HomeMy WebLinkAboutP03-0138 BOP II TDM Report & Survey 08-03-2006
'?o ~'-a \ ~~
(650) 877-8535
FAX (650) 829-6639
August 3, 2006
Jon Bergschneider
Slough BTC, LLC
400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 409
South San Francisco, CA 94080
RE: Final Transportation Demand Management Plan, 333 Oyster Point Boulevard
Dear Jon:
I have reviewed the final TDM Plan you submitted for the above referenced project and have a few
comments that need to be addressed to bring it into compliance with the City's TDM Ordinance:
. Page 4, Item 1. Section should be revised to clarify that carpool and vanpool spaces shall be
provided free of charge [per SSFMC Section 20. 120.040(f)].
. Page 4, A2. Clarify that participation will include payment of any fees for the existing shuttle
program [per SSFMC Section 20.l20.040(n)].
. Page 4, A4. Add provisions for showers and clothes lockers [per SSFMC Section
20. 120.040(m)].
. Add notation that 10% of all vehicle spaces shall be reserved for carpools or vanpools and
shall be provided in premium and convenient locations [per SSFMC Section 20.l20.040(k)].
. Include a site plan showing:
o Location of preferential parking spaces for carpools/vanpools.
o Passenger loading zones for carpool or vanpool drop-off near main building entrances.
o Covered long-term parking spaces within 75' of a main building entrance
o Shuttle pick-up area
The plan will also need to be submitted to C/CAG for its acceptance. Please contact Tom Madalena at
(650) 599-1460.
Feel free to call with any questions.
Very truly yours,
Acting Chief Planner
sloug lestates III
Jonathan M. Bergschneider
Vice President - Development
Slough Estates USA Inc.
400 Oyster Point Boulevard, Suite 409
South San Francisco, California 94080
July 27,2006
Tel. + 1 650.875.1004
Fax. + 1 650.875.1003
Ms. Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Planning Division
City of South San Francisco
315 Maple Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080
RE: Britannia Oyster Point II - 333 Oyster Point Blvd., South San Francisco
Final Transportation Demand Management Program
Dear Susy:
Enclosed please find the Final Transportation Demand Management Program for Britannia
Oyster Point II, 329-333 Oyster Point Blvd. I have attached a description of our reporting and
surveying plan, which serve to finalize the preliminary TDM Program.
The Building Permit Application was previously submitted on July 6, 2006, along with the EIR
Mitigation Measure Monitoring Checklist.
Please let us know if you require any further information. Thank you.
Jon Bergschneider
Senior Vice President
Slough BTC, LLC.
CC: John Littlefield, Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
Head Office: 444 North Michigan Avenue Suite 3230 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel. +1 312.755.0700 Fax. +1 312.755.0717
Britannia Oyster Point Phase II
TDM Reports / Employee Surveys
July 2006
TDM Reports:
Slough Estates ("Slough") is required to prepare an annual Transportation Demand Management
("TOM") report for submission to the City of South San Francisco ("City"), to document the
effectiveness of the TOM plan in achieving the goal of 35% alternative mode usage by tenants within
the Project. An independent consultant ("Independent Consultant"), retained by the City with Slough
Estates' approval, will prepare the TOM reports. Slough will work with the City to identify the
Independent Consultant once future occupancy dates are confirmed. The Independent Consultant
will work in concert with the Slough designated Britannia Oyster Point Phase II (BOP II) TOM
coordinator ("BOP II TOM Coordinator").
An initial TOM report for each building on the Property will be submitted two (2) years after the
granting of a certificate of occupancy and shall apply to all buildings on the Property except the
parking facilities. All subsequent annual reports will be included in an annual comprehensive TOM
report submitted to the City covering all of the buildings on the Property, which are submitting their
second or later TDM reports.
Employee Surveys:
Slough's TOM coordinator at Britannia Oyster Point, the Hoyt Company, compiled framework for the
purpose of obtaining commute information from tenants. Survey information will be compiled and
delivered to the Independent Consultant in order to generate the TOM reports indicated above.
Please note that although the following is based upon the Hoyt Company's outline, Slough has not
contracted wit any consultant at this time to perform the future survey work at Britannia Oyster Point
Phase II. The following is therefore provided as a general concept for the survey work. Slough will
meet with the City to discuss the details of the technical implementation once future building
occupancy dates are confirmed.
The survey would be conducted through either the TOM web site implemented within the Britannia
Oyster Point Phase II TOM plan or a website hosted by the BOP II TOM Coordinator. In either case,
the web site utilized would be accessed via a link from the individual tenant web sites. Tenants
would be notified of upcoming surveys through email notifications, web site postings, and contact
with the designated tenant TOM representatives.
