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Genentech TDM Plan 03-28-2007
~~Ct1YOf ~II~~~-q~l: MPoS-cirol,'T'D-q°.S'...a°.. 3 '~2DS: cna3~ T+4 oS-'~oo1 ~F~S-~ppo-4 ~a~'~1~~1t~C~l C_L~~ GENENTECH TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED FOR Genentech IN BUSINESS FOR LIFE PREPARED BY © .ti s__ . with contributions by Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants SEPTEMBER 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .........................................................................................................i SUMMARY OF GENENTECH TDM MASTER PLAN MEASURES .................................. ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE ............................................................................1 Report Purpose .............................................................................................................1 Genentech TDM Master Plan Goals ......................................................................... ...2 Figure 1 - Genentech's Campus Location ...................................................................3 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................... ...4 2.0 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT GOALS ................................ ...4 Current Genentech TDM Program .......................................................................... ...5 Future Genentech TDM Program ............................................................................ ...5 3.0 EMPLOYEE MODE SPLIT EAST OF HIGHWAY 101 .............:............................. ...6 Table 1-Comparable Transportation Mode-Use Rates ......................................... ...6 Table 2 -Sample Alternative Transportation Modes ............................................. ...7 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... ... 7 Table 3 -Summary of 10-Year Expansion Changes ................................................ ...8 5.0 PARKING MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................8 5.1 Parking Supply ..................................................................................................8 5.2 .Free Parking for Car and Vanpools and Clean Fuel Vehicles .......................9 5.3 Preferential Car and Vanpool Parking ............................................................9 5.4 Passenger Loading Zones ............................................................................... ..9 5.5 Motorcycle Parking ......................................................................................... ..9 6.0 BAY AREA CARPOOL AND VANPOOL RIDEMATCHING SERVICE .............. ..9 7.0 TRANSIT ..................................................................................................................... 10 7.1 Direct Route to Transit ..............:..........................................:......................... 11 7.2 Genentech BART and Caltrain Shuttle Services ........................................... 11 7.3 Dedicated Commuter Services - GenenBus .................................................. 12 Table 4 -Shuttles Serving the Genentech Campus .................................................. 12 7.4 Intra-Campus Shuttle Service ........................................................................ 12 7.5 Inter-Campus Shuttle Service ........................................................................ 13 7.6 Shuttle /Bus Stops ........................................................................................... 13 Figure 2 -Existing Shuttle Services .......................................................................... 14 7.7 Caltrain ............................................................................................................15 7.8 Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) .................................................................. ..15 7.9 SamTrans .......................:............................................................................... ..15 7.10 Downtown Dasher Taxi Service .................................................................. ..16 7.11 Ferry Service .................................................................................................. ..16 8.0 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES ......................................................... ..16 8.1 Pedestrian Connections ................................................................................ ..16 8.2 Bicycle Parking -Long-Term and Short-Term ........................................... ..17 Table 5 -Bicycle Parking Recommendation ........................................................... ..17 8.3 Bicycle Connections ........................................................................................17 8.4 Bicycle Resources ............................................................................................18 8.5 Shower and Clothes Lockers ...................:......................................................18 Figure 3 -Existing Bicycle Facilities .........................................................................19 Figure 4 -Physical Site Design TDM Facilities .....:................................................. .20 9.0 EMPLOYEE TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR ............................................ .21 9.1 Designated Employer Contact at Leased Sites ............................................ .22 9.2 Promotional Programs .................................................................................. .22 10.0 EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES ....................................................................................... .22 10.1 Commute Allowance /Subsidy Program ..................................................... .23 10.2 Pre-Tax /Commuter Choice Transit Passes ................................................. .23 10.3 Carpool Incentive Program ........................................................................... .23 10.4 Vanpool Incentives ........................................................................................ .23 10.5 Try Transit Program ...................................................................................... .24 11.0 GUARANTEED RIDE HOME PROGRAM ............................................................. .24 12.0 FLEXTIME ...........................................................................................:.......................24 13.0 TELECOMMUTING ....................:.............................................................................25 14.0 INFORMATION BOARD /KIOSK ............................................................................ 25 15.0 ON-SITE AND NEARBY PROJECT AMENITIES ................................................... 25 16.0 KICK-OFF MARKETING CAMPAIGN :.................................................................. 26 17.0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION ....................................... 26 18.0 COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT ....................................... 27 18.1 Annual Employee Commute Survey ............................................................ 27 18.2 Annual Summary Report ..............................:................................................ 28 18.3 Triennial Report .............................................................................................. 28 18.4 Penalty for Noncompliance ....... 19.0 CONCLUSION ......................... ATTACHMENTS (pending): Downtown Dasher -Mid-day Taxi Service Sample Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Employee Transportation Flyer Carpool Incentive Program Flyer Rideshare Reward$ Flyer Vanpool Program Flyer Try Transit Program Flyer Guaranteed Ride Home Program .....28 .....29 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Reducing traffic congestion and air pollution are critical to maintaining a healthy economy and lifestyle within the city of South San Francisco. Traffic congestion results in time lost to residents and commuters and increased demand on City fiscal resources for roadway construction and maintenance. Mobile sources, such as automobiles, account for 50% of all air pollution within South San Francisco. As part of their 10-year 2016 Master Plan, Genentech prepared a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Master Plan in September 2006. This plan is developed to achieve a minimum 30% alternative mode-use rate to address both traffic and air quality concerns in South San Francisco. The plan assumed occupancy based on a speculative, future six million square-foot campus and a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.69. This comprehensive plan includes City ordinance-required and extra measures, annual survey monitoring and triennial reporting. The plan has a variety of infrastructure and incentive-based measures that encourage all forms of alternative mode-use such as car and vanpool, transit and shuttles, bicycling, walking, and telecommuting. Other measures include an expansive commuter and internal shuttle program, daily commute allowance /subsidy program, Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program, preferential carpool parking, showers and bicycle facilities, commuter incentives and an extraordinary number of on-site amenities designed to support car-free employees. An important feature, although not a formal TDM plan measure, is the modest parking availability planned to discourage single occupancy vehicle (SOV) use. This plan is performance-based with the TDM Master Plan goal of achieving a 30% alternative mode-use by Genentech employees. The mode-use will be monitored annually with the first employee commute survey to be conducted two years after approval of the Genentech Master Plan. An alternative mode-use summary report will be submitted to the City's Chief Planner after the first employee commute survey has been conducted. Every three years thereafter, a triennial report will be prepared by the City to audit the employee mode-use rate. It should be acknowledged that efforts to reduce drive-alone commuting and expand the mode options available to commuters may take several years to develop and mature to their full capacity. The elements contained in this TDM Master Plan are consistent with other South San Francisco employee commute programs and meet the measures required by the City and the 30% alternative mode-use goal. A summary of city-required and corresponding Genentech measures is provided on the following page. m The Hoyt Company Page i DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 SUMMARY OF GENENTECH TDM MASTER PLAN MEASURES '~~ `~ r ,a .~ .