HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 2008-01-12
JANUARY 12, 2008
City Council Meeting Called to Order:
9:03 a.ln.
(Cassette Tape No.1)
Redevelopn1ent Agency Meeting Called to Order:
9:03 a.ln.
City Council and RedeveloplTIent Agency
Roll Call:
Councilmen/BoaTdlnem bers
Addiego, Garbarino and Mullin,
Mayor Pro T'em/Vice ChairwOnlall
Matsunloto alld Mayor/ChainTIall
Gonzalez. *
* For reporting purposes, Pal-tiCiPalltS
are referred to by their titles affiliated
witll the City Council except under
the specific Redevelopment ItelTI that
was heal-d as ItelTI NUlnber 2.
Public COlnn1ents:
Items for Discussion:
1. Council Priorities.
City Manager Nagel introduced the discussion by asking the Mayor, Mayor Pro Ten1 and
Councihnen to describe their respective goals and/or focus of attention for 2008.
Mayor Gonzalez stated his goal of advancing green living policies in the City. He refened to a
hydrogen fueled bus presentation he attended in East Palo Alto as an example of an envirornnent-
friendly fuel option. His comments initiated the following discussion pertaining to present green
living policies and future goals:
Councilman Mullin inquired as to staff s progress in evaluating the City's carbon footprint.
Assistant City Manager Van Duyn advised that South San Francisco joined a consortium of Santa
Clara and San Mateo County cities working on a regional approach to developing a baseline
carbon input figure. The City is pursuing a subsidy offered by CCAG and has independently
cOlnmitted $12,000 towards creation of this baseline analysis. Staff is also actively looking at
alternate sources for capturing energy. He further advised that staff is preparing a report that will
summarize the City's green living efforts and policies in a cOlnbined format. He suggested a
study session may be appropriate for presentation of the report, after which Council could
provide further input on policy goals and objectives.
Mayor Gonzalez suggested that conlmunity town hall-style lneetings on the subject might also be
Councilman Garbarino commented on the financial challenges presented by green living
programs. He noted the programs are expensive to fund and stressed the importance of being
first in-line when funding from state and federal agencies becomes available. He emphasized the
return on green living programs is to the environment and usually cannot be measured
immediately or financially.
Councilman Addiego inquired as to City programs to encourage resident's green living efforts.
City Attorney Mattas advised that as part of an overall green living program, the City could
provide development benefits when green living improvelnents are proposed and/or for
mitigation of heavy water use.
Assistant City Manager Van Duyn confirmed that the City cunently waives building permit fees
when solar improvements are proposed. Staff also routinely requests that consultants provide
altenlatives for incentive bonuses for green building offsets.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto cOlnmented that the City is one of the few in the County to have its
water treatment plant go cogen. She advised the Council that Assistant City Manager Van Duyn
is Council's point person on green. She further opined that CCAG is innovative with respect to
green living programs. As the Council's CCAG representative, she reviews the packet she
received from the agency and disperses it to appropriate City staff for consideration. For
example, she has provided CCAG hydrogen information to director of Public Works White, who
has applied for a hydrogen car fronl the Ford Company. She advised that she could report on
CCAG green living information at Council meetings. She further noted that the return on solar is
about 30 years, thus long-term South San Francisco Companies should be encouraged to pursue
solar options.
Council continued discussion of members' goals for 2008 under Item 15, "other", as set forth
2. Redevelopment Discussion.
Agency Director Nagel introduced the topic as an effort to develop a philosophical approach to
Redevelopment. He noted the topic would likely COlne up as part of the upconling study session
on updates to the zoning code. He further noted that Counsel Susan Bloch of Meyers Nave was
present and available to discuss the topic.
Vice ChairwOlnan Matsumoto opined that South San Francisco's Redevelopment Program is
consistent with Redevelopment Guidelines. However, she stressed the difficulty of making
policy decisions based upon unclear rules. She further explained that prior to taking action on
Redevelopment itelns at Ineetings, she often poses questions in an effort to discern clarity with
respect to the guidelines. She stated that Inuch of her concern stems frOln when she was nmned
as a Defendant in an eminent domain case in her official capacity.
