signal. Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-2 February 2024 overall average noise level. Instead, the values must be averaged using a linear scale before converting the result back into a logarithmic (i.e., dB) noise level. This method is typically referred to as calculating the “energy average” of the noise levels. Table 2-1 demonstrates the general results of adding noise from multiple sources. (Note that the examples summarized in this table are rounded to the nearest whole number.) Table 2-1. Rules for Combining Sound Levels by Decibel Addition When two decibel values differ by… …add the following amount to the higher decibel value Example 0 to 1 dB 3 dB 60 dB + 61 dB = 64 dB 2 to 3 dB 2 dB 60 dB + 63 dB = 65 dB 4 to 9 dB 1 dB 60 dB + 69 dB = 70 dB 10 dB or more 0 dB 60 dB + 75 dB = 75 dB Source: California Department of Transportation. 2013. Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. September. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/ tens-sep2013-a11y.pdf. Accessed: August 2, 2023. 2.1.2 A-Weighting The dB scale alone does not adequately characterize how humans perceive noise. The dominant frequencies of a sound have a substantial effect on human response to that sound. Although the intensity (i.e., energy per unit area) of the sound is a purely physical quantity, the loudness or human response is determined by the characteristics of the human ear. Human hearing is limited in the range of audible frequencies as well as in the way it perceives the SPL in that range. In general, people are most sensitive to the frequency range of 1,000 to 5,000 Hz and perceive sounds within that range better than sounds of the same amplitude at higher or lower frequencies. To approximate the response of the human ear, sound levels of individual frequency bands are weighted (i.e., adjusted), depending on human sensitivity to those frequencies. The resulting SPL is expressed in A-weighted decibels, or dBA. The A-weighting scale approximates the frequency response of the average young ear when listening to most ordinary sounds. When people make judgments regarding the relative loudness or annoyance of a sound, their judgments correlate well with the A-weighted sound levels of those sounds. Table 2-2 describes typical A-weighted sound levels for various noise sources. 2.2 Noise Descriptors Because sound levels can vary markedly over a short period of time, various descriptors, or noise “metrics,” have been developed to quantify environmental and community noise. These metrics generally describe either the average character of the noise or the statistical behavior of the variations in the noise level. Some of the most common metrics used to describe environmental noise, including those metrics used in this report, are described below. Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-3 February 2024 Table 2-2. Typical A-Weighted Sound Levels Common Outdoor Noise Source Sound Level (dBA) Common Indoor Noise Source — 110 — Rock band Jet flying at 1,000 feet — 100 — Gas lawn mower at 3 feet — 90 — Diesel truck at 50 feet at 50 mph Food blender at 3 feet — 80 — Garbage disposal at 3 feet Noisy urban area, daytime Gas lawn mower at 100 feet — 70 — Vacuum cleaner at 10 feet Commercial area Normal speech at 3 feet Heavy traffic at 300 feet — 60 — Large business office Quiet urban, daytime — 50 — Dishwasher in next room Quiet urban, nighttime — 40 — Theater, large conference room (background) Quiet suburban, nighttime — 30 — Library Quiet rural, nighttime Bedroom at night — 20 — Broadcast/recording studio — 10 — Lowest threshold of human hearing — 0 — Lowest threshold of human hearing Source: California Department of Transportation. 2013. Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. September. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/ tens-sep2013-a11y.pdf. Accessed: August 2, 2023. Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) is the most common metric used to describe short-term average noise levels. Many noise sources produce levels that fluctuate over time; examples include mechanical equipment that cycles on and off and construction work, which can vary sporadically. The Leq describes the average acoustical energy content of noise for an identified period of time, commonly 1 hour. Thus, the Leq of a time-varying noise and that of a steady noise are the same if they deliver the same acoustical energy over the duration of the exposure. For many noise sources, the Leq will vary, depending on the time of day. A prime example is traffic noise, which rises and falls, depending on the amount of traffic on a given street or freeway. Maximum Sound Level (Lmax) and Minimum Sound Level (Lmin) refer to the maximum and minimum sound levels, respectively, that occur during the noise measurement period. More specifically, they describe the rms sound levels that correspond to the loudest and quietest 1-second intervals that occur during the measurement. Percentile-Exceeded Sound Level (Lxx) describes the sound level exceeded for a given percentage of a specified period. For example, the L50 is the sound level exceeded 50 percent of the time (such as 30 minutes per hour), and L25 is the sound level exceeded 25 percent of the time (such as 15 minutes per hour). Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-4 February 2024 Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) is a measure of the 24-hour average A-weighted noise level, which is also time weighted to “penalize” noise that occurs during the evening and nighttime hours when noise is generally recognized to be more disturbing because people are trying to rest, relax, or sleep during these times. Specifically, 5 dBA is added to the Leq during the evening hours of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and 10 dBA is added to the Leq during the nighttime hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The energy average is then taken for the whole 24-hour day. Day-Night Sound Level (Ldn) is very similar to the CNEL described above. Ldn is also a time-weighted average of the 24-hour A-weighted noise level. The only difference is that no “penalty” is applied to the evening hours of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. However, 10 dBA is added to the Leq during the nighttime hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The energy average is then taken for the whole 24-hour day. It is noted that various federal, state, and local agencies have adopted CNEL or Ldn as the measure of community noise. Although not identical, CNEL and Ldn are normally within 1 dBA of each other when measured in typical community environments, and many noise standards/regulations use the two interchangeably. 2.3 Sound Propagation When sound propagates over a distance, it changes in both level and frequency content. The manner in which noise is reduced with distance depends on the factors described below. In general, noise attenuates (decreases) with distance. Roadway noise sources tend to be arranged linearly. Therefore, noise from roadway vehicular traffic attenuates at a rate of approximately 3.0 to 4.5 dB per doubling of distance from the source, depending on the intervening surface (paved or vegetated, respectively).3 Point sources of noise, such as stationary equipment or construction equipment, typically attenuate at a rate of approximately 6.0 to 7.5 dB per doubling of distance from the source.4 For example, a sound level of 80 dBA at 50 feet from the noise source will be reduced to 74 dBA at 100 feet, 68 dBA at 200 feet, and so on. Noise levels can also be attenuated by shielding the noise source or providing a barrier between the source and the receptor. Geometric Spreading. Sound from a single source (i.e., a “point” source) radiates uniformly outward as it travels away from the source in a spherical pattern. The sound level attenuates (or drops off) at a general rate of 6 dB for each doubling of distance. Highway noise is not a single stationary point source of sound. The movement of vehicles on a highway makes the source of the sound appear to emanate from a line (i.e., a “line” source) rather than from a point. This results in cylindrical spreading rather than the spherical spreading that results from a point source. The change in sound level (i.e., attenuation or decrease) from a line source is generally 3 dB per doubling of distance. 3 California Department of Transportation. 2013. Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. September. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/ env/tens-sep2013-a11y.pdfhttps://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/ documents/env/ tens-sep2013-a11y.pdf. Accessed: August 2, 2023 4 The 1.5 dB variation in attenuation rate (6 dB versus 7.5 dB) can result from ground-absorption effects, which occur as sound travels over soft surfaces such as earth or vegetation (7.5 dB attenuation rate) versus hard surfaces such as pavement or hard-packed earth (6 dB rate). Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-5 February 2024 Ground Absorption. The noise path between the source and the observer is usually close to the ground. The excess noise attenuation from ground absorption occurs because of acoustic energy losses on sound wave reflection. For acoustically “hard” sites (i.e., sites with a reflective surface, such as a parking lot or a smooth body of water, between the source and the receptor), no excess ground attenuation is assumed because the sound wave is reflected without energy losses. For acoustically absorptive or “soft” sites (i.e., sites with an absorptive ground surface, such as soft dirt, grass, or scattered bushes and trees), an excess ground attenuation value of 1.5 dB per doubling of distance is normally assumed. When added to the geometric spreading, the excess ground attenuation results in an overall drop-off rate of 4.5 dB per doubling of distance for a line source and 7.5 dB per doubling of distance for a point source. Atmospheric Effects. Research by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and others has shown that atmospheric conditions can have a major effect on noise levels. Such factors include wind; air temperature, including vertical temperature gradients; humidity; and turbulence. Receptors downwind from a source can be exposed to increased noise levels relative to calm conditions, whereas receptors upwind can have lower noise levels. Increased sound levels can also occur over relatively large distances because of temperature inversion conditions (i.e., increasing temperatures with elevation). Shielding by Natural or Human-Made Features. A large object or barrier in the path between a noise source and a receptor can substantially attenuate noise levels at the receptor. The amount of attenuation provided by this shielding depends on the size of the object, proximity to the noise source and receptor, surface weight, solidity, and the frequency content of the noise source. Natural terrain features, such as hills and dense woods, and human-made features, such as buildings and walls, can substantially reduce noise levels. Walls are often constructed between a source and a receptor with the specific purpose of reducing noise. In addition to the noise that diffracts over the top of a barrier, noise will also diffract around the ends of a barrier, resulting in “flanking” noise that can reduce the overall efficacy of the barrier. Assuming it is long enough to minimize the effects of flanking noise, a barrier that breaks the line of sight between a source and a receptor will typically result in at least 5 dB of noise reduction. A higher barrier may provide as much as 20 dB of noise reduction. 2.4 Human Response to Noise Noise can have a range of effects on people, including hearing damage, sleep interference, speech interference, performance interference, physiological responses, and annoyance. Each of these is briefly described below. Hearing Damage. A person who is exposed to high noise levels can suffer either gradual or traumatic hearing damage. Gradual hearing loss occurs with repeated exposure to excessive noise levels. It is most commonly associated with occupational noise exposures involving heavy industry or other very noisy work environments. Traumatic hearing loss is caused by a sudden exposure to an extremely high noise level, such as a gunshot or explosion at very close range. The potential for noise-induced hearing loss is not generally a concern in typical community noise environments. Noise levels in neighborhoods, even in very noisy airport environs, are not loud enough to cause hearing loss. Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-6 February 2024 Sleep Interference. Exposure to excessive noise levels at night has been shown to cause sleep disturbance. Sleep disturbance refers not only to awakening from sleep but also effects on the quality of sleep, such as alterations to the patterns and stages of sleep. World Health Organization guidelines recommend noise limits of 30 dBA Leq (8-hour average) for continuous noise and 45 dBA Lmax for single sound events inside bedrooms at night to minimize sleep disturbance.5 Speech Interference. Speech interference can be a problem in any situation where clear communication is desired. It is often of particular concern in learning environments, such as schools, or situations where poor communication could jeopardize safety. Normal conversational speech inside homes is typically in the range of 50 to 65 dBA.6 Any noise in that range or louder may interfere with speech. As background noise levels rise, the intelligibility of speech decreases and the listener fails to recognize an increasing percentage of the words spoken. A speaker may raise his or her voice in an attempt to compensate for higher background noise levels, but this, in turn, can lead to vocal fatigue for the speaker. Performance Interference. Excessive noise has been found to have various detrimental effects on human performance, including information processing, concentration, accuracy, reaction times, and academic performance. Intrusive noise from individual events can also cause distraction. These effects are of obvious concern for learning and work environments. Physiological Responses. Acute noise has been shown to cause measurable physiological responses in humans, including changes in stress hormone levels, pulse rate, and blood pressure. The extent to which these responses cause harm, or are signs of harm, is not clearly defined, but it has been postulated that they could contribute to stress-related diseases, such as hypertension, anxiety, and heart disease. However, research indicates that links between environmental noise and permanent health effects are generally weak and inconsistent. Statistically significant health risks have been found for extended exposure to very high noise levels, such as the risks for workers who are exposed to high levels of industrial noise for 5 to 30 years.7 Annoyance. The subjective effects of annoyance, nuisance, and dissatisfaction are possibly the most difficult to quantify, and no accurate method exists to measure the effects. This difficulty arises primarily from differences in individual sensitivity and habituation to sound, which can vary widely from person to person. What one person considers tolerable can be unbearable to another of equal hearing acuity. An important tool in estimating the likelihood of annoyance due to a new sound is a comparison to the existing baseline or “ambient” environment to which a person has adapted. In general, the more the levels or tonal (frequency) variations of a sound exceed the previously existing ambient sound level or tonal quality, the less acceptable the new sound will be. 5 World Health Organization. 1999. Guidelines for Community Noise. April. London, United Kingdom. Available: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/a68672. Accessed: August 10, 2023. 6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1977. Speech Levels in Various Noise Environments. EPA 600/1-77-025. May. Prepared by: Bolt, Beranek, and Newman. Prepared for: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. 7 World Health Organization. 1999. Guidelines for Community Noise. April. London, United Kingdom. Available: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/a68672. Accessed: March 10. 2023. Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-7 February 2024 In most cases, effects from sounds typically found in the natural environment are limited to annoyance or interference. Physiological effects and hearing loss are more commonly associated with human-made noise, such as that in an industrial or occupational setting. Studies have shown that, under controlled conditions in an acoustics laboratory, a healthy human ear is able to discern changes in sound levels of 1 dBA. In the normal environment, the healthy human ear can detect changes of about 2 dBA; however, it is widely accepted that a doubling of sound energy, which results in a change of 3 dBA in the normal environment, is considered just noticeable for most people. A change of 5 dBA is readily perceptible, and a change of 10 dBA is perceived as being twice as loud. Accordingly, a doubling of sound energy (e.g., doubling the volume of traffic on a highway) resulting in a 3 dBA increase in sound would generally be barely detectable. 2.5 Noise-Sensitive Land Uses The project site is surrounded primarily by commercial and industrial uses to the south, west, and north. Such uses are generally not considered to be noise sensitive. To the east, the project site is bounded by US 101. The nearest noise-sensitive land uses are two hotels (Travelodge and Best Western) east of the project site, across US 101 in the city of South San Francisco. The Travelodge hotel is approximately 250 feet from the project site, or 295 feet from the nearest portion of a proposed project structure. The Best Western hotel is approximately 800 feet east of the project site. The nearest existing residences are southwest of the intersection of Hermann Street and Tanforan Avenue in the city of San Bruno, approximately 1,100 feet (0.2 mile) southwest of the nearest project construction area (the project driveway) and 1,570 feet south of the closest proposed project building footprint. A proposed residential development has been approved at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. Although construction has not yet begun on this project, these multi-family residences would be occupied during project operation; they may also be occupied during some portions of project construction. The nearest portion of this residential development is approximately 950 feet north of the northernmost portion of the project site. Chapter 2 Noise Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 2-8 February 2024 [page left blank intentionally] Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 3-1 February 2024 Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals This chapter describes basic concepts related to ground-borne vibration. Ground-borne vibration is a small, rapidly fluctuating motion transmitted through the ground. The effects of ground-borne vibration are typically limited to nuisance or annoyance for people, but at extreme vibration levels, damage to buildings may also occur. In contrast to airborne sound, ground-borne vibration is not a phenomenon that most people experience every day. The ambient ground-borne vibration level in residential areas is usually much lower than the threshold of human perception. Most perceptible indoor vibration is caused by sources within buildings, such as mechanical equipment while in operation, people moving, or doors slamming. Typical outdoor sources of perceptible ground-borne vibration are heavy construction activities, such as blasting, pile driving, or earthmoving; trains with steel wheels; and traffic on rough roads. If a roadway is smooth, the ground-borne vibration from traffic is rarely perceptible, even in locations close to major roads. The strength of ground-borne vibration from typical environmental sources diminishes (or attenuates) fairly rapidly over distance. For the prediction of ground-borne vibration, the fundamental model consists of a vibration source, a receptor, and the propagation path between the two. The power of the vibration source and the characteristics and geology of the intervening ground, which affect the propagation path to the receptor, determine the ground-borne vibration level and the characteristics of the vibration perceived by the receptor. The sections that follow provide an explanation of key concepts and terms used in the analysis of environmental ground-borne vibration. 3.1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration When a vibration source (e.g., blasting, dynamic construction equipment, a train) impacts the ground, it imparts energy to the ground, creating vibration waves that propagate away from the source along the surface and downward into the earth. As vibration waves travel outward from a source, they excite the particles of rock and soil through which they pass and cause them to oscillate. The distance that these particles move is referred to as the displacement, which is typically very small, usually only a few ten thousandths to a few thousandths of an inch. Velocity describes the instantaneous speed of the motion, and acceleration is the instantaneous rate of change in the speed. Each of these measures can be described further in terms of frequency and amplitude, as discussed below. Although displacement is generally easier to understand than velocity or acceleration, it is rarely used to describe ground-borne vibration because most transducers used to measure vibration measure velocity or acceleration directly, not displacement. Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 3-2 February 2024 3.2 Frequency and Amplitude The frequency of a vibrating object describes how rapidly it is oscillating. The unit of measurement for the frequency of vibration is Hz (the same as used in the measurement of noise), which describes the number of cycles per second. The amplitude of displacement describes the distance that a particle moves from its resting (or equilibrium) position as it oscillates; this can be measured in inches. The amplitude of vibration velocity (the speed of the movement) can be measured in inches per second (in/sec). The amplitude of vibration acceleration (the rate of change in the speed) can be measured in in/sec per second. 3.3 Vibration Descriptors As noted above, there are various ways to quantify ground-borne vibration, based on its fundamental characteristics. Because vibration can vary markedly over a short period of time, various descriptors have been developed to quantify vibration. The two most common descriptors used in the analysis of ground-borne vibration are the peak particle velocity (PPV) and vibration velocity level (Lv), each of which is described below. PPV is defined as the maximum instantaneous positive or negative peak amplitude of the vibration velocity. The unit of measurement for PPV is in/sec. Unlike many quantities used in the study of environmental acoustics, PPV is typically presented using linear values; it does not employ a dB scale. Because it is related to the stresses that are experienced by buildings, PPV is generally accepted as the most appropriate descriptor for evaluating the potential for building damage. Both Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Caltrans guidelines recommend using PPV for that purpose. It is also used in many instances to evaluate the human response to ground-borne vibration. Caltrans guidelines recommend using PPV for that purpose. LV describes the rms vibration velocity. Because of the typically small amplitudes of ground-borne vibration, vibration velocity is often expressed in decibels, calculated as follows: ×= ref V V VL10log20 where V is the actual rms velocity amplitude and Vref is the reference velocity amplitude. It is important to note that there is no universally accepted value for Vref, but the accepted reference quantity for vibration velocity in the U.S. is 1 micro-inch per second (1×10-6 in/sec). The abbreviation VdB is commonly used for vibration decibels to distinguish them from noise-level decibels. LV is often used to evaluate human response to vibration levels. FTA guidelines recommend using LV for that purpose. Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 3-3 February 2024 3.4 Vibration Propagation Vibration energy spreads out as it travels through the ground, causing the vibration level to diminish with distance from the source. High-frequency vibrations reduce much more rapidly than low frequencies so that low frequencies tend to dominate the spectrum at large distances from the source. The propagation of ground-borne vibration is not as simple to model as airborne noise. This is because noise in the air travels through a relatively uniform medium, while ground-borne vibrations travel through the earth, which may contain significant geological differences. Geological factors that influence the propagation of ground-borne vibration include the following: Soil Conditions. The type of soil is known to have a strong influence on the levels of ground-borne vibration. Among the most important factors are the stiffness and internal damping of the soil. Hard, dense, and compacted soil; stiff clay soil; and hard rock transmit vibration more efficiently than loose, soft soils; sand; or gravel. Depth to Bedrock. Shallow depth to bedrock has been linked to the efficient propagation of ground-borne vibration. One possibility is that shallow bedrock acts to concentrate the vibration energy near the surface, reflecting vibration waves back toward the surface that would otherwise continue to propagate farther down into the earth. Soil Strata. Discontinuities in the soil strata (i.e., soil layering) can also cause diffractions or channeling effects that affect the propagation of vibration over long distances. Frost Conditions. Vibration waves typically propagate more efficiently in frozen soils than in unfrozen soils. Propagation also varies, depending on the depth of the frost. Water Conditions. The amount of water in the soil can affect vibration propagation. The depth of the water table in the path of the propagation also appears to have substantial effects on ground-borne vibration levels. Specific conditions at the source and receiver locations can also affect vibration levels. For instance, how the source is connected to the ground (e.g., direct contact, through rails, by a structure) will affect the amount of energy transmitted into the ground. There are also notable differences when the source is underground, such as in a tunnel, versus on the surface. At the receiver, vibration levels can be affected by variables such as the foundation type, building construction, and acoustical absorption inside rooms where people are located. When vibration encounters a building, a ground-to-foundation coupling loss will usually reduce the overall vibration level. However, under certain circumstances, the ground-to-foundation coupling may also amplify the vibration level because of structural resonances from the floors and walls. 3.5 Effects of Ground-Borne Vibration Vibration can result in effects that range from annoyance to structural damage. Annoyance or disturbance for people may occur at vibration levels that are substantially below those that would pose a risk of damage to buildings. Each of these effects is discussed below. Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 3-4 February 2024 3.5.1 Potential Building Damage When ground-borne vibration encounters a building, vibrational energy is transmitted to the structure, causing it to vibrate. If the vibration levels are high enough, damage to the building may occur. Depending on the type of building and the vibration levels, this damage could range from cosmetic architectural damage (e.g., cracked plaster, stucco, tile) to more severe structural damage (e.g., cracking of floor slabs, foundations, columns, beams, wells). Buildings can typically withstand higher levels of vibration from transient sources than from continuous or frequent intermittent sources. Transient sources are those that create a single isolated vibration event, such as blasting or the use of drop balls. Continuous/frequent intermittent sources include pile drivers (impact or vibratory), crack-and-seat equipment, and vibratory compaction equipment. Older fragile buildings, which may include important historic buildings, are of particular concern. Modern commercial and industrial buildings can generally withstand much higher vibration levels before damage occurs. 3.5.2 Human Disturbance or Annoyance Ground-borne vibration can be annoying for people and cause serious concern for nearby neighbors, even when vibration is well below the level that could cause physical damage to structures. Ground-borne vibration is almost exclusively a concern inside buildings. It is rarely perceived as a problem outdoors where the motion may be discernible, but the reaction is less adverse without the effects associated with a shaking building. The normal frequency range at which most ground-borne vibration starts to be felt is generally from less than 1 to about 200 Hz. When ground-borne vibration waves encounter a building, vibrational energy is transmitted to the building foundation. It then propagates throughout the remainder of the structure, causing surfaces (e.g., walls, floors, ceilings) to vibrate. This movement may be felt directly by building occupants. It may also generate a low-frequency rumbling noise as sound waves are radiated by the vibrating surfaces. At higher frequencies, building vibration can cause other audible effects, such as the rattling of windows, building fixtures, or items on shelves or hanging on walls. These audible effects due to ground-borne vibration are referred to as ground-borne noise. Ground-borne vibration levels that result in ground-borne noise are often experienced as a combination of perceptible vibration and low-frequency noise. However, sources that have the potential to generate ground-borne noise are likely to produce airborne noise impacts that mask the radiated ground-borne noise. Any perceptible effect (i.e., vibration or ground-borne noise) can lead to annoyance. The degree to which a person is annoyed depends on the activity in which they are participating at the time of the disturbance. For example, someone sleeping or reading will be more sensitive than someone who is engaged in physical activity. Reoccurring vibration effects often lead people to believe that vibration is damaging their homes, even though the vibration levels are well below the minimum thresholds for damage potential.8 Numerous studies have been conducted to characterize the human response to vibration. Over the years, vibration criteria and standards have been suggested by researchers, organizations, and governmental agencies. These studies suggest that the thresholds for perception and annoyance vary, according to duration, frequency, and amplitude of vibration. For a continuous or frequent 8 California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 3-5 February 2024 intermittent vibration source, such as construction activity, including the use of pile drivers or vibratory compaction equipment, the human response to vibration varies from barely perceptible at a PPV of 0.01 in/sec to distinctly perceptible at a PPV of 0.04 in/sec, strongly perceptible at a PPV of 0.1 in/sec, and severe at a PPV of 0.4 in/sec. 9 3.6 Vibration-Sensitive Land Uses As noted above, the potential effects of ground-borne vibration can be divided into two categories: building damage and potential human annoyance. Because building damage would be considered a permanent negative effect at any building, regardless of land use, any type of building would typically be considered sensitive to this type of impact. Fragile structures, which often include historic buildings, are most susceptible to damage and of particular concern. The closest land uses surrounding the project site have structures that would most likely be categorized as “historic and some old buildings,” according to Caltrans’ Vibration Guidelines for Potential Damage to Structures because of the age of the structures. Specifically, nearly all buildings immediately west of the project site were built between 1956 and 1968. In addition, the nearest existing residences, which are approximately 1,100 feet away from the project site (1,570 feet away from the nearest project building), would most likely be categorized as “older residential structures.” The buildings within the planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard, approximately 950 feet from project construction areas, would most likely be categorized as “newer residential structures” or “modern industrial/commercial buildings.” Human annoyance effects from ground-borne vibration are typically considered only inside occupied buildings and not at outside areas such as residential yards, parks, or open spaces. Buildings that would be considered sensitive to human annoyance caused by vibration are generally the same as those that would be sensitive to noise. These typically include residences, schools, hospitals, assisted-living facilities, mental care facilities, places of worship, libraries, performing arts facilities, and hotels and motels. Nearby vibration-sensitive buildings include the hotels and motels located about 250 to 800 feet east of the project site and the residences located approximately 1,100 feet southwest of the project site. 9 California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Chapter 3 Ground-borne Vibration Fundamentals Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 3-6 February 2024 [page left blank intentionally] Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 4-1 February 2024 Chapter 4 Existing Noise Environment A number of transportation- and industrial-related noise sources contribute to the ambient noise environment in the project vicinity. Traffic on major roadways, such as US 101, South Airport Boulevard, and San Mateo Avenue, heavily influence the ambient noise levels in this area. In addition, aircraft noise from planes taking off and landing at nearby SFO, along with Caltrain’s passenger trains running north and south parallel