~._ ~~~ ~ 2001 Ci Ordinance Re uired Measures A. i cle lockers and racks es B. i cle arkin (lon and short term) es C. ar and van ool ridematchin assistance es D. esi ated em to er /tenant oint of contact / ETC es E. irect route to transit (well-lit ath or sidewalk to shuttles) es F. Free arkin for car and van ools es G. Guaranteed / Emer en Ride Home ro ram es H. Information boards/Web site es I. Passen er dro -off and loadin zone es J. Pedestrian connections es K. 10% referential car and van ool arkin es L. Promotional ro rams es M. Showers and clothes lockers es N. huttle Pro ram es -Central Cam us Caltrain -South San Francisco Station es -Gatewa Caltrain -South San Francisco Station (Gatewa) es -Glen Park BART Station (Central Cam us and Gatewa) es -South San Francisco BART Station (Central Cam us and Gatewa) es -Utah-Grand BART es -Utah-Grand Caltrain es -Commuter San Francisco Dedicated Shuttle (GenenBus) es -Commuter Vacaville Corridor I-80 Dedicated Shuttle (GenenBus) es -Dedicated Genentech Main Cam us/DNA Site Shuttle es -Dedicated Genentech South Cam us Shuttle es -Dedicated Genentech Gatewa Site Shuttle es O. Trans ortation Mana ement Association artici ation es Annual Em to ee Surve (100%) -non res onse = SOV (*see note 1) es a ual TDM Report presentation to City Council & Planning Commission nd Triennial Re ort es *Note 1: Employee survey response methodology may be subject to change pending a consistency review by the City of South San Francisco. Current methodology requirements are inconsistent with methodologies used by the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (RIDES Survey). ® The Hoyt Company Page ii DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 SUMMARY OF GENENTECH TDM MASTER PLAN MEASURES -CONTINUED dditional Measures in' TDM Plan A. lternative Commute Subsidies / Ride Rewards ro ram es B. i cle connections es C. om ressed work week es D. lextime es E. Land dedication for transit facilities /bus shelter es F. n-site/nearb amenities es - On-site food and drink vendin on eve other floor es - Em to ee sund kiosk es -Cam us Automated Teller Machine (ATM) es - On-site coffee bar on eve floor es -Cafeteria (6:30 am - 2:00 m) es - "Grab and Go" Cafe (multi le) es - On-site occu ational health clinic es - On-site childcare . es - On-site hair cuttin ,dental, auto services, recreational aths es -Nearb recreational (Ba Trails) es -Nearb Fitness Center w/free shuttle (435 Forbes Ave) es G. Paid arkin at market rates (*see note 2) n/a H. Telecommutin es I. Reduced arkin (*see none 2) n/a j. C3ther easures ='~g~eaiec~ ~CoilSstent;~ 'C`itef~ 4 artiii~r . ~ ~~ Reduced arkin es Commuter Choice/Wa eWorks ro ram es Pre-tax a roll deductions es On-site Em to ee Trans ortation Coordinator (ETC) and staff es Contribute fundin for Alliance Bike to Work romotion es Motor cle arkin ~ es owntown Dasher -free midda services es S are the Air Pro ram artici ation es Include trans ortation link for future Ba Fer Service es Desi ated US EPA Best Work laces for Commuter em to er es Charter buses for rou activities and off-site meetin s es "Note 2: This city TDM ordinance measure was not approved as part of the fina12001 ordinance. ® The Hoyt Company Page iii DRAFT Genentech-TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE Genentech, Inc., one of the world's leading biotech companies, is a drug development company that delivers innovative medicines to patients with serious or life-threatening medical conditions. Their corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility are both located at 1 DNA Way in South San Francisco, California, as shown in Figure 1. Genentech currently has 7,500 employees based at the South San Francisco central campus and has plans to expand substantially over the next 10 years. In order to facilitate expansion, Genentech has updated its Master Plan, originally created in 1995, to guide the company's growth and development of the central campus. The central campus is anticipated to grow to approximately six million-square .feet during the 10-year planning period. This expansion represents a 100% increase in space compared with the current central campus development. The Master Plan envisions Genentech meeting its potential space requirements by both the re-development of buildings that Genentech currently owns and occupies, and by the re-development of expansion property that Genentech has recently acquired or may acquire during the 10- year planning period. Report Purpose This report presents the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Master Plan to accompany the updated Genentech Master Plan and discusses how the plan satisfies the City of South San Francisco's TDM ordinance. A TDM Plan is a set of strategies, measures and incentives designed to encourage employees to walk, bicycle, carpool, use public transportation, or use other alternatives to driving alone in private automobiles. TDM measures increase mobility while using existing transportation systems and boost the economic efficiency of the current transportation infrastructure. These measures are also designed to improve air quality, save energy and reduce traffic congestion. Convenience, reduce travel times, and cost are the primary factors affecting transportation mode choice. Options must be considered on a case-by-case basis as some measures that work well for some people or types of businesses do not work as well for others. An effective TDM Plan provides multiple options and incentives and is flexible enough to allow customization to meet the varied needs of .individual employees. Genentech is committed to being a good corporate citizen and neighbor within the community and understands the importance of minimizing environmental impacts as it expands. As demonstrated by their mission statement, Genentech embraces a philosophy that the promotion of wellness and high standards contributes to the health of the whole community. The mission statement addresses the wellness goals for employees and the community: ® The Hoyt Company Page 1 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 Genentech's mission is to be the leading biotechnology company, using human genetic information to develop novel medicines for serious and life-threatening diseases. We commit' ourselves to high standards of integrity in contributing to the best interests of patients, the medical profession, our employees, our communities and our stockholders.l As a developer and provider of medicines for serious and life-threatening diseases, Genentech's philosophical approach for improving the state of human health is also demonstrated by their environmental programs designed to investigate the "immeasurable connections between human health and the environment... with the two so closely linked, we see environmental protection as one more way that Genentech can help enhance and extend lives". The Genentech Master Plan improves and expands the campus facilities for the next 10-year period to accommodate future increases in research and development demands. As part of this planning process, Genentech embraces the air quality and wellness benefits to be gained by the development and implementation of the TDM Master Plan. As indicated in the Master Plan, Genentech seeks to offer an • attractive, creative, productive, and comfortable environment for its employees. Genentech's current and future TDM programs focus on reductions in congestion and pollution by promoting extensive and innovative alternative methods of commuting. These comprehensive programs include a wide variety of benefits, services and programs designed to make it easier and more convenient for employees to manage the quality-of-life issues juggled between work and everyday life. Genentech TDM Master Plan Goals Genentech strongly supports the City of South San Francisco's policy of focusing clustered development along major transportation corridors. Genentech campus sites are strategically located near to, and are served by U.S. Highway 101 and Interstate 280, several Caltrain stations, and a BART station. The comprehensive trip-reduction measures identified in this report are essential to realizing Genentech's trip-reduction potential in South San Francisco. The combination of these critical factors will provide the momentum to maintain a 30% alternative mode- use rate for existing and future campus facilities. Through monitoring efforts such as the annual survey of employees to determine transportation mode split -Genentech will be better able to focus transportation coordination efforts and encourage tenant employees to use alternative transportation. The first official mode-use survey report will be submitted to the City of South San Francisco two years after approval of the Genentech Master Plan. ' http: / / www.gene.com /gene / index.jsp ® The Hoyt Company Page 2 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan Septemb 8 ~~ c m m a ~ E _ _ _ _ - N U y ~ U' m U a W `' W ~M~ p ~ J u i C N T i ~ ~ v ~n ~ m ~~ ~~ ~ ,, I~ ~`° ~~ .~ ~--~ ;.. ooh ~aa ao nno ~ N c 1. ,,~~,~, ~ ` ~'' ~ ~,a I ~ \ ~ m H, ~''~ ~`rt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d~~ l~ O iM,~ oad~ ~ h Q ~ ~ 5 ~~ .n~cc _ ao ~o`o° ~~~w ,~~ c P S< ~~ !f 3/,y 1 v ~yy~ h ~ pc ~iB N •~ F~ /i~ W; z O a v 0 J a g U y 2 U W W Z W 2 W (7 er 25, 2006 w yM t~ i 5 ~a ~„ ym u,' LLa ~ ~`fhc I It~~~t Company Page 3 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 Regulatory Setting Chapter 20.120 of the Municipal Code outlines the TDM objectives for the City of South San Francisco. The specific purposes of Chapter 20.120 are to: • Implement a program designed to reduce the amount of traffic generated by new non-residential development, and the expansion of existing non-residential development, pursuant to the City's police power and necessary in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. • Ensure that expected increases in traffic resulting from growth in employment opportunities in the City of South San Francisco will be adequately mitigated. • Reduce drive-alone commute trips during peak traffic periods by using a combination of services, incentives, and facilities. • Promote the more efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities and ensure that new developments are designed to maximize the potential for alternative transportation usage. • Establish minimum TDM requirements for all new non-residential development. • Establish an ongoing monitoring and enforcement program to ensure that measures are implemented. The TDM requirements apply to all non-residential developments located on lands within the jurisdiction of the City of South San Francisco expected to generate 100 or more average daily trips. The base required alternative mode-use for all projects is 28%. Additionally, developments with a floor area ratio (FAR) above minimum are subject to further the alternative mode-use requirements. Genentech's central campus, classified as "Genentech R&D Overlay" under the City of South San Francisco's General Plan land use classification, currently has a FAR of 0.52. The Master Plan calls for expansion that will result in an ultimate FAR of 0.69, which is subject to a 30% alternative mode- use requirement. 