HomeMy WebLinkAboutRedevelopment Plan for the DownTown/Central Red. Project.coPr 12BDBYBI.OPL[BN'T PLAN FOR THB DOWNTOWN/CiSTITRAL RSDSVBLOPIdRNT PEOJSCT Adopted: 7- / ~ - 8 9 Cii~ Council Ordinance Ido. /o SG - 89 Prepesred b~ the SOUTH SAN FBANCISCO RgDBVBLOP'~[8NT AGI3NCY SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF08NIA R 1938.asf/4 090288/bl TABLE OF OONTRNTS PAGE I. [Section 100] INTROAUCTION ................................................................1 II. [Section 200] PROJfiCT ARHA BOUNDARY AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................. 4 III. [Section 300] PROPOSED R13D>SVFLOPMI3NT ACTIVITIES .............................. 5 A, [Section 301] General ................................................................ 5 B. [Section 302) Owner Peirtic:ipation and Buerineeset Re-Entry Preferences ................................................. 5 1. [Section 303] Oppc~rtunitiea for Owner Participation ............. 5 2. [Section 304] Preferences for Persona Engaged in Bue+inesa in the Project Area ....................... 6 3. [Section 305] Participation Agreements .................................. 6 4. [Section 306] Implementing Rules ........................................... 7 C. [Section 307] Property Acquisition ...................................................7 1. [Section 308] Acquisition of Real Property ............................ 7 2. [Section 309] Acquisition of Personal Property ..................... 8 D. [Sec tion 310] Property Management .................................................. 8 F. (Section 311 ] Relocation of Occupants Displaced by Agency Acquisition ................................................ 8 1. [Section 312] Reloation Housing Requirements ...................... 8 2. [Section 313] 8epleicement Housing Plan ................................. 8 3. [Section 314] Assiataace in Finding Other Locatinns ........................................................... 9 4. [Section 315] Relocation Payments .......................................... 9 F. [Sec;tion 316] Payments to Tearing Agencies for in Lieu Taxes and To Alleviate Financial Burden .........................................................9 G. [Section 317j Demolition, Clearance, Public Improvements, Building and Site Preparation ...................................10 1. [Section 318] Demolition and Clearance .................................10 2. [Section 319] Public Improvements ........................................10 3. [Section 320] Preparation of Building Sites ..........................10 1938.asi/4 090288/bl PAGE fl. [Section 321] Property Disposition sad Deveopment ......................10 1. [Section 322] Real Property Disposition and Development ..............................................10 a. [Section 323) General .............................................................10 b. [Section 324] Dispoaitivn and Development DocumentA .........................................................1 l c. [Section 325] Dev~lr~pment by the Agency or Other Public BodieN or Sntitiee ..................12 d. [Section 326] Development Plane ............................................13 2. [Section 327] PerAOnel Property Disposition .........................13 I. [Section 328] Cooperation with Public Bodies .................................13 J. [Section 329] Rehabilitation, Conservation and Moving of Structures .................................................13 1. [Section 330] Rehnbilit~tion and Conservation ......................13 2. [Section 331] Moving of Structures .......................................14 K. [Section 332] Low or Moderate Income Housing ..............................14 1. [Section 333] Authority Generallj ..........................................14 2. [Section 334] Replbcement Housing ........................................15 3. [Section 335] Increased and Improved Supply .....................15 4. [Section 336] New or Rehabilitated Dwelling Unitr+ Developed Within Project Area ..............16 5. (Section 337] Duration of Dwelling Unit Availability .......................:...............................1? IV. [Section 400] LAND USES AND DTYBLOPL(ENT REQL:fIRBI+[KNTS ..................18 A. [Section 401] 8edevelopment Plan L1ap and 1~/a,jor ..........................18 Project Area Land Uses .............................................18 B. [Section 402 ] Major Lend Uees ........................................................18 C. [Section 403] Otber Land Uaea ........................................................18 1. [Section 404] Public Rights of Way .......................................18 2. [Section 405] Other Public, Semi-Public, Institutional and Non-Profit Uses ...................19 D. [Sectivn 406] Conforming Properties ...............................................19 E. jSection 407] Interim Uses ...............................................................20 F. (Section 408] Nonconforming Uses ...................................................20 (iij PAGB G. (Seclinn 409) General Controls and Limitations .................. 20 ............. 1. [Section 410) Consiructiun .............................. 20 2. [Section ....................... 411) Limitation on the Number 3. [Section of Buildingd ......................................................20 412) Number of Dwelling Uaits 4. [Section ................................21 413] Limitations on Type, Sire and 5. [Section Height of Buildings ..........................................21 4)4) Open Spec;es, Landr~caping, Light, 6. [Section Air and Privacy ...............................................21 415) Signe 7. [Section ................................................................21 416) iltilitiee 8. [Section .............................................................21 419) Incompatible UseA 9. [Section ............................................21 418) Subdivie~ion of Parcels 10. [Section .....................................21 419] Minor Variations _ ...............................................22 H. [Section 420) Design Guide . .............................................................22 I. [Section 42] ] Building Perraits ................................. 23 ........................ V. [Section 500) MRTHODS OF FINANCING THTs PROJECT ................... 24 ............. A. [Section 501) General Description of the Proposed Financing Method .......................... 24 B. [Section 502) ............. Tax Increment Fundd C. [Section 503] .................................................24 Agency Bonde D. jSection 504) .............................................................25 Time Limit on Be~tablish~nent B. [Seaction 505] of Indebtednesa .........................................................26 Other Loans and Grants ............................................26 VI. (Section 600) ACTIONS BY THE CITY ........................ ..... 27 ............................ VIL [Section 700) BNFORCEMENT ............................».................................29 VIII. [Section 800) DURATION OF THIS PLAN ............................. 30 ........................ I7L [Section 900) PROCBDURB FOR AMRNDMBNT ...............................................31 EXHIBIT "A" REDEVELOPMENT PLAN MAP EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA BXHIAIT "C" PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND FACILITIES PBOJBCTS (iii) RBDSVBLOPIt1~+1T PLAN FOB ?RB DOWNTOi1N/CENTRAL RSDSYBLOPAIBNT PRWBCT L [Section 100) INTIiD01)UGTION This is the Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan") for the Downtown/Centrsl Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in the City od South San Francisco (the "City"), County of San l~lateo, State of California. This Plan consiet,s of test (Sections 100 thrnugh 900), the Redevelopment Plan Map (Exhibit "A"), a Legal Description of the Project Men (}sxhibit "B"), and the Proposed Public Improve- ments and Facilities Projects (fixhibit "C"). This Plan was prepared by the South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California (Health and Safety Code, Section 33000 et Rte.; all statutory references hereinafter shall be to the Aealih and Safety Code unless otherwise designat,ed), the California Constitution, and all applicable local codes and ordinances. The defirutione of general terms which are contained in the Community Redevelopment Law govern the construction of this plan, unless more specific ters~s and definitions therefor are otherwise provided in this Plan. Many of the requirements contained in this Plan are necessitated by and in