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Genentech Partially Revised Draft Master EIR 03-28-2007
CITY OF SOUTH SAN FI~;ANCISCO GENENTECH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT EXPANSION/CORPORATE FACILITIES MASTER PLAN UPDATE Partially Revised Draft Master Enviror~ental Impact Report Revised Section 4.7 - Traffic and Circulation Prepared by: City of South San >EYancisco 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, California 94080 December 11, 2006 ~ar~al~orm~esr Cam YRf~ CW~Q~i ""~~ ~ ~ ~ DATE RECOMMENDED: .~ 1~ 1 ~, r~o1 DATE APPROVED: I, _IO~r_ ~, 'Lg", ?~jp -7 CITY OF SOUTH SAN F1~;ANCISCO GENENTECH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT EXPANSION/CORPORATE FACILITIES MASTER PLAN UPDATE Partially Revised Draft Master Enviromnental Impact Report Revised Section 4.7 -Traffic and Circulation Prepared by: City of South San Francisco 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, California 94080 December 11, 2006 INTRODUCTION As a means of _rovicing clarif cation_to~and in re~o~zse to. comments=received ~n,__the Drat ~Ias_ter EIIt f~rS~s~~t~_rl~,~o~,o?~te __..F_a_~ ] i~t'~s__R. ~s~r~h ~._~1~~e1~2bment Over _ ~ x~r~si~ a~ Vl~~tez _ ~~-.I~-~~~~t~ Plan U~ate~DMEIR~, the follown,~~al revisions are hereby made to Section 4.7 of the Dl'1rIE ~d r~ircula~~Lfor li~re~i~s~nt to CFOA T ~~eLr,es Section 1088_5.' Pursuant ~o Section 1508$.5(c~~and because substantial_changes to the ~i~I~ are limited to__Section 4_.7~r11~ the follo~ln,~t_e_xt is being recirculated for u~ublic review, As such. reviewers are re nested to li???i~~th~ss4~e.~f~h~ cc~r~m~n~~ ~ho~~ iss~z~s~el~g_ts>e~t~or~~.7_._~hn e~t~~het ~f~e ]~=MEIIt.....are sl~mifiec~._b.y ~txkeolzts ~hexe__x~Yt ha~_~een_r~mQve _ ~_as_?c~b_~ d~u%l.~~n~rlui~ ~yher~~~xt_has }been. a~c~ed_ This ~ntro~u~_don__i4clusi~s_sl~~£o~~i,n~ -_ o,_ A discussion=of this Parttal_revision_ of the draft environmental impact re ort RDi1riEZR and f~na`l~R ~~c~ g c~escnPton of the CE(~~4 rer~LUrements fU_r r~~rculation an~c re~sie~n of a _ortton ctf a~I, IVIF,IR; R~zn~wn~ssue~ ra.i~e~in commen~s_recelvgc~~n the DI~IIt t~i~t_warr~n~artial~l~I~IR re n~s~c~n and_recirculauonl.dnd ~_A s,marv of_reyi~es~im~~~ts=and midi ~is~n_m~~s~r~~_~ns,~i~ve1~ Qf_sig~if~c~ns~_~~ntifie~ ~n~~ revised analysis: PRDMEIR Review and Fina! EIR Process This PR.I?MEIR_is bein circulated_for_~blie review and comment nn the new and r revise~ana~es of the traffic and circulat~~n_imnacts_acidressed in this_ ocument. F on com etion of the,_~ubhc_rev_s~w ~erir~d~a_Fna~Master E~iVIEIR~_w~11 be ire tired==that.tn~ludes res~o__nses to.comments re~ive~Qn ~his_I'_i~M~~Ii~and on th~N~_I__R~exce~-~f~~ t~io._~~.: ~~ti~ri~en~ss~_~li~ DIVIFTR than address~Qt~i~ ~s~~s~esl in th_i~I'K~M~IR, -- Gornn?ents received on the DM iR rP1~~d to the_to~ics ad~~ssed in h' ad_m_i~st_ra~e recorc~~n~ hay~~~~.c~~id~resl in bTena~r~ng=this PRDMFI~ HoweVPr~ursuan~~o S~~ ~~a~d~n~s~es~n.~1__~088 5~ 2~ ~s~~z~ev of ~Jp~c~~d s~m~n~ts_that r~lare to h;s SP~tion 4 7 r~_c~n~?tre~uir~.,~ r~~~_o_~~~.~_~ X11 n~x~e._a__c~_r_~~~~cj n_= _~h_e ~i'1~F_IR_CCszmm~~t~received_on the niti I?~IR that_sQa~~exli tQ~ic~ rlc~ad r S er3=in this FRi?1VIF.IR~~~~?~,~rsQih r ~ n of c1 as ~=T l a -- - ---- ~oxxaxx~ex~ts_r~c~iy~ _~n-thi~.._P~~r~ _tlzat ~Qn~=r.~ i~~ r t d__~,__tlu~_PI;I?i~I_~_~ll._b_e. ins~us~c~~a3,Qn~~,~h.r~s~c n~~ in he FM~IR~ _Th~_~'-F_~<~1_~__~c3.~lin~.~~re~Q.c~fi~ci..~x._~lifomi~~osLe_Qt Iteti~n.~ title 14 ~~t~~r~~1~0~_.~t_~_c~, Genentech Corporate Factlllles Master EIR Parftal Revision ~ Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts CEQA Requirements R~1~y~,t_~ortion~ c~_~;~_~t~~~Lnee Section 150$$ 5 f4x~~ocec of this. PRi?~I~R incl~sl~th~ ~IlQ~-~ ja~~-dad-Mgr.~r~-i'r~ir.v~cir~l~te_ar~Elg~h~nfuau~rt~¢tm~~R,r_~d~Qthe E,I~er~~bli~_rtQlzr~ t~¢f the auaflabili~n~the draft EIR f liublic reviely under Section 15087 but brfore cerlafcation As used in ter section._ the terra. `%fotzttation".can irtclud~h~nges zra the,ect or en_v_imnmental set ~ n~ae avell.as additional data or i~o~t_~2n. Ne?v~ rmatzon added town EIR rs not "sinnifcant"unless the EIR is c i t ~t ~e r ' r~ ~._Q~a rrleanFn~rluutli~~o_LOmment~otl_a substantr_'al adverse environmental r~~~the~~ect~ e, ~~ to mttigate~a~ suc~an effeeffect (inclt~dltt,2.r~~~.~zgiect alternatives that the firoiect's ~~ione ~s have declined to ~e ~a~t__ne~_ ' rn~aati~rr''.r~n~la~lort.Incl~rd~.~o~e~car~le.__a..d~~,~~sho~~n~tl?~: ~1~~_~tt! sigma,~.ca2t~e_t~vimnment~~¢~d~,r1~t frym_ _th~:~,m a neat/ mitigation me~trssz ~?~~osed to be im~inte~_ _..___ ~? ~ ~~~tantz~l_.increase in_the st:_:Q~t~envirrrnmental fm_ tact avould~,~~sll~snles_- s miti~atio~~s~t~ ted that reduc~~he~act to a level of lbsgt~nce ~fe~sshle_i~~ct~lt~rr~tlv~~r~ti~s~~er~rur~_~onsiderably deratlaersr~! ~~,~ret~tl~e~sg~tfit~envimnmental imba~~~iect,~ut the t~mi~~ ~ro~onents decline to adoot~t it. ~~ ~~c~nula~Q~tz~~ze~~vb~_tf~~ rr~Qr~ a~~~fze_EII~mez~l~~,~z_an 1~ ~s~s tt ~ ant~r 411£ t2t_a~1 adE~rfale E,~ ~F _j ~ ~~ ri a ' n'~d~_a~~ 4t~ or onions oche EIR the le apeniv ne~rl~tt ~ ~r late t~ ters or ~nr~r~~~~_mQ~a ~~==~~ ~'~~the_.EII~ is_r~vssed on~itlirt and the leud~ it recirrsr_la~ts_i_g only the revised chatters or tortions ofthe ~_lhe lead _ e~m~ rea;ue,~hat revieavers limit their comments to the revised chatters or onions Qfthe recirzulated EIR_T.h~leud ~~enEy ne~d~st~o~ nd to ~) comments receive durinn the initial cirzulation t~errod that relate to chatters or . orfiians o the document that.tt~re not a~~~ed and r~sslated~ ant _ u cvtr~ments _r~eeived~'srring #f~e rre~ircul~vn erocl ~_- -:~ _ tb1xt rrelate~_ tf,~~hr,~c~~ortionc of thn P~rI~Pr FTR that n~rrP rpviced and recirculated The lead ~e~ __ u _„ t ~t rerrieavers~mlt the sco_te o_f thei~omments shall be Included either avithin the text of the revised EIR. or by an attachment to the revised EIR. ~I~hen recir__ ir_ _a~v~'~~EIR. ei~ in avhole or in a the lead apency shall in the revised EIK or by inn ~c~liment~,~h_~r~viced~Z~... suvnmari~~ tb~ revisiortr made to the ~e~l~I~Z~ Genentech Corporate Fac111Hes Master EIR Partial Revision Partially Revised 4 T4.-T Issues Reauirina DMEIR Revision and Recirculation 1~~__~4_~~s~s~~.~za.~~e~~i~tech=_7E~.4ses.~~_aZ~_I2~r oom itt=Aver y__ Distri~r_~_`ni~rriet'; an u~%c~~t~c~--C_ e~~n~~h _illl~er_T_'__1_~n~`_~._ster_~'~n~ v~~re~n~ze__c~in_ __~ _~1~LFIR in A st 2006 thatwas ~? circulated ~1gr,~_stat~~~~e~~~ and made availa~~Q ~e_ n~,(~or ~~~ ~Y review and ~ulZli~~o~nt~~eriodlz~t~~~z~~t_Z$~~44~i~n d_QctQb~r__11_. ~445~.._.~tQt~_a~~Q_com_rnent_ Ott were r~y~s~~,~i~?ii~_xh~~~mm~n~_~~ris1~_~~~tiQn_all. _~_in~.r~.st~d~vis~t~ai_ss~ r~en~ed ~?n~h~ TAI"~~the Pl~_nnins~~or~m~sion~blic m~e__tu_g_c~n O_ .o ~r~~_~0~ Iz1~}~ course of~~ebar~es~c?rlses to coestis_anain di~~ussion~with agencies it bec_ ame ab~a the zt was n~e~s,~r~ to_~lariff~th~traffic and circ~ar~c~n~n~a-cts. 7Ch-e fro osed brs~~ would ex~n~ xh~~~ech ~e~eatckt-<~~~vel~~z~t_4v~xl~~-I~~st,~~~_d~;se~enentech's office r~eh acid ~~yel~n_a~a~~ua~uf~~~as~~~_w~,La~az~~~ides~ - . a,ncl ~atking_srructure~lfso_~2.$ nzi~i n ua~£~~ii ~Q~,.~rc~ millt~~c~re~~hen com lerP~l ~~~~= ~ - A~ a~~sult r~f~ cu__sion~w ti h _the C~~lif~_~na_D~ artm~nt~f Tran~~rtatior~_~C.~tt~ari~'~a~well as a sor~rr?e~_1et~ex__f~t~txl=~a~~t1~c~~txed_o~z~~G_~~~e_~i#~?~rmined ha a a 'fi anon ofd traffic ..related im~s,cts_was necessar r~to be. consistent with other_ re~icznal ~1-gists. To this end __the _Gtg has re_~n _es~traffic_m~ae~s, ~c2x~9r~ n~ur d~~ta_~tat=r~fl et~m~acts nera ~~ 1~4 r r~-~n-~1~' =~,~oYed-~~ets_ic~_~h _~~=-~c~~~i~~allh~~t~_ha~ cQn±~i rc_ec~a c n An sis ("Svnchr ' t_h~t._~~n~in~lude~i_in the.....~I~IR, ~'h--e-~~. -i-s: ~ir~t~`~tn~n~ _ -s ~'R~M~IZ_a_v~ble to solicit comments on h revise traffic and ci~_ula~n _~nal~sis in this_ document__=The City. will respond to written comments subrr_n'tted ~'-d~-t,~~'' .~~_n~-h~~al ~IR~r ~hs_ . ~Q~C~, ~Oi2?2~1_~~1tS Su~1TLtter~ in reS O ~e to ~ir~~zl_atiQn_Qf ; - ~ a'R~_li'1~IR._on_:sub.}e~t~ nQ.~~nal~zed_in th~PR~M~IR~rill_b~ csZnsisLered but in ~9r~i~e~v;t;1-CE01~~.ui_'__~ltn_ sect~n,_15088.~~{~~2~,~wri_~t~r_~_r~.- .Qnses w'Il nod ~h~c__-__~_ c_~r~r_n_e~ A~~. ummarv of the Revised Impacts Mitigation Measures and Levels of Significance The revised r~f~ ~~ ra~,s~ row a1on~ vn_~h~o~9sed miti~arion~nd sfica_nt G2~clusions are c~i~~us~d.._in.._..det~il_n~h~R~vi~~d_~ec~i~n_4 7 .GS~~~.ingchh~rein__T~bl~ --i~?R~7M~IR-1 _..s~mmariz_~s_th~ impacts miti~tion measures ar,~~evels of si~nifica_nce IdPnr,~P~ ;~Re~,ise~ection 4 7 Table ~RJ~M~II~-1~is~ ins~icates~vh th~r' th~.~ar~ular im~ac~wa~ id~r tified~~~ig~ifican.~in~ ~re~4u~l~ ~i~ulaSe_c~_._D_ME_TR~~r ~hethe~it i_s a-_.new_si~ifirant_im~act_ Whether a_~articular mi_ _'on mea_s_ure.is d~r~ved from the East _~ ~p1 ~t~v or is~~~_~>~tiQn xiea~r_e~_ n~ts~e i_in. a z~thgt~'sal. contained 'n e i act dission in~h~~abl~ Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision 3 $ ~ ~ ° c c ~ ~, Z C N V W N ~ 0 J J J J ~ ~ O 'C C '_ O . .. Q ~ 7 d)~ o O 7 fCl ~ ~ 2 'o la •--• N p X~ C N N ~ d N O O .~.. O d ' O U ~ C N ~ ~ N R ~ L ~ '_ v, N ° ~ m~ °' > f0 ~ d H C E w Q a>i o •~ m o N 3 ~ ~ Z N 7 0 ~ <„) C N 7 Q m E ~ w _ ~ 7 C~ O C C y f >6 O F. C O C D O>~ R 'D c6 d a~ N ~ ~ C ti N y E a .~ m c v ~ v E n~ o ca W - Z ~ c~ O C R ~ o m o o c O O >. C C ~ 4' ~ ~0 C3 w 'C to ~ ~ f6 O d N L ~ ~ W ~ h o 3 c c m d °' m U ~ .D > CJ 7 > m v t ~ c c N o ca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ O O p T C R N IC C . N 0 ~ c^ 3 m ~L H o ° ' o C7 (d N C (O V C N C 0) C lC C ~ N "O C pl. ~ ~ X C U . O U ° ~ O' C d C :o - d ~ O ~L d ~ n ~ 'v E ca ~ '3 a :° y ~ m v ~ rn c r' N O N~ C N N O N~ C C ° ~ m N ~+ O : N ~^ L- O p) Z 'c to O C ~° o c~ m p t N O ~ N 7 O) N - ~' O c is O t Cf C ~ p L . . ~ ~ ~ = N d M ~ C O7 v ~ v d v~ o E ~ U Q 7 c w nQ 3~ ~ Q ti v ~ o . ~ w w ~ ~ U ~ 8 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ N~ d~>~ C ~^O.. 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O ~ d N C (O fA /6 M N N ~ y n D L O 'C N d ~ d U N U N U f6 U N d ~ Z~~ E C C C C C . . ~- N N C O C O C O C O C O O U N ~ U f~6 CO (V ~ r N p 0 fn A 01 p p O) ° ~ a`~~ 'E .~ E E E ~ ^ z° z° z° z° z° '~ $ • ~ cn v~ cn J cn J cn J d J J 7 fN0 ~ I~~~ N 7 ~ y N p G .~ N °~ 3 W ~ ° m rte,' m 0 3~ m D 3 m -' . 3 min .u, O U. 3° O~ p 3 rn E ' ' ' ' ° ' • ' • ~ cca 'O^ E o m ~ .n !~ n~~ nc ° rn o ~ .y °-v°i v o n n E i~ o_ S - - nd ~,E o m n~ o rn nom c 4_- ~ o_ -p `.K C U~ C N ~ N d . ~ N ~~ d N ~ N N C N N N y O~~ ~~ C aN V U N_ E . d N t d~ N O~~ ~ N C y ~ C C1• ~ ~ p d d N 0 7` N~ 7 ' N p O .r'+. O~ ~ O' O` O N O'U ~ U nn4:~ ~ Ul N O_~.0.. ..,, ~ NN d O_NH nU np O y n m n C C N +~ S L c C) ~ ~ ~ O C c ~ ~ - N N ry ~ C N p ~ ~" N~ `' E ..~.7 fA p) d N >, ~ ~ O_ cC N ~7 'V ~6p +'~.+ c O Q p O Z j •p t6 'p ~ p . O N E p O~ O~ (6 Q O p~ ~ C O O p u CO E C N 'C N .~. 7 cL 3 C~~ C C C N 'O N C y c n N c> • p ~ ~ a~ c 3 :c p w. co .4 -~ p s € `o m •~ E c ~ -v ~ .'n y w ~ O> L X V N m c c ~~ ' C °- ~ uNi '~ y c ~ a b ~ y ~ a i v ~ m m ca > n E~ ~> n 3 E a~ y in E~ m ° ~ E m m y ~' ai °•' i a E~ a~ o n E~> E y . Vl E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 c E v 7 ~ ° y ~ R v ~~ m H ' ~i H~ ~ m c >, C 3 y ~ N =O ~ '~ 7 0 j N N N y i d "O N N C .N N p N c+f C C N C U d' ~ p ~ Cp N C E• N N IA C N C B . . t0 l6 . N U ~ ti d 3 ~ ~ cv a? ~?,o Q ~~ C~ l6 ~ ~ y R V1 ~ C A• ~ d' j ~ ~a~~~ N c0 r N ~ rn~ p am U N c ~ O N ~ ~ ~ y c E ~ E c ~ ~ co ~ O ~ ~ •y O f w~ ° N ~ .y IE w y IC ~ y ~ ~+ L ' ~ ° n u N o p N !O N C U o d d > C. (6 L o G C d p !O O..-. f0 C A~ O..-. ~ C..-. 01 ~ (C ai d. '~ U ° ~ y E c C7 > N E .~' E 3 E ~ ~ -~ ' E °c ~ E °c °~ .S ~ E c ?~ c u0i ~ Chapter 4 Environmental Anotysls .REVISED SECTION 4.7 TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION This section describes the existing transportation and circulation facilities and services in the vicinity of the MEIR Study Area and describes whether implementation of the proposed project would have the potential to cause adverse impacts to existing and future transportation and traffic conditions. One comment letter related to transportation and circulation was received from the California Public Utilities Commission regarding Rail Safety in response to the December 9, 2005, Revised Notice of Preparation (NOP) circulated for the project. In addition, no comments were received at the public scoping meeting held January 17, 2006. The NOP and comment letters are included in Appendix A of the MEIR. 4.7.1 Existing Conditions This section provides an assessment of existing conditions (as of December 2005) in the MEIR Study Area, including a description of the street and highway system, existing traffic conditions, operating conditions of the selected study intersections, transit service, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Roadway Network The MEIR Study Area would be served primarily by Oyster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue, with connections to Gull Drive, Forbes Boulevard, and Grandview Drive. Regional access would be provided by U.S. 101. Figure 4.7-1 displays the existing roadway network in the vicinity of the ME1R Study Area, as well as the intersections studied in this traffic analysis. Figure 4.7-2 displays the freeway mainline segments studied in this traffic analysis. Regional Access Regional access to and from the MEIR Study Area is provided primarily by U.S. 101. ]n the vicinity of the project, U.S. 101 is an eight-lane freeway, with auxiliary lanes north and south of Oyster Point Boulevard in the northbound direction, and in the southbound direction north of Oyster Point Boulevard. U.S. 101 is a major north/south highway through the state of California, extending from San Francisco to Los Angeles. U.S. 101 serves as a major commuter route between San Francisco and South Bay/Peninsula. In the vicinity of the ME1R Study Area, U.S. 101 has southbound on-ramps from Dubuque Avenue and Produce Avenue, and off-ramps to Oyster Point Boulevard, Miller Avenue, and South Airport Boulevard. Access to and from northbound U.S. 101 is provided with on-ramps from Dubuque Avenue, Airport Boulevard, and South Airport Boulevard, and off-ramps to Dubuque Avenue, East Grand Avenue, and South Airport Boulevard. Average daily traffic along U.S. 101 in the MEIR Study Area is approximately 200,000 vehicles.2 2 Caltrans 2005 Traffsi Volxmer on California Higbnayr (Calttans 2005). I ~~ Genentech Corporate Facllllles Master EIR Partial Revision Parfiaity Revised 4.74 Local Access Oyster Point Boulevazd is a two- to six-lane arterial n,nn;ng in the east/west direction. Serving as a connector to U.S. 101, this roadway is the primary source of local access to and from the northern portion of the MEIR Study Area. In the City of South San Francisco General Plan (General Plan), C-yster Point Boulevard is classified as a major arterial between U.S. 101 and Marina Boulevard and as minor arterial west of Marina Boulevard. Within the MEIR Study Area, C-yster Point Boulevard has six lanes west of Gateway Boulevard, four lanes between Gateway and Marina Boulevards, and two lanes east of Marina Boulevard. Birycle lanes are provided in both directions along the length of this roadway. Gateway Boulevard is a four-lane arterial n,nning in a north/south direction. This roadway serves as a primary linkage between C-yster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue. South of Mitchell Avenue, Gateway Boulevard merges with South Airport Boulevard. In the General Plan, Gateway Boulevard is classified as a major arterial Grand Avenue runs across the City of South San Francisco in an east/west direction. Grand Avenue is a six-lane arterial east of Airport Boulevard, and a two lane arterial west of Airport Boulevard. To the east of U.S. 101, Grand Avenue is called East Grand Avenue. This roadway serves as one of the two connectors providing access in South San Francisco between areas east and west of U.S. 101. This roadway also functions as a primary commuter route for the East of 101 Area. According to the General Plan, Grand Avenue is classified as a major arterial to the east of U.S. 101 and as a minor arterial to the west of U.S.101. Airport Boulevard is a four-lane arterial running along the west side of U.S. 101 in a north/south direction. This roadway continues north into the City of Brisbane and the City of San Francisco, where it is called Bayshore Boulevard. South of San Mateo Avenue, Airport Boulevard merges with Produce Avenue. In the General Plan, Airport Boulevard is classified as a major arterial East Grand Avenue is a four- to six-lane arterial n,nning across the City of South San Francisco in an east/west direction. This roadway serves as one of the two connectors providing access in South San Francisco betaveen areas east and west of U.S. 101. To the west of U.S. 101, East Grand Avenue is called Grand Avenue and the connection across U.S. 101 is provided by the East Grand Avenue over-crossing. This roadway also functions as a primary commuter route for the East of 101 Area, and provides the primary access to and from the southern portion of the MEIR Study Area. East Grand Avenue has six lanes between the U.S. 101 northbound off-ramp and the East Grand Avenue over-crossing, and four lanes extending east from the East Grand Avenue over-crossing. According to the General Plan, East Grand Avenue is classified as a major arterial to the east of U.S. 101 and as a minor arterial to the west of U.S. 101. San Mateo Avenue is a two-lane roadway n,nn;ng across the City of South San Francisco in a north/south direction. San Mateo Avenue travels from Airport Boulevard near U.S. 101 in the north to State Route 82 (El Camino Real) in the City of San Bruno to the south. Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIRJ'arttai Revision 13 L v C ~--~ W °; ~~ 1 ~ i ~' _ v i ~ ~~ 3 v 3 ° a ~ c -- ~ ' 1 i L O L 7 ~ 1~~ „~~~ ,~ c ~ c a O / ~ ~ ~ v ai v l7 J C7 ~ •\ ~~ I ...............J v ~ / ,, I 1...1 o ~ ~ 1 ~ r~~~ / 1 1 C~ C C / 1 ~ v .O 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 = j U m m u v v c ~ ~ /_ / ~ v V N O J y L L N Q cn i~r~ • 1 I _- '1 u v ~o T N OJ C c c ~ ~~n • 1~ / 'a~, i 1 vvg~ E l7 l7 rv w / ed roga,>, c 1 a ti,b 1 0 ~ - c '~ i • ; • ~ ~ ~ i 1 1 ~ 11 r1 ~ • ' 1 1 `Y' ~ • ~~ ~ E, v, c ° ~, ~ c0 ~ , - U , ~ _ 1, ~'~~ I5 ` O J 0 ~ bS a~ 1 F~~ -~tl:.11'iM9 ~ d N \ y r N CC M ~\ pp j • • ~ O LL O 'F V J a. m ~ • N ~b • ~ ~~°oe~o• M R ~ N i ~ x • r ~d c~ .~.vh bOGcvn C O N n ~ ~~ ' ~ Gf6 '~ ~ R U ~ • M C ~ r+ U N ~ ~ • 7b U N ~ ~ _ 3 ~' _ ~ - 16 y~Yb~ • r r -. ~ ~ ~ ~ C C Q} v • ~ ~ ~ ~ v • r ~ • `~ r J ~ ._ N v ~ •00 ~ ~ ~ ° •~ LEGEND yvmb old< ~ <p 1--~ Mainline Locations a ~~ 0 Brisbane ~~ m Blvd c San Bruno Mouniaui State Park o, ~~ ~' Serra po~~~ Pky G ~c m Nd~s~de %d F ~~ P ~°~ `0 ~ock A ve xt a as Nem y;~tS;ae ~~ (arch pmt` ~~ y~i S~Ster C m ~ s ~ pa ities 8tvd ~ Q 3 6/vo, Sign Hdl Park h s U Q a 0~, Oyster Point Blvd ari na 8 ~•td P$k ~ ,+ e M ~ ~ ath cue ay Pve Ln o Q Q ~ ~ Qr~ a ~~J cue ~ 3rd ~~ p tililter Av n O c ~e~m~ ~o e Baden Av Grad ~ South San 101 e n Ave o rancisco ~a Forbes Blvd 2~ ~ t 2n ~m~s Cn d Ln m~ 3rd ~ G~ Ave ~ a m pc Q' Railrpad Ave ~m ~ -o E Cr ~vle ~oc ~. a~a'9 ~m O MaY/air ~ ~t Av ~ B ~ ~ a m ~ ~ n e o f~ ~~ ~ :,ar, ~ Q- U n, t ~~ q> e anat N .