2.0 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT GOALS The basic premise of TDM is the maximum utilization of existing transportation resources. The City of South San .Francisco, as is typical of other urban areas in the United States, has hundreds of millions of dollars invested in roadway infrastructure and public transit infrastructure. The goal of TDM is to more efficiently and economically take advantage of these major capital investments. The following are three basic goals that can be achieved through effective utilization of TDM measures: 1) Convert trips to an alternative mode of transportation (e.g., transit, carpools or vanpools, bicycling, walking) 2) Provide technological solutions (e.g., compressed natural gas, electric/hybrid vehicles, or other zero-emission vehicles) 3) Eliminate trips (e.g., compressed work weeks, telecommute or telework) ® The Hoyt Company Page 4 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 Until recently within the United States, the answer to relieving congestion on roads and in parking structures, was to build more roads and parking structures (similar in concept to building another manufacturing plant to expand productivity on levels). Current economics and limited resources affect the ability to build and maintain more roads or parking structures. This reality necessitates better utilization of the existing transportation infrastructure (similar to adding a second shift at an existing plant). To this end, TDM measures support the transition to a greater use of existing alternative transportation options. The measures and programs outlined in this plan support and meet the 30% trip reduction goal as identified by the City of South San Francisco's TDM Ordinance 1300- 2001. Current Genentech TDM Program Genentech operates a comprehensive and ,successful TDM program aimed at reducing the use of single-occupancy private vehicles by their employees. The program addresses daily commute-to-work trips as well as business-related travel during the day between the various campuses and downtown South San Francisco. The current program elements emphasize measures that are transit-oriented, include on-site amenities that support the use of alternative modes of travel, offer flexible hours and telecommuting as alternatives to traveling during peak periods, and promote ridesharing. Extensive convenience services are provided on campus -such as ATMs, credit union, barber shop, dental facility, video rentals, film developing, and dry cleaning - to minimize off-campus trips. Cafeterias, a childcare facility and a fitness center are also available to Genentech employees and contribute to reduced single- occupancy vehicle usage Using the City of South San Francisco's TDM Ordinance guidelines as an example target, the estimated number of trips needed to meet a 30% reduction for the current 2006 number of employees estimated to work at Genentech would be 2,250. Estimated Total Em to ees 7,500 Tri Reduction Re uirement 30% ~~ s 4 This TDM Master Plan also meets many requirements of the Revised CICAG Guidelines for the Implementation of the Land Use Program approved by the City/County Association of Governments (C / CAG) of San Mateo County in September 2004. Future Genentech TDM Program As noted above, the purpose of this TDM Plan is to identify measures that will facilitate Genentech's Master Plan, which outlines potential expansion of the central campus to approximately six million square-feet during the 10-year planning period. This © The Hoyt Company Page 5 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 expansion represents a 100% increase in space compared with the current central campus development. In order to minimize the traffic associated with new development identified in the Master Plari and the costs of building new parking structures, Genentech is currently exploring several new TDM strategies. Many of these strategies will be implemented by the end of 2006 but will continue to be refined and expanded over the duration of the Master Plan. The goal of the future TDM program is to continue to reduce the use of single-occupancy private cars by Genentech employees while providing efficient, price competitive, safe and attractive alternative modes of transportation. 3.0 EMPLOYEE MODE SPLIT EAST OF HIGHWAY 101 According to the Commute Profile 2005 Regional Report, prepared by RIDES for Bay Area Commuters, the San Mateo County alternative mode-use rate is approximately 29% with the Bay Area regional rate comprising approximately 34% alternative modes. The larger Bay Area alternative mode-use rate is largely a result of the proliferation of paid parking in the more urbanized core areas, whereas parking is free, or much less expensive, in many areas of San Mateo County (e.g. the City of South San Francisco). The 2005 Employee Transportation Survey conducted by the Alliance identified the San Mateo County alternative mode-use rate at 29.9%. The overall alternative mode-use rate for the City of South San Francisco was identified at 30.2%. In Fall 2005, an employee commute survey was conducted at a similar biotech employment center at Britannia Oyster Point in South San Francisco. Results from the survey indicated an alternative-.commute mode rate of 35%. Table 1 shows the comparison of alternative mode-use rates for the Bay Area region, county of San Mateo, city of South San Francisco and a similar employment site. Table 1 Comparable Transportation Mode-Use Rates ~'s~ -2 ~ ~ }~~i IS L:~, 4~ }j~ ~ .. Rf ATb at ll '~. ~~} b{, R ~ ~ •s' 1'`. ~ yC 1!'F` J~~ ~' ~ .`1 ~ ~~~t t ~ i ~ ~ - ~ F , . ~ ~ r t ` a~rt!eJ'=lahOn9' ' ~ ~ ~~ =s.~e ~'~ sd~ ~'i-~~ ,~., . _ , ~ San Mateo County . 29.0% 29.9% Bay Area Region 34.0% City of South San. Francisco 30.2% South San Francisco -Britannia Oyster Point Campus 35.0% ® The Hoyt Company Page 6 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 Based on current and historical alternative mode-use data for the South San Francisco and East of Highway 101 business areas, a 30% alternative mode-use distribution was estimated for the current number of Genentech employees. This sample scenario reflects the TDM measures described in this plan. Table 2 shows a possible distribution example of various alternative transportation modes estimated for life science employees commuting to South San Francisco. Table 2 Sample Alternative Transportation Modes ` ;, t .,e 'nb: t~ .:1 •~.-' .6 ?gip. Qe Drive alone to work site 58.50% 4,387.5 Car ool 12.95% 971.3 Transit ( ublic and commuter shuttles) 12.00% 900.0 Other (motorc cle, telecommute) 1.97% 147.8 Bi cle 1.33% 100.0 Van ool 1.60% 120.0 Walk 0.15% 11.3 Non-commutin (sick, vacation, business travel) 10.00% 750.0 Total 98.50% 7,500 A~.terriative' Mgde.4~se:~afie ' t ~ ~ ° ,:30:~D~ . 2 The implementation of TDM measures identified in this plan will result in an estimated alternative mode-use rate of more than 30% -representing approximately 2,250 employees from a total of 7,500 (using 2006 numbers). This sample scenario provides a distribution example of employee alternative transportation choices depicting a typical workweek day. The actual distribution of transportation modes could vary and will be identified in future survey results. 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION During the next 10 years, the Genentech corporate headquarters may expand to approximately six million square-feet. Located south of the U.S. Highway 101 in South San Francisco, Genentech's central campus is located in an area known as the birthplace of the biotechnology industry. The Genentech TDM Master Plan is designed to maximize opportunities for pedestrian, bicycle, carpool, transit and shuttle connectivity. These opportunities include: • A daily commute allowance program that subsidizes employee use of alternative transportation participation • Ten percent (10%) of car and vanpool parking (phased stripping) at full build-out • Free Class I (long-term) and Class II (short-term) bicycle facilities at campus sites for bicycle commuters ® The Hoyt Company Page 7 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 • Showers and lockers for bicyclists, pedestrians and other alternative commuters • Free shuttle services to BART .and Caltrain stations are conveniently offered throughout the campus in addition to dedicated commuter shuttles • On-site food service • A substantial number of on-site employee amenities • Bay Trails access for bicyclists help to create aself-sufficient development reducing the number of employee trips made daily to and from the project The 10-year master planned FAR is 0.69. This increased or bonus FAR requires more stringent annual employee surveys and triennial reporting (auditing) to the City. Parking will be provided at a reduced ratio. Parking supply is a key factor for employees choosing how to travel to work. Reduced parking helps to encourage using alternative commute modes. Table 3 shows a summary of Genentech's 10-year Master Plan expansion changes. Table 3 Summary of 10-Year Expansion Changes ~ansro ~+ ~tn: E6. ~~; 2016 ~ ~ ~c~ea~~ R&D Use 100% 100% none Em to ees 7,500 13,000 5,500 S uare Feet 2,815,000 6,000,000 3,185,000 Floor Area Ratio 0.52 0.69 0.17 TDM Re uirement 28% 30% 2% Em to ee Alternative Mode-Use 2,100 3,900 1,800 5.0 PARKING MANAGEMENT 5.1 Parking Supply Planned parking is expected to accommodate employees, visitors, vendors and service vehicles. The ability and willingness to rideshare is directly linked to parking availability. By not providing an overabundance of parking spaces at full build-out, the project will lay the groundwork for successful promotion of alternative transportation. Preferential parking spaces in garages and within 100 feet of building entrances are excellent incentives that send a clear message to employees and the community that alternative transportation is important. Genentech proposes modest blended parking ratios to reflect the evolving development during the next 10 years. As higher TDM alternative mode rates are achieved and the commute allowance/subsidy program becomes more integrated, parking. demand is ®The Hoyt Company Page 8 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 expected to decrease. As parking demand is decreased, parking ratios will also be decreased accordingly. 5.2 Free Parking for Car and Vanpools and Clean Fuel Vehicles Parking will be free for all carpool, vanpool and clean-fuel vehicle participants. 5.3 Preferential Car and Vanpool Parking One effective means of encouraging employees to rideshare and/or use clean-fuel vehicles is to reserve the most preferred parking spaces for the exclusive use of car and vanpools. At total build-out, a minimum of 10% of employee parking will be designated for carpool, vanpool, and clean-fuel vehicles. Genentech will provide car and vanpool parking spaces in premium, convenient locations (i.e., close to buildings, in the shade, etc.) within 100 feet of the building entrance. These preferential parking spaces will be specially signed and / or striped and may require employee registration and permitting. Designated carpool and vanpool parking spaces will be available until 9 a.m. for vehicles displaying Genentech carpool placards, at which time unused spaces will be open to all Genentech employees. These future preferential parking spots will create a benefit for current users while also providing a visible incentive for employees that do not participate in the carpool or vanpool programs. 5.4 Passenger Loading Zones In order to facilitate the disembarking and embarking of rideshare passengers, passenger loading /unloading areas are provided in each neighborhood. Passenger loading zones for carpool and vanpool drop-off are located in the main entrances of various building sites. 5.5 Motorcycle Parking Areas are provided for motorcycle parking. Motorcycles produce less air pollution and occupy less space than automobiles. For these reasons, motorcycles may use carpool lanes, and are exempt from charges to cross toll bridges during commute hours. 