HomeMy WebLinkAboutElected Officials City of South San Francisco Elected Official Roster PRESIDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Scampini, Henry Eschelbach, Albert J. Cunningham, Fred A. -Iynding, Andrew v1cSweeney, Daniel :unningham, F. A. -Iolston, G. W. Celley, J. H. -Iolston, G. W. v1cNellis, Hugh F. :unningham, Fred A. ~schelbach, Albeli J. 1908-1910 191 0-1912 1912-1914 1914-1916 1916-191 8 1918-1924 1924-1926 1926-1927 1927-1927 Cunningham, Fred A. Eschelbach, Albert J. Hardy, Leonard J 1'. Scampinni, Henry Cunningham, Fred A. Eschelbach, Albert J. Pitt, J.W. Scampinni, Henry BOARD OF TRUSTEES Does not include Board President) Blank, Carl McCaffrey, Hugh Cunningham, Fred A. Eschelbach, Albert J. ~dwards, Harry 9/9/08 iaerdes, H. -lickey, Thomas v1cSweeney, Daniel Minucciani, Michael Lloyd, Reese Tibbetts, Roderick Eschelbach, Albert J. :unningham, Fred A. 4/18/1 0 -lickey, Thomas -Iealey, M.F. v1cGovern, John C. Minucciani, Michael Lloyd, Reese Tibbetts, Roderick Esche1bach, Albert J. v1cGovern, John C. 4/15/12 -Iolston, George W. Celley, J. H. -lickey, Thomas L. Minucciani, Michael Lloyd, Reese Tibbetts, Roderick Hynding Andrew :unningham, Fred A. 4/20/14 Wallace, George H. v1cGovern, John Celley, J. H. . MAYORS -Iolston, George W. 4/17/16 -Iealy, Michael H. :unningham, Fred A. 'f../ allace, George H. Eschelbach, Albert J. Quinlan, Joseph P. Lloyd, Reese Ratto, David W. Eschelbach, Albert J. Holston, George W. Ratto, David W. Holston, George W. Ferko, Leo Sani, Adolph Cortesi, Emilio Smith, Telford L. :unningham, Fred A. 4/15/18 ~schelbach, Albert J. Celley, J. H. Iea1y, Michael H. Iardy, Leonard J1'. 4/19/20 4/1 7/22 12/4/22 4/21/24 5/17/26 6/6/26 6/23/27 1927-1930 1930-1934 1934-1936 1936-1938 1938-1940 1940-1942 1942-1944 1944-1946 1946-1950 1950-1952 1952-1954 1954-1956 ::\Election\Historic List of Mayor Council Treas and Clerk\Historical Elected Officials Roster .doc lage 1 of 5 Rozzi, Guido J. Rocca, Andrew Rozzi, Guido J. Ryan, Leo J. Ahern, Patrick E. Bertucelli, Frank Ahern, Patrick E. Bertucelli, Frank Ahern, Patrick E. Borba, William A. Mammini, Frank F. Steinkamp, Warren Mirri, Terry 1. Battaglia, Richard A. Padreddii, Leo Damonte, Emanuele N. Borba, William A. Mirri, Terry 1. Acosta, Ronald G. Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri 5/6/82-5/4/83 Addiego, Mark N. 1984 5/5/83-11/9/84 (18 months) Haffey, Richard A. 1985 Teglia, Roberta Cerri 1986 Addiego, Mark N. 1987 Drago, Jack 1988 Teglia, Roberta Cerri 1989 Haffey, Richard A. 1990 Drago, Jack 1991 Penna, John R. 1992 Teglia, Robelia Cerri 1993 F ernekes, Joseph A. 1994 Yee, Robert 1995 Drago, Jack 1996 Fernekes, Joseph A. 1997 Mullin, Eugene R. 1998 Datzman, James L. 1999 Matsumoto, Kary I 2000 Fernekes, Joseph A. 2001 Mullin, Eugene R 2002 Gonzalez, Pedro 