Once notified, employees would have a specified period of time to complete the on-line survey,
which will include an array of commute-related questions. The design of the survey would be such
that an employee could complete the questionnaire in an average of five minutes.
The information from the surveys would be downloaded into a database created specifically for the
project. The database would be programmed to allow for cross-tabulations or comparisons and
therefore provide key data regarding specific employee commute patterns and interest in commute
alternatives. The survey information would serve as the basis for the TOM reports prepared by the
Independent Consultant.
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, California 94080
Submitted by:
Mark Crane
545 Burnett Avenue
Suite 10 1
San Francisco, California 94131
On behalf of
Bayside Area Development LLC
400 Oyster Point Boulevard
Suite 409
South San Francisco, California 94080
October 22, 2004
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, California 94080
This report has been prepared at the request of Slough Estates ("Slough'') to detail a Preliminary
Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Program for their property at 333 Oyster Point
Boulevard in South San Francisco to satisfY criteria of both the City of South San Francisco as well as
the San Mateo City/County Association ofGovennnents (C/CAG).
Project Summary
Project Area:
Project F.A.R
Est. Project Population:
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
315,400 square feet.
946 emplo}ees
South San Francisco Required Alternative Mode Use:
South San Francisco Required Employee Participation:
332 employees (35% x 946 employees)
TDM Program Overview
Projected individual element goals are based on the level of employee participation utilizing connnute
alternatives. It is anticipated that the level of employee participation will increase over time, due to the
expanded TDM program efforts and incentives offered to employees. The following goals fonn the
framework of the Slough TDM program.
a. Slough shall require all tenants to designate at least one employee as a TDM ''point of contact"
representative within their respective company. Slough shall coordinate the training of such
personnel. Slough will also designate a Slough representative to serve as a resource to each
tenant-appointed TDM personnel. Such representative will be available via telephone or email
to assist with commute questions, concerns, or transit service problems. lbis employee will
prepare historical surveyed commute records for annual submission of a TDM Report to the
City of South San Francisco Planning Department.
All new tenants and their employees shall be required to participate in a "new employee
orientation program". Most importantly, this program will explain the importance of trip
reduction methods and their benefits to the community. The program orientation will also
address the TDM mission statement, alternative commute options, provide transit schedules,
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
maps, and offer free ride matching services. All new employees shall complete a commuter
survey indicating the modes of commuting available, and what their expected mode would be.
b. Slough shall promote the use of the existing Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance's e'Alliance"),
Utah! East Grand Shuttle B1s System, and the use of public transit modes of travel. These
commuter shuttles operate during peak commute hours to the South San Francisco CalTrain
Station, and to the South San Francisco Bart Station.
c. Slough shall advocate to its tenants the use of the Alliance "Emergency Ride Home" program.
This allows employees who utilize alternative fonns of commuting a free ride home for
emergencies up to four times per year via taxicabs or rental cars. Slough will assist tenants in
procuring grant monies available for such programs.
d. Slough shall encourage its tenants to sponsor taxi vouchers for the transportation of employees
for medical appointments, during regular business hours. A typical program would apply to
round trip transportation, (20 miles each way), up to two times per year. This is an incentive to
not bring a vehicle to work (or to use one).
e. Slough shall encourage its tenants to subsidize and match each additional dollar for t:lle
Commuter Check Program up to $50.00 per month, per participant. In addition, }l'e tax
payroll deductions will allow up to $100.00 per month for public transit passes, and the expense
for participating in vanpools.
f Slough shall provide \W1pOOls as an attractive method of commuting. The level of wnpools will
be subject to economic feasibility and employee participation Slough shall reimburse the
primary and secondary drivers for required medical exams. Advertising methods such as
"wrapping" the vanpools may subsidize some of the operating expenses. Dedicated
''preferential parking" areas will be provided in highly visible and signed areas. Passenger
loading areas shall be designated.
g. Slough shall promote cycling as an alternate commute option Slough shall designate specific
common area locations within tre project for bicycle lockers or racks. Common bicycle and
transit commute routes will be shared and published.
h Slough shall designate signed areas for motorcycle parking.