accord with Ktatutory provisions in effect at the time of adoption of this Plan. Such statutory provisions may be changed from time to time. In the eveat that any such changes affect this Plan's requirements, and Mould be applicable to the Agency, the Project, or this Plan whether or not this Plan were formally amended to reflect such changes, then the requirewenf.s of this Plan that are so affected shall be superseded by ouch changes, to the extent necessary to be in conformity with such changes. The project area (the "Project Area") includes all properties within the Project boundary shows on the Redevelopment Plan itap and described in the Legal Description of the Project Area. The proposed redeve]opment of the Project Area as described it this plan conforms to the General Plan for the City of South San Franciaoo, as applied in accord with local codes and ordinances. This Redevelopment P)an is based upon the Preliminary plan formulated and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City o! South San Francisco (the "Planning Commission") on Febuary 11, 1988. This P>:ut provides the Agency with powers, duties and obligations to implement ar~d further the program generally formulated in this Plan for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, and revitalization of the Project Area. This Plan does not present a specific plan or establish priorities for specific projects for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, and revitalization of any particular area within the Project Area. Instead, this Plan presents a process and a basic framework within which specific development plane will be preseated, priorities for epacifia~ projects wiU be established, and specific solutions wUl be proposed, and by which 1938.snf/4 090288/bl tools are provided to the Agency to fashion, devebp, end proceed with auc;h specific plans, projects, and solutions. In general, the goals and objectives of a redevelopment program in the Project Area are as follows: 1. To expand the retail component oT the Downtown, providing diversifi- cation of offerings end enco~iraging major outlets as a dray to near shoppers. 2. To continue support of the various cultural and civic user which provide major anchors, stressing special events which draw new attendees. 3. To promote the area as the financial hub, encouraging existing institutions to expand both physically and with related services. 4. To eliminate blight through abatement or code comp)iance, reconstruc- tion and assembly of parcels inter more developable Bites for more desirable uses. 5. To improve public parking, other public facilities, services, utility lines, lighting, public safety and public transportation. 6. To create a pedeHtrian environu~ent io encourage multiple stop8 by vieitorr~ and more frequent visits to Downtown. 7. To erophaHiu and highlight the e~dsting architectural style and ec:ale through rehabilitation and renovation of historic structures and encouraging in-fill developments that relate to existing structures. 8. To ezpand and upgrade the housing opportunities in the community to eliminate blight and improve housing Mock and standards for the present population. 9. To promote new and continuing private sector investment ~-ithin the Project Area to prevent the loss of and to facilitate commercial and industrial activity. 10. To achieve an environment reflecting a high level of concern for architectural, landscape, and urban design and land use principles appropriate to attainment of the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan. 11. To retain and expand as many existing businesata as possible by mersns of redevelopment and rehabilitation activities and by encourag- ing and s4sisting the cooperation and participation of owners, busi- nesses and public: agencies in ibe revitalization of the Project Area. 12. To provide for increased sales, business license, and other fees, taxes, and revenueA to the GSty of South San Francisco. 2 13. To encourage maximum participetior- of residents, buaineaN perKUr-a, prnperty owners. and community organizations in the redevelopment of the Project Area. 14. To create and develop local job oppvriunitie~ and to prer-erve the area's existing ea-ployment bane. 15. To replan, redesign end develop areas which are atrsgnant or improperly used. 16. To reduce the City's annual cnatn of providing of local i-ervices to and within the Project Area. Redevelopment of the Project Area pursuant tv thus Plan nr-d the above goals and ob jectivea v-ill attain the purposes of the California Community Redevelopment Law by: (1) elimir-rstior- of areas suffering from economic dislocation and disuse; (2) replanning, redesign and/or redevelopment of arena which are stagnant or improperly utilized, and which could not be ac:c;omplished by private enterprise acting alone without public participation and assistance; (3) protecting and promoting Bound develoyment and redevelopment of blighted areas and general welfare of the citizens of the City by remedying ouch injurious conditions through the employwent of approprvste means; {4) installation of new or replacement of existing public improvements, facilities and utilities in areas which are currently inadequately served with regard to such improvements, facilities and utilities; and (5) other means ae determined appropriate. 3 II. [Sec:tioa 200] PRO]B1;'f AREA BOUNDARY ANn LEGA1. D&SCRIPT]ON The bouadar~ o! the Project Mca is whoron on the Redevelopment Plan blap attached ae Exhibit "A," and ie deeseribed in the Le~e1 Deac:ription of the Project Acea attached ae Exhibit «B~« 4 IIL [Section 300] PROFOSS'D RBDSV8I..OP1iRN'l' ACTMTTBS A. [Section 301 (,eneral The Agency proposes to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and blighting influences, and to strengthen the economic base of the Project Area and the community by some or all of the following: 1. Permitting participation in the redevelopment procaKS by owners and oc:cupantr~ of properties located in the Project Area, c:onsietent with this Plan and rules -adopted by the Agency; 2. Acquisition of real property; 3. Manr,gement of property under the ownerHhip and control of the Agency; 4. Relocation assistance to displaced occupants of property acquired by the Agency in the Project Mea; 5. Demolition or removal of buildings and improvements; 6. Inbtallation, construction, expeinsion, addition, extraordinary maintenbnce or re-construction of streets, utilities, and other public facilities and improvements; 7. Dirrposition of property for uses in accordance with thiK Plan; 8. Redevelopment of land by private enterprise and public agencies for uses in accordance with Chia plan; 9. Rehabilitation of structures and improvements by present owners, their successors, and the Agency; 10. Rehabilitation, development or construction of law and moderate income housing within the Project and/oc the City; and ll. Providing for the retention of controls and eatabliAhment of restrictionK or covenants running with the land so that property gill continue to be used in accordance with this P18a. In the accomplishment of these activities, and in the implementation sad furtherance of this Plan, the Agency is authorized to use all the powers provided in this Plan and all the powere~ to the extent naw or hereafter pera-itted by law, which powers are not expressly limii,ed by this Plan. B. [Section 302] Owner Participation and Ausiness Se-gntr' Prefereacers 1. [SPCStion 303] Opportunities for Owner Particiyation The Agency is authorized to permit persotur who are owners and business accupantrr of comwercial and other types of real property in the Project Mea to 5 be given the opportunity to participate in the redevelopment of the Project by r~hebilitation, by retention of improvement~c, or by new devebpc,eat by retaining all or a portion of their properties, by acquiring adjacent Agency, by purchasing other properties in the Project Area b roperties Iron, the developers in the redevelopment of all or a ' y Darticipeting with other suitable means. portion of their properties, or by Parsons and firms who own property and business occ;u Prnject Mea shall be afforded the opportunit to pants nithia the of their properties consistent with the objectives ~rdticipate in the redevelopment implementation rules adopted by -the Agency. pTOpo~" of this Plan and In addition to opportunities for participation by individual persor,y and firms, participation to the extent it is feasible shall be available for two or more persons, tirros or institutions, to join together in partnerbhips, corporations, or other joint entities. Participation opportunities shall necex~,arily be subject b and limited by factors including but not Iilnited to the following: (1) the elimination and changing of some land uxes; (2) the construction, realignment, abandonment, widening, open_ ing and/or other alteration or elimination of rights-of_rray; relocation, ar,d/or installation of public utilities and (3) the removal, of Participants to finance the public facilities, (4) the ability in accordx,nce with thi~r Bede ~ op nt p,enlsit5 nthee abilitmeIIandr erehabilitation participants to undertake and complete the ~ ( ) y xperience of lion in the total number of individual proposed development; (6) any reduc- construction or ea parcels ir, the Project Area; (?) the Pension of public improvements sad facilities, and the necessity to aasernble areas for such; (8) any change in orientation and character of the Project Mea; (9) the necessity to assemble areas for public end or opment; (10) the requirements of this Plan and applicable laws and reg~ulati ne e~ the City of South San Francisco; (11) say Design Guide adopted by the Agency pursuant to Section 420 hereof; and (12) the feasibility of the Participant's proposal 2• [Seec.