Counsel Mattas advised that the eminent domain case involved a Disposition and Development
Agreement, pursuant to which the Agency agreed to help a developer assemble parcels of
property in private ownership as pmi of a master development plan. In the course of this project,
the Agency used eminent domain to purchase parcels at fair market value. Some property
owners elected to counter-sue to challenge the eminent domain action. This lawsuit was a
consequence of the eminent domain action and even though the case was resolved, it was
uncomfortable for the defendants. Counsel Mattas further explained that the Agency has an
additional eminent domain power that allows assemblage of private property for re-use by private
developers as part of a master plan that will benefit an overall Redevelopment Area. This power
has been the subject of ballot measures in California.
Vice Chairwoman Matsumoto emphasized the difficulty in situations where properties are
assembled pursuant to eminent domain powers and then turned over to private developers for the
greater good of the City.
Counsel Bloch advised that the power of Redevelopment Agencies to use eminent domain to take
private property has been on the books in California for many years and was confirmed by the
United States Suprelne Court in the Keylo case. She emphasized that the powers are limited and
specific procedures must be followed before such action is taken.
Counsel Mattas advised that the laws pertaining to the eminent domain power have tightened and
the Jarvis Initiative would eliminate the power to condemn private property for purposes of
Vice Chairwoman Matsumoto raised the issue of the PUC land in the Chestnut Avenue EI
Camino Real Area.
Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn advised that the Agency has only exercised its eminent
domain power to take private land and turn it over for private development one time. He further
advised that he doesn't foresee the Agency using the power in the near future, although it could.
With respect to the PUC/Chestnut A venue/EI Camino Real land area, he opined that the Agency
had positioned itself to create a specific plan for the area without enlinent donlain. He further
advised that the area is covered under the General Plan and could include low-cost housing and
other opportunities that would pennit use ofRedevelopnlent funds.
Boardnlenlber Addiego stated that if there was a project in the downtown area that could
potentially rehabilitate a whole City block with econon1ic vibrancy or housing but for the
exception of a hold-out, he would be in favor of enlinent dOlTIain. Boardnlen1ber Garbarino
concurred as long as a specific plan was in place.
Counsel Bloch presented the Boardlnelnbers with a docunlent that provided an overview of
Redevelopnlent powers.
Counsel Mattas advised Boardnlenlbers to read tlu'ough the doculnent at their leisure and
suggested that a study session on the topic nlight be in order. He fllliher advised that the
Redeveloplnent Agency had the authority to set a vision for designated areas and to use
Redevelopnlent powers to bring business into the City and iInprove public infrastructure.
Agency Director Nagel confimled that Boardlnelnbers believed a study session on
Redeveloplnent powers and guidelines nlight be appropriate.
Boardlnelnber Mullin requested clarification of the two competing ballot Ineasures on eIninent
Counsel Bloch explained the Jarvis hlitiative would sweep in restrictions on land use. The other
nleasure would serve as a poison pill to the Jarvis initiative, restrict the ability to use elninent
donlain for single fmnily hOInes and liInit rent control.
Counsel Mattas advised that both Ineasures were qualified on the ballot for June '08.
Vice Chairwolnan Matsulnoto requested Counsel to advise on how the Agency could educate the
public pertaining to the measures.
Counsel Mattas advised that Boardlnembers were prohibited froln using public funds to advocate
against a specific position, but could enteliain presentations explaining the Ineasures in a neutral
fashion. He further stated that Boardnlenlbers could take public positions on the Ineasures.
3. Regulatory Authority over New Uses under Existing Land Use Pennits.
City Manager Nagel explained that City Attonley Mattas provided a memo to Council on this
topic concerning Council's understanding of its powers and liInitations with respect to regulating
land use.
City Attorney Mattas advised that the nlelno he submitted explained a recent Califon1ia Suprenle
Court case, Henlandez v. City of Hanford ("Hanford"), that recognized Council's authority to
zone the physical development and uses within a district for a pmiicular result. He noted
Hanford's potential relevance to up cOIning zoning mnendInent discussions.
Mayor Pro Tenl MatsuInoto opined that the Planning COlnnlission would benefit fronl the
infonl1ation included in the IneIno. For the benefit of Councilnlelnbers, she further requested
City Attorney Mattas to recount the W al- Mmi land use issue Council dealt with several years
City Attonley Mattas stated that the City Attonley's Office would provide the nlenlO and relevant
updates to the Planning COInlnission. He further explained that Wal-Mart lost a lawsuit it filed
against the City challenging an urgency ordinance establishing a Inoratorimn on approvals in the
area for a ShOIi period of tinle during which the City detennined to pennanently re-zone the
Councihnan Garbarino questioned whether Hanford would govenl the Airpoli Costco Gas
Station situation.