to Hermann Street in San Bruno, influence the ambient noise environment. Ambient noise is often measured to help characterize existing ambient noise levels in the vicinity of a given project. To quantify existing ambient noise levels near the project site, long- (24-hour) and short-term (15-minute) ambient noise measurements were conducted between Wednesday, March 1, and Thursday, March 3, 2023. On these days, weather conditions ranged from clear to overcast, with no precipitation. Winds were mild, with wind speeds averaging approximately 1 to 2 miles per hour. Long- and short-term monitoring locations were selected to capture noise levels in areas with representative ambient noise levels throughout the day and night near the project site as well as areas that were representative of noise-sensitive receptors, including the hotel uses east of the project site and the residences to the southwest. The long-term measurements were conducted using a Piccolo Type 2 sound-level meter (SLM). The SLM measured 1-hour Leq for a period of approximately 24 hours. The recorded 1-hour data were used to generate 24-hour average Ldn, 24-hour CNEL, and average 12-hour Leq noise levels for the daytime hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. In addition, the highest and lowest 1-hour Leq noise level recorded during the measurement window was noted. Five long-term noise measurement locations near the project site were selected. The 24-hour noise levels from the long-term measurements ranged from 69.6 to 77.2 dBA Ldn, with higher noise levels generally corresponding to areas near busier roadways (i.e., US 101) and the nearby Caltrain passenger rail line (parallel to Herman Street). In addition, four short-term noise measurements were conducted near the project site. Short-term measurements were conducted using a Larson Davis 831 Type 1 SLM, which measured Leq every 10 seconds for 15 minutes as well as overall Leq averaged over the 15-minute measurement interval. The measured short-term noise levels ranged from 57.8 to 73.0 dBA Leq. The relevant noise data from the noise measurement survey are shown in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 for the long- and short-term noise measurements, respectively. All noise measurement locations are shown in Figure 3. Refer to Appendix A for the complete dataset of noise measurement data from the field survey. Chapter 4 Existing Noise Environment Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 4-2 February 2024 Table 4-1. Measured Existing Noise Levels in the Project Vicinity, Long Term Site Site Description Ldn CNEL Highest Recorded 1-Hour Leqa Lowest Recorded 1-Hour Leqb 12-Hour Daytime Leqc LT-1 San Mateo Avenue, between Peking Handi-Craft and W.M. Dickerson 77.2 77.4 74.7 64.6 73.6 LT-2 Within the parking lot between Best Western hotel and Travelodge hotel, ~120 feet south of electrical tower 69.6 69.9 69.8 58.7 65.8 LT-3 Corner of Pacific Avenue and Hermann Street 76.5 77.0 76.2 54.9 74.1 LT-4 On project site, approximately 450 feet south of Terminal Court 74.9 75.2 75.4 65.0 70.3 LT-5 Southeast corner of IHOP parking lot 73.2 73.5 69.9 63.3 68.8 LT = long-term (24-hour) ambient noise measurement. All noise levels are reported in A-weighted decibels (dBA). a. Highest 1-hour Leq is the highest calculated Leq level during a 24-hour period. b. Lowest 1-hour Leq is the lowest calculated Leq level during a 24-hour period. c. The 12-hour daytime Leq was the average hourly Leq noise level from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Table 4-2. Measured Existing Noise Levels in the Project Vicinity, Short Term Site Site Description Measurement Start Time Leq Lmax Lmin Dominant Noise Source ST-1 Travelodge parking lot, adjacent to US 101 9:20 a.m. 73.0 87.2 68.9 Highway traffic ST-2 Parking lot between Bay Badminton Center and Peking Handi-Craft 10:35 a.m. 68.0 76.9 63.5 Mechanical equipment, nearby table saw ST-3 Parking lot between Peninsula Auto Body and SF Elite Volleyball Club 9:03 a.m. 62.6 75.3 50.8 Roadway traffic ST-4 Approximately 570 feet west from the southwest corner of the project site 11:39 a.m. 57.8 71.5 53.7 HVAC equipment hum from produce facility ST = short-term (15-minute) ambient noise measurement. All noise levels are reported in A-weighted decibels (dBA). HVAC = heating, ventilation, air-conditioning Littlefield A v e Littlefield A v e Utah AveUtah Ave H a r b o r W a y H a r b o r W a y Be a c a n S t Be a c a n S t TanforanTanforanAtantic A v e Atantic A v e Pacific A v e Pacific A v e Tanfora n A v e Tanfora n A v e Shaw RdShaw Rd Navigable S l o u g h Navigable S l o u g h LINDENVILLELINDENVILLE Victory A v e Victory A v e S L i n d e n A v e S L i n d e n A v e S M a p l e A v e S M a p l e A v e Mitchell AveMitchell Ave Terminal C t Terminal C t Ba y s h o r e F w y Ba y s h o r e F w y Lawerence AveLawerence Ave Pr o d u c e A v e Pr o d u c e A v e Lo w r i e A v e Lo w r i e A v e San B r u n o C a n a l San B r u n o C a n a l N Acces s R d N Acces s R d S A i r p o r t B l v d S A i r p o r t B l v d 101 LT-1LT-1 LT-2LT-2 LT-5LT-5 LT-3LT-3 LT-4LT-4 ST-3ST-3 ST-2ST-2 ST-4ST-4 ST-1ST-1 Feet 7003000N Image: ©Google 2022. Google Earth Pro,Version 7.3. Mountain View, CA.Image date: 4/4/2022. Accessed: 1/9/2024. LTLT STST Short Term Measurement (15-Minute) Long Term Measurement (24-hour) Project Boundary Legend Gra p h i c s … 1 0 4 6 6 8 ( 0 1 - 0 9 - 2 0 2 4 ) J C Figure 3 Noise Measurement Locations Chapter 4 Existing Noise Environment Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 4-4 February 2024 [page left blank intentionally] Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-1 February 2024 Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework 5.1 Federal No federal laws, regulations, or policies for construction-related noise and vibration apply directly to the proposed project. However, FTA has developed general assessment criteria for analyzing construction noise. Although FTA standards are intended for federally funded mass-transit projects, the impact assessment procedures and criteria included in FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment manual10 are routinely used to evaluate a variety of projects proposed by local jurisdictions (i.e., not exclusively transit projects). The FTA construction guidelines state that each A-weighted sound level increase of 10 dB corresponds to an approximate doubling of subjective loudness. As a result, a 10 dB increase in the ambient noise level is often used as the threshold in determining if an increase in ambient noise levels because of construction would be considered substantial. 5.2 State Governor’s Office of Planning and Research The State of California General Plan Guidelines document, published and updated by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, provides guidance for evaluating the compatibility of various land uses with respect to community noise exposure. These guidelines for general land use planning describe noise acceptability categories for the different types of land uses considered by the State of California (State). California also requires each local government entity to perform noise studies and implement a noise element as part of its general plan. The purpose of the noise element is to limit the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels; the noise element must be used to guide decisions concerning land use. Section 5.3, below, examines noise guidelines found in the City General Plan. California Department of Transportation Caltrans provides guidelines regarding vibration associated with the construction and operation of transportation infrastructure. Table 5-1 provides Caltrans’ vibration guidelines for potential damage to different types of structures. Generally, people are more sensitive to vibration during nighttime hours, when people generally sleep, rather than daytime hours. Numerous studies have been conducted to characterize the human response to vibration. Table 5-2 provides Caltrans’ guidelines regarding vibration annoyance potential, expressed here as PPV. 10 Federal Transit Administration. 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. FTA Report No. 0123. September. Available: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/ research-innovation/118131/ transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf. Accessed: February 17, 2023. Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-2 February 2024 Table 5-1. Caltrans Vibration Guidelines for Potential Damage to Structures Structure Type and Condition Maximum Peak Particle Velocity (PPV, in/sec) Transient Sources Continuous/Frequent Intermittent Sources Extremely fragile historic buildings 0.12 0.08 Fragile buildings 0.2 0.1 Historic and some old buildings 0.5 0.25 Older residential structures 0.5 0.3 New residential structures 1.0 0.5 Modern industrial/commercial buildings 2.0 0.5 Source: California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/ programs/ environmental-analysis/documents/env/tcvgm-apr2020-a11y.pdf. Accessed: February 3, 2023. Note: Transient sources create a single, isolated vibration event (e.g., blasting or the use of drop balls). Continuous/frequent intermittent sources include impact pile drivers, pogo-stick compactors, crack-and-seat equipment, vibratory pile drivers, and vibratory compaction equipment. Table 5-2. Caltrans Guidelines for Vibration Annoyance Potential Human Response Maximum PPV (in/sec) Transient Sources Continuous/Frequent Intermittent Sources Barely perceptible 0.04 0.01 Distinctly perceptible 0.25 0.04 Strongly perceptible 0.9 0.10 Severe 2.0 0.4 Source: California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/ programs/ environmental-analysis/documents/env/tcvgm-apr2020-a11y.pdf. Accessed: February 3, 2023. Note: Transient sources create a single, isolated vibration event (e.g., blasting or the use of drop balls). Continuous/frequent intermittent sources include impact pile drivers, pogo-stick compactors, crack-and-seat equipment, vibratory pile drivers, and vibratory compaction equipment. 5.3 Local South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.32 of the City Municipal Code contains noise regulations for South San Francisco. The code includes noise limits for sound that constitutes a noise disturbance, measured as the maximum permissible sound level at any receiving property. The City Municipal Code’s quantitative noise limits and construction noise regulations are described below. Table 5-3 outlines the specific noise criteria that apply to various land uses in South San Francisco. Although these exact zoning/district designations are no longer in effect, the City generally applies the guidelines to the corresponding current zoning districts. Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-3 February 2024 Table 5-3. Noise Level Standards for the City of South San Francisco Land Use Category Time Period Noise Level (dBA)a R-e, R-1, and R-2 zones or any single-family or duplex residential use in a specific plan district 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 50 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 60 R-3 and D-C zones or any multi-family residential or mixed residential/commercial use in any specific plan district 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 55 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 60 C-1, P-C, Gateway, and Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan districts or any commercial use in any specific plan district 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 60 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 65 M-1, P-1 Anytime 70 Notes: • Noise levels are identified as the maximum permissible sound levels for a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in 1 hour. • If the measured ambient noise level for any area is higher than the standard set listed above, the ambient level shall be the base noise level standard for purposes of identifying a noise disturbance. • If the measurement location is on a boundary between two different zones, the applicable noise level standard shall be the more stringent noise zone plus 5 dBA. a. The noise level standard for each land use for a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any 1 hour (L50). Standards increase for durations of less than 15 minutes per hour. Under the City Noise Ordinance, it is unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated any source of sound at any location within the city, or allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by such person, that causes the noise level, when measured on any other property, to exceed the limits specified in Table 5-3, with limited exceptions, including permitted construction activity. If the measured ambient level for any area is higher than the standard in the City Municipal Code for a particular use, then the applicable threshold for that use is 5 dB above the measured ambient level.11 The City Municipal Code also identifies special provisions for activities related to construction, alterations, and landscaping. With a valid permit, such activities may occur from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. Other hours may be authorized by the permit if at least one of the following noise limitations is met: 1. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding 90 dBA at a distance of 25 feet or 2. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane of the project shall not exceed 90 dBA. Exception permits may be issued if an applicant can show that a diligent investigation of available noise abatement techniques indicates that immediate compliance with the requirements of Chapter 8.32 of the City Municipal Code would be impractical or unreasonable. Exception permits may contain conditions to minimize the public detriment caused by such exceptions. In addition, performance standards related to noise and vibration can be found in Chapter 20.300.010 of the City Municipal Code. Section E, Noise, states that no use or activity shall create ambient noise levels that exceed the levels of the standards established in Chapter 8.32, Noise Regulation. 11 South San Francisco Municipal Code, Section 8.32.030(a), (b). Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-4 February 2024 Section 20.300.010(F) states that vibration shall not be transmitted through the ground that is discernible without the aid of instruments by a reasonable person at the lot lines of a site. Vibration from temporary construction, demolition, and vehicles that enter and leave the subject parcel (e.g., construction equipment, trucks) is exempt from this standard. Section 20.300.010 also lists noise exposure requirements and limitations for new development, based on various land use types, which can be found below in Table 5-4. In these cases, noise levels at a new land use must meet the requirements for that designated land use. Table 5-4. Noise Exposure – Land Use Requirements and Limitations Land Use CNEL Range (dBA) Requirements and Limitations Residential and other noise-sensitive uses (e.g., schools, hospitals, churches) Less than 65 Satisfactory 65 to 70 Acoustic study and noise attenuation measures required More than 70 Not allowed, with the exception of projects deemed appropriate by the City Council and, to the extent necessary, approved through the local agency override process, consistent with Public Utilities Code Section 21670 et seq. Commercial Less than 70 Satisfactory 70 to 80 Acoustic study and noise attenuation measures required More than 80 Airport-related development only; noise attenuation measures required Industrial Less than 75 Satisfactory 75 to 85 Acoustic study and noise attenuation measures required More than 85 Airport-related development only; noise attenuation measures required Open Less than 75 Satisfactory More than 75 Avoid uses involving concentrations of people or animals 2040 South San Francisco General Plan The General Plan, adopted in October of 2022, contains a noise element (Chapter 16) that sets goals, policies, and implementing programs related to the goal of achieving acceptable noise levels in the city. In addition, the noise chapter sets land use compatibility noise standards for new developments. The following General Plan goals, policies, and programs adopted to avoid or minimize environmental noise are applicable to the project: Goal NOI-1: Residents and Employees of South San Francisco Are Exposed to Acceptable Noise Levels. Policy NOI-1.1: Ensure New Development Complies with Noise Compatibility Guidelines. Ensure that all new development within the city complies with the land use/noise compatibility guidelines shown in Table 11 (Table 5-5 of this report). Action NOI-1.1.1: Enforce Exterior and Interior Noise Limits. Enforce the standards of Table 11, Land Use/Noise Compatibility Matrix (Table 5-5, above), which specify acceptable exterior and interior noise limits for various land uses throughout the city. Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-5 February 2024 Table 5-5. Land Use Compatibility Noise Standards for New Development Land Use Categories Compatible Uses CNEL Interiora Exteriorb Residential Single-family, duplex, multi-family, mobile home, residence care uses 45c 65d Commercial Hotel, motel, transient lodging uses 45c 65 Commercial, retail, bank, restaurant, health club uses 55 — Office building, R&D, professional office uses 50 — Amphitheater, concert hall, auditorium, meeting hall, movie theater uses 50 — Manufacturing, warehousing, wholesale, utility uses 65 — Open Space Park, neighborhood park, playground uses — 65 Institutional/Public Facility Hospital, school, classroom uses 45c 65 Church, library uses 45c — Interpretation: a. Interior environment excludes bathrooms, toilets, closets, and corridors. b. Outdoor environment limited to private yard of single-family residential, multi-family residential, and mobile home park outdoor common space areas; hospital patio; park picnic area; school playground; and hotel and motel recreation area. c. Noise-Level Requirement with Closed Windows: Mechanical ventilating system or other means of natural ventilation shall be provided pursuant to Uniform Building Code requirements. d. Multi-family developments with private balconies that would not meet the 65 dBA CNEL standard are required to provide occupancy disclosure notices to all future tenants regarding potential noise impacts. Action NOI-1.1.2: Incorporate Noise Compatibility Conditions of Approval. Continue to assess projects through subdivision, site plan, conditional use permit, and other development review processes and incorporate conditions of approval and mitigation measures that ensure noise compatibility where appropriate. Action NOI-1.1.3: Require Noise Study in Applicable Areas. Require a noise study to be performed and appropriate noise attenuation to be incorporated to reduce interior noise levels to 45 dB CNEL or less prior to approving any multi-family or mixed-use residential development in an area with a CNEL of 65 dB or greater. Action NOI-1.1.5: Require Noise Control for New Developments. Require the control of noise at the source through site design, building design, landscaping, hours of operation, and other techniques for new developments deemed to be noise generators. Policy NOI-1.2: Enforce Noise Performance Standards. The City enforces the noise ordinance noise performance standards. Action NOI-1.2.1: Update Municipal Code Section Related to the Noise Ordinance. Update the noise ordinance in the South San Francisco Municipal Code to establish standards for permissible construction hours and controls related to other potential nuisances, such as music, dogs, special events, and mechanical/sound equipment, and encourage enforcement and penalties for violations of the noise ordinance. The update should not interfere with the regular course of business in commercial and industrial zones. Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-6 February 2024 General Activity Noise Performance Standards: Establish general noise performance standards for the city’s established land use zones. Construction Noise: Continue to restrict construction activities to acceptable time periods. Consider constructing temporary sound walls surrounding construction sites during construction. Special Event Noise: Allow single-event occurrences at specific sites, subject to special permit conditions, which alleviate noise to the greatest extent possible. Limit the permissible hours for special single events and the number of special single events that are allowed to take place each year. Goal NOI-2: Prevent the Exposure of Residents and Employees of South San Francisco to Unacceptable Vibration Levels. Policy NOI-2.1: Require Vibration Analysis for Sensitive Receptors. A vibration analysis shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant for any construction-related activities within 100 feet of residential or other sensitive receptors that require the use of pile driving or other construction methods that have the potential to produce high vibration levels. Policy NOI-2.2: Require Vibration Analysis for Rail Lines. A vibration analysis shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant for new land uses located within 200 feet of existing rail lines. Goal NOI-3: Historic Structures Are Not Exposed to Unacceptable Vibration Levels. Policy NOI-3.1: Require Vibration Analysis for Historic Structure Protection. Prior to issuance of grading permits for any development project within 150 feet of a historic structure, if construction activities will require either (1) pile driving within 150 feet the historic structure or (2) utilization of mobile construction equipment within 50 feet of the historic structure, the property owner/developer shall retain an acoustical engineer to conduct a vibration analysis of potential impacts from construction-related vibration on the historic structure. The vibration analysis shall determine the vibration levels created by construction activities at the historic structure and, if necessary, develop mitigation to reduce vibration to the Caltrans threshold for historic buildings (i.e., PPV of 0.12 in/sec). Lindenville Specific Plan The Lindenville Specific Plan, adopted September 27, 2023, contains specific guidelines for development within the Lindenville neighborhood, located in the southern portion of South San Francisco. Chapter 3.3.3, Land Use Vision – Allowed Uses, lists one standard regarding noise. Standard 5: Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Consistency. All development shall adhere to land use compatibility requirements established in zoning code Chapter 20.300.03, Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Consistency. a. ALUCP Safety Zone Compatibility. Development projects in Safety Zones 2, 3, and 4 shall adhere to the land use restrictions, as defined by the ALUCP. Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-7 February 2024 b. ALUCP Noise Compatibility (Interior). Future developments under the specific plan exposed to conditionally acceptable and generally unacceptable aircraft noise levels, as defined by the ALUCP or the South San Francisco General Plan, whichever is more restrictive, shall complete a detailed noise analysis that includes the required noise reduction measures and noise insulation features included in the design to ensure compatibility with appropriate noise standards. c. ALUCP Noise Compatibility (Exterior). Exterior noise requirements shall adhere to zoning code Chapter 20.300.03, Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Consistency, and the noise performance standards in the City’s General Plan, with the following exceptions: i. For new multi-family residential projects and for the residential component of mixed-use development, use a standard of 60 dB CNEL in usable outdoor activity areas. Use noise attenuation techniques such as shielding by buildings and structures for common outdoor use areas. Outdoor uses shall be designed for passive recreational use. ii. For new parks and open spaces, use a standard of 60 dB CNEL. Parks and open spaces shall be designed for passive recreational use. San Bruno Municipal Code Although the project site is in the city of South San Francisco, project construction and operation have the potential to cause noise impacts at nearby sensitive land uses in the neighboring city of San Bruno. The nearest existing residences to the project site are the single-family residences west of the intersection of Hermann Street and Tanforan Avenue. Therefore, relevant portions of the San Bruno Municipal Code are summarized below. The San Bruno Municipal Code contains regulations in Section 6.16, San Bruno Noise Ordinance, pertaining to noise. This section discusses noise limits for various noise sources in the jurisdiction. The relevant guidelines from the San Bruno Noise Ordinance are included below. 6.16.030, Ambient Noise Level Limits Where the ambient noise level is less than designated in this section, the respective noise level shall govern (sound level A, decibels). Residential zone: 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., 45 dBA; 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., 60 dBA (Ordinance 1354, Section 1; prior code: Section 16-4.3). 6.16.050, Noise Levels Exceeding Ambient Base Level Any noise level exceeding the zone ambient base level at the property plane of any property, or exceeding the zone ambient base level on any adjacent residential area zone line or at any place of other property (or, if a condominium or apartment house, within any adjoining apartment), by more than 10 dB shall be deemed to be prima facie evidence of a violation of the provisions of this chapter. However, during the period of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., the ambient base level may be exceeded by 20 dB for a period not to exceed 30 minutes during any 24-hour period (Ordinance 1354, Section 1; prior code: Section 16-4.1-5). 6.16.060, Machinery Noise Levels No person shall operate any machinery, equipment, pump, fan, air-conditioning apparatus, or similar mechanical device in any manner so as to create any noise that would cause the noise level at the property plane of any property to exceed the ambient base noise level by more Chapter 5 Regulatory Framework Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 5-8 February 2024 than 10 dB. However, during the period of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., the ambient base level may be exceeded by 20 dB for a period not to exceed 30 minutes during any 24-hour period (Ordinance 1354, Section 1; prior code: Section 16-4.6). 6.16.070, Construction of Buildings and Projects No person shall, within any residential zone, or within a radius of 500 feet therefrom, operate equipment or perform any outside construction or repair work on any building, structure, or other project or operate any pile driver, power shovel, pneumatic hammer, derrick, power hoist, or any other construction-type device that shall exceed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. a noise level of 85 dBA, as measured at 100 feet, or exceed between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00Âa.m. a noise level of 60 dBA, as measured at 100 feet, unless such person shall have first obtained a permit from the director of public works. No permit shall be required to perform emergency work (Ordinance 1354, Section 1; prior code: Section 16-4.7). Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-1 February 2024 Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures 6.1 Methodology A combination of existing literature and accepted noise and vibration prediction and propagation algorithms was used to predict short-term construction and long-term operational noise levels and evaluate ground-borne vibration impacts. The specific methodology used for each analysis topic is described below. 6.1.1 Construction Noise and Vibration The evaluation of potential noise and vibration impacts associated with project construction was based on the construction schedule, phasing, and equipment assumptions provided by the project sponsor. Using the construction assumptions derived for the proposed project, noise and vibration levels were estimated using the methods described below. Construction Noise Daytime Hours Noise from construction of a given project varies, depending on the type of equipment in use, how many pieces of equipment are operating at any one time, the proximity of the equipment to a noise receptor, and the duration of equipment use. Estimates of combined construction and demolition noise levels for the proposed project were based on reference noise levels from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) roadway construction noise model, the FTA general assessment construction noise analysis method, and information provided by the project sponsor.12,13 The FTA recommends combining noise levels from the two loudest pieces of equipment expected to operate simultaneously in roughly the same location. For the purposes of this analysis, and to provide a reasonably conservative assessment, the analysis included an evaluation of the three loudest pieces of equipment expected to operate during a given construction phase, assuming simultaneous operation in roughly the same location on the project site. This approach ensures a conservative analysis. Consideration was also given to overlapping phases in the analysis. The FHWA noise source data used in the construction noise model include A-weighted Lmax noise levels, measured at 50 feet from the construction equipment, along with utilization factors for the equipment. The utilization factor is the percentage of time each piece of equipment is typically 12 Federal Highway Administration. 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide. FHWA-HEP-05-054. January. Available: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ENVIRonment/noise/construction_noise/rcnm/rcnm.pdf. Accessed: July 17, 2023. 13 Federal Transit Administration. 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. FTA Report No. 0123. September. Available: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/ transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf. Accessed: July 17, 2023. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-2 February 2024 operated at full power over a specified time period. It is used to estimate Leq values from Lmax values. For example, the Leq value for a piece of equipment that operates at full power over 50 percent of the time is 3 dB less than the Lmax value.14 Modeled construction noise levels were compared to applicable construction noise standards for daytime hours. Specifically, for South San Francisco, construction noise generated between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday or 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays and holidays, was analyzed to determine if all individual pieces of equipment proposed for use would result in a noise level below 90 dBA at 25 feet or if combined construction noise levels would be below 90 dBA Leq at the property plane. Daytime construction noise generated within 500 feet of a sensitive use in San Bruno would be limited to 85 dBA Leq at a distance of 100 feet. However, because project construction would take place more than 500 feet from any sensitive uses in San Bruno, this threshold does not apply. Construction noise levels at the nearest existing residential land uses in San Bruno, which are approximately 1,100 feet from the project driveway, approximately 1,400 feet from the main project site, and approximately 1,570 feet from the nearest project building footprint, were modeled and compared to the existing ambient noise level to determine if a substantial temporary increase in noise would occur. Non-Daytime Hours Construction activities proposed for non-daytime hours would be those taking place outside of the specified daytime hours for construction identified in the City Municipal Code. As identified by the project sponsor, such activities could include concrete pours, crane work, drilling, and interior buildout work. The interior buildout work would take place inside the buildings during early-morning hours. As was the case for the daytime construction evaluation, described above, non-daytime construction noise was assessed by modeling combined construction noise levels, based on reference noise levels from the FHWA roadway construction noise model, the FTA general assessment construction noise analysis method, and information provided by the project sponsor. Combined construction noise levels from activities occurring outside of daytime hours were compared to the maximum permissible sound level for surrounding noise-sensitive land uses. The nearest sensitive land uses to the project are the nearby hotel uses. Consideration is also given to the planned multi-family residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. During non-daytime hours, project construction noise is evaluated to determine if it would be in compliance with the overall local noise standards (included in Table 5-3) at the nearest sensitive land uses; the less stringent daytime construction-specific noise thresholds in South San Francisco would not apply. According to Table 5-3, the City nighttime noise standard for multi-family residential or mixed residential/commercial land uses, including transient lodging, is 55 dBA between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless the existing ambient noise level exceeds this criterion. According to the City Municipal Code, if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standard, generated noise levels may exceed measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dB. 14 Federal Highway Administration. 2008. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM), Software Version 1.1. December 8. Prepared by: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-3 February 2024 For purposes of the non-daytime construction noise analysis, the lowest 1-hour Leq noise levels at the nearest sensitive uses are used to establish non-daytime construction noise thresholds because measured ambient noise levels exceed the aforementioned standards. The lowest measured 1-hour nighttime noise level at the nearest hotel (Travelodge) was 63.3 dBA Leq. According to City Municipal Code standards, non-daytime construction noise may be up to 5 dB greater than this measured noise level at this land use. Therefore, non-daytime construction noise is evaluated to determine if combined equipment noise would be expected to exceed approximately 68 dBA at the Travelodge hotel. Regarding the proposed multi-family residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard, existing noise levels are best represented by LT-4 because the distance from US 101 is similar to the distance from the closest edge of the proposed development. The lowest measured 1-hour nighttime noise level at LT-4 was 65.0 dBA Leq. Because non-daytime construction noise is allowed to be up to 5 dB greater than the measured noise level, non-daytime construction noise is evaluated to determine if combined equipment noise would be expected to exceed approximately 70 dBA Leq at the proposed residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. Although project construction may be completed prior to occupation of this development, an evaluation of non-daytime construction noise is conservatively included in this assessment. For nighttime and early-morning construction noise experienced by receptors in San Bruno, because construction noise would take place more than 500 feet from the nearest sensitive uses, the nighttime (i.e., between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.) noise criterion of 60 dBA, as measured at 100 feet, does not apply. Noise levels at the nearest existing residences are presented and compared to the existing ambient noise level, based on project-specific noise measurements, to determine if a substantial temporary increase (10 dB or greater) in noise would be expected to occur. Noise – Construction Haul Trucks The City Municipal Code does not include specific thresholds pertaining to construction haul truck noise. Anticipated daily haul truck noise was assessed to determine if a 3 dB increase over modeled ambient traffic noise levels, which is considered to be “barely perceptible,” would occur as a result of hauling activity. Note that, in some cases, modeled traffic noise levels do not fully characterize the existing noise environment along a given roadway segment. For example, traffic noise from adjacent larger-capacity roadway segments may dominate the overall noise environment in some areas (i.e., noise from US 101 may be experienced along a quieter, smaller adjacent roadway segment). Therefore, along roadway segments where overall noise levels are influenced by traffic on other roadway segments, measured noise levels, when available, are also considered when evaluating potential haul truck noise impacts. Construction Vibration Building/Structure Damage The operation of heavy-duty construction equipment can generate localized ground-borne vibration at buildings adjacent to the construction areas. Ground-borne vibration rarely causes damage to normal buildings. However, a structure’s susceptibility to vibration-induced damage depends on its age, condition, distance from the vibration source, and the vibration level. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-4 February 2024 Vibration resulting from construction of the proposed project was analyzed using data and modeling methodologies provided by Caltrans’ Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual.15 This guidance manual provides typical vibration source levels for various types of construction equipment as well as methods for estimating the propagation of ground-borne vibration over distance. Table 6-1 provides the PPV levels of the most vibration-intensive construction equipment expected to be used for the proposed project at a reference distance of 25 feet. All of the analyzed equipment is classified as continuous/frequent intermittent vibration sources. Table 6-1. Construction Equipment Vibration Levels Equipment Item Reference PPV at 25 feet, in/seca Auger drill 0.089 Large bulldozerb 0.089 Small bulldozerc 0.003 Source: California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. April. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/tcvgm-apr2020-a11y.pdf. Accessed: August 13, 2023. a. Obtained from Caltrans 2020. b. Considered representative of other heavy earthmoving equipment such as excavators, graders, backhoes, etc. c. Considered representative of smaller equipment such as a small backhoe and front-end loader. The following equation from the guidance manual was used to estimate the change in PPV levels over distance: PPVrec = PPVref ×(25/D)n where PPVrec is the PPV at a receptor; PPVref is the reference PPV at 25 feet from the equipment; D is the distance from the equipment to the receiver, in feet; and n is a value related to the vibration attenuation rate through ground. The default recommended value for n is 1.5. This equation was used to estimate the PPV at each of the closest vibration-sensitive receivers, based on an estimated worst-case distance between sources and receivers. Annoyance/Sleep Disturbance Regarding the potential for annoyance-related vibration impacts to occur, residential and transient lodging land uses (e.g., hotels and motels) are considered most sensitive to vibration during nighttime hours when people generally sleep. For the purposes of this analysis, should strongly perceptible vibration levels (i.e., a PPV of 0.1 in/sec, per the Caltrans guidelines for vibration annoyance potential) occur at nearby homes, hotels, or motels during nighttime hours, sleep disturbance could occur and annoyance-related vibration impacts would be considered significant. 6.1.2 Operational Noise Noise associated with project operations was evaluated for individual operational noise sources, as described below. Primary sources of operational noise associated with the project include heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment; emergency generators (during testing); loading 15 California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-5 February 2024 docks; and traffic from operations associated with the project. Note that no planned events or large gatherings are proposed for the project courtyard, and there would be no amplified music or speeches in this area. Therefore, noise from gatherings in the project courtyard was not evaluated in this analysis. Mechanical Equipment The evaluation of operational noise impacts associated with proposed on-site mechanical equipment was based on the available equipment information for the project, as provided by the project sponsor. Noise at various distances from point sources (e.g., stationary equipment associated with project operations such as generators and heating and cooling equipment) was estimated using available source noise data for similar sources, along with a point-source attenuation rate of 6 dB per doubling of distance. Although final equipment makes, models, and locations have not been determined, an example case was modeled to estimate combined noise levels from project mechanical equipment. The potential for noise to exceed allowable levels was also evaluated. Regarding the applicable operational equipment noise threshold, according to the City Municipal Code, mechanical equipment noise at nearby residential-type uses (assumed to include hotel land uses) shall not exceed 60 dBA during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. or 55 dBA during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., unless the existing ambient noise level exceeds these criteria. According to the City Municipal Code, if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standards, generated noise levels may exceed measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dB. For purposes of the operational equipment analysis, the lowest 1-hour Leq at the nearest sensitive uses is used to establish operational equipment noise thresholds because measured ambient noise levels would exceed the aforementioned standards. To establish a baseline noise level for the purposes of this analysis, the lowest recorded hourly Leq was conservatively used. The lowest measured nighttime noise level at the nearest residential/ transient lodging land use (Travelodge) was 63.3 dBA Leq. The lowest measured nighttime noise level at the Best Western was 58.7 dBA Leq. The lowest measured nighttime noise level at the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development was 65.0 dBA Leq. Because operational equipment noise may be up to 5 dB greater than the measured noise level at the aforementioned uses, operational equipment noise was evaluated to determine if combined equipment noise would be expected to exceed approximately 68 dBA Leq at the Travelodge, approximately 64 dBA Leq at the Best Western, or approximately 70 dBA Leq at the proposed residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. Estimated equipment noise levels at the nearest existing residences in San Bruno are also considered. Under applicable San Bruno thresholds, mechanical equipment must not result in a noise level of 10 dB above ambient at the nearest property plane of a sensitive use. The lowest measured hourly Leq noise level at the nearest residences in San Bruno was 54.9 dBA Leq; therefore, operational equipment noise at these residences was analyzed to determine if combined noise would exceed approximately 65 dBA Leq. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-6 February 2024 Emergency Generator Testing The project would incorporate diesel generators, which would be used during power disruptions. Although use of the generators would be limited to primarily emergency circumstances, periodic testing would be required. Note that noise from the operation of generators during an emergency is considered exempt from local noise thresholds in South San Francisco. However, the testing of emergency generators is required to comply with applicable local noise limits for operational equipment. Note that emergency generators would not be tested during nighttime hours. Noise from emergency generator testing at various distances was estimated using conceptual site plans, equipment specification data, and equipment layout information provided by the project sponsor, along with the general point-source attenuation equation of 6 dB per doubling of distance. The City Municipal Code establishes daytime (i.e., 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and nighttime (i.e., 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) noise limits for receiving land uses. These can be applied to noise generated by stationary equipment in South San Francisco (as presented in Table 5-3). According to the City Municipal Code, as described previously, if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standards, generated noise levels may exceed measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dB. For purposes of the generator noise analysis, because generator testing would take place during daytime hours, generator noise would be limited to 5 dB above the 12-hour average daytime Leq at the nearest sensitive land uses. The nearest sensitive land use is the Travelodge, which had a measured daytime 12-hour Leq noise level of 68.8 dBA Leq(12); 5 dB above this noise level would be approximately 74 dBA Leq. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of the Best Western hotel and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development were 65.8 dBA Leq and 70.3 dBA Leq, respectively. Therefore, modeled generator noise levels are compared to a noise limit of 71 and 75 dBA Leq, respectively. Although the generators would not be located in San Bruno, and therefore not required to comply with noise limits for equipment in San Bruno, an analysis was done to determine if noise from the generators in South San Francisco would result in a substantial increase in noise levels at nearby homes in San Bruno. Noise from emergency generator testing experienced in San Bruno was evaluated to determine if a 20 dB increase over the daytime ambient noise level, consistent with San Bruno Municipal Code noise limits, would occur (because the noise would not last longer than 30 minutes in a given hour and because testing would not occur during nighttime hours). Loading Dock Noise The potential for loading dock noise to result in substantial noise increases in the project area was analyzed qualitatively to determine the potential for a substantial temporary increase in noise at nearby sensitive land uses; a quantitative analysis of loading noise would be necessary only if the development was a loading-intensive use, such as a distribution center. Operational Traffic Noise Traffic noise increases along nearby roadway segments resulting from project development were quantitatively modeled using traffic volumes and existing vehicle-mix assumptions (i.e., the proportion of automobiles, trucks, buses, and other vehicles) provided by the project traffic engineer (Fehr & Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-7 February 2024 Peers). Provided daily turn movements were converted into average daily traffic (ADT) volumes and posted speeds were determined using Google Street View. Traffic volumes were provided for existing, existing-with-project, future, and future-with-project conditions. Quantitative modeling of traffic noise from the project was conducted using a spreadsheet that was based on the FHWA Traffic Noise Model, version 2.5, for the following conditions: Existing Existing with project Future (2040) Future (2040) with project The spreadsheet calculates the traffic noise level at a fixed distance from the centerline of a roadway, according to the traffic volume, roadway speed, and vehicle mix predicted to occur under each condition. The evaluation of potential direct traffic noise impacts compared traffic noise modeling for the existing condition to the existing-with-project traffic scenario; potential effects on existing noise-sensitive land uses along major project traffic access roadways were assessed. In addition, a comparison of existing traffic noise to future-with-project traffic noise was conducted to determine if cumulative traffic noise impacts would occur. If cumulative traffic noise impacts were modeled to occur, the project contribution to these impacts was assessed by comparing traffic noise from the future-no-project scenario to the future-with-project scenario. In some cases, modeled traffic noise levels do not accurately characterize the existing noise environment along a given roadway segment; for example, traffic noise from an adjacent larger-capacity roadway segment may dominate the overall noise environment in some areas. Therefore, along roadway segments where overall noise levels are influenced by traffic on other roadway segments (e.g., US 101), measured noise levels (when available) are also considered when evaluating potential traffic noise impacts. Parking Garage Noise Noise sources in parking garages include moving vehicles, along with doors closing, cars starting, tires squealing, car alarms sounding, and other automotive noises occurring. Noise from underground, or below-grade, parking garages would largely be attenuated by the mass of the earth above them. In addition, the line of sight between the noise source and the nearest sensitive uses would be blocked. Therefore, the I131S parking garage located beneath the I131S buildings would not be expected to result in parking-related noise at nearby sensitive uses. However, noise from the aboveground parking garage associated with the proposed project would still have the potential to radiate out from the structure. Therefore, noise from the 1,378-parking space aboveground I131N parking structure was evaluated qualitatively to determine if a substantial increase in noise at nearby sensitive uses would occur. On-Site Day Care and Outdoor Play Area Activities taking place within the proposed day-care building would most likely not increase ambient noise because these sources would be blocked and attenuated by the walls of the building. However, children playing in outdoor play areas associated with the day care may generate audible Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-8 February 2024 noise at nearby sensitive land uses. Noise measurements were obtained from a previous study involving an outdoor play area. Specifically, source noise levels from approximately 58 children playing at Linda Vista Elementary School in San Diego were used to estimate noise from children playing outside the proposed day care. It is anticipated that this would be reasonably representative of the outdoor play area at the day care, which would be attended by approximately 50 children daily. The measured noise levels from the previous study were normalized to a reference distance of 50 feet, then adjusted to account for the assumed number of children playing within the outdoor play area and the distances to the closest noise-sensitive receptors. The City Municipal Code establishes daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) noise limits for the receiving land use. These can be applied to noise generated by children playing outdoors in South San Francisco (as presented in Table 5-3). According to the City Municipal Code (and as described previously), if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standards, generated noise levels may exceed measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dB. For purposes of the day-care outdoor play area noise analysis, because the facility would operate during daytime hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.), outdoor play area noise should not exceed 5 dB above the 12-hour average daytime Leq at the nearest sensitive land uses. The nearest sensitive land use is the Travelodge, which had a measured daytime 12-hour Leq of 68.8 dBA Leq(12); 5 dB above this noise level would be approximately 74 dBA Leq. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of the Best Western hotel and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development were 65.8 dBA Leq and 70.3 dBA Leq, respectively. Therefore, modeled play area noise levels were compared to a noise limit of 71 and 75 dBA Leq, respectively. Note that the day-care center would not operate during project construction; therefore, children at the day care would not be exposed to project construction noise. 6.2 Thresholds of Significance In accordance with Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the proposed project would have a significant effect if it would result in any of the conditions listed below. a) Generate a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance or applicable standards of other agencies. b) Generate excessive ground-borne vibration or ground-borne noise levels. c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels. The following thresholds were used to evaluate the significance of impacts, based on applicable regulations, ordinances, and policies. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-9 February 2024 6.2.1 Short-Term Construction Noise Criteria Daytime Construction Noise The City identifies criteria for daytime construction noise in Chapter 8.32 of the City Municipal Code. Based on those requirements, and for the purpose of this assessment, construction noise is considered significant if it: • Occurs during the daytime allowable hours and exceeds the provisions of City Municipal Code Section 8.32.050(d) (i.e., any individual piece of equipment exceeding 90 dB at a distance of 25 feet or 90 dB at any point outside of the property plane) or • Occurs outside of daytime hours and causes ambient noise levels to exceed maximum permissible sound levels at nearby noise receptors (based on the land use category of the receiving property, as identified in Table 5-3). In the city of San Bruno, daytime construction noise generated within 500 feet of a sensitive use is limited to 85 dBA Leq at a distance of 100 feet. Nighttime construction noise at that distance is limited to 60 dBA Leq. However, because project construction would take place more than 500 feet from residences, this threshold does not apply. Construction noise levels at the nearest residential land uses in San Bruno were modeled and compared to the existing ambient noise level to determine if a substantial temporary increase in noise would occur. Non-Daytime (Night and Early-Morning) Construction Noise Because the nearest noise-sensitive land use to the project site is a hotel, construction noise outside of the standard daytime hours in South San Francisco must comply with the nighttime noise standard for transient lodging (mixed-use/commercial land uses, according to Table 5-3) of 55 dBA at the nearest hotel-type land use between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless the existing ambient noise level exceeds this criterion. According to the City Municipal Code, if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standards, generated noise levels may exceed the measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dB. As described in the Methodology section, based on the lowest measured hourly noise level (63.3 dBA Leq) at the nearby sensitive land use, the Travelodge, non-daytime construction noise in South San Francisco was evaluated to determine if combined equipment noise would exceed approximately 68 dBA. The lowest measured noise nighttime noise level at the Best Western was 58.7 dBA Leq; therefore, non-daytime construction noise was also evaluated to determine if it would exceed approximately 64 dBA at the Best Western. Finally, the lowest measured noise nighttime noise level at the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard residential development was 65.0 dBA Leq; therefore, non-daytime construction noise was also evaluated to determine if it would exceed approximately 70 dBA at this planned development. Construction Haul Trucks The General Plan does not include specific thresholds pertaining to construction haul truck noise. Anticipated daily haul truck noise was assessed to determine if a 3 dB increase over ambient noise levels, which is considered to be “barely perceptible,” would occur as a result of hauling activity. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-10 February 2024 6.2.2 Long-Term Operational Noise Criteria Mechanical Equipment Noise City Municipal Code Section 8.32.030 outlines maximum permissible sound levels, as measured at specified land uses. As shown in Table 5-3, maximum permissible sound levels are determined by the land use category of the receiving property. As described in the Methodology section, because generated noise levels may exceed measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dB if the applicable municipal code noise standard is already exceeded, operational noise was compared to a threshold of 68 dBA at the nearest sensitive land use (the Travelodge), based on the lowest hourly ambient noise measurement of approximately 63 dBA Leq at that location. Noise from mechanical equipment noise was also evaluated at the next-closest sensitive land uses, the Best Western hotel and the proposed multi-family residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. The lowest measured noise nighttime noise level at the Best Western and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard residential development were 58.7 dBA Leq and 65.0 dBA Leq, respectively. Mechanical equipment noise is compared to a noise limit of 5 dB greater than the measured noise levels at these land uses. Therefore, mechanical equipment noise at these land uses was compared to approximately 64 dBA at the Best Western hotel and approximately 70 dBA at the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard residential development. Emergency Generator Noise For the reasons described above pertaining to noise from mechanical equipment, because all emergency generator testing would take place during daytime hours, emergency generator testing noise was compared to a threshold 5 dB greater than the daytime 12-hour Leq noise level of 68.8 dBA Leq(12) at the nearest sensitive use (the Travelodge). Because a 5 dB increase above this noise level would be approximately 74 dBA Leq, the threshold was applied to the assessment of emergency generator noise at this land use. Noise from emergency generator testing was also evaluated at the next-closest sensitive land uses, the Best Western hotel and the proposed multi-family residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of the Best Western hotel and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development were 65.8 dBA Leq and 70.3 dBA Leq, respectively. Therefore, modeled generator noise levels are compared to a noise limit of 71 and 75 dBA Leq, respectively. Traffic Noise In general, an increase of 3 dBA in traffic noise is considered just noticeable, a change of 5 dBA in traffic noise is clearly noticeable, and a change of 10 dBA in traffic noise is perceived as a doubling of noise. This report applies the following thresholds of significance for direct traffic-related noise increases: • A project-generated increase of 5 dBA in traffic noise if the resulting traffic noise remains below the satisfactory range at noise-sensitive receivers, as found in Table 5-4, and • A 3 dBA or greater increase in traffic noise resulting from project implementation when the future noise level is above the satisfactory range for a noise-sensitive land use. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-11 February 2024 Regarding potential cumulative traffic noise impacts, a comparison of existing traffic noise to future-with-project traffic noise was conducted to determine if a 3 dBA or 5 dBA increase (as described in the bullets above) would occur. In instances where cumulative traffic noise impacts were modeled to occur, the project contribution to these impacts was assessed by comparing traffic noise from the future-no-project scenario to the future-with-project scenario. Specifically, a cumulative impact and cumulatively considerable contribution related to traffic noise would be identified if: A project-generated increase of more than 1 dBA is attributable to the project where a cumulative traffic noise increase of 3 dBA or more occurs (and where cumulative traffic noise levels would be above the satisfactory range at a noise-sensitive land use) or A project-generated increase of more than 1 dBA is attributable to the project where a cumulative traffic noise increase of 5 dBA or more occurs (and where cumulative traffic noise levels would remain within the satisfactory range at a noise-sensitive land use). On-Site Day Care and Outdoor Play Area Because the day-care facility would be operating only during daytime hours, outdoor play area noise was compared to a threshold 5 dB greater than the daytime 12-hour Leq noise level of 68.8 dBA Leq(12) at the nearest sensitive use (the Travelodge). Because a 5 dB increase above this noise level would be approximately 74 dBA Leq, the threshold was applied to the assessment of outdoor play area noise at this receiver. Noise from the play area was also evaluated at the next-closest sensitive land uses, the Best Western hotel and the proposed multi-family residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of the Best Western hotel and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development were 65.8 dBA Leq and 70.3 dBA Leq, respectively. Therefore, estimated outdoor play area noise levels are compared to a noise limit of 71 and 75 dBA Leq, respectively. 6.2.3 Ground-Borne Vibration Criteria The previously cited Caltrans vibration criteria included in the Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual are routinely used to evaluate a variety of projects (not merely transit projects) proposed by local jurisdictions, as outlined below. That guidance is used in this analysis. • Generation of continuous/frequent intermittent construction-related ground-borne vibration levels that exceed the modern industrial/commercial building damage standard (i.e., PPV of 0.5 in/sec) at off-site commercial/industrial buildings or exceed the “older residential structure” damage criterion (i.e., PPV of 0.3 in/sec) at nearby older residential structures. • Generation of continuous/frequent intermittent construction-related ground-borne vibration levels that exceed the “strongly perceptible” level (i.e., PPV of 0.1 in/sec) at off-site sensitive receptors (e.g., residences, hotels/motels) during nighttime hours when people normally sleep. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-12 February 2024 6.3 Project Impacts 6.3.1 Noise Impacts Construction Noise Construction for the proposed project has the potential to generate noise that could exceed applicable noise thresholds at nearby sensitive uses. The proposed project would be constructed in eight phases (i.e., rough grading/site demolition, deep foundations, foundations, superstructure, building enclosure, interior buildout, sitework, startup/building commissioning/final inspections). Demolition and construction activities are anticipated to begin in March 2026 and be completed by May 2031, lasting approximately 62 months. Most construction activities would be expected to occur on the project site, with some limited work for a project driveway occurring southwest of the project site. As a result, most construction equipment would generally be operating no closer than 1,400 feet from the nearest single-family residences in San Bruno and 250 feet from the nearest hotel in South San Francisco (assuming equipment could operate anywhere on the project site). Estimated noise levels for individual construction equipment proposed for use with the project are shown in Table 6-2, based on the FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model. Table 6-2. Noise from Equipment Proposed for Project Construction (Leq) Equipment Type Noise at 25 Feet (Leq) Drill rig 83 Crane 79 Excavator 83 Dozer 84 Scraper 86 Gradall 85 Concrete pump truck 80 Front-end loader/forklift 81 Welder 76 Man lift/scissor lift/glass manipulator 74 Source: Federal Highway Administration. 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide. FHWA-HEP-05-054. January. Available: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ENVIRonment/noise/construction_noise/rcnm/rcnm.pdf. Accessed: February 20, 2023. Note: Noise levels are based on source noise levels and utilization factors from the FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model. Daytime Construction Noise In South San Francisco, construction activities are allowed between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays and holidays, provided they meet one of two noise limitations. Construction is allowed during the daytime hours specified on the permit if noise from each individual piece of equipment is limited to 90 dB at a distance of 25 feet or if combined construction noise does not exceed 90 dB at any point outside of the property plane of the project. Table 6-2 demonstrates that noise levels for each individual piece Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-13 February 2024 of equipment proposed for the project would not exceed 90 dBA Leq at a distance of 25 feet. For that reason, construction that takes place during daytime hours, as defined by the City Municipal Code, would not conflict with the City’s construction noise regulations. Combined construction noise is also assessed. To provide a reasonable worst-case analysis of potential combined noise levels from project construction, it was assumed that the three loudest pieces of equipment from each phase of construction would be operating simultaneously and close to one another anywhere on the project site (including at the project perimeter closest to sensitive uses). This ensures a conservative analysis because many construction phases (e.g., deep foundations, foundations, superstructure, building enclosure, interior buildout) would most likely be limited to the project building footprint, which is not adjacent to the project site perimeter, and therefore would be even farther from the nearest off-site sensitive uses. A screening analysis was conducted to compare noise levels from the three loudest pieces of equipment proposed for use during each phase of construction to see which phase would produce the highest noise levels. These results are shown in Table 6-3. The screening analysis demonstrated that the rough grading/site demolition phase would be the loudest. This phase would include the use of two scrapers and a Gradall. Table 6-3. Combined Noise Levels for Each Construction Phase at 50 Feet Construction Phase Average Composite Hourly Noise Level (Leq) at 50 feet, dBA Rough grading/site demolition 84 Deep foundations 83 Foundations 83 Superstructure 83 Building enclosure 83 Interior buildout 82 Site work 81 Startup/building commissioning/final inspection 76 Source: Construction assumptions were provided by the project sponsor. See Appendix A for modeling data. Modeling was conducted with the use of data from: Federal Highway Administration. 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide. FHWA-HEP-05-054. January. Available: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ENVIRonment/noise/ construction_noise/rcnm/rcnm.pdf. Accessed: February 20, 2023. At a reference distance of 50 feet, the combined noise level of two scrapers and a Gradall operating simultaneously and close to one another during rough grading and site demolition is estimated to be 84 dBA Leq. Table 6-4 shows the anticipated worst-case combined noise levels from operation of these three pieces of equipment at the closest nearby noise-sensitive land uses. The closest noise-sensitive land uses in South San Francisco are the Travelodge and Best Western hotels east of US 101 and the planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. The Travelodge is approximately 250 feet from the project site, the Best Western is approximately 800 feet from the project site, and the planned multi-family residential development near Produce Avenue and Airport Boulevard is approximately 950 feet from the project site. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-14 February 2024 Table 6-4. Weekday Daytime Construction Noise Levels at nearby Land Uses for Rough Grading/Site Demolition Receiver (distance from project site, feet) Construction Phase Average Construction Noise Level (Leq), dBA Average Daytime Ambient Noise Level (Leq), dBAa Increase over Daytime Ambient (Leq), dBA Travelodge (250 feet) Rough Grading/Site Demolition 71 68.8b 2.2 Best Western (800 feet) 60 65.8c -5.8 Planned 100 Produce Ave/124 Airport Blvd Development 59 70.3d -11.3 Single-family residential (San Bruno, 1,100 feet) 58 74.1e -16.1 Source: Appendix A. Note: Combined construction noise levels from overlapping phases were also estimated, with nearly identical results. Because modeled construction noise from overlapping phases was comparable to modeled construction noise from individual phases, this analysis focuses on construction noise from individual phases. Refer to Appendix A for modeling files for overlapping construction phases. a. Modeled noise levels for construction activities were compared to the average daytime ambient noise level (12-hour Leq) measured between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. b. 12-hour Leq was calculated from LT-5 data. c. 12-hour Leq was calculated from LT-2 data. d. 12-hour Leq was calculated from LT-4 data. e. 12-hour Leq was calculated from LT-3 data. At a distance of 250 feet (i.e., at the nearby Travelodge), the rough grading/site demolition construction phase could result in a combined noise level of approximately 70 dBA Leq. At the Best Western, located 800 feet from the project site, the noise level would be approximately 60 dBA Leq. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of these two hotels were measured to be 68.8 and 65.8 dBA Leq, as shown in Table 6-4. Combined construction noise levels are therefore anticipated to exceed the existing ambient noise level at the Travelodge by approximately 1 dBA. However, modeled construction noise would be approximately 6 dBA lower than the average ambient noise level during daytime hours at the Best Western. Regarding the nearby proposed residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard, approximately 950 feet north of the project site, the rough grading/site demolition construction phase could result in a combined noise level of approximately 59 dBA Leq at this location. The measurement location that best represents this future noise-sensitive land use (LT-4) had a 12-hour daytime Leq noise level of 70.3 dBA. Therefore, as shown in Table 6-4, combined construction noise levels would be approximately 11 dBA lower than the average ambient noise level during daytime hours at this location. Although modeling demonstrates that construction noise at the nearby Travelodge may be approximately 1 dBA greater than the existing ambient noise level at this location, 1 dBA is below the threshold of perception for the average human ear, with a 3 dB change generally considered to be “barely perceptible.” In addition, the increase would be temporary and intermittent, with construction lasting for 62 months. Furthermore, not all construction activities would occur at the perimeter of the project site closest to sensitive receptors. Some construction would occur at much greater distances as work moves throughout the project site. As described previously, project Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-15 February 2024 construction noise during daytime hours would comply with the applicable City Municipal Code threshold (i.e., no piece of equipment proposed for project construction would produce a noise level that would exceed the 90 dB threshold at 25 feet). For these reasons, the daytime construction noise impacts on the nearest noise-sensitive land uses in South San Francisco would not be considered substantial. The existing single-family residential land uses closest to the project site are in San Bruno. These would be approximately 1,100 feet southwest of the closest project construction area (i.e., the project driveway for access to Shaw Road); the residences would also be more than 1,570 feet southwest of the nearest project building. At a distance of 1,100 feet, noise from rough grading and demolition on the project site was modeled to be 58 dBA Leq, without accounting for shielding and the associated attenuation from intervening buildings. Shielding from intervening buildings would further reduce this estimated noise level. The 12-hour average daytime ambient noise near the homes was approximately 74 dBA Leq. Therefore, ambient noise at the nearest existing residences was an estimated 16 dBA higher than construction noise would be at these locations. When noise sources are more than 10 dBA different from one another, the combined noise level is equal to the louder noise level. Therefore, construction noise from the project site, as experienced at the nearby residences in San Bruno, would not be expected to be perceptible. Daytime construction noise impacts at the nearest single-family residential land uses would also not be considered substantial. Non-Daytime Construction Noise In addition to the daytime construction activities evaluated above, certain activities may be required to take place during nighttime and early-morning hours. These would include concrete pours, crane and/or large equipment (e.g., drill) work, and interior building work. Regarding concrete pours, there would be an estimated five mat slab pours, starting between 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., and 22 slab-on-metal-deck (SOMD) and slab-on-grade (SOG) pours, starting between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. The project sponsor has stated that crane and drilling work may start as early as 5:00 a.m., with a total of 105 days for steel erection (i.e., crane work) and 40 days for drilling during early-morning hours. In addition, once the proposed building is constructed and enclosed, interior work may start before 8:00 a.m. However, this work would all take place internally and would not be expected to generate high noise levels outside. Noise from this activity was not quantitatively analyzed because it would generate less noise than the other analyzed phases. Nighttime and early-morning construction activities are evaluated below. During non-daytime hours, project construction noise would not be compared to construction-specific daytime noise thresholds in South San Francisco. Rather, it would need to comply with the general City Municipal Code noise standards (included in Table 5-3) for South San Francisco. The City nighttime noise level standard for multi-family residential and transient lodging land uses (mixed-use/commercial land uses, according to Table 5-3) is 55 dBA between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless the existing ambient noise level exceeds this criterion. According to the City Municipal Code, if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standards, generated noise levels may exceed measured ambient noise levels by up to 5 dBA. For purposes of the non-daytime construction noise analysis, the lowest 1-hour Leq noise levels at the nearest sensitive uses are used to establish operational equipment noise thresholds because measured ambient noise levels would exceed the aforementioned standards. The lowest measured noise nighttime noise level at the nearest land use (Travelodge) was 63.3 dBA Leq. The lowest Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-16 February 2024 measured noise nighttime noise level at the Best Western was 58.7 dBA Leq. The lowest measured nighttime noise level at the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard residential development was 65.0 dBA Leq. Non-daytime construction noise may be up to 5 dB greater than the measured noise levels at these land uses, according to the City Municipal Code standards. Therefore, non-daytime construction noise was evaluated to determine if combined equipment noise would be expected to exceed approximately 68 dBA at the Travelodge, 64 dBA at the Best Western, or approximately 70 dBA at the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard residential development. Modeling was conducted for nighttime and early-morning concrete pours, crane work/steel erection, and drilling. This analysis assumes that concrete pours could occur anywhere on the project site and that drilling and crane work could occur anywhere within or adjacent to the footprint of proposed project buildings or structures. Therefore, concrete pours and crane/drill work could occur as close as 250 and 295 feet, respectively, from the nearby Travelodge. Concrete pours and crane/drill work could occur as close as 800 and 820 feet, respectively, from the Best Western. Finally, concrete pours and crane/drill work could occur as close as 950 and 1,000 feet, respectively, from the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development. Modeling for early-morning and nighttime construction activities was conducted to estimate the combined noise level by activity at the nearby noise-sensitive land uses. Based on the construction equipment list provided by the project sponsor, early-morning or nighttime crane work could require the use of two cranes at one time. Similarly, early-morning drilling activities could involve the use of two drills simultaneously. Finally, early-morning concrete pours could involve the use of two concrete pumps near one another on the project site simultaneously. Table 6-5 shows estimated noise levels for activities that may occur during nighttime or early-morning hours. As shown in this table, crane work (i.e., two cranes operating simultaneously) could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 61 dBA Leq at the nearby Travelodge. Drilling activities (i.e., two drill rigs operating simultaneously) could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 65 dBA Leq at the Travelodge. Concrete pours would result in an estimated noise level of 63 dBA Leq at the hotel. These noise levels are all below the established non-daytime construction noise threshold of 68 dBA for this location (based on 5 dB above the existing ambient). At the Best Western, crane work could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 52 dBA Leq, drilling activities could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 56 dBA Leq, and concrete pours could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 53 dBA Leq. These noise levels are all below the established non-daytime construction noise threshold of 64 dBA for this location. At the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development, crane work could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 50 dBA Leq, drilling activities could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 54 dBA Leq, and concrete pours could result in an estimated noise level of approximately 51 dBA Leq. These noise levels are all below the established non-daytime construction noise threshold of 70 dBA for this location. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-17 February 2024 Table 6-5. Non-Daytime Construction Noise Levels at nearest Sensitive Land Uses Receiver Distance (feet) Non-Daytime Construction Activity Construction Noise Levels (Leq), dBA Leq Lowest Hourly Ambient Noise Level (Leq), dBAa Threshold Based on 5 dBA Increase over Ambienta Exceeds Threshold? Travelodge (South San Francisco) 250 (distance to project site) Concrete pours – mat slabs 63 63.3 68 No Concrete pours – SOMD/SOG 63 No 295 (distance to project building) Drilling 65 No Crane work 61 No Best Western (South San Francisco) 800 (distance to project site) Concrete pours – mat slabs 53 58.7 64 No Concrete pours – SOMD/SOG 53 No 820 (distance to project building) Drilling 56 No Crane work 52 No Residential (South San Francisco) 950 (distance to project site) Concrete pours – mat slabs 51 65.0 70 No Concrete pours – SOMD/SOG 51 No 1,000 (distance to project building) Drilling 54 No Crane work 50 No Residential (San Bruno) 1,100 (distance to project site) Concrete pours – mat slabs 50 54.9 60 No Concrete pours – SOMD/SOG 50 No 1,570 (distance to project building) Drilling 50 No Crane work 46 No Source: Appendix A. The lowest ambient noise level is conservatively used to establish a baseline noise level. In South San Francisco, if existing noise exceeds the applicable noise threshold, a 5 dBA increase in noise over the existing noise level is allowed. a. The noise threshold for construction noise at the Travelodge was based on the lowest hourly Leq from LT-5. The noise threshold for construction noise at the Best Western was based on the lowest hourly Leq from LT-2. The noise threshold for construction noise at the 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard planned development was based on the lowest hourly Leq from LT-4. The noise threshold for construction noise at residential land uses in San Bruno was based on the lowest hourly Leq from LT-3, even though these land uses are outside of South San Francisco. The thresholds for South San Francisco are more stringent and therefore more protective of these uses during non-daytime hours. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-18 February 2024 Regarding the nearest existing single-family residences, which are approximately 1,100 feet from the nearest project construction area and approximately 1,570 feet from the footprint of the nearest project building in San Bruno, estimated noise levels at this location would be 46 dBA Leq from crane work, 50 dBA Leq from drilling work, and 50 dBA Leq from concrete pours, as shown in Table 6-5. The lowest hourly ambient noise level near these residences would be 54.9 dBA Leq during nighttime and early-morning hours. In addition, numerous buildings are located between the project site and the residences, which would greatly reduce the level of construction noise at these locations. Because estimated noise from project construction activities would be below the measured existing noise level and construction noise would be further reduced by intervening buildings, construction noise impacts at the nearest residences in San Bruno would not be considered substantial. As demonstrated in this analysis, noise from limited early-morning and nighttime construction would not be expected to exceed the applicable thresholds. Construction Traffic Noise Demolition and construction activities would require the use of haul trucks to remove debris and excavated materials. To ensure a conservative analysis, haul truck noise modeling was conducted using the worst-case maximum number of haul truck trips on a given day. Specifically, based on information provided, up to 550 one-way truck trips may be made to or from the site on a worst-case day. Note that a smaller number of haul truck trips would take place on most construction days. In addition, no other site deliveries (e.g., vendor drop-offs) would occur while worst-case hauling activities would take place. Therefore, modeling for haul truck noise is based on a maximum of 550 one-way trips on a worst-case day. Neither the municipal code nor the General Plan includes specific thresholds pertaining to construction haul truck noise. Therefore, anticipated worst-case daily haul truck noise was assessed to determine if a 3 dB increase over ambient noise levels, which is considered to be “barely perceptible,” would occur. The project sponsor identified two northbound and two southbound haul routes, depending on which end of the project site the trucks are accessing. Trucks would exit the site from the north side of the project site via Terminal Court. At Produce Avenue, trucks would turn right to access southbound US 101 or turn left and follow Produce Drive north before turning right onto South Airport Boulevard. Trucks would stay on South Airport Boulevard as it continues south, then make one more right turn before accessing the US 101 northbound ramp. Haul trucks leaving the south end of the project site would use the proposed project driveway to access Shaw Road and San Mateo Avenue west of the project site. Trucks would travel north to the point where San Mateo Avenue intersects Produce Avenue/Airport Boulevard. To access southbound US 101, haul trucks would turn right on Produce Avenue and continue to the entrance ramp. Trucks headed northbound would turn left at San Mateo Avenue onto Airport Boulevard and access the northbound US 101 ramp near Grand Avenue. Trucks would use these same routes to return to the project site. Daily turn movements and vehicle-mix percentages provided by Fehr & Peers were used to model existing traffic noise along the haul truck routes. In addition, traffic noise modeling was completed for an existing-plus-haul-truck condition by adding the worst-case daily haul truck volumes to the existing daily traffic volumes along roadway segments where hauling would occur. This would be a worst-case existing-plus-haul-truck condition because it would be based on the predicted worst-case daily haul truck volumes. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-19 February 2024 Traffic noise modeling for the existing and existing-plus-haul-truck scenarios was conducted using a spreadsheet that was based on the FHWA Traffic Noise Model, version 2.5. Modeled noise levels were then compared to determine if a project-related increase in haul truck noise of 3 dB or more would occur along any evaluated segment. Table 6-6 shows the modeled traffic noise levels under both conditions for roadway segments where hauling would occur. Although project haul trucks were modeled to result in a traffic noise increase of more than 3 dB along some roadway segments (with the largest modeled increase being 10.7 dB over existing conditions), the measured CNEL noise level along these roadway segments is also considered. As an example, along the roadway segment where a 10.7 dB increase was modeled to occur (i.e., Terminal Court west of the Produce Avenue/US 101 southbound on-ramp), resulting in a modeled existing-plus-haul-truck noise level of 64.5 dBA CNEL, the measured noise level was 75.2 dBA CNEL.16 Therefore, measured noise levels were actually greater than the modeled existing-plus-haul-truck noise level. Existing ambient noise levels along this segment are such that the addition of haul trucks would not result in a meaningful increase in the overall ambient noise level. As shown in Table 6-6, measured noise levels along all roadway segments where a haul truck–related noise increase of 3 dB or more was modeled to occur actually exceeded modeled existing-plus-haul-truck noise levels. As a result, existing ambient noise levels from other sources (e.g., US 101 noise) would mask haul truck–related noise increases along these roadway segments. In addition, most of the roadways where hauling would occur are surrounded by commercial and industrial land uses, which are not considered to be noise sensitive. For example, San Mateo Avenue (where a 4 dB increase was modeled to occur from haul trucks north of South Linden Avenue) is lined with various commercial and industrial land uses. Ambient noise along this corridor was measured to be 77.4 dBA CNEL.17 Although there are hotel land uses along some haul route segments, measured ambient noise was greater than the modeled existing-plus-haul-truck noise level along roadway segments where a 3 dB increase (or greater) was modeled to occur. As a result, actual noise increases from haul trucks would not be considered substantial at these locations. In conclusion, although existing-plus-haul-truck noise levels were modeled to exceed existing traffic noise levels by 3 dB or more along several roadway segments, all of these segments have measured noise levels greater than the modeled existing-plus-haul-truck noise levels. Noise increases from project haul truck activity along haul routes would not be considered substantial. Summary of Construction Noise Impact Conclusions Based on the construction noise modeling results, estimated noise levels for both daytime and non-daytime (i.e., early-morning and nighttime) construction activities would be below the applicable significance thresholds. In addition, construction haul truck noise impacts would not be expected to result in a 3 dB increase in noise along evaluated roadway segments. Therefore, daytime and non-daytime construction noise impacts on sensitive uses in South San Francisco would not be considered substantial. 16 LT-4 (75.2 dBA CNEL). 17 Compared to LT-1 (77.4 dBA CNEL). Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-20 February 2024 Project Operation Stationary Noise Sources Mechanical Equipment Noise Although general information regarding project heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment, as well as other operational mechanical equipment for the project, is available, final equipment makes and models have not been selected. The proposed locations for project equipment are also not final. However, it is known that project mechanical equipment would include multiple air handling units, air-source heat pumps, make-up air units, chillers, split-system air-conditioners, direct outside air systems, cooling towers, electric water boilers, pumps, and fans. In general, air handling units, standard heating and cooling package units, and split-system air-conditioners can produce sound levels in the range of about 70 to 75 dBA at 50 feet, depending on the size of the unit.18 With regard to cooling towers, a typical 100-horsepower, propeller-driven cooling tower generates a noise level of approximately 74 dBA at 50 feet. Depending on cooling capacity, a chiller generates a sound power level of 97 to 103 dBA, which equates to a noise level of 65 to 71 dBA at 50 feet.19 A typical boiler generates a sound power level in the range of 96 to 99 dBA,20 which equates to a noise level of 64 to 67 dBA at 50 feet. Pumps generate noise levels at 50 feet of approximately 81 dBA, and exhaust/ventilation fans generate noise levels at 50 feet of approximately 79 dBA.21 Although the exact makes, models, sizes, and locations for the proposed mechanical equipment are not known at this time, an example case of combined noise levels was modeled, based on the equipment information available at the time. The analysis evaluated combined noise from a select number of units that could be installed under the project. It conservatively assumed that all modeled pieces of equipment in each building would be located relatively close to one another. Although more equipment than evaluated could be installed under the project, overall noise levels would be generally dominated by the closest and loudest equipment. In addition, equipment located farther from the edge of the project roof would be somewhat blocked by equipment located closer to the roof, resulting in noise attenuation. Finally, the edge of the roof itself would also reduce equipment noise experienced by noise-sensitive uses located closer to the ground level of the approximately 114-foot-tall project building. As a result, the example analysis provides a reasonable estimate of combined noise levels from project equipment experienced at the nearest sensitive uses. According to the project sponsor, boilers and pumps would be located inside buildings. As a result, because walls would somewhat reduce noise, an estimated 10 dB reduction in the noise level is assumed in the model for these types of equipment. In addition, all rooftop equipment would be located behind a solid screen. As a result, noise reduction of approximately 5 dB was assumed for equipment located behind a mechanical screen in the model. 18 Hoover and Keith. 2000. Noise Control for Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, Equipment, and Products. Houston, TX. 19 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 Federal Highway Administration. 2006. Roadway Construction Noise Model User Guide. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-21 February 2024 Table 6-6. Haul Truck Traffic Noise Analysis Roadway Segment dBA CNEL, at 50 feet Modeled Delta dBA Measured Noise if 3 dBA Increase Modeled Modeled Existing-plus-Haul-Truck Noise Level Exceeds Measured? Significant Impact? Existing Noise Levels Existing-plus-Haul- Truck Noise Levels Airport Boulevard North of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 66.9 68.0 1.1 N/A No No Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 68.5 69.5 1.0 N/A No No Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB off-ramp 69.6 70.6 1.0 N/A No No Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 69.5 70.4 1.0 N/A No No Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB off-ramp 68.5 69.5 1.0 N/A No No San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 60.6 64.9 4.3 77.4a No No San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 61.9 64.9 3.1 77.4a No No San Mateo Avenue South of South Linden Avenue 61.9 64.9 3.1 77.4a No No San Mateo Avenue West of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 62.6 65.6 3.0 77.4b No No Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 56.7 63.8 7.1 77.4c No No South Airport Boulevard East of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 66.0 67.3 1.3 N/A No No South Airport Boulevard North of US 101 NB on- and off-ramp/Wondercolor Lane 65.8 67.2 1.3 N/A No No South Airport Boulevard South of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 65.6 66.9 1.3 N/A No No South Airport Boulevard West of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 66.0 67.3 1.3 N/A No No Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB on-ramp 53.8 64.5 10.7 75.2d No No US 101 NB on- and off-ramp West of South Airport Boulevard 65.6 67.8 2.3 N/A No No US 101 SB off-ramp East of Produce Avenue 61.2 66.8 5.7 75.2e No No US 101 SB on-ramp South of Terminal Court 72.2 73.0 0.8 N/A No No a. Measured ambient noise level near this segment is 12.5 dB higher than modeled existing-plus-haul-truck results (LT-1, 77.4 dBA CNEL). b. Measured ambient noise level near this segment is 11.8 dB higher than modeled existing-plus-haul-truck results (LT-1, 77.4 dBA CNEL). c. Measured ambient noise level near this segment is 13.6 dB higher than modeled existing-plus-haul-truck results (LT-1, 77.4 dBA CNEL). d. Measured ambient noise level near this segment is 10.7 dB higher than modeled existing-plus-haul-truck results (LT-5, 73.5 dBA CNEL). e. Measured ambient noise level near this segment is 8.4 dB higher than modeled existing-plus-haul-truck results (LT-4, 75.2 dBA CNEL). Bold text denotes modeled 3 dB or greater increase attributable to project haul trucks. NB = northbound; SB = southbound Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-22 February 2024 [page left blank intentionally] Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-23 February 2024 As described in the Methodology section, operational equipment noise was evaluated to determine if combined equipment noise would be expected to exceed approximately 68 dBA at the Travelodge or approximately 64 dBA at the Best Western, based on a 5 dB allowable increase over the lowest recorded hourly ambient noise level. In addition, an evaluation is conducted to determine if combined equipment noise would be expected to exceed 70 dBA at the planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard. Equipment noise experienced at the residences in San Bruno was evaluated to determine if it would exceed approximately 65 dBA Leq, which would constitute a 10 dB increase over the lowest recorded hourly ambient noise level at that location. Note that using the lowest recorded hourly noise level (which occurred during nighttime hours) to establish the operational equipment threshold is conservative because more of the equipment would be operating during daytime hours (i.e., air-conditioning equipment) than during nighttime hours. In addition, most project buildings would be six stories tall, with an estimated height of 114 feet. The Travelodge is one or two stories and an estimated 15 to 30 feet in height. Therefore, the edge of the project roof for the project buildings where most mechanical equipment would be located (I131N and I131 S) would be expected to block the line of sight between most mechanical equipment and this nearby hotel, resulting in a reduction in mechanical equipment noise. However, to ensure a conservative analysis, a quantitative reduction in noise was not applied for this shielding. Combined noise levels from two boilers (in an equipment room), two chillers, two cooling towers, four pumps (in an equipment room), two air handlers or direct outside air system (DOAS) units, and two exhaust fans would result in an estimated noise level of 81.5 dBA Leq at a standard distance of 50 feet. At the nearby Travelodge, approximately 295 feet from the closest project building, without accounting for the height difference between the rooftop equipment and the hotel, the noise level would be approximately 66.2 dBA Leq. At the Best Western, approximately 820 feet from the nearest project building, the estimated combined equipment noise level would be reduced to 57.3 dBA Leq in the example case described above. At the planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard, located more than 950 feet from the nearest project building, the noise level would be approximately 56.0 dBA Leq. Refer to Table 6-7 for a summary of the equipment noise modeling for this example case. For the reasons described above, and based on the modeling results shown in Table 6-7, it is unlikely that combined mechanical equipment noise would result in a 5 dB increase over the existing ambient noise level at the nearby land uses. Specifically, modeled noise levels would not exceed the established 68 dBA Leq standard at the Travelodge, the 64 dBA Leq standard at the Best Western, or the 70 dBA Leq standard at the planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard (based on a 5 dB allowable increase over the lowest recorded hourly ambient noise level). Regarding noise impacts on residences in San Bruno, which are approximately 1,100 feet from the nearest portion of the project site but 1,570 feet southwest of the nearest project building (where mechanical equipment would be installed), noise from the example case above would be reduced to approximately 51.7 dBA Leq. It would be reduced further by the edge of the roof where the equipment would be located and the presence of intervening buildings between the project site and the residences. In addition, this noise level would be well below the conservatively established 65 dBA noise limit for this location (based on the lowest hourly Leq recorded). For these reasons, noise from project mechanical equipment would not be expected to result in noise in excess of the thresholds at the residential land uses in San Bruno, which would be 1,570 feet from the closest project building. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-24 February 2024 Table 6-7. Example Combined Mechanical Equipment Noise Type of Equipment dBA Leq Noise at 50 Feet (assuming 100% utilization) Number of Pieces of Equipment Assumed Combined Noise Level Attenuated Noisea Source for Estimated Equipment Noise Boiler 67 2 70 60 H&K Chiller 71 2 74 69 H&K Cooling tower 74 2 77 72 H&K Pump 81 4 87 77 FHWA Air handling unit 75 2 78 73 H&K Exhaust fan 79 2 82 77 FHWA Combined Equipment Noise at 50 feet 81.6 Combined Equipment Noise at 295 feet (Travelodge) 66.2 Combined Equipment Noise at 820 feet (Best Western) 57.3 Combined Equipment Noise at 950 feet (100 Produce Avenue/124 Airport Boulevard) 56.0 Combined Equipment Noise at 1,570 feet (San Bruno Residences) 51.7 Sources: Hoover and Keith. 2000. Noise Control for Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, Equipment, and Products. Houston, TX. Federal Highway Administration. 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide. FHWA-HEP-05-054. January. Available: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ENVIRonment/noise/construction_noise/rcnm/rcnm.pdf. Accessed: February 17, 2023. a. Assumes 10 dB of attenuation if equipment is internal to the building and 5 dB of reduction if equipment is behind a solid screen. H&K = Hoover and Keith Although modeled equipment noise levels would be below the applicable thresholds at nearby sensitive uses, the final equipment has not yet been selected. In addition, should more equipment be operational simultaneously than assumed in the example analysis included above, actual noise levels may be louder than the combined noise levels presented previously. Therefore, actual mechanical equipment noise levels could differ from, and be greater than, the levels cited above. However, General Plan policies and actions would ensure that noise from rooftop mechanical equipment would be in compliance with applicable thresholds. Specifically, Action NOI-1.1.5 from the General Plan requires all new developments that are considered to be noise generators to control noise at the source through their site designs, building designs, and other techniques. Although City Municipal Code noise standards still reflect the previous land use designation terminology, the standards are applied to comparable land uses under the current General Plan, according to the City. Therefore, with respect to project mechanical equipment, compliance with the noise standards in Table 8.32.030 from the current City Municipal Code (or comparable, once the Action NOI 1.2.1, Update Municipal Code, section related to the noise ordinance is implemented) would be demonstrated prior to the issuance of building permits and once the final makes, models, sizes, and locations have been determined. For these reasons, noise impacts from project mechanical equipment would not be considered substantial. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-25 February 2024 Emergency Generator Noise Emergency generators included in the project could result in the generation of audible noise during testing. Generator testing for the project would be conducted on a monthly basis for 30 minutes on weekends or during non-business hours but never after 10:00 p.m. (when noise standards become more stringent). Noise from the operation of generators during an emergency is typically exempt from local ordinances. However, even though the testing of emergency generators is a short-term process (i.e., less than 1 hour) and intermittent (usually once or twice per month), noise resulting from generator testing must comply with local noise limits for operational equipment noise. The project sponsor has specified that the project would involve the installation of twenty-four 500 kW emergency generators. Six of the generators would be located at grade inside I131N in a separate generator room. The remaining 18 generators would be at grade in the outdoor service yards around the project site. Specifically, six generators would be located outside I131N, eight generators would be located outside the I131S A and buildings, and four generators would be located outside the I131S C building. Although the final makes and models of the generators have not been selected, specification data for a similar generator can be used to estimate generator noise. Based on the example generator specification data, a 500 kW generator (Cummins 500DFEK)22, 23 could produce an unattenuated noise level of 101.5 dBA at 50 feet, including both engine and exhaust noise. The City Municipal Code establishes daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) noise limits, based on the receiving land use, that can be applied to stationary equipment noise generated in the city (as presented in Table 5-3). As described in the Methodology section, if measured ambient noise levels are higher than the standards, the allowable noise level is instead the ambient noise levels plus 5 dB. For purposes of the generator noise analysis, and because generator testing would take place during daytime hours, generator noise would be limited to 5 dB above the 12-hour average daytime Leq at the nearest sensitive land uses. The nearest sensitive land use (the focus of this analysis) is the Travelodge hotel, which had a measured daytime 12-hour Leq noise level of 68.8 dBA; the adjusted noise limit would therefore be 5 dB above this noise level, or approximately 74 dBA Leq. Note that specific details about generator shielding and the precise attenuation features for the project generators are not known with certainty at this time. It is expected that six of the generators would be located indoors, and the remaining generators outdoors would be located in service yards with acoustic enclosures. These features would be expected reduce some of the noise from generator engines but would be unlikely to greatly reduce noise from exhaust, which is typically piped out of a building/generator enclosure. Exhaust noise usually dominates overall generator noise levels. Note that all walls must be solid to result in meaningful attenuation from shielding, with no gaps or open louvers. Although it is expected that the generator room and enclosures would result in some noise reduction, the precise noise reduction (in dB) cannot be estimated at this time. Because the type and sound rating of future shielding or exhaust mufflers is unknown, this analysis is conservatively based on unattenuated generator noise levels. 22 Cummins, Inc. 2019. Cummins Power Generation. Sound Data, 500DFEK. October. 23 Choice based on specification data provided by the project sponsor. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-26 February 2024 General locations for the proposed generators have been identified by the project sponsor. The nearest sensitive land use to all four generator locations (i.e., the generator room and the service yard locations) is the Travelodge, which is on the east side of US 101. This hotel is approximately 340 feet from the closest proposed generators (i.e., the six 500 kW generators located outside the I131N B building), approximately 410 feet from the six generators internal to the I131N A building, 770 feet from the four generators outside the I131S C building, and approximately 1,030 feet from the eight generators outside the I131S A and B buildings. At these distances, unattenuated noise from the testing of each of the twenty-four 500 kW generators located throughout the site, noting only one would be tested at a given time, is estimated to be between 93.2 dBA Leq (for the closest generators) and 88.4 dBA Leq (for the farthest generators). Therefore, unattenuated generator noise levels from the testing of all proposed generators would most likely exceed the City noise level standard of 5 dB over the ambient noise level of 68.8 dBA, or approximately 74 dBA Leq. Because noise levels during testing of all generators may exceed the existing ambient noise level at the nearby hotel by 5 dB or more, noise effects at the nearby hotel land use in South San Francisco from generator testing would be considered substantial. With respect to noise levels from generator testing at other nearby sensitive land uses in South San Francisco, the Best Western and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development would be farther from the nearest generators compared with the Travelodge. Specifically, the Best Western would be at least 810 feet from any generator service yard, and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development would be at least 1,100 feet from the nearest generator set (i.e., inside the I131N A building). At these distances, unattenuated noise from a 500 kW generator would be approximately 89.4 and 88.5 dBA Leq, respectively. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of the Best Western hotel and the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development were 65.8 dBA Leq and 70.3 dBA Leq, respectively. Therefore, modeled generator noise levels of 89 to 90 dBA Leq at these locations would be more than 5 dB above the existing ambient noise level. Noise effects at the nearby Best Western hotel and planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development in South San Francisco from generator testing would also be considered substantial. Regarding noise effects in San Bruno on existing residential land uses, San Bruno noise standards allow for a 20 dB increase over ambient conditions during daytime hours for noise that occurs for no more than 30 minutes in 1 hour. Although generator testing would not take place in San Bruno, and therefore would not be required to comply with the noise limits of the San Bruno Municipal Code, generator noise experienced at the nearest sensitive uses in San Bruno was evaluated to determine if substantial noise increases would occur. As described in the Methodology section, generator noise was evaluated to determine if a 20 dB increase in ambient noise would occur at residences in San Bruno, based on the noise guidance from that jurisdiction. The average ambient daytime (12-hour) noise level measured during daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) near the homes was 74.1 dBA Leq. Therefore, if generator testing noise were to exceed 94.1 dBA at these homes, noise effects would be substantial. The closest generators to the residential land uses in San Bruno would be the eight 500 kW generators outside the I131S A and B buildings, which would be at least 1,520 feet away. At that distance, generator testing noise from the proposed 500 kW generators is estimated to be 86.7 dBA Leq. For generators in the service yards, which are farther away, and within the I131N A building, noise levels from testing would be reduced . As mentioned previously, these noise levels Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-27 February 2024 do not account for attenuation from intervening buildings, which would further reduce noise. Because estimated noise levels from generator testing would be below the allowable limits at the residences in San Bruno, generator noise in San Bruno would not be considered substantial. Although modeled noise levels from temporary and intermittent generator testing could exceed the applicable thresholds, no attenuation is accounted for in this model. Attenuation measures would be evaluated and included in the generator design prior to installation in order to comply with applicable General Plan policies and actions. Compliance with General Plan policies and actions would ensure that noise from generator testing would not be substantial. Specifically, Action NOI-1.1.5 from the General Plan requires all new developments that are considered to be noise generators to control noise at the source through their site designs, building designs, and other techniques. Although City Municipal Code noise standards still reflect previous land use designation terminology, the standards are applied to the comparable land uses under the current General Plan, according to the City. Therefore, project emergency generator compliance with the noise standards in Table 8.32.030 from the current City Municipal Code (or comparable, once the Action NOI 1.2.1, Update Municipal Code, section related to the noise ordinance is implemented) would be demonstrated prior to issuance of building permits once the final makes, models, sizes, and locations of the generators have been determined. For these reasons, noise effects from project mechanical equipment on nearby sensitive uses would not be considered substantial. Loading Dock Noise Four loading dock areas are proposed for the project, two at each end of the project site. Each interior loading area would be designed to serve two WB-40 intermediate semi-trailers as well as smaller delivery vehicles. Per information received from the project sponsor, a maximum of 20 deliveries would be made to the site on a worst-case day. The nearest sensitive land use to all four loading docks would be the Travelodge. This hotel could be as close as 310 and 420 feet from the north loading docks and approximately 800 and 920 feet from the south loading docks. Although there could be direct line of sight between the north loading dock and the Travelodge (across US 101), the temporary loading and unloading activities associated with the project would be short term and intermittent throughout the day (with a maximum of 20 deliveries expected on a given day), occurring only during daytime hours when people are less sensitive to noise. In addition, loading and unloading activities already occur at the existing commercial and industrial uses on the site; therefore, project implementation would not result in an increase in this type of activity at the site. Furthermore, US 101, which generates high levels of traffic noise, is located between the project loading docks and the nearby hotels. For these reasons, impacts from temporary and short-term increases in noise from project loading dock activity would not be considered substantial. Operational Traffic Noise – Direct Impact Evaluation Once operational, the project would result in an increase in traffic in the vicinity of the project site. Project-specific traffic data, including daily turning movements, speed limits, and existing vehicle-mix assumptions (i.e., the proportion of automobiles, trucks, buses, and other vehicles) were provided by the project traffic engineer (Fehr & Peers). Additional posted speeds were determined using Google Street View, as needed. Daily turning movements were converted to ADT volumes for existing, existing-with-project, future, and future-with-project conditions (note Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-28 February 2024 that the future scenarios are evaluated separately below). To evaluate direct traffic noise impacts associated with the project, modeling was conducted for existing and existing-with-project conditions to estimate traffic noise increases resulting from project implementation along roadway segments in the project vicinity. When assessing traffic noise impacts, the following thresholds are applied to determine the significance of project-related traffic noise increases: 1. An increase of more than 5 dB is considered a significant traffic noise increase, regardless of the modeled existing noise level, and 2. In places where the existing or resulting noise environment exceeds the land use compatibility standards and/or allowable noise level for the adjacent land uses (e.g., existing or existing-with-project noise levels are greater than 65 dBA for sensitive land uses), any noise increase greater than 3 dB is considered a significant traffic noise increase. The General Plan Land Use/Noise Compatibility Matrix (Table 5-5, above) outlines acceptable CNEL noise levels for various land uses in the city. Prior to completing the quantitative traffic noise modeling, an initial screening analysis was conducted to determine which roadway segments would experience a 10 percent increase (or greater) in vehicle traffic resulting from project implementation. A 10 percent increase in traffic volumes would typically result in a 0.4 dB increase in traffic noise, which is much smaller than the 3 and 5 dB increase thresholds mentioned above. Therefore, these roadways need not be quantitatively modeled to confirm a 3 dB or greater increase would not occur. Traffic noise modeling along segments with at least a 10 percent increase in volumes attributable to the project was conducted using a spreadsheet that was based on the FHWA Traffic Noise Model, version 2.5, as described in the Methodology subsection of this report. Traffic noise was evaluated in terms of how project-related traffic noise increases could affect existing noise-sensitive land uses in the project area. Refer to Table 6-8 for a summary of the quantitative traffic noise modeling results for existing and existing-with-project conditions on all segments with a 10 percent, or greater, increase in traffic attributable to the project. One of the modeled roadway segments, the project driveway north of Shaw Road, does not currently exist; therefore, modeled with-project traffic noise cannot be compared to existing noise conditions. The existing-with-project noise level along this segment was modeled to be 59.4 dBA CNEL. It should be noted that all surrounding land uses along this segment are commercial and industrial, which are not considered to be noise sensitive. Therefore, although project-related traffic noise increases along this segment cannot be quantified, significant traffic noise impacts would not occur. Two roadway segments were modeled to potentially result in a 3 dB or greater increase in traffic noise as a result of project implementation. Specifically, Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue and Terminal Court west of the Produce Avenue/US 101 southbound on-ramp were modeled to have a project-related 4.9 and 7.2 dB increase in traffic noise, respectively. Note that the traffic noise evaluation above is based on modeled traffic noise levels only. Some roadway segments may be influenced by traffic noise from adjacent roads and other noise sources, which is not accounted for in the individual segment traffic noise modeling results presented above. Because the modeling approach assumes that each roadway is isolated and not affected by surrounding roads, modeled noise levels can sometimes be lower than actual noise levels in a given area. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-29 February 2024 Table 6-8. Modeled Traffic Noise Levels for Segments with a 10% Project Increase or Greater Roadway Segment Location Modeled Existing Conditions (dBA CNEL) Modeled Existing-with-Project Conditions (dBA CNEL) Change (dB) 3 dB Increase or Greater? Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 68.5 69.6 1.1 No Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB off-ramp 69.6 70.4 0.8 No Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 69.5 70.3 0.9 No Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB off-ramp 68.5 69.5 1.1 No Project Driveway North of Shaw Road 67.7a 59.4 -7.7 No San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 61.7 62.2 0.6 No San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/ Shaw Road 61.9 62.4 0.5 No San Mateo Avenue South of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 61.0 61.8 0.8 No Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenueb 56.7 61.6 4.9 Yes South Linden Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue 58.6 59.5 0.9 No South Linden Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 58.4 59.4 1.0 No Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB on-ramp 53.8 61.0 7.2 Yes US 101 SB off-ramp East of Produce Avenue 61.2 62.1 0.9 No US 101 SB on-ramp South of Terminal Court 72.2 72.8 0.6 No Refer to Appendix A for the complete traffic noise modeling results. Note: Modeled noise levels at a fixed distance of 50 feet from the roadway centerline. Bold text denotes segments with a 3 dB or greater project-related increase in noise. a. The project driveway does not currently exist. Therefore, measured existing ambient noise levels were used to calculate a proxy CNEL noise level near this segment. Note that adjacent land uses along this segment are not considered to be noise sensitive (adjacent uses are commercial and industrial). b. Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue is theoretically the same as Shaw Road west of the project driveway. However, the data provided by the project traffic engineers (Fehr & Peers) were slightly different along these two segments, most likely due to some vehicles using private driveways along these segments. Refer to Appendix A for the modeled traffic noise results for Shaw Road west of the project driveway. NB = northbound; SB = southbound Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-30 February 2024 In order to assess if modeled increases would actually constitute significant traffic noise impacts, as discussed in the Methodology section, it is important to consider measured existing noise levels in certain areas in conjunction with modeled traffic noise levels. This is particularly true in areas where the roadway segment evaluated is not the dominating noise source in the area (e.g., where noise from a nearby highway may dominate). The existing-with-project traffic noise levels for the segments where a potentially significant impact was identified during modeling were compared to nearby measured ambient noise levels. As shown in Table 6-8, the modeled existing and existing-with-project traffic noise levels on Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue were 56.7 dBA CNEL and 61.6 dBA CNEL, respectively (as shown in Table 6-8). The measured ambient noise level near this segment (represented by LT-1 along San Mateo Avenue) was 77.4 dBA CNEL. Therefore, the measured existing noise level near this segment is already almost 16 dBA higher than the modeled existing-with-project traffic noise level. Regarding the segment of Terminal Court west of the Produce Avenue/US 101 southbound on-ramp, the modeled existing and existing-with-project traffic noise levels were 53.8 dBA CNEL and 61.0 dBA CNEL, respectively (as shown in Table 6-8). The measured ambient noise near Terminal Court west of the Produce Avenue/US 101 southbound on-ramp (represented by LT-4) was measured to be 75.2 dBA CNEL. Therefore, measured existing noise levels along this segment are already about 14 dBA higher than the modeled existing-with-project traffic noise level as a result of nearby US 101 traffic. Refer to Table 6-9 for a comparison of the modeled and measured noise levels along the potentially affected roadway segments identified above. As shown in Table 6-9, measured ambient noise along the two segments (i.e., Shaw Road and Terminal Court) are substantially greater than the modeled existing and existing-with-project traffic noise levels because of the proximity of Shaw Road to industrial land uses and the relatively busy San Mateo Avenue as well as the proximity of Terminal Court to US 101. When adding decibels, if the difference between two noise sources is 10 dBA or more, the higher noise source will dominate, and the resultant noise level will be equal to the noise level of the higher noise source. Therefore, because measured existing ambient noise levels are 14 to 16 dB higher than modeled existing-with-project noise levels, the project-related traffic increase would not result in a perceptible increase in noise along these roadway segments. Project-related traffic noise impacts along these segments, and along all other evaluated segments (as discussed above and shown in Table 6-8), would not be considered substantial. Operational Traffic Noise – Cumulative Impact Evaluation To evaluate potential cumulative traffic noise impacts in the project area, traffic volumes from the existing scenario were compared to the future-with-project scenario. A cumulative traffic noise impact would occur at a noise-sensitive land use if a 3 dB increase in noise would occur in areas where existing and resulting noise levels are above the applicable land use compatibility standard or if a 5 dB increase in noise would occur in areas where existing and resulting noise levels are below the applicable land use compatibility standard. To provide a conservative assessment, the initial screening analysis evaluated a 3 dB increase along all segments. If a 3 dB increase was shown to occur, then further evaluation was done to determine if a cumulative impact would indeed occur (e.g., by confirming the presence of noise-sensitive land uses or by comparing to existing measured noise levels if they are higher than modeled noise levels). Subsequently, the proposed project’s contribution to a cumulative impact is assessed by determining if the project contribution would be cumulatively considerable (i.e., if it would contribute 1 dB or more to the overall increase). Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-31 February 2024 Table 6-9. Detailed Evaluation for Segments with a Modeled 3 dB Project-Related Traffic Noise Increase Roadway Segment Location Modeled Existing Conditions (dBA CNEL) Modeled Existing-with-Project Conditions (dBA CNEL) Increase in Modeled Conditions (dB) Measured Noise Level (dBA CNEL) Nearest Most- Sensitive Land Use Change Compared to Measured Ambient Noise (dB) Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 56.7 61.6 4.9 77.4a Commercial -15.8 Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/ US 101 SB on-ramp 53.8 61.0 7.2 75.2b Commercial -14.2 Refer to Appendix A for the complete traffic noise modeling results, including modeling results for the cumulative-no-project and cumulative-with-project condition (which were not used in this analysis). Note: Modeled noise levels at a fixed distance of 50 feet from the roadway centerline are presented. a. The measured ambient noise level representative of this segment was LT-1 (77.4 dBA CNEL). b. The measured ambient noise level representative of this segment was LT-4 (75.2 dBA CNEL). SB = southbound Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-32 February 2024 Traffic noise modeling was conducted using a spreadsheet based on the FHWA Traffic Noise Model, version 2.5, as described in the Methodology subsection of this report. Modeling results are included in Appendix A for all roadway segments where at least a 10 percent increase in traffic volumes (or 0.4 dB increase in noise) would occur from existing to future-with-project conditions. Table 6-10 shows all roadway segments where a 3 dB or more increase from existing to future-with-project conditions was modeled to occur. A 3 dB increase or greater from existing to future-with-project conditions was modeled to occur along eight of the evaluated roadway segments. As shown below in Table 6-10, a 3 dB increase (or greater) from existing to future-with-project conditions was modeled to occur along eight roadway segments. A 3 dB increase indicates that a cumulative impact may occur, depending on the overall noise level (i.e., if it exceeds the applicable land use compatibility standard) and the proximity to noise-sensitive land uses. Conservatively assuming that a cumulative traffic noise impact could occur along these eight segments, the project contribution to the 3 dB increase is assessed to see if a 1 dB project-related increase would occur. Should a 1 dB project-related increase occur, then the project may have a cumulatively considerable contribution to that potential cumulative impact. When comparing future-no-project and future-with-project conditions, two of the eight segments with a 3 dB or greater increase would have a project-related increase of 1 dB or more (from future-no-project to future-with-project conditions). A 3.9 dB project-related increase in noise was modeled to occur along Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue (which had a 6.7 dB increase from existing to future-with-project conditions). In addition, a 1.3 dB project-related increase was modeled to occur along Tanforan Avenue west of San Mateo Avenue (which has a 6 dB increase from existing to future-with-project conditions). Although a 3.9 dB project-related increase was modeled to occur along Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue, the modeled future-with-project traffic noise level for this segment is substantially lower than the existing measured noise level in this area. Specifically, the existing and future-with-project traffic noise levels on Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue were modeled to be 56.7 dBA CNEL and 63.5 dBA CNEL, respectively (as shown in Table 6-10). In addition, project-related traffic noise along Tanforan Avenue west of San Mateo Avenue was modeled to increase by 1.3 dB from existing conditions to future-with-project conditions. However, the modeled future-with-project traffic noise level for this segment is substantially lower than the existing measured noise level in this area. Specifically, the existing and future-with-project traffic noise levels on Tanforan Avenue west of San Mateo Avenue were modeled to be 50.8 dBA CNEL and 56.8 dBA CNEL, respectively (as shown in Table 6-10). Existing ambient noise near these two roadway segments was measured to be 77.4 dBA CNEL (as shown in Table 6-11). Therefore, measured existing noise levels are already approximately 14 dB higher than the modeled future-with-project traffic noise level along Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue and approximately 21 dB higher than modeled future-with-project traffic noise levels along Tanforan Avenue west of San Mateo Avenue. When adding decibels, if the difference between two noise sources is 10 dBA or more, the higher noise source will dominate, and the resultant noise level will be equal to the noise level of the higher noise source. Therefore, because measured existing ambient noise levels are at least 14 dB higher than modeled future-with-project noise levels, the project-related traffic increase would not result in a perceptible increase in noise along this roadway segment. As a result, the potential cumulative impact along this segment would not be expected to occur. In addition, the project contribution Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-33 February 2024 Table 6-10. Cumulative Traffic Noise Evaluation for Potentially Affected Segments Roadway Segment Location Existing Conditions (dBA CNEL) Future (2040) No-Project Conditions (dBA CNEL) Future-with- Project Conditions (dBA CNEL) Increase from Modeled Existing to Future-with-Project Conditions (dB) Potential Cumulative Impact? Increase from Future-No-Project to Future-with Project- Conditions (dB) Potential Cumulatively Considerable Project Contribution? Mitchell Avenue East of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 63.0 66.9 67.0 4.0 Yes 0.1 No San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 60.6 65.3 65.4 4.8 Yes 0.1 No San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 61.9 64.5 64.9 3.0 Yes 0.4 No Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenuea 56.7 59.6 63.5 6.8 Yes 3.9 Yes South Linden Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 57.1 63.7 64.0 6.9 Yes 0.3 No Tanforan Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 50.8 55.6 56.8 6.0 Yes 1.3 Yes Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB on-ramp 53.8 75.2 b 64.2 21.4 Yes -11.0 c No Wondercolor Lane East of South Airport Boulevard 53.7 58.9 58.9 5.1 Yes -0.1 No Refer to Appendix A for the complete traffic noise modeling results. Note: Modeled noise levels at a fixed distance of 50 feet from the roadway centerline. a. Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue is theoretically the same as Shaw Road west of the project driveway. However, the data provided by the project traffic engineers (Fehr & Peers) were slightly different along these two segments, most likely due to some vehicles using private driveways along these segments. Refer to Appendix A for the modeled traffic noise results for Shaw Road west of the project driveway. b. According to the project traffic engineer (Fehr & Peers), Terminal Court west of Produce Avenue would not exist under 2040 no-project conditions due to implementation of the flyover. As a result, traffic data for future (2040) no-project conditions were not available for this roadway segment, and traffic noise for this scenario could not be modeled. The existing measured CNEL noise level in this area was 75.2 dBA CNEL (LT-4), which can be conservatively used in place of the modeled future-no-project noise level for this segment. c. Because Terminal Court west of Produce Avenue would not exist with implementation of the flyover (i.e., under future-no-project conditions), modeling for future conditions could not be conducted; measured noise is used in the assessment. The measured 75.2 dBA CNEL noise level (LT-4) is 21.4 dB louder than the existing modeled noise level and 11.0 dB louder than the modeled future-with-project noise level along this segment. This indicates that noise along this segment is dominated by traffic on nearby US 101 instead of vehicles along Terminal Court. SB = southbound Table 6-11. Detailed Traffic Noise Evaluation for Potentially Affected Segment Roadway Segment Location Modeled Existing Conditions (dBA CNEL) Future (2040) No-Project Conditions Future-with-Project Conditions dBA CNEL Measured Noise Level (dBA CNEL) Noise-Sensitive Land Use along This Roadway Segment? Change Compared to Measured Ambient Noise (dB) Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 56.7 59.8 63.5 77.4a No -13.9 Tanforan Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 50.8 55.6 56.8 77.4a No -20.6 Refer to Appendix A for the complete traffic noise modeling results. Note: Modeled noise levels at a fixed distance of 50 feet from the roadway centerline. a. Measured ambient noise level from LT-1 (77.4 dBA CNEL) is considered representative of this segment. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 6-34 February 2024 [page left blank intentionally] Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 6-35 February 2024 to a potential cumulative impact along this segment would not be considered substantial. Regarding other evaluated segments, the project contribution to any identified cumulative impacts would also not be considered substantial, as shown in Table 6-10 and described previously. In conclusion, project-related cumulative traffic noise impacts for all evaluated segments would not be considered substantial. Parking Garage Noise Noise sources in parking garages include moving vehicles, along with doors closing, cars starting, tires squealing, alarms sounding, and other automotive noises occurring. Although parking area noise is difficult to predict because of the many variables (e.g., parking structure design, the number of vehicles moving through the structure at any given time), noise from parking areas is temporary and periodic. The nearest noise-sensitive uses are the hotel land uses across US 101. The hotels would be more than 790 feet from the proposed parking structure. The nearest existing residences are located in San Bruno at a distance of approximately 1,980 feet from this garage. The nearby planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard would be more than 1,000 feet from this garage. According to FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment manual,24 1,000 cars in a peak activity hour would generate a sound equivalent level (SEL) of 92 dBA at 50 feet, which can be converted to an hourly Leq (average) noise level of 56.4 dBA Leq at 50 feet. Although it is not known at this time how many vehicles would use this garage during a peak hour, conservatively assuming 1,300 vehicles would be using the 1,378-space garage and 60 surface parking spaces at once, parking garage noise at a distance of 790 feet would be approximately 34 dBA Leq. At a distance of 1,000 feet, the distance to the planned residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard, parking garage noise would be approximately 32 dBA, based on the calculation described above. These noise levels would be well below the measured ambient noise levels at the nearest hotel land uses (with a daytime 12-hour Leq noise level of 68.8 dBA) and nearby proposed residential development (with a daytime 12-hour Leq noise level of 70.3 dBA). In addition, because US 101 is located between or adjacent to the nearest noise-sensitive land uses and the location of the proposed parking structure, and because the time of day when the parking structure would be most heavily used (daytime hours) would align with the time of day when traffic on US 101 would be heaviest, noise from US 101 would overshadow intermittent nuisance noise from the proposed parking structure. At the nearest existing residences, which are 1,980 feet away, the noise level from 1,500 vehicles using the garage simultaneously would be approximately 26 dBA Leq (without accounting for attenuation from intervening buildings). This noise level would be well below the measured 12-hour daytime noise level at these residences (i.e., 74.1 dBA Leq). In addition, vehicle noise is currently generated on and around the project site, given the existing use at and adjacent to the site; therefore, noise from vehicle parking activities would be similar to noise under existing conditions. Because of the distance between the parking structure and nearby sensitive land uses, temporary and periodic noise from the parking structure would not be considered substantial. 24 Federal Transit Administration. 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. FTA Report No. 0123. Available: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf. Accessed: February 17, 2023. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 6-36 February 2024 On-Site Day Care and Outdoor Play Area Along with the proposed R&D buildings, a proposed day-care facility would serve employees of the proposed project as well as the general public. The facility would accommodate up to 50 children. Information provided by the project sponsor indicates that the facility would operate Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Although activities occurring within the facility would not be expected to increase noise levels in the vicinity of the project site, the potential exists for the facility’s 4,950 sf play area to generate noise. To estimate hourly noise levels at the nearest sensitive noise receptors, previously measured source noise levels from children playing were used. Specifically, the analysis used noise measurements conducted at Linda Vista Elementary School in San Diego. During the measurement survey, noise levels were measured from approximately 10:30 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. to capture morning recess and from 12:20 p.m. to 1:40 p.m. to capture the lunch recess. The measurements indicated an Leq noise level of 64 dBA at an acoustical average distance of 120 feet, with an average of approximately 58 children playing simultaneously at various locations, including in flat asphalt playground areas, on climbing/play equipment, in a tetherball area, and on a decomposed granite field. The measured noise levels were normalized to a reference distance of 50 feet, then adjusted to account for the assumed number of children playing within the outdoor play area and the distances to the closest noise-sensitive receptors. Assuming 50 children were playing continuously within the project outdoor play area throughout an entire hour, the noise level at a distance of 50 feet would be approximately 71 dBA Leq. Table 6-12 shows the estimated noise levels at the distances to the nearest sensitive land uses. Refer to Appendix A for more detailed modeling results. Table 6-12. Summary of Outdoor Play Area Noise Receiver Distance between Outdoor Play Area and Receiver Noise Level at Receiver (dBA Leq) Measured Ambient Noise Level at Receiver (dBA Leq[12-hour]) Travelodge Hotel 840 46.1 68.8 100 Produce Ave/124 Airport Blvd 960 45.0 65.8 Best Western 1470 41.3 70.3 Source: Linda Vista Elementary School in San Diego during morning and lunchtime recess. As shown in Table 6-12, estimated noise levels from children playing near the day care would not exceed locally measured ambient noise levels at the nearest sensitive land uses. For example, Travelodge is the nearest sensitive receptor, located approximately 840 feet east of the proposed outdoor play area. At that distance, the sound of 50 children playing is estimated to be approximately 46 dBA Leq. The measured daytime 12-hour Leq noise level near the Travelodge was 68.8 dBA. This would mean that noise from the outdoor play area would be about 13 dBA below the measured ambient level. The 12-hour average ambient daytime noise levels in the vicinity of the Best Western hotel as well as the planned 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard development were 65.8 dBA Leq and 70.3 dBA Leq, respectively. The estimated noise levels for 50 children playing continuously for 1 hour at these locations are approximately 41 and 45 dBA Leq, respectively. These estimated noise levels are approximately 21 and 29 dBA lower than the measured ambient noise levels at the Best Western and 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard location. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 6-37 February 2024 Because estimated noise levels while the outdoor play area is in use would not exceed the existing ambient noise level at the nearby hotel, or the other nearby noise-sensitive receptors, noise effects from children playing near the on-site day care would not be considered substantial. 6.3.2 Vibration and Ground-Borne Noise Impacts Damage to Structures Construction of the proposed project would involve the use of equipment that could generate ground-borne vibration. PPV levels associated with the heavy-duty construction equipment proposed for use with the project at a distance of 25 feet, as well as other project-specific distances, are shown in Table 6-13. Note that project construction would not involve the use of pile drivers. The most vibration-intensive construction equipment proposed for use with the project are an auger drill rig and an excavator. For the purpose of this analysis, a large bulldozer is considered to be representative of heavy earthmoving equipment, such as an excavator. Table 6-13. Vibration Levels for Project Construction Equipment at Various Distances Equipment Reference PPV at 25 Feeta PPV at 10 Feet PPV at 250 Feet PPV at 800 Feet PPV at 1,100 Feet Auger drill rig 0.089 0.352 0.003 > 0.001 > 0.001 Large bulldozerb 0.089 0.352 0.003 > 0.001 > 0.001 Small bulldozerc 0.003 0.012 > 0.001 > 0.001 > 0.001 Source: Federal Transit Administration. 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. FTA Report No. 0123. Available: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/research-innovation/118131/ transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf. Accessed: February 17, 2023. Note: Bold text indicates values that are used in the analysis below. a. Obtained from FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, 2018. b. Considered representative of other heavy earthmoving equipment such as excavators, graders, backhoes, etc. c. Considered representative of smaller equipment such as a small backhoe and front-end loader. The potential for structural damage to occur at adjacent or nearby buildings can be evaluated by estimating PPV levels from construction equipment at nearby uses and comparing those levels to the Caltrans damage criterion for that type of building. The nearest off-site structures to the project site are the commercial and industrial buildings located along the western border of the project site. A setback from the property line is anticipated to keep vibration-intensive construction equipment away from these structures. However, the size of the setback is not known at this time. This analysis conservatively assumed that a large bulldozer, or similar equipment, would be operated with a 10-foot setback from the closest structure in place. An auger drill rig would be used only within the footprint of the proposed project buildings and therefore be would farther from the nearby existing structures (to the west) than the large earthmoving equipment, such as an excavator or large bulldozer. Because an excavator and large bulldozer would both generate approximately the same vibration level as an auger drill, this analysis focuses on the use of a large bulldozer or excavator within 10 feet of the nearest existing off-site structure. The PPV from an excavator at the nearest structure (i.e., 10 feet away) would be approximately 0.352 in/sec. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 6-38 February 2024 The structures along the western border of the project site (parallel to San Mateo Avenue) were constructed between 1956 and 1968. Based on the age of these structures, they would be categorized as “historic” and “some old buildings,” according to the Caltrans vibration guidelines for damage to structures. The applicable damage criterion for these buildings from the Caltrans vibration damage guidelines is a PPV of 0.25 in/sec.25 Because the estimated vibration level from an excavator at 10 feet (PPV of 0.352 in/sec) would exceed the applicable criterion, vibration-related damage could occur at this structure if vibration-intensive equipment were to be used at this distance. However, the equipment may be farther from the existing structures. Should a buffer distance of 13 feet between large earthmoving equipment and the nearest existing structure be maintained, estimated vibration levels would be below the applicable damage criterion. Note that the vibration levels at other buildings located more than 13 feet from the project site would be even lower, and vibration-related damage would therefore not be expected to occur at these other buildings. However, because it is unknown whether a 13-foot buffer between these structures would be maintained during project construction, vibration-related damage impacts on the existing structures west of the project site would be considered substantial and mitigation would be required. Implementation of Mitigation Measure NOI-1, which would be required if vibration-generating construction equipment were to operate within 13 feet of adjacent structures, would reduce construction-related vibration impacts. Mitigation Measure NOI-1 would ensure that vibration would be kept below the level that may cause damage. It would also require monitoring to ensure that damage effects would not occur. With implementation of the mitigation, this impact would not be considered substantial. Mitigation Measure NOI-1: Protect adjacent structures from construction-generated vibration For construction with heavy ground-disturbing equipment that occurs within 13 feet of neighboring buildings, a construction vibration control plan shall be required to mitigate potential construction vibration impacts. The project sponsor shall incorporate into construction specifications for the proposed project a requirement for the construction contractor(s) to use all feasible means to avoid damage to adjacent and nearby buildings. Such methods to help reduce vibration-related damage effects may include maintaining a safe distance between the construction site and the potentially affected building (e.g., at least 13 feet for large earth-disturbing equipment) or using smaller and less-vibration-intensive equipment in proximity to the potentially affected building. In the event that vibration-generating construction activity is required within 13 feet of nearby older buildings similar to “historic and some old buildings,” the construction contractor shall implement a monitoring program to minimize damage to adjacent buildings and ensure that any such damage is documented and repaired. If required, the monitoring program shall include the following components: • Prior to the start of any ground-disturbing activity within 13 feet of adjacent buildings, the construction contractor shall engage a structural engineer or other professional with similar qualifications to document and photograph the existing conditions of potentially affected buildings within 13 feet of proposed vibratory-generating construction activities. 25 California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/ programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/tcvgm-apr2020-a11y.pdf. Accessed: February 14, 2023. Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 6-39 February 2024 • Based on the construction and condition of the resource(s), the consultant shall also establish a standard maximum vibration level that will not be exceeded at nearby buildings, based on existing conditions, character-defining features, soil conditions, and anticipated construction practices (a common standard is a peak particle velocity of 0.25 inch per second for “historic and some old buildings,” as shown in Table 5-1). • To ensure that vibration levels do not exceed the established standard, the project sponsor shall monitor vibration levels at each structure and prohibit vibratory construction activities that generate vibration levels in excess of the standard. • Should vibration levels be observed in excess of the selected standard, construction shall be halted and alternative construction techniques put in practice, to the extent feasible. • When vibration-intensive activity (e.g., heavy earth-disturbing equipment) occurs within 13 feet of a building, the structural engineer shall conduct an inspection of the building for damage within 7 days of that activity. If inspections determine that no damage occurred, the 7-day period may be increased to 30 days for that activity. Should damage to adjacent buildings occur, the building(s) shall be remediated to their preconstruction condition at the conclusion of ground-disturbing activity on the site. • Should all ground-disturbing construction activity occur 13 feet or more from the nearest existing structure, this monitoring plan shall not be required. Vibration-Related Annoyance Regarding annoyance-related vibration impacts, vibration-related annoyance is typically considered to be substantial if it results in sleep disturbance at nearby residences. For purposes of this analysis, should vibration from project construction exceed the Caltrans “strongly perceptible” criterion (i.e., PPV of 0.1 in/sec) at residential land uses during nighttime hours (when people generally sleep), impacts would be considered significant. Note that most construction activities would occur during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays and holidays (the City’s standard hours for construction). However, some construction activities are proposed for nighttime and early-morning hours. Specifically, the sponsor has explained that activities requiring the use of a crane, which does not generate meaningful vibration, or large equipment such as an auger drill rig could start as early as 5:00 a.m. to avoid some of the high winds that occur during the day in South San Francisco. Potential vibration-related annoyance impacts of the use of a drill rig during the early-morning hours are evaluated below. The closest sensitive use where people are expected to be sleeping during nighttime and early-morning hours is the Travelodge hotel, which is approximately 250 feet east of the project site; additional hotels are located farther to the east. Residential land uses are located southwest of the project site at a distance of approximately 1,570 from the nearest proposed project building (where an auger drill rig could be used) and 1,400 feet from the main project site. Assuming that vibration-intensive equipment could be used anywhere on the project site, an auger drill rig or large bulldozer operating at the perimeter of the site closest to the Travelodge could result in a PPV of approximately 0.003 in/sec. At the next-closest hotel (the Best Western, Chapter 6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 6-40 February 2024 approximately 800 feet east of the project site), an auger drill rig or large bulldozer would result in a PPV of less than 0.001 in/sec. At the nearby proposed residential development at 100 Produce Avenue and 124 Airport Boulevard (located approximately 950 feet from the project site) and at the nearest existing residences (located approximately 1,400 feet southwest of the main project site, excluding the project driveway), an auger drill rig would also result in a PPV of less than 0.001 in/sec. These vibration levels are all well below the Caltrans “strongly perceptible” criterion for vibration-related annoyance (i.e., PPV of 0.1 in/sec).26 Based on the estimated vibration levels for the project equipment presented above, early-morning or nighttime project construction activities would not be expected to result in sleep disturbance at nearby sensitive land uses. In addition, project construction equipment would typically be operating even farther from the off-site sensitive land uses than the distances assessed in this analysis, resulting in even lower vibration levels. Therefore, because the estimated vibration levels would not exceed the strongly perceptible criterion during early-morning or nighttime hours when people generally sleep, annoyance-related vibration impacts from project construction would not be considered substantial. 6.3.3 Impacts Associated with Airport Noise and Consistency with Airport Land Use Plan The closest airport to the project site is SFO, which is approximately 1 mile to the southeast. Portions of the project site fall within the 65 dBA noise contour for this airport, according to the 2012 Comprehensive Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for the Environs of San Francisco International Airport. No portion of the project site is located within the 70 or 75 dBA CNEL noise contours.27 Land uses proposed under the project include commercial, office, and/or R&D land uses. The 2012 ALUCP designates commercial and industrial/production land uses as compatible with all airport-related noise levels, according to Table IV-1, Noise/Land Use Compatibility Criteria, of the ALUCP document.28 Although residential land uses are designated as conditionally compatible within the 65 dBA CNEL contour, no residential land uses are proposed as part of the project. Therefore, the project would not conflict with the land use restrictions for the 65 dBA noise contour in the ALUCP. 26 Ibid. 27 City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County. 2012. Comprehensive Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Environs of San Francisco International Airport. November. Redwood City, CA. Available: https://ccag.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Consolidated_CCAG_ALUCP_November-20121.pdf. Accessed: March 10, 2023. 28 Ibid. Terminal 131 Project Noise Technical Report 7-1 February 2024 Chapter 7 References California Department of Transportation. 2013. Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-13-069.25.2. September. Sacramento, CA. California Department of Transportation. 2020. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. Final. CT-HWANP-RT-20-365.01.01. April. Sacramento, CA. Available: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/ tcvgm-apr2020-a11y.pdf. Accessed: February 14, 2023. City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County. 2012. Comprehensive Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Environs of San Francisco International Airport. November. Redwood City, CA. Available: https://ccag.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ Consolidated_CCAG_ALUCP_November-20121.pdf. Accessed: March 10, 2023. Cummins, Inc. 2019. Cummins Power Generation. Sound Data, 500DFEK. October. ESA. 2019. Navigable Slough Flood Management Study. Prepared for the County of San Mateo, City of South San Francisco, and City of San Bruno. Available: https://oneshoreline.org/ wp-content/ uploads/2020/06/Navigable-Slough-Flood-Management-Study.pdf. Accessed: April 12, 2023. Federal Highway Administration. 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide. FHWA-HEP-05-054. January. Available: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ENVIRonment/noise/ construction_noise/rcnm/rcnm.pdf. Accessed: February 17, 2023. Federal Highway Administration. 2008. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM), Software Version 1.1. December 8, 2008. Prepared by: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division. Federal Transit Administration. 2018. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. FTA Report No. 0123. September. Available: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/ research-innovation/118131/transit-noise-and-vibration-impact-assessment-manual-fta-report-no-0123_0.pdf. Accessed: February 17, 2023. Hoover and Keith. 2000. Noise Control for Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, Equipment, and Products. Houston, TX. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1977. Speech Levels in Various Noise Environments. EPA-600/1-77-025. May, 1977. Prepared by: Bolt, Beranek, and Newman. Prepared for: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. World Health Organization. 1999. Guidelines for Community Noise. April. London, United Kingdom. Available: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/a68672. Accessed: March 10. 2023. Chapter 7 References Terminal 101 Project Noise Technical Report 7-2 February 2024 [page left blank intentionally] Appendix A Noise and Vibration Data and Modeling Results Noise Appendix Long Term Measurement Data Infinite 131 Project Ldn/CNEL Calculation Spreadsheet Project: Terminal 101 Location: LT-1 Wednesday Time Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM 3:00AM 4:00AM 5:00AM 6:00AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Ldn Worst Hour Leq Lowest Hour LEQ 12-hour Leq 3/1/2023 67.6 64.6 67.6 67.4 71.0 73.6 74.0 73.9 74.3 73.3 er Q) 73.7 ..J 74.7 73.7 74.3 Q) C: 74.6 72.8 73.1 73.3 72.8 70.6 69.4 68.7 68.6 67.5 Leq(24) 72.3 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 77.2 74.7 64.6 73.6 Date: Ldn 77.2 3.3 ✓ ,� :s:: � � <( <( ·2 0 0 "O 0 0 � C\i :.; LT-1 Summary 3/1/2023 Analyst: Schumaker, N Worst Hour Ldn minus CNEL minus CNEL Leq Worst Hour Leq Ldn Day 77.4 74.7 2.5 0.2 I Evening 3.5 Night 24-Hour Sound Levels � .., � ............_ -- � � � C: � � � � � <( <( <( 8 a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 cio 0 C\i :.; (0 cio 0.... Time Ldn/CNEL Calculation Spreadsheet Project: Terminal 101 Location: LT-2 Wednesday Time Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM 3:00AM 4:00AM 5:00AM 6:00AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Ldn Worst Hour Leq Lowest Hour LEQ 12-hour Leq 3/1/2023 63.5 58.7 60.5 58.9 62.2 64.3 65.9 64.0 63.3 63.7 er 62.2 Q) ..J 69.8 64.7 0 :::c I 66.0 Q) C: 66.4 66.5 65.5 65.2 65.0 65.6 64.1 64.3 62.4 62.1 Leq(24) 64.6 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 69.6 69.8 58.7 65.8 ' :s:: ·2"O � ... � <( 0 0 C\i Date: 3/1/2023 Analyst: Schumaker, N Worst Hour Ldn minus Ldn CNEL Leq Worst Hour Leq 69.6 69.9 69.8 -0.25.6 5.9 24-Hour Sound Levels A A � -"' � .... � � � � C: � <( <( <( <( 8 a.. 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 :.; (0 cio 0 C\i Time LT-2 Summary CNEL minus Ldn Day 0.4 I Evening Night � �� �a.. a..a.. a..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :.; (0 cio 0 .... Infinite 131 Project Ldn/CNEL Calculation Spreadsheet Project: Terminal 101 Date: 3/1/2023 Analyst: Schumaker, N Location: LT-3 Wednesday Worst Hour Ldn minus Time 3/1/2023 Leq(24) Ldn CNEL Leq Worst Hour Leq Midnight 72.8 72.6 76.5 77.0 76.2 0.3 1:00AM 54.9 4.0 4.5 2:00AM 66.8 3:00AM 60.3 24-Hour Sound Levels4:00AM 64.0 5:00AM 71.3 6:00AM 71.3 80.0 7:00 AM 72.5 75.0 .._ .... 8:00 AM 76.2 - .,./� -' ,.... � 70.0 9:00 AM 74.6 er \ I 10:00 AM 73.6 Q) � ..J 65.0 11:00 AM Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Ldn Worst Hour Leq Lowest Hour LEQ 12-hour Leq 74.6 70.5 71.9 75.4 74.4 74.3 73.4 74.5 72.9 72.9 73.5 69.9 68.2 ... :::c I Q) C: 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 76.5 76.2 54.9 74.1 :s:: ·2"O � \ I\/ V T � � � � � C: � <( <( <( <( <( 8 a.. 0 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\i :.; (0 cio 0 C\i Time LT-3 Summary CNEL minus Ldn Day 0.5 I Evening Night � .., -"- � � � � a.. a.. a.. a.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :.; (0 cio 0.... Infinite 131 Project Ldn/CNEL Calculation Spreadsheet Project: Terminal 101 Location: LT-4 Wednesday Time Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM 3:00AM 4:00AM 5:00AM 6:00AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Ldn Worst Hour Leq Lowest Hour LEQ 12-hour Leq 3/1/2023 66.7 65.4 66.7 65.0 67.7 71.0 71.3 70.8 69.5 70.4 er 71.1 Q) ..J 75.4 66.9 67.5 Q) C: 68.2 69.3 68.6 68.0 70.0 71.2 68.1 68.4 67.7 66.1 Leq(24) 69.5 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 74.9 75.4 65.0 70.3 ... _....... :s:: � <( ·2 0 "O 0 � C\i Date: Ldn 74.9 4.1 / - � <( 0 0 :.; LT-4Summary 3/1/2023 Analyst: Schumaker, N Worst Hour Ldn minus CNEL minus CNEL Leq Worst Hour Leq Ldn Day 75.2 75.4 -0.5 0.3 I Evening 4.4 Night 24-Hour Sound Levels ... .._/\ -A.. .., \. �--..... ---..., --..... � � � C: � � � � � <( <( <( 8 a.. a.. a.. a.. a.. 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 cio 0 C\i :.; (0 cio 0 .... Time Infinite 131 Project Ldn/CNEL Calculation Spreadsheet Project: Terminal 101 Location: LT-5 Wednesday Time Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM 3:00AM 4:00AM 5:00AM 6:00AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Ldn Worst Hour Leq Lowest Hour LEQ 12-hour Leq 3/1/2023 66.0 64.0 63.3 64.1 65.6 68.3 69.9 68.9 68.1 67.9 er 66.9 Q) ..J 69.8 ... 69.7 69.0 Q) C: 69.6 69.8 69.3 68.2 68.4 68.4 68.0 66.2 65.8 65.5 Leq(24) 67.9 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 73.2 69.9 63.3 68.8 .. � :s:: � <( ·2 0 "O 0 � C\i Date: 3/1/2023 Analyst: Schumaker, N Worst Hour Ldn minus Ldn CNEL Leq Worst Hour Leq 73.2 73.5 69.9 3.3 4.3 4.6 24-Hour Sound Levels /' -� --,, � � � � C: � <( <( <( <( 8 a.. 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 :.; (0 cio 0 C\i Time LT-5 Summary CNEL minus Ldn Day 0.3 I Evening Night -- � � � � a.. a.. a.. a.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :.; (0 cio 0.... Infinite 131 Project Infinite 131 Project LT‐1 Time History Number Start Date Start Time End Time Duration LAeq LASmax LASmin LAS1% LAS5% LAS10% LAS25% LAS50% LAS90% LAS95% LAS99% 1 3/1/2023 2:38:33 PM 3:00:00 PM 0:21:27 77.5 100 46.2 89.2 81.2 79.8 76 70.8 60.7 58.3 48.2 2 3/1/2023 3:00:02 PM 4:00:00 PM 0:59:58 73.4 96.7 56.1 81.7 78.6 76.8 74 70.2 60.7 59.3 57.3 3 3/1/2023 4:00:02 PM 5:00:00 PM 0:59:58 73.1 93.4 56.5 81.3 78.1 76.7 73.9 70.2 61.1 59.5 57.5 4 3/1/2023 5:00:02 PM 6:00:00 PM 0:59:58 73.3 86.5 56.6 81.1 78.5 77.1 74.4 70.7 62 60.4 58.3 5 3/1/2023 6:00:02 PM 7:00:00 PM 0:59:58 72.8 92.7 54.3 82 78.2 76.4 73.1 68.4 58.9 57.1 55.1 6 3/1/2023 7:00:02 PM 8:00:00 PM 0:59:58 70.6 85.1 54.1 80.4 76.9 74.7 70.6 65.2 57.3 56.5 55.3 7 3/1/2023 8:00:02 PM 9:00:00 PM 0:59:58 69.4 85 53.9 79.5 76 73.6 68.6 63.1 56.7 56 54.9 8 3/1/2023 9:00:02 PM 10:00:00 PM 0:59:58 68.7 85.3 53.4 79.7 75.8 72.9 66.8 59.7 55.6 55 54.2 9 3/1/2023 10:00:02 PM 11:00:00 PM 0:59:58 68.6 85.9 53.2 80.5 75.1 72.1 66.2 59.9 56.2 55.5 54 10 3/1/2023 11:00:02 PM 12:00:00 AM 0:59:58 67.5 88 51.1 80 73.5 69.9 63.8 57.7 54.8 54.1 52.8 11 3/2/2023 12:00:02 AM 1:00:00 AM 0:59:58 67.6 87.4 50 80.3 74.2 69.7 61 55.2 52.1 51.7 50.9 12 3/2/2023 1:00:02 AM 2:00:00 AM 0:59:58 64.6 85.5 50 77.1 70.7 66.4 58.4 54.3 51.3 50.8 50.3 13 3/2/2023 2:00:02 AM 3:00:00 AM 0:59:58 67.6 86.8 51 80.6 73.5 69.4 62.5 56.3 53 52.5 51.9 14 3/2/2023 3:00:02 AM 4:00:00 AM 0:59:58 67.4 84.1 51.3 78.8 74 71.3 65.6 58.8 53.9 53.4 52.5 15 3/2/2023 4:00:02 AM 5:00:00 AM 0:59:58 71 89.6 52.4 83 77.2 74.4 69.1 64 56.7 55.4 53.8 16 3/2/2023 5:00:02 AM 6:00:00 AM 0:59:58 73.6 97.8 56 83.2 79 76.6 72.8 68.7 61.7 60.2 58.3 17 3/2/2023 6:00:02 AM 7:00:00 AM 0:59:58 74 87 58.7 82.9 79.8 78.2 74.5 70.9 62 61.2 60 18 3/2/2023 7:00:02 AM 8:00:00 AM 0:59:58 73.9 89.1 57.9 83 79.7 77.8 74.4 70 61.8 60.7 59.6 19 3/2/2023 8:00:02 AM 9:00:00 AM 0:59:58 74.3 88.9 55 83.3 80 78.1 74.9 71 61.8 60.3 58.4 20 3/2/2023 9:00:02 AM 10:00:00 AM 0:59:58 73.3 91.1 55.2 82.3 78.9 77.1 74 69.8 59.2 57.4 56 21 3/2/2023 10:00:02 AM 11:00:00 AM 0:59:58 73.7 88.7 54.1 83.3 79.6 77.3 74.1 69.7 59.6 58.1 55.6 22 3/2/2023 11:00:02 AM 12:00:00 PM 0:59:58 74.7 96.1 56.8 84.9 80.3 78.2 74.5 70.3 62.4 60.4 58.1 23 3/2/2023 12:00:02 PM 1:00:00 PM 0:59:58 73.7 91.7 56.3 83.3 79.3 77.5 74 69.8 61.8 59.9 58.1 24 3/2/2023 1:00:02 PM 2:00:00 PM 0:59:58 74.3 91.9 57.6 84.8 79.1 77.1 73.8 69.7 62.5 60.7 58.5 25 3/2/2023 2:00:02 PM 3:00:00 PM 0:59:58 74.6 95.6 56.6 83.7 79.2 77.2 74.1 70.1 61.2 59.7 57.9 26 3/2/2023 3:00:02 PM 4:00:00 PM 0:59:58 72.8 85.6 56.4 80.7 78.2 76.8 73.9 69.9 61 59.2 57.6 27 3/2/2023 4:00:02 PM 5:00:00 PM 0:59:58 73.9 96 57.5 82.3 78.9 77.1 74.5 70.9 62.4 60.6 58.5 28 3/2/2023 5:00:02 PM 6:00:00 PM 0:59:58 74.3 89.3 58.2 83.4 79.3 77.8 75 71.4 64 62.4 59.8 29 3/2/2023 6:00:02 PM 7:00:00 PM 0:59:58 72.2 87.4 55.7 81 77.9 76.1 72.9 68.2 59.7 58 56.4 30 3/2/2023 7:00:02 PM 8:00:00 PM 0:59:58 71.8 92.5 55 81.8 77.9 75.7 71.3 65.7 58.2 57.3 56.1 31 3/2/2023 8:00:02 PM 9:00:00 PM 0:59:58 70.6 94.6 54.9 81.1 76.6 74 68.6 62.5 56.8 56.2 55.4 32 3/2/2023 9:00:02 PM 10:00:00 PM 0:59:58 71.3 90 54.6 83.8 77.5 74.2 68.6 62.7 57.3 56.5 55.7 33 3/2/2023 10:00:02 PM 11:00:00 PM 0:59:58 69.6 89.6 53.7 81.3 76.1 72.8 66.7 60.7 55.8 55 54.2 34 3/2/2023 11:00:02 PM 12:00:00 AM 0:59:58 69.4 86.6 52.2 82 75.9 72.2 66.7 59.7 54.1 53.4 52.7 35 3/3/2023 12:00:02 AM 1:00:00 AM 0:59:58 71.1 88.6 50.8 83.9 78.5 73.9 65.1 57.8 53.3 52.7 52 36 3/3/2023 1:00:02 AM 2:00:00 AM 0:59:58 65.5 86.3 51.5 77.9 71.8 67.1 60 55.7 53.2 52.8 52.2 37 3/3/2023 2:00:02 AM 3:00:00 AM 0:59:58 67.4 89.6 51.1 79.3 73.5 69.9 63.2 57.4 53.9 53.3 52.3 38 3/3/2023 3:00:02 AM 4:00:00 AM 0:59:58 70.2 90.6 52.2 82.3 76.2 72.8 66.6 61 55.4 54.5 53.3 39 3/3/2023 4:00:02 AM 5:00:00 AM 0:59:58 71.3 89.6 54.9 83.1 77.9 74.6 68.7 62.4 57 56.4 55.7 40 3/3/2023 5:00:02 AM 6:00:00 AM 0:59:58 74.1 90.8 55.2 83.9 79.7 77.6 73.8 71.1 60.1 58.4 56.6 41 3/3/2023 6:00:02 AM 7:00:00 AM 0:59:58 73.2 88.7 55.5 83.1 79.7 77.5 73.3 67.8 60.5 59.2 57.4 42 3/3/2023 7:00:02 AM 8:00:00 AM 0:59:58 74.4 88 55.2 83.7 80.4 78.5 74.9 70 60.8 59.5 57.2 43 3/3/2023 8:00:02 AM 9:00:00 AM 0:59:58 74.4 90.3 56.9 83.6 80.2 78.3 75 70.4 61.2 59.8 58 44 3/3/2023 9:00:01 AM 9:47:02 AM 0:47:01 76.3 96.7 57.4 85.4 81.6 80.2 76.5 72.2 62.1 60.7 59.1 Infinite 131 Project LT‐2 Time History Number Start Date Start Time Duration LAeq LASmax LASmin LAS1% LAS5% LAS10% LAS25% LAS50% LAS90% LAS95% LAS99% 1 3/1/2023 1:25:50 PM 0:34:10 70.2 96.4 48.5 80.5 74.5 70.1 65.2 63.6 60.4 55.6 50.3 2 3/1/2023 2:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.4 83 60.6 79.3 68.9 65.6 64.2 63.3 62 61.8 61.2 3 3/1/2023 3:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.5 83.6 60.5 78.3 69.6 66.1 64.4 63.5 62.2 61.9 61.3 4 3/1/2023 4:00:02 PM 0:59:58 65.5 81.1 61.2 73.7 67.5 66.3 65.1 64.3 62.9 62.6 62.2 5 3/1/2023 5:00:02 PM 0:59:58 65.2 79.8 60.1 75 68.2 65.9 64.5 63.4 61.7 61.2 60.6 6 3/1/2023 6:00:02 PM 0:59:58 65 81.2 60.4 74.1 66.1 65.4 64.6 64 62.7 62.2 61.5 7 3/1/2023 7:00:02 PM 0:59:58 65.6 83.7 61 76.8 67.3 65.2 64.2 63.5 62.5 62.2 61.6 8 3/1/2023 8:00:02 PM 0:59:58 64.1 83 58.9 72.8 65.2 63.8 63 62.3 61 60.5 59.8 9 3/1/2023 9:00:02 PM 0:59:58 64.3 84.1 58.2 75.5 64.9 63.5 62.5 61.6 60.1 59.6 59 10 3/1/2023 10:00:02 PM 0:59:58 62.4 71.9 57.5 68.8 64.4 63.7 62.8 61.8 59.8 59.2 58.5 11 3/1/2023 11:00:02 PM 0:59:58 62.1 80.8 56.5 73.2 63.3 62.1 60.8 59.8 58.1 57.7 57.1 12 3/2/2023 12:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.5 83.3 53.8 76.9 68 61.2 59 57.8 56.1 55.6 54.8 13 3/2/2023 1:00:02 AM 0:59:58 58.7 80.7 51.5 68.9 59.3 57.9 56.6 55.6 54 53.5 52.6 14 3/2/2023 2:00:02 AM 0:59:58 60.5 83.4 52.3 66.1 58.9 58.1 57 56 54.2 53.8 53 15 3/2/2023 3:00:02 AM 0:59:58 58.9 69.3 52.4 63.5 61.5 60.8 59.7 58.5 55.7 55 53.7 16 3/2/2023 4:00:02 AM 0:59:58 62.2 69.5 56.6 65.3 64.1 63.7 63.1 62.2 59.6 59.1 58.3 17 3/2/2023 5:00:02 AM 0:59:58 64.3 78.4 60.4 70.4 65.9 65.2 64.4 63.7 62.4 62 61.3 18 3/2/2023 6:00:02 AM 0:59:58 65.9 78.4 61.3 71 67.5 66.9 66.2 65.5 63.7 63 62 19 3/2/2023 7:00:02 AM 0:59:58 64 75 59.3 68 66.3 65.8 65 63.9 60.7 60.4 60 20 3/2/2023 8:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.3 81.6 58.8 74.5 64.1 63 62.1 61.4 60.2 59.8 59.3 21 3/2/2023 9:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.7 81.5 56.4 77.3 65.2 62.3 60.4 59.4 58 57.7 57.3 22 3/2/2023 10:00:02 AM 0:59:58 62.2 78.4 55.6 74.9 66 61.6 59.3 58.2 57.1 56.8 56.3 23 3/2/2023 11:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.8 90.2 55.3 84.1 72 64.3 60.9 59.4 57.6 57.3 56.7 24 3/2/2023 12:00:02 PM 0:59:58 64.7 85.8 55.6 78.3 64.9 62.6 61.1 60.2 58.4 57.9 57.1 25 3/2/2023 1:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66 84.8 58.9 78.7 69.4 65 62.8 61.8 60.4 60.1 59.6 26 3/2/2023 2:00:02 PM 0:59:58 67.2 87.6 59.4 80.3 69.9 65.2 63.2 62.3 61.1 60.7 60.2 27 3/2/2023 3:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.7 84.7 58.9 79.2 70.6 65.7 63.6 62.7 61.3 60.9 60.1 28 3/2/2023 4:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.2 84.2 61.3 77.9 67.8 65.9 64.8 64 62.7 62.4 61.9 29 3/2/2023 5:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.5 83.1 61 77.2 69.8 66.6 65.1 64.1 62.6 62.3 61.8 30 3/2/2023 6:00:02 PM 0:59:58 64.4 79.9 60.1 73.4 67 65.3 63.8 63 61.8 61.5 61 31 3/2/2023 7:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.1 82.4 60.6 77.4 69.7 65.9 64.3 63.4 62 61.6 61.2 32 3/2/2023 8:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66 85 60.2 78.3 69.5 65 63.6 62.8 61.8 61.5 61 33 3/2/2023 9:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.1 88.6 61.5 82.4 69.6 66.3 65.1 64.3 63 62.7 62.2 34 3/2/2023 10:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66 85.1 57.9 78.6 66.3 64.8 63.9 62.9 60.5 60 58.9 35 3/2/2023 11:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.1 89 56.8 82.4 67.9 63.3 61.3 60.3 58.9 58.6 57.8 36 3/3/2023 12:00:02 AM 0:59:58 71.1 90.6 54.1 85.4 76.5 65.7 59.8 58.4 56.8 56.4 55.5 37 3/3/2023 1:00:02 AM 0:59:58 58.9 74 54 67.9 61 59.7 58.6 57.6 56 55.6 54.8 38 3/3/2023 2:00:02 AM 0:59:58 58.4 73.8 54.3 64.9 60.4 59.6 58.6 57.7 56.1 55.7 55 39 3/3/2023 3:00:02 AM 0:59:58 65.1 88.2 55.3 78.2 62.9 61.9 60.8 59.7 57.8 57.2 56.5 40 3/3/2023 4:00:02 AM 0:59:58 62 75.1 58.3 65.7 63.8 63.3 62.5 61.7 60.2 59.8 59 41 3/3/2023 5:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.1 78.2 58.4 66.8 65.2 64.7 63.8 62.7 60.7 60.2 59.4 42 3/3/2023 6:00:02 AM 0:59:58 64.8 79.3 60.8 73.4 66.5 65.4 64.5 63.7 62.5 62.1 61.3 43 3/3/2023 7:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.4 76.3 59.8 67.5 65 64.4 63.7 62.9 61.5 61.2 60.5 44 3/3/2023 8:00:02 AM 0:43:52 67.5 97.2 55.5 79.4 67.1 63.2 61.6 60.7 59.3 59 58.4 45 3/3/2023 8:51:28 AM 0:00:15 44.4 47.4 42.9 47.2 46.1 45.6 45.1 44.5 43.2 42.9 42.9 Infinite 131 Project LT‐3 Time History Number Start Date Start Time Duration LAeq LASmax LASmin LAS1% LAS5% LAS10% LAS25% LAS50% LAS90% LAS95% LAS99% 1 3/1/2023 3:12:24 PM 1.0 hour73.39545.68677747063575553 2 3/1/2023 4:12:24 PM 1.0 hour74.396.753.28776737064585755 3 3/1/2023 5:12:24 PM 1.0 hour73.498.150.78677736962545352 4 3/1/2023 6:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 74.5 102.7 51.1 86 76 72 68 59 53 52 52 5 3/1/2023 7:12:24 PM 1.0 hour72.998.8508574716456535251 6 3/1/2023 8:12:24 PM 1.0 hour72.999.350.68574716357535352 7 3/1/2023 9:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 73.5 101.6 50.5 86 73 69 60 55 53 52 51 8 3/1/2023 10:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 69.9 100.2 48.9 77 70 63 56 53 51 50 49 9 3/1/2023 11:12:24 PM 1.0 hour68.293.447.78269605452504948 10 3/1/2023 12:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 72.8 101.1 43.3 84 74 65 54 50 47 46 45 11 3/1/2023 1:12:24 AM 1.0 hour54.978.142.46856504645444342 12 3/2/2023 2:12:24 AM 1.0 hour66.893.642.57360534847444443 13 3/2/2023 3:12:24 AM 1.0 hour60.386.245.47364575149474746 14 3/2/2023 4:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 6491.2487464575351494948 15 3/2/2023 5:12:24 AM 1.0 hour71.310150.68271665856535251 16 3/2/2023 6:12:24 AM 1.0 hour71.391.653.68575726458555554 17 3/2/2023 7:12:24 AM 1.0 hour72.598.552.68675726659545453 18 3/2/2023 8:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 76.2 104.4 51.3 87 76 73 68 61 55 54 52 19 3/2/2023 9:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 74.6 100.9 49.3 86 75 72 65 57 52 52 50 20 3/2/2023 10:12:24 AM 1.0 hour73.610149.88474716559545351 21 3/2/2023 