L Slough shall supply tenants with infonnation to assist them in developing a fonnal telecommuting
program to be available for selected employees; dependent upon position and specific work
requirements. This infonnation shall include "how to" instructions, including sample contracts
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
between management and employees, feedback mechanisms, with ergonomics, insurance and
worker's compensation issues.
j. Slough shall encourage tenants to subsidize one-way taxi rides as incentives. Taxi loading zones
will be designated Taxicab vouchers shall be available for local business transportation,
including travel to and from the S.F.O. International Airport. Visitor promotional materials will
be available to promote the use of public transit to / from SFO Airport.
k. Slough shall promote the S.S.F. Downtown Dasher program for midday travel to the downtown
L Slough shall require tenants to provide visitors and job applicants with the local public
transportation options, shuttle schedules, and transit maps for the area, to encourage the use of
public transit
IT). Slough shall expedite through the tenant TDM "point of contact" personnel, employee surveys
to determine current modes of commuting. The surveys will be conducted via <> mail, or other
acceptable methods of commwrication. Non-responses to commute surveys are to be counted
as "drive alone".
n. Slough shall develop an Intemet web site that will contain a section for commuter infonnation,
the results of the current employee commute method survey, as well as the efforts and
effectiveness of the TDM Program. New commute options will be advertised and promoted, as
well as area transit schedules.
o. Slough shall encourage tenants to participate in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's
"Spare the Air" program during Wlhea1thy weather conditions. Participants will be requested to
not drive to work alone, and seek other methods of commuting. Enrollment will be via 1he
BAAQMD Web page, and a "Spare the Air Day' notification will be sent via e-mail, as soon as
it is forecasted. Participation in other local ride share promotions though out 1he year, will also
be encouraged.
p. Slough shall reward as special incentives, in recognition of successful carpool efforts, incentive
awards such as tune-ups, smog checks and oil changes.
q. Slough shall make an annual financial contribufun to RIDES For Bay Area Commuters, "Ride
Your Bike to Work Week", promotion, to help promote bicycle commuting.
r. Slough shall encourage chartering of buses for group activities and off-site meetings. Services
shall include booking, group discounts, invoicing, and special services, as needed.
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
s. Slough shan investigate including commuter transportation links to the proposed Oyster Point
Feny Tenninal at the time that commuter Bay Feny Services are available.
t. Slough shall charge tenants a monthly parking fee for surface and garage parking. Reduced fees
will be applied to carpools and vanpools.
1. Carpools: New employees shall be required to participate in a new employee orientation
program. This program will explain the lDM Mission Statement, explain alternative commute
options, and provide transit schedules, maps, and offer free ride matching services to encourage
the fonnation of cmpools. All new employees will complete an "Initial Commuter Survey". The
swvey will ask new employees to select their expected mode(s) of transportation from a list of
commuting options available to the project This method has been proven to be a very effective
means to promote alternative commute patterns, before new employees commuting habits are
established. Passenger drop off and loading areas shall be designated.
Program goal:
Employee trips saved daily:
150 participants
2. Shuttle: The program shall effectively promote the use of the existing Alliance Shuttle Bus
System, and the use of mixed public transit modes. Commuter shuttles operate during peak
commute hours to the South San Francisco CalTrain Station, and to the South San Francisco
Bart Station. Shuttles connecting to public transit have been identified as the most effective
marketing method of attracting passengers to public transit systems. (Source: SamTrans and
CalTrain 20 year marketing plans).
Program goal:
Employee trips saved daily:
120 participants
(Additional daytime trips will also be saved utilizing available alternative transportation
modes, for lunches, errands, and medical appointments, although not part of these
3. Vanpools: Vanpools shall be provided as an attractive method of commuting. Vanpools will be
established, and subsidized, subject to economic feasibility and employee participation. Slough
will reimburse the primmy and secondary drivers for required medical exams. Advertising
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
methods such as "wrapping" the vanpools may subsidize some of the operating expenses.
Dedicated ''preferential parking" areas shall be provided in highly visible areas. Subsidies for
vanpools by employers, is the most desired factor in deciding to vanpool (Source: RIDES 2000
Commute Profile). The program goal assumes 10 vaqJOOls are in operation.
Program goal:
Employee trips saved daily:
50 participants
4. Bicycling: Bicycling shall be promoted as a viable commute option Bicycle lockers, storage
areas, racks, and reasonable accommodation on transit shuttles will be available. The local
Bayside Trail provides important trail links to other areas. Common bicycle and transit commute
routes of the employees in the area will be shared and published.
Program goal:
Employee trips saved daily:
10 participants
5. Motorcycles: Motorcycles shall be accommodated in signed designated areas. Motorcycles
pollute less, may use carpool lanes, and cross toll bridges during commute hours for free.
Program goal:
Employee trips saved daily:
5 participants
6. Emergency Ride Home: The program shall advocate to tenants the use of the Peninsula
Congestion Relief Alliance's "Emergency Ride Home" program. This allows employees who
utilize alternative fonns of corrnnuting a free ride home for emergencies up to four times per year
via taxicabs or rental cars. (50010 grant matching funds are available to the employers that
participate in this program). These types of programs have been identified as the number one
incentive for employees to rideshare. Employers have seen increases of 15-20% in ridesharing
when this type of program is offered to employees (Source: RIDES 1999 Commute Survey).