2003 Matsumoto, Kary I 2004 Green, Raymond L. 2005 Fernekes, Joseph A. 2006 Garbarino, Richard A. 2007 Gonzalez, Pedro 2008 1956-1959 1959-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1965 1965-1967 1968 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 City of South San Francisco Elected Official Roster . CITY COUNCIL Hays, Ivan 04/21/44 Rocca, Andrew 04/15/58 Only years when Council Members Elder, Charles Cortesi, Emilio changed are shown Boido, Victor Ryan, Leo J. Minucciani, Michael Ahern, Patrick E. Minnucciani, Michael 04/16/28 Holston, George W. (Mayor) Rozzi, Guido J. (Mayor) Lloyd, Reese Hynding, Andrew Anderson, G. replaced Hays 10/01/45 Rozzi, Guido J 04/20/59 Tibbetts, Roderick Cortesi, Emilio Eschelbach, Albert J. (Mayor) Sani, Adolph 04/16/46 Ryan, Leo 1. Holston, George W. Ahern, Patrick E. Boido, Victor 04/21/30 Elder, Charles K. Rocca, Andrew (Mayor) Lloyd, Reese Cortesi, Emilio Minucciani, Michael Ferko, Leo (Mayor) Ahern, Patrick E. 04/19/60 Tibbetts, Roderick Rozzi, Guido J. Quinlan, Joseph P. (Mayor) Cortesi, Emilio 04/20/48 Ryan, Leo J. Elder, Charles COliesi, Emilio Boido, Victor 04/16/34 Boido, Victor Rocca, Andrew (Mayor) Tibbetts, Roderick Sani, Adolph Quinlan, Joseph P. Ferko, Leo (Mayor) Ahern, Patrick E. 04/17/61 Minucciani, Michael Rocca, Andrew Lloyd, Reese (Mayor) Boido, Victor 04/18/50 Ryan, Leo J. Bracco, Joseph J. Cortesi, Emilio Mager, J replaced Quinlan 03/18/35 Elder, Charles Rozzi, Guido J. (Mayor) Cortesi, Emilio Mager, John F 04/20/36 Sani, Adolph (Mayor) Ahem, Patrick E. 04/17/62 Boido, Victor Rocca, Andrew Eschelbach, Albert J. Noonan, John 06/05/52 Cortesi, Emilio Minucciani, Michael Smith, Telford L. Rozzi, Guido J. Ratto, David W. (Mayor) Sani, Adolph Ryan, Leo J. (Mayor) Bracco, Joseph J. Boido, Victor 04/18/38 Cortesi, Emilio (Mayor) Bertucelli replaced Ahern 01/07/63 Tibbetts, Roderick Ahern, Patrick replaced Ryan (Mayor) Minucciani, Michael Bosworth, George 04/20/54 Ratto, David W. Lucchio, Francis Bertucelli, Frank 04/21/64 Eschelbach, Albert J. (Mayor) Noonan, John Cortesi, Emilio Cortesi, Emilio Rozzi, Guido J. Ratto, David W. 04/15/40 Smith, Telford L. (Mayor) Rocca, Andrew Boido, Victor Ahern, Patrick E. (Mayor) Lloyd, Reese Rocca replaced Bosworth 09/7/54 Tibbetts, Roderick Gamlen, R. replaced Noonan Cortesi, Emilio 04/05/65 Ho lston, George W. (Mayor) Rozzi, Guido J. Ryan, Leo 04/17/56 Rocca, Andrew Boido, Victor 04/21/42 Cortesi, Emilio Ahern, Patrick E. Minucciani, Michael Lucchio, Francis Bertucelli, Frank (Mayor) Ho lston, George Rocca, Andrew Lloyd, Reese Rozzi, Guido J. (Mayor) Ratto, David W. (Mayor) S:\Election\Historic List of Mayor Council Treas and Clerk\Historical Elected Officials Roster .doc Page 2 of5 Rocca, Andrew Bertucelli, Frank Cortesi, Emilio Rozzi, Guido