11:12:24 AM 1.0 hour74.697.349.88677736861545351 22 3/2/2023 12:12:24 PM 1.0 hour70.592.150.58374726760545351 23 3/2/2023 1:12:24 PM 1.0 hour71.993.352.38476736861565554 24 3/2/2023 2:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 75.4 103.7 53 86 77 73 69 62 56 56 55 25 3/2/2023 3:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 74.4 100.4 54 86 76 73 69 62 57 56 55 26 3/2/2023 4:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 75.6 100.9 54.1 89 76 73 69 63 58 57 56 27 3/2/2023 5:12:24 PM 1.0 hour74.698.751.98778747064565553 28 3/2/2023 6:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 75.8 104.1 53 87 75 72 67 61 55 55 53 29 3/2/2023 7:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 73.7 100.1 52.9 86 77 72 65 58 54 54 53 30 3/2/2023 8:12:24 PM 1.0 hour73.499.152.78773696157545453 31 3/2/2023 9:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 74.6 101.3 52.2 87 74 70 62 57 54 54 53 32 3/2/2023 10:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 7196.147.48472655652494948 33 3/2/2023 11:12:24 PM 1.0 hour 7397.345.88773645551484747 34 3/2/2023 12:12:24 AM 1.0 hour73.599.643.88776665349464544 35 3/2/2023 1:12:24 AM 1.0 hour57.58042.37158534846444343 36 3/3/2023 2:12:24 AM 1.0 hour54.676.942.46857534946444443 37 3/3/2023 3:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 7196.343.68068625550474645 38 3/3/2023 4:12:24 AM 1.0 hour65.496.545.97364575250484847 39 3/3/2023 5:12:24 AM 1.0 hour70.899.946.38371665551484747 40 3/3/2023 6:12:24 AM 1.0 hour73.398.848.28674706254505049 41 3/3/2023 7:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 75.2 101.5 46.6 87 75 72 66 57 50 49 48 42 3/3/2023 8:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 7599.151.68876736760545352 43 3/3/2023 9:12:24 AM 1.0 hour 75 101.7 35.6 87 79 74 68 60 54 53 38 44 3/3/2023 10:12:24 AM 4 2 min79.293.735.69381716351383735 Infinite 131 Project LT‐4 Time History Number Start Date Start Time Duration LAeq LASmax LASmin LAS1% LAS5%LAS10% LAS25% LAS50% LAS90% LAS95% LAS99% 1 3/1/2023 2:17:14 PM 0:42:46 71 89.1 49.7 81.9 76.7 73.1 68.4 66.5 64.4 63.3 53.7 2 3/1/2023 3:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.3 88.4 63.2 78.9 73.3 70.4 68.1 66.7 64.9 64.6 64.1 3 3/1/2023 4:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.6 84.3 62.8 76.2 71.6 70 68.5 67.4 65.7 65.3 64.2 4 3/1/2023 5:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68 83.4 62.8 75.2 71.5 69.6 68.1 66.9 65.2 64.8 64 5 3/1/2023 6:00:02 PM 0:59:58 70 93.8 63.5 76.9 73.6 71.4 68.8 67.6 65.8 65.2 64.3 6 3/1/2023 7:00:02 PM 0:59:58 71.2 95.6 63.2 78.3 73.9 71.9 69.4 67.9 66.3 65.8 64.7 7 3/1/2023 8:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.1 82.6 61.7 74.7 70.6 69.5 68.3 67.2 65.3 64.7 63.7 8 3/1/2023 9:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.4 88.1 62.4 77.3 70.1 68.9 67.7 66.7 65 64.6 63.8 9 3/1/2023 10:00:02 PM 0:59:58 67.7 84.9 62.1 73.1 69.5 68.8 67.8 67 65.3 64.8 63.6 10 3/1/2023 11:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.1 80.2 59.2 73.7 68.8 67.6 66.2 65 62.9 62.3 61.1 11 3/2/2023 12:00:02 AM 0:59:58 66.7 81 57.6 76.6 70.9 68.7 66.5 64.1 61.4 60.8 59.9 12 3/2/2023 1:00:02 AM 0:59:58 65.4 80 54.5 76.3 69.5 67.3 64.6 62.7 58.9 58 56.3 13 3/2/2023 2:00:02 AM 0:59:58 66.7 89.2 54.7 75.7 70.2 68.4 67 64.9 59.5 58.3 56.4 14 3/2/2023 3:00:02 AM 0:59:58 65 82.3 55.7 72.5 68.4 66.9 65.3 63.6 60.5 59.6 57.5 15 3/2/2023 4:00:02 AM 0:59:58 67.7 81.6 59.8 74.2 71.4 69.9 68.2 66.6 64.1 63.4 62.4 16 3/2/2023 5:00:02 AM 0:59:58 71 90.1 63 77.9 73.5 72.3 70.8 69.6 67.7 67.1 65.8 17 3/2/2023 6:00:02 AM 0:59:58 71.3 83.8 66 76.9 73.9 72.7 71.5 70.6 69.1 68.6 67.5 18 3/2/2023 7:00:02 AM 0:59:58 70.8 81.8 65.6 75.6 73.4 72.5 71.3 70.3 68.7 68.3 67.1 19 3/2/2023 8:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.5 84.1 64 75.4 72.8 71.5 69.9 68.6 66.7 66.1 65.2 20 3/2/2023 9:00:02 AM 0:59:58 70.4 89.1 64.4 77.9 73.4 71.9 70.3 69.2 67.3 66.9 65.7 21 3/2/2023 10:00:02 AM 0:59:58 71.1 85.8 63.9 78.3 75.2 73.4 71 69.7 67.7 67.1 66.3 22 3/2/2023 11:00:02 AM 0:59:58 75.4 92.2 60.2 88.6 82 75.7 70.7 68.5 64 63.2 61.8 23 3/2/2023 12:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.9 84.4 59.2 77.4 69.4 67.5 65.9 64.6 62.5 61.9 61 24 3/2/2023 1:00:02 PM 0:59:58 67.5 83.2 61.2 77.2 71.4 68.6 66.6 65.1 63.1 62.7 62 25 3/2/2023 2:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.2 84.6 60.7 78.9 71.9 69.4 67 65.6 63.9 63.5 62.7 26 3/2/2023 3:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.5 84.9 60.8 78.7 72.8 69.7 67.2 65.9 64.1 63.7 62.9 27 3/2/2023 4:00:02 PM 0:59:58 67.7 83.1 62.5 77.4 70.2 68.6 67.2 66.3 64.6 64.2 63.4 28 3/2/2023 5:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.2 89.5 62.7 77.9 73.4 70.8 68 66.6 65 64.6 63.8 29 3/2/2023 6:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.1 84.3 62.6 77.2 73.8 71.8 69 67 65 64.5 63.8 30 3/2/2023 7:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.1 80.6 62.1 77.1 73.5 71.6 68.9 67.4 65.4 65 64.1 31 3/2/2023 8:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.5 86 61.3 78.3 72.4 69.1 67.6 66.5 64.5 64.1 63.1 32 3/2/2023 9:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.5 86.9 62.7 81.3 71.8 69 67.5 66.6 65.2 64.7 63.9 33 3/2/2023 10:00:02 PM 0:59:58 67.6 83.4 60.5 78.1 69.8 68 66.7 65.8 64.2 63.6 62.3 34 3/2/2023 11:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.5 86.9 57.7 81.3 71.8 68.5 66 64.5 62 61.5 59.8 35 3/3/2023 12:00:02 AM 0:59:58 71.7 90.8 57.5 84.1 76.5 72.9 70.2 66.2 61.2 60.4 59 36 3/3/2023 1:00:02 AM 0:59:58 66.6 87.8 55.6 76.4 70.2 68.1 66.1 62.8 59 58.2 57.1 37 3/3/2023 2:00:02 AM 0:59:58 70.7 92.5 56.3 81.4 75.1 73.6 69.7 63.8 59.3 58.6 57.3 38 3/3/2023 3:00:02 AM 0:59:58 68.8 87.3 57.6 78.6 73.4 70.6 68.4 66.3 61.9 61 59.8 39 3/3/2023 4:00:02 AM 0:59:58 67.7 89.8 60.3 75 71.2 69.6 67.9 66.2 63.7 63.1 61.9 40 3/3/2023 5:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.2 82 62.2 76.8 72.5 70.9 69.4 67.9 65.7 65.1 64.1 41 3/3/2023 6:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.8 81.9 63.1 77 73.1 71.5 70.1 68.8 66.6 65.8 64.8 42 3/3/2023 7:00:02 AM 0:59:58 70 82.9 63.9 75.6 72.7 71.7 70.5 69.2 67.3 66.9 66 43 3/3/2023 8:00:02 AM 0:59:58 71.8 93.3 65.5 78.5 75.3 73.1 71.6 70.6 68.8 68.3 67 44 3/3/2023 9:00:01 AM 0:27:46 73.1 96.2 50.8 81.7 77 74.1 71.9 70.8 69.1 68.4 66.1 Infinite 131 Project LT‐5 Time History Number Start Date Start Time Duration LAeq LASmax LASmin LAS1% LAS5% LAS10% LAS25% LAS50% LAS90% LAS95% LAS99% 1 3/1/2023 1:46:06 PM 0:13:54 72.5 91.7 46.4 83.5 77.7 74.2 70.4 68.2 58.5 54.1 49.5 2 3/1/2023 2:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.6 83.2 63.7 78.3 73 71.2 69.6 68.2 66.4 65.8 64.9 3 3/1/2023 3:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.8 85.7 64 78.7 73.3 70.9 69.3 68 66.3 65.8 65.1 4 3/1/2023 4:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.3 85.2 63.8 76.1 72.1 70.8 69.4 68.3 66.7 66.2 65.5 5 3/1/2023 5:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.2 87.5 62.3 75.8 70.9 69.6 68.2 66.8 64.5 64 63.2 6 3/1/2023 6:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.4 84.9 63 75.4 70.6 69.7 68.5 67.6 65.8 65.1 64.1 7 3/1/2023 7:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.4 80.7 63.5 76.7 71.1 69.9 68.4 67.3 65.6 65.2 64.4 8 3/1/2023 8:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68 84.9 61.2 77.1 70.9 69.1 67.5 66.3 64.4 63.8 62.8 9 3/1/2023 9:00:02 PM 0:59:58 66.2 83.9 60.1 74.9 69 67.4 65.9 64.3 62 61.5 60.8 10 3/1/2023 10:00:02 PM 0:59:58 65.8 77.7 58.2 71.5 68.4 67.5 66.3 65.2 63.3 62.8 61.6 11 3/1/2023 11:00:02 PM 0:59:58 65.5 83.1 58.2 74.3 68.9 67.2 65.3 63.7 61.2 60.5 59.5 12 3/2/2023 12:00:02 AM 0:59:58 66 87.8 55.4 76.5 70.8 67.6 64.3 62.4 59 58.1 56.5 13 3/2/2023 1:00:02 AM 0:59:58 64 82.3 52.5 76.9 67 64.5 62 59.7 56.1 55.1 53.8 14 3/2/2023 2:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.3 86.2 52.3 72.1 66.3 64.4 61.8 59.6 56.1 55.3 53.8 15 3/2/2023 3:00:02 AM 0:59:58 64.1 86.1 53.4 71.2 67.8 66.4 64.2 62 58.3 57.4 56.1 16 3/2/2023 4:00:02 AM 0:59:58 65.6 74.9 58 71.3 68.8 67.9 66.4 64.8 62.3 61.5 59.5 17 3/2/2023 5:00:02 AM 0:59:58 68.3 83.3 61.5 73.9 71.1 70.2 68.8 67.5 64.9 64.2 63.3 18 3/2/2023 6:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.9 81 64.1 75.2 72.4 71.5 70.4 69.3 67.2 66.7 65.4 19 3/2/2023 7:00:02 AM 0:59:58 68.9 81.9 61.8 75.5 72 71 69.5 68.2 65.1 64.3 63.4 20 3/2/2023 8:00:02 AM 0:59:58 68.1 80.5 62.4 74.8 70.8 69.9 68.4 67.2 65.4 65 64 21 3/2/2023 9:00:02 AM 0:59:58 67.9 82.1 62.5 76.3 72.2 70 67.7 66.1 64.2 63.8 63.1 22 3/2/2023 10:00:02 AM 0:59:58 66.9 79.1 59.9 74.6 70.5 69.2 67.4 65.6 63 62.4 61.5 23 3/2/2023 11:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.8 86.8 59.7 82.3 73.3 70 67.9 66.1 63.4 62.6 61.1 24 3/2/2023 12:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.7 91.8 60.5 80 72.2 70.1 68.1 66.7 64.5 63.9 62.7 25 3/2/2023 1:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69 87 62.8 77.8 72.4 70.3 68.5 67.2 65.3 64.9 63.7 26 3/2/2023 2:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.5 85.5 63.1 78.2 72.8 70.8 69.1 68 66 65.6 64.8 27 3/2/2023 3:00:02 PM 0:59:58 70.5 91.3 63.4 80.1 73.7 71.3 69.6 68.2 66.2 65.8 65 28 3/2/2023 4:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.8 86.5 65.2 78.2 72.8 71.1 69.6 68.5 67 66.6 66.1 29 3/2/2023 5:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.2 83.6 62.6 76.8 72.5 71 69.3 67.9 65.2 64.6 63.6 30 3/2/2023 6:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.7 84.6 62.5 76.6 72.4 70.6 68.7 67.2 64.9 64.4 63.5 31 3/2/2023 7:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.2 82 63.4 78.3 73.1 70.7 68.8 67.6 65.7 65.3 64.6 32 3/2/2023 8:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.6 87.9 62.4 77.5 71.7 69.9 68.2 67 65.1 64.5 63.6 33 3/2/2023 9:00:02 PM 0:59:58 69.6 84.8 63.3 80.5 72.7 70.2 68.5 67.4 65.8 65.3 64.6 34 3/2/2023 10:00:02 PM 0:59:58 67.9 84.5 60.9 77.5 70.9 69.2 67.5 66.1 63.9 63.3 62.3 35 3/2/2023 11:00:02 PM 0:59:58 68.3 86.9 58.6 80.8 71.4 68.1 66.1 64.5 62 61.3 59.9 36 3/3/2023 12:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.8 88 55.2 83.5 75.2 69.3 64.9 62.9 59.7 58.8 57.5 37 3/3/2023 1:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.3 80.7 53.9 71.5 67.2 65.6 63.3 61.4 58.4 57.7 56.4 38 3/3/2023 2:00:02 AM 0:59:58 63.3 82.5 54.4 70.9 66.8 65.1 63.1 61.3 58.2 57.4 56.4 39 3/3/2023 3:00:02 AM 0:59:58 67.5 87.1 56.8 78.7 71.2 68.9 66.1 63.9 60.4 59.6 58.1 40 3/3/2023 4:00:02 AM 0:59:58 66.4 77.1 58.7 72.2 69.6 68.5 67 65.6 63 62.4 61 41 3/3/2023 5:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.1 87.2 61.2 75.6 72 70.8 69.3 67.8 65 64.2 63.1 42 3/3/2023 6:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.8 88.8 64 76.1 73 71.7 70.1 68.8 66.8 66.1 65.2 43 3/3/2023 7:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.1 82.6 64 74.9 72.2 71.2 69.6 68.2 66.2 65.7 65 44 3/3/2023 8:00:02 AM 0:59:58 69.2 80.5 62.9 76.2 72.5 71.5 69.8 67.9 65.6 65 64 45 3/3/2023 9:00:00 AM 0:05:33 72.1 87.3 54.8 82.6 77.4 74.6 70.8 69.1 64.8 64.2 56.5 Noise Appendix Short Term Measurement Data Infinite 131 Project ST‐1 Summary Summary File Name on Meter 831_Data.066.s File Name on PC Serial Number 0003785 Model Model 831 Firmware Version 2.403 User Location Job Description Note Measurement Description Start 2023‐03‐02 09:20:00 Stop 2023‐03‐02 09:35:00 Duration 00:15:00 0 Run Time 00:15:00 0 Pause 00:00:00 0 Pre‐Calibration 2023‐03‐02 09:13:16 Post‐Calibration None Calibration Deviation ‐‐‐ Overall Settings RMS Weight A Weighting Peak Weight A Weighting Detector Slow Preamplifier PRM831 Microphone Correction Off Integration Method Linear OBA Range Normal OBA Bandwidth 1/1 and 1/3 OBA Frequency Weighting A Weighting OBA Max Spectrum Bin Max Gain 0 0 dB Overload 144.7 dB A Under Range Peak 77.1 Under Range Limit 26.7 Noise Floor 17 5 First Instrument Identification 831_0003785‐20230302 092000‐831_Data.066.ldbin Infinite 131 Project ST‐1 Summary Results LAeq 73 0 dB LAE 102 5 dB EA 1 995 mPa²h LApeak (max)2023‐03‐02 09:27:55 98.7 dB LASmax 2023‐03‐02 09:27:55 87.2 dB LASmin 2023‐03‐02 09:22:54 68.9 dB SEA ‐99 9 dB Exceedance Counts LAS > 65.0 dB 1 899.9 s LAS > 85.0 dB 11.8s LApeak > 135.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 137.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 140.0 dB 00.0s Community Noise Ldn 73 0 LCeq 82 3 dB LAeq 73 0 dB LCeq ‐ LAeq 9 3 dB LAIeq 74.4 dB LAeq 73 0 dB LAIeq ‐ LAeq 1.4 dB dB Time Stamp Leq 73 0 LS(max)87 2 2023/03/02 9:27:55 LF(max)90 8 2023/03/02 9:27:55 LI(max)91.7 2023/03/02 9:27:55 LS(min)68 9 2023/03/02 9:22:54 LF(min)67 9 2023/03/02 9:34:56 LI(min)68 3 2023/03/02 9:34:56 LPeak(max)98.7 2023/03/02 9:27:55 Overload Count 0 Overload Duration 0 0 s OBA Overload Count 0 OBA Overload Duration 0 0 s Statistics LA 1.00 80 0 dB LA 10.00 74 8 dB LA 25.00 72 9 dB LA 50.00 71 8 dB LA 90.00 70 3 dB LA 99.00 69.4 dB Duration A Infinite 131 Project ST‐1 Summary Calibration History Preamp Date dB re. 1V/Pa PRM831 2023‐03‐02 09:13:09 ‐27.14 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 08:35:21 ‐27.11 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 08:34:52 ‐27.12 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:44:14 ‐26 92 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:25:57 ‐26 91 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:13:44 ‐26 88 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:55:57 ‐26 98 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:45:31 ‐26 87 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:33:11 ‐27 01 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:12:47 ‐26.77 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:05:29 ‐26 90 Infinite 131 Project ST‐2 Summary Summary File Name on Meter 831_Data.067.s File Name on PC Serial Number 0003785 Model Model 831 Firmware Version 2.403 User Location Job Description Note Measurement Description Start 2023‐03‐02 10:35 00 Stop 2023‐03‐02 10:50 00 Duration 00:15:00.0 Run Time 00:15:00.0 Pause 00 00:00.0 Pre‐Calibration 2023‐03‐02 10:32:11 Post‐Calibration None Calibration Deviation ‐‐‐ Overall Settings RMS Weight A Weighting Peak Weight A Weighting Detector Slow Preamplifier PRM831 Microphone Correction Off Integration Method Linear OBA Range Normal OBA Bandwidth 1/1 and 1/3 OBA Frequency Weighting A Weighting OBA Max Spectrum Bin Max Gain 0.0 dB Overload 144.7 dB A Under Range Peak 77.2 Under Range Limit 26.7 Noise Floor 17.6 First Instrument Identification 831_0003785‐20230302 103500‐831_Data.067.ldbin Infinite 131 Project ST‐2 Summary Results LAeq 68.0 dB LAE 97.5 dB EA 630.958 µPa²h LApeak (max)2023‐03‐02 10:44:28 100.5 dB LASmax 2023‐03‐02 10:44:28 76.9 dB LASmin 2023‐03‐02 10:43:34 63.5 dB SEA ‐99.9 dB Exceedance Counts LAS > 65.0 dB 1 LAS > 85.0 dB 0 LApeak > 135.0 dB 0 LApeak > 137.0 dB 0 LApeak > 140.0 dB 0 Community Noise Ldn 68.0 LCeq 76.6 dB LAeq 68.0 dB LCeq ‐ LAeq 8.6 dB LAIeq 72.6 dB LAeq 68.0 dB LAIeq ‐ LAeq 4.6 dB dB Time Stamp Leq 68.0 LS(max)76.9 2023/03/02 10:44:28 LF(max)84.1 2023/03/02 10:44:28 LI(max)87.8 2023/03/02 10:44:28 LS(min)63.5 2023/03/02 10:43:34 LF(min)62.8 2023/03/02 10:43:39 LI(min)63.1 2023/03/02 10:37:26 LPeak(max)100.5 2023/03/02 10:44:28 Overload Count 0 Overload Duration 0.0 s OBA Overload Count 0 OBA Overload Duration 0.0 s Statistics LA 1.00 74.7 dB LA 10.00 71.1 dB LA 25.00 68.2 dB LA 50.00 66.3 dB LA 90.00 64.4 dB LA 99.00 63.8 dB A Infinite 131 Project ST‐2 Summary Calibration History Preamp Date dB re. 1V/Pa PRM831 2023‐03‐02 10:31:47 ‐27.19 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 09:40:19 ‐27 35 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 09:13 09 ‐27.14 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 08:35:21 ‐27.11 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 08:34:52 ‐27.12 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:44:14 ‐26 92 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:25:57 ‐26 91 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:13:44 ‐26 88 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:55:57 ‐26 98 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:45:31 ‐26 87 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:33:11 ‐27 01 Infinite 131 Project Summary File Name on Meter File Name on PC Serial Number Model Firmware Version User Location Job Description Note Measurement Desaiptlon Start Stop Duration Run Time Pause Pre-calibration Post-Calibration callbratlon Deviation Overall Settings RMS Weight Peak Weight Detector Preampllffer Microphone Corredlon Integration Method OBA Range OBA Bandwidth OBA Frequency Weighting OBA Max Spectrum Gain Overload Under Range Peak Under Range Umlt Noise Floor Instrument Identification 831_Data 072.s 831_0003785-20230303 090300-831_Data.072.ldbin 0003785 Model 831 2.403 2023-03-03 09:03 00 2023-03-03 09: 18 00 00:15:00.0 00:15:00.0 00:00:00.0 2023-03-03 09:00:22 2023-03-03 09:21:56 -0.12 dB A Weighting A Weighting Slow PRM831 Off Linear Normal 1/1 and 1/3 A Weighting Bin Max 0.0 dB 144.8 dB A 77.2 26.7 17.6 First ST-3 Summary Infinite 131 Project ST‐3 Summary Results LAeq 62.6 dB LAE 92.1 dB EA 181.970 µPa²h LApeak (max)2023‐03‐03 09:05:36 91.7 dB LASmax 2023‐03‐03 09:12 05 75.3 dB LASmin 2023‐03‐03 09:10:52 50.8 dB SEA ‐99.9 dB Exceedance Counts LAS > 65.0 dB 14 128.1 s LAS > 85.0 dB 000s LApeak > 135.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 137.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 140.0 dB 00.0s Community Noise Ldn 62.6 LCeq 73.4 dB LAeq 62.6 dB LCeq ‐ LAeq 10.8 dB LAIeq 64.3 dB LAeq 62.6 dB LAIeq ‐ LAeq 1.7 dB dB Time Stamp Leq 62.6 LS(max)75.3 2023/03/03 9:12:05 LF(max)77.4 2023/03/03 9:12:05 LI(max)78.9 2023/03/03 9:12:05 LS(min)50.8 2023/03/03 9:10:52 LF(min)49.9 2023/03/03 9:10:58 LI(min)50.8 2023/03/03 9:10:52 LPeak(max)91.7 2023/03/03 9:05:36 Overload Count 0 Overload Duration 0.0 s OBA Overload Count 0 OBA Overload Duration 0.0 s Statistics LA 1.00 72.6 dB LA 10.00 65.8 dB LA 25.00 61.9 dB LA 50.00 58.9 dB LA 90.00 53.2 dB LA 99.00 51.2 dB Duration A Infinite 131 Project ST‐3 Summary Calibration History Preamp Date dB re. 1V/Pa PRM831 2023‐03‐03 09:21:55 ‐27.25 PRM831 2023‐03‐03 09:00:21 ‐27.12 PRM831 2023‐03‐03 08:58:57 ‐27.18 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 15:54 00 ‐27.30 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 14:58:50 ‐27.15 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 14:10:49 ‐27.19 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 11:58:17 ‐27.20 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 11:33:12 ‐27.23 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 10:54:22 ‐27.26 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 10:31:47 ‐27.19 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 09:40:19 ‐27.35 Infinite 131 Project ST‐4 Summary Summary File Name on Meter 831_Data.068.s File Name on PC Serial Number 0003785 Model Model 831 Firmware Version 2.403 User Location Job Description Note Measurement Description Start 2023‐03‐02 11:39:00 Stop 2023‐03‐02 11:54:00 Duration 00:15:00.0 Run Time 00:15:00.0 Pause 00 00:00.0 Pre‐Calibration 2023‐03‐02 11:33:21 Post‐Calibration None Calibration Deviation ‐‐‐ Overall Settings RMS Weight A Weighting Peak Weight A Weighting Detector Slow Preamplifier PRM831 Microphone Correction Off Integration Method Linear OBA Range Normal OBA Bandwidth 1/1 and 1/3 OBA Frequency Weighting A Weighting OBA Max Spectrum Bin Max Gain 0.0 dB Overload 144.8 dB A Under Range Peak 77.2 Under Range Limit 26.7 Noise Floor 17.6 First Instrument Identification 831_0003785‐20230302 113900‐831_Data.068.ldbin Infinite 131 Project ST‐4 Summary Results LAeq 57.8 dB LAE 87.3 dB EA 60.256 µPa²h LApeak (max)2023‐03‐02 11:45:27 89.9 dB LASmax 2023‐03‐02 11:43:26 71.5 dB LASmin 2023‐03‐02 11:52:39 53.7 dB SEA ‐99.9 dB Exceedance Counts LAS > 65.0 dB 4 31.4 s LAS > 85.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 135.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 137.0 dB 00.0s LApeak > 140.0 dB 00.0s Community Noise Ldn 57.8 LCeq 69.9 dB LAeq 57.8 dB LCeq ‐ LAeq 12.1 dB LAIeq 59.5 dB LAeq 57.8 dB LAIeq ‐ LAeq 1.7 dB dB Time Stamp Leq 57.8 LS(max)71.5 2023/03/02 11:43:26 LF(max)73.5 2023/03/02 11:43:21 LI(max)76.1 2023/03/02 11:43:21 LS(min)53.7 2023/03/02 11:52:39 LF(min)53.1 2023/03/02 11:52:39 LI(min)53.5 2023/03/02 11:44:58 LPeak(max)89.9 2023/03/02 11:45:27 Overload Count 0 Overload Duration 0.0 s OBA Overload Count 0 OBA Overload Duration 0.0 s Statistics LA 1.00 70.1 dB LA 10.00 57.5 dB LA 25.00 55.8 dB LA 50.00 55.1 dB LA 90.00 54.4 dB LA 99.00 53.9 dB Duration A Infinite 131 Project ST‐4 Summary Calibration History Preamp Date dB re. 1V/Pa PRM831 2023‐03‐02 11:33:12 ‐27.23 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 10:54:22 ‐27.26 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 10:31:47 ‐27.19 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 09:40:19 ‐27.35 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 09:13:09 ‐27.14 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 08:35:21 ‐27.11 PRM831 2023‐03‐02 08:34:52 ‐27.12 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:44:14 ‐26.92 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:25:57 ‐26.91 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 12:13:44 ‐26.88 PRM831 2022‐10‐21 11:55:57 ‐26.98 Infinite 131 Project ST‐1 Time History Record # Record Type Date Time LAeq LASmax LASmin 1 Calibration Change 2023‐03‐02 9:13:16 2 Run 2023‐03‐02 9:20:00 3 2023‐03‐02 9:20:00 72.1 74.3 69.8 4 2023‐03‐02 9:20:10 73.1 74.9 71.1 5 2023‐03‐02 9:20:20 72.2 73.2 71.6 6 2023‐03‐02 9:20:30 71.8 73.5 70.6 7 2023‐03‐02 9:20:40 70.8 72.2 69.4 8 2023‐03‐02 9:20:50 71.0 71.6 70.0 9 2023‐03‐02 9:21:00 75.9 78.2 71.4 10 2023‐03‐02 9:21:10 72.9 75.6 71.6 11 2023‐03‐02 9:21:20 73.6 76.6 71.7 12 2023‐03‐02 9:21:30 72.7 75.2 70.9 13 2023‐03‐02 9:21:40 73.6 75.7 72.1 14 2023‐03‐02 9:21:50 71.9 72.7 70.9 15 2023‐03‐02 9:22:00 71.0 72.6 69.9 16 2023‐03‐02 9:22:10 72.0 72.8 70.8 17 2023‐03‐02 9:22:20 74.1 77.8 70.8 18 2023‐03‐02 9:22:30 71.8 77.3 70.2 19 2023‐03‐02 9:22:40 70.7 71.2 70.0 20 2023‐03‐02 9:22:50 72.4 76.0 68.9 21 2023‐03‐02 9:23:00 72.6 76.3 70.6 22 2023‐03‐02 9:23:10 71.6 72.4 71.0 23 2023‐03‐02 9:23:20 71.0 72.2 69.3 24 2023‐03‐02 9:23:30 72.6 74.3 71.0 25 2023‐03‐02 9:23:40 73.4 75.2 72.2 26 2023‐03‐02 9:23:50 70.5 72.2 69.9 27 2023‐03‐02 9:24:00 72.7 73.6 70.4 28 2023‐03‐02 9:24:10 71.8 73.5 70.8 29 2023‐03‐02 9:24:20 71.8 73.4 71.1 30 2023‐03‐02 9:24:30 72.1 74.2 69.8 31 2023‐03‐02 9:24:40 70.9 71.9 70.2 32 2023‐03‐02 9:24:50 72.3 73.0 70.5 33 2023‐03‐02 9:25:00 71.5 73.6 70.3 34 2023‐03‐02 9:25:10 70.8 71.7 70.2 35 2023‐03‐02 9:25:20 70.3 70.8 69.7 36 2023‐03‐02 9:25:30 72.3 72.9 70.0 37 2023‐03‐02 9:25:40 71.8 72.8 70.9 38 2023‐03‐02 9:25:50 71.4 72.5 70.6 39 2023‐03‐02 9:26:00 72.0 73.5 70.7 40 2023‐03‐02 9:26:10 76.8 81.2 70.7 41 2023‐03‐02 9:26:20 73.5 76.5 70.8 42 2023‐03‐02 9:26:30 73.6 76.2 72.2 43 2023‐03‐02 9:26:40 71.8 73.4 70.5 44 2023‐03‐02 9:26:50 70.8 72.0 69.8 45 2023‐03‐02 9:27:00 72.1 73.1 70.8 46 2023‐03‐02 9:27:10 73.9 75.5 72.5 Infinite 131 Project ST‐1 Time History 47 2023‐03‐02 9:27:20 71.9 73.0 71.0 48 2023‐03‐02 9:27:30 71.3 72.8 69.7 49 2023‐03‐02 9:27:40 71.9 73.7 69.6 50 2023‐03‐02 9:27:50 80.5 87.2 70.4 51 2023‐03‐02 9:28:00 75.3 78.9 72.9 52 2023‐03‐02 9:28:10 73.3 76.7 71.2 53 2023‐03‐02 9:28:20 72.8 76.8 71.3 54 2023‐03‐02 9:28:30 71.2 72.8 69.4 55 2023‐03‐02 9:28:40 73.6 75.9 71.5 56 2023‐03‐02 9:28:50 73.1 75.4 71.8 57 2023‐03‐02 9:29:00 70.6 72.1 69.9 58 2023‐03‐02 9:29:10 72.4 74.1 69.6 59 2023‐03‐02 9:29:20 73.8 76.2 71.9 60 2023‐03‐02 9:29:30 70.9 71.9 69.7 61 2023‐03‐02 9:29:40 70.4 71.1 69.5 62 2023‐03‐02 9:29:50 70.4 71.1 69.1 63 2023‐03‐02 9:30:00 70.7 72.8 69.5 64 2023‐03‐02 9:30:10 72.9 75.9 69.2 65 2023‐03‐02 9:30:20 72.2 73.1 70.4 66 2023‐03‐02 9:30:30 72.9 75.3 71.4 67 2023‐03‐02 9:30:40 71.9 72.9 70.6 68 2023‐03‐02 9:30:50 71.5 72.9 70.4 69 2023‐03‐02 9:31:00 71.3 72.7 69.5 70 2023‐03‐02 9:31:10 70.6 71.8 69.4 71 2023‐03‐02 9:31:20 70.2 71.2 69.5 72 2023‐03‐02 9:31:30 73.5 75.6 70.4 73 2023‐03‐02 9:31:40 71.9 73.6 71.3 74 2023‐03‐02 9:31:50 72.8 73.5 70.9 75 2023‐03‐02 9:32:00 72.2 73.9 70.6 76 2023‐03‐02 9:32:10 73.4 75.2 71.3 77 2023‐03‐02 9:32:20 74.4 79.1 70.5 78 2023‐03‐02 9:32:30 77.6 82.5 70.8 79 2023‐03‐02 9:32:40 75.2 79.1 70.5 80 2023‐03‐02 9:32:50 77.5 81.9 72.8 81 2023‐03‐02 9:33:00 71.7 75.4 71.0 82 2023‐03‐02 9:33:10 71.6 72.7 70.5 83 2023‐03‐02 9:33:20 75.2 78.5 71.3 84 2023‐03‐02 9:33:30 71.6 73.8 70.9 85 2023‐03‐02 9:33:40 69.8 71.1 69.0 86 2023‐03‐02 9:33:50 72.3 73.7 70.7 87 2023‐03‐02 9:34:00 71.6 72.3 71.0 88 2023‐03‐02 9:34:10 74.5 78.2 71.1 89 2023‐03‐02 9:34:20 70.8 71.7 70.2 90 2023‐03‐02 9:34:30 75.7 79.2 71.7 91 2023‐03‐02 9:34:40 74.1 77.4 70.6 92 2023‐03‐02 9:34:50 70.6 71.4 69.1 93 Stop 2023‐03‐02 9:35:00 Infinite 131 Project ST‐2 Time History Record # Record Type Date Time LAeq LASmax LASmin 1 Calibration Change 2023‐03‐02 10:32:11 2 Run 2023‐03‐02 10:35:00 3 2023‐03‐02 10:35:00 66.8 69.8 64.0 4 2023‐03‐02 10:35:10 70.6 75.4 64.4 5 2023‐03‐02 10:35:20 66.4 69.6 64.2 6 2023‐03‐02 10:35:30 66.4 68.6 64.0 7 2023‐03‐02 10:35:40 66.0 67.6 65.3 8 2023‐03‐02 10:35:50 65.6 67.0 64.7 9 2023‐03‐02 10:36:00 67.3 71.0 65.0 10 2023‐03‐02 10:36:10 69.4 73.6 64.8 11 2023‐03‐02 10:36:20 73.9 76.3 67.7 12 2023‐03‐02 10:36:30 66.8 72.2 65.3 13 2023‐03‐02 10:36:40 65.5 70.7 64.6 14 2023‐03‐02 10:36:50 71.0 75.0 64.6 15 2023‐03‐02 10:37:00 67.6 71.4 64.9 16 2023‐03‐02 10:37:10 66.9 69.7 65.0 17 2023‐03‐02 10:37:20 66.8 70.1 63.9 18 2023‐03‐02 10:37:30 69.1 74.9 64.2 19 2023‐03‐02 10:37:40 66.7 70.1 64.5 20 2023‐03‐02 10:37:50 68.2 71.0 65.1 21 2023‐03‐02 10:38:00 65.8 68.8 64.3 22 2023‐03‐02 10:38:10 65.8 70.9 64.3 23 2023‐03‐02 10:38:20 64.3 64.8 63.9 24 2023‐03‐02 10:38:30 64.0 64.7 63.8 25 2023‐03‐02 10:38:40 65.5 69.2 63.6 26 2023‐03‐02 10:38:50 68.9 72.1 64.3 27 2023‐03‐02 10:39:00 72.4 74.3 69.3 28 2023‐03‐02 10:39:10 70.9 74.2 66.3 29 2023‐03‐02 10:39:20 65.6 66.7 65.1 30 2023‐03‐02 10:39:30 69.5 71.8 65.3 31 2023‐03‐02 10:39:40 69.5 74.4 65.3 32 2023‐03‐02 10:39:50 66.0 69.2 64.7 33 2023‐03‐02 10:40:00 65.7 66.4 64.2 34 2023‐03‐02 10:40:10 69.0 72.0 65.2 35 2023‐03‐02 10:40:20 66.0 68.0 63.9 36 2023‐03‐02 10:40:30 67.9 69.6 65.5 37 2023‐03‐02 10:40:40 70.9 74.8 66.2 38 2023‐03‐02 10:40:50 72.4 74.9 69.9 39 2023‐03‐02 10:41:00 71.4 73.3 70.0 40 2023‐03‐02 10:41:10 67.9 71.0 66.3 41 2023‐03‐02 10:41:20 66.3 68.0 65.0 42 2023‐03‐02 10:41:30 67.3 69.8 64.5 43 2023‐03‐02 10:41:40 65.7 67.7 64.8 44 2023‐03‐02 10:41:50 66.4 70.2 64.4 45 2023‐03‐02 10:42:00 65.4 69.7 64.2 46 2023‐03‐02 10:42:10 64.4 65.4 63.8 Infinite 131 Project ST‐2 Time History 47 2023‐03‐02 10:42:20 64.9 66.8 63.6 48 2023‐03‐02 10:42:30 65.8 68.0 63.9 49 2023‐03‐02 10:42:40 64.6 67.7 63.9 50 2023‐03‐02 10:42:50 66.7 69.9 63.8 51 2023‐03‐02 10:43:00 65.9 70.0 64.1 52 2023‐03‐02 10:43:10 65.6 69.9 64.1 53 2023‐03‐02 10:43:20 64.4 65.2 64.1 54 2023‐03‐02 10:43:30 67.4 72.5 63.5 55 2023‐03‐02 10:43:40 71.8 75.5 65.8 56 2023‐03‐02 10:43:50 72.9 75.6 70.0 57 2023‐03‐02 10:44:00 70.7 75.4 64.6 58 2023‐03‐02 10:44:10 69.0 72.5 64.6 59 2023‐03‐02 10:44:20 70.7 76.9 66.0 60 2023‐03‐02 10:44:30 66.1 72.6 64.4 61 2023‐03‐02 10:44:40 67.3 71.1 64.4 62 2023‐03‐02 10:44:50 69.9 74.4 64.4 63 2023‐03‐02 10:45:00 67.5 73.3 64.6 64 2023‐03‐02 10:45:10 66.2 68.6 64.9 65 2023‐03‐02 10:45:20 67.1 68.9 64.8 66 2023‐03‐02 10:45:30 67.4 70.7 64.9 67 2023‐03‐02 10:45:40 67.5 70.6 65.7 68 2023‐03‐02 10:45:50 67.7 70.3 65.3 69 2023‐03‐02 10:46:00 65.0 66.2 64.4 70 2023‐03‐02 10:46:10 65.5 67.1 64.1 71 2023‐03‐02 10:46:20 64.3 67.1 63.8 72 2023‐03‐02 10:46:30 65.9 69.8 63.7 73 2023‐03‐02 10:46:40 67.9 71.6 64.7 74 2023‐03‐02 10:46:50 72.4 75.2 70.5 75 2023‐03‐02 10:47:00 68.2 72.0 64.9 76 2023‐03‐02 10:47:10 67.6 70.4 65.2 77 2023‐03‐02 10:47:20 68.0 70.6 66.3 78 2023‐03‐02 10:47:30 65.9 69.1 64.2 79 2023‐03‐02 10:47:40 67.7 70.0 64.8 80 2023‐03‐02 10:47:50 67.1 69.6 64.7 81 2023‐03‐02 10:48:00 67.8 70.0 66.2 82 2023‐03‐02 10:48:10 66.5 69.1 64.3 83 2023‐03‐02 10:48:20 66.4 67.9 64.6 84 2023‐03‐02 10:48:30 66.2 68.6 64.1 85 2023‐03‐02 10:48:40 65.0 65.8 64.5 86 2023‐03‐02 10:48:50 66.4 69.7 64.5 87 2023‐03‐02 10:49:00 66.9 70.7 64.1 88 2023‐03‐02 10:49:10 66.3 70.4 64.7 89 2023‐03‐02 10:49:20 66.1 70.8 64.3 90 2023‐03‐02 10:49:30 65.1 66.0 64.4 91 2023‐03‐02 10:49:40 65.4 68.6 64.1 92 2023‐03‐02 10:49:50 65.1 66.6 64.0 93 Stop 2023‐03‐02 10:50:00 Infinite 131 Project ST‐3 Time History Record #Record Type Date Time LAeq LASmax LASmin 1 Calibration Change 2023‐03‐03 8:58:59 2 Calibration Change 2023‐03‐03 9:00:22 3 Run 2023‐03‐03 9:03:00 4 2023‐03‐03 9:03:00 53.3 55.7 52.0 5 2023‐03‐03 9:03:10 64.4 71.1 53.1 6 2023‐03‐03 9:03:20 60.9 71.1 56.8 7 2023‐03‐03 9:03:30 57.1 58.7 56.4 8 2023‐03‐03 9:03:40 59.3 61.5 55.3 9 2023‐03‐03 9:03:50 62.8 67.2 54.6 10 2023‐03‐03 9:04:00 54.6 56.9 53.1 11 2023‐03‐03 9:04:10 58.9 60.7 56.9 12 2023‐03‐03 9:04:20 58.9 61.4 56.8 13 2023‐03‐03 9:04:30 59.8 61.7 58.3 14 2023‐03‐03 9:04:40 58.0 62.5 52.9 15 2023‐03‐03 9:04:50 52.5 53.6 51.7 16 2023‐03‐03 9:05:00 53.7 55.2 51.3 17 2023‐03‐03 9:05:10 56.6 58.7 54.9 18 2023‐03‐03 9:05:20 57.5 61.0 52.9 19 2023‐03‐03 9:05:30 54.3 56.7 52.2 20 2023‐03‐03 9:05:40 58.4 60.5 56.1 21 2023‐03‐03 9:05:50 60.5 65.1 55.0 22 2023‐03‐03 9:06:00 65.7 69.3 59.7 23 2023‐03‐03 9:06:10 60.7 63.4 58.8 24 2023‐03‐03 9:06:20 57.9 63.3 55.2 25 2023‐03‐03 9:06:30 55.4 57.6 53.7 26 2023‐03‐03 9:06:40 63.0 64.9 57.6 27 2023‐03‐03 9:06:50 62.4 64.5 60.6 28 2023‐03‐03 9:07:00 60.0 65.5 54.9 29 2023‐03‐03 9:07:10 56.1 57.5 54.4 30 2023‐03‐03 9:07:20 60.4 62.2 56.0 31 2023‐03‐03 9:07:30 61.9 64.1 59.2 32 2023‐03‐03 9:07:40 67.3 70.2 62.9 33 2023‐03‐03 9:07:50 72.3 73.7 67.3 34 2023‐03‐03 9:08:00 69.5 72.6 64.8 35 2023‐03‐03 9:08:10 58.6 64.8 56.4 36 2023‐03‐03 9:08:20 54.8 57.1 53.3 37 2023‐03‐03 9:08:30 62.2 64.4 56.9 38 2023‐03‐03 9:08:40 61.3 63.9 59.7 39 2023‐03‐03 9:08:50 62.4 64.0 60.4 40 2023‐03‐03 9:09:00 55.2 60.4 53.5 41 2023‐03‐03 9:09:10 65.2 71.3 55.7 42 2023‐03‐03 9:09:20 70.8 75.2 67.5 43 2023‐03‐03 9:09:30 64.9 68.2 63.2 44 2023‐03‐03 9:09:40 62.3 64.9 61.4 45 2023‐03‐03 9:09:50 62.8 65.0 60.3 46 2023‐03‐03 9:10:00 63.5 67.1 56.5 47 2023‐03‐03 9:10:10 60.2 64.0 56.2 Infinite 131 Project ST‐3 Time History 48 2023‐03‐03 9:10:20 51.7 56.5 51.0 49 2023‐03‐03 9:10:30 56.6 60.3 51.8 50 2023‐03‐03 9:10:40 51.7 55.1 51.2 51 2023‐03‐03 9:10:50 51.1 51.5 50.8 52 2023‐03‐03 9:11:00 55.8 59.7 51.2 53 2023‐03‐03 9:11:10 60.6 64.1 54.5 54 2023‐03‐03 9:11:20 52.0 54.5 51.2 55 2023‐03‐03 9:11:30 57.2 60.7 51.3 56 2023‐03‐03 9:11:40 65.5 67.8 60.8 57 2023‐03‐03 9:11:50 70.0 72.0 66.6 58 2023‐03‐03 9:12:00 71.6 75.3 67.1 59 2023‐03‐03 9:12:10 60.0 67.1 57.4 60 2023‐03‐03 9:12:20 58.5 59.6 56.6 61 2023‐03‐03 9:12:30 55.2 56.6 54.3 62 2023‐03‐03 9:12:40 62.2 65.8 56.0 63 2023‐03‐03 9:12:50 53.8 59.1 52.1 64 2023‐03‐03 9:13:00 55.1 58.8 52.0 65 2023‐03‐03 9:13:10 62.2 65.5 58.4 66 2023‐03‐03 9:13:20 53.8 58.4 52.5 67 2023‐03‐03 9:13:30 57.2 59.0 53.8 68 2023‐03‐03 9:13:40 65.1 70.4 57.3 69 2023‐03‐03 9:13:50 57.8 68.9 55.1 70 2023‐03‐03 9:14:00 59.6 61.3 57.3 71 2023‐03‐03 9:14:10 68.2 71.4 61.2 72 2023‐03‐03 9:14:20 59.3 63.2 56.4 73 2023‐03‐03 9:14:30 56.2 58.5 53.8 74 2023‐03‐03 9:14:40 59.8 62.4 58.5 75 2023‐03‐03 9:14:50 61.7 63.3 58.5 76 2023‐03‐03 9:15:00 61.3 63.2 59.7 77 2023‐03‐03 9:15:10 60.0 62.4 58.1 78 2023‐03‐03 9:15:20 59.6 60.8 58.4 79 2023‐03‐03 9:15:30 58.0 61.9 55.4 80 2023‐03‐03 9:15:40 58.4 60.6 55.3 81 2023‐03‐03 9:15:50 54.5 56.2 53.1 82 2023‐03‐03 9:16:00 55.4 58.3 53.7 83 2023‐03‐03 9:16:10 64.8 70.1 55.5 84 2023‐03‐03 9:16:20 57.7 63.5 52.9 85 2023‐03‐03 9:16:30 53.2 54.6 51.7 86 2023‐03‐03 9:16:40 58.0 59.0 54.6 87 2023‐03‐03 9:16:50 60.4 61.4 58.7 88 2023‐03‐03 9:17:00 62.4 64.9 60.2 89 2023‐03‐03 9:17:10 59.9 61.8 57.9 90 2023‐03‐03 9:17:20 58.0 59.0 57.4 91 2023‐03‐03 9:17:30 58.0 59.3 56.6 92 2023‐03‐03 9:17:40 63.9 67.3 58.9 93 2023‐03‐03 9:17:50 62.2 64.1 61.2 94 Stop 2023‐03‐03 9:18:00 95 Calibration Change 2023‐03‐03 9:21:56 Infinite 131 Project ST‐4 Time History Record # Record Type Date Time LAeq LASmax LASmin 1 Calibration Change 2023‐03‐02 11:33:21 2 Run 2023‐03‐02 11:39:00 3 2023‐03‐02 11:39:00 54.9 56.3 54.4 4 2023‐03‐02 11:39:10 54.6 54.9 54.2 5 2023‐03‐02 11:39:20 54.5 55.2 54.0 6 2023‐03‐02 11:39:30 54.9 55.3 54.7 7 2023‐03‐02 11:39:40 54.5 54.8 54.3 8 2023‐03‐02 11:39:50 54.6 55.1 54.2 9 2023‐03‐02 11:40:00 54.4 54.7 54.0 10 2023‐03‐02 11:40:10 59.1 66.4 54.2 11 2023‐03‐02 11:40:20 56.9 61.2 55.3 12 2023‐03‐02 11:40:30 54.7 55.4 54.3 13 2023‐03‐02 11:40:40 55.0 55.3 54.6 14 2023‐03‐02 11:40:50 54.8 56.0 54.1 15 2023‐03‐02 11:41:00 54.8 55.4 54.4 16 2023‐03‐02 11:41:10 56.4 57.5 54.8 17 2023‐03‐02 11:41:20 57.4 58.6 56.3 18 2023‐03‐02 11:41:30 56.6 58.7 55.4 19 2023‐03‐02 11:41:40 55.6 56.8 55.2 20 2023‐03‐02 11:41:50 55.2 55.5 55.0 21 2023‐03‐02 11:42:00 55.0 55.3 54.8 22 2023‐03‐02 11:42:10 55.0 55.7 54.7 23 2023‐03‐02 11:42:20 55.3 56.4 54.6 24 2023‐03‐02 11:42:30 63.2 66.8 56.4 25 2023‐03‐02 11:42:40 64.1 66.7 60.1 26 2023‐03‐02 11:42:50 62.2 66.9 59.4 27 2023‐03‐02 11:43:00 62.4 63.6 59.6 28 2023‐03‐02 11:43:10 68.5 70.6 62.9 29 2023‐03‐02 11:43:20 70.0 71.5 65.5 30 2023‐03‐02 11:43:30 59.5 65.5 57.5 31 2023‐03‐02 11:43:40 56.4 57.6 56.0 32 2023‐03‐02 11:43:50 56.1 57.4 55.4 33 2023‐03‐02 11:44:00 55.2 55.7 54.5 34 2023‐03‐02 11:44:10 55.0 55.2 54.3 35 2023‐03‐02 11:44:20 55.6 58.4 54.6 36 2023‐03‐02 11:44:30 55.1 58.4 54.6 37 2023‐03‐02 11:44:40 54.1 54.7 53.9 38 2023‐03‐02 11:44:50 54.3 55.1 53.9 39 2023‐03‐02 11:45:00 54.5 55.1 54.2 40 2023‐03‐02 11:45:10 54.8 55.2 54.4 41 2023‐03‐02 11:45:20 56.2 61.1 54.5 42 2023‐03‐02 11:45:30 55.1 56.0 54.9 43 2023‐03‐02 11:45:40 55.7 56.4 55.2 44 2023‐03‐02 11:45:50 55.5 56.0 55.2 45 2023‐03‐02 11:46:00 55.0 55.4 54.6 46 2023‐03‐02 11:46:10 55.6 56.5 55.1 Infinite 131 Project ST‐4 Time History 47 2023‐03‐02 11:46:20 55.5 55.9 55.0 48 2023‐03‐02 11:46:30 55.5 55.9 55.2 49 2023‐03‐02 11:46:40 55.6 56.3 54.9 50 2023‐03‐02 11:46:50 55.3 55.6 54.9 51 2023‐03‐02 11:47:00 55.4 56.2 55.1 52 2023‐03‐02 11:47:10 55.2 55.5 54.8 53 2023‐03‐02 11:47:20 55.0 55.4 54.8 54 2023‐03‐02 11:47:30 54.7 55.0 54.4 55 2023‐03‐02 11:47:40 54.6 55.0 54.3 56 2023‐03‐02 11:47:50 55.0 55.4 54.5 57 2023‐03‐02 11:48:00 54.7 55.1 54.4 58 2023‐03‐02 11:48:10 55.2 55.6 54.8 59 2023‐03‐02 11:48:20 55.9 56.3 55.2 60 2023‐03‐02 11:48:30 56.0 56.4 55.6 61 2023‐03‐02 11:48:40 57.0 57.7 55.9 62 2023‐03‐02 11:48:50 56.9 57.6 55.8 63 2023‐03‐02 11:49:00 56.7 57.7 55.6 64 2023‐03‐02 11:49:10 56.3 