HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3845-1964RESOLUTION NO. 38~5
8, 9, 10, 11, 12 AND 13, BLOCK 3, PARKHAVEN, AS SET
WHEREAS, drainage easements were dedicated to the City
of South San Francisco by the respective owners of Lots 8,
9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 3, Parkhaven, as set forth on
the map recorded in the office of the County Recorder in
Volume 36 of Maps on pages 10 and 11, and said easements
were accepted by the City in the years of 1959 and 1960 bet-
ween the dates of September 8, 1959 and June 20, 1960 by
Resolutions Nos. 2867, 2869, 2871, 2872, 3009 and 3033, and,
WHEREAS, said easements were acquired less than five
years and more than one year from these dates and, further,
have not been used continuously since the dates of acquis-
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of
the City of South San Francisco finds and determines that
the drainage easements in Block 3, Parkhaven, Volume 36 of
Maps at pages 10 and 11 in records of the Recorder of San
Mateo County, California, were accepted by the City as fol-
Lot 8
Lot 9
Lot 10
Lot 11
Lot 12
Lot 13
8th day of September, 1959
2Oth day of June, 1960
8th day of September, 1959
16th day of May, 1960
8th day of September, 1959
8th day of September, 1959
and said dates are less than five years prior to the date of
this action and, further, said easements have not been used
since the 1st day of July , 19 62 and
are unnecessary for present or prospective public use;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the
City of South San Francisco does hereby vacate and abandon
the drainage easements over Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13,
Block 3, Parkhaven, as shown in Volume 36 of Maps, pages 10
and il, in records of the Recorder of San Mateo County, Calif-
ornia, and which are more particularly described and set forth
in Exhibits A, B, C, D, E and F attached hereto and made a
part hereof.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regu-
larly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City
meeting held
of South San Francisco at a remular
on the 6th day of Januarv
by the following vote:
Patrick E. Ahem. Emilio Cortesi. Andrew
Rocca. G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucell~
City Clerk
DomcrLptlom of · 7.5 foot Drainawo Bammmmnt on the Property of
Jamel R. and Llllian A. Smith, 225 'Rainier Avenue.
A p~rtion of Lot 8, Bilk 3, as desi~n~l;~d on that map entitled
Parkhaven r~orded In the office of the County Rmcorder in Volm
36 of ~ at ~m 10 an~ II. ~lng morm ~rttcularly d~mcrt~d
aB follo~:
~GI~ING a~ the S~heaaterly corner of ~t 8, Block ~ Par~ven;
~NCE ~rth 34° 17' 50" ~Bt alo~ the Easterly line of
Bl~k 3, a d~ltance of 13.59' to a ~n2 which ~ the ~nterBection
of BaLd Eam~rly line and the N~therly line of an exist&~ ~bltc
UtilZty ~amement, la~d ~tnt ~e also the ~ ~I~ OF
T~E 9~th ~o 05' 32" her along the 9outhmrly llne of the 7.5*
~a~nawe EaBe~nt, maid 1Zne also ~ng t~ Northerly l~ne
exZst~ ~bl~c Utility Easement, a d~mta~m of 50.0 f~t ~m or
less to a ~nt which is the inter~ct~on of the 7.5'
Eam~ent and t~ Westerly line of ~t 8, Bilk 3, ~~ N~th
34° 17' 50" West along the Wmmterly ~ndary of t~ 7.5' ~aZnafe
Ea~ment, 8aZd l~ne also ~in~ the ~mterly line of ~t 8, Bilk
3, a dimtancm of 7.50 feet to a ~Znt whZch i8 the ~ntorm~t~on
of the Northerly l~nm of the 7.5'~a~na~ Eamo~nt and tho ~mtmrXy
l~ne of ~t 8, Bilk 3; ~E North 54° 05' 32" East ·long the