City Attorney Mattas advised that if Hanford had existed when the Council set the land use
designations for the Airport Costco Gas Station, it nlight have been in a stronger legal position to
say no.
Councilnlan Addiego requested consideration of zoning of the reInaining Levitz site.
Mayor Gonzalez questioned the City's authority to disallow 2 or 3 businesses of sanle nanle frOln
opening in the City.
City Attorney Mattas reconlmended that Council consider a study session if it wished to pursue
specific discussions on the inlplications of its zoning authority under state law. This would
penllit staff to obtain a clear understanding of Council's policy direction. Staff could then
propose policies to Counsel tlu'ough the nOITIlal chmmels involving all the stake holders. He
further advised that as part of this process, Councillnay hear argunlents fronl building owners
pertaining to the need to occupy their buildings.
Councihnan Mullin questioned whether the outcome of the upcOlning zoning code review would
necessitate a General Plan update.
Assistant City Manager Van DuYl1 advised that the state recolnnlends the General Plan be
updated every 10 Years and the General Plan is cunently 9 years old. The City will be updating
its Housing Elenlent, which it is required to do every 5 years and then will launch the General
Plan update. He opined that he didn't foresee that changes to the General Plan would be
inconsistent with zoning codes unless housing densities were changed substantially. He further
advised that the cunent zoning ordinance update is aimed at bringing the code cunent with
present develoPlnent standards. He opined that there is not presently a disconnect between land
uses established in the General Plan and the zoning codes.
City Attonley Mattas advised that the zoning code is operable but fairly dated. He opined that
the zoning code update should yield consistency with the 1999 General Plan and be flexible
enough to encompass changes resulting from a General Plan update in the near future.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto opined that housing densities will need to be increased in certain
areas and height restrictions will need to be considered to achieve particular densities. She
questioned whether this could be accomplished through amendments to the General Plan.
Assistant City Manager Van Duyn opined that the cunent General Plan was not an impediment
to Council. He noted that if Council liked a project that exceeded cunent densities in a specific
zone, it could amend the General Plan and allow the project. He further explained that this
option would be liInited by the rule that a General Plan can only be amended 4 tinles a year in a
general law city.
4. Cmnpaign Sign Restrictions.
City Manager Nagel introduced the topic and noted the City Attorney's Office provided a Inemo
concerning cunent regulations pertaining to campaign signs.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto questioned whether cmnpaign signs and/or other County and State
signs on the EI Camino Real could be prohibited. Councilman Addiego questioned whether
housing development signs directing traffic through town to a specific location could be
City Attorney Mattas advised that with respect to the posting of signs the Council could and has
set times by which the signs must be removed under penalty of fine. Housing development
related signs are illegal offsite commercial signs that may be taken down and citations may be
Mayor Gonzalez opined that candidates need to advise their committee members to follow
regulations when putting signs out.
Councilman Addiego noted that in the past, signs posted on green space between the property
and the streets were removed by the City, but this didn't seem to be done in recent elections. He
further noted the importance of signs for introducing new candidates to the community.
Councilman Mullin questioned whether Council could require signs to be made out of a specific
material such as recycled paper.
City Attorney Mattas advised that he wasn't sure if a sign materials regulation had ever been
tested. He opined, however, that Courts might be adverse to such a regulation that might impact
a Candidate's ability to communicate his or her basic message.
5. Items from Council at City Council Meetings.
Councilman Addiego opined that the public would benefit from detailed descriptions of fewer
items, as opposed to brief discussions of many items, under the Items from Council agenda topic
at regular meetings of the City Council.
JANUARY 12,2008
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto commented that it Inight be more useful if Council would announce
upcoming events as opposed to listing events attended. She further noted that Councilmenlbers'
repolis out of committee assignments are significant.
Councihnan Garbarino noted that the public appreciates hearing about events Councihnelnbers
attended. He enlphasized that detail pertaining to what conles out of comnlittee and regional
meetings is iInportant.
Mayor Gonzalez suggested that Councilmelnbers be mindful of agenda length when detennining
items for reporting.
Councihnan Mullin offered reporting on items with policy implications as a guideline. He
further suggested starting the regular RDA meeting at 6:30 p.m. and regular Council nleetings at
7 :00 p.m.
City Attonley Mattas advised that the regular meeting time of the City Council must be adjusted
by ordinance. He further explained a procedural mechanism requiring public hearing agenda
items to be heard at a specific time during regular meetings in order to provide the comlnunity
with temporal certainty.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto expressed concern that public hearings have a tendency to be long
which could mean that other agenda items would get pushed late into the evening.