~ticrn 304] Preferencxs !or Pereoas lt'n in Business in the Project Ares The Agency shall eztend reasonable preferences to persons a,~ are e in business in the Project Area to re-enter in business within the redeveglopeea area if they otherwise meet the requirements prescribed by this p,~ 3. [Section 3051 Particiuat,ion Attreementa The Agency may require that, as a condition to participate in redevelopment or tv obtain a building permit pursuant to Section 421 hereof, each shall enter into a binding written participation agreement with the P~'t~c.7pant which the participant agrees to contribute, sell, lease, acquire, rehabil't.ate, develop or use the property in conformance with this Plan and to be subject to provisions hereof and such other provisionx and conditions to which the may agree. In such agreements, participants who retain real parties required to sign and join in the recordation of such documents as is ae ess~aryy {o make the provisions of this .Plan and such participation agreement app~ble ~ 6 their properties. In the event an owner or participant iaiLi or refuses to develop, or use and maintain, their coal property pursuant to this Plan and •uch participatiun ngreeroent, the real property or any interest therein may be acquired by the Agency and iwld or leaded for development in accordance r.ith this Plan. Whether or not a participant enters into a participation agreement with Lhe Agency, the provisions of this Plan are applicable to all public and private property in the Project Area. 4. [Section 306] Implrmentint Ruler The provisions of Sections 302 through 305 shall be implemented according to the ruleer adopted by the Agency prior to the approval of this Plan, and the same may be from time to time amended by the Agency. Where there is a conflict between the participation and re-entry preferences prov'isionR in thiir Plan and such rules adopted by the Agency, the rules shall prevail C. [Sextion 309] Prc~y ert~ Acauixition 1. [Section 308] Arg uiaition of Real Propert The Agency may acquire, but is not required to acquire, any real property located in the Project Area by gift, devise, exchange, feriae, purchaAe, eminent domain or any other lawful method. It is in the pubUc interest and is necessary in order to execute Chia Plea for the power of eminent domain to be employed by the Agency to acquire real property in all portions of the Project Area. The Agency may not, without the affected property owner's prior written consent, use the power of eminent domain to acquire or assemble any residential real property or real property which contains residential uses for the purpose of conveying such property to others for private development. IAo eusinent domain proceeding to acquire property within the Project Area . shall be commenced alter twelve (12) years following the effective date of the ordinance approving and adopting this plan. Such time limitation may be extended only by amendment of thin Plan. The Agency is authorized to acquire structures without acquiring the ]and upon which those structures are locat,Rd. The Agency is also authorized to acquire any other interest in real property leas than a fee. Without the consent of the owner, the Agency shall not acquire property to be retained by an owner pursuant to a participation agreement if the owner fully performs under the agreement. The Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building iR to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without the consent of the owner, unless such building requires structural alteration, improvement, modernisation, or rehabr7itation, or the site or lot on which the building ig situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or it is necessary to irupose upon such property any of the standards, restrictions and controls of this Plan or of any Design Guide adopted by the Agency pursuant to this Plan, and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the 7 Plan or in conformance with any such Design Guide by executing a participation agreement. . 2. [Section 309] Ac:gui~ritioa of Pers+otwl Property Generally, personal property shall not be acquired. However, where necex- sary in the execution of thin PLsn, the Agency is authorized Lo acquire perKOnal property in the Project Area by any lavrful means, including eminent domain. D. [Section 3l0] Property >rlanage~ment During such time as property, if any, in the Project Area is owned by the Agency, such property shall be under the man.egemet~t end control of the Agency. Such property may be rented oc Leased by the Agency pending its disposition for redevelopment, and Ruch rental or leaxe shall be pursuant to such policies as the _ Agency may adopt. F. [Section 3l1] _Relocatian of Occupants Displaced by Agency Acgui:ritivn 1. [Section 312] Re1oc,~ation Anusing Requirements No persons or families of low and moderate income shall be displaced unless and until there is a suitable housing unit available and ready for occupancy by such displaced perrsoa or family at rents comparable to those at the time of their dieplacemenL Such housing units shall be suitable to the needs of such displaced persons or families and must be decent, safe, sanitary, and otherr-ise standard dwellings. The Agency shall not displace such parson or family until such housing units ace available and ready for occupancy. Pertuaneni housing facUities shall be made available within three years from the time occupants are displaced. Pending the development of such facilities, there will be available to such displaced occupants adequate temporary housing facilities at rents comparable do those in the community at the time o[ their displacement. 2. [Section 313] Replac,etnent Housing Plan Not less than thirty days prior to the execution of an agreement for acquisition of real property, or the execution of an agreement for the disposition and develnpinent of property, or the execution of an owner participation agreement, which agreement would lead to the destruction or removal of dwelling units from the low and moderate income housing market, the Agency shall adopt by resolution a replacement housing plan. The replacement housing plan shall include: (1) the general location of housing to be rehabilitated, developed, or constructed pursuant to Section 33413 of the Community Redevelopment Law; (2) sn adequate mP.aas of financing such rehabilitation, development, or construction; (3) a finding that the replacement housing does not require the approval of the voters pursuant to Article %XXIV of the Ca)ifornia Constitution, or that such approval has been obtained; (4) the number of dwelling units housing persona and families of bv- or moderate income 8 planned for conxtructiun or rehabilitation; and (5) the timetable for meeting the pinn'N relocation, rehabilitation, and replaceiaent housing objectives. A dwelling unit whore replecen,ent is required by Section 334].3 but for which no replacement housing plan her been prepared, shall not be d~rtroyed oc renwved iroa~ the low and moderate inc;owe housing market until the Agency has by resolution adopted a replacement hooting plan. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Agency trom destroying or removing tram the low and moderate income housing market a dwelling unit which the Agency owns and which is an immediate danger to health and safety. The Agency shall, as soon ea practicable, adapt by resolution a replsc:ement housing plan with respect to such dwelling unit. 3. [Section 314] Asrsist~uce in Finding Other Locatic~ne~ The Agency shall assist all persons (including individuals and families), businesx concerns, and others displaced by Agency action in the Project in tinding other locations and facilities. to order to carry out the Project with a minimum of hardship to parsons (including individualA and families), business concerns, and others, if any, displaced from their respective places of residence or business, the Agency shall aesirit such persons, business concerns and others in finding new loc~.atinna that are decent, aefe, sanitary, within their respective financial means, in reasonably convenient locations, and otherwise suitable to their respective needs. The Agency may a1BO providr, housing inside or outride the Project Mee for displaced persane. 4. [Section 315] Relocatiaa Paymsnt+r The Agency shall make all relocation paymenla required by law to persona (including individuals and families), business concerns, and others displaced from property in the Project. Such relocation payments shall be made pursuant to the California Relocation Asaistanc:e I.aMr (Government Code Section 7260 et sec.) and Agency rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto sa such may be amended from time to time. The Agency may make such other payments as it may deem appropriate and for which funds are available. F. [Section 3] 6] Payv-ents to Taxing Agencies for In Lieu Taxre and to Alleviate Niaancial Burden Subject to the provisions of Section 33401 of the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency may make the payments specified in this Section 316. In any year during which it owns property in the Project Area, the Agency is authoris~.ed, but not required, to pay directly to any Czty, County, City and County, District, including, but not limited to, a School District, or other public corporation for whose benefit a tax would have been levied upon xuch property had it not been etempt, an amount of money in lieu of taxes. The Agency may also pay to any taxing agency with territory located within the Project Mea (other than the Cityj, any amounts of money which, in the Agency's determination, are necessary and appropriate to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to such taxing agency by the Project. 9 G. [Section 3]7) De~nenlitioo. Ghesarence, Public ImDrnvementa. Build-ag and Site Prepenet.ion 1. [Section s18] T?onolitinn and Clearance The Agency is authorised to demolish and clear buildings, structures, and other improvements from any real property in the Project Mee as necessary to carry out the purposes of this Plan. 2. [Section 3]9] Public Imnrcivemenla The Agency is authorised to install and cnnatruct, or to cause to be installed sr-d cone-tructed, the public improvements, facilities end utilities {within or outside the Project Area) necessary to carry out this Plan. Such public improvements, facilities and utilities include, but are not lin-ited to, the following: (1) over- and under-passes; (2) etewerK; (3) _ storm drains; (4) electrical, natural gas, telephone and water distribution systems; (5) ps.rks and plazeta; (s) playgrounds; (7) parking and tcanepoctation facilities; (8) landscaped areas; (9) street and circulation improvements; and (10) flood control improveu-entet and facilities. 3. [Section 320] Preparation of Buildirut Siteu The Agency is authorised to prepare, or cause to be prepared, set building aiteA any real property in the Project Area owned by the Agency. The Agency is also authorized to oonstruct foundations, platforms, and other structural forms necesetsry for the provie-ion or utilise-tion of air rights eritea for buildings to be used fot commercial, public, bad other urea provided in this Plan. H. [Section 321] Property I?isyoe;ition and Devebpn-ent 1. [Sec-tion 322] Berl Property Dispocrition and Davebpment a. [Section 323] General For the purposes of this Plan, the Agency is authorized to sell, lease for a period not to exceed 99 years, exchange, subdivide, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber by mortgage or deed of trust, or otherwise dispose of and interest in real property. The Agency is authorised to difrpose of real property by negotiated lease, sale, or transfer without public bidding but only after public hearing. Before any interest in real property of the Agency acquired in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, with tsx increment moneys is gold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for development pursuant w this Plan, such sale, lease or disposition shall be first approved by the City Council otter public hearing in conformance with Section 33433 of the Community Redevelopment I.aw. All real property acquired by the Agency in the Project Area shall be sold or ]eae:ed to public or private persons or entities for development for the usete permitted in this Plan, and any euc>z sale or Iease may be for an amount at Lela 10 than fair market value if necessb.ry to effectuate the purposes of thin plan. property atiay also be conveyed by the Agency to the City and, where beneficiall tol the Project Area, to any other public body without charge or for an amount at kss than fair market value. All purchasers or leseeeN of property from the Agency shall be made obligated to use the property for the purposes designated in thin Plan, to begin and complete development of the property within a period of time which the Agency fixoN as reasonable, and to comply with other conditions which the Agency deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this Plan. During the period of development in the Project Area, the Agency shall ensure that the provixions of this Plan and of other documents formulaf,ed pursuant to this Plan ore being observed, and that development in the Project Area is proceeding in accordance with development documents and time schedules. b. [Sectir~n 324) 11iHVOCSitinn and Devebpment Documents The Agency shall reserve powers and controls in dibposition and development documents as may be necessary to prevent transfer, retention, or uae of property [or speculative purposes and to ensure that development ins expeditiously carried out pursuant to this P]an. To provide adequate safeguards to ensure that the provisions of this Plan will be carried out and to prevent the recurrence of blight, all real property sold, leased, or conveyed by the Agency, as well as all property subject to participation agreements, shall be made eubjec;t to the provisions of this plan and any adopted Design Guide and other c;onditiona imposed by the Agency by leases, deeds, contracts, agreements, declarations of restrictions, proviKic~ns of the zoning ordinance, conditional urge perauts, or other means. 1-here a determined by the Agency, such doc:ument$ or ppr'°prsate, as in the Oftice of the Rrcorder of the County. porfaons thereof shall be recorded The leases, deeds, contrscl.a, agreements, and declarations of restrictions v~ay contain restrictions, covenants, covenants running with the land, right8 of reverter, conditions subsequent, equitable servitudes, or any other provision nrcessary to carry out this Plan. All property in the Project Area iR hereby subject to the restriction that there shall be no discrimination or segregation based upon srx, marital status, race, color, re)igion, national origin, or anc:esiry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of property in the Project Area. All property sold, leaned, conveyed, or subject to a participation agreement, by or through the Agency, shall be expressly subject by appropriate documents to the restriction that a)1 deeds, leases, or contracts for the sale, lease, sublease, or other transfer of land in the Project Area shall contain such non-discrimination and non-segregation clauses as are required by law. 11 c. [Section 32b] Devebyrent by the Agency or l?ther Public Bodies or BntitieM To the extent now or herealf.er permitted by law, the Agency may, with the consent of the City Council of the (`ity of South San Francirco, pay all or yart of the val~ie of the lend for and the coat of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other impruvewent which is publicly owned either within or outside the Project Aria, it the City Council determines: (1j that such buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are of benefit to the Project Area or the immediate neighborhood in which the Project is