Northerly lZne of the 7.5' ~aina~ Eam~ent a dista~e of 50.0 feet
more or leos to a ~nt which ~ the ~ntermoction of maZd Northerly
7.5 f~t ~aZ~ Kaso~nt 1~ and the Easterly lZ~ of ~t 8,
Bilk 3; ~E S~th 34° 17' 50" East aXo~ the Easterly lZno of
~t 8, Bilk 3 a distance of 7.50 feet to the T~ ~I~ OF
Deecription of a 7.$ foot Drainage Ea~aent on the Property of
2. a- u,,-.- 221 Rainier Avenue
A ~rtion of ~t 9, Ml~k 3, a~ desi~a~ed on that ~p
Parkhaven recorded in the office of the C~nty ~corder ~n
36 of ~a~ a~ ~ 10 and 11. ~tnj more particularly
a~ follow~:
BEGINNING at ~he S~thea~terly ~orner of ~t 9, Bl~k 3, ~rkhaven;
T~NC~ North 34° 17' 50" ~st along the ~terly llne of Let 9,
Bl~k M a die,ante of 14.06 feet to a ~mt which ~ the inter-
~ction of ~a~d Easterly line and the Northerly l~ne of an
inl ~blic Utllity Eaeememt, ~aid ~tn~ al~o ~tng the T~ ~I~
OF ~GINNING; ~NC~ South 54° 05' 32" ~e~t al~n~ the Southerly
line of 'the 7.5 foot dralna~e easement, sald line al~o ~im~ the
Northerly lt~e of an existing ~blic Utility Easement, a
of ~0.0 feet mo~ or less ~o a ~nt which t~ the lmter~ect~m of
said 8~therly drainage easement line and the Westerly llne of
~t 9, Block ~; T~NC~ North 34° 17' ~0" We~ alon~ the
l~ne of ~t 9, Bl~k 2, a distance of 7.50 feet to a ~t which
the in~ersection of ~aid ~esterly 1~ of ~t 9, Bl~k 3, and the
Northerly line of the 7.~ foot ~ainage ~a~e~ent; ~~ North
~4° 0~' 32" ~a~t alon~ the Northerly line of the 7.~ foot
Easement, a distance of ~0.0 feet more or lem~ to a ~n~ whlch
~he inter~e~tion of sald Northerly ~aina~e Easement line and the
Easterly line of ~ot 9, Bloc~ 3; ~E 59uth 34° 17' ~0" Eaet'
alon~ the Easterly llne of Lot 9, Bl~k 3, a distance of 7.50 feet
the T~ ~I~ OF
Description of 7.50 foot and 3.00 foot Drainage Easement on the
Property of Arthur and Helen ~. Olivsira, 209 Rainier Avenue.
A portion of Lot 12, Block 3, as designated on that map entitled
Parkhaven recorded in the office of the County Recorder in Volu~e
36 of ~[aps at pages 10 and 11. Being more p~ticularly described
ae follows:
BEGINNING at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 12, Block 3, l~rkhaven;
THENCE North 50° 10' 41" West along the Easterly ll~ of ~t 12,
Bilk 3, a distance of 13.45 feet to a ~Xn~ which X~ t~
section of sa~d Easterly l~ne and the N~therly l~ne of an
~ ~blic Utility Easement, sa~d ~int is also the TR~ ~I~
~GI~ING; T~NCE South 60° 11' 02" West along the S~therly line
of the 7.50 foot ~ainage Ease~nt, said line al~o ~ing the ~th-
erly l~ne of an existing ~blie Utility Easement, a distance
70.0 feet more or less to a ~nt which is the intersection of said
Southerly 7.50 foot ~a~nase Ea~e~nt l~ne and the Westerly
Lot 12, Bl~k 3; T~E North 34° 17' 50" West alone the ~te~ly
ll~ of Lot 12, Block 3, a distance of 7.50 feet to a ~int which
Is the intersection of said Westerly l~m and the Northerly
the 7.50 foot ~a~na~e Easement; ~E North 60° 11' 02"
the N~rtherly line of the 7.50 f~t ~aina~e Ease~nt, a
of ~.00 feet ~o~ or lees to a ~nt which ~s the ~nte~ect~R
said Northerly ~.50 foot ~aina~e Eas~eut ll~e and t~
l~ne of a 3.00 foot ~ai~ Ea~ent; ~~ North 50° 10' 41"
a distance of 7e.00 feet ~ore or less to a ~nt whioh ~s the inter-
section of said 3.~ foot ~al~e Sas~nt ~sterly line and the
N~therly li~ of ~t 1~, Bl~k 3; T~E N~theasterly alo~ the
a~ of a cu~e t~ the left, said l~e alee ~tn~ the
l~ne of ~t 12, ~l~k 3, an arc d~s~e of 3.0 feet
to a ~int vh/oh Xs the tnte~ectt~a ef said Nort~rly