City Attorney Mattas' explained that if a long public hearing was anticipated, other significant
items on the agenda could be moved ahead of the public hearings.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto and Councilman Garbarino requested that staff balance agenda items
between the two regular monthly meetings of the City Council in a nlore even fashion.
After discussion over the pros and cons of various suggestions, Council directed the City
Attorney to prepare and propose an ordinance changing the regular meeting times of the
Redevelopment Agency and the City Council to 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. respectively.
Recess: 10:46 a.m.
Meeting resumed: 10:52 a.m.
6. Public Comments at City Council Meetings.
City Manager Nagel advised that staff had received requests from the public to make power point
presentations under the public comments agenda item. He advised that staff would permit power
point presentations limited to 3 minutes per speaker and only after the presentation had been
reviewed by staff.
Councilmembers agreed that power point presentations should be reviewed prior to airing.
They further agreed that the meeting Chair should be definitive and forceful in setting parameters
on speaker time limits under the public comment agenda iteIn.
City Attorney Mattas advised that the Chair must apply the time-lilnit policy consistently and
unifonnly with respect to all speakers.
7. Presentations at City Council Meetings.
Councihnan Addiego expressed concern over the Fire Department's holiday safety and toy drive
presentation. He stated that the holiday safety video nlight have been more appropriate as a
public safety Inessage than as a presentation at the City Councillneeting. He further expressed
disappointlnent with the portion of the presentation that was given by North Peninsula
Neighborhood Services.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto opined that North Peninsula Neighborhood Services' portion of the
presentation was inappropriate. Councilman Garbarino echoed these concerns.
Councilman Mullin stated that North Peninsula Neighborhood Services recognized the
presentation was a misstep and was handling the matter internally.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto suggested time limits on presentations should be considered.
Councilmelnbers then directed staff to prepare and propose a policy establishing that the time
allotted for the presentation item on regular City Council Meeting Agendas would be no more
than 15 minutes. Council further directed staff to adjust the number of presentations per meeting
based upon this overall time limit.
8. Requests for Information - Council/Candidates.
City Manager Nagel requested direction from Council on incumbent candidates' requests to staff
for information during election season.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto opined that for strategic reasons it would be unfair to share a
candidate's request for information with other candidates.
Councilman Addiego noted a distinction between incumbent candidates requesting information
for their campaign(s) as opposed to information for Council business purposes.
Councilman Mullin questioned whether other cities have policies pertaining to non-incumbent
candidates' access to information versus incumbent candidates' access to information.
City Attorney Mattas advised that he was not aware of any such policies in other cities and noted
the issue is probably handled informally. He further opined that the subject of candidate requests
is almost always going to be public information because attorney client and personnel
information is not disclosable. Thus, Council could establish a policy directing distribution to all
candidates of information responsive to an incumbent candidate's request. He acknowledged
that there was a strategic campaign argument against such a policy.
JANUARY 12,2008
Councilman Addiego asked for clarification on the following point: If an incumbent candidate
received a questionnaire from an entity that was considering endorsing the candidate, would the
incunlbent candidate have the right to ask staff to fill out the questionnaire?
City Attonley Mattas advised staff should not cOlnplete such a questionnaire. He further noted
that just like any other candidate, the incumbent candidate could request existing infornlation that
would assist his or her ability to complete the form. However, any candidates' request for staff
to further process or distill existing infonnation to conlplete a cmnpaign related fonn would be
Mayor Pro Tem Matsunloto noted that she was not in favor ofpennitting candidates, including
incumbent candidates, to request non-existing staff- processed or distilled information after
candidacies have been declared. She further opined that it would be unfair to distribute existing
information responsive to any candidates' public records request to all other candidates.
City Attorney Mattas clarified that pursuant to amendments to the Public Records Act that
became effective 2 years ago, government agencies must tell people how to find requested
information when aware it exists in an alternative form. For example, if a person came in and
requested all reports relating to the City' Attorney's Office on blue paper, and the City employee
knew the City possessed reports pertaining to the City Attorney's Office that happened to be on
yellow paper, the employee was obligated to guide the person towards this information. City
Attonley Mattas confirmed agreement amongst Councilmembers that compliance with this
Public Records Act requirement would not constitute distilling information.
City Clerk Martinelli- Larson requested to speak through the chair and questioned how the
contemplated policy would interplay with public records requests to the City Clerk's Office from
City Attorney Mattas advised that any policy Council directed vis-a.-vis City staff would not
apply to the City Clerk's Office.