This program shall promote an increased use of alternative transit, however some employees
will already be using these modes. It is a deciding tictor in not driving alone, and a valuable
method to deal with the unknown urgent need for an employee to quickly get home for
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect program benefit
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
7. Employee Incentives: Slough shall encourage tenants to provide transportation for employee
medical appointments, during regular business hours, via taxi vouchers, for a ro\Uld trip, up to
two times per year. This is an incentive to not bring a vehicle to work.
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Per the Commuter Check Program, pre tax payroll deductions will allow the employee up to
$100.00 per month for public transit passes, and the expense for participating in vanpools. In
addition, Slough will encourage its tenants to subsidize and match this program up to $50.00 per
month, per participant.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect program benefit
8. Tel0c0mmuting: Slough shall supply tenants with infonnation to assist them in developing a
fonnal telecommuting program with ''how- to" ins1rnctions, including contracts between
management and the employees, feedback mechanisms, ergonomics, insurance and worker's
compensation issues. The infonnation will also include suggestions for possible methods to track
telecommuting days.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect commute impact
9. Taxicabs: Slough shall encourage use of taxicab vouchers for local business transportation,
including travel to and from the S.F.O. International Allport.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect commute impact.
10. SSF Downtown Dasher: Slough shall promote he S.S.F. Downtown Dasher program for
midday travel to the downtown area. Slough will encourage its tenants to pay for round trip
program vouchers.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect commute impact.
11. Transit Infonnation: Slough shall require tmants to provide visitors and job applicants with
public transportation options, shuttle schedules, and transit maps for the area, to promote the
use of public transit.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect benefit to program.
12. Smveys: Slough shall conduct employee surveys to detennine current modes of commuting.
The surveys will be conducted via 6- mail. Non- responses to commute surveys are to be
counted as "drive alone".
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect benefit to program.
13. Transit Website: Slough shall develop a corporate web site that will contain a section for
commuter infonnation, schedules, the results of the current employee commute method swvey,
as well as the efforts and effectiveness of the lDM Program. Also, new commute options \\ill
be advertised and promoted.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect benefit to program.
14. lDM Coordinator: Slough shall provide m employee contact person to answer commute
questions, concerns, or transit problems. This employee will be available via telephone or 6-
mail. This employee will prepare historical swveyed commute records, for annual submission of
a lDM Report to the City of South San Francisco Plamring Department. This person will wotk
in ~unction with the Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance to assist in the promotion of
ridesharing programs, and events.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect benefit to program.
15. Spare the Air: Slough shall encourage anployees to participate in the Bay Area Air Quality
District's "Spare the Air" program dw1ng unhealthy weather conditions. Participants will be
requested to not drive to wotk alone, and seek other methods of commuting. Enrollment will be
via the BAAQMD Web page, and "Spare the Air Day' notification will be sent via e-mail, as
soon as it is forecasted.
Employee trips saved daily:
Indirect benefit to program.
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
333 Oyster Point Boulevard TDM Program Gains (trips eliminated):
150 roood trips per day
120 roood trips per day
50 roood trips per day
10 roood trips per day
5 roood trip per day
335 roood trips/day eliminated
Program Requirement:
332 roood trips/day eliminated
(35% of 946 employee round trips)
TDM Program impact: 335 roood trips per day eliminated
Employee daily trips saved: 670
Required Employee Participation Goal: 35.0%
Projected Employee Participation: 35.4%
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
The designed TOM program is required to have the capacity to 1iilly mitigate the 200 new peak a.m.l
p.m commute period trips generated by the project:
TOM Measure
1. Bicycle lockers and racks.
2. Charge for parking
3. Shuttle to transit w/ ERR
4. Transit ticket subsidy
5. Preferential parking carpools
6. Preferential parlcing vanpools
7. Vanpool program w/ERH
8. Coordinate TOM programs
with Existing Developments
9. Guaranteed Ride Home
10. Participate/Sponsor Transportation
Management Association
11. Combine 10 Measures
Total C/CAG TOM Program Trip Credit
Total New AM/PM Peak Trips
C/CAG Trip Credit Rate
Total Trip Credit
One per every 3 (18 provided) 6
One per every parking space with
fee (882 total spaces-all with
parking fee) 882
Two per round trip seat (60 seats provided) 120
One per ea. $20.lmonth min. (40 provided) 40
Two per space (30 spaces provided) 60
Seven per space (6 spaces provided) 42
Ten per space (6 spaces provided) 60
Five for this program 5
One per each two rides (40 slots purchased) 20
Five for this program 5
Five for this program ---2
Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Program
333 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080