~~ ~ St s ~a'~~ , a ~: w Swift Ave San r"rancs~o Say ~ Q ~L _~ ~~ ~. .. ~ N ~ JG2 Q Q' ~d Qt ~¢~ C O a m Q Q ~ ~ 6 ~ o `~ ~ma c 3 ~ ~`ar pve o,,/2 a C~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ y ,. ~/,`~ mC G ~ O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oa ? Shaw Rd ~~~o ~% ~ ~., o- m ~~ O~ N ~ ? ' ;;, i N Access Rd ~atia ~° ~ Q ~~ ~ ~ ~ `~, ~`f l ~ Q~ati a`r ~,~ d~ ~ See ~~ - - . - 82 ~~ Walnut St y "c :~ San Bruno coo 0 ~ R` San Bruno Ave E cD ~ ~dy ~ f ~ ~I ~ Pve ~ r~~~ ~r 6<~~~ ` yL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ v Aay .. ~~ n o- f0 ~ San Francisco International Auport F S i 0 mi 0.2 C.4 0.6 .,.c 1 1.~ an ranc sco FIGURE 4.7-2 Scale In Miles Study h~ain9gne Loc~~,_:~~: EIP 11117-00 Source: Microsoft Streets and Trip~basemap, 2006: EIP Associates, 2006. Partta!!v Revised 4 74.-~ South Airport Boulevard is a four-lane divided roadway traveling from the Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue/Produce Avenue intersection in the north near U.S. 101 to the San Bruno Avenue East/North McDonnell Road in the south. Most of South Airport Boulevard runs parallel to U.S. 101 near its northbound lanes Dubuque Avenue is a two- to four-lane roadway running east of and almost parallel to U.S. 101 in a north/south direction. Extending from East Grand Avenue to Oyster Point Boulevard, this roadway functions as a connector street for the traffic traveling between U.S. 101 and Oyster Point Boulevard. Dubuque Avenue has two lanes south of the Dubuque Avenue/U.S. 101 Ramps and four lanes north of this location. According to the General Plan, Dubuque Avenue is classified as a collector. Sister Cities Boulevard is a four-lane divided roadway, extending from the Hillside Boulevard Extension at Hillside Boulevard to Airport Boulevard. Sister Cities Boulevard follows aneast/west course and connects the Genentech site near U.S. 101 to Colma, allowing vehicles to bypass the residential neighborhoods of South San Francisco. Forbes Boulevard is a four-lane divided roadway following aneast/west course on the east side of South San Francisco. Forbes Boulevard extends from East Grand Avenue in the west to DNA Way at its east end. Miller Avenue is a two-lane local roadway rnnn;ng in an east/west direction, extending from Chestnut Avenue in the west to Airport Boulevard in the east. The eastern end of Miller Avenue is also the location of the U.S. 101 southbound off-ramp. Mitchell Avenue is a two-lane roadway nuLning in an east/west direction. Mitchell Avenue connects Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard in the west to Harbor Way in the east. Gull Road is a two-lane local roadway running in a north/south direction. This roadway connects the Genentech site with Oyster Point Boulevard. The General Plan classifies this roadway as Other Street (Local Street). Allerton Avenue is a two-lane local roadway ruruiing in a north/south direction. This roadway connects Forbes Boulevard on the north with East Grand Avenue on the south. Grandview Drive is a two-lane local roadway, cutting through the Genentech site and winding a primarily east/west course. Grandview Drive stretches from East Grand Avenue in the west and becomes DNA Way at its eastern end. DNA Way is a two-lane local street, n~nn;ng from Forbes Boulevard on the northeast to where it becomes Grandview Drive at its western end. Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision ~ ~ Chapter 4 Environmental Anatysis -~~ Study Intersections A total of nineteen intersections were evaluated within and surrounding the MEIR Study Area as part of the traffic analysis conducted for this proposed project (Figure 4.7-1). Intersections 2 and 3 have__ een renamed in~us~'RD_iVI~IR to more clearl~identi~their loca 'on Des ite this name change the analysis in both the 1~ME-I_R and the PRDi1~IR evaluated the same intersections. The study area intersections include the following 1. Airport Boulevard/Sister Cities Boulevard; 2. Oyster Point Boulevard/U.S. 101 I~B nn-Ramps; 3. Dubuque Avenue ~T.S._101 Ramtzs; 4. Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard; 5. Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive; 6. Gull Drive/Forbes Boulevard; 7. Forbes Boulevard/Allerton Avenue; 8. Airport Boulevard/Miller Avenue/U.S. 101 SB Off-Ramp; 9. Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue; l0.Dubuque Avenue/Grand Avenue; 11.Industrial Drive/East Grand Avenue/U.S. 101 NB Off-Ramp; 12.East Grand Avenue/East Grand Overcrossing 13.East Grand Avenue/Gateway Boulevard; 14.East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard; 15.East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue; 16.East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive; 17.Produce Avenue/Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue; 18.South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard; and 19.South Airport Boulevard/U.S. 101 On- and Off-Ramps. Study Freeway Segments Freeway mainline, freeway on-ramp, and freeway off-ramp operating conditions during the weekday A.M. and P.Ivt. peak hours were also evaluated as part of the traffic analysis conducted for this proposed project. The existing mainline volumes were taken from other sources (including Caltrans and recent approved transportation studies within the City). Ramp volumes were taken from existing traffic counts. The freeway mainline segments, on-ramps, and off-ramps studied in this report include the following (Figure 4.7-2): ~ g Genentech Corporate Facq<Kes Master EIR Partial Revision Partio(!v Revised 4 74.-~ Mainline Segments: ^ U.S. 101 northbound, north of Sierra Point Parkway ^ U.S. 101 southbound, north of Sierra. Point Parkway ^ U.S. 101 northbound, north of I-380 ^ U.S. 101 southbound, north of I-380 On-Ramps: ^ U.S. 101 northbound from Oyster Point Boulevard ^ U.S. 101 southbound from Oyster Point Boulevard/Dubuque Avenue ^ U.S. 101 northbound from Grand Avenue/Airport Boulevard ^ U.S. 101 northbound from South Airport Boulevard ^ U.S. 101 southbound from Produce Avenue Off-Ramps: ^ U.S. 101 southbound to Airport Boulevard ^ U.S. 101 southbound flyover to Oyster Point Boulevard ^ U.S. 101 northbound to Oyster Point Boulevard/Dubuque Avenue ^ U.S. 101 southbound to Airport Boulevard/Miller Avenue ^ U.S. 101 northbound to East Grand Avenue/Executive Drive ^ U.S. 101 southbound to South Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue ^ U.S. 101 northbound to South Airport Boulevard Existing Intersection Conditions Traffic counts used for the analysis were collected between December 13 and December 15, 2005.3 Intersection operating conditions were evaluated for the weekday A.M. peak hour (generally between 7:45 and 8:45 rLM.) and for the P.M. peak hour (generally between 4:45 and 5:45 P.M.). It should be noted that these existing conditions do not include approved planned or programmed projects in the area (including approved future Genentech development). The existing weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections are provided in the appendix. Both signalized and unsignalized intersections in the MEIR Study Area are assessed through the evaluation of peak hour Levels of Service (LOS), using the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) operations methodology and the TRAFFIX software. The LOS concept qualitatively characterizes traffic conditions associated with varying levels of traffic. An LOS determination is a measure of congestion, which is the principal measure of roadway service. Levels of Service for signalized and unsignalized intersections are illustrated in Table 4.7-1. These range from LOS A, which indicates afree-flow condition, to LOS F which indicates a jammed condition. LOS A, B and C are generally considered to be satisfactory service levels while LOS D is marginally acceptable, LOS E is undesirable and LOS F conditions are unacceptable. The City of South San Francisco's threshold of significance is LOS E for signalized intersections a At two-way stop controlled intersections, the average delay per vehicle for its worst minor street approach are provided. The worst minor approach to a two-way stop controlled intersection is the stop-controlled approach to the intersection that experiences the most average delay. s These counts were conducted after the new U.S. 101 flyover to Oyster Point Boulevard was opened aad operational a Source: City of South San Francisco General Plan. Genentech Corporate FacilHies Master EIR Partial Revision 19 I Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts The contribution from uncontrolled approaches to the total average delay for the intersection as a whole is irrelevant due to the fact that these approaches would not experience delay. The City of South San Francisco's threshold of significance for the worst minor street approach to unsignalized intersections is LOS F s av ratat seconds/veNcJe Level dService Desc->pYon 6~iersecfions Mierssdons A Little or no delay s 10.0 s 10.0 B Short traffic delay > 10.0 ands 15.0 > 10.0 ands 20.0 C Average traffic delay > 15.0 ands 25.0 > 20.0 ands 35.0 D Long traffic delay > 25.0 ands 35.0 > 35.0 ands 55.0 E Very long traffic delay > 35.0 ands 50.0 > 55.0 ands 80.0 F Extreme traffic delay > 50.0 > 80.0 SOURCE: 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board Table 4.7-2 presents the results of the traffic analysis of existing conditions for the nineteen study intersections. As shown in Table 4.7-2, all of the study intersections currently operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better). Only one intersection (Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue) operates at LOS D (during the weekday A.M. peak hour); all other intersections operate at LOS A, B, or C during both analysis periods under current conditions. Existing U.S. 101 Mainline Conditions U.S. 101 existing traffic conditions were evaluated for the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hour. Existing traffic volumes used for the analysis were derived from Caltrans 2005 Traffic Volumes on California Highways (Caltrans 2005). Freeway mainline analysis was performed using the HCS software based upon the HCM methodology for freeway mainlines. A description of HCM analysis methodology is provided in Appendix E. Table 4.7-3 shows the freeway segment existing traffic volumes and corresponding levels of service. A Level of Service (LOS) standard of "E" for freeway segments in the study area has been established by the San Mateo County Congestion Management Program. Currently, all U.S. 101 freeway segments operate at acceptable LOS E or better during the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hour. As the table indicates, conditions are generally worse along U.S. 101 to the north of Oyster Point Boulevard, and peak in the southbound direction during the A.Nt. peak hour and in the northbound direction in the P.M. peak hour. s Source: City of South San Francisco General Plan. 20 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Parftal Revision Fartfaffv Revised 4.74.-7 IrMeriecAon ~~ Control AM LOS AM PM LOS PM 1. Airport Boulevard/SisterCtties Boulevard Signal C 30.0 C 31.0 2. Oyster Point BoulevardN.S. 101 NB On-Ramps Signal B 12.2 B 16.6 3. ubuque Avenue/U.S. 101 Ramos Signal C 24.8 C 27.8 4. Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard Signal C 29.4 C 27.8 5. Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive Signal C 32.7 C 29.8 6. Gull DrivelForbes Boulevard Signal C 24.1 B 13.8 7. Forbes Boulevard/Allerton Avenue TWSC B 13.6 B 10.3 8. Airport Boulevard/Miller Avenue/U.S.101 SB Off-Ramp Signal C 25.4 C 24.5 9. Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue Signal D 35.7 C 34.6 10. Dubuque Avenue/Grand Avenue Signal A 7.9 A 6.9 11. Industrial Drive/East Grand AvenueN.S.101 NB Off-Ramp TWSC A 0.0 B 10.0 12. East Grand AvenuelEast Grand Overcrossing Signal B 20.0 B 15.7 13. East Grand Avenue/Gateway Boulevard Signal C 25.9 B 18.9 14. East Grand AvenueMarbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard Signal C 21.8 C 29.9 15. East Grand AvenuelAllerton Avenue TWSC B 12.6 C 15.0 16. East Grand AvenuelGrandview Drive TWSC B 14.8 C 17.7 17. Produce Avenue/Airport Boulevard /San Mateo Avenue Signal C 28.6 C 30.2 18. South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard Signal C 26.9 C 33.2 19. South Airport Boulevard/U.S.1010n-and Off-Ramps Signal C 26.9 C 30.7 SVURGE: Korve Engineering 2006 LOS =Level of Service TWSC =Two-way Stop Controlled , Delay indicates Average Vehicle Delay in seconds. Bold indicates unacceptable intersection operating conditions. North of Oyster Point Boulevard Northbound Direction 7,129 D 28.6 8,374 E 37.8 Southbound Direction 8,246 E 36.6 6,802 D 26.8 North of 1-380 Northbound Direction 5,366 C 20.5 5,484 C 20.9 Southbound Direction 6,567 C 25.6 6,294 C 24.4 SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 LOS =Level of Service Density is shown in passenger cars per lane per mile. Density is not computed when free-flow speed is less than 55 mph. Bold indicates unacceptable freeway segment operating conditions. Genentech Corporate FacilMles Master EIR Partial Revision 21 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis Existing U.S. 101 On-Ramp Conditions U.S. 101 on-ramp conditions were evaluated for the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours. The existing on- ramp volumes were taken from the existing traffic counts at the adjacent study intersections, and the freeway counts were derived from Caltrans 2005 Traffic Volumes on California Highways (Caltrans 2005). Freeway on-ramp analysis was performed using the HCS software based upon the HCM methodology for freeway/ramp junctions. A description of HCM analysis methodology is provided in Appendix E. Table 4.7-4 shows the freeway on-ramp volumes and corresponding levels of service. As shown, all on- ramps currently operate at LOS C or better during the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours. ~- - .- ~~ AM PeakFlow PMP~edcFbw US 101 On-tramp Vdume LOS Vdume LOS U.S.101 NB from Oyster Point Boulevard 632 A 9.2 1,235 B 15.0 U.S.101 SB from Oyster Point BoulevardlDubuque Avenue 653 A 7.7 1,113 B 10.2 U.S.101 NB from Grand Avenue/Airport Boulevard 512 B 15.8 622 B 1T.2 U.S.101 NB from South Airport Boulevard 291 B 16.5 498 B 19.5 U.S.101 SB from Prrniuce Avenue 958 B 15.2 1,880 C 20.4 SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 LOS=Level of Service Density is shown in passenger cars per lane per mile. Density is not computed when free-flow speed is less than 55 mph. Bold indicates unacceptable freeway on-ramp operating conditions. NB=Northbound SB=Southbound Existing U.S. 101 Off-Ramp Conditions U.S. 101 off-ramp conditions were evaluated for the weekday n.Nt. and P.bt. peak hours. The existing off- ramp volumes were taken from the existing traffic counts at the adjacent study intersections and the freeway counts were derived from Caltrans 2005 Traffic Volumes on California Highways (Caltrans 2005). Since the HCM does not include a methodology for the analysis of off-ramps, ~~~e--p~rpese-a€ wig-s~td~and in resbonse to comments received on the DMEI$, the freeway off-ramp analysis was performed u~in~a ~shrQny_anal~rsl~Xnchr~l, as well as devaluating the 95th percentile queue lengths. Table 4.7-5 shows the freeway off-ramp volumes, corresponding levels of service, and the ramp capacity utilizations. As shown, all off-ramps currently provide sufficient capacity for queued vehicles during the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours; therefore, all study off-ramps would be considered to operate acceptably under existing conditions. ~ 22 Genentech Corporate FacBMtes Master EIR Partial Revision Partially Re~+/sed 4 74.E ~ - - •- /1 AM P~eakF(our PAAP~evkFlour U.S 101 OFRamp LOS IAPP~h Ramp Capacly ll~on LOS (gpp~h Romp Ca~odjr 11~1on u.s.1o1 sB to arport Boulevard c (34.s) 11.s% c (2s.s) 20.0° U.S.101 SB flyover to Oyster Point Boulevard E (65.5) 27.2% D (35.4) 2.4% U.S. 101 NB to Oyster Point Boulevard /Dubuque Avenue B (11.0) 29.5°~ C (32.0) 29.5% U.S.101 SB to Airport Boulevard /Miller Avenue B (19.7) 34.7% C (21.13) 34 7% U.S.101 NB to East Grand Avenue /Executive Drive A (0.0) 0% A (0.0) 0% U.S. 101 SB to South Airport Boulevard /Produce Avenue C (22.7) 24.4% C (29.7) 21.7% U.S. 101 NB to South Airport Boulevard C(111P(`G Yn c.. B (19.7) 49.1 % D (36.5) 31.3% LOS=Level of Service NB=Northbound SB=Southbound Bold indicates unacceptable freeway off-ramp operating conditions. ~~ Foisting Transit Services The MEIR Study Area is currently served by both local and regional public transit service. Local transit service is provided by SamTrans (operated by San Mateo County Transit District) while regional transit service is provided by Caltrain (operated by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board) and BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). In addition, Genentech is served by employer shuttles run by the 2006 Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance (ALLIANCE). The ALLIANCE Shuttles connect the Genentech campus with the South San Francisco Caltrain and South San Francisco BART stations. Figure 4.7-3 illustrates the existing transit routes serving the MEIR Study Area. The frequenry of transit service in South San Francisco and the location of transit stop locations are shown in Table 4.7-6. Figure 4.7-3 identifies the transit routes in the MEIR Study Area. SamTrans SamTrans is a primary provider of local and regional bus transit service for the City of South San Francisco. Presently SamTrans does not provide service in the East of 101 Area. The closest SamTrans bus service to and from the Genentech Central Campus area is provided by SamTrans bus routes 130, 132, and 133. The SamTrans bus terminal located at Airport Boulevard and Linden Avenue is the nearest to the Genentech Central Campus, at a distance of about one mile. Regional SamTrans bus service for Genentech is provided by SamTrans bus routes 390 and 391. The nearest regional bus stop to the MEIR Study Area is located at the San Bruno BART Station. Genentech Corporate FactliHes Master EIR Parttai Rev'-ion 23 I O ` N ~ x m J d C d W ~ ~ ~ f/~1 ~ Q i u ~ v c c v .o o~ c o 0 3 o L V > p ~ ~~ __` U .°n w V U' .°n o m m Z 1 1 ^ • ~ z 1 °_' ^ • W 1 N ^ • 1 1 ^ • 1 ~~ 1 ~' ~ 1 • 1 ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~v r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ __ ~ '~ Q{. • 1 !~ ~ • • 11~.. • t f ~ F i • . ~ ' Ja' 1 E'~ 1 • ~ 1 31 ~ 1 ~ . • a 1 Zl 1 a``C` ; 31 ~ ~ 1 • ~ y . - ~~ 'Pa Iln`J1 ~ ~ ~--- • • o ~ ~ 1 • ~ .'~ "o •r 1 4. ~ ~ . +l ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~1 ~ ~ . 1 ~ `~ • 1 ~ ~•~~ ~ al ; •~ / ~b ~ ip ~ ° ;, d 1 l~a 0 m J / O/ J 1 ~.1 / ~ ~ 1 • ~ s '0 ~ ~ ~ . 1 - - ~~1. ,,pp'~J~ . . . r i P ~ _. o , i 1 V a A' ~\ ~i c gT ~ 6C~ _. N N °? ~~ P ~ B ~°'I ~ P _ _.. `-° v .' ,9 tF E ~ ' ~ TP Fr 8 ~ Q i ~P,~ ~ 8 0i ^ ~ s~ w ~ e A Gj ~' 7,r , m ~ <~°~ ~, a ~ ~~ ~~ d ~ 1 Q ; Q 3 ~ .