City Manager Nagel noted that with respect to staffs dealings with incumbent candidates, Public
Records Act request decisions were more clear-cut than decisions with respect to day-to-day
requests received from incumbent Councilmembers during election time.
Councilman Addiego opined that it is unfair for an incumbent candidate to request staff s
assistance to distill information for use in the respective candidate's campaign. He noted that he
perceived some unfairness with respect to this issue during the recent campaign season.
Councilman Garbarino suggested a policy that once an incumbent has declared his or her
candidacy, information responsive to the incumbent candidate's requests to staff must be
distributed to all candidates. Councilman Addiego concuned with this suggested policy at a
City Attorney Mattas advised that disclosure of more information was always permissible. He
suggested using the Public Records Act as the time frame within which staff must provide
infolmation in response to campaign related requests fronl incunlbent candidates. He further
stated the exception to any policy established by Council would be for attorney/client or
personnel related infonnation.
Councilman Addiego raised the issue of a single councilperson requesting information that could
require a substantial mnount of attorney or staff time without limitation.
After discussion, Council directed staff to advise Councilmembers if it believed compliance with
a patiicular request might take a significant amount of tiIne so that Council could decide
collectively whether the request Inerited the use of staff time.
After further discussion on the issue of incumbent candidate requests, City Attorney Mattas
summarized the proposed policies as follows: From the date of the close of the filing period for
candidates through Election Day, responses to requests to staff from incumbent candidates will
be distributed to all candidates. Further, staff should not create new infornlation in response to
candidate requests, unless Council approves the request during a Ineeting. He would
memorialize this as a proposed amendment to the Council Handbook.
9. Council of Cities Appointments.
City Manager Nagel suggested that Council begin consideration of Council of Cities
appointments earlier in the year.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto expressed her frustration with the candidate selection process due to
the difficulty of discussing candidates' qualifications on the Dias. She further noted the
importance of alliance building when determining the candidate( s) Council would support.
Councilman Addiego concuned.
Given Council's discomfort with discussing candidates' qualifications from the Dias,
Councilman Mullin questioned how Councilmembers could obtain the benefit of each other's
institutional knowledge pertaining to respective candidates.
City Manager Nagel suggested Council could discuss these items during a study session.
Councilman Addiego noted that he was cOInfortable defening transportation-related candidate
issues to Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto's discretion. He further noted if any other Councilmelnbers
had a specialty related to a respective agency, he would defer to that members' judgment in the
candidate selection process as well.
Council concluded that a study session in late September on the subject of Council of Cities
Elections would be appropriate.
10. Board & Commission Appointments.
City Manager Nagel introduced the topic as a philosophical discussion pertaining to selection of
the most qualified applicants for Board and Commission positions.
Councilmelnbers expressed concern that in the past, some appointlnents nlay have been Inade on
the basis of friendships as opposed to qualifications. Council further questioned its recourse
upon being disappointed by a Board or Commission menlber's performance.
City Attorney Mattas advised that Council could review and/or reconstitute a Board or
Commission mid-term, but cautioned the public nlight perceive this as being very political. He
further noted that with any decision of this sort, it is helpful to have established standards
governing Comlnissioners' behavior.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto requested that the appointment process include more discussion of
applicants' qualifications prior to the vote. Councilmembers agreed this was necessary. Further,
the standard interview questions would continue to be asked, but Councilmelnbers could follow-
up on an applicant's answers with additional questions if appropriate.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto next questioned the Mayor's plans for dealing with the recently
reported absenteeism of Board and Commission members.
City Clerk Martinelli-Larson explained that the absenteeism report recently submitted to Council
included figures for the 3rd and 4th quarters that had not previously been reported to Council.
City Manager Nagel confirmed that letters from the Mayor were being issued to Board or
Commission members after two absences. But he noted that Council had to make a
determination with respect to enforcement of the absenteeism policy.
(Cassette Tape No.2)
Council determined that after issuance of the letters, the Mayor would speak with affected Board
and Commission Inembers to discuss the circumstances sunounding the absenteeism. If the
Mayor believed the circumstances wananted dismissal, he would bring the issue to Council for
Recess: 12:17 p.m.
Meeting ResuIned: 12:39 p.m.
11. City Council Mileage Reimbursement.
City Manager Nagel introduced the topic as a discussion pertinent to a flat monthly fee option for
Council mileage reimbursement.