6.0 BAY AREA CARPOOL AND VANPOOL RIDEMATCHING SERVICE Carpools in the Bay Area consist of two or more people riding in one vehicle for commute purposes (access to carpool lanes, free tolls, etc.). Genentech only requires two people or more to qualify for commuter benefits (daily commuter allowance /subsidy, preferential parking, etc.). The Genentech Intranet site provides a Web portal to the 511 Rideshare Web site to access free ride-matching services. Employees carpooling to BART may apply fora "Carpool to BART" parking permit through the 511 transportation Intranet site. Vanpools provide similar commuting benefits to carpool. A vanpool consists of between seven and 15 passengers, including the driver. The vehicle is owned either by one of the vanpoolers or leased from a rental company. The © The Hoyt Company Page 9 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 Intranet site offers a list of available vanpools providing service between the Genentech campus and various points in the east and south Bay Area. In order to increase participation in the carpool and vanpool programs, Genentech is working with 511.org to set up aGenentech-specific Rideshare Web site that will lead employees to the regional Rideshare Web site if no matches are found among the registered Genentech employees. This Genentech-specific ride-matching service will be publicized through email announcements, informational kiosks, and Genentech's internal Intranet site. The Regional Rideshare 511 Program's Ridematch Service provides free car and vanpool matching services. On-site Genentech employee transportation coordinators (ETCs) promote the on-line 511 service directly to employees on a regular basis and allow the Alliance to solicit carpool sign-up at on-site employer events such as annual Transportation Fairs, Wellness or Benefits events, etc. Car and vanpooling is strongly encouraged throughout the campus. Employee transportation and shuttle flyers promote the free personalized matching assistance through the 511 Rideshare program. This car and vanpool ridematching service provides individuals with a computerized list of other commuters near their employment or residential ZIP code, along with the closest cross street, phone number, and hours of availability. Individuals are then able to select and contact others with whom they wish to car or vanpool. They will also be given a list of existing car and vanpools in their residential area that they may be able to join. The 511 system gives commuters information they need to make informed choices when planning trips. By calling in or logging on, commuters can get up-to-the-minute information about traffic conditions, public transportation options, ridesharing, and bicycling anytime, anywhere throughout the greater Bay Area region and northern California. The 511 system offers one-stop shopping for regional traffic, transit, ridesliare and bicycle information. The nine-county system is the first 511 service to go online in California. It provides links to 511 systems in Sacramento, Oregon and Nevada and is available via any phone, provided the carrier supports 511. Most counties in the region have wireless and landline access to the service through major carriers. 7.0 TRANSIT Caltrain, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and SamTrans provide transit service to South San Francisco in proximity to Genentech campus sites. An expansive Genentech operated shuttle system, providing 111 daily trips, connects transit riders throughout the campus. Genentech provides substantial funding, operations and support for BART, Caltrain, commuter, intra and inter-campus shuttles serving South San Francisco. ® The Hoyt Company Page 10 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 Employees can access the Nextbus link to estimate arrival times for the campus shuttle. To further enhance commuter connectivity, bicycle racks are provided on all Genentech shuttles. 7.1 Direct Route to Transit Well-lit pedestrian paths are provided from buildings, utilizing the most direct route, to the nearest shuttle stop. 7.2 Genentech BART and Caltrain Shuttle Services Genentech operates a comprehensive shuttle system serving the South San Francisco Caltrain station and two BART stations. Employee shuttle services are provided throughout the campus. • Glen Park BART Shuttle -travels directly from the Glen Park BART station to the Genentech campus. The shuttle stops at buildings B4, B24, and B83 traveling in opposite directions for morning (6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.) and evening (3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) runs, every 15 minutes. ' • South San Francisco BART Shuttle -travels directly from the South San Francisco BART station to the Genentech campus. The shuttle travels in opposite directions for morning (6:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.) and evening (3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) runs, every 30 minutes. • Main Campus Caltrain Shuttle -provides service between the South San Francisco Caltrain station and the Genentech Campus every 30 minutes in the morning (6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.) and every hour in the evening (3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.). • Gateway Area Caltrain Shuttle -provides service between the South San Francisco Caltrain station and the Gateway area office buildings every 30 minutes in the morning (6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.) and every hour in the evening (3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.). The Utah-Grand Area Caltrain and a BART shuttles operated by the Alliance will also serve Genentech sites located in the south campus area. The daily Utah-Grand shuttle system adds 35 additional trips for Genentech employee. • The Utah-Grand Area BART shuttle serves the South San Francisco BART station at 15, 30 and 45-minute frequencies. There are currently a total of 18 peak-hour BART shuttle trips. • The Utah-Grand Area Caltrain shuttle serves the South San Francisco Caltrain Station during the morning and evening peaks at 20, and 35-minute frequencies. Seventeen (17) Caltrain shuttle trips provide connecting service to and from the project site. © The Hoyt Company Page 11 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Pian September 25, 2006 Table 4 shows the number of shuttle trips provided for Genentech employees connecting with Glen Park BART, South San Francisco BART and South San Francisco Caltrain stations. 7.3 Dedicated Commuter Services -GenenBus Dedicated commuter Genenbus shuttles provide employee service between San Francisco and Vacaville. These employee coach buses offer luxury seating, WiFi connections and bicycle accommodations. The 2006 services include: • Church and Market (San Francisco) -the San Francisco GenenBus is a free shuttle with nor-slop service from Church and Market Streets to the Genentech Campus. The shuttle makes three trips each morning and three return trips each evening at peak commute times. Vacaville/I-80 Genenbus -the Wi-Fi equipped Vacaville/I-80 Genenbus picks up at Vacaville B10 at 5:30 a.m., Fairfield Park & Ride at 5:50 a.m., Richmond Parkway Transit Center 6:20 a.m. arriving at B83 at 7:25 a.m. and B5 at 7:30 a.m. The evening commute departs from B5 at 4:00 p.m. and B83 at 4:05 p.m. arriving Richmond Parkway Transit Center at 5:00 p.m., Fairfield Park & Ride at 5:40 p.m., and Vacaville B10 at 6:00 p.m. A comprehensive accounting of all shuttle trips, including BART, Caltrain, intra and inter shuttles and commuter services is provided in Table 4. Table 4 Shuttles Serving the Genentech Campus s r n ,.,; ,~ F , '. `{ ~.,~ ~ , :1V~ornwg _ t, t~f#erttoon .s~ `~.'mtal Glen Park BART Shuttle 13 13 26 South San Francisco BART Shuttle 7 7 14 Main Cam us Caltrain Shuttle 7 7 14 Gatewa Area Caltrain Shuttle 7 7 14 Utah-Grand Area Caltrain Shuttle 8 9 17 Utah-Grand Area BART Shuttle 9 9 18 GenenBus San Francisco Commuter 3 3 6 GenenBus Vacaville / I-80 Commuter 1 1 2 ~~ ©The Hoyt Company Page 12 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master flan September 25, 2006 7.4 Intra-Campus Shuttle Service Genentech operates intra-campus shuttle routes to provide circulation between buildings and parking facilities in and around the main campus, as shown in Figure 2. Intra-campus shuttles include: • DNA Shuttle -runs continuously through the main campus, every 5-10 minutes, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The shuttle stops at the following buildings: B4, Forbes parking lot, B9, B5, B3, B12/B36, B32, B24, B29, B24, and B12 Downhill. The bi-directional route is designed to be useful to employees in the West Campus, Upper Campus, and Lower Campus areas. • Gateway Shuttle -connects the main campus to the Gateway campus (building 83) and Gateway parking structure via a continuous loop, every 6-10 minutes, between 5:45 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The shuttle stops at the following buildings: B4, B9, B24, Forbes parking lot, B83 and B25. • South Campus Shuttle -service is approved and initiated. The Genentech Fitness Center (Club Genentech) is served by the Gateway and DNA shuttles. 7.5 Inter-Campus Shuttle Service Genentech operates one inter-campus shuttle route to provide connections between the main campus and the Redwood City Campus. • Redwood City Shuttle -connects the South San Francisco and Gateway buildings with Genentech's Redwood City campus. The shuttle stops at B4, B82, and B90 on the Main Campus every 90 minutes, between 6:55 a.m. and 5:20 p.m. Genentech also encourages chartering of buses for group activities and off-site meetings. Services include booking, group discounts, invoicing, and special services, as needed. 7.6 Shuttle/Bus Stops Multiple shuttle drop-off and pick-up locations for commuter service, BART and Caltrain are located throughout the Genentech campus. Figure 2 shows the existing shuttle services and a comprehensive shuttle map of routes and stops. The Hoyt Company Page 13 x G n O TJ SU ~; ~~ y i~ a 'T7 m o = T,' H ~ VVV m 7n ~~ ~.... ~, • Ij ~n;~ ~ .' D fl C ~i • ~''. • ~ l ~ ? • •• •~ ~' • O ~ vi ~ 3 ~•. Gd ~ ~ •. ~P ~ ~ ~•. yBj i ~'. ~• ' • ~• ~• • • • ~ I• • • ~ • '~ '~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~ +' ~ T ~•' ~ ~ •' v+ F ~. ~¢ v+ '~'P • ~• • ~ ~~~ 1 Ste'' ~~~ Qr i ~• i c ,,.( ,iy • •~ : '•;~ .° •~~ ~. 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Caltrain operates on 15 to 30-minute frequencies during the morning and evening peak periods. Midday service operates approximately every hour with service less frequent during weekends, and holidays. Caltrain service is available approximately 1.22 miles from the Genentech campus at the South San Francisco station at 590 Dubuque Avenue and Grand Avenue. Caltrain services were enhanced in 2004 to add express trains during peak- hours. However, this new service does not provide an express stop to the South San Francisco Caltrain Station and hence does not benefit Genentech employees. 7.8 Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) BART is a 92.7-mile, 43-station automated rapid transit system on five lines of double track. Trains traveling up to SO mph connect San Francisco to Coima and other East Bay communities - north to Richmond, east to Pittsburg/Bay Point, west to Dublin / Pleasanton, and south to Fremont. Service is scheduled every 15 minutes during peak periods. Service during holidays, and weekends are modified. BART-to-the-Airport expanded the system by 8.7 miles along the peninsula from Colma to a new intermodal station in Millbrae. Four new stations were created including the South San Francisco Station located between El Camino Real and Mission Road to the south of Hickey Boulevard. The Genentech campus is approximately 3.39 miles from the South San Francisco BART Station, and -miles from the Glen Park Station. 