Lacated, regardless of whether such improvement is within another project area; and (2j That nu other reasonable means of financing ouch buildings, facilities, structures, or other impruveruents are available to the curnwunity. Such determinationA by the Agency and the City Council shall be final and conclusive. Specifically, the Agency may pay e)1 or part of the value of the land fur and the cast of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure or other improvement set forth in Section 319 of this Plan, including those set forth in 1's5chibit "C", Propc~aed Public Improvements and Facilities Pro jecta. When the value of such land or the coat of the installation and construction of such building, facility, structure, or other improvement, or both, has been, or will be paid or provided fur initially by the City or other public corporation, the Agency may enter into a contract with the City or other public corporation under which it agrees to reimburse the City or other public corporation for all ur part of the value of such land or all or pact of the cyst of such building, facility, structure, or other improvement, or both, by periodic payments over a period of years. • The obligation of the Agency under such contract shall Constitute an indebtedness of the Agency for the purpose of carrying out the redevelopment project for the Project Area, which indebtedness may be made payable out of fazes levied in the Project Area and allocated to the Agency under aubdivieinn (bj of Section 33670 of the California Redevelopment I~w and Section b02 of this Plan, or out of any other available funds. In a case where such ]and has bean or will be acquired by, or the cost of the installation and construction of such building, facility, structure or other improvement has been paid by, a parking authority, joint powers entity, or otber public corporation to provide a building, facility, structure, or other improvement which has bean or will be leased to the City such contract may be made with, and such reimbursement may be made payable to, the City. Before the Agency comnots to use the portion of taxes 1,fl be allocated and paid t~ the Agency pursilant to subdivision (bj of Section 33670 for the purpose of paying all or part of the value of the land for, and the cost of the installation and construction of, any publicly owned building, other than parking Iacilitiea, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in accord with the provisions of Section 336?9 of the Community Redevelopment Law. 12 d. [Section X26] peveloya+eat Plena All development plane (whether public or private) shall be processed in the manner provided by applicable City codes eM they are or as they Qusy be amended trnci time to time. All development in the Project Mea oust conform to City and Agency design review procedures, including any Design Guide adopted by the Agency pursuant to Section 420 hereof. 2. [Section 32'l] Personal Proyert7 Dixposition For the purpoaeH of this Plan, the Agency ie authorized to lease, Bell, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber, or otherwibe dispose of personal property which ie acquired by the Agency. I. [Section 32A] Cooperation with Public Bodies Certain public bodies are authorized by state law to aid and cooperate with or without consideration ire the planning, undertaking, conbtruction, or operation of this Project. The Agency may seek the aid and cooperation of such public bodies and attempt W coordinate thin Plan with the activities of such public bodies in order to accomplish the purposes of redevelopment and the highest public goad. The Agency, by law, is not authorized to acquire real property owned by public bodies without the consent of ouch public bodies. The Agency, however, will Beek the cooperation of all public bodies which own or intend to acquire property in the Project Mea. Any public body which owns or leases property in the Project Area will be afforded all the priv~eges of owner participation if such public body is willing to enter into a participation agreement with the Agency. All plane for development of property in the Project Mee by a public body shall be subject to Agency approval The Agency may impose on all public bodies the planning and design controls contained in and authorized by thix Plan to assure that present uses and any future developmcnt by public bodies will conform to the requirements of this Plan The Agency is authorized to fiaAncially (and otherariae) assist any public entity in the coRt of public land, buddings, tacilities, structures, or other improvements (within or outside the Project Area) which land, buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are of benefit to the Project. J. [Section 329] Rf:hab~itation. Cont~ervatmn and 1[ovin~ of Structures i. [Section 330] RahAbilitation and Conservation The Agency is authorized to rehabilitate and conserve, or to cauAe to be rehabilitated and conserved, any building or structure in the Project Mea awned by the Agency. The Agency is also authorized to advise, encourage, and a~siat (through a loan program or otherwise) in the rehabilitation and conservation of property in the Project Area not owned by the Agency. The Agency is also authorized to acquire, rer~tore, rehabilitate, move and conserve buildings of historic or architectural significance. 13 2. [Sec:tion 334] Raplacx+IDent Aowrin~ In accordance with Sections 33334.6 and 33413 of the Community Redevelopment Law, whenever dwelling units housing persona and feroiliae of low or mvderatr- income are de~troyad or removed from the low and moderate income housing n-arkel as pert of the Prujeci, the Agency shall, within four year~r of such destcuction or cemoval, rehabilitate, develop, or construct, or rouse to be rehabilitated, developed, ar canKtructed, for rental or sale to perewrus and families of low or moderate income an equal number of replacement dwelling units at affordable housing costa within the territorial jurisdiction of the Agency, in accordance with all of the provisions of Sections 33413 and 33413.5 of the Community Redevelopment Law. 3. [Sec:tiun 335] Incre»sed and Improved Supply Purs-isnt to Section 33334.2 of the Community Redevelopment Law, not lead than 20 percent of ell taxes which are allocated to the Agency pursuant to subdivision (b) of Sectu~n 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law and Section 502 of this Plan shall be used by the Agency for the purposes of increarring and improving the City's supply of lrnv and moderate income housing available at affordable housing cost, ae defined by Section 50052.5 of the Aealth g Safety Code, to persons and families of low or moder~tr, income, as defined in Section 50093 of the Aealtb lk Safety Code, and very low income households, ae defined in Section 50105 of the SP.alth g Safety Code, unless one of the following findings is made annually by resolution: (1) that no need exists in the Ciiy to improve or increase the supply of low and moderate incov-e housing in a manner which would benefit the Project Area, and that thin finding is consistent with the Housing Element of the City's General Plan required by Article t0.6 (comrnenciag with Section 65580) of Chapter 3 of Div-iainn 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code; or (2) that home stated percentage leas than 20 percent od the fazes which are allocated to the Agency pursuant to Section 502 is sufficient to meet such housing need, and that this finding is consistent with the Rousing filament of the City's General Plaa required by Article 10.6 (commencing with Section 65580) cd Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code; or (3) that the City is making a substantial effort to meet its existing and projected housing needs, including its share of the regional housing needs, with respect to persons and famUes of low and moderate income, particularly very low income buuseholdH, ae identified in the Housing Blement of the City'a General plan of Title 7 of the Government Code, and that this effort, consisting of direct financial contributions of local funds used to increase and improve the supply of housing affordable !o persona and families of loMr or moderate income and very low income bousehulds, is equivalent in impact io the [undo otherwise required to be set aside pursuant to Section 33334.2. In addition to any other local funds, these direct firuincial contributions may include federal or ~rtate grants paid directly to the City and which the City has the discretion of using for the purposes for which moneys