~' ~ ~ C N li Q ~ ~ e ~c a l7 N = (J ~ c R r ~ , , ~ ~ o N ~ ~Q ~ Q~ O N ~ d U ~ ~: I ~, ~ M a -' + ~ N ^ ~ ~ U ~ h I Q t "' ::_I W ~ ~ min ^ b a~ ra n'ds m ~ ~ .. ar ; o o n 0 H Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts .. - - - e Roble AM/PM Aealc SbplocaionsNeore~ftbiheMBRSrirdy Area AirportlLinden-Daly City and Colma BART stations (130) 20120 30 Airport Boulevard/Linden Avenue South SF Bart Station (132) 30/30 60 Airport Boulevard/Linden Avenue SamTrans AirportlLinden-Serramonte (133) 30/30 60 Airport BoulevardlLinden Avenue Palo Alto-Daly City (390) 30130 30 South SF BART Bay 3 Redwood City-Colma BART Station (391) 15/30(a) 15(a) EI Camino ReaV South SF BART Station San Mateo-SF (292) 15/15(a) 30 Airport Boulevard/Baden Avenue Caltrain Gilroy-SF 30130 60 South SF Calfrain Station Pittsburg-Daly City 15/15 15 Daly City BART Station BART Fremont-Daly City 15/15 15 Daly City BART Station Richmond-Daly City 15/15 - Daty City BART Station Dublin-Millbrae 15/15 15 South SF BART Station Gateway Area 30/30 - Genentech Bldgs 69, B5 Caltrain Shuttle to Oyster Point Area 30/30(a) - GuIVOyster Point and 384 Oyster Point SSF Station Sierra Point Area 30/30(a) - 5000 Shoreline Ct. Utah-Grand Area 30/30(a) - Cabot/Allerton Sierra Point Area 35/35 - 5000 Shoreline Ct. Gateway Area 20/20 - 1000 Gateway SSF Station ~ Genentech 15/15 - Genentech Bldgs 69, B54 Oyster Point Area 23/23(a) - GuIVOyster Point and 384 Oyster Point Utah-Grand Area 23/23(a) - Cabot/Allerton SOURCE: Metropolitan Transportation Commission (511.orgi, San Mateo County ALLIANC E (Commute.orgi. Frequency of transit service is presented in minutes. SFdan Francisco a=average frequency period Caltrain The Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Caltrain) provides passenger rail service, with a combination of express and local service between Gilroy and San Francisco. It connects the City of South San Francisco with Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, and San Francisco. Caltrain offers transit service in the MEIR Study Area during peak hours every thirty minutes and during off peak hours every hour. The South San Francisco Caltrain station located closest to the MEIR Study Area is near the intersection of Dubuque Avenue and Grand Avenue, at a distance of approximately one mile from the Genentech Central Campus. 26 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision Parfiat(v Revised 4.T4.~ BART BART provides regional rail transit service within the San Francisco Bay Area. It connects the East Bay (Pittsburg, Richmond, Dublin, and Fremont) and San Mateo County (Millbrae and San Francisco International Airport) with San Francisco. The BART stations nearest to the MEIR Study Area ate the San Bruno Station located at Huntington Avenue near the Tanforan Shopping Center and the South San Francisco Station located on Mission Road near El Camino Real Both these stations are approximately two miles from the Genentech Central Campus. It should be noted that three of the four BART lines (Richmond, Pittsburg/Bay Point, and Fremont) travel as far south as the Daly City BART station; only the Dublin/Pleasanton line provides service through the nearby stations. In general, service on this line is every fifteen minutes throughout the day. Genentech Campus Shuttles The Genentech Campus Shuttles provide the following high frequency service between the various parts of the campus and to the local/regional transit operators: ^ Off-campus shuttles access the South San Francisco BART station, Glen Park BART station, and the South San Francisco Caltrain Station. These shuttles are provided by Genentech and the San Mateo County Transit Authority, and operate on 30 minute headways doting the peak hours. ^ Genentech provides shuttles to the other Genentech campuses in Vacaville and Redwood City. These shuttles operate three times a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), and once per day. ^ Internal shuttles are provided by Genentech to serve employees within the various campus areas. The Gateway Express shuttle provides service from the Gateway Campus to the Central Campus with 7.5 minute headways all day. The DNA shuttle provides service throughout the northern half of the Central Campus with five minute headways all day. The South Campus shuttle provides service from the southern half of the Central Campus to South Campus with 15 minute headways all day. Other Area Shuttles To improve the accessibility of Caltrain and BART stations in South San Francisco, ALLIANCE shuttles run between the stations and major employment centers during the morning and evening commute hours. These are free and open to the public. Shuttles are financed by SamTrans, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board QPB), and participating employers. In addition to the Genentech service, three shuttles are available from the Caltrain station and four shuttles are accessible from the BART station. The peak hour frequenry of ALLIANCE shuttles serving Caltrain and BART stations and the location of shuttle stops that are nearest to the MEIR Study Area are shown in Table 4.7-7. Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partlat Revision 27 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts .. - - - - Sk~lons Shulre Served Schedule Area Served O ster Point BART eight A.M. & nine P.M. trips Oyster Point Boulevard Gull Dr Eccles Avenue Forbes Boulevard y Caltrain seven A.M. & seven P.M. trips , , , , Veterans Boulevard Utah-Grand BART nine A.M. & nine P.M. trips E Grand Avenue, Utah Avenue, Harbor Way Littlefield Avenue Caltrain seven A.M. 8c seven P.M. trips , Gatewa Are BART ten A.M. & twelve P.M. trips Gateway Boulevard-BART Gateway Boulevard Genentech Office- y a , Caltrain sa A.M. 8~ five P.M. trips Caltrain $lerra POlnt BART four A.M. ~ foUr P.M. Sierra POlnt, Shoreline Caltraln four A.M. & fi)ur P.M. SOURCE: San Mateo County ALLIANCE (Commute.org) Each shuttles alternates between 15 and 30 minute headways during both peak hours. Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Numerous bicycle facilities are available in the study area. Bike lanes are available along Sister Cities Boulevard, Oyster Point Boulevard (east of Gateway Avenue), Gull Drive, and Gateway Avenue (south of East Grand Avenue). Bike routes are available on South Airport Boulevard, and on East Grand Avenue between Executive Drive and the East Grand Overcrossing. Bike Paths are available along side Executive Drive, and along shoreline.b Future bike lanes are planned along Gateway Avenue, East Grand Avenue, Allerton Avenue, and Forbes Boulevard (east of Allerton Avenue). Future bike routes are planned along Forbes Boulevard (west of Allerton Avenue). Future bike paths are planned along side Caltrain, and off-street through the Genentech Central Campus. The proposed future bike lanes, routes, and paths are designated in the General Plan Transportation Flement. Pedestrian facilities include sidewalks, paths, pedestrian bridges, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and resting areas. In the MEIR Study Area, primary on-street paths exist along Forbes Boulevard, DNA Way, Grandview Drive, Cabot Road, and Allerton Avenue. Additionally, the "Campus Loop" provides anoff- street path that includes the major circulation routes within each neighborhood Central Spine, as well as the connective elements between them. In general, the sidewalks provided throughout the study area provide connections to areas west of the Genentech area for both bicyclists and pedestrians. s Bike Lanes provide preferential use of the paved azea of roadway for biryclists by establishing specific lines of demazcation between azeas reserved for bicycles and motorists. Bike Routes aze shared facilities with automobiles and other vehicles (roadways aze demazcated by signage). Bike Paths provide exclusive rights-of--way for biryclists with cross flows by motorists minimized, Z8 Genentech Corporate Faclities Master EIR Partial Revision Pcrti~lly Revised 4.74 I Existing Parking Conditions Currently, there are approximately 5,525 parking spaces within the main Genentech campus. Parking lots are provided for each section of the Genentech campus, as detailed in Table 4.7-8. Within the majority of the parking lots, separate spaces are designated for visitors. Locaion Demand URaafon Lower Campus 2,224 1,918 ~% West Campus 136 0 0% Mid Campus 1,436 876 61% Upper Campus 1,729 1,657 96% Total 5,525 4,451 81% According to parking demand rates provided by Genentech (based on land use categories), the average peak hour parking demand is approximately 4,451 spaces, which represents approximately eighty- one percent of the total available parking supply. Detailed information on parking demand is provided in Appendix E. It should be noted that supplementary parking supply is provided at the Gateway Campus, which is located west of Gateway Boulevard, between C-yster Point Boulevard and Corporate Drive. Currently, there are about 2,040 spaces which are generally fully occupied by Genentech employees. These employees are able to access the main campus via one of the Campus shuttles. 4.7.2 Regulatory Framework Federal There are no federal regulations regarding transportation effects that apply to the project. ;~_ ' State There are no state regulations regarding transportation effects that apply to the project. LOCCI San Mateo Covnty Congestion Management Plan Roadway System The San Mateo County Congestion Management Plan (CMP) Roadway System designates various roadways and segments of the county roadway system for use in annual monitoring of level of service standards, and identifies potential street segment and intersection candidates for the capital improvement program. Near the ]1~IR Study Area, the CMP roadway system includes the U.S. 101 segments only. Genentech Corporate FacRlHes Master EIR Partial Revision 29 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis The level of service (LOS) standards established for roads and intersections in the San Mateo County CMP street network vary based on geographic differences. For roadway segments and intersections near the county border, the LOS standard was set as LOS E, in order to be consistent with the recommendations in the neighboring counties. If the existing LOS in 1991 baseline was F, the standard was set to LOS F. If the existing or future LOS in the 1991 baseline was predicted to be E, the standard was set to E. For the remaining roadways and intersections, the standard was set to be one letter designation worse than the projected LOS in the year 2000. The CMP standard for the U.S. 101 study segments in the MEIR Study Area is LOS F (C/CAG 2005). City of South San Francisco Transportation Demand Management The City of South San Francisco (Chapter 20.120 Transportation Demand Management) (refer to Appendix £~) requires that all nonresidential development expected to generate one hundred or more average daily trips, based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates or a project seeking a floor area ratio (FAR) bonus implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures to reduce vehicle traffic. The purposes of the TDM ordinance are as follows: ^ Implement a program designed to reduce the amount of traffic generated by new nonresidential development, and the expansion of existing nonresidential development, pursuant to the city's police power and necessary in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. ^ Ensure that expected increases in traffic resulting from growth in employment opportunities in the city of South San Francisco will be adequately mitigated. ^ Reduce drive-alone commute trips during peak traffic periods by using a combination of services, incentives, and facilities. ^ Promote the more efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities and ensure that new developments are designed in ways to maAim;ye the potential for alternative transportation usage. ^ Establish minir„urn TDM requirements for all new nonresidential development. ^ Allow reduced parking requirements for projects implementing the requirements of this chapter. ^ Establish an ongoing monitoring and enforcement program to ensure that the measures are implemented. The analysis prepared for the General Plan Amendment includes the assumption that a moderate TDM program will reduce peak hour traffic generation by an additional 9.5 percent compared to existing traffic generation rates. The objective of TDM programs is to reduce vehicle trips at commercial/residential developments by incorporating project components such as encouraging increased transit use, carpooling, and providing facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians. South San Francisco has a "menu" of potential TDM programs, each with a specific number of points that relate to the programs' effectiveness. Examples of TDM programs include birycle racks and lockers, free carpool parking, shuttle services, and on-site amenities. Genentech is required to implement sufficient programs to achieve a target mode shift of 30 percent. 30 Genentech Corporate FacliiMes Master EIR Partial Revision parfialir Revised 4.74-7 In an effort to rnuumize the traffic associated with this new development as well as the costs of building new parking structures, Genentech is currently exploring the following new TDM strategies as integral to its Master Plan: ^ Shuttle Service Improvements. Genentech plans to improve the efficiency of its existing intra- campus shuttle, and it is exploring expansion of its connections to BART, Caltrain and potentially Muni. ^ Shuttle Facility Improvements. Genentech is exploring improvements to shuttle stops, including new shelters and signs, and improved pedestrian connections to its buildings. ^ Pausing Cash-Out. As Genentech puts buildings on its existing parking lots, it must build costly parking structures. It is now exploring whether it would be more cost effective to pay its employees not to drive, rather than provide them with ever-more-expensive structured parking. Similar strategies have worked for a variety of other employers, and they have produced significant traffic reductions. ^ Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements. As its shifts from being more of an industrial facility to more of a pedestrian-oriented campus, Genentech is considering significant improvement to its overall bicycle a.nd pedestrian networks. It should be noted that these programs are not assumed to be in place with the proposed project. 4.7.3 Project Impacts and Mitigation Analytic Method _ ' _ r~ Q -- - - ~~ Qf South San F~;anei~ccLh~s J~~aza~~I:.ast_Qf.=1t?LArea..s._._ ~h.-_QVer_._.tl~.~_~~deesade,~....~~ de_v_elo e _and u date~r~ectons of~ntic~ated_cumula.tive_~rowth for ur~oses of oyerall~lanni environmental review an ~t~,~=approvals for individual~ro~cts._ T`he most recent al~s~eg~ - ~ti_ h~n_~~l~.t~n-_Qf~t~_s~ntai~~tLin~h~_._1~_29_C~en~r~l 1?lan_._an~_its_.rel~t~~n~ir~n~nerital Imp~,et Report. The East -of 101 Area cumulative growth projections were_ later u_ted and revised .in 2000. In 2.~O~nursua_nt to a_General Plan A~erldment,~he~~ c~m~i~,li~~g owth~rQ~s~ons were u~dated_a~in_. ~1~- in-.~QQ~ ___ e Citds ~~ining Division tested the cum~tive~rowth oro;ectionc a~inst _~h__~_C.'~ moor _._'ec li,~~~~h ~a~_b~en u c~ater,~~2reflect a~t~~~sln ~tc~~os~d~uil~n-~ctioiL~n~e E~~of 101_~__Are~?.-Thi_s__~na?~SiS contributed_to the.....cum~lanv~Qw~1,__pr~ecuons__contained_in_Table_-~-_1_and _ __ _. Figure 5-1 in the_DMEI$`Both Table 5-1 and Fia ~re~-1_=haven revised _aild~elzs4duc~,,~o~. Genentech Corporate Faclliltes Master EIR Partial Revision 31 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts ~txxnn~ ~ ~ ~ 1~t ~eBa~ B~ ism Sav West Cove ~~ ~4 ~Q - ~~~ ~#-~ 121,000 X54 - 1$~,~Z4 ~!~~~P_4inS _ 7 4 _ _ ~~7 '¢~ P 1~:4~ZZ~ _ _ _ 164 779 South Campus = = T$9,~,5~0_0 _ Z$~~4~( ~ _ 890.~Z~ 3149 X02.712 Qaer Campus outside Overlav = _ _~,~_ ~~~ Y _ -_ 283_gF~7 _- 283.867 Z _ 1~3 Q44 1,494 ~~~~ Grand Tofa! - ZZ;I asa•s9~ ~ Q 1 SQ~RGE:=_._KQr_Y~Ensaine~ring..24.Qb.~atss_~Q_m 'esias~f.De~.o_~_m~~c2.4L~b ~ndiuiduaLietfstslEf~r._i.Qlrsxr~atio~Aacil~sisl~s~TAZt~._~~z~le ~tzti fln_Fi~uc~_5_i_fQr is~~atifi~iior~..Q - - --~ -- - - - f~ar~.ei_s sand.sl~_e~~f~~ ~r~_~~G1~~ 32 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision ~~ G _ U ~ U Q C ~ y ~ Q j m ~ ~ ~ j ? _N ~ ~ ~ LL ~ ~ N U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ` 'c Q Q ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 2 N 0 .- . d i v v ~ ~ O t ~ a ~ 6 ~ c c ~ O ~' O 3 O 3 ,-Ua ~ ~ O O. > _~ > ~_ ~ > ~ Q C O vi v~ Q m (~ N z ® ® a l » j ~~ - -- - `c ~O a d H O ~~ `.;'7 \ 1 m // ~ ,11`~~'~, (/ (~~ N /\~ ~\; ` / L ~. ~ // C) --~ ~r~ ~ ~ ~ •-~ ~-_ \\\ O e ~~~= ~ ~~~ ,_ . ~~~ ~. -- ~ ~ .~ .~ ~ ~',~. ;. ~~~.~ , \~ t ~~~ ~ __ __,i.ol '~~ -- -- -- _'Q ___ ~ ~.. Ater 4 Envlronmentol Anaf The impacts evaluation presented below includes traffic impacts on study area intersections and regional freeway segments, site access, parking, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. For this analysis, proposed project traffic impacts have been evaluated and compared with 2005 existing conditions for the following scenarios: ^ 2015 Future Without Project ^ 2015 Future Plus Project Year 2015 peak hour Future Without Project conditions were developed by adding traffic expected to be generated by all the approved and proposed development projects in the greater East of 101 Area (as provided by the Ciry of South San Francisco) to the existing traffic network. The re~~sed P~l?~E11~__itx_s.I~cs _ex e~te~_t~affic.__~1~~ a '~ rhic ~-- eyed _bX~veraL_rtrc~t~ _a ~yesl___bac lea _ G ~d=~ng_t-hti:~~nr~j~ Home Tom' eb~ , ... __~---P~---------~i~Q' -~-~ aria ~ Prraoay tirotects _The number of trips generated by future developments is provided in Table 4.7-9 (Table 5-1 identifies the land uses by Campus and type of use). C-verall, there is anticipated to be a growth of over 4.~ million sf by year 2015, primarily office/R&D space. It should be noted that these background growth values do not include anp planned or programmed projects within the Genentech Campus. The 2015 Future Plus Project scenario, thus, isolates Genentech growth, so that the proposed project impacts can be clearly identified. East of 101 Area Grand Total SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 PwlPedcHour inbound outbound rotor Freeway segment traffic volumes for 2015 peak hour Future Without Project conditions were developed by ~~g traffic expected to be generated by all approved development projects and b a 1 ' an annual 0.5 percent growth rate to existing volumes (as documented in approved transporta.tionpstudies). The growth in freeway on- and off-ramp volumes was based on the anticipated traffic increases generated by the approved development projects. The tables which detail the development of 2015 peak hour U.S. 101 segment volumes are provided in the Appendix E. Project Trip Generation Trip generation rates for the proposed project land uses were developed from the recent East of 101 Study', adjusted to reflect the modal split characteristics of current Genentech employees. As part of the East of 101 Study, daily and peak hour vehicular activities were counted at several existing buildings within the area, and trip generation rates were developed based on the size of the proposed buildings and the land uses (office, lab, and manufacturing/warehouse). These rates were reduced to account for the percentage of employees and visitors that do not gavel by private vehicles. The East of ~ T.Y. Lin International/CCS, 2003. 