7.9 SamTrans SamTrans provides bus service throughout San Mateo County with connections to the Colma, Daly City, and South San Francisco BART stations, San Francisco International Airport, peninsula Caltrain stations and downtown San Francisco. The system connects with San Francisco Muni, AC Transit and Golden Gate Transit at San Francisco's Transbay Terminal, with the Dumbarton Express and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority in Menlo Park and Palo Alto. There is no direct SamTrans service east of Highway 101. SamTrans service does connect at the South San Francisco BART Station and, subsequently, the Utah-Grand Area Shuttle. SamTrans does not provide a direct connection to the South San Francisco Caltrain Station, however; Routes 130, 292, 133, and 132 are within approximately 1/4- mile walking distance from this station and the connecting shuttle services for Genentech employees. ® The Hoyt Company _ Page 15 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 7.10 Downtown Dasher Taxi Service This free taxi service provides an 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. pick-up service throughout the East Highway 101 business parks in South San Francisco. Using existing stops, taxis drop off riders at locations in the downtown retail area. The Downtown Dasher, operated by the Peninsula Yellow Cab of South San Francisco and managed by the Alliance, requires employer-provided vouchers and trip reservation before 10:00 a.m. This midday service is currently free to participating employers and is actively promoted by Genentech. A detailed Downtown Dasher flyer is provided as an attachment. 7.11 Ferry Service Currently, no scheduled water transit service exists in the South San Francisco area. Water transit service to South San Francisco is anticipated to begin by September 2009. Prior to this service becoming operational, Genentech employees will be given a link to this resource. 8.0 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES Pedestrian facilities comprise pedestrian paths, sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian signals. There are numerous pedestrian paths throughout Genentech's campus. Bicycle facilities include bicycle paths (Class I), bicycle lanes (Class II), and bicycle routes (Class III). Bicycle paths are paved trails separated from roadways. Bicycle lanes are lanes on roadways designated by striping, pavement legends, and signs for use by bicyclists. Bicycle routes are roadways designated for bicycle use by signs only and may or may not include additional pavement width for bicyclists. The San Francisco Bay Trail, a public pedestrian and bicycle trail accessible to Genentech employees, is part of a planned 400-mile system of trails encircling the Bay. It is located along the eastern edge of the Genentech campus. The section of Bay Trail adjacent to the campus provides amenities such as seating and lighting. It also provides good recreational opportunities for Genentech employees as well as access to the Oyster Point Marina. However, there are gaps in the trail to the north, above Brisbane, just south of the Genentech Campus and at the airport. 8.1 Pedestrian Connections Currently, crosswalks connect Genentech buildings on both sides of Grandview Avenue and DNA Way. Sidewalks are located on both sides of Grandview Drive, DNA Way, and the north side of Forbes Boulevard in the vicinity of the central campus. A segment of the San Francisco Bay Trail runs immediately adjacent to the Genentech campus on the north and east sides, hugging the Bay shoreline. Safe, convenient and well-lit pedestrian paths are provided, utilizing the most direct route, to the nearest shuttle stop close to Genentech campus sites. Lighting, landscaping and building orientation is designed to enhance pedestrian safety. © The Hoyt Company Page 16 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 8.2 Bicycle Parking -Long-Term and Short-Term Genentech provides free bicycle storage lockers and racks at most Genentech buildings to help promote cycling as an alternative commute option. The bicycle lockers can be reserved, on a first-come, first-served basis, by employees through the internal TDM Web site. Secure, covered, bicycle parking facilities, i.e. bicycle lockers and locked, controlled-access areas, will be provided for all new buildings within 75 feet of the building entrance. Bicycle lockers will be placed within campus neighborhoods in locations that will maximize use and visibility. The Class I (long-term) and Class II (short-term) bicycle parking. facilities will be provided on-site at the follow level: • Commercial, R&D, and office uses: one bicycle space for every 50 vehicle spaces required. Table 5 shows the recommended and total number of bicycle facilities for the proposed expansion. Currently, Genentech provides 100 Class I lockers in excess of current requirements. All 1001ockers are utilize and there is a waiting list for 30 more facilities. Table 5 Bicycle Parking Recommendation Zi~06 2016 Parkin S aces (estimated) 5,099 10,800 Bi cle Parkin Ratio 1:50 1:50 Bic cle Parkin Needed 102 216 i ~ cle ~~ `~~~tr:ibution V Class I - lon -term 71 151 Class II -short-term 31 65 ~I$i fill 1'a~c~ t :, 2 f 216 All bicycle-parking facilities will be located in convenient, safe and well-lit areas with maximum space for the ingress and egress of bicycles. Note: The Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance provides a 50% match for the costs of purchasing and installing any bicycle parking, from basic racks to high security lockers, up to a maximum of $500 per unit. 8.3 Bicycle Connections In the vicinity of Genentech, a bicycle path is provided on Forbes Boulevard to DNA Way with bicycle lanes provided on East Grand Avenue and Oyster Point Boulevard. The Genentech sites also connect directly with regional bicycle facilities and the San Francisco Bay Trail. The Bay Trail is a network of multi-use pathways circling.San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. The ultimate route is planned to be a 400-mile route ® The Hoyt Company Page 17 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 .through nine Bay Area counties and 42 shoreline cities. The trail provides commuters an excellent route to bicycle or walk to work in the South San Francisco Area. A map of surrounding existing bicycle facilities is provided on page 20. Bicycle accommodations are also available on all Genentech-operated commuter shuttles. 8.4 Bicycle Resources Free Bicycle Buddy matching, bicycle maps and resources are provided via the 511 system. Bicycle commuters looking to find a riding partner can log-on to bicycling.511.org for more information. The Alliance provides a free one-hour, on-site Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program for employees. This workshop informs commuters about bicycling and walking as safe, stress relieving commute modes; traffic laws for bicyclists and pedestrians; and bicycle maintenance tips. A program flyer is provided as an attachment. 8.5 Shower and Clothes Lockers Genentech provides shower and locker facilities within each campus neighborhood to help promote cycling as an alternative commute option. Currently there are 36 showers and associated clothes locker facilities spread out over 13 buildings on the Central campus. Future site plans provide one shower stall for men and one shower stall for women and locker facilities per 500-600 additional employees. New shower and changing room facilities will be clustered among the different campus neighborhoods to assure maximum availability of facilities while minimizing employee waits. Figure 3 shows the existing bicycle facilities and Figure 4 shows physical site design and TDM facilities for shuttle stops and buildings with shower facilities. © The Hoyt Company Page 18 ~~ T O ~ ~~ o~ m ~ w~ -~ N ~ ~ ~ O y ~ O 0 C m w A~ m A ~-y ti /- O N/ 2 / V_ C ~ m ~~ m x z D z v r D z z m v T N W O ^ O ^~ ~ l J ry r m 3 O ~ C ~ fD m ~ ~ ~~ ~~ o~ ~~ 03 w ~ w `D ~ N ~ ~ ~°rn ~o d 0 w 0 Im m '< n Am M - Q'~ i, ] z /" T,' z ~ V ~~ l~J Cdl P~ dy ~~G tnn~0 p O p ~ o~v,tn ~ ~ ~•o ~ ~` ~ n Gl n v w w N Gd~P ~d l~ /~ a T_ G1 C rn 0 rn G1 fD 7 N s 0 m 0 o , ~~ 1 - ~/ ~ /Prl ah i ~~e ~ ''' ~ ~ ~ '~ N '~ i0 m Q ~ ~O °- D m D 3 fD c ~ : ~ , F~ ~~ 9 ~P \. •o c~ o ~Li ~i N ~ GO N N ~ ® • ~ O N / O N m `~ D '~ N o ~ ~v ® ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ y D ~ D ~' ~~~ ~ `O ~ o W ~ T~ ~ N ~~ w A ~ o o ® : ®; cn = N W fn ® m N = o w ka4p a A V ~ nn ~~ ~°® ~ ~ A v' ® ~ N z N N w ~~ v~ A • ' ~ T F~ Pc4t/~ P~ r Y! m D ~ ~.J ~` ~ ``\\\ ~~. ~1 \` -'~~i ~ \, ~ 1 i 0 0 w n. J r ® ~ m m °~ o v ° ~ Q m 2 ~vv ~ m ~ ~ ~~ m D ~ ~ ~ W r ~ ~ N ~ Cn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ v ~° ~ D ~ m o (A 0 cn ~ 0° ~ ~ ~ ~v n v ~ ~-' ~ o n ' C G ~ ~ ~ ~ . .' ~ v ~ ~ N _~ ~ cn T ~ ?. O ~ ~ ~ ~ 6m m Cn Dm c - _ -. n ~7 _ ~~ ~ ~ a n o ~, DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 9.0 EMPLOYEE TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR The Genentech Transportation Department is staffed by a commute services manager and anoperations /shuttle manager and several additional full-time staff. The commute services manager is also the ETC and has primary responsibility for implementing this Plan. The ETC provides employee commute program assistance to all Genentech employees, produces on-site transportation fairs and promotional events, collaborates with the Alliance and 511 to maximize resources, conducts the annual survey and produces the triennial report. TDM industry data supports that having an ETC has a very positive impact on increasing alternative mode-use. This position is filled by: Name: Nathan Byerly Employee Transportation Programs Manager Genentech Transportation Department Address: 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990 Phone: (650) 225-8285 The ETC provides the following services: • Promotes trip reduction, gRide Rewards and air quality strategies to employees. • Main point of contact for employees wanting to commute using an alternative. • Conducts annual employee surveys and provide reports to the City of South San Francisco, which will include commute patterns, mode splits, and TDM program success (process includes: annual surveying of employees, tabulation of data, and provision of results in report format). • Evaluates survey results for alternative transportation potential and / or changes to current program. • Catalogs all existing incentives that encourage employees to utilize alternative transportation programs. • Works with local agencies such as Caltrain, SamTrans, BART, the Alliance, 511 and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and posts informational materials on the transportation kiosks in employee common areas, as well as disperses alternative program information to employees via posters, flyers, banners, campus newsletters, new employee orientation, etc. • Participates in BAAQMD Spare the Air program. Spare the Air day notices are forwarded to employees to encourage not driving to work alone. ® The Hoyt Company Page 21 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 • Coordinates and manages various aspects of the plan that require periodic updating or monitoring, such as the GRH program, car and. vanpool registration, parking enforcement, locker assignment and enforcement. 