in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund may be used. The City (,ouncil shall consider the need rrhirh can be reason- ably foreseen because of displacement of persona and famUies of low or moderate income or very low income households fcom within, oc adjacent to, the Project Mea, bec:suse of increased employment opportunities, or because of any other direct or indirect result of implementation of this Plan. No finding under this Section 335 may be made until the City bas provided or ensured the availability of rrpLa~.ement dwelling units aH defined by Section 33411.2 of the Community 15 Redevelopment Law and until ii hnx complied ~ilh all requiremanta within Article 9 of the community Redevelnpment Law (cumo»ncing with Section 33410). In carrying out the purpnAds ~ Section 33334.2, the Agency may exdreixe zany or all of itA powers, including, but not limited to, the following; 1. Acquire land or building sites; 2. Improve land oc building sites with on-site or off-site improvements; 3. Dor-eie land to private or public persona or entities; 4. Construct buildings or structures; 5. Acquire buildings or etr'uctureH; 6. Rehabilitate buildings or structures; 7. Provide aubeidieA to or for the benefit of persona or farniliea of very low, low, or moderate ins-ome; and 8. Aevelop plans, pay principal end interest on bands, loanx, advances, or other indebtedness, or pay financing or carrying charges. The Agency may use these funds to meet, in whole or in part, the replacement housing provisions in Section 334 above. These funds may be used inside or outside the Project Area provided, however, that funds may be used outside the Project Area only if findings of benefit to the Project are made as required by said Section 33334.2 of the Community Redevelopment I.aw. The fundH foc this purpose shall be held in a separate I.ow and moderate Incoiue Sousing Fund until used. Any interest earned by such Low and Lloderate Income flnuaing Fund shall accrue to the Fund. 4. [Secztion 336] New or Eehabilitated DweDinjt Units Deyebyed 11`ithin Pro.ierst Area At leabt thirty percent (30X) of all new or rehabilitated dwelling units developed by the Agency, if say, shall be available at affordable housing cast b persons and families of low or moderate income. Not less than fifty percent (50X) cif the dwelling units required to be available at affordable housing cost to persuruq and families of low or moderate income shall be available at affordable houering cost to, and occupied by, very low income households. At least fifteen percent (15X) of all new or rehabilitated units developed within the Project Area by public or private entities or persona other than the Agency, if any, shall be available at affordable housing coat to persons and families of low or moderate inc:oTUe. Not lean than forty percent (40X) of the dwelling unites required to be available at affordably. housing coat to persons and inniiliea of low or moderate income shall be available at affordable housing costs to very low income households. I6 The parceni.age requirements set forth in thin Section shell apply independently of the requirementr of Section 934 and in the aggregate to housing made available pursuant to the first and second paragraphs, respectively, of this Section 33fi and not to each individual case of r*~habilitation, development or construction of dwelling units. It all or any portion of the Projrct Area is developed with low or moderate income housing unity, the Agency shall require by contract or other appropc-i.ate means that such housing be mAde available for rent or purchase to the pertione and families of low and modcrate income diepleiced by the Project. Such pr:reons and families shall be given priority in renting or buying such housing; provided, however, failure to give ouch priority shall sot effect the validity of title to real property. 5. [Section 337] I}uratmn of AwreTlinrt Unit Aveu7ability The Agency shall require that the nggregatn number of replacement dwelling unif.s and other dwelling unitr~ rehabilitated, developed or constructed pursuant to Sections 334 and 336 shall remain available at affordable housing coat to persona and families of low income, moderate income and very low income households, respectively, for not less than the period set forth in Section 800 for the duration of this Plan's development controls. 17 IV. [Section 400] LAND USES AND DBVBIAPAtBNT RRQ A. [Se:ction 401] Rede~veL~~ment Plan liiap and lVtalor Prox~et Area Land User The Redevelr~pment Plan Map attached hereto illustrates the location o! the Project Area boundary, identifieec the major sireeta within the Project Area, and designates the major land uses authorized within the Project Area by the City's current General Plan. The G~ty will from time to time update and revise the General Plan. It is the intention of this Redevelopment Plan that the major sad other lend uKes W be permtted -within the Project Area aheill be as provided withia the City's General Plan, as it currently eziets or as it may from time to time be amended, end as implemented and epplied by City ordinances, resolutions and ether laws. The major land uses t~uthorized within the Project Area by the General Pleas are described below. Other uses may be authorized from time to tine by General Plan amendmentr. _ B. [Section 402] Tyls~or Land Uses Major private land uses permitted within the Project Area shall include: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Public Facilities and Open Space. The areaA shown on the Redevelopment Plan Mop for the foregoing uses mtiy be used for any of the various kindK of use^ specified ivr or permitted within such areas by the General Plan and City ordinances, resolutions and other laws. C. [Section 403] Ocher Land Use• 1. [Section 404] Public: Rights of Wad Major public streets in the siz sub-areas within the Project Area are generally described ax follows: sub-e-rea 1 -Grand and Linden Avenues and Airport Boulevard; sub-area 2 -Sierra Point, Airport Boulevard north of Linden Avenue and Dubuque Avenue; sub-area 3 - Lindenville south of Railroad Avenue, east of West Orange Avenue, north of South Canal Street and west of the Bayshore Freeway; sub-area 4 - 13axt Grand Avenue, Gateway Boulevard h~ctension and Harbor Way; sub-area 5 -Airport Boulevard, Belle Air Road and properties adja- cent to the Price Club and the City's ~vastevrater treatment plant; and sub- area 6 -Point San Bruno Boulevard, the teru~inue of Bast Grand Avenue, Haskins Way end the San Francisco Bay front, and Forbes Boulevard. Additional public rtrerta, alleys and eacsements may be created in the Project Areas as needed for proper use and/or development. 1Jxieting streets and alleys asay be abandoned, cloeced or modified as aecess~ary for proper use and/or devel- opment. It iA anticipated that Project development may entail vacation and/or realignment of certain streets, alleys, and other rights-~f-way. My changes in the existing street layout shall be in accord with the C,eneral Plan, the objectives of this Plan, and the City's design standards, shall be effectuated in the manner preKCribed by state and Ioc:al law, and shall be guided by the following criteria: 18 1. A bnLencing of the needs of proposed and potential new development for adequate pedestrian and vehicular asxess, vehicular parking, sad delivery loading docks with siaular neseds of existing develc~pmenta proposed or potentially propo~d to remain. Such balancing shall take into consideration the rights of bYi>iting owners bad tenants under the participation and preferences rules adopted by the Agency for the Project, end any participation agretmenta executed thereunder; 2. The requirements imposed by such factors ah topography, trnifir, esafety and aee~tbetics; 3. The potcntial nosed to serve not only the Project Area and new or existing developmentH, but to al~eso sesrve areaR outside the; Project by providing convenient, efficient vehicular access': and tssovement; and 4. The potential need or desire to acs•,ommodate the facilities and/or equipwent of masts transportation modes. The public rights-of-way may be used for vehicular end/oc pedesctrian traffic, as well ass for public improvements, public and private utilities, and activities typically found in public right's-of-way. In addition, all necessary easementts for public uses, public facilities, and public utilities may be retained, amended or created. 