t~ Easterly line of the 3.~ f~t ~ai~ ~a~nt~ ~ ~th
50° 10' 41" Esot along the Easterly line of the 3.00
Eas~nt, said line also ~ing ~e ~sterly li~ of ~t
3, a d~etance of ~7.0 f~t ao~ or lees to t~ ~ ~I~
Description of a 7.5 foot Drainage Easement on the Property of
R. J. and E. M. Nuyllaert, 217 Rainier Avenue
A portion of Lot 10, Block 3, as designated on that map entitled
Parkhaven recorded in the office of tho County Recorder in ¥olu~e
36 of Maps at pages 10 and Il. Being more particularly described
as follows:
BEGINNING at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 10, Block 3, Parkhaven;
THENCE North 34° 17' 50" West along the Easterly line of Lot 10,
Block 3, a distance of 14.53 feet to a point which is the inter-
section of said Easterly line and the Northerly line of an exist-
ins Public Utility Easement, said point also being the T~rg POINT
OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 54° 05' 32" West along the Southerly
line of the 7.5 foot Drainage Easement, said line also being the
Northerly line of an existing Public Utility Easement, a distance
of 50.0 feet more or less to a point which is the lntermection of
said Southerly 7.5 foot easement line and the Westerly line of Lot 10,
Block 3; THENCE North 34° 17' 40" West along the Westerly line of
Lot 10, Block 3, a distance of 7.50 feet to a point which is the
intersection of said Westerly line of Lot 10, Block 3, and the
Northerly line of the 7.50 foot Drainage Easement; TH~I~ North
54° 05' 32" East along the Northerly line of the 7.50 foot l~aina~e
Easement, a distance of 50.0 feet more or less to a point which is
the intersection of said Northerly 7.5 foot Drainage Eas~nt line
and the Easterly line of Lot 10, Block 3; THENCE South 34° 17' 50"
East along the Easterly line of Lot 10, Block 3, a distance of 7.50
Description of a 7.50 foot Erainage Easement on the Property
P~ichard M. and Joyce Harnett, 213 ltainier Avenue.
A portion of Imt 11, Block 3, as designated on that map entitled
Parkhaven recorded in the office of the C~unty Recorder in
36 of Maps at pages 10 and 11. Being sor~ particularly described
as follows:
REGINNING at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 11, Block 3, Parkhaven;
THEI~CB North 34° 17' 50" West along the Easterly line of Imt 11,
Block 3, a distance of 7.5 feet to a point which is the inte~ection
of said Easterly line and Northerly line of an existisg l~lblio
Utility Easement, said point also being the TRUE POINT OF B~GINNINGJ
THENCE South 54° 05' 32" West along the Southerly line of the 7.50'
Drainage Easesent, said line also being the Northerly line of an
existing Public Utility Easement, k distance of 50.0 feet sore or
less to a point which Is the intersection of said S~utherly
Easement line and the ~esterly line of L~t 11, Block 3j TH~ North
34° 17' 50" West along the Westerly line of Lot 11, Block 3, a
distance ¢~ 7.50 feet to a point which is the intersection of Said
Westerly line of Lot 11, Block 3, and the Northerly line of the
7.50 foot Drainage Easmaent; THENCE North 54° 05' 32" Fast
the Northerly line of the 7.50 font Drainage Easement, a distance
of 50.0 feet more or Isms to a point which is the intersection of
said Northerly linm of the 7.50 f~ot Drainage Eamement and the
Basterly line of Lot Il, Block 3; THENCE South 34° 17' 50"
along the Easterly line of Lmt 11, Block 3, a distance of 7.50
Description of a 7.5 foot Drainage F~e~ent on the P~perty
Arthur g. and I~abolla T. 8chroll, 20~ Jta~nter Avenue.