9.1 Designated Employer Contact at Leased Sites Leased campus sites require a designated contact to be identified. The designated employer contact at leased sites will be the Genentech ETC. The ETC will maintain on- site TDM programs ar<d employee outreach, administrate the annual surveys and provide information continuity for the developer/landlord and the City of South San Francisco. 9.2 Promotional Programs Genentech's current promotional programs include new employee orientation packets, flyers, posters, email notices, transportation fairs, trip-planning assistance, Green Genes program, and an emergency ride home program. Genentech offers an orientation program to new employees to explain the importance of trip-reduction methods and their benefits to the community. The orientation addresses Generttech's TDM mission statement and alternative-commute options, describes on-site amenities, provides transit schedules, maps, and offers free ride-matching services. Genentech employees are encouraged to participate in the BAAQMD "Spare the Air" program during unhealthy weather conditions by not driving to work alone, and seeking other methods of commuting. Enrollment is via the BAAQMD Web page, and a "Spare the Air Day" notification is sent via email. Genentech also sponsors the annual "Bicycle to Work Day" with promotions and on-campus activities. Other events and promotions on-site at the project may include Caltrain Day, Rideshare Thursday's or a comprehensive transportation/commute fair. Various transit and rideshare organizations may be invited to set up a marketing booth during lunchtime at a central location in the building during the year to promote alternative commute options. Free trial transit passes will be available for first time riders. Periodic on-site tabling is also conducted throughout the year. 10.0 EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES Genentech employees are offered a variety of incentives to use alternative commute options. Incentives include apre-tax, payroll deduction (Commuter Choice) for transit and vanpool users and a daily commute allowance/subsidy program for employees who use transit, carpool, vanpool, bicycle or walk to work. The federal Commuter Choice option is a tax-free payroll deduction for vanpool and rail transit pass fares. An employee can deduct up to $1,260 a year from their salary as a pretax payroll deduction. This program encourages non-drive alone commute trips. Transit or commute subsidies can be set dollar amounts or a percentage of the monthly costs of transportation. Employment sites that offer transit or commute subsidies © The Hoyt Company Page 22 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 generally tend to have higher levels of alternative mode-use. Subsidies can be provided in tandem with the pre-tax option. Other carpool, vanpool and transit incentives are made available to encourage employees to use alternative transportation options (e.g. Try Transit, You Pool-We Pay, etc.). 10.1 Commute Allowance/Subsidy Program To better utilize land as Genentech adds employees, Genentech provides alternative mode commuters with a daily commute allowance/subsidy in order to reduce parking demand on campus. Genentech views parking as an employee benefit and, as of late 2006, offers employees a daily incentive for not parking onsite. Those who choose to participate in the program are compensated for each day they do not drive alone to the main campus. Employees who choose to continue to drive will continue to receive their parking benefit. Genentech employees report their monthly commute activity and are paid accordingly. This parking benefit strategy and incentive significantly will reduce drive-alone trips to the campus. 10.2 Pre-Tax/Commuter Choice Transit Passes Genentech employees receive transit passes through WageWorks, a Commuter Choice service that mails transit passes directly to participants. Employees are eligible to purchase passes through pre-tax deductions that are deposited into their WageWorks account. This option also allows employees to use their commute allowance /subsidy towards their transit passes. 10.3 Carpool Incentive Program Genentech employees can participate in the "You Pool, We Pay!" program offered by the Alliance. Employees who are currently driving alone, and are commuting to, from or through San Mateo County, are encouraged to carpool. When employees form a new carpool with two or more people over the age of 18, or add a new member to an existing car pool, all participants will receive a $60 gas card incentive.2 A carpool program flyer is provided as an attachment. 10.4 VanpoolIncentives As an incentive for vanpooling, the Alliance will pay half the cost for the first three months of vanpooling, up to $80 per month. Drivers of new vanpools, on the road for at least 6 months, can receive $500. This one-time incentive is provided for those .who join a new vanpool in the last six months who have not vanpooled for athree-month period before joining a new vanpool. A program flyer is provided as an attachment. z http: / / www.commute.org / programs.htm#carpool ® The Hoyt Company Page 23 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 10.5 Try Transit Program The Alliance offers a Try Transit Program that provides free transit tickets to people who are interested in trying public transit to get to work. These free tickets are meant for people who are new to transit. Commuters requesting tickets must work, live in or drive through San Mateo County. A copy of the Try Transit Program is provided as an attachment. Transit ticket options include: • One BART ticket • 3 round-trip Caltrain tickets • 6 one-way SamTrans tickets, • 6 Dumbarton tickets • 3 round-trip VTA tickets. 11.0 GUARANTEED RIDE HOME PROGRAM Genentech offers its employees a Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program, which allows employees who utilize alternative forms of commuting a free ride home for emergencies up to four times per year via taxicabs or rental cars. The program may not be utilized for doctor's appointments, meetings, shopping trips or other scheduled purposes. To qualify for the program, participants must fill out a registration form located on the transportation Intranet site and must commute by an alternative mode. The GRH program is managed by the Alliance. The Alliance covers 75% of the cost for GRH services. Genentech pays the remaining 25% cost. A sample Alliance GRH program flyer is provided as an attachment. All employees who commute to work using transit, bicycle, or by carpool or vanpool, will be guaranteed a ride home in the case of a personal emergency, or when they unexpectedly have to work late thereby missing the last bus, or their normal carpool home. The GRH program has proven very successful as it removes one of the major objections employees have to giving up their private automobile, especially those with young families. The GRH program provides employees with a security blanket, a feeling of reassurance that if a child becomes ill or injured during the day the employee can get to them quickly. If employees need to work late and miss their bus or carpool, or if their vanpool breaks down, they will be guaranteed a ride home. 12.0 FLEXTIME In order to use alternative- modes of transportation, employees may need special consideration regarding start and end times of work. For example, the workplace may open at 8:00 a.m., the carpool drops the employee off at 7:45 a.m., leaving them to wait © The Hoyt Company Page 24 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 until the building is open. Many employees would drive alone given those conditions. Flextime allows the employer to adjust opening and closing times to facilitate the use of alternative commute modes. Genentech provides flextime to employees wishing to commute via alternative transportation rather than SOV. Campus buildings are open and accessible in the early morning and evening hours to support an active flextime program. 13.0 TELECOMMUTING Telecommuting is a viable option for Genentech employees. Telecommuting involves the use of telephones and computers to enable an employee to work off-site or outside of the traditional work place. It can mean working at home or at a telecenter. Many employers look at telecommuting as a way to reduce work-space demand. Telecommuting, used as a tool to reduce the cost of doing business and employee commute trips, has proven to be very effective. The secondary and related benefits include recruitment and retention value, reduced sick time and absenteeism, improved productivity and morale, and reduced stress. .The benefits mentioned above focus on employers and employees, but telecommuting will also reduce energy consumption related to commuting, vehicle miles traveled, and mobile source emissions. 14.0 INFORMATION BOARD/KIOSK Genentech's TDM Coordinator has transportation kiosk boards located within the lobbies of major buildings. These displays include shuttle maps and schedules, transit maps and schedules, bicycle facility maps, information regarding car and vanpool matching services, and information regarding alternative commute subsidies provided by Genentech. Flyers for "Ride Your Bicycle to Work Week" and "Spare the Air" programs are also posted. Genentech's TDM Program information is also available electronically through Genentech's internal Web site. The site also links directly to the BART Web site that provides Caltrain train and fare schedules, and offers schedules for each of the shuttle lines. Employees may also access the Nextbus link through the site to estimate the arrival time of a campus shuttle. Ride matching services are also offered through the Web site for those interested in carpooling or vanpooling via the regional 511 Rideshare Web site. 15.0 ON-SITE AND NEARBY PROJECT AMENITIES On-site amenities provide employees with afull-service environment. Eliminating the need for an automobile to make midday trips increases non-drive alone rates. Many times, employees regard themselves as dependent upon the drive-alone mode because of errands and activities that must be carried out in different locations. By reducing this dependence through the provision of services and facilities at the work site, an increase in alternative mode usage for commute-based trips should be realized. © The Hoyt Company Page 25 . DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 The on-site amenities currently provided promote the use of alternative modes by reducing employee reliance on the single-occupant vehicle. Genentech's extensive list of on-site and nearby amenities and services include: • On-site food and drink vending on every other floor • On-site employee sundry kiosk • On-site campus automated teller machine (ATM) • On-site credit union • On-site coffee bar on every floor • On-site cafeteria (6:30 am - 2:00 pm) • On-site "Grab and Go" Cafe (multiple) • On-site childcare • On-site occupational health clinic • On-site hair cut, barber shop, dental, vehicle services, etc. • Nearby recreational (Bay Trails) • Nearby Fitness Center w/free shuttle (435 Forbes Ave) • On-site video rentals • On-site film developing • On-site dry cleaning • On-site concierge service, also available to employees, includes party planning, running errands, buying gifts, etc. for a nominal charge. 