57.5 55.6 65 2023‐03‐02 11:49:20 55.3 56.2 55.0 66 2023‐03‐02 11:49:30 55.1 55.4 54.8 67 2023‐03‐02 11:49:40 54.9 55.2 54.6 68 2023‐03‐02 11:49:50 55.0 55.4 54.7 69 2023‐03‐02 11:50:00 55.8 57.0 54.9 70 2023‐03‐02 11:50:10 55.3 56.1 54.9 71 2023‐03‐02 11:50:20 54.7 55.0 54.5 72 2023‐03‐02 11:50:30 54.4 54.8 54.1 73 2023‐03‐02 11:50:40 54.6 54.8 54.3 74 2023‐03‐02 11:50:50 54.7 55.0 54.5 75 2023‐03‐02 11:51:00 54.8 55.1 54.5 76 2023‐03‐02 11:51:10 55.0 55.4 54.7 77 2023‐03‐02 11:51:20 54.6 54.9 54.4 78 2023‐03‐02 11:51:30 54.7 55.3 54.2 79 2023‐03‐02 11:51:40 54.2 54.7 53.8 80 2023‐03‐02 11:51:50 54.6 55.4 54.1 81 2023‐03‐02 11:52:00 54.7 55.0 54.4 82 2023‐03‐02 11:52:10 54.3 54.6 54.1 83 2023‐03‐02 11:52:20 54.3 54.6 53.8 84 2023‐03‐02 11:52:30 54.1 54.5 53.7 85 2023‐03‐02 11:52:40 54.4 55.0 53.8 86 2023‐03‐02 11:52:50 54.6 54.9 54.4 87 2023‐03‐02 11:53:00 54.8 55.5 54.4 88 2023‐03‐02 11:53:10 56.4 57.5 55.1 89 2023‐03‐02 11:53:20 57.6 60.3 55.7 90 2023‐03‐02 11:53:30 55.6 57.0 55.0 91 2023‐03‐02 11:53:40 55.1 56.1 54.6 92 2023‐03‐02 11:53:50 55.8 56.5 54.5 93 Stop 2023‐03‐02 11:54:00 Noise Appendix Field Sheets Noise Appendix Field Pictures Noise Measurement Photographs LT-1 Looking West LT-1 Looking North LT-1 Looking East Noise Measurement Photographs LT-2 Looking West LT-2 Looking South LT-2 Looking North Noise Measurement Photographs LT-3 Looking South LT-3 Looking North LT-3 Looking East Noise Measurement Photographs LT-4 Looking West LT-4 Looking South LT-4 Looking North Noise Measurement Photographs LT-5 Looking West LT-5 Looking South LT-5 Looking North Noise Measurement Photographs ST-1 Looking South ST-1 Looking East ST-1 Looking West ST-1 Looking North Noise Measurement Photographs ST-2 Looking North ST-2 Looking West ST-2 Looking South ST-2 Looking East Noise Measurement Photographs ST-3 Looking Northeast ST-3 Looking East ST-3 Looking South ST-3 Looking West Noise Measurement Photographs ST-4 Looking North East ST-4 Looking West ST-4 Looking West ST-4 Looking South Construction Noise Modeling Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 1. Applicant Supplied Construction Phase List "South Portion" Phase Start Date (day/month/year) End Date (day/month/year)Days ROUGH GRADING / SITE DEMO 3/2/2026 4/16/2026 34 DEEP FOUNDATIONS 3/16/2026 9/10/2026 129 FOUNDATIONS 7/24/2026 11/17/2026 83 SUPERSTRUCTURE 10/16/2026 10/26/2027 268 BUILDING ENCLOSURE 8/19/2027 3/7/2028 144 INTERIOR BUILDOUT 2/4/2027 4/14/2028 312 SITEWORK 2/14/2028 8/28/2028 141 STARTUP/CX/FINAL INSPECTIONS 2/7/2028 10/1/2028 164 "North Portion" Phase Start Date (day/month/year) End Date (day/month/year)Days ROUGH GRADING / SITE DEMO 11/1/2028 12/18/2028 34 DEEP FOUNDATIONS 11/18/2028 5/17/2029 129 FOUNDATIONS 3/26/2029 7/18/2029 83 SUPERSTRUCTURE 6/18/2029 6/26/2030 268 BUILDING ENCLOSURE 4/17/2030 11/4/2030 144 INTERIOR BUILDOUT 9/12/2029 11/21/2030 312 SITEWORK 9/21/2030 4/7/2031 141 STARTUP/CX/FINAL INSPECTIONS 8/29/2030 5/1/2031 164 Table 2. Applicant Supplied Equipment List Phase Equipment Type Number/day Hours/day Scraper 2 8 Loader 2 8 Excavator 4 8 Gradall 2 8 Loader / Bobcat 2 8 Concrete Pump 1*CUSTOM / INTERMITTENT Drill Rig 2 12 Gradall 2 12 Gradall 2 10 Concrete Pump 1*CUSTOM / INTERMITTENT Mobile Crane (Potential)1*CUSTOM / INTERMITTENT Mobile Crane 2 8 Welders 8 8 Gradall 2 10 Concrete Pump 1*CUSTOM / INTERMITTENT Manlift (double manlift)2 10 Gradall / Forklift 2 10 Mobile Crane 1 8 Glass Manipulator 4 8 Scissor Lift 8 8 Manlift (double manlift)2 10 Scissor Lift 20 8 Gradall / Forklift 2 10 Manlift (double manlift)2 10 Concrete Pump 1*CUSTOM / INTERMITTENT Mobile Crane (Potential Trees)1*CUSTOM / INTERMITTENT Gradall / Forklift 1 10 Scissor Lift 4 8 Forklift 1 10STARTUP/CX/FINAL INSPECTIONS INTERIOR BUILDOUT ROUGH GRADING / SITE DEMO DEEP FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATIONS SUPERSTRUCTURE BUILDING ENCLOSURE SITEWORK Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 3. Construction Noise Summary, Individual Phases Distance (ft) Attenuation (dB) Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax 25 6 91 94 89 94 89 93 89 93 89 93 88 92 87 93 82 88 50 0 84 88 83 88 83 87 83 87 83 87 82 86 81 87 76 82 100 ‐6 78 82 77 82 77 81 77 81 77 81 76 80 75 81 70 76 150 ‐10 75 79 73 79 73 78 73 78 73 78 73 77 71 77 67 72 200 ‐12 72 76 71 76 71 75 71 75 71 75 70 74 69 75 64 70 250 ‐14 71 74 69 74 69 73 69 73 69 73 68 72 67 73 62 68 295 ‐15 69 73 67 73 67 72 67 72 67 72 67 71 66 71 61 66 300 ‐16 69 73 67 73 67 72 67 72 67 72 67 71 65 71 61 66 400 ‐18 66 70 64 70 65 69 65 69 64 69 64 68 63 68 58 63 600 ‐22 63 67 61 67 61 66 61 66 61 66 61 65 59 65 55 60 800 ‐24 60 64 58 64 59 63 59 63 58 63 58 62 57 62 52 57 820 ‐24 60 64 58 64 58 63 58 63 58 63 58 62 57 62 52 57 1100 ‐27 58 62 56 62 56 60 56 60 56 60 55 59 54 60 50 55 1400 ‐29 56 60 54 60 54 58 54 58 54 58 53 57 52 58 48 53 1570 ‐30 55 59 53 59 53 57 53 57 53 57 52 56 51 57 47 52 2000 ‐32 52 56 51 56 51 55 51 55 51 55 50 54 49 55 44 50 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. ROUGH GRADING / SITE DEMO DEEP FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATIONS SUPERSTRUCTURE BUILDING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR BUILDOUT SITEWORK STARTUP / CX / FINAL INSPECTIONS Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 4. Construction Noise Summary, Overlapping Phases Distance (ft) Attenuation (dB)Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax 25 6 90 95 89 94 89 93 89 93 89 93 50 0 84 89 83 88 83 87 83 87 83 87 100 ‐6 78 83 77 82 77 81 77 81 77 81 150 ‐10 74 79 73 79 73 78 73 78 73 77 200 ‐12 72 77 71 76 71 75 71 75 71 75 250 ‐14 70 75 69 74 69 73 69 73 69 73 295 ‐15 69 73 67 73 67 72 67 72 67 71 300 ‐16 68 73 67 73 67 72 67 72 67 71 400 ‐18 66 71 64 70 65 69 65 69 65 69 600 ‐22 62 67 61 67 61 66 61 66 61 65 800 ‐24 60 65 58 64 59 63 59 63 59 63 820 ‐24 60 64 58 64 58 63 58 63 59 63 1100 ‐27 57 62 56 62 56 60 56 60 56 60 1400 ‐29 55 60 54 60 54 58 54 58 54 58 1570 ‐30 54 59 53 59 53 57 53 57 53 57 2000 ‐32 52 57 51 56 51 55 51 55 51 55 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. BUILDING ENCLOSURE, INTERIOR BUILDOUT, SITEWORK, AND STARTUP/CX/FINAL INSPECTION ROUGH GRADING / SITE DEMO and DEEP FOUNDATIONS DEEP FOUNDATIONS and FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATIONS and SUPERSTRUCTURES SUPERSTRUCTURE, BUILDING ENCLOSURE, and INTERIOR BUILDOUT Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 5. Construction Noise Summary, Non‐Daytime Construction Activities Distance (ft) Attenuation (dB) dBA Leq dBA Lmax dBA Leq dBA Lmax dBA Leq dBA Lmax 25 6 83 90 86 93 82 90 50 0 77 84 80 87 76 84 100 ‐6 71 78 74 81 70 78 150 ‐10 67 74 70 77 67 74 200 ‐12 65 72 68 75 64 72 250 ‐14 63 70 66 73 62 70 295 ‐15 62 69 65 72 61 69 300 ‐16 61 68 64 71 60 68 400 ‐18 59 66 62 69 58 66 600 ‐22 55 62 58 65 54 62 800 ‐24 53 60 56 63 52 60 820 ‐24 53 60 56 63 52 60 1100 ‐27 50 57 53 60 49 57 1400 ‐29 48 55 51 58 47 55 1570 ‐30 47 54 50 57 46 54 2000 ‐32 45 52 48 55 44 52 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Concrete Pouring Drilling Crane Work Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 6. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Rough Grading / Site Demo Source 1: Scraper - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 40%80.0 Source 2: Scraper - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 40%80.0 Source 3: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =88 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 94 91 50 0 0.0 88 84 100 -6 0.0 82 78 150 -10 0.0 79 75 200 -12 0.0 76 72 250 -14 0.0 74 71 295 -15 0.0 73 69 300 -16 0.0 73 69 400 -18 0.0 70 66 600 -22 0.0 67 63 800 -24 0.0 64 60 820 -24 0.0 64 60 1100 -27 0.0 62 58 1400 -29 0.0 60 56 1570 -30 0.0 59 55 2000 -32 0.0 56 52 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 7. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Deep Foundations Source 1: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Source 2: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Source 3: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =88 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 94 89 50 0 0.0 88 83 100 -6 0.0 82 77 150 -10 0.0 79 73 200 -12 0.0 76 71 250 -14 0.0 74 69 295 -15 0.0 73 67 300 -16 0.0 73 67 400 -18 0.0 70 64 600 -22 0.0 67 61 800 -24 0.0 64 58 820 -24 0.0 64 58 1100 -27 0.0 62 56 1400 -29 0.0 60 54 1570 -30 0.0 59 53 2000 -32 0.0 56 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 8. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Foundations Source 1: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 89 50 0 0.0 87 83 100 -6 0.0 81 77 150 -10 0.0 78 73 200 -12 0.0 75 71 250 -14 0.0 73 69 295 -15 0.0 72 67 300 -16 0.0 72 67 400 -18 0.0 69 65 600 -22 0.0 66 61 800 -24 0.0 63 59 820 -24 0.0 63 58 1100 -27 0.0 60 56 1400 -29 0.0 58 54 1570 -30 0.0 57 53 2000 -32 0.0 55 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 9. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Superstructure Source 1: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 89 50 0 0.0 87 83 100 -6 0.0 81 77 150 -10 0.0 78 73 200 -12 0.0 75 71 250 -14 0.0 73 69 295 -15 0.0 72 67 300 -16 0.0 72 67 400 -18 0.0 69 65 600 -22 0.0 66 61 800 -24 0.0 63 59 820 -24 0.0 63 58 1100 -27 0.0 60 56 1400 -29 0.0 58 54 1570 -30 0.0 57 53 2000 -32 0.0 55 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 10. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Building Enclosure Source 1: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Mobile Crane - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 16%73.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 89 50 0 0.0 87 83 100 -6 0.0 81 77 150 -10 0.0 78 73 200 -12 0.0 75 71 250 -14 0.0 73 69 295 -15 0.0 72 67 300 -16 0.0 72 67 400 -18 0.0 69 64 600 -22 0.0 66 61 800 -24 0.0 63 58 820 -24 0.0 63 58 1100 -27 0.0 60 56 1400 -29 0.0 58 54 1570 -30 0.0 57 53 2000 -32 0.0 55 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 11. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Interior Buildout Source 1: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Manlift (double manlift) - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =75 20%68.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =86 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =82 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 92 88 50 0 0.0 86 82 100 -6 0.0 80 76 150 -10 0.0 77 73 200 -12 0.0 74 70 250 -14 0.0 72 68 295 -15 0.0 71 67 300 -16 0.0 71 67 400 -18 0.0 68 64 600 -22 0.0 65 61 800 -24 0.0 62 58 820 -24 0.0 62 58 1100 -27 0.0 59 55 1400 -29 0.0 57 53 1570 -30 0.0 56 52 2000 -32 0.0 54 50 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 12. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Sitework Source 1: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Source 2: Mobile Crane (Potential Trees) - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 16%73.0 Source 3: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 87 50 0 0.0 87 81 100 -6 0.0 81 75 150 -10 0.0 77 71 200 -12 0.0 75 69 250 -14 0.0 73 67 295 -15 0.0 71 66 300 -16 0.0 71 65 400 -18 0.0 68 63 600 -22 0.0 65 59 800 -24 0.0 62 57 820 -24 0.0 62 57 1100 -27 0.0 60 54 1400 -29 0.0 58 52 1570 -30 0.0 57 51 2000 -32 0.0 55 49 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 13. Detailed Construction Noise Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Startup/CX/Final Inspections Source 1: Scissor Lift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =75 20%68.0 Source 2: Scissor Lift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =75 20%68.0 Source 3: Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =79 40%75.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =82 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =76 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 88 82 50 0 0.0 82 76 100 -6 0.0 76 70 150 -10 0.0 72 67 200 -12 0.0 70 64 250 -14 0.0 68 62 295 -15 0.0 66 61 300 -16 0.0 66 61 400 -18 0.0 63 58 600 -22 0.0 60 55 800 -24 0.0 57 52 820 -24 0.0 57 52 1100 -27 0.0 55 50 1400 -29 0.0 53 48 1570 -30 0.0 52 47 2000 -32 0.0 50 44 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Measured data for a front-end loader is used to represent a forklift. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 14. Detailed Construction Noise - Overlapping Phases Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Source 1: Scraper - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 40%80.0 Source 2: Scraper - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 40%80.0 Source 3: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =89 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 95 90 50 0 0.0 89 84 100 -6 0.0 83 78 150 -10 0.0 79 74 200 -12 0.0 77 72 250 -14 0.0 75 70 295 -15 0.0 73 69 300 -16 0.0 73 68 400 -18 0.0 71 66 600 -22 0.0 67 62 800 -24 0.0 65 60 820 -24 0.0 64 60 1100 -27 0.0 62 57 1400 -29 0.0 60 55 1570 -30 0.0 59 54 2000 -32 0.0 57 52 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Construction Condition: Rough Grading/Site Demo and Deep Foundation Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 15. Detailed Construction Noise - Overlapping Phases Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Source 1: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Source 2: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Source 3: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =88 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 94 89 50 0 0.0 88 83 100 -6 0.0 82 77 150 -10 0.0 79 73 200 -12 0.0 76 71 250 -14 0.0 74 69 295 -15 0.0 73 67 300 -16 0.0 73 67 400 -18 0.0 70 64 600 -22 0.0 67 61 800 -24 0.0 64 58 820 -24 0.0 64 58 1100 -27 0.0 62 56 1400 -29 0.0 60 54 1570 -30 0.0 59 53 2000 -32 0.0 56 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Construction Condition: Deep Foundation and Foundations Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 16. Detailed Construction Noise - Overlapping Phases Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Source 1: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 89 50 0 0.0 87 83 100 -6 0.0 81 77 150 -10 0.0 78 73 200 -12 0.0 75 71 250 -14 0.0 73 69 295 -15 0.0 72 67 300 -16 0.0 72 67 400 -18 0.0 69 65 600 -22 0.0 66 61 800 -24 0.0 63 59 820 -24 0.0 63 58 1100 -27 0.0 60 56 1400 -29 0.0 58 54 1570 -30 0.0 57 53 2000 -32 0.0 55 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Construction Condition: Foundations and Superstructure Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 17. Detailed Construction Noise - Overlapping Phases Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Source 1: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 89 50 0 0.0 87 83 100 -6 0.0 81 77 150 -10 0.0 78 73 200 -12 0.0 75 71 250 -14 0.0 73 69 295 -15 0.0 72 67 300 -16 0.0 72 67 400 -18 0.0 69 65 600 -22 0.0 66 61 800 -24 0.0 63 59 820 -24 0.0 63 58 1100 -27 0.0 60 56 1400 -29 0.0 58 54 1570 -30 0.0 57 53 2000 -32 0.0 55 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Construction Condition: Superstructure, Building Enclosure, and Interior Building Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 18. Detailed Construction Noise - Overlapping Phases Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Source 1: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 2: Gradall / Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 40%79.0 Source 3: Forklift - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =79 40%75.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =83 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 89 50 0 0.0 87 83 100 -6 0.0 81 77 150 -10 0.0 77 73 200 -12 0.0 75 71 250 -14 0.0 73 69 295 -15 0.0 71 67 300 -16 0.0 71 67 400 -18 0.0 69 65 600 -22 0.0 65 61 800 -24 0.0 63 59 820 -24 0.0 63 59 1100 -27 0.0 60 56 1400 -29 0.0 58 54 1570 -30 0.0 57 53 2000 -32 0.0 55 51 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Measured data for a front-end loader is used to represent a forklift. Construction Condition: Building Enclosure, Interior Building, Sitework, and Startup/CX/Final Inspections Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 19. Detailed Construction Noise - Non-Daytime Construction Activities Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Concrete Pours Source 1: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Source 2: Concrete Pump - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 20%74.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =77 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 90 83 50 0 0.0 84 77 100 -6 0.0 78 71 150 -10 0.0 74 67 200 -12 0.0 72 65 250 -14 0.0 70 63 295 -15 0.0 69 62 300 -16 0.0 68 61 400 -18 0.0 66 59 600 -22 0.0 62 55 800 -24 0.0 60 53 820 -24 0.0 60 53 1100 -27 0.0 57 50 1400 -29 0.0 55 48 1570 -30 0.0 54 47 2000 -32 0.0 52 45 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 20. Detailed Construction Noise - Non-Daytime Construction Activities Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Drilling Work Source 1: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Source 2: Drill Rig - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 20%77.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =87 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =80 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 93 86 50 0 0.0 87 80 100 -6 0.0 81 74 150 -10 0.0 77 70 200 -12 0.0 75 68 250 -14 0.0 73 66 295 -15 0.0 72 65 300 -16 0.0 71 64 400 -18 0.0 69 62 600 -22 0.0 65 58 800 -24 0.0 63 56 820 -24 0.0 63 56 1100 -27 0.0 60 53 1400 -29 0.0 58 51 1570 -30 0.0 57 50 2000 -32 0.0 55 48 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Infinite 131 Project Construction Noise Table 21. Detailed Construction Noise - Non-Daytime Construction Activities Source Data: Maximum Sound Level (dBA) Utilization Factor Leq Sound Level (dBA) Construction Condition: Crane Work Source 1: Mobile Crane - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 16%73.0 Source 2: Mobile Crane - Sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =81 16%73.0 Calculated Data: All Sources Combined - Lmax sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =84 All Sources Combined - Leq sound level (dBA) at 50 feet =76 Distance Between Source and Receiver (ft.) Geometric Attenuation (dB) Ground Effect Attenuation (dB) Calculated Lmax Sound Level (dBA) Calculated Leq Sound Level (dBA) 25 6 0.0 90 82 50 0 0.0 84 76 100 -6 0.0 78 70 150 -10 0.0 74 67 200 -12 0.0 72 64 250 -14 0.0 70 62 295 -15 0.0 69 61 300 -16 0.0 68 60 400 -18 0.0 66 58 600 -22 0.0 62 54 800 -24 0.0 60 52 820 -24 0.0 60 52 1100 -27 0.0 57 49 1400 -29 0.0 55 47 1570 -30 0.0 54 46 2000 -32 0.0 52 44 Geometric attenuation based on 6 dB per doubling of distance. Note: This calculation does not include the effects, if any, of local shielding from walls, topography or other barriers which may reduce sound levels further. Construction Haul Truck Noise Modeling Infinite 131 Project Contruction Haul Truck Noise Modeling - Inputs Roadway Segment Speed Limit (mph) Existing ADT Vehicle Mix Existing Heavy Trucks Proposed Hauling trucks Total Trucks During Construction Total Vehicles during construction New vehicle mix % Airport Boulevard North of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 35 14640 3% 439 550 989 15629 6% Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 40 15330 3% 469 550 1019 16349 6% Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB Off-Ramp 40 19640 3% 589 550 1139 20779 5% Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 40 19160 3% 575 550 1125 20285 6% Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB Off-Ramp 40 15220 3% 457 550 1007 16227 6% San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 30 4640 3% 139 550 689 5329 13% San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 30 6330 3% 190 550 740 7070 10% San Mateo Avenue South of South Linden Avenue 30 6320 3% 190 550 740 7060 10% San Mateo Avenue West of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 30 7520 3% 226 550 776 8296 9% Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 30 1850 3% 56 550 606 2456 25% South Airport Boulevard East of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 30 16580 3% 497 550 1047 17627 6% South Airport Boulevard North of US 101 NB On- and Off-Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 30 15870 3% 476 550 1026 16896 6% South Airport Boulevard South of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 30 15030 3% 451 550 1001 16031 6% South Airport Boulevard West of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 30 16440 3% 493 550 1043 17483 6% Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB On-Ramp 15 1210 3% 36 550 586 1796 33% US 101 NB On- and Off-Ramp West of South Airport Boulevard 10 14280 3% 428 550 978 15258 6% US 101 SB Off-Ramp East of Produce Avenue 10 5060 3% 152 550 702 5762 12% US 101 SB On-Ramp South of Terminal Court 55 14640 3% 439 550 989 15629 6% Haul truck traffic noise is assessed along the routes provided by the Project Applicant. Infinite 131 Project Construction Haul Truck Noise Modeling - Outputs Increase over Modeling Existing dB CNEL dB CNEL dB Airport Boulevard North of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 25 66.9 68.0 1.1 Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 35 68.5 69.5 1.0 Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB Off-Ramp 25 69.6 70.6 1.0 Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 25 69.5 70.4 1.0 Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB Off-Ramp 35 68.5 69.5 1.0 San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 30 60.6 64.9 4.3 San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 30 61.9 64.9 3.1 San Mateo Avenue South of South Linden Avenue 30 61.9 64.9 3.1 San Mateo Avenue West of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 30 62.6 65.6 3.0 Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 25 56.7 63.8 7.1 South Airport Boulevard East of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 30 66.0 67.3 1.3 South Airport Boulevard North of US 101 NB On- and Off-Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 35 65.8 67.2 1.3 South Airport Boulevard South of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 35 65.6 66.9 1.3 South Airport Boulevard West of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 30 66.0 67.3 1.3 Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB On-Ramp 15 53.8 64.5 10.7 US 101 NB On- and Off-Ramp West of South Airport Boulevard 10 65.6 67.8 2.3 US 101 SB Off-Ramp East of Produce Avenue 10 61.2 66.8 5.7 US 101 SB On-Ramp South of Terminal Court 55 72.2 73.0 0.8 Haul truck traffic noise is assessed along the routes provided by the Project Applicant. Existing Noise Levels (modeled at 50 feet) Existing Plus Haul Trucks Noise Levels (modeled at 50 feet) Roadway Segment Speed Limit (mph) Mechanical Equipment Noise Modeling Infinite 131 Project Roof‐Top Mechanical Equipment ‐ Summary Equipment Type Raw Noise @ 50 ft (Leq) Quantity Combined Noise Level (dB) Screen or Room? Attenuation (dB) Attenuated Noise Level (dB)Data Source Sound Energy Boiler 67 2 70 Room 10.0 60 H&K 1002374.467 Chiller 71 2 74 screen 5.0 69 H&K 7962143.411 Cooling Tower 74 2 77 Screen 5.0 72 H&K 15886564.69 pump 81 4 87 Room 10.0 77 FHWA 50357016.47 AHU 75 2 78 Screen 5.0 73 H&K 20000000 Exhaust Fan 79 2 82 Screen 5.0 77 FHWA 50237728.63 Land Use Distance (ft)Combined Noise Level (dB)81.6 81.6 81.6 Travelodge 295 Distance to Receiver (ft)295 820 1570 Best Western 820 Distance Attenuation (dB)15.4 24.3 29.9 San Bruno Residential 1570 Noise Level at Receiver (dB)66.2 57.3 51.7 Generator Noise Modeling Terminal 131 Project Emergency Generator Testing Noise ‐ Summary Generator Location Generator Size Sound Pressure at 50 Feet (combined Engine & Exhuast) Nearest Receptor Distance* What is the closest Sensative Receptor? Decibel Attenuation (dB) Sound Pressure a nearest Receptor 340 Travelodge ‐ Hotel ‐8.3 93.2 810 Best Western ‐12.1 89.4 1100 100 Produce Ave/124 Airport Blvd ‐13.4 88.1 *google earth overlay of the generator locations, and measured to the nearest off‐site receptor 500 kW Generator 500 kW 101.5 Traffic Noise Modeling Infinite 131 Project Traffic Noise Modeling ‐ Inputs Roadway Segment Existing Heavy Truck Percentage Speed Limit Existing Average Daily Traffic Existing with Project Average Daily Traffic Future (Year 2040) Average Daily Traffic Future (Year 2040) with Project Average Daily Traffic Airport Boulevard North of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 3%35 14640 15330 23380 23220 Gateway Bouleard North of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 3%40 9270 8900 15070 15970 Mitchell Avenue East of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 3%35 5960 6000 14690 15010 Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 3%40 15330 19710 27750 29190 Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB Off‐Ramp 3%40 19640 23640 22910 27180 Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 3%40 19160 23330 24860 31480 Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB Off‐Ramp 3%40 15220 19480 22910 24290 Project Driveway North of Shaw Road 3%25 DNE 4640 630 7320 San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 3%30 6010 6900 14110 14380 San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 3%30 6330 7160 11700 12850 San Mateo Avenue South of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 3%30 5120 6220 7590 8690 San Mateo Avenue West of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 3%30 7520 8220 17380 14900 Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 3%30 1850 5900 3740 9330 Shaw Road West of Project Driveway 1 3%30 1850 4640 2110 7480 South Airport Boulevard East of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 3%30 16580 16220 24440 26540 South Airport Boulevard North of US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 3%30 15030 16080 21480 23020 South Airport Boulevard South of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 3%30 15030 16020 20700 22870 South Airport Boulevard South of US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 3%30 14870 16080 23760 24930 South Airport Boulevard West of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 3%30 16440 15960 23700 25910 South Linden Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue 3%30 2950 3630 5270 6580 South Linden Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 3%25 3690 4630 12910 13740 Tanforan Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 3%25 540 420 1850 2530 Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB On‐Ramp 3%15 1210 7120 0 15180 US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp West of South Airport Boulevard 3%10 14280 14640 23540 23750 US 101 SB Off‐Ramp East of Produce Avenue 3%10 5060 6260 0 5530 US 101 SB On‐Ramp South of Terminal Court 3%55 14640 16810 24750 22130 Wondercolor Lane East of South Airport Boulevard 3%10 760 760 2940 2900 DNE ‐ Does Not Exist. Under current existing conditions, these roadway segment ADTs would equal zero. 1. Existing conditions traffic data were not available for this roadway segment. According to the project traffic engineer (Fehr & Peers), existing conditions for Shaw Road east of San Mateo Avenue can be substituted in for this segment. Infinite 131 Project Traffic Noise Modeling ‐ Direct Outputs Roadway Segment Existing Heavy Truck Percentage Speed Limit (MPH) Existing CNEL Existing With Project CNEL Delta dB Airport Boulevard North of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 3% 35 66.9 67.1 0.2 Gateway Bouleard North of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 3%40 66.3 66.2 ‐0.2 Mitchell Avenue East of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 3%35 63.0 63.0 0.0 Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 3%40 68.5 69.6 1.1 Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB Off‐Ramp 3%40 69.6 70.4 0.8 Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 3%40 69.5 70.3 0.9 Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB Off‐Ramp 3%40 68.5 69.5 1.1 Project Driveway North of Shaw Road 3%25 67.7 1 59.4 ‐7.7 San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 3% 30 61.7 62.2 0.6 San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 3% 30 61.9 62.4 0.5 San Mateo Avenue South of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 3% 30 61.0 61.8 0.8 San Mateo Avenue West of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 3% 30 62.6 63.0 0.4 Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 2 3%30 56.7 61.6 4.9 Shaw Road West of Project Driveway 2 3%30 56.7 60.6 3.9 South Airport Boulevard East of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 3%30 66.0 65.9 ‐0.1 South Airport Boulevard North of US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 3%30 65.6 65.9 0.3 South Airport Boulevard South of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 3%30 65.6 65.9 0.3 South Airport Boulevard South of US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 3%30 65.5 65.9 0.3 South Airport Boulevard West of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 3%30 66.0 65.9 ‐0.1 South Linden Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue 3%30 58.6 59.5 0.9 South Linden Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 3%25 58.4 59.4 1.0 Tanforan Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 3%25 50.8 50.0 ‐0.9 Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB On‐Ramp 3%15 53.8 61.0 7.2 US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp West of South Airport Boulevard 3%10 65.6 65.7 0.1 US 101 SB Off‐Ramp East of Produce Avenue 3%10 61.2 62.1 0.9 US 101 SB On‐Ramp South of Terminal Court 3%55 72.2 72.8 0.6 Wondercolor Lane East of South Airport Boulevard 3%10 53.7 53.7 0.0 1.The Project Driveway north of Shaw Road does not currently exist. Therefore, measured existing ambient noise levels were used to calculate a proxy CNEL noise level near this segment. 2.These two modeled roadway segments represent the same section of road branching from two different intersections (the San Mateo Avenue intersection with Shaw Road/Tanforan Avenue, and the proposed Project Driveway intersection with Shaw Road). Although these are the same segment, small discrepancies in the traffic data provided by the project traffic engineers (Fehr and Peers) exist between these segments. Both segment results are presented in the appendix, but only one is presented in the Report. The difference between the segments is small (and not expected to be perceptible) for the Existing With Project noise levels. Infinite 131 Project Traffic Noise Modeling ‐ Indirect Outputs Roadway Segment Existing Heavy Truck Percentage Speed Limit (MPH) Existing CNEL Future (Year 2040) CNEL Future (Year 2040) With Project CNEL Future with project (Year 2040) minus Existing Delta dB Future (Year 2040) with Project minus Future (Year 2040) Delta dB Airport Boulevard North of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 3%35 66.9 68.9 68.9 2.0 0.0 Gateway Bouleard North of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 3%40 66.3 68.4 68.7 2.3 0.3 Mitchell Avenue East of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 3%35 63.0 66.9 67.0 4.0 0.1 Produce Avenue North of Terminal Court 3%40 68.5 71.1 71.3 2.8 0.2 Produce Avenue North of US 101 SB Off‐Ramp 3%40 69.6 70.3 71.0 1.4 0.7 Produce Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue/South Airport Boulevard 3%40 69.5 70.6 71.6 2.1 1.0 Produce Avenue South of US 101 SB Off‐Ramp 3%40 68.5 70.3 70.5 2.0 0.3 Project Driveway North of Shaw Road N/A 25 67.7 1 51.4 61.3 ‐6.4 9.9 San Mateo Avenue North of South Linden Avenue 3%30 60.6 65.3 65.4 4.8 0.1 San Mateo Avenue North of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 3%30 61.9 64.5 64.9 3.0 0.4 San Mateo Avenue South of Tanforan Avenue/Shaw Road 3%30 61.0 62.7 63.2 2.3 0.6 San Mateo Avenue West of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 3%30 62.6 66.2 65.6 2.9 ‐0.7 Shaw Road East of San Mateo Avenue 2 3%30 56.7 59.6 63.5 6.8 3.9 Shaw Road West of Project Driveway 2 3%30 56.7 57.3 62.6 5.9 5.3 South Airport Boulevard East of Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue 3%30 66.0 67.7 68.1 2.0 0.4 South Airport Boulevard North of US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 3%30 65.8 67.1 67.4 1.6 0.3 South Airport Boulevard South of South Airport Boulevard/Mitchell Avenue 3%30 65.6 67.0 67.4 1.8 0.4 South Airport Boulevard South of US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp/Wondercolor Lane 3%30 65.8 67.6 67.8 2.0 0.2 South Airport Boulevard West of South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 3%30 66.0 67.6 67.9 2.0 0.4 South Linden Avenue South of San Mateo Avenue 3%30 61.9 61.1 62.0 0.2 0.9 South Linden Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 3%25 57.1 63.7 64.0 6.9 0.3 Tanforan Avenue West of San Mateo Avenue 3%25 50.8 55.6 56.8 6.0 1.3 Terminal Court West of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB On‐Ramp 3%15 53.8 75.2 3 64.2 21.4 ‐11.0 US 101 NB On‐ and Off‐Ramp West of South Airport Boulevard 3%10 65.6 67.7 67.8 2.2 0.0 US 101 SB Off‐Ramp East of Produce Avenue 3%10 61.2 46.7 61.5 0.4 14.8 US 101 SB On‐Ramp South of Terminal Court 3%55 72.2 74.5 74.0 1.8 ‐0.5 Wondercolor Lane East of South Airport Boulevard 3%10 53.7 58.9 58.9 5.1 ‐0.1 DNE ‐ Does Not Exist. Under current existing conditions, these roadway segment ADTs would equal zero. 1. The Project Driveway north of Shaw Road does not currently exist. Therefore, measured existing ambient noise levels were used to calculate a proxy CNEL noise level near this segment. 2. These two modeled roadway segments represent the same section of road branching from two different intersections (the San Mateo Avenue intersection with Shaw Road/Tanforan Avenue, and the proposed Project Driveway intersection with Shaw Road). Although these are the same segment, small discrepancies in the traffic data provided by the project traffic engineers (Fehr and Peers) exist between these segments. Both segment results are presented in the appendix, but only one is presented in the Report. The difference between the segments is small (and not expected to be perceptible) for the Existing With Project noise levels. 3. Terminal Court west of Produce Avenue/US 101 SB On‐Ramp would not exist under Year 2040 without Project Conditions. Therefore, measured existing ambient noise near this roadway segment is used to determine the Potential Cumulatively Considerable Project Contribution to a potential cumulative impact.