A portion of Lot 13, Block 3, ae desi~aated on that ~ap entitled
Parkhaven recorded in the offioe of tho C~unty ~ecorder in
36 of ~ at ~s 10 and 11. ~la~ aero ~ticularly descried
as follm:
~GI~ING at the S~theasterly corner of ~t 13, Bilk 3,
~Z North 34° 17' 50" West along tho Bam~rly l~ne of ~t 13,
Bilk 3, a d~atanoe of 11.85 feet to a ~t which is t~ ~nter-
~bllc Utility EaseMnt, said ~ln~ is also the T~ ~I~
~GINNI~ ~E S~th 60° 11' 03" West alonf the 5out~rly
of tho 7.~ f~t ~a~ge Kas~ent, sa~d line alto ~ng
Northerly l~ne of an existing ~bltc Utility ~erwnt, a
of ~ feet mo~ or loam ~oa ~int vh~oh is t~ intemctton
the S~therly li~ of t~ 7.50 foot ~na~ hamnt and
~sterly llM of ~t 13, M~k 3; T~ ~rth 50° 10' 41" bet
along t~ barfly ~ndary of ~t 13, M~k 3, a diet~co of 8.0
f~t m~e or less to a ~lnt ~ich ~o the ~nte~octl~
Nort~rly li~ of the 7.~ f~t ~atn~ bmnt and
line of Lot 13, Bl~k 3; T~ North ~o 11' 02" East along
~herly 1t~ of the 7.~ f~t ~at~ K~eMnt, a d~stanoe of
53.0 feet ~ro or lees to a ~nt which ~m the Lntermoct~on
the No~rly ll~ of the 7.50 f~t ~ai~fo Eaemnt
haterly line of ~t 13, M~k 3j ~ 8~th 34° 17'
along the ~amterly ~ndary of this 7.50 f~t ~a~na~
said ~un~ry li~ also ~inf the Easterly liM ~ ~t 13, Bilk 3,
a distance of 7.5 feet more ~ less to t~ ~ ~I~ OF ~G~I~.
Descript~on of a 7.5 foot Drainage Ka~oment on the P~oporty of
Arthur g. ud lfabella T. Schroll, 20~ Rainier Avenue.
A port~n of lot 13, Block 3, as desl~mated on that map entitled
Parkbaven recorded in the off toe of the C~unty ~eco~der ~n
36 of ~ at ~s 10 and 11. ~ln~ sore ~ticularly
as foll~:
~GI~ING at the S~thea~terly ~rner of ~t 13, Bilk 3,
~E North 34° 17' 50" Welt along the Balterly line of ~t 13,
Bilk 3, a d~stance of 11.85 feet to a ~t which is t~ triter-
section of sa~d Haotorly l~ne and t~ Northerly l~ne of an ex,stiff
~bl~c Utility EaoeMnt, Raid ~in~ ~e aloe the T~ ~I~ ~
~GINNI~j ~E S~th 60° 11' 03" West alonf the Southerly
of the 7.~ f~t ~a~nage Ea~ent, sa~d line algo ~ng t~
Northerly line of an exist~nf ~bl~c Utility h~Mnt, a
Of ~ feet mo~ or lesm to a ~int wh~oh is t~ inter, orlon
the S~thorly li~ of t~ 7.50 foot ~na~ hs~nt and ~e
~aterly I~M of ~t 13, M~k 3; T~ ~rth 50° 10' 41"
alon~ t~ bsterly ~ndary of ~t 13, Bl~k 3', a diet,ce Of 8.0
f~t m~e or less to a ~lnt ~ich ~o the ~nte~ecti~ of the
Northerly li~ of the 7.~ foot ~atn~ homnt and t~
ll~e of Lot 13, Bl~k 3; T~ North ~o 11' 02" East alonf
~herly 1~ of the 7.~ f~t ~a~ E~e~nt, a distanoe of
53.0 feet ~re or leos to a ~nt which ~m the tntermoct~on of
tho No~rly l~ne of the 7.50 f~t ~ai~Ko Kae~nt and tM
hoterly line of ~t 13, M~k 3; ~ 8~th B4O 17' 50" bt
alone the Easterly ~undary of th~s 7.50 f~t ~a~n~ E~ent,
said ~undary 1~ also ~in~ tho Easterly llM of ~t 13, Bilk 3,
a distance of 7.5 feet sore ~ los~ to t~ ~ ~I~ OF ~G~I~.