16.0 KICK-OFF MARKETING CAMPAIGN Prior to occupancy of any new facility, Genentech will host a targeted employee commute marketing campaign. Regional transportation service providers, Genentech shuttles, commute allowance /subsidy program, guaranteed ride home information and other program benefits will be highlighted for'employees relocating to a new site. This outreach process will continue to promote alternative commute opportunities and the unique benefits available to employees at Genentech and any special amenities at the new site. 17.0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) are usually private, non-profit organizations run by a voluntary Board of Directors with typically a small staff. They help businesses, developers, building owners, local government representatives and others work together to collectively establish policies, programs and services to address local transportation problems. The key to a successful TMA lies in the synergism of multiple groups banding together to address and accomplish more than any single employer, building operator, developer, or resident could do alone. In South San Francisco, the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance operates as a TMA organization. The Alliance provides: • Shuttle programs Transit advocacy • Information on local issues Newsletter ®The Hoyt Company Page 26 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 • Parking management programs Bicycle training program • Trial transit passes • Training • Emergency ride home programs Marketing programs • Bicycle facilities • Promotional assistance • Car and vanpool incentives Genentech participates in Alliance pragiams and utilizes their services. They are also registered in the Alliance GRH program for their employees. The Alliance is a clearing- house for information about alternative commute programs, incentives, and transportation projects affecting San Mateo County businesses. 18.0 COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT The intent of the City of South San Francisco's TDM Ordinance is to reduce SOV trips and, in doing so, lessen the resulting traffic congestion and mobile source related air pollution. It is important to ensure TDM measures are actually implemented and effective. Therefore, a monitoring and enforcement program is necessary for each application. Because the City's TDM Program is performance-based (i.e. project requires percentage alternative mode usage and corresponding trip reduction at 30%), an annual evaluation program will allow Genentech and the City to assess the effectiveness of the unique program designed for the campus, and to make adjustments as necessary to meet requirements. Genentech will establish and maintain a 30% trip reduction program subject to annual monitoring. Annual monitoring and penalty programs are consistent with previously approved methodologies implemented by the City of South San Francisco at other project sites in the east of Highway 101 area. 18.1 Annual Employee Commute Survey An employee commute survey will be a critically important part of the monitoring process to determine the success or failure of TDM measures. This report, via results from an employee survey distributed and collected by the ETC, will provide quantitative data (e.g., mode split) and qualitative data (e.g.,' employee perception of the alternative transportation programs). Employees who do not participate in the commute survey will be counted as drive-alone or SOV commuters by default. Given the size and multiple locations of campus work-sites, Genentech proposes to conduct employee commute surveys at selected buildings to sample the success of the TDM program. Data collection will monitor the activities of all employees of the selected building or group of buildings to be representative of the company as a whole. Information from the Genentech rideshare database and commute allowance /subsidy program will augment the survey data. Survey data may then be used to focus TDM marketing and the efforts of the ETC. The TDM program could be re-tooled, if necessary, to maintain the project's 30% peak-hour alternative mode-use rates and commitment at the site. A summary report based on ®The Hoyt Company Page 27 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 results from the annual employee commute survey will be submitted to the City of South San Francisco and presented to the Planning Commission and City Council. 18.2 Annual Summary Report Each year, Genentech employee survey data, will be used to prepare an annual TDM summary report. This report will be submitted to the City to document the effectiveness of the TDM Plan in achieving the goal of the alternative mode usage and 30% trip reduction by employees throughout the campus. The TDM summary report will be prepared by an independent consultant or TMA who will work in concert with Genentech. The TDM summary report will main a historical employee commute record to be used in all future reports. If the trip-reduction rates have not been achieved, the report will explain how and why the goal was not reached and specify additional measures and activities that will be implemented in the coming year to improve the mode-use rate. The initial TDM summary. report for' Genentech will be submitted within two (2) years after approval of the Master Plan and each year thereafter. The survey reporting is targeted for the 4th quarter of each year. 18.3 Triennial Report For projects with increased FAR, a triennial report will be performed by the City. Modifications from the Genentech expansion have increased the FAR and require the project to conduct a triennial report. This report or audit will state whether the development has or has not achieved the required percent alternative mode-use. If the development does not achieved the required mode-use, the applicant will: • Explain how and why the goals have not been reached • Describe additional measures that will be adopted in the coming year to attain the required mode-use rate • Provide an implementation schedule by month- of additional measures The triennial report will also include a comparison of responses to historical surveys, identify any significant mode share changes, and describe why the mode share changed. The Chief Planner will review reports. Reports that indicate failure will be submitted to City Council. . 18.4 Penalty for Noncompliance If the subsequent triennial report indicates that, in spite of the changes in TDM programs, the required alternative mode-use is still not being achieved, or if Genentech fails to submit an annual report, the City may assess a penalty. The penalty shall be established by City Council resolution on the basis of the project size and actual ® The Hoyt Company Page 28 DRAFT Genentech TDM Master Plan September 25, 2006 percentage alternative mode-use as compared to the percentage alternative mode-use required or established in the TDM Plan.3 In determining whether a financial penalty is appropriate, the City may take into account the more than $10 million dollar annual investment currently invested and consider whether Genentech has made a good faith effort to meet the TDM goals. If the City determines that Genentech has made a good faith effort to meet the TDM goal, but a penalty is still imposed, and such penalty is imposed within the first four (4) years of the TDM plan (commencing with the first year in which a penalty could be imposed), such penalty sums, in the City's sole discretion, -may be used by Genentech toward the implementation of the TDM plan instead of being paid to the City. If the penalty is used to augment the TDM Plan, an Implementation Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to expending any penalty funds. The City may assess Genentech a penalty in an amount no more than $50,000 per year for each percentage point (compounded at $25,000 increments) below the minimum 30% alternative mode- usage goal as determined by survey methodology used by the Alliance or other methodology agreed to with the city. 19.0 .CONCLUSION The report identifies TDM measures that proactively encourage employees to use alternative commute modes and will, at a minimum, support fora 30% alternative mode-use program according to South San Francisco guidelines over the next 10 years. This Plan meets the 30% minimum alternative mode-use required of Genentech under the City of South San Francisco's Municipal Code. As outlined in this document, Genentech is committed to providing an aggressive, comprehensive TDM plan to its employees to promote the use of alternative modes. Genentech is already exceeding program requirements (e.g. shuttle services, commute allowance, on-site amenities, etc.) and continues to expand and enhance its robust TDM program. Through internal dedication and partnerships with local agencies and organizations, Genentech is poised. to be a model company in terms of TDM. In order to be part of the transportation solution, this project contains the density and critical mass necessary to encourage the use of all alternative modes of transportation including bicycling, carpooling, vanpooling, and public transit. By balancing air quality with economic growth, Genentech will help South San Francisco thrive as a community and contribute to South San Francisco's future livelihood. s Ordinance No. 1300-2001, Chapter 20.120, Transportation Demand Management, South San Francisco Municipal Code, October 2001. © The Hoyt Company Page 29 ATTACHMENTS Downtown Dasher -Mid-day Taxi Service Sample Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Employee Transportation Flyer Carpool Incentive Program Flyer Vanpool Program Flyer Try Transit Program Flyer Guaranteed Ride Home Program s your job located in an East of Highway 101 business park in South San Francisco? Do you utilize public transportation or have limited options For travel to Downtown South San Francisco during the lunch hour? Why not try the "Downtown Dasher' taxi service? This FREE service picks you up between the hours of 1 la.m and 2 p.m. from your workplace, and drops you off at one of two drop-off locations in the downtown area of South San Francisco. All that is required to take advantage of this service is a "Downtown Dasher" taxi voucher and a trip reservation. Contact the ALLIANCE at 650-588-$170 or shuttlesCcommute.vrg to gei your vouchers. Once you receive the voucher, call 650-588-2131 by 10 a.m. the morning of the trip to make a reservation. A return reservation is made as well. Once the taxi arrives, the driver collects the appropriate portion of the voucher and you're oFf. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. It's that mple. Leave your cars behind, Visit Downtown South San Francisco to enjoy numerous restaurants and shops with your friends and co-workers. Peninsula Yellow Cab: 650-588-213 i Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance: 650-588-8170 1'E!~tIN~ULA T'R:1FhIC t'~)~~(;ES'TIC);~ KF[IF:F Ai.i.IANC'F. 1 150 Bayhi(I Dr, Suite 107 San Bruno, CA 94066 ucher Number ~ Do o n South San Francisco Da SHER Frorn Employer ~~ r r ® -' Voucher Number J 7 $5 Dow outh San Francisco ~.