J. Ahern, Patrick E. Rocca, Andrew Ahern, Patrick E. Mammini, Frank Steinkamp, Warren Bertucelli, Frank Beliucelli, Frank Mammini, Frank Steinkamp, Warren Borba, William A. Ahern, Patrick E. Bertucelli, Frank Mmnmini, Frank Steinkamp, Warren Ahern, Patrick E. Borba, William A. Ahern, Patrick E. Boblitt, Gordon Borba, William A. Steinkamp, Warren Mmnmini, Frank F. City of South San Francisco Elected Official Roster 04/03/67 Damonte, Emanuele Borba, William A. Mirri, Terry J. Battaglia, Richard Padreddii, Leo 03/09/7 6 (Mayor) (Mayor) 04/16/68 Borba, William A. 03/09/77 Mirri, Terry 1. Battaglia, Richard Padreddii, Leo Damonte, Emanuele N. (Mayor) (Mayor) 04/21/70 Mirri, Terry J. 03/14/78 Acosta, Ronald G Teglia, Roberta Cerri Damonte, Emanuele Borba, William A. (Mayor) (Mayor) 04/05/71 Acosta, Ronald G. 03/21/79 Borba, William A. Damonte, Emanuele Teglia, Robelia Cerri Mirri, Terry J. (Mayor) (Mayor) 04/18/72 Addiego, Mark N. 04/15/80 Damonte, Emanuele Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri Acosta, Ronald G. (Mayor) (Mayor) 1973 BEGAN THE ANNUAL ROTATION OF MAYOR Mirri, Terry J. ~teinkamp, Warren 3attaglia, Richard vIammini, Frank )adreddii, Leo ~teinkamp, Warren vIirri, Terry 1. OS/29/73 (Mayor) Addiego, Mark N. 04/15/81 Damonte, Emanuele Acosta, Ronald Teglia, Roberta Cerri Nicolopulos, Gus (Mayor) 03/12/7 4 Addiego, Mark N. 05/05/82 Damonte, Emanuele Acosta, Ronald Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri (Mayor) (Mayor) vIammini, Frank 03/18/7 5 )adreddii, Leo ;teinkamp, Warren vIirri, Terry J. 3attaglia, Richard A. (Mayor) ALL ELECTED TERMS EXTENDED 19 MONTHS BY ORDINANCE - SENATE BILL 230 ;:\Election\Historic List of Mayor Council Treas and Clerk\Historical Elected Officials Roster .doc >age 3 of 5 Damonte, Emanuele 05/04/83 Teglia, Robelia Cerri Nicolopolus, Gus Acosta, Ronald Addiego, Mark (Mavor 18 mts) Addiego, Mark N. 11/18/85 Drago, Jack Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri Haffey, Richard A. (Mayor) Addiego, Mark N. 04/23/86 Drago, Jack Haffey, Richard A. Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri (Mayor) Drago, Jack 11/14/86 Haffey, Richard A. Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri Addiego, Mark N. (Mayor) Addiego, Mark N. 11/03/87 Haffey, A. Richard Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri Drago, Jack (Mayor) Addiego, Mark N. 11/23/88 Drago, Jack Haffey, Richard A. Nicolopulos, Gus Teglia, Roberta Cerri (Mayor) Drago, Jack 11/22/89 Nicolopulos, Gus Penna, John R. Teglia, Roberta Cerri Haffey, Richard A. (Mayor) Haffey, Richard A. 11/22/90 Nicolopulos, Gus Penna, John R. Teglia, Roberta Cerri Drago, Jack (Mayor) Drago, Jack l1/27/91 Fernekes, Joseph A. Nicolopulos, Gus retired 05/01/92 Teglia, Robelia Cerri Penna, John R. (Mayor) Robert Yee appointed to fill unexpired (enn of Gus Nicolopulos on 6/10/92 Drago, Jack 11/25/92 F ernekes, Joseph A. Penna, John R. Yee, Robert Teglia, Roberta Cerri (Mayor) Drago, Jack 11/23/93 Penna, John R. Teglia, Roberta Cerri Yee, Robert Fernekes, Joseph A. (Mayor) ^lOV 1994 ELECTION CANCELLED rnsufficient Candidates Drago, Jack 11/23/94 Fernekes, Joseph A. Penna, John R. feglia, Roberta Cerri Yee, Robert (Mayor) Fernekes, Joseph A. 12/02/95 Mullin, Eugene R. Penna, John R. Yee, Robert Drago, Jack (Mayor) vIullin, Eugene R. 12/02/96 )enna, John R. '{ ee, Robert Drago, Jack resigned 12/2/96 4'ernekes, Joseph A. (Mayor) Tames 1. Datzman appointed to fill the mexpired term of Jack Drago 1/8/97 City of South San Francisco Elected Official Roster Penna, John R Fernekes,JosephA. Matsumoto, Kary I Datzman, James L. Mullin, Eugene R. 12/02/97 (Mayor) Fernekes,JosephA. Penna, John R. Mullin, Eugene R. Matsumoto, Kary I Datzman, James L. 12/09/98 (Mayor) Penna, John R. 11/02/99 Mullin Eugene R. Datzman, James L. resigned 5/4/00 Fernekes, Joseph Matsumoto, Karyl (Mayor) Pedro Gonzalez appointed to fill unexpired term of James 1. Datzman OS/24/00 Gonzalez, Pedro Matsumoto, Kary I Penna, John Mullin, Eugene Fernekes, Joseph 11/29/00 (Mayor) Green, Raymond L. Gonzalez, Pedro Matsumoto, Kary I F ernekes, Joseph Mullin, Eugene R. 11/6/01 (Mayor) Fernekes, Joseph 11/20/02 Green, Raymond L. Mullin, Eugene R. resigned 11/20/02 Matsumoto, Karyl Gonzalez, Pedro (Mayor) Richard A. Garbarino, Sr. appointed tofill unexpired term of Eugene R. Mullin, 12/18/02 ;:\Election\Historic List of Mayor Council Treas and Clerk\Historical Elected Officials Roster .' >age 4 of5 Fernekes, Joseph 11/19/03 Garbarino, Richard A. Gonzalez, Pedro Green, Raymond L. Matsumoto, Karyl (Mayor) Fernekes, Joseph 11/17/04 Garbarino, Richard A. Gonzalez, Pedro Matsumoto, Karyl Green, Raymond L. (Mayor) Addiego, Mark 12/06/05 Garbarino, Richard A. Gonzalez, Pedro Matsumoto, Kary I Fernekes, Joseph (Mayor) Addiego, Mark 12/5/06 F ernekes, Joseph Gonzalez, Pedro Matsumoto, Kary I Garbarino, Richard A. (Mayor) Addiego, Mark 12/4/07 Garbarino, Richard A. Matsumoto, Karyl Mullin, Kevin Gonzalez, Pedro (Mayor) CITY CLERKS Mason, Thomas 1908-1910 Smith, Wm. J. 1910-1920 McSweeney, Daniel 1920-1945 Ottenfield, Elizabeth 1945-1946 Hyland, Daniel 1. 1946-1952 Rodondi, Arthur 1952-1978 Pettigrew, Margaret M. 1978-1979 Battaya, Barbara 1979-1998 Payne, Sylvia M. 1999-2007 Krista Martinelli-Larson 2007- CITY TREASURERS Kauffmann, C.L. 1908-1914 Kauffinann, Edward P. * 1914-1964 Bonalanza, John J. 1964-1985 *Edward Philip Kauffmann City of South San Francisco Elected Official Roster Ford, Beverly Bonalanza1986-2003 Battaglia, Richard A. 2003- ;:\Election\Historic List of Mayor Council Treas and Clerk\Historical Elected Officials Roster .doc )age 5 of 5