34 Genentech Corporate FaciltHes Master EIR Portia! Revision eQ~etty Revised 4.74 101 Study determined that approximately 9.5 percent of the employees and visitors would arrive and depart the buildings not by single-occupancy autos (Le., transit, walk/bike, or other modes). However, since mode split rates for current Genentech employees was available (based on surveys conducted by Genentech), the reported East of 101 Study trip generation rates were modified to reflect the travel characteristics of Genentech employees (including carpool rates and average vehicle occupancy, and use of transit/shuttles). In general, the resulting specific Genentech trip generation rates are slightly higher than the East of 101 Study rates, as a lower percentage of non-auto use is demonstrated by current Genentech employees (about 7.5 percent), as shown in Table 4.7-10. The Genentech employee modal split is provided in Table 4.7-10. Drive Alone 79.2% Carpool 13.3% Transit 5.3% WaIk/Bike 0.6% Other 1.6% Total 100% snuace~ Genentech, Korve Engineering 2006 Trip generation rates for the proposed project land uses are presented in Table 4.7-11. It should be noted •ae..e~ that Genentech provides the following services on-site, all of which ~-axe---tzx~p4~ ~s ~~ee_oriente~"amenities" in the updated Ma~rPr plan and Se»*h San Francisco lifnnirtnal_ Code ~h~t).44: ATMs, credit union, barber shop, dental facility, video rentals, film developing, a~dry cleaning,_mob~e_care ~;Tash__ans~m4l~ilc_oiL_cl e• Since these amenities would be used by Genentech employees, the trips generated by each amenity can be seen as an internal trip to the Genentech campus. 'Thus, trip generation specific to each amenity would not be applicable. .. - - - - - AMPackHour • . - PM Peck Hour.. Land the IrrFiound Outbound rdd Inbound purbound raid O{~~ 0.83 0.12 0.95 0.12 0.60 0.72 Lab 0.49 0.10 0.59 0.07 0.38 0.45 ManuNVare 0.42 0.06 0.48 0.05 0.40 0.45 Amenity .0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 Ai rates are shown in Trips per 1,000 sf Genentech Corporate FacpiHes Master EIR Partial Revision 35 I Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts The proposed project ]and uses are presented in Table 4.7-12. As part of the proposed project, some existing land uses within the MEIR Study Area would be displaced and replaced with new Genentech land uses. These displaced uses are represented by negative values. Overall, the proposed project would contain approximately 3.2 million sf of new Genentech-related land uses and the elimination of about 0.8 million sf of existing uses, for a net increase of 2.4 million sf of development. Nelgihborhood Lower Campus A Lower Campus B Lower Campus C Lower Total West Campus A West Campus B West Campus C West Total Mid Campus Mid Total Upper Campus A Upper Campus B Upper Campus C oAke I !ah I AAan I ArnenBres Toky 5,108 85,000 -28,114 61,994 0 630,000 150,000 780,000 -25,900 -25,900 150,000 249,500 169,108 320,000 150,000 639,108 0 0 200,000 200,000 302,000 0 -58,000 -93,300 -151,30 989,808 -153,113 -53,500 150,000 -56,613 0 -234,004 -27,158 -261,162 0 0 0 -86,370 -36,400 -122,770 -440,545 31,000 25,000 0 55,000 0 107,000 95,000 95,000 0 20,000 -25,500 -5,500 252,500 52,103 376,500 271,886 52,000 450,996 322,842 371,100 371,100 150,000 280,630 94,300 524,930 Lower Total 804,500 _ Total 1,820,594 SOURCE: Genentech, Korve Engineering 2006 All values are shown in square feet Table 4.7-13 shows the estimated peak hour vehicle trips generated by the proposed project. These trips represent the net-new trips that would be generated by the new Genentech uses (a credit was taken, via the negative growth numbers presented in Table 4.7-11, for the trips that would be eliminated with the proposed project). 136 Genentech Corporate FacIIlNes Master EIR_Partial Revision ~arlia--v Revised 4.74 I AM PieakFbur PINPeakHour Ubound Outbound Tdd Mbound Oulhound Tdd Lower Campus A 33 5 38 6 29 35 Lower Campus B ~~ ~4 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Lower Campus C 112 17 129 13 107 121 Lower Total 383~3GS ~~ 437418 ~~ 35835 ~~ West Campus ~ ~Q ~ ~ ~ ~-}4 1~ West Campus B 560.4 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~' West Campus C ~~ ~?-~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ West Totat tt4#S~_ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ Mid Campus ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Mid Total 1813.5 2421 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Upper Campus A 131 15 146 23 111 134 Upper Campus B 290 32 321 53 240 293 Upper Campus C 155 16 171 29 126 156 Upper Total 578 63 839 104 478 583 Total x,9573 Z62 ~31~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 L YYest G.~nn_u~ Arum.t~.ars_haY~ bQenst~san0.s.si~4_bec.sat~s~s.ie-v~lo~?_menti~'~lesL~amOs~~A~snsisl~ enti[e1Y_Qf ameniTies.Sb.ecsf~ it is .x~~cteslfbnt trios to YY_estSamnuS.A_btoulil_t~~litlked~9 ftlps lo-QSf~rSeo.enf~h DMFIR. Table 4.7-1~ incort~r+iv ctntE:d that Wept t'n~+r+n rc A would aen_eCtitel~~P^dent vehicle t?UJ1dIn9S...iA~ --_ _ _ _ °- Because Table 4.7-13 presents the net-new Genentech growth, in some cases there would be a decrease in square footage or a downgrade in intensity with the proposed project. As a result, the proposed project may result in a decrease in the number of trips being generated in a certain area. Overall, the proposed project would generate approximately 2,314 new vehicle trips during the weekday A.1vf. peak hour (89 percent inbound and 11 percent outbound) and 2,128 new vehicle trips during the weekday P.1vt. peak hour (15 percent inbound and 85 percent outbound). As shown in Table 4.7-11, approximately 5.3 percent of the current Genentech employees use transit to access the campus. As such, the proposed project would generate about 135 new transit trips during the A.M. peak hour (89 percent inbound and 11 percent outbound) and 125 new transit trips during the weekday P.M. peak hour (15 percent inbound and 85 percent outbound). Project Trip Distribution/Assignment Table 4.7-14 presents the trip distribution patterns for the proposed project land uses (see Figure 4.7-4). Project vehicle trips were distributed to the study area network based on the place of residence of existing Genentech employees (as provided by Genentech). This origin/destination data was then used Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision 37 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts to assign the trips to the regional (U.S. 101) and local roadways. As shown, there are approximately equal amounts of current Genentech employees that utilize U.S. 101 to the north and south of the MEIR Study Area, with a smaller percentage of employees that utilize local roadways. .. - - - - pried /~,~„~, ~ _ •. Peninsula 39.6% San Francisco North Bay 25.0% 4.4% East Bay 18.9% South Bay 6.9% Other 5.2% Total 100% nment Points north via U.S.101 41.8% Points south via U.S.101 45.8% Points west via Oyster Point/Sister Cities 4.1 % Points west via Grand Avenue 8.3~° Total 100°,y ~~n~.~. venenrecn, Rorve Engineering 2006. Project trips which travel from points north via U.S. 101 are likely to use the U.S. 101 southbound flyover off-ramp to the Oyster Point Boulevard flyover to enter the MEIR Study Area (Figure 4.7-5). The project trips would then travel along Oyster Point Boulevard to Gull Drive, then on to Forbes Boulevard, where the Genentech parking lots can be accessed. A small percentage of these trips may also use the U.S. 101 southbound off-ramp to Airport Boulevard/Miller Avenue to enter the MElR Sturdy Area. These trips would then travel south along Airport Boulevard, east along Grand Avenue, and finally north along Forbes Boulevard, Allerton Avenue, or Grandview Drive, depending on which parking lot they intend to park in. Project trips departing to points north via U.S. 101 are likely to travel north along Gull Drive, and west along Oyster Point Boulevard to leave the MEIR Study Area. The project trips would then use the U.S. 101 northbound on-ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard to access U.S. 101. A small percentage of these trips may also use East Grand Avenue to leave the MEIR Study Area. These trips would then use the U.S. 101 northbound on-ramp from Grand Avenue to access U.S. 101. Project trips which travel from points south via U.S. 101 will use either the U.S. 101 northbound ofE ramp to South Airport Boulevard or the U.S. 101 northbound off-ramp to East Grand Avenue/Executive Drive to enter the MEIR Study Area. From either off-ramp, the project trips would eventually travel to East Grand Avenue, where they turn north along Forbes Boulevard, Allerton Avenue, or Grandview Drive, depending on which parking lot they intend to park in. Project trips departing to points south via U.S. 101 will travel west along East Grand Avenue, south along Gateway Boulevard, West along South Airport Boulevard, and finally south along Produce Avenue to leave the MEIR Study Area. The project trips would then use the U.S. 101 southbound off-ramp from South Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue access U.S. 101. 138 Genentech Corporate Factlliles Master EIR~artlal ttevlston Partialiy Revised 4. T4: T I Project trips which travel from points west via. Oyster Point Boulevard/Sister Cities Boulevard will travel east along Oyster Point Boulevard to Gull Drive, then on to Forbes Boulevard, where the Genentech parldng lots can be accessed. These trips would use the same roads to return to their place of origin. Genentech Corporate Facgilles Master EIR Partial Revision 39 I ~'~~, 1 ~. i i~ `` ~, i '~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 c ~~ ;~„'.~ an'nn~ ; `~ 1 ..1 ~ ~ . `, 1 ~~'a 1 ~dO "O:~~a„ 1 1 ~_, ~ ~ h o ,1 `~~ 1 ~~ ` ~ 1.. •,~ ~g 15 J ti16._. pia ~~~ ; ~iV:jIMS '~ '3~, ',. V , \~ Jy \ \. ~MM ~' W ' ~ ~ ...., m o N 3iy JM ~~b ~~~ e~0 o''a~ ti N _ a3lsdwaoeadr; ti ~ o ~' yb "~6 ~. j ~~6 a ~O J ~---+ W F v °' o 0 ~~ .~ ~ ~N ~ 3 i 3 V v ~ d ~ C L O s ~ _ Ci ~' a; O v v v a v ~ v O U~ J (~ a ~ e J ~ ;. C C C O '~ '~ v a7 m ~ v v c c ~ O o ~ V r r v v ~ c c c ~ v c y y o E ~ ~ ~ O v ~ Y 0 a 3 Y ~ ~ Q L ~, U `o a _~ ~ o_ ~ m d - N W (n ^ 1 ° 1 1 c~ rJ ui N f4 a+ C d a c W 3 1 ti L W 0 O ~ fl. ~ ~ ~~ L~ ~ H a~ U 0 Q a w a N Q E m U m c U L N d i O h 0 0 -_ ~ - v a a 0 W /~ i ••••••,•~~• •• 1 a a v ~ ;; • f 1 _ c~ c N ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ,I 3 ~ 3 o 0 ~ ~ 1 ; ~y\, s o r u d v o ~ 1~~ •i~ ~, ~ v v n / ~ • a`, M v .~ ./ . ~ l7 J C7 \ \\ .J 1----------'--- v a ~ "YV i o ~._. ~ / 1...1 ~ _ 1 I r~~7 I I 1 1 oU b0 C C C 1 _ _ v v ~ I / 1 ~ '= y m m v /'. 1 1 N N C I• o ~ U ~ ~ 1 •~ ..~ti nro . v v c ~ ; ~ '' ..•1 1 v v ~ ~ 1¢ 1 C C vv 'a I ~m "O 1 °' l7 l9 a d ^~,< +~~ba, 1 1 v ~1 ^ v `~ 1 ~ ~ a y v \ \\ ~.+ ~ ~ • ~ Q H g r v H c \\\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w O ~ , 3i.. • ~ .'~ • • 1 1 ~ ~ i •J a W ~ O LL • • ~.~ ~ •~ • yYb ~• •~ • ~ C ~~ ~ • ~ ~S ~ ~ • ~~~ ~~ _ d d~~ X0 ~~ ~ • Y N 7 O ~0 x ~ f0 '4,5, ~t E315V1r.b04bVH ti~ ° 1 >b Q r U 7 ~ ~ N N U ~'/a ~6 ~ U 3~ U ~': s~ KI V f` Q C c - ~ N lli C~ a 0 0 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts Project trips which travel from points west via Grand Avenue will travel east along Grand Avenue, and then north along Forbes Boulevard, Allerton Avenue, or Grandview Drive, depending on which parking lot they intend to park in. These trips would use the same roads to return to their place of origin. Trip distribution percentages are shown in Figure 4.7-4. Measures Incorporated from the East of 101 Sfudy As shown in Table 5-1, the City of South San Francisco has approved over 4.5 million sf of new office/R&D space and 2,000 new hotel rooms in the East of 101 Area. The City retained T.Y. Lin International/CCS to prepare the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Plan (East of 101 Study), which evaluated potential improvement needs at various intersections to accommodate such a build out in the East of 101 Area. Consequently, the East of 101 Study identified mitigation measures at several of the study intersections that were analyzed for this proposed project. These measures were assumed in the analysis only when warranted by poor operating conditions. Mitigation measures from the East of 101 Study are identified below for each impact to which they apply. The final step after identification of the "mitigated" scenario (scenario with application of East of 101 mitigation measures) was identification of new mitigation measures. Thresholds of Significance Applied Criteria The following significance criteria were obtained from the San Francisco General Plan and the San Mateo County Congestions Management Plan Standards, and used for the analysis of the proposed projects: Intersections An adverse effect would occur if the proposed project would do any of the following ^ Degrade a signalized intersection to LOS E or worse. ^ Cause the level of service at a signalized intersection operating at LOS E under future baseline conditions to deteriorate to LOS F. ^ Increase the average critical movement vehicle delay by five or more seconds (attributable to Project-generated traffic) at a signalized intersection operating at LOS E or F under future baseline conditions. ^ Degrade an unsignalized intersection at one or more approaches to worse than LOS D as a result of Project-generated traffic, and if Caltrans signal warrants are met (i.e., if traffic volumes along the major and minor streets require a signal). ^ Increase the average vehicle delay by five or more seconds at the worst approach of an unsignalized intersection that operates at LOS E or F under ezisting or future baseline conditions, and if Caltrans signal warrants are met. s All applied criteria are consistent with City of South San Francisco standards, and have been used for projects throughout the area. 44 Genentech Corporate FacllNies Master EIR Partial Revision Partiatty Revised 4.747 Freeway Mainlines and On-Ramps An adverse effect would occur if the proposed project would do any of the following. ^ Degrade a freeway mainline or the on-ramp/freeavay junction to worse than LOS D as a result of Project-generated traffic. ^ Cause the level of service at a freeway mainline or on-ramp operating at LOS E under future baseline conditions to deteriorate to LOS F as a result of Project generated traffic. ^ Cause an increase (attributable to Project-generated traffic) in volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratio of 0.05 or more at freeway mainlines and increase the density (passenger cars per mile per lane) by at least four at on-ramp/freeway junctions operating at LOS E or F under future baseline conditions. Freeway Off-RamDS A_ n adverse effect would occur if th_ rObc~~Proj~ct would do an~v of the, following ~ad~ ~ig~~iZ~d~inter$ection obera.tion_._or all-wa~to~ o~ration.._.t~_L9S._E_.Q.r__F _.a~cl-~9tal solumes_passn~throu~h the intersectio~ere~se bar at least tv~0 percent, ~~cxeas~tal_~lut~e,~'sin~throta~ll_an_int~xs~edon bY__t~~~re~nt or morrc u~ith~a~zed ~r ~11~a~~t4p ~er~~n_ _alr~~d~~~~a~e ~~~LO~_~~r ~,9r Zyh~._n__t~i in r _~~iQn~_.sid~_~tr_e~ ~tc~__~~~trolled an~ir t~i~s o~sigti co_nrrotted Rase ~as~cz~ration is at i OS_~~n~ there are ~nore~ Z~t~l~l_~~2n r~~_~to s_controlled a~~~ ^ _Increase_~ce~~~t,~zl.~ la~.i~~9~s~ ~ers~z3.tile ve__ hide au~~gon w~ off-ram sand also on t_he ~proaGhes ,to=.ac~~cent ntexsections_l~awa~frczm off_-ramp. intersectiQn~_ to una~ce table 1~v~~erxiativ~ly=_£__b~~r~.u~e_~_S.th_~~rcentil ~ae~~xe_ecvay offs~.mt~.s Q~o~the ~~~.~s_hes_to 'ac~nt_n~~~s~~n~l~~dn~ awaa_y from off-ram in~~r_~e~~i4__n_s_:i~alr~~.~rgi~~tec~ at unacceptable len s the Prnic ct would create a s~nificant adverse effect if it wo~l~ln~te~ YQlumes,..entex~r. ~ the_nxexs~ct~on ~y one~ercent Qr mQre Thy 9~th....i~ercent~le_c~ueun~u ~nalys~s has. Q_n1~h~n_sos~clucte~forinterscs~s~az~clQS1QS~~s~.~iznisX_tQ~re~~a~_t~la~n~~.at__ar~~e~tl~r im~a_cte~freewav~-r~ffic, Stench o soft~a_re ha een used for all ueuinp evalua ' _n. _Sa~ucrat~~a~t~e~e~eedin~ff-ram_~stQSageca~uasity ~as~~.p4z~ SZ'YI_traf£tc scare evaluation _ fQr th.~ ~ritir~f~l~e~k hour Qf~~r tls~n If bas, e~ltnetrafftG ~1re~d~x_ee~ds=the~c~ra~~_G.ai~~_o_ _f the n_ff ramp or at~oroa~ ch to t~P a~aar~nt inters erinn IP~rti g away from the off-ramp then cone- ~~ent ad~ii~,onuz traffic to the unpacted intersections is considered a si~m_i~ant_~dverse impact. ^ Increase ia~.as~l~n~~ff ramp Traffic from less than or eaual toto 1 500 vehic s~r_hour to more than 1 ~~'~? ~ ehcles pex hour. FQr locations where baseline of~_ramr volumes...y~gulcl already exceed _ __ 1.500 Y~hicle~-pax ~~ar}-thy-p~p9~ed .pro ect would _hav~~_slgnifi~a~lt_a~y~ss~~mpact if ,it_w~1~1 increase volumes b~ one percent or more. Parking An adverse effect would occur if the proposed project would do any of the following. ^ Substantially reduce parking supply such that parking demand cannot be accommodated. ^ Cause an unmet parking demand that would result in other significant physical effects, such as a substantial alteration of neighborhood character or creation of hazardous conditions caused by illegally parked vehicles, or would result in secondary traffic impacts due to vehicles circling and looking for parking spaces in areas of limited parking supply. Genentech Corporate Fac111Nes Master EIR Partial Revision 45 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts Transit An adverse effect would occur if the proposed project would do any of the following: ^ Substantially increase transit demand that could not be accommodated by existing or planned transit capacity, resulting in unacceptable levels of transit service. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities An adverse effect would occur if the proposed project would do any of the following. ^ Result in substantial overcrowding on public sidewalks. ^ Create potentially hazardous conditions for pedestrians. ^ Interfere with pedestrian accessibility to adjoining areas. ^ Create potentially hazardous conditions for bicyclists. ^ Substantially interfere with bicycle accessibility to the MEIR Study Area and/or adjoining areas. :w Impacts and Mitigation Measures 2015 Conditions at Intersections-With and Without Project As stated earlier, Year 2015 peak hour Future Without Project conditions were developed by adding traffic expected to be generated by all the approved and proposed development projects in the greater East of 101 Area (as provided by the City of South San Francisco) to the existing (December 2005) traffic network. It should be noted that these background growth values do not include any planned or programmed projects within the Genentech Campus. The 2015 Future Plus Project scenario, thus, isolates Genentech growth, so that the proposed project impacts can be clearly identified. Table 4.7-15 presents the Year 2015 Future Without Project and Year 2015 Future Plus Project traffic conditions at study intersections with and without the applicable East of 101 mitigations, discussed above. evis~d iz~_-this__L~2~E_~S'a,b~e~7_ l~iz~~~Q~ar~s_brQasi~r__ ~a,:k~r.Q~i 2wt r4~e~is~~ditu~~l?~x~_va1 Qf ~'~_~'_~~~-`-?mom- ~ Qty-a??~T~~~~r ~~ct~,-.Intersection LOS calculations are provided in Appendix E,_~v_F_~_h~_1a~2~P_ n re~s~_an i. in_cl~~~~n_~h~~~ttac.h~d t2th~_~'1ZI?MEI_R .The year 2015 intersection turning movement volumes for the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours with Project-generated traffic are provided in the_resised_Appendix E. As shown in Table 4.7-15, under the 2015 Future Baseline conditions~wi_~ ~r~r~e~, the intersections of Oyster Point Boulevard/~rxi'~ue- ~4vetu~e:.t~,.