Councilman Addiego opined that it was somewhat cumbersome to track mileage associated with
travel for Council activities and suggested a flat fee option as an alternative, but noted the
taxability of a flat fee was undesirable. Councilmembers agreed.
City Attorney Mattas advised Council could direct staff to prepare an amendment to the City
Council Handbook establishing a policy whereby Councilmembers could elect a straight mileage
reimburseInent option or a flat-fee option that would not exceed historicalnonns based upon an
average of what has been claiIned by SSF City Councilmembers in the past.
Councilnlembers noted that the policy requiring the City car to be used by Councilmembers
whenever feasible would reInain in tact. They detennined, however, that the budget
subcommittee might consider the option of purchasing a nlore fuel efficient car.
12. Departing Councilmenlbers TelecOlnlnunications EquipInent, etc.
Councilman Garbarino opined there should be an established check-out procedure when a
person leaves Council.
City Manager Nagel advised that departing Councilnlembers have had the opportunity to
purchase their equipInent, including the home computer and fax.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto stated that the equipment purchase option and all departure
practices should be set forth in the City Council Handbook. Councilmembers agreed.
City Manager Nagel also proposed the question of whether business cards for retired
Councilmembers would be appropriate or allowable.
Council detennined that such cards would be inappropriate.
13. City Council Office Supplies.
City Manager Nagel suggested that Council office supply orders should be routed through the
City Manager's Office for the purpose of obtaining discounts such as those affiliated with bulk
orders. Councilmelnbers agreed.
14. Farmers' Market.
Councihnan Garbarino noted his admiration for the concept of a farmer's market but opined that
the cunent farmer's market was not as successful as it could be due to lack of vendors.
Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto proposed that Council decide if it wanted to renew the farmer's
market contract for one more year in a new venue, such as the plaza by the BART station.
Assistant City Manager Van Duyn advised that the BART plaza was designed for this type of
Council directed staff to speak with BART and the Pacific Farmer's Market Exchange to
determine if the venue was feasible. If this option was workable, Council would consider
renewing the contract for another year.
15. Other- Council Priorities Revisited.
JANUARY 12,2008
Mayor Pro Tem MatsuInoto identified the Sculpture Garden as a priority. She further included
increased focus on Planning issues, including zoning updates and development of a vision of
where South San Francisco is going as a City. She also sought Council's opinion with respect to
resunecting meetings of the North County Division of the Council of Cities, which Council
approved of.
Councihnan Garbarino identified defining where South San Francisco is as a City with respect to
the development process, particularly concerning Grand Avenue and the City's historical park, as
a priority. He further prioritized increased consistency in the Planning Department's interactions
with residents.
Councilman Mullin stated downtown revitalization as a priority. He further included green
building and pminerships between the City and the School District amongst his priorities. He
articulated the additional priorities of intergovernmental advocacy vis-a vis state and federal
government and utilization of pre-existing state and federal relationships to benefit the City
Councilman Addiego stated working with the School Board as a priority, including supporting
mechanisms that might release City funds to benefit specific school programs. He stressed the
importance of a first rate public school system to the viability of the community. He further
stated the dream of re-installing a light electric rail system siInilar to the one which ran prior to
the time the City was established. He explained the rail system could link the means of public
transportation in the City, including the ferry terminal, the Caltrain station and BART and move
through the Chestnut A venue/EI Camino Real area.
Mayor Gonzalez advised he is plarnling Breakfast with the Mayor Sessions with small businesses
in the Grand Avenue area in both Spanish and English. He also reported his intent to meet with
members of churches in the community regarding their concerns. He stated priorities of
stationing cmneras in different parts of the City to capture issues related to crime, gangs and
traffic. He also included anti-graffiti efforts in the area of Olive, Armor and Linden amongst his
Being no further business, the Redevelopment Agency meeting was adjourned at 1 :33 p.m.
16. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
(Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957) Positions: City Manager and City
Tinle entered into Closed Session:
Tinle reconvened into Open Session:
1 :33 p.nl.
3:30 p.m., Councihnen Addiego, Garbal-ino
alld Mullin, Mayor Pro TelTI Matsunloto and
Mayor Gonzalez present.
JANUARY 12,2008
Report out of closed Session by Mayor Gonzalez: No reportable action was taken.
Being no further business, Mayor Gonzalez adjourned the nleeting at 3 :30 p.m.
Pedro Gonzalez, May
City of SOUtll San Fr;:mcisco
Chainnall, Redevelopnlent Agency
JANUARY 12,2008