2. [Section 405] Other Pubic, Seal-Public;. Inatitutiotull and Non-Profit Uses In any area the Agency is authorisred to permit the maintenance, es'atablischment or enlargement of public, ^emi-public, institutional, or non-profit uses, including park and recreational facilities, libraries, educr~tioa,al, fraternal, employee, phi]anthropic, religious and_ charitable institutions, utilities, ra~road rights-of-way, and facilities of other arim.ilar asaociationa or organizations. All such uses shall conform so far as posisible to the proviscions of this Plan applicable to the uses is the specific area involved. The Agency may impose such other reasonable restriction8 as are neceas;ary to protect the development and uses in the Project Area. D. [Section 406] Confor>nint Properties The Agency may, at its sole and absaolute discretion, determine that certain real properties within the Project Area meet the regviretnenis of this Plan, and the ovrners of such properties may be permitted to remain s3s owners of conforming properties without a participation agreement with the Agency, provided surh owners continue to operate, use, and maintain the real properties within the requirements of this Plan A certificate o! conformance to this tifect may be itssue:d by the Agency and recocded. An owner of a conforming property may be required by the Agenry to enter into a participation agreement with the Agency in the event that such owner desYires to (1) conrstruct any additional improvements or s+ubs~tantially alter or mudil'y existing structures on any of the real property described above aA conforming; or (2) acquire additional property within the Project Area 19 B. (Section 40?] Interim U~+es Pending the ultimate development of land by developers and the Agency iH authorized to vse or Y participants, for interim uses not in conformity w thtthee uses of nn land in the Project Area interim vee «hall conform to all applicable City ~'desl~ermitted in this Plan. Such F. [Section 408) Nnn~onfortainr Uec~~ The Agency is authorised to permit an eustiag ode to remain in an existing building in good condition, which use does not conform to the provisions of this Plan, pmvided that Huch uae is generally compatible with exibting and proposed develapmenta and uACH in the Project Aren, ar~d abnten,ent of such axes is not required by applicable City codes. The owner of such o property may be required to enter into a participation agreement, to record a coveruint of restrictions _ ngainet the property, and agree to the impoHition of such reasonable restrictions as may be necessary to protect the development and uRes in the Project Area. The Agency may authorize additionR, alterations, repairs or other improve- meniP in the Project Mea fur uses which do not conform to the provisions of ihib Phan where Huch improvements are within s portion of the Project where, in the determination of the Agency, such improvements would be ~:ompetible with surrounding and Project uRes and development and are permitted under applicably City codes. G. [Section 409] Gf:neral Controls and Limitationw All real property in the Project Area is hereby made subject to the controls and requirements of this Plan. No real property ahnll be deve)oped, rehabilitated, or otherwise changed after the date of the adoption of this Plan, except in conformance with the provisions of this Plan. 1. [Section 410] Construction All construction is the Prnject Area shall comply Mrith all applicable state and local laws in effect at such time. In addition to applicable codes, ordinances, or other requirementA governing development in the Project Area, additional specific performance sad development standards may be adopted by the Agency to control and direct redevelopment activities in the Project Ar~.a, including property rehabilitation standards adopted purHUant to Section 330 hereof, and one or more Design Guides adopted pursuant to Section 420 hereof. 2. [Section 411] Limitation on the Number of Bwldinfts The approximate number of buildingK in the Project Area shall not exceed the maximum number allowed under the densities permuted under the City's General Plan, as implemented and applied by local codes and ordinancew. The number of buildings permitted in the Project Area wdl be approximately 550. 20 3. [Section 4l2] Alumber of Jh~el}v~ Umt+~ The number of dwelling unit~- in the Project Area shall not ezc;eed the maximum number allowed under the densitieA permitted under the City'r General Plan, as implementrd and applied by kx:al codes and ordinances. The number of dwelling uni1,A permitted in the Project Area will be approximately 1,300. 4. [Section 413] Limitxtinns on Tine, Sire and Height of Buiidin~s Except as set forth in other sections of this PLsn, the type, -size, and height of buildings shall be as lin-ited by the applicable federal, stele and local statutes and ordinances. 5. [Section 414] Qpen Spr~ces,_Landscapintt, 1.i~ht, Air t+nd Privacy The approximate amount of open space to be provided in the Project ArP,a ie1 the total of all area which will be in the public rights-of-way, the public grounds, epr~ces around buildings, and ell other outdoor areas not permitted to be covered by buildings. Landscaping e-hnll be developed in the Project Area to inxure optimum use of living plant materirsl. In all areas, Kufficient space shall be maintained between buildings to provide adequate light, air and privacy. 6. [Section 415] Sistne All signs shall conform to City requirements. Design of all proposed new signs shall be submitted prior to inatallHtion to the Agency and/or City for review and approval pursuant to the procedures permitted by this Plan. 7. [Section 416] Utilities The Agency shall require that all utilities be placed underground whenever physically poHSible and economically fea:rible. 8. [Section 41?] Incoms~tible Ueee No use or structure which by reason of appearancx, traffic, smoke, glare, noise, odor, or similar factors would be incompatible with the surrounding areas or atrurturea shell be permitted in any part o[ the Project Area. 9. [Secstion 418] Subdivierion of Percale No parcels in the Project Area, including any parcel retained by a participant, shall be consolidated, subdivided or re-subdivided without the approval of the appropriate City body, and, if necessary for purposes of this Plan, the Agency. 21 10. [Section 419] Minor Varutionu The Agency is authorized to permit minor variations from the limits, restrictions and controls established by this Plan. In order to permit any Ruch variation, the Agency m~lst determine that: n. The application of certain provisions of the Plan would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of the Plan. b. There are exceptiorujl circumstances or conditions applicable, to the property or to the intended development of the. property which do not apply generally to other properties having the Hams standard;, restrictions, and controls. c. Permitting $ variation will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the area. d. Permitting a variation will nc~t be contrary to the objectives of the Plan. No such variation shall be granted which permits other than a minor departure from the provisions of thiA Plrin. In permitting any such variation, the Agency shall impose such conditions as are necessary to protect the rm<fety, or welfare, and to assure compliance with the Public health, such variation permitted by the Agency hereunder shall note supersede Pany other approval required under City codes and ordinances. H• [Sec;tion 420J Desistrt Guide Within the limits, restrictions, and controls established in this Plan, the: Agency i4 authuri:ced to establish heights of buildings, ]and coverage, setback requirements, design and Hign .criteria, traffic circulation, traffic access, parking, and other development and design controls necessary for proper deve]opment of both private and public areas within the Pro ect Area. by the approvt~l of specific developments, byJ the ado tionh of may be established and controls by resolution of the A enc p General restrictions Design Guides pursuant to this Section subject to the controlsnand requiren tints of this plan which incorporate the policies of the general plan and the standards of the zoning ordinance. No new iii~proven~ent shall be convtructed and no existing improveruent shall be substantially modified, altered, repaired, or rehabilitated except in accordance with architectural, landscape, and site plans e~ubmitted to and a by the Agency unless allowed PProved in writing pursuant t~ the procedures of Section 421 herr:of. One of the objectives of this Plan is to create an attractive and pleasant environ- ment in the Project