~__~Q~_~ 4~Ra~p (p.M. peak hour) ^---•~~- n~• Beulebar-c-late ~~~ ~ -jr~«r~~ v'a~Be d--{~'~~~~-he~'~-and East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive (both--~,~t, peak hours) would operate at LOS EF. ~he_E_ast grand Ave_nu_e~[~randview Drive ntersectio_n_w_~uld also cxare at T.(~~F ~a~ rho, 3he~ hoLr With implementation of the relevant East of 101 Study mitigation measures (as documented in the previous section), the Oyster point Boulevard/l~_,S,~.Q~~ C~~s._~~~h~Dul~tu~,,a eT u..,d ~etst-~v'rtan~z z°-veil}~e~GraSlr~SFiew-Dirdc°-i~n:cr,ccEiof3s would improve to LOS ~-,~,~~s~, ~ F_ast Gran- Awe e Gr~~ie would im_~rove to LOS B during. the_A,:yi, peak hour and LOS C dut7n~ the P.'~z. peak hour, -~ ~t -c-~~ i (11 c•...a~ a ~~vcrru- ~ 146 Genentech Corporate FacillHes Master EIR Partial Revtaton Parflol(v Revised 4.T4~ I Il 1 ~ a a' ,.8. F .l.'.. ..~ t j 1. ".3 lI s... ...o „t-o _- '-~- -- - i ,- ~ to ~r Jn F'~ 2015.Et (W/houf 2015Fulue Phis w/o6asfd101 w/6a~td101 w/o6mtd101 w/Eastd101 s s s s InFersecYona AM PM AM PM qM PIiA AM PM C D C D ~ 1. Airport Boulevard I Sister Cities Boulevard? {~ 44~ WA WA f~} WA 4~ 7.1 ${~ ~$ Q i~1CA 2. Oyster Point Boulevard 1 U.S.101 1y~Q~Ramps ~ 4~ GE 4~ _ ~ -E I~ ~ ~E ~ -~ -E ' ~ ~ ~ 3 Wit-Boulevard-{-Dubuque Avenue.LU~. Cl~ €~ ~g~ WP+ S C {~g~} ~~ {>88) ~ 9 44~} - D E)~ E F 4. Oyster Point Boulevard 1 Gateway Boulevard 441-} {5~} - - { {~gp) - - C~ C FE FQ B~ 5. Oyster Point Boulevard /Gull Drive 4~ {39:8) WA WA {>$8} {~~) {~ f~) C B C ~E 6. Gull Drive I Forbes Boulevard ~ - - E~-4} - - ~ ~ C F C 7. Forbes Boulevard I Allerton Avenue2 B (12.1) C C 8 Airport Boulevard I Miller Avenue 1 U.S.101 SB Off- C WA WA 4~} 4~ WA WA Ramp (24.2) ~ ~ D D E D C 9. AirportBoulevard /Grand Avenue 4~} 4~? WA WA (ice} {39:8) 4~ WA A A)~ A {~~ 10. Dubuque Avenue /Grand Avenue {~ ~ WA WA 47:9} {~ WA WA ~ ~ ~ Industrial Drive I East Grand Avenue / U.S.101 NB A B - - A B - - 11. ~ Ramp (0.0) {10.4) (0.0) (10.7) B B D B 12. East Grand Avenue I East Grand Overcrossing {-19~-} {a4.5) - - 435:3} {~49~} - - ~ ~ Genentech Corporate FacilNles Master EIR Parttai Revision 47 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts ~ - - 2015£ulure 8asee~ (WNau- 1015Fuhme 8asellnePlru w/o6cstd101 w/Eoatd101 w/oEo~fd101 w/Costd101 s s s s 1-dersec~lons AM PM AAA PM AM 1pIN AM PM 13. East Grand Avenue /Gateway Boulevard C ~ (19.6) N/A N/A D 444=e} C f~# NIA NIA East Grand Avenue /Harbor Master Road / Forbes 14. C~ ~ D N/ E ~~ Boulevard A N/A (>80) (>80) ~~ ~'~ ~~ ~ ~6~ C C F B B 15. East Grand Avenue / Allerton Avenue ~} ~~ ~ M/A NIA ) ~~~ 2~_2~ ~9 (>80) .1.9.4 .1.7.3 E €E B C B 16. East Grand Avenue / Grandview Drive {4~.5) (+t~5) () F F F (>80) (>80) (>80) Produce Avenue /Airport Boulevard /San Mateo 17. Avenue C D N/A N/A C 8 N/A p {3~} ~ ~~ ~ (> 0) ~) C D C EE C~ 18. South Airport Boulevard /Gateway Boulevard {~~} # N/A N/A ~} ~~) N/A f34~} South Airport Boulevarct I U.S.101 On-and Off- 19. C f~-9} C #~ C C {31 6} Ramps - - - - - ~~~ ~.1~ ~~~R~~. nerve ~ngmeenng nluo LOS =Level of Service Delay indicates Average Vehicle Delay in seconds. Bold indicates unacceptable intersection operating conditions. N/A indicates that East of 101 Mitigation would not be needed. Dashed line indicates that no East of 101 Mitigation is ava1able. 1.,ASSUm.~~.hat~aelelcvant_mfig,atic~2m~s.u e:rcrLT~~ Ierra~.aX EtK,._has_4~e~n~ur~l~rn~nted.._1f_tt~~mti:~at~n measuc~~as,c~i bG~.'1...(filGil@71(4rl'JCL.th~_i7]t.~r5~_~t141]?KQUId_9I~-k'.Yaf~..~iL l.~,~S~d~1P.rl~..:tt~4.1'. M._,~~~75_~].S241r.Ct 4Y~J'~~G~C1Af1.4. U11L~4:CSU(:h s.[c_mstt~~~~,,th~ Fras,[,_rf t~LMill~uticn_M~~ss;c~s_wQS1Js~_x~c~c~ ts~ iae rc~~[em~r~t~d i_~c Lh~'nz~~~~.tic~n. 2. Intersection would not meet the Caltrans Peak Hour Warrant. `tx:refore,h~l_QSF~~n~zt,_co~s;siered can ~nc~C~nr}trybis Qpcaati~r~ NOTE~The East of 101 Study does not identify a mitigation measure for the Oyster Point Boulevard /Gateway Boulevard intersection ur_the GuH LryeLF4rt~s ~o;,lc.u!arct~nt~r,~~ct~o~. Under the 2015 Future Plus Project conditions, the following -~1-1?,_study intersections are projected to operate unacceptably (i.e., from LOS E to F, or increase of delay of five seconds or more at LOS E or F intersection) during either the A.M. or P.M. peak hour without implementation of the applicable East of 101 Study improvements: ~~r~-art B~;fl<T-:~x~/S1st~r (' ~~._s._13~lalev:~rt~ ~"rt' r;~e T~,r*.~ba~~ ~-iti~a~ior~ zxa~a5urc_#.s r~c~t~lernenrcr ~s (',:.t 1'Unt 13c~ulevarrl,I1 r ~. 1..02 SIB E>n Ramp _ 48 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EtR Partial Revision Pardo Revisgc~ 4.?4~ ^ Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard ^ Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive ^ Gull Drive/Forbes Boulevard ^ Forbes Boulevard/Allerton Avenue ^ Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue ^ East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard ^ East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue ^ East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive ^ Produce Avenue/Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue ^ South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard After implementing the applicable East of 101 Study mitigation measures =~c~_~~v~cz~sly~~~t~~t~e '~errabay_m~tuon_ea5ure, the Oyster Point Boulevard/~~-Hri°~et~S_ 1~1~IB_nn Ramp (.M. peak hour), East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard (A.M. a~d_~ ~a,_peak hour), and East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive (P.M. peak hour) intersections would continue to operate with unacceptable conditions. As stated esrl-ieriri ~he_'`•1_c~~~. tQ__',I',a~Z~=_.4~Z-1~, the East of 101 Study does not identify a mitigation measure for the Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard intersection or=the t;~ ~_~~`r~~,~s~.~_~~ ~:~~~~y~,rts~~i'~1,~~~r~ta~~i~t.~~~~~.~tQra,. It is important to note that although the Forbes Boulevard/Allerton Avenue intersection would operate at LOS F in the A.M. peak hour, it would not meet the Caltrans peak hour signal warrant. Therefore, the intersection would not be considered to operate unacceptably. ~`~~ d~z~c~~s~~t~sii~._.Ta1~~~::.4 7_~~.~aft~x_i,~pl.~nt~ri~r~f' ~~i.e_F~a.st_o~ ~0..~_~aio~~ss~as ~e~_as the Terr~ha~~_ mit~at~n rneasure~_~nly__the follc~win~five_intersectons __are projected. to operate at,, an unacceptable level~ther because_nc~, East of_101 me~sures do not_sufficientl~mitigate thc, im~aet~or_no East Q~ 1Q1 e~s~re is available for the ~~l~,r i~te~~~~ttc~n ^ C)ystez-Roul~_Bczulev~rd/~?. ~,, 1Q1__I~;BS2n_mmg ^ _ yst~r_~?oznt__~aul~s~s~/~~tcway__~Q~~y~~d ^ _Ciull Driv_c,/Forbes Boulevard ____ ~__ mast__~xax~d_,~~v_~~.~a~~~az~~zr ~a~s~~~Q ~4xhes ~o~~aars ~ _~~,rans~r~~nu~CTr~nd~si~~ris~ 'I'he__CJysrer Pint Bc~uieyard/:U_S, 101 _i\1B- On-Ramp,_.._Airport Bouievard[Grand_~~venu.e, and _EaSt ~r-~ua~.=.: ~ve:~ua~rbr~~ 'Yl~astez .~.c?~~~car~~s_~c~ut~v~rd ~t~s~~;tc~~,~w~rc;_z1Qt_i~i~z~trfi~d a~-psat~ntially si~nifi~ant impacts afrter implement~~t~n, 2f~h~Ea~t= of 1Q1_ _n~~~sures n_;the ~1yLF~IR= As sit~cus~e~ _in g~~at~r_deta>_~~lov_;~,_±zf th~~~ ~iv~_%r~~r~~~gzotity~ ir~p~ts tsz_r.~~ ~~~t~r_PQant_Bs~ul~vard~r S._1~?1_ ~B _C~n_Rsmp _inter~~.cuc~n _ cannot _l~e miti_gated . ro a Iess=than-significant_level throu~h_ _addttit~nal tnea~ures, ~aF~i~. 4 7-1.C _=~umm._anzes__.~p~xaln~_~2n~tson.s_ fc~r, ntcr~~~ti~ns _a,fter ~he_ ~mpl:em~nt~~4n c~f.__1~c~th th....e F't~st cf 101 ant~netiu mittt~n~rn~a~ures .n the Year_20.1~ iutur~_~'l~s l'_r~~eet._~~nd~tion~ 'I'1?e=tal~le_has r~l5o been r~y~c~d t~3,_show data for_a11 int~rse~c~,ns~ev~n th+~~e~ha~d,o nQt_,rcqulre„,any mitigapon, Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision 49 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts 2f?TSWIu~ePhts Ptnlc+rJwihbasFaF 2~r~w-~,~ r~s ~rn~±>~ __ 11~4 Sttlffi! S ~ ~ ~ ~ 1, ~rt BaulevardlSisterClties 8oilevard ~ ~g ~ ~ ~, Ovster Paint BoulevardlU.S.101 NB On-Rama ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~. Dubuoue Avenue/U S 101 Ramos ~ jig ~ ~ 4s Ovst~r Point BoulevardlGat .wav Bo i va __ _ Q ~~ ~ 4$~ ~ 4vster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, Gull Qrive/Forbes Boulevard = _ ~ a Z Forbes 8ooievard/Allerton Av n ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ Aia~ort Boulevard/Miller Avenue/t_1 S 101 SB Off- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. rt Boulevard/Grand Av n ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ IQ. Dubuque AvenuelGrand Av .n i ~/g ~ ~ ~ Indu~rial DrivelEaSt Grand Aven ~ 1 ~ 101 hB Off ~-' R~m~ 1`!LA N1A NlA 1~11A 12. Ea~t.Grand AveneelEaa# Grand (}vercrgssina ~ ~_ ~ ~ 1~. East Grand Av -n ,p/ atewav Boulevar _~ d(g ~ ~ ~ Bast Grand AvenuelHarbor A~ac Pr RoadlFo - Bouley~td E E ~~ )~ ~ Q 1~ ~t Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenu . ~ 14...41 ~ 1Z,~ ~ ~ - ~, Fast Grand AvennetGrandview Dave ~ ~ ~ ~ 1Z. Produce Avenue/Airport Boulevard/San MatPa Aven~Le ~(g ~ ~ ~ 1$. South Airport BooievardtCatPwav Boulevard ILA ~ ~ ~ 1$, South Airport 8oolevardlU.S. 101 On-and Off-Ramps ~(g ~ ~ ~ :a_VUQ~.c~~C?cvnagnn~ 1UU6 ~$ _ _V i at Carvirr-? -- 12e av indicat 5 Av -raa - V hi I D lav in_tecand~ Bold indi at .~ ma ~ otab~~IItersertion ooeratip~ conditions 1yjA'ndicatez that _ ..aahon measure wg~1d~24}~.g, nee~~j~ashed_Jipe infjj~flt~s that nc, ~5~ jQl Mitio~atioCy is availably, This section presents the significant impacts created by the addition of Project=-generated trips to the surrounding traffic network. For each significant impact, a corresponding mitigation measure is identified. . 50 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision Pa-tiallLr Revised 4.74.-7 t, y one e ~..,.,, o mot, yr e,.~ a•..:,. ~s Threshold Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections). Specifically, the project would create a significant impact if it would cause the Level of Service at a signalized intersection to degrade to LOS E or worse, or cause the Level of Service at an unsignalized intersection to degrade to LOS F. Impact 4.7-1______ .._ Im~lementati©n of th~~o__~2se~c ,~rQ~e t~w~lc~result in ~.QS F co _di'rions at Q~t~r mint Boul~vatd~,S 1Q~1~LB Cln-Ram~interse~tiQn during_th P M=speak hour This w4~lc~ b_e a sig~uficant im act Implementation o~~ identified mi ' lion measures~V1M 4 ?-1(al _(East_ of 102 _and 4.7_1~b -- --- - - - ~n~w__~_vy~~d=reduce the im~ct:_however it wouldnot tgd~ce tl~e m~act_to a.. l~$ t~ian~~i-~n_i_fi.~ant 11. Them at~~2 acfcliti_Qnal feasibly mitgat4ti measures that~an be imx~leme.~ed to reduce this impact to a less-than- ---- - suficant_le_v_el..._`I'herefore this _im.~ct would remain si~.nifscant and srrs~oid~rb_l~: ~estbo~ndht=turn volumes a the Ovster Point B~ulevG~~-~-NB On-Ramer intersection are PXtIP.CrP.fl ro increase ___i~sm-i~ca~li x with the addition of t~ra~ect ~enP+-ated traffic The East of 101 Stud -. mirigal-ion measure for this intersection which reau res the fol~Q~n~, should be irl~~e~~ed: ,~~I~.Z=1~}__ --_. = Ovst~r~PQSn~~QUlev~rd .LS.__191_t~._Ots=.Bar~~E t o~~LZ: • Crea~r additional rvestboNnd~~tt~ttz7~ lc~2t~.. MM_ 4 7.1 (b) Oy.Point Boulevard/ U S 1011VB On-.Kamt~ (1Vew _~_ Ar~~r~addillQtra~ar~~~Qrtfib_Qr~rrd~~~~u~~~Jiet~~~rr~he__II_.~1Q1 s in_ters~on and O st r Point Boulevard con ure the northbn~snr~aioach to O~rt~- 1'oint Boulevard tQ~ttzyl~~t~o_~~'r~~ssu_e lift turn lanes an exclusive through lane a~lwo exclusivt turn___ s. _. s art o ___ pin liminate_._~s'~e -turn lane on tfie rou_b un~~u_l~u~ue Avenue a~i,~iroach to the U_S 101 Kamb~ntersecti~n_~,~;Izs's~ mint svgreho= e acilits~~ c~_nd allon~_southbound le~rns ~nm the southbound t mu~l~n This will allow lirovision of $ve full_~ot~lt~nd travel lanes on 1?ubua~e ~' v?nue between ~e northbound Off-Ramb sntersect~~ end Ovster oink ouleyard ~__,~~x,~t__~r~al~d Genenteehshall be res 3onsible for fund n~ its fair share to the implementation tincludin~ desinn atslz~ and=constructios~~ of bnrh m a. ~rec _ After im In ementation of the ro osed miti~tio~ ,~n~sures the Oster Point Boulevard/U S 101 NB On-Ra_mp intersection would still ot~~rate at an unacre .._ le l~~ ding the P=~i~eal~h.Qur Duri~ this neriod~d~l ~~ar rl~ ixi_.rs~on ~_Q~d_~XS~d_ 8.0_ second~anc~ the intersection~vould operate at an LOS F~L .~ shown in Table 4 7-20{~l an sis of tl~s --- intersection__an_d_oses~_lnitlg~on measures usiug_~_~ync ro software las opposed to TRAFFlxI. 9 Mitigation measures that are taken from the East of 101 Study have "East of 101" in parentheses. Genentech Corporate FacIIINes Master EIR Partial Revision 51 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts demonstrates_ that e_v_en with. mti,~ation~__this_i_ntersecton will. still _o erate_ at an unacce~tabie LL~S E ~t~n~r,~~..~~~Z~as~~r ~1~~_.t1tt s~i~LQI~_mi '~t?on m ~_,r __ha~c_l~~ ixxa~l~r~zer~t ta_ red~c_e_this -irn~a~t to ales-than.-s_i~CU__fi~ant Ievel. Thererare..., this ir~~~~t would remain_ss,~t~i ca,~t ~nd_ r~r~~vo~dgble, ' y e ~e~, . , Impact 4.7-2 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS E conditions at Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevazd intersection during the A.M. peak hour, and LOS F during the P.M. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7-2 (new) would reduce this impact to a less-than- significant level_2.1 t~_~rM~ai~Ci~M~gak hours.~h~rgfore, this impact wot~ld~~c,Qa~.d~r.~d~e_,ct_-t`h~rr.=~'i .r .iE~.~. BtytT-k-~7PR1-4R~Fi. i ~ 1 L..~ _ ~ ~ii «..1 ~n w.r _t_ L ___ _ ~ ~ ~plette~ s ~ ifx~at~-tie MM 4.7-2 Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard (Near): ^ ~~t~ av _tio al t mu _ line ~n westbound --- ----- -----i~?:~be -~_ ---...._ ~~-~P-pint Bos~j~v~r~_.... 10 Mitigation measures that ate taken from the East of 101 Study have "East of 101" in pazentheses. 52 Genentech Corporate FacillHes Master EIR Partial Revision Partiaiiv Revised 4.74.-7 After implementation of the proposed mitigation measure, the impact at the €}as~--Grand n ~r' a--~~--~-'~'wTT . stet Point Boulevard Gateway Boulevard. intersection duri~g_tl~e__~ ~. anc~ P M .beak hocrs would be reduced to less than significant. .- . , ~ : ~s xb~ intersection would operate at LOS D with an average delay of 49:~4$s.~ seconds_s~uring #~o~h p~ri~ds. C_~nentech would.-be res onsible~r its _fai~ shar~_contribution s deter~ne~1~~_the--~~ ~~?-eer. towards th~un~lementati~n o_f~t_i_s measure. ._ , .~_sho~stl Table 4 7-20(x,_ analy si~Q~this_ialtersection.an ro sed mt ' t,gn measles. ~s~~ t~ ~~n ro .software. ap~osed_to F.~,,~}~~~Q.s'lemonstrates_that with xllitii?ation o.~~tion._a~t r is 'n ersection will be reduced to au__at~cptablc_ ~Q~I2 ~rcfore this impact ~l_d .be~nsc~r~e~e~r~h art~nlf~.~ t~ Impact 4.7-3 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS P-~ conditions at Oyster Point Boulevazd/Gull Drive intersection during the n.M. °-~Pz~peak hour= and LOS F~_ ~r.~.._~h~P~~.._~cak-how. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7-3 (n~lr~$~Q~ 1Q1~ would reduce this impact to a lens-than-significant level Northbound left-tum and eastbound right-turn volumes at the Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive intersection are ezpected to increase significantly with the addition of project generated traffic. The East of 101 Area Plan identifies ~P-~f>lle;a mites measure for Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive3 wlv_~_~ho~c~~~ii~~igrr~ented as follows: ~• , demented: MM 4.7-3 Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Dritae (~Fer~F.as~~): • rnoye~iert~lavtetYfiden northbound Gull Drive to t~rovide tavo ~tz~lanes and anc throu~h/ri~t-.~~~r and ust signal timid .~~1 t11Q ~ _cat1Q21.= After implementation of the proposed mitigation measure, the impact at the Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive intersection would be reduced to less than significant. During the A.bt. peak hour, this intersection would operate at LOS ~~with an average delay of ~44~Z seconds. I2itring ~.zv1~,p~al~_b.4~ tl~s_ int~x~ccti~w~si s~~rat~_~L9S: ~~ith_an~v~rag~slcl~~~,~~~__sccs~z~. Genentech Corporate FacOflies Master EIR Paritai Revision 53 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts Genentech would be solely-responsible for fun.. _ its__ fair ~harc.._~ the implementation of this alter.~ate =dingy=--- _m_i_r_i~~tion_measure. Impact 4.7-4 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS E-F conditions at Gull Drive/Fortes Boulevazd intersection during the P.11Z. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7~ (new) would reduce this impact to aless-than-significant level Eastbound left-turn and westbound right-turn delays at the Gull Drive/Fortes Boulevard intersection are expected to increase significantly with the addition of Project generated traffic. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, a new mitigation measure for this intersection should be implemented. MM 4.7-4 Gull Drive/Fortes Boulevard (New): ^ The e.~cisting westbound shared througb/right-turn lane shall be recarfrgurrd to be a right- turn only lane; ^ The westbound right-turn movement shall have an overla~b phase with the southbound movement; ^ The southbound right-turn movement shall have an overlap phase with the eastbound left- turnphase. After implementation of the proposed mitigation measure, the proposed project's impact at this location would be less than significant. As such, Genentech would be solely responsible for the unplementation of this measure. Impact 4.7-5 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS E conditions at Airport Boulevazd/Grand Avenue intersection during the ~:-~.M. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7-5 (East of 101) would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level Eastbound left-turn and southbound left-turn volumes at the Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue intersection are expected to increase significantly with the addition of Project generated traffic. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, implement the East of 101 Study mitigation measure for this intersection. MM 4.7-5 Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue (East of 101): ^ Be-stripe existing southbound Airport Boulevard right turn lane to a stared through-right lane and southbound sbarrd through/kft lane to a left turn lime ^ IY/iden eastbound Grand Avenue to add two left turn lanes; rs-stripe the eastbound through/lei sbarrd lane to a through lane and eastbound right turn lane to sharsd througb/right lane ^ Provide a third ~ turn in the westbound approach and rrstrict truck traffrc on westbound Grand Avenue 54 Genentech Corporate FaeONies Master EIR~dial Revision Eartiallv Revised 4.74.-7 ^ Exiting signal modification By applying the mitigation measure previously identified by the East of 101 Study, the proposed project's impact would be less than significant at this location. As such, Genentech would be responsible for funding its fair share to the implementation (including design, approval, and construction) of this measure. It is important to note that this mitigation requires major reconfiguration of the intersection. Impact 4.7-6 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS F conditions at East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard intersection during the A.Nt. and P.M. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7-6(a)(East of 101) and 4.7-6 (b)(new) would reduce this impact to aless-than-significant level. At the East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard intersection, eastbound volumes are expected to exceed capacity with the addition of Project generated traffic. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, the following additional mitigation measure in conjunction with the mitigation measure proposed in the East of 101 Study would need to be implemented: MM 4.7-6(a) East Grand Avenue/H~bor Master Boadl Forbes Boulevard (East of 101): ^ widen westbound Grand Avenue to add one additional through lane and one additionallefl turn lane. ^ widen southbound Forbes Boulevard to add one through lane and change the existing shared through-right lane to a right turn only lane ^ widen northbound Harbor way to add one through lane, one right turn lane and change the existing shared through-right tarn lone in a right turn lane to a through lane ^ New signal installation ^ Signal interconnection installation 11~I11I 4.7-6(b) East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Band/Forbes Boulevard (New): ^ The eastbound approach to this intersection shall be widened to allow the existing shared through/right-turn lane to be recortftgured into separate through and right-turn lanes~rld .~ut1~~t?I~n~. ~ _t to ouerl~. After implementation of the both the East of 101 Study mitigation measure and the new mitigation measure, the impact at the East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard intersection would be reduced to less than significant. During both _the A.1K. ~P~_i.~peak hours., this intersection would operate at LOS D with an average delay of 48:1.4 seconds. Genentech would be selely responsible for its _ fair share cQZ3t~bution has determiza~d by the _ ~t___~~L towardss=_the implementation of the add-new mi ~ ,Lion measure, and would be expected to pay its fair share towards the implementation ('including design, approval, and construction) of the East of 101 Study mitigation measure. Genentech Corporate FacOiHes Master EIR Parttal Revision 55 Chapter 4 Envlronmenfal Analysts Impact 4.7-7 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS F conditions at East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue intersection during the A.1~t. and P.Nt. peak hours. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7_7 (East of 101) would reduce this impact to less than significant. Increased eastbound and westbound volumes at the East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue intersection would cause delays at the stop-controlled southbound approach to reach unacceptable levels. This intersection would meet the Caltrans peak hour volume signal warrant. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, implement the East of 101 Study mitigation measure. MM 4.7-7 East Grand Atienue/A11e~ton Avenue (Fart of 101): ^ New signal installation ^ Signal interconnection installation By applying the previously identified East of 101 Study mitigation measure, the proposed project's impact would be less tban significant at this location. As such, Genentech would be responsible for funding its fair share to the implementation ('including design, approval, and construction) of this measure. Impact 4.7-8 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS F conditions at East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive intersection during the .~.M. and P.Nt. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measures MM 4.7-8(a)_.(East of 101) and 4.7-8(b)_(new) would reduce this impact to less than significant. At the East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive intersection, even after the implementation of the East of 101 Study mitigation measure, delays at the southbound right-turn and eastbound left-tum movements ?n~~.~ ~•=~?~_.._~cak _hQ.~zr.__would be unacceptably high. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, the East of 101 and a new mitigation measure must be implemented: MM 4.7-8(a) East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive (East of 101): ^ New signal installation ^ Add one southbound Grandview Avenue right tarn lane; add one northbound Grandview Avenue thru lane (merging back to one lane after 110 feet); ~ stripe eastbound East Grand Avenue to provide one left tarn lane and one sharrd lei/through lane. ^ Signal interconnection installation. 56 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Parfiai Revision Portiol Revised 4.74.-7 MM 4.7-8(b) East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive (new): ^ The westbound shared tbrough/right-turn lane shall be recor~igured into aright-turn only lane. The southbound right-tarn lane would then be able to become a free right turn, and shall be striped as such. These reconfigurations would cause the southbound approach to require kssgreen time," creating more availabkgreen time for the eastbound approach. After implementation of the both the East of 101 Study mitigation measures and the new mitigation measure, the impact at the East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive intersection would be reduced to less than significant. , ur' _.. _the A.iv1. ~ hots hic intersection ~un~, ~r rP a T.OS B with an average ~~laX Qf 1$Z_scsouds~During the P.1vt. peak hour, this intersection would operate at LOS E-~ with an average delay of ~4.-4291. seconds.STenentech would be solely responsible for the imble~ Cation of the new=~_'~~n mea~ur~ an~ould b~_ex~ected to t~av its_ fair_._share tow~r.~s_..=rh_e m~l~me~~iQ_n_ ~j,n~lud~n de~.igx.~ atZ~!rQVal~s~const~_~on) Q~c_East_Qf_141_S Impact 4.7-9 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS F conditions at Produce Avenue/South Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue intersection during the P.>vt. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7-9 (East of 101) would reduce this impact to less than significant. Westbound left-turn and southbound through delays at the Produce Avenue/South Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue intersection are ezpected to increase significantly with the addition of project generated traffic. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, implement the East of 101 Study mitigation measure. MM 4.7-9 Produce At+enue/Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue (East of 101): ^ IY/ukn westbound Airport Boulevard to add one additional kf~ turn lane and re-stripe the existing tbrough/kfik shared lane to a kf?--turn lane in make it a total of three left` turn lanes ^ Modijy northbound Produce Avenue to bring the southbound 101 to eastbound Airport Boulevard traffu to stop at the intersection to eliminate the merging and weaving conflicts on eastbound Airport Boulevard ^ New signal installation By applying the previously identified East of 101 Study mitigation measure, the proposed project's impact would be less than significant. As such, Genentech would be responsible for funding its fair share to the implementation ('including design, approval, and construction) of this measure. Impact 4.7-10 Implementation of the proposed project would result in LOS 1~F conditions at South Airport/Gateway Boulevard intersection during the P.ivt. peak hour. This would be a significant impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measure MM 4.7-10 (East of 101) would reduce this impact to less than significant. ii "Green time" is the amount of green light allotted to any given phase at a traffic signal. Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision 57 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts Southbound right-fain delays at the South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard intersection are expected to increase significantly with the addition of proposed project generated traffic. In order to restore acceptable operating conditions, implement the East of 101 Study mitigation measure. MM 4J 10 Soutb Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard (Fart of 101): ^ IYliden eastbound Airport Boulevard to add one additiona! right-turn lane; n' stripe the existing tbmugb/left shared lane to a thmugh lane ^ IY/iden MitchellAvenue to add taro additional thmugh lanes and aright-turn lane ^ IY/iden southbound Gateway to add one right turn lane and cbange the existing shared thmugh-right lane to another right-turn lane ^ New signal installation By applying the mitigation measure previously identified by the East of 101 Study, the proposed project's impact would be less than significant at this location. As such, Genentech would be responsible for funding its fair share to the implementation (including design, approval, and construction) of this measure. Talite ~:'~-1~--su~t~x~r-i~e~-apera~-c--onclifia~-€c~ ir3terseetiet}}~~n~=--u ~-~plement~tier-re€-nriti~ ----».,...~......~`yl:.: t.'..~ viz-.~i ~tt2~e-Di.., t?I~£TC8ti~3~H.C3S: u~ Table 4.7-17 outlines who is responsible for funding the proposed mitigation measures throughout the MEIR Study Area. It should be noted that at intersections where an "X" is only present in the "2015 Future Without Project Mitigations" column, the East of 101 Study has identified a mitigation measure at an intersections where the proposed project would not create an impact In these cases, Genentech would not be responsible to pay a share of the cost of implementing the proposed improvements. In cases where an "X" is present in both the "2015 Future Without Project Mitigations" and "2015 Plus Project Mitigations (per East of 101)" columns, the implementation of the East of 101 mitigation measures is recommended to mitigate cumulative impacts created by the proposed project. In these cases, Genentech may be responsible to pay its share of the cumulative growth in traffic volumes at the intersection in question. However, if the intersection is projected to operate at unacceptable conditions prior to the addition of proposed project generated trips, Genentech would not be responsible to pay for improvements to the intersection. In cases where an "X" is present in both the "2015 Future Without Project Mitigations" and "2015 Plus Project Mitigations (Genentech Only)" columns, the implementation of the East of 101 mitigation measures is not recommended, as it would not mitigate cumulative impacts created by the proposed project. Instead, the implementation of an alternate mitigation measure would be required to mitigate the cumulative impacts created by the proposed project. In these cases, Genentech would be solely responsible for the funding of the alternate mitigation measure. In cases where an "X" is present in all three columns, not only is the implementation of the East of 101 mitigation measures is recommended, but the implementation of an additional mitigation measure would be required to mitigate cumulative impacts created by the proposed project In these cases, Genentech would be responsible to pay its share of the cost of the East of 101 mitigation measure, as well as fully funding the additional mitigation measure. Lastly, in cases where an "X" is only present in 58 Genentech Corporate FactliHes Master EIR Partial Revi`ion Par}ial(y Revised 4.747 the "2015 Plus Project Mitigations (Genentech Only)" column, the proposed project would be solely responsible for the funding of the necessary improvements. As shown in Table 4.7-17, Genentech would be solely responsible for paying for improvements at the Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard ~d Gull Drive/Forbes_ Bo _ evard intersection. At the y~~r Point Boulev~r~L~.S. 101 N~libQ~nsi_Qn.=B~mp the ~~~ ~i,~na AvenuejH~.tbor M s r oad/Forbes Boulevard._and the Fast Grand Avenue%~ndview Drive intersection, the proposed East of 101 Study mitigation measured would not mitigate the proposed project's impact. Thus, Genentech would be responsible for providing an alternate mitigation measure and the payment thereof. At the East Grand Avenue/Harbor Master Road/Forbes Boulevard and East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive intersections, the proposed East of 101 mitigation measure, in conjunction with an additional mitigation measure, would mitigate the project's impact. As a result, Genentech would be responsible for contributing its fair share towards the cost of implementing the East of 101 mitigation measure, as well as fully funding the proposed additional measure. Genentech Corporate FacllNies Master EIR Partial Revision 59 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis ~rsecBon 015 WAuns M~Ilwut ~t 1015PNa Prnje~ct s (Csner~Asch Far ~~ Dets[mtned by Clv 015PNus Project s GenePolech On 1. Airport Boulevard/SisterC~ties Boulevards X- _ 2. Qtr Point Bo ~I vard/ 5.101 NB On-RamR x x 3. Oyster Point BoulevardlDubuque Avenue X X 4. Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard - _~ 5. Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Drive X -X ~ 6. Gull DrivelForbes Boulevard ~. _ _~ Z Forbes Bo~levardlAilerton Avenge _ _ _ Airport Boulevard/MillerRvenue/U.S. 101 SB Off- 8. Ramp X _ 9. Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue X X - 10. Dubuque Avenue/Grand Avenue X _ _ 11 Industrial Drive/East Grand Av noel 1 101 NB Off - gam = _ _- 12, East Grand Avenge/ a t G QverCfOGSinn _ _ 13. East Grand Avenue/Gateway Boulevard X _ _ 14. East Grand AvenuelHarbor Master RoadlForbes Boulevard X X ~_ 15. East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue X X 16. East Grand Avenue/Grandview Drive X X X 17. Produce Avenue/Airport Boulevard/San Mateo Avenue X X _ 18. South Airport Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard X X 12. South Airno_ rt Boulevard/U S 10f On-and Oft-Rama ~~~....~. w~ .a ~i Oyu ~ccnny cuuo X in~cates responsible party t_ 14~S~1J~es that the relevant miti ~n~c sure {rom the Terrctzg F,1R has been imr~lemented ff the r~r itig~flgn m___gg,5-~r~h. ors not -- ~ b~en.,im~z(~mentsci. the_.inter~~ciion wQUt~1_oo{a~rato_~ti4S.E.~i~nn~theP.~.-~cakhouciasv~s~enario SJn~l~r_such - - ~t~cum~~np~s~the~s~sT_..Qf_LQI_Nuti~ation=l~enssrLes~~ufsin~~~f2iz~i _ __ _rY]~E:?T1,L;11tGSif_4L=2I1~if1t8LSQ..~fi9t1, Threshold Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results insubstantial safety risks Impact 4.7-i1 The project would not result in a change in air tragic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks. This would be aless-than-significant impact. The ME1R Study Area is located approximately 1.5 miles north of SFIA. The entire MEIR Sturdy Area is within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) height limits for the SFIA. The proposed project does not propose any changes that would affect the SFO airport or flight operations and does not propose 60 Genentech Corporate FacllfHes Master EIR Partial Revision Patiiaily Revised 4.74.-7 any structures of substantial height to interfere with existing airspace or flight patterns. This is a less- tban-significant impact. Threshold Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways. Specifically, the project would create a significant impact if it would cause the Level of Service at a freeway segment or freeway ramp to degrade from LOS D to LOS E or worse, from LOS E to F, or cause an increase in the volume-to-capacity ratio of 0.5 or more and cause an increase in density by four passenger cars per lane per mile. Impact 4.7-12 Implementation of the proposed project would result in a volume-to- capacity increase of 0.05 or more along the already deficient (LOS ~ U.S. 101 segment north of Oyster Point Boulevard in the southbound direction during the A.Nt. peak hour, and in the northbound direction during the P.Nt~ peak hour. This would be a significant impact. As potential mitigation measures to reduce this impact would require approval from outside agencies, this impact would remain significant and unavoidable. 2015 Conditions at U.S. 101 Mainline-With and Without Project North of Oyster Point Boulevard Northbound Direction D 32.4 F NIA D 33.0 F WA Southbound Direction F NIA D 31.2 F NIA D 32.0 North of I-380 Northbound Direction D 26.1 C 24.5 D 30.5 C 25.1 Soufhbound Direction D 29.5 D 32.6 D 30.1 E 38.2 SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 LOS =Level of Service Density is shown in passenger cars per lane per mile. Density is not computed when free-flow speed is less than 55 mph. Under LOS F conditions, free-flow speed drops to below 55 mph. Bold indicates unacceptable freeway segment operating conditions. As noted in Table 4.7-18 above, in the 2015 Future Without Project conditions, the U.S. 101 segment north of I-380 is expected to operate at LOS D or better in the 2015 Future Without Project conditions Genentech Corporate Facilitles Master ElRpartiai Revision 61 Table 4.7-18 presents the 2015 Future Without Project and 2015 Future Plus Project traffic volumes and levels of service for U.S. 101 study segments (the HCS freeway segment calculation sheets are provided in Appendix E. Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts during both peak hours. The segment north of Oyster Point Boulevard would operate at LOS F in the southbound direction during the A.M. peak hour, and in the northbound direction during the P.M. peak hour. In the 2015 Future Plus Project conditions, the U.S. 101 segment north of I-380 are expected to deteriorate from LOS D to LOS E in the southbound direction doting the P.M. peak hour with the addition of Project generated traffic. However, as stated earlier, the LOS standard for these freeway segments has been established as LOS E by the San Mateo County Congestion Management Program. Conditions at the U.S. 101 segment north of Oyster Point Boulevard would continue to operate at LOS F in the southbound direction during the A.M. peak hour, and in the northbound direction during the P.1K. peak hour with the addition of Project generated traffic. Thus, the project would contribute to cumulative impacts at these locations. The 2015 Future Plus Project A.M. peak hour traffic volume for this segment in the southbound direction (10,008 vehicles) would be greater than the A.M. peak hour traffic volume for this segment (9,280 vehicles) in the 2015 Future Without Project condition. The Project would add about 728 vehicles to the southbound direction of U.S. 101 north of Oyster Point Boulevard during the A.M. peak hour. During the P.M. peak hour, 2015 Future Plus Project traffic volume for this segment in the northbound direction (10,093 vehicles) would be greater than the Year 2015 Future Without Project condition traffic volume for this segment (9,490 vehicles). As such, the proposed project would add about 603 vehicles to the northbound direction of U.S. 101 north of Oyster Point Boulevard during the P.1K. peak hour. Cumulative impacts to this freeway segment could be considered potentially significant for both peak hours. According to the significance threshold criteria listed in the Environmental Criteria section, the proposed project would cause a significant cumulative impact if it would do the following Cause an increase (attributable to Project-generated traffic) in volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratio of 0.05 or more at freeway mainlines and increase the density (passenger cars per mile per lane) by at least four at on-ramp/freeway junctions operating at LOS E or F under future baseline conditions According to the 2015 Future Without Project traffic conditions noted in Table 4.7-~18, during the A.M. peak hour, the segment of U.S. 101 north of Oyster Point Boulevard in the southbound direction would operate with a v/c ratio of 1.16. With the addition of Project-generated traffic, the v/c ratio is expected to increase to 1.25, which represents an increase of 0.09. Therefore, the proposed project would create a significant cumulative impact along the southbound direction of U.S. 101 north of Oyster Point Boulevard. Likewise, the addition of Project-generated traffic to the northbound direction of U.S. 101 north of Oyster Point Boulevard in the P.M. peak hour would create a significant impact because it would cause an increase in the v/c ratio of 0.07. iVli ' tion of th,c Lmt)a ~voLd_rent„re widening the c,=rre~ fre~w~y__ox~nstxucti~~ a_,~e~eway.