~ ~ ~: DA SH~R From Downtown Sovth San Francisco ..r ~ ~ r Io 3ielp irr~pr,,% ~.Fu the rlej~r tr:~risportcrtiar, =er~it~e,reN us WwW.COmmUte.Or~ w~r;i~l, inercf7ant(s) y©u visited on this trip ~,v~rr~ri. c m m u to . org Please give this to your taxi driver at the time of pick up Please give this to your taxi driver at the time of pick up Downtown South San Francisco -~ ~- ~ ~ DASHER This voucher taxi ride a one-way d drop-off locations ~r~Rd @ Linden and 733 Airpor Ivd. during the hours of 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Just call Peninsula Ye{low Cab (before 10:00 am) to book your ride. (650) 588-2131 Downtown South Son Francisco F .. DASHER This voucher good f one-way taxi ride from d d drop-off locations o inden and 733 Airpor wring the hours of 1]: am tot:00 pm. Just call Peninsula Yellow Cab (before i 0:00 am) to book your ride. (650) 588-2131 ASPen Ave. ,. CinUan .,,~ 41'e r _. 4r 9th fin. ~~`r4 Ye ~"h~Pergve ,U$a .=` - - ~- ., f-~~" PrneAve 8th~n ~ai;t . d ornia r >m Cn < y qve . ~~ a ~ I ~ Lux qve, G sth Ln. Milterg Ta~araQk ve t_n - ~~ N Gr~ndgve.A~ athCn. ~ "°- t , , ga0'engve . 3ra LR x COmrrler~la/qve ?na~n ` ., ,,~,~.,.v„ tyt ~n - - .: _, ,. . mj ~ ,`¢~ ,? a C 0 D r J TAXI DROP-OFFS r c ~' ~~ "'~ ~ 3 a ' " GRAND AVE. 8~ LINDEN AVE. ;`' 733 AIRPORT AVE. Safety Program Attention Bicycle Commuters Get A Free One Hour Bike And Pedestrian Safety Workshop At Your Jobsite This Fun, Energizing Workshop Includes: • Tips on including Bicycling as a safe, stress relieving commute mode • Coverage of Traffic Laws for Bicyclists, Pedestrians, and Motorists around Bicyclists and Pedestrians • Basic Bicycle Maintenance Tips • Free bicycle related Door Prizes Ask Your Employer To Give Us A Call, And The .ALLIANCE Will Do The Rest!!! If you would like more information on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program, please call The ALLIANCE at 650-588-8170, visit our website at www.commute.orq , or a-mail us at ALLIANCE(c~commute.org Rev 2 PENTNS[TI~1 T2~P'FIC (.ONG!.tiTIO(V IZ1:I.IGF AT.T.TANCI? 1150 Bayhi!I Drive San Bruno, to 9aa66 P: 650-588-8170 Belmont • Brisbane • Burlingame • Colma • Daly City • E. Palo Alto • Foster City • Half Moon Bay ~: 650-588-8171 Millbrae • Pacifica • Redwood City • San Bruno • San Carlos • San Mateo • S. San Francisco Bicycle and Pedestrian ~1 • ~ -~. _.. ~..,; - ~,'. -. - • O ~4' ~^V, W O _v ~ I ~+1; Y/ ~_ -;~ ~ ~ < + R - ~ ~--.~ ~ t' Y ~ *' ~-ins" C . w a _. c ^ c _` ~~~ ~' F~:; F'-^ .'t= l~'a:' Srs: {.- '' ";r- ~ .~~; g; :yP"rt ,K~ •~_ ~. i o; .E 4: *u a r ~ r _ __ _I ~~ a ^N W ~~ Q~ .Q a ' ~ b'a y = ~~ ~ Y M~ W ~ C ~ A C l+ 'L a V a C ". ^ C C i ~ fem. 0 3 ~ '~ ~ o ~ a ~ '~" ?t ~S ~ C ~ ~II 3_ _-°_-= s_ --_ 3' 3 R y z~? ~ c~ ~ s w$ u ~ s a ~'a _ a= _ _ _ ~ ~9 _ ~ E ? E ~3 ~.~ E~ ~Q ~ 1~tiq c c ~>. µ o ` _ ~a ~, c ~ ~ ` ~ E ~ E _~ d ~ E ~ ~~ o ~ x ~ ~ _E~ s r E a` x = ~ ~ .. ~ E_ A ~ p ~ f U v.5 3 u ~ .~ cc ~ ~ a a c D _ c ~ e ? u E ~ ~ ~ ~ . 4 7 y _ ~ L ~ ed E c ~ ', ° a r, a ~ - - ~ E E z ~ ~ . ~ ' E 'Y v~x~€~' a Ey~a - La~_~~~y~y _ _ z ~ c w N t _¢ ~ 3 F 4x -x y- ~= u ^~ W i ry~ W L 'M= `~ Y ~. I m r ti ~~ ~ ~ ro i ~ V i (T~ \1 ~~ ~~ /nom ~~ ~~ /_.. `) 1 ~ ~ ! • ~....+ g ~ ~ ~ U ~ .__. s o v a v N 3'p G ~ ~ Q ,C VI ~ ~ ~ C F. F. C 4 Q '~ G Z ~~~w U V m m d t7 ~'~J •~ ~i i ~.~' ~ y S_('" . ~ ~ ~ f F ~_rc3> y~ `W L Q3 w O I _ ~' A ~ _ _ I ~ ~ s s E L . n ' - - _ - ' E E - ' ~ I 4 l 3 I ` ~ I ° T ~ - ~ v ~ s E ~E -~ a- o N H I' ? i o~ `> V E s s m Q C' 3 ~ ~ 3 3 . `o c = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~= 4 ~ ~k E. ~' s. .. . ~~ „ ~_ _ 3 ~ _ ~~ QuickLinks Sao Mateo C~un~i Carpool loceoiiue Program You Pool, We Pay! If you currently drive alone, and you commute to, from or through San Mateo Coun carpooling to work. The Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance is offering: • gas cards worth $60.00 for commuters with standard cars • gas cards worth $80.00 for commuters with hybrid cars (Clean Air Vehicle de~ • gift cards worth $80.00 for commuters with clean air vehicles (Clean Air Vehic to commuters who pledge to carpool to work a minimum of two days per week, for of driving alone. Each member of the carpool is eligible for this offer! To find out if your vehicle qualifies for the Glean Air Vehicle decal, please visit the c (ARB) website at: www.arb.ca.gov Visit the www.dmv.ca.aov to find out how to apply for Clean Air Vehicle decal. Plea FasTrak requirement carefully. If you need a carpool partner or want to find a new member for an existing carpool. website. Commute by carpool ... and we'll buy the gas Now is the time to try carpooling! The Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance i gas card incentive to help you. Start here: • Form a NEW carpool with two or more people over the age of 18 ar • Add a NEW member to an existing two-person carpool. • Then, register yourself (the carpool coordinator) and the names and emails of • The carpool coordinator is the only person required to complete this form to st completing the carpools partners' information accurately on this one form. • Select the type of vehicle from the drop-down box at the top of the applicatior • Special requirements state that Hybrid and CAV carpoolers must drive througt • Hybrid or CAV incentive applicants will need to mail or fax us a copy of the CIE once your application is received and accepted, your carpool partners will receive must follow to fill out their information. The incentives are currently a one time only Acceptance of this application is subject to the Alliance's approval. Type of Carpool Carpool Coordinator's Salutation Carpool Coordinator's First Name Carpool Coordinator's Last Name ..Standard `Mr 511 ~ _ ~, Y r SEARCH RIDESHARE: About 511 Rideshare Newsroom Suggestions ~ Tell a Friend Rideshare Site Directory Spanish Version Disclaimer Brought to you by MTC and Bav Area Transportation Partners Pn"vacv ~ Accessibility l~j ~cr About Rideshare Rewards Welcome carpoolers! Rideshare Rewards is dedicated to you. Earn rewards and enjoy time with friends and colleagues as you beat the rush hour blues. Carpooling saves you money on gas and car wear and tear~tow win prizes! New carpoolers: FREE Gas and Safeway Gift Cards Listen up solo commuters! If you switch to carpooling and work in the nine-county Bay Area you can win FREE gas or Safeway gift cards. Earn $10 for every five days you carpool within a 90-day period, up to $100. And one lucky commuter wins $1,000 in gift cards in a grand prize drawing. Stt RIDESHARE ~RewaR~$ Rideshare Rewards runs from March 1 through October 31, 2007, or until funds are depleted. It's first come, first serve, so sign up now! SAFEWAY ~~ Need to find a carpool partner? Sign up for our FREE online F?~c~elviatch Service. Who is Eligible Drive-alone commuters who switch to carpooling and work in the nine-county Bay Area. This is for NEW carpoolers only. Read eligibility Gu!de!ines Get started Step one: Find a carpool partner! Sign up in our free online RideMatch Service to find potential matches, or recruit co-workers, friends and family. Step two: Register online. Log carpool days in your online Commute Diary. Step three: Receive your Safeway or gas gift card! Spin the Wheel Prizes Rideshare Rewards 2006 and Spring 2007 carpoolers can spin the wheel weekly for prizes. A gas gift card! A brand new bicycle! Coffee drinks! Spin the wheel and see what you can win, as long as you carpool at least Start a vanpool What is "skip navigation"? i.: i i i i+~ -- Other DowrioacSs Regwres Want To Save Money On A Long Commute And Get Paid For Doing It? Then vanpooling may be right for you. Picture this.... You meet your van in the morning at a prearranged place and time. Then, you settle into a comfortable seat for a relaxing ride. What a perfect time to read, snooze, or even catch up on some work, while around you, thousands fight traffic. And We'll Pay You To Try It... As an incentive to help you get started in a vanpool, the ALLIANCE will pay you half of the cost for your first 3 months of vanpooling, up to $80 per month. If you decide to be a driver for a new vanpool for at least 6 months, you can receive $500.00. This one time incentive is provided for those who have joined a new vanpool in the last six months and have not vanpooled for athree-month period before joining their new van. How Can I Get Involved In A Vanpool? If you would like us to contact your employer, give us a call at 650-588-8170, or e-mail us at
[email protected]
or visit our website at www.commute.orq To Receive Your Rebate... If you are a new vanpool rider or driver, or are planning to be one, download and fill out the reimbursement form in the vanpool section at www.commute.orq PEN [NStJl~4 'fItAI:FiC Rev 2 CO1~(:~IsS"LION ItF.1.I li.I` ALLTANC E 115 S~yhiN Drive fan Brun©, CA 94©b6 P: fi50-`~$$-81 1() Belmont • Brisbane • Burlingame • Colma • Daly City • E. Palo Alto • Foster City • Half Moon Bay F: G5~-S$$-$1 ~ 1 Millbrae • Pacifica • Redwood City • San Bruno • San Carlos • San Mateo • S. San Francisco Vanpool Program QuickLinks -Free lransitlicke~ Distribution Program Tired and frustrated with driving alone on your long commute to work every day? Interested in public transportation options, but never taken the time to try it? If you're over 18, live or work in San Mateo County and have not used public transportation to commute to work, you could be eligible for a free ticket on BART, SamTrans, Caltrain, VTA, Dumbarton Express or M Line. Just complete the questionaire below and we'll mail you a free ticket from the transit agency of your choice. Despite what you might think, public transit is very convenient. When you try public transportation you can: • Save hundreds of dollars a year in auto expenses (gas, insurance, maintenance, tolls, etc.) • Work or relax during your commute and reduce the amount of stress you feel • Use the new found time you have to read, talk with friends, or get ahead at work • Get to work and get home on time regardless of the weather, traffic accidents, breakdowns, etc. • Help reduce environmental pollution and overcrowded roads • Use pre-tax dollars to pay for your public transportation expenses Be one of the first to complete the questionnaire below and we'll mail you free transit tickets prom the transit agency of your choice as mentioned below. Please note that this offer is for one ticket request, per person, one time ' only. Try Transit Free Tickets Order Form - _ _ _ _ __... _ . _ _.....__..__~~..r_~_.~---___.. First Name: Last ;-----_.._ ._._-.__._______~_-~._ _---_----___.._.,_. ~__._,_____._-_-__ _._~ Name: EMERGENCY RIDE HOME PROGRAM PENINSULA TRAFFIC CONGESTION RF_LIEF ALLIANCE 1150 Bayhill Drive Suite 107, San Brunn,CA 94066 P: 650-588-8170 F: 650-5$8-8171 Don't Get Stranded At Work! Do you want to bike, walk, carpool, vanpool, or take public transit; but are worried about becoming stranded if an emergency arises while you are at work? The Emergency Ride Home gives you the peace of mind necessary to get out of traffic and save money, time and stress. When your Employer signs up for The Emergency Ride Home program, you have a reliable way to get home quickly in the event of an emergency. Most people choose to drive their own personal vehicle to work because they don't want to be faced with a dilemma should an emergency arise. Be certain that, in the case of an emergency, your employer will support you with a free taxi ride or a 24-hour car rental. You have the freedom to carpool, vanpool, bus, bike or walk to work without the fear of becoming stranded in an emergency. How do I get my employer involved? You can provide your employer with information about the program by printing out the Emergency Ride Home section of this website at www.commute.orq Otherwise, send us a contact name, number and address to alliance(c~commute.org or call us at 650-588-8170 and we'll be happy to contact them for you.