__O~~~n_the~catiQn ~f ~naizalzn.~~x~~ay~ui _r14~~ 1~-~~-s~Qg_d~Yelo~nt~ ng~tion is nat_~a~ible. Additianaly. such nits l=am ~!?1~~-e-- ~~h~___~=o~~-~x~~z?~d~~~~l~t~o_~_tQ the twes of Land uses it woL d__be~~fi~Ti_en ~_se_ ecifi~ concerns miti Lion of Impact 4 7 12 ' ~r Q~ be feasibly, as d~f ned bX~~O~~PP pub I~~~~~~s=C2-~~ 2_1_tzG_1 _1 _ r~efi_~ «feasil le" as "cap~l~s _ in ~c~c~m~st-~-~------,.-'-'--~__=-=~U~-s ~~-.._._- hed . •_ 1T1t0 aC znt ~~onomi~=-=-ancL~l~l~c~Lfa~ctors~~„der CF._(~~~~_~_~y_ ~ -tlais_ m~trPt },a~ an ob~tion r~ ba~nc~__-~ ~c_--~~uve~, u~~l.~s~cifi~_cc~QZ~i~ ~ncs~~t. b_e~~tr~_Qf tli~ -_o'~rt~ See ----~ ~ -~ 62 Genentech Corporate Fac0lNes Master EIR Parttai Revision psL e(fx Revised 4. T4. T I dub. Re~~~r~~Qd~~21 1 ~s~~_~~~ (3~~~G~idelines l~ 1~(~21 ~u~_~d~.~~here ecQ~mi~ oc ncem ren er a articular mitigation measure infeasible the lead a~~nc~mav__~iect the measure_~ee Pub_Resourees Coe _21081, subd. ~ As there~'e no feaslzle _---- - mitieaton m~asur~~ that can r_ed?a~e the~i~if_i~s~ Qf Im~act~-12 t2aJe_,~than si~ificant lev~~ this ir~et_y,~3?l~~_~ _r,~nsi r~d.~...rignif:cant and unavoidable unpact. 2015 U.S. 101 On-Ramp Conditions-With and Without Project Table 4.7-19 shows the 2015 Future Without Project and 2015 Future Plus Project freeway on-ramp density, and the corresponding levels of service. As shown, all off-ramps would operate at LOS D or better during the weekday A.1K. and P.M. peak hours under both scenarios. Although the addition of the Project-generated vehicle trips to the freeway mainlines and on-ramps would result in an increase in the density at the freeway mainline/on-ramp junctions, all locations would continue to operate with acceptable conditions. The project would have a le.r.r-than-significant impact. ~ - 2015F~ne YY - Slrout 1015Fuhme Pius /UNIPIadcFlot~r PMPbokFiour AIblPeakHot~r PMP+eakFlour US 101 Seymenf LOS LOS LOS -LOS U.S.101 NB from Oyster Point Boulevard B 11.3 B 19.7 B 11.7 C 23.3 U.S.101 SB from Oyster Point Boulevard/Dubuque Avenue g 10.4 B 15.3 B 10.5 B 16.5 U.S.101 NB from Grand Avenue/Airport Boulevard B 17.8 B 21.3 B 18.1 C 22.5 U.S.101 NB Tram South Airport Boulevard B 19.1 C 21.7 B 19.1 C 21.7 U.S.101 SB from Produce Avenue B 17.2 C 25.2 B 17.9 D 29.1 SOURCE: Korve Engineering 2006 LOS =Level of Service Density is shown in passenger cars per lane per mile. Density is not computed when free-flow speed is less than 55 mph. Bold indicates unacceptable freeway orxamp operating conditions. 2015 U.S. 101 Off-Ramp Conditions-With and Without Project , .. ___ ___~___ ___..__ia ..... ~.a ...,~ n cr ' Thp C';tcr of Snnrh fan Francisco_ retained the_sersices~f ~san~_Tsar>~pQrtadQn_~s~~Q,_~an~a~t_a_~_ynGhrQ~.nalysi~_~Q££;amps_and_iuter~~tQns~thi,n c1QS Genentech Corporate FaclliNes Master EIR Partial Revision 63 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts ~rQximi~~ ht. ose off-_r~m~s '~~_~n~,l-mss ~t~lt~z~d_~h~~ne~~ntile_~uetun~_.~h_r~~hQ~_.~n~_~IM~r ffi~ ~c~f~yy_a_re evaluation fo_ r the full peak hour of o xation Table 4 7-2p a sho the freewav~off-r_am level of service with s tunin - = i~_ ~ '-_,~o~t' ized for. overdo erations,~"he rot~ose ro'ect would generate ~ii~an~_in~er~~tt:4~=_LC~s~ at i ort Bo~le~ Grand_ ~.~niie and SrP Point B~ulgv r~~Gat~wa~Bo~l~ax~i T.~,12SB ~1 r~-Qy~r Off Ram in th~~ ~!~t==~~-k-_hQur ~n~.I~~}~u -T~=~Si1~2.-~,Ad {~-'~teT PQ~ Bo,te rd~ ~lv~~~e~[?.~.1(}l NB O - atew~y~~levardlll.S..1Q1 4~,~~ ~~,, eak~.141u, - ~l =Caver T-Azle 4~Z_~~l~~~r~s3ie~.~e aueutr,~ Lesigth~a;i- well_as~~ila~le._s~~a~~_sii.~tance with si~n~Lritzziny~~~.r ~ttn~~c~ l~el of s~rviee• =tee inter~ec 'o .: ~nf .- . ' ~r~B~l vard Grad Aven -... ---..._ ~-_ _ .__ _1~e _and Oster ~~-~ub~a~e its the~.iY1_~~a~a~~c~9us- ~n~ .D~li~? ue 'n ~i.~_p~'Y~ gak hour w ~~~r ~ZC~'_~ _- sl .~_ ~~.r_Qd~3e~ s~~~i£i~s_2~~rc~~u~~ing_f~x b~se~~~nd _bas~sa~~ ~r.~ ie~. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ A~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ z~.~ ~ f34.7} ~ f26.61 ~ lie ~ 1`ue ~~ I ~~ I 4f I 127.5) I ~' ~~7 I ~ t35.31 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ 52.1} I (41.Q1 $QUR • _ ran Tran~~}~~p~~~_~2Q.4b Ycar_2QQ4,Cl ruva~~u~i~.~li~arral~3ua1}:~iSletl~arlala.~ .£yrxhmrs~r~~r~zcrrrr LOS=level at Service: Rvergr~e_c~elay in seconds in parentheses 841d;~1CIi~Qt~S~i nacceotal2lefg~w~~off_ramo operating cQn it' ~, ---- NS2IE=S.9.m~."nluss~coie~t"te~ults_ac~~?~txer_ais~l~cLintet5ecii4ns-tt~san_°'Bas.~line..~w~'~t~r~ec..t~,,_Les_u[ts._du~_tsza=~h.an~~.in.-2be ~~~?~~Y-~-!e~lesL~sih _tL1~~yp~l][g oroaratD_#Q_~ccommodate t_ i -----he: f1-~.~LOlUi~1e~ eatS4~1~~._lL~.~i~t~_ [S~c~t1C2~ w_tth(Il ~!1 nf~r_chan~s~=acesi f ~'_~1u~~LO~esL _cs~nditic~ns_. 64 Genentech Corporate Facillhes Master EIR Partial Revision PariiaHv Revised 4.74.-7 I AA~~ Pfd/P~k AAAB~s PJidP~s ~ ~ ii~sx .~roort BoulevardN.S.101 NB Hoak _IIll-.-.1_.....1..1. NB Off-Rama Left Tum/Throuoh/Right tT4t~f _' 166 ~1 .~ ~ ~ Aimart BoulevardllNiller AvenuelU.S.101 SB Off- S~~ SB Off-Ramp Left TumlThroUgh_(. otail` 122 4~$ ~$ ~ ~ Airoort BouievatdlGrand Avenue SB Left Tum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SB ThrouahiRi t Tum ~ 421 2Z~ `~ ~ SB Ri t Tum Z6 ~ ~ ~ ~ Ouster Point BoulevardtDubuaue Avenue NB Left Tum 13~ 14Q ~_ ~ ~ NB Left Tum t Through 2~ 2$4 ~_ ~ ~ NB tflht Tum 21Q 1 Z 1Z ~ Dubuoue Avenue/U S 101 NB Off-Ramo-SB On- Off RampQ eft Tumtfhroi~gh/Right Tum (Totall* 1694 11QS Z$2 .1442 ~ Ouster Point BoulevardtGatewav BoulevardlU.S.101 SB Off-RamolCommercial Access SB Off-Ramp Through_(Total)" ~QQ ~_ ~ 121$ ~ SB Off-Rama Right Tum Lane ~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Storage and O ,_ .u .S - MeasSJCed in feet {.per total lane arou^ or approach• ar ner tum Lane as indicatedl. The term "Total" a~~when storaa _1~JQt a arou2oflanes ~ ^~h the same movement to which drivers have ea ,al a , or for a oroup of more thgt~nnP throur;h or turn lane on and of#-ramp intersection aeoroach where drivers would be exo~d fo access each lane in the most_efficient queuin~c .order.. Genentech Corporate FacilMies Master EIR Partial Revision 65 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts ~ ~ > F~ f~k Peck tlostt Elcsu fkan ~_ t'MP_eak Beck t1ldfsak HQSrr ttcsrr tlcsrr S. Airoort BoulevardN S 101 NB Hook NB Off-Ramp Left Tumtfhrouah/Rioht (To~ii' ~_ 11~ 1_9.4 ~ ~ ~ Airoort Bouievard/Miiler AvenuelU S 101 SB Off SB Off-Ramp Left TumJThrouoh (Total)* 122 44$ ~$$ ~5 ~_ Airport Boulavard~Grand Avenue _ _ SB Left Tum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SB Through/Right Tum _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SB Ri0ht Tum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4vster Point BoulevardiQubuaue Avenue NB Left Tum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MB Left Tum J Through ~_ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ 1~ IYBRight Tum 214 1 Z 1Z _ 22 - 4 - Z ubuaue AvenuelU S 181 NB -RamR-SB On- _ _ _ !33 ff Ramo/Left TumtfhrouohJRiah Tum (Tatal~* ~ 114$ ~ 1452 ~ - 1.4~ ~ Oyster Point Bouleva /Gateway Boulevardlli.S _ - - 101 SB Off-ItamnlCommercial Acce c SB Off-Rama Through (Totait* ;~ ~ ~ 121$ ~ 11$4 ~ SB Off-Rama Right Tum Lan - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NJA in i at .c nQ `iootiorl~gga$5_aCy SiQLa~od 4.u~.u.s5=__AA~ass~tsd...in...fayt_._(patt.otall~atl~SU~u.g.Q.r._aDt~csigat]~n[~~r~m_Lan~~slrttlia.ai~di~-Ih~ fe[.rrt"tQta_L' _a}~_ E~~t^1.13~t1_StQtag.~is-f4La oroun of 1_an~s yy~th the_.5~ame movement to which drivers ho~v g~ual access, or for a aro~~n of _~ Q14L~LhS7tLO[la~f]C4~gh or~vi1119t].~....9~ Cftld_0.#f=1SIt21Qy]i8[Sacft4t1S1K?RLQach wherQ~,(~vBGS~v!41J1.SJ.kZ~ gXp~St~io_s7C:.~_e~Qach !~Ct~n~h.~ Lt~9S.t_~Ifl~tQ.IltS~Sl~iC1~4C~_I. 66 Genentech Corporate FacONles Master EIR Partial Revision PartiaHv Revised 4.74.-7 I ~g~ct 4 713 Imti~ entation of the ~t~.~~Le~* °'^'•t~t ~s„tt ;n 1.[~~ F conditions at.._.A~ort B.ouleva~/Grand Avenue U S 101 Off-Ramp during the A M= weak hour This would be a sigrnificant im au ct However implementation 4f the identified rniti~a*+~*+ mPacnre 1~LM 4 7-13 would reduce the im ate ct to aless-than.-. ssg,~acant_level ~~.~r~~~ed_broies~_~~~gzad~the ba~~iz~ operation fr9m a~n-_~cs~~ta~l_e i.t~S D to an unacce table LOS F at theAimort Boulevard/Grand Avenue Off-Ra.m~~urin~r the A M ~eak~ur. T~mmentation 2f_1tlQn Measure 4 7 13 however would reduce this impact to a less thaw i~~c~ .l~v~1_. ~~~ 4.7-1~_=~srt~ulevard/(;sand Avenue Ot1=.~~~t~_ treco rr a eas_I~i2ut~dS~'and Avertrsem an exis_ tit_r~e~s'c~i~s'u~'i t turn l~nd~d ~~shar~d thz~a~~1~~lane.to vrovide an exc~~~12r11_a_trd and a shad ~i1rinht turn lane ^ Fmvide ,{air share contribution las determined h~v ~ C~ E~®~r~~zvards the re-strii~ ~~~~' tho cn3;tl~hnss~~ Airbnrt Bnuleyard abhr~~.r~ym at~e~r~ttnQ left shard thtt..1e~ turn.. exclt~ve thm~ and ~.Yclasive tag' t turn lane co~uratiQ~tQ~ttn2~e two ex~uturn I~~an exclusive thro~b~lin~~a..~'fza~d=thmu h/rir__ h~~s ^^ Adrust signal timing Afterim~em~~.tad~n of the ~ronosed mitigation measure the Aimort Boule~Mrd/Grand Avenge Off- $,_~nla o~~xe at mac_ce~~a~ble_L~s~~42~2~ec.9ndsl dig rhP A M beak hoLr_ Theme ore. this im~~r would be considered less tban sig ~ scant er mitig~~~ Im~a~4,Z>•~_____._-.-Im~l~t~~c~t_~_,t~,~_~f the nro~osed_ roie_ct would result in LOS E conditions ~t_Q~te~ ~hat_i3szul~v~tdLGa~#~vav~o_ul~v.~d~ 1.41_ ~~1_~-Qv~~2t~: Ramp during the A M~ and P M~~ak hours Thi~w~ld_b_~ a ~i~nif~ant n~~act However implementation of the identified mitigation measure 114 7-14 would reduce the imvact to aless-than-signi~~cant 1_evel. ~'h~_~%sed-.~rniect we~_1~~~~r~l~ tl_~~=baseline.___o-~t_atti~~=~a~i a~=~~~_e~~.bl~ _~9~D~9=~.n ~acceptabl~L_Q,S~ -at the t~ r~'~~~s~rdl~wa~Bctu_i~v~rdl~ 1Q1 SB_Fly-9~v ruff= ~i~z-dig theme and P ~~t beak hours Imblementation of Mitig~ri4~_MPas~ire 4 7-14 however would reduce this im ac tcza_._l_ess th~i~mifica_nt level. ~f1~4.7:1~-_-~y~'-ter~'_ointL~~G~ea~~~Qr~var~.l_l.~„~._1Q2_,~~ Fly-Qv~O~.~b~te~. • _Ad.i~;~r~ trmsz~ • _Im~~rrrrnt 1 _1~It~_I_:4.7-2. Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision 67 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts r'ltt~r itn 1cm~nt~tiQn ..Qf--._th_~ .._ rQ czs~_miti~~i~n_.._m~a~.~~.re~_th~---Q er_~~int_$Q~lev~d -.te~v_ --~---__=---p--p-- ~~zul~yar~ ~_19.1__~~.F1 _Over Q#~$~~_w_ould~ t~~t. a_n acce~tahl~j,Q~ ~~52,-1_S~~c~~ic~_d~la~, durul_,~t~e ~.~t, peak-..-hour_,a~d an. acc~ab~e LOS 1? (41.t?__s~cand dela_y_)_..durn_,~,_the ~,'~~ea_Ic hour.,. _T.bex_~£Q~c~ thiss_.un~,~t v~~~~~~Qn~dd..l~,r~h~sr ,ei~u~~icartt aft~rx~iti~saQ~~ Threshold ___.Increase tntal volumes passin~throuQh an intersection bti, two percent or m_ ore with signalized or all-way_stop operation already at a Base Case LOS E_or For when the intersection is side street stop sien controlled and the sto~sisn controlled Base Case operation is at LOS F hand there are more_ than 25 vehicles on the std sin controlled ,approach . -- _ - - - - - -- ~~. -a~t~,7~~-~~~ler~~xa~a~ic~~ Qf~e~~o ¢s~ gr4i~~t__sYQ~~s~_iz~~~~as~ts~ff~_~t already unaccei~table Clyster_Pa~,nt 13QU1exarcif Dubu ue Avenue >(,TS, NB 0?3-~am_~~~nn~re_ t,_an two nerc~~t. ~}u~ world bra s' _,'ficant irn act_ _1? - ~ of the i_d~~d__ i~at?on m~.~ Ml~'1.4 '~ _~5_~v~~ld ~~iace~_i~n_~ct owev~~~at ~o_a_l_e-as-#,tta_n_s3gt~ifict_~Y~fL~'~i no additional feasible _mitigation measures that_~a~ .be _irnglemented to red~c~ tthis m~zact__ t~=_~l~ss-thdn~~~nt ~vel,~'herefore~ this._ mpa w!r~ul~b~_~ansid~r~c~~l~~,~a~t a~~ ~~auQidab~~ T.....h~~x~~zo~~ p~o_lect would ~nrrra~e~~ffic vol_~me at th~4gsse~_-Pont - Boui~v~sd/Dul~~a~, .ds~zzu~1~J~__1~I1~ _Qn-.Ba_ _~z __~r~ -tha~~_ ~ _ o~_ru~g~h~P._=~_~~k=~i_our. '~-~~ ~ er~nt_ 12,2°L _Im~l~menration Qf ~1rli'1~a~on 11~Ieasur_e~-1~ however would .re u~~ h~i~im~act to_a-_s__llt~_~lg~if~c~ L4.~E~hex~fi~r~~l?~_ztn~ct ~ ~Qnsid~r~~,~nifi~ant~n~~zn,aY~~~.1~1~-. T 4.Z 1-~___._-_Q~-~'~io~~es~rdLDub~~~~.z~e~ ~~'.~'~.~4~k~crrtr,~~I~~' ~_..P~nt~~~raz~h~r~tz~t~Q~_ ~tn~r ~l~r.~i~~~ ear 1o~arde~h~ ~dlt~ a second exclusive ~ turn lane on t e westbound Ovster Point $oulevarc! ina • jmt~l~emer~~~ 4.7~_~_(~, !_..-._A~u~t.~rl diming t~£~e~_ux~pl~n~~arazi-Qx~Q~th~_pxc~pQS~ci~mitigation ~n _ S ~r ,~h_e im~~t~il_lz~reducedt ho~y~~nQt~ 1~~~h~_si,~ficant 1~~1_~~'h~r~ are_n~~d_c~it~nn f,~asi~~~~t~-g~~Qn m~as~r~s -~h_3.t__~n e im~le~nent~d rc~r~~c~.~~zs_unp~r tQ~~~ ~~~~t....'L"h~x~fQr~,_rklap~~~~vc~ls~ ~Z~:~~~1~~xe~i_.~~z~rfi~~~~~n_~' u~avo~d~ble:=. 68 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision PartioltY.Bevised 4.74.-7 Threshold Incre~e acee~table baseline 95th percentile vehicle uueuin~ onon freeway off-ramps and also on the approaches to adiacent intersections leadins away from off-ramp inte_rsection_s to unaece table levels. Alternatively, if baseline 95th percentile . ueuin on_the_ freewa~ff=rams or on the approaches to adiacent intersections leadine..awa from off-ramp intersections is already prodcted at unacceptable lengths the Proiect would create_a sian_ificant_adverse effec_t__if it_wou_ld_ increase volumes entering the intersection b~one~ercent or more. T_h_reshold Generate queues exceedine off-ramp storage capacity based upon SIM traffic sg_ftware evaluation_f_or the entire full Weak hour of operation. If baselnne traffic already exceeds the storage ca~acit~ of the off-ramp or approach to the adiacent intersection_leadi~ -------- --- ---- away from the off-rarnn. then~_one-percent addition in traffic to=the__imnacted ntersectionss considered a significant adverse impact. I. n~{~act 4.7-16._ ~m~lementaticn__of the ~~Aosgd project_ would ixr~rease traffic _by more than one~ercen~l2__ ° o at the Aimort Boul~rd ___~and Avenue off-ramv~ wlter~b~se~ine 95t~__;}te_rcentile ~~uaxa~ is a]readv ~o~e~te~ ~t unacc~ntable le ~th~This would be a significant T t mow, implementauQn of the ide~tifi~ed_ mi..' ati9n_measure 11MM. 4.7-16 would r~du~~~~n~~.~~ _t4 ~1e~rc_t~ia~i~nsf~n~?~.~v~l~ ~'he~r~~~se~~r~~s~ ~~l~in~r~a~~..fi~~~~h~1?~mo~ Boul~y_a_r~(,~r n A~~n_~~f_-earn _b~mg~ Than one ~~~c~n~(12.2°10~._..Beca~ t-i?~ti~ro~€c~~ d baseLne 95th tie~t~l~_c~~ ~i a~.th~s off ramp i~ al~ad.~at an usxa~~~:~t.~bl~len ~hi~wopl_d b~considered~, si~nifi~ant_._im~a~._Izn~le~n-ta-tiQn-~f 14.tiQ~n~~aaur~_4.7=1G rzw~v~x _ this_im~aot~_a_l~.ss_than~ignifi.~ant_l~v~ tb1112 4.7-1 b ._ Airbort~ulevard/end Avenue ew.~ •___~mgnt mecxsurrs rdenl ted_in Miti on M~asur~ 4 7 73,. • ~t~ ~~r~flare contribution (as determined by the Cif! Etlgitte~r~ towards an e~c~y~ ri_,~ht turn lane on the southbound i~ort Boulevard a~roach to~YlillerAtwnue. 1~£ter xmnlementation of the tiro~osed mitigation measure the a~ueuin~ u~ll be less than the 95th _~rs.~nt~,cLth~l22.1.°ls~_re _~~11_n~los~~l ~s~~asii~er~3_sigr~ifisasa.t.Th~r~f~rP rhi~ actw_ould be considered less than rivnific~nt after niti~tion. Genentech Corporate FactliHes Master EIR Partial Revision 69 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts tm~act,_q}_7-~_ ____I.mpl_~mentati~n Qf the r p~~ec~__.~rg~~ gQ~~~~ea~e traff.~ b~more Y~1 Q~C berc~l~t~ii~ nth t~ A M and r•~ ~ ro d -- :-peak b~ ~ -_-- _ 12.7%, respectively at _the Qveter Pv~t _$oulevard Dubuque Avenue_Qff_- ram~~where baseline 95th~etcenti.~e _r~_u~ui s_alre~d~ _~r~cted at unacceptable lengths. This would be a sgnficant_ impact. However, i~ple~~~atly~ of the ident~~d_mi 'nation n~easure_M_ _M_ 4.7-1'Lwould reduce tie impact to a less-th__- t~ accent level. ~t~ -rig--s-~" --- -- T~___p_r~~cs~prQ~ect would_is~cr~~~.txaffis~t-theS2~~tc~lQ~nt__~QUl~vard~~I3ubuc~ue Ay~ue o~ by mare than one_~ercent during both the A.M. and P_~, _ eak hours_($.5°lo and 12.7% res~ectvel ~~saus_~__t_e~~Q~ct~~_lsaselinu_9 h r? r ntil 7 ~; at_thi~_Off-ramp is a~r~d~t an unacce t~a1~ l~n~th ....this v~auld be_ cc~nsidexed a -sig~facaax i,~mpact.__Implementatia~ of ~Iti,~,tx4n Mcasure_4.7-17 h~~..~vs~d..rcdu~t.his ~pas~t to a~s~~tha~n _si~~~a=+~t Jam, lt~'1!I 4.717 - O~rster Point Boulevard Dubuc~u~A~2 pace ..fie ~__ Im~lem~nt merzrurer i enti~'~~.1~lti~on_t~l~cuure; 4._7.15_ _ ~?m~~~air ,rh~r~ ~o~r~ ~ .dettrmrne~ ~?~_~teer~ _~uhe~~~ t~.~I S' 1~~_ -Rurtr~~~m~b~~ u u~~~us e_x~~r"n~~x~~r_siz~~ shared~bz~ugugk~1~~ tad exclusive~Fht tNrrr lane t provide t?vo ~~s~y~ Ie t s~~ j~~ r~ri a shared tbrr~u I ri~bt is ~1,ftex__1,~~~atauo~__s~f~h~ ~QS~sl~~n; ~ tion_zneas~r~_the ueuiz~~~ue_l~s~___t}aa~zLthe 2_~th 1~rc~n~ile_and__ ht-e~nsl_th~~erc~n_~a,~increase ~yil] nQ 1Qnr~~consi~cr~c~si_r~ni_fi~~nt,__'Z'hcr fore. this i~acL~~l_~_~~~Qn,.ss3~r~d~~~_~h_~t1=~'~_~Sficant aft~r.~nt~~iQn Th.reshoid __ Increase in baseline o_ff=ramp traffic fromless than o_r~ceual to 1,500 vehicles er hour t~ore_than 1,504 vehicle_ s~hour, For locations whgr_e baseline off_-ramp volumes would alreadv exceed _1500 vehicles oer hour the nro osed ro ect would have a si nificant adverse impact if it would increase volumes by one~ereent or mor~_ ~~?~act 4,7_1_ Irnp~~mentatior~of the pro ose ro'ect woulc~~r~a~ baselia~ traffic on ~tort_hbo~nd off rain to Dubuau~~yenuP frc~-~~Q© ve , le4 u to _ - - -- --.. p ..._..__ ~,~74 ~e~eles _s~~a~xt~sh~~.,~=„xre h9~a~_Th~s=weld b~ ~~~~cx ~~~~: ~~~~t~tat ]~I~ 4,_7~ s~~e_~`i~~~-~ir_n_plpmed, t m act_wau~,~ reduced to a less-t~an~.~fi~a~t lgy_ 1~However. if )L1/!1~ 4.7~~~2t~e feasi~_~pleed, thi.~~ ~m~vaet w ald__rem~n ~~n~ficant and unavoidable. Tb,e_nro.~~cxo~ect wok,~,.increas~~.as~l~,ne_~ra,ffic .Qx~hc,..n4rthbQ~sad_~££ramD .r~I~ub_u_~u~_~cn ~ozan 1.5~~eh~les up to 1 67~~ehicles d the A tvr beak hour This would hP ---~- conGidered a ~~nific~z~tizntaact• Imtilemetion of 11%i " tion a~ ~~re 4.7-1 .however wouldduce this im act to a e~ss.tl%~~s~f1__c~nr_le_ve_l_ ~~ Genentech Corporate FacilNtes Master EIR Partial Revision Parfiall~Revised 4.74.-7 tip ~7-18 Northbound O,~~mp to Dubuque Avenue (IVe1v~ • ~?mvide fair-rha~ contribution as deternrine~ ~ C~:_~n.~~r__ t~~_vis_ ion o a___ con~l n.~rthbound o~~r~tr~ lane connection~tb~~I~,S _10Lm~nkr~e~~ tI~~12uh~~e~nv=~ After implementation of the proposed mitigation measure traffic at t_he northbound ~ ffram~~ Dubuque Avenue wQUld not inexease~ast unacceptable levels.-~QV~eyer, unplementatiQn of 1'VM 4.7-18. tn~a _l~e_~rs~hihlti~el~~p~_ixt_relation_tQth~t~~fland_u~s~t-_u~Q~zld..kzenefit-~~esLthese~~esdfic ~eo~.~nu~~n~e~nSTl'K12i 4 7-18 may be nQt be feasible as efined by C~C~A. (See ~~Re~QUr~es_~Qde 1061 1 ldefinine~ "feasible" as ` cable of being accom~hed taking, Lnto aeco~nt~conomic ,_,_, factozs "~ Under Cl QA t]ae GitX In this matter has an obligat~oxz to balance public obiectives,_ncludin~ spgeih~economi~~o~~z1s ~„~.~nSt th_e benefits.-Qf~he~2rs~ect. (See Pub. Resottxce~~~e_~]J($1~subsi. ~a_~(3~} ~F~A_=Gui~lin~s, l~_1~Q21 subd ~) ~ Where ec~n~mle~on_eems_ren_sler a~2ar~i~_~la_r ~su~igati2_n me~sure_lnfeasibl~ s _ ~Qd~~ z1081 subd. (a1 (3~,~~~hould_the G_t~c fold. that._ecszoc~mc ce~neerns ~e~der_~M 4.7-18 infeasble,~,t~d accg~rdngly xeieet mit~n~n~~sur~-=t_~h__~a~~c~l~bg~4~sidered__si~fica_nt and unavoidable. ----- -- - Impact 4 7-1~ ImRl~rnentation oof~oros_ ed_yroiect wauld.insr~ase baselines traffic on the southbound-over off-ramp to Point Boulev~zdj~ia~e~ ~auleva~rd ftnm 1,,12$ vehicle$ ~~ to i,b~4 vehicles durin~__~the n,tii gear hQU~ 3~e would be ~~ic..at~a~:~th~e~tex~th~~ 4,2_12c~ b~f a i l~ i~emented this im act would be reduced to a less-than- ~ig~ificant level However if MM 4 7-14 cannot be feasibly n~ lemented. ttus_mpact wo_u~d remain sificant and unavQdabi~, Tlie_~xQpQSesi~xo~ect~o~ld--.i~.Gxea~baseline~affic_QA_the~QU~und fl~9set_off =~ _~Q Qx I?~ntBc~~l y~r~ mater Boulev~~ from 1 12~eh't 1~_.u_p__t21,C~4 y~~le~sfurn_,g the A=tit -lZe~k_hou_r, ~ would be cQniet.~a~n,fica_nt impact Implementation of Mites.,. ton._Measure 4.7 19 however, ~?QUId deduce-this.=~npaet t~_ a_ie~s-tha~_i~nu'ficanx level.. MM 4.7-19 ____ Southbound Flv-Over Of~~O~~#er Point Boulevard) Gateman Boulevu; ^ Provide fair share contribution~d~tn~dl~thP itv Fn~ineer} too,. ~ardr the corutruction a second .routh_boun~ Q -ram~ti I~ne conrtection_ tp #he.._ I i S. 1..Q 1 _ mainlrn~ ~#_the Oyster Boulevard-t'~t1~ 1'~fter_implementation of the proposed mitigation measure traffic at the southbound fly-over off-ramp to [)ester Point_Boulevard/Gar_-~ewav Boulevard would no increase past unacceptable levels However in~let~~entator~_of MM 4Z-19.._~a.._~e. r4hibitiye T e~cp~nsiYe in re~tio~-_tQ the. tapes=of.._la~id .-us~s_t mould benefit_ Given_th~~}~ecifi~~cQnorruc concerns il~Il~i_4 7-19 mav~_uQt_1Ze-_~easiblc~~ts~.ef11:~,ec~b~ ~~_(Se_~ e Pub RPS~LCe ode 1061 1 d ~+n~ng "feasible" as "capable of beins accom fished .,~ n~ in~_.ar.~ount economic .. factors'~l Under CEOA the Gity in this matter has an obli~a,tlo~ ~ balan~e~u~lc.. ob~.ectiye~ incpe.._cific eeQnQ.t~~os~cerns,-a.ins~th_e_be~efits ~~h~~'ect.. 5..._~e pubRe,~o~rces_. Code~21Q81,,_subd._~~it3~;~FS~A Guidelines ~ 15021, subd~(s~,~ Wh~~~conomie concerns render a_particular mitigation measure uifeasible the lead~g~nclr_~a~ r~ect the measure (See Pub. R~~Q771'CPQ Ode ~ 210~~ subd ~al~~~.)~oold the CitS~ end that economic concerns re__ 4 7 19_~~asi~_l~~.n~~5__o_zdin reset -t~i.e _tnit~ati_on~~u~. the irnnact would-, b~san_~i~ex~d s_if~ant~n~,_ur~~~c~bd~l~_._ Genentech Corporate Facllltles Master EIR Partlai Revision 71 Chapter 4 Envbonmental Analysts Im~a~t. $.,..Z 2Q_-._ _ Im~lem~ntatiQn _Qf th~r~gp~~d jzro~e~t wo l~in.~r~as~_b_a$~lin~ traffif ~ ~n ~_~~S-~~jl~?_QI~nS~off-rams) t0 Sou~ort Bo~1ey~~d~rcolor L mtersectiot tram i,8U7-vehicles up to 2,Q3i, ~~hicl~s _d~rin~t~e ~,~z, ~~~.k hour-a_-. !~%o in~r~a~e. _T_hi'~~o~ld be a s . _' ant im act. H__ owever _..-._ tgnsfi~ __---_'~ unplementation of the... identified rrutigation measure MM _4.7-20 would _reduce the irn~a t~t~a Iess"t1z - 'ficant l~~ '~'k~e _~xc~ os~d _~raj~ct would inczea~e baselin~_..trafd~ _Qn tl~e=ncz~bc~d_ cuff-~arn~ to---South A.ir~o~ ~~u~~y~'d~ ~ ?d~~~gl_o~I~n~ frQm_ 13~3f~Z~eh~c1~~_~~~31 vehicles during e A ~t weak h___ o~__ a 12°lo increase. This would be considered. a s~ 'ficant im act. Im lementation of Mitigation Measure 4.7- O. how~Y~r,~QU~d_t_~duce this~m~a~t-tea less-th_an__~ig_n~fi~a~?~ 1~v~1. ~_1_~_l _4 :7_-20 Northbou o -ra to .S ut __ ---......-..- ------------ ~?d=.-~- ------- At~~oulevar~ 1~n rc for I_a~ ^ P~r?~d~r~har~cQt~_t~srt-r~a~a ~~~rs~.~be~vi~ors~r ~ ,~r~ h-bQz~r~d ° _rurzr~ 1 ~ r~~ec~atl_tQ the t3. S 101 mainlit~e_~~hQ ,~Qt~tl~ ~~o_rt o fff=ra tT'h~ c me~rure~' alreamgramm~as_~art o t e Eart~ 10~ita1 i rovem_~_rc~~am~ .Aft_r_~n~~~t~tati_~z~af -t}a~ xQ ~~d--mitigat~Q~~~a~~ar~._rra~ffi~~,t~~~Q~b.Q.un~-Qf,Eramo tQ~QUrb -~-Q_r_!~BQul~v~r_~4nd~~~Q1~ L.~n~..w~.-_nit=.-n~r~as~~~S=t~na~~e~ta~1~ l~_y_el~__~i r~far~ this i~n_~act~~ld_b~~rs_i~ rid l~-than si~raifi~at~t -aE~~r -m slop Impac- 4 7 21.___. _..._.Im~lementauon_of the ,fro osed~o'ect world increase baselne._traffi~ on _--_ the.~orthboLnd off ra_m~ to Eas# Grand Av ri (Executive Driy~ int~rsecuon frcZm 1666 v~hi~le~uo to Z.ObS vehic e1 s during the AzM_~_~eak hour-a 24% increase 'T'h;A wo old be a si~~-mfi~~nt impact To the Pxt.~nfi ~ _.._ ~,at~~-4,7-21•c-ax~~~asa~_~-~~a~a~t~~th~ax~pa~t_~o__~zls~ ~Z~d~~esi _a--iess_~h~~- ' . s~gxa~tcaxa~ ~v~,~Qwe~~i~iM9~:'L?1_~a~Qt -h€f~~ un~Zlemented t,_,hieim act would remain si~m~i_ficant an_d unavoidable. e robos~~~4iec~t would in a~P has ins traffic on the nQaund ~f ~am~~~a Try Aven~.e~ xecu~iy~ ...I~_.from...-.1.6.fZ6-~r~lai~l~.~~aiz_~_.~~his.ie~_durin~-r~-_~.~ak ~~--~.__2.41Q ~a~. _This_wQ~silze ~Q.rasi~~~~1: a~ifi~tT~s~I;mple~a~tan_Qf_L~ita~atio~a -11~~~~_4.Z~,1., however,. would reduce this. impact to a_less-than-significant level. t4Z2L__= Northbound o13=ra to F~ ~~~y~ !._-. pr~_vi ~ r 1~~2ntrib~on~_c_~c_d~ter_m_i~~~b~~e rtv F'_in~~r to ur t cor~+'t~uct~o~r ~{-fit -sr~P.tEd_1tQt~ bound~~tt~~2~21.e.~Qtt-~r,,~ 1Q1 mainline at tho F~sf errand v.n~ -ramp After i_m~iementation of rhe_~rQ~Q._~~ rrli.~ti~n._mea~ure tra_f-tic at the ~Q.rrh~QUnd cuff-ram _t East __~ _.- ._ _~ 2 __r tly~nu~1Ex~~~py~ l~riy_e ~rQLZld_n~i i~~r~s~as~unaccentabl~l_~~~~H~~ e~_~lem~nt~-t~Qn 4f 4.7-21 _n?a,~~e rohb_ el ex ensi a in_relation ~ the__ es f land uses it would benefit iven. these specific ecc~nom%. c concerns 'VIM 4_ -21 m Abe not be feasible, as defined by C;EQA {See Pub ~esource~~ss~e ~1~i1 ~d~fni~ " Bible" as "satiable of b ' ~~--~~5~ l~d taltSn~ Lt1t0 afrnl~7Sit e~.Qn~rni~....~_ ~ fa~~~r~x'_~Izn.~_r ~EQA~t~ Gib n~_i~m~tt~~r h~~-~n--Qb--h~a~..~n---tQ--bal~_ri~uubli~. o~~ec_ti_~_e~tnclud_in~s~ecific~cono~ic„concerns a~in_st the-befits of the ro'ect. S~.Pu,~. Resources Q~~.-~~~~licass,~~15021"_subd. ~-,~la~~ ~r~ra4~ ~Qtz~~z~restd~ a 72 Genentech Corporate FaclliHes Master EIR Partial Revision PorHolly Revised 4.T4.-T p~rri~mitis~ation measure infeasi~le,~Iie Lead ae~~~~re__~ect~hhe m~su er . I,S~ ~~b Resources Code 21081 sub~~(31 ~ Should the Citv find that economic concerns render _Mbi I. 4 7-21 infeasible and accordingly erect the mitigation measure the~m~act would be co i erec~s~ficant anal unavoidable. One method to try to minimize the proposed project's effect on freeway segment operations would be to implement a more aggressive TDM program. Although the TDM program in place for Genentech can be seen as aggressive due to the availability of transit throughout the area, 92.5 percent of trips are still via automobile. It is possible to reduce this number by implementing the programs discussed in the Regulatory Framework (Section 4.7.2): shuttle service improvements, shuttle facility improvements, parking cash-outs, and bicycle and pedestrian improvements. This aggressive TDM program would assume that transit and carpool usage would double. Although this method would reduce the proposed project's effect on freeway segment operations, the increase in the v/c ratio would remain above 0.05 during both peak hours. Other mitigation possibilities include a ramp metering program, widening of the freeway, the addition of auxiliary travel lanes, or the improvement of parallel local roadways. However, any of these possibilities would require approval from outside agencies. Therefore, feasible mitigation measures cannot be developed. ~ I~I~~I's~I~I .. 9-43~:8~ X5:7-% 8-35:9} ~?6-~10 8-{36:-9j ~5~°k 9-(~7-.~) 3~°~0 E--{7~`1-} 3~-2-~k 9~3~9~ ~°k ~-4~-RB} ~-~~ B{~:8~ ~:~-°10 Rent-Realeva~d 1~~~8a-tail-te-8yste~ ~ ~1.~ g~~ 48;7°6 i~{.44:~} f~5:8-°k B-{4~} 5;i-1-°~ Rene 1~~.-~9-'I-~i~-te-A+~6Ft g.~~g;~.} 4g~6.~le ~{~4:~ ~~/e 8-{~~} ~°~O G{74:~ 4~~6 ~1:~~a-PiE3-#e-f=ast ~g~ god q.{g8~ &% ~8$~ 8°k i~{g;~} 9-°k .. r~ 74:q°k S-{2~8} ~% r'~"."'-`~ 74.E-010 6.479-8~ ~°,6 ~8kf{8yaf~ I Q 11A_Ql I ale I I I ~-4 I ~ ~Lv>-°T I ale Genentech Corporate FacilNles Master EIR Partial Revision 73 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts Threshold Substantially increase transit demand that could not be accommodated by existing or planned transit capacity, resulting in unacceptable levels of transit service Impact 4.7-1322 Implementation of the proposed project would not cause an increase in transit use that is substantial in relation to existing transit conditions. This impact is less tban significant. 2015 Transit Conditions-With and Without Project Based on the Genentech mode split survey results, about 5.3 percent of all trips generated by Genentech developments use transit and the associated shuttles to travel to and from work (Table 4.7-1). Based on the amount of development proposed as part of the proposed project, there would be an increase of about 135 transit trips during the A.M. peak hour (120 inbound and 15 outbound), and 125 transit trips during the P.M. peak hour (20 inbound and 105 outbound). Assuming the same trip distribution used for automobile trips, these new transit trips would be spread throughout the various local and regional transit operators within the area, including SamTrans, Caltrain, BART, and the proposed new WTA ferry service to C-yster Point. SamTrans would be likely to carry the bulk of transit trips to and from the Peninsula, which would represent up to 53 trips during the A.M. peak hour (47 inbound and 6 outbound), and up to 50 transit trips during the P.M. peak hour (8 inbound and 42 outbound). Since SamTrans runs 17 buses during the A.M. peak hour and 16 during the P.M. peak hour, the average load per bus would increase by no more than 3project-generated transit trips in any given direction during either peak hour. Caltrain would carry passengers to and from the South Bay, which would represent up to 9 trips during the A.M. peak hour (8 inbound and 1 outbound), and up to 9 transit trips during the P.M. peak hour (2 inbound and 7 outbound). Caltrain runs two trains per hour to the South San Francisco BART Station during both peak hours, so the average load per train would increase by no more than 4project-generated transit trips. BART can be expected to carry the vast majority of the remainder of transit trips, which could represent as many as 73 trips during the A.M. peak hour (65 inbound and 8 outbound), and up to 66 transit trips during the P.M. peak hour (11 inbound and 55 outbound). Since BART runs four trains during either peak hour to the South San Francisco BART Station, the average load per train would increase by no more than 16 project-generated transit trips in any given direction during either peak hour. As such, the addition of the Project-related transit trips would not result in a substantial increase in transit ridership for any one provider. It is anticipated that the majority of these transit riders would use the Genentech shuttle or one of the other shuttle systems to travel between the campus and the nearby transit stations. Genentech is currently undergoing a review, reorganization, and expansion of their shuttle system. As part of this effort, new shuttle vehicles and increased service levels are being proposed. When implemented, the enhanced shuttles should be sufficient to address the future ridership demand. In addition, the shuttle program would allow for expansions to meet demand levels, so that all riders could be accommodated. This impact is less than significant. 74 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Partial Revision Parflolly Revised 4.747 Threshold Reduce parking supply such that parking demand cannot be accommodated. Cause an unmet parking demand that would result in other adverse effects, such as hazardous conditions caused by illegally parked vehicles, or secondary traffic impacts due to vehicles circling and looking for parking spaces. Impact 4.7-142 Implementation of the proposed project would not result in inadequate parking capacity. This impact is less than significant. 2015 Parking Conditions-With and Without Project As part of the proposed project, the number of parking spaces serving Genentech will increase from 5,525 to 10,874. Pazking demand for the 2015 Future Plus Project condition was calculated using rates provided by Genentech (based on land use categories), described earlier. Using the calculated parking demand, the expected parking lot occupancy associated with the buildout of the project was determined and is presented in Table 4.7-21. As shown in Table 4.7-21, Genentech is expected to create a daily paking demand of approximately 10,204 spaces in the 2015 Future Plus Project condition, which represents approximately 94 percent of the total available paking supply. Thus, the number of parking spaces made available as part of the buildout of the proposed project would accommodate the expected increase in peak hour parking demand. At specific locations, such as Mid Campus and Upper Campus, the projected paking demand would exceed capacity. As a result, the excess vehicles would be expected to either pazk in less utilized lots, or pazk in the Gateway Caznpus lot and access the main campus via one of the Caznpus shuttles. . . 2D15P~us A~IdnD LocaBon Paldn~ Demand c~N IA~oBor~ ~~ ~^~ Demand ~~~ Ul~abn Lower Campus 2,224 1,918 86% 5,318 2,877 54% West Campus 136 0 0% 2,736 2,646 9T% Mid Campus 1,436 876 61% 1,100 1,310 119% Upper Campus 1,729 1,657 96% 1,720 3,371 196% Total 5,525 4,451 81% 10,874 10,204 94% Neither the proposed project buikiout nor the proposed improvements to the surrounding traffic network would increase hazards due to design features or incompatible uses. Thus, the impact is less than significant. Genentech Corporate FacllHles Master EIR Partlai Revision 75 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysts Threshold Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment) Impact 4.7-~5~4 Implementation of the proposed project would not substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment). This impact is less than significant. Design Impacts The development of the proposed project uses would be similar uses which are compatible and complimentary to the existing surrounding uses on the Genentech campus. The proposed development would not include any uses that would be hazardous to existing uses. The ME1R Study Area would be served primarily by C+yster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue, with connections to Gull Drive, Forbes Boulevard, and Grandview Drive. During rooming and evening peak commute periods, the MEIR Study Area and local access roads would likely experience a concentration of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle activity. The design of MEIR Study Area access points and on-site roads and circulation system is not anticipated to include any design features that would result in a substantial increase in vehicular or pedestrian hazards. Pedestrian corridors would be provided throughout the campus and designated parking areas. Proper design of parking facilities would seek to separate and control potential conflicts and to reduce possible congestion and areas of constraint. Well-designed crosswalks, traffic calming measures (speed reducing strategies) and secure bicycle parking facilities would be provided as part of the design to ensure overall access and circulation operational safety. Genentech will have overall responsibility for the design and construction of the proposed project, and will ensure conformance with traffic, pedestrian, and birycle safety City standards. The project design plans would be reviewed by the City Traffic Engineering Department to ensure compliance with all vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle accessibility and design requirements. In consideration of the project's compatibility with surrounding uses and the incorporation of design features to ensure traffic, pedestrian, and bicycle safety, the project impact would be less than significant. Threshold Result in inadequate emergency access Impact 4.7~2~ Implementadon of the proposed project would not result in inadequate emergency access. This impact is less than significant. Emergency Access Emergency vehicle access to the MEIR Study Area would be from C+yster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue, with connections to Gull Drive, Forbes Boulevard, and Grandview Drive. The onsite 76 Genentech Corporate FaclliHes Master EIR Partial Revision Partio(ty Revised 4.T4.-T roadway infrastructure and parking areas are currently and would continue to be designed to accommodate emergenry vehicle access. Vehicle access drives to/from and within the MEIR Study Area are currently and would continue to be designed to meet the City of South San Francisco design requirements for emergenry vehicle accessibility. Genentech will have overall responsibility for the design and construction of the proposed project, and will ensure conformance with City standards. The project design plans would be reviewed by the City Traffic Engineering Department to ensure compliance with all accessibility and design requirements. In consideration of the incorporated design features to ensure adequate emergenry access, the project would have a lean-than-significant impact upon emergenry access.. Threshold Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks) Impact 4.7-~~z Implementation of the proposed project would not conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks). This impact is leas tban significant. I Conflicts with Adopted Alternative Transportation Policies, Plans, or Programs Based on the Genentech mode split survey results, bicycles and pedestrians trips currently make up less than 1 percent of the current mode share. Therefore, it is anticipated that the Project would not substantially increase birycle and pedestrian travel in the area. There are currently (and proposed) pedestrian and birycle facilities on the major streets that serve the Genentech campus (such as Oyster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue). As such, the new activity generated by the Project could be accommodated without resulting in significant impacts to operations. In consideration of the fact that the project would include TDM, would be designed to accommodate and encourage birycle and pedestrian connections and access/use throughout the Genentech Campus, the project would result in a less than significant effect upon these alternative transportation modes. Since the City has a TDM ordinance and requires implementation of TDM programs, development of the project would result in a leas-tban-aigni~cant impact on alternative transportation as the project is ezpected to exceed the City's TDM requirements. 4.7.4 References California Department of Transportaxion (Caltrans). 2005. Traffic Volumes on California Highways. Website source: www.dot.ca.gov/hp/traffops/saferesr/trafdata/indez.htm. City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County. Final Congestion Management Program for 2005.2005. Dyett & Bhatia. 2003. Transportation Element. City of South San Francisco General Plan. Adopted October 13,1999. Updated and amended December 2003. Genentech Corporate Facililles Master EIR Partlaf Revision 77 Chapter 4 Environmental Analysis South San Francisco, City of. 2003. Fart of 101 Tra~ortation ImprovementPJan. City of South San Francisco Amended General Plan Policy 4.2-I-6. Updated and amended December 2003. 78 Genentech Corporate Fac010es Master EIR Partial Revision