Area. Therefore, such plans shall give consideration to design, open apace, and other amenities to enhance the aesthetic and architec u cal quality of the Project Area. The Agency shall not approve any plans that do not comply with this Plan. I. (Suction X21] Buildiut Permits No permit shall be issued for the cc~nstructinn o! any new building or any addition, construction, moving, conversion or alteration to an exi~+ting building in the Project Area fr~~m the date of adc~ptiun of this Plan until the application for such permit has been procesrsed in the manner provided hereinbelow. Any permit that Is issued hereunder must be in conformance with the prnvieioru of this Plan, any l3esign Guide adopted by the Agency, any restrictions or controls established by resolution of the Agency, and any applicable participation or other agreement. Upon receipt of such an application, the City shall request the Agency to review the application W determine what effect, if any, the issuance thereof would have upon the Plan for Raid Project Area. Within 25 days thereafter the Agency Nhnll file with the City a written report setting forth its findings of fact, including but not linuted to, the following: a. Whether the proposed improvements would be compatible with the sttjridardH and other requirements set forth in the Plan and in terrus of design; arid b. What rouciific:atione, if any, in the proposed improvements would be ne~:essary in order to meet the requirements of the Plan and in trans of design; and c. Ii required, whether the applicant baH entered into an agreement with the Agency for the developc~ent of said improvements end submitted architectural landscape and sitr plans to the Agency. The Agency is authorized to establish permit procedures and approvals in addition to thoHe asst forth above whrre required for purposes of thin Plea. A building permit shall be isRUed only afl.er the applicant for same hrss been granted all approvals required by the City and the Agency at the time of application. 23 v. [Sec:t3on 600] 1[RTAOD OF PIIZANCIIVr T13B PROJRC7' A. [Section b01] ('~:neral Dearrintion cif the Proooaecl Fy_ naac~rtg Yethotl The Agency is authorized to tinanre the Pcojec! with tax increment funds, interest income, Agency bands, donation,, loans from the lease or sale of Agencyrowned Private finrrncinl institutions, property, Participation in devRlnpment, or with financial axsistanc:e team the City, State of California, the federal government, or any other available Bourc;e, public or private. The Agency is also authorized tea obtain advances, borrow funds, issue hoods, and create indebtedness in carrying out thin P)an. The principal and interest on such indebtedness may be paid from tax increments or any other funds available to the Agency. Advances and loans for xurvey and planning and tc~r the operating capital for edminiHtration of the Project may be provided by the City or any other available source, public: or private, until adequate tax increment or other funds are available or aufticiently aeHUred to repAy the advances and ]cams and to permit borrowing adequate working capital from other sources. The City, as it is able, may also supply additional aASistance through isscuance of bonds, banw and grants rind in-kind aaaistance. The City or any other public agency- may expand money to assist the Agency in carrying out the Project. As available, gas tax funds from the state and county may be used !or street improvements and public transit facilities. All or a public or f the perking °iay b~ installed through a parking authority or other private entities. Tax increment financing, as authorized by Bretton 502 of thin P]an, is intended as a source of financing in combination r-ith other sources of financing that may be available for specific Project activities. B. jSection 502) Tax Increment Fundu All taxes levied upon taxable property within the Pro' t or for the benefit of the State of California, the Wunty of S n >Vlateo~ the City of South San Francisco, any district or any other public cor sometiwes called "ta~dng agencies") after the effective date of the hordinance approving this Plan, shell be divided as follows; 1. That portion of the taxes which would be which the tax is levied each Produced by the rate upon year by or for each of said ta~dng agencies upon the total sum of the assessed value of the taxable Property in the Project Area as shown upon the assessment roll oared in connection with the taxatican of such property by such agency, last equalized prior W the effective date of such ordinance shall be allocated to and when collected shah be paid to the respective taxing agencies as taus by or foe said all other property are paid (for the ~~g agencies on by or for an tam,n purpose of allcx;ating taxes levied y g agency or agencies which did not include the territory of the Project on the effective date of such ordiru9net but to which such territory has been annexed or otherwise included after 24 such effective date, the ese~astaent roll of the County of San Llr~tev last equalized on the effective date ad said ordinance shall be ue~ed in determining the asaese~ed valuation of the tazeble property in the Project Aces on said eftectiv~ dnte); and 2. That portion of said levied taxes each year in exceyN of •uch araount shell be allocated to and when collected rhaU be paid into a special fund of the Agency to pay the principal of and interest on Bondi, leans, monies advanced to, or indebtedness (whether funded, refunded, axeuiaed or otherwibe) incurred by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whop; or in part, the Project. Un1esH and until the total aesesrsed valuation of the taxable property in the Project Area exceeds the total 88Rr;R8ed value of the taxable property in the Project Area as echown by the last equalized ar~eeHement roll referred io in subdivision (1) hereof, all of the taxes levied and collected upon the taxable property in the Project Area Mhall be paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies. When acid bonds, k3ana, advances and indebte;dneaa, if any, and interest thereon, have been paid, afl nK~nietc thereafter received from taxes upon the tzinabin property in the Project Area shall be peid to the respective taxing agencies as taxes on all other property are paid. The portion of taxes mentioned in subdivision (2) above is hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the advance of monies, or making of loans, or the incurring of eny indebtedness (whether funded, ra[unded, adaumed or otherwise) by the Agency to financa or refinance the Project, in whole or in parf.. The Agency is authorized to make r-uch pledges as to specific advances, loans and indebtednescs as appropriate in carrying out the Project. The portion of taxes divided and allocated to the Agency pursuant to e~ubdivi~rion (2) of this Section shall not exceed a cumulative total of =248 million, except by amendment of this Plan. Such linutation is euclusive ot; (1) any payments to taring agencies to alleviate financial burden made by the Agency pursuant to Section 33401 of the Commutty Redevelopment Law and Section 316 of this Plan; and 2) any funds required by Section 33334.2 of the Community Redevelopment Law and Section 335 of lhiri Plan to be depo:ritrsd by the Agency in a Low and >Vloderate Income Rousing Fund as a result of such payments to taxing agencies. C. (Section 503] A~enc;y l~nde The Agency is authorized to issue bonds from time to tune, if it deems it appropriate to do eo, in order to finance all or any part of the project. Neither the members of the Agency noc any persona executing the bonds are liable pereonrlly on the bonds by reaslon of their issuance. The bondss and other obligations of tha Agency are not a debt of the City, the State, or any of its political subdivision8 and neither the City, the State, nor any of its political subdivisions is liable on them, nor in any event shall the 25 bonds or obligations be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the Agency; and such bonds and other obligations shall so state on their face. The bonds do not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. The amount of bonded indebtedness to be repaid in whole or part from the allocation of taxes described in subdivisions (2) of Section 502 above which can be outstanding at any one time shall not exceed $90 million in principal amount, except by amendment of this Plan. Such limitation is exclusive of: 1) any payments to be made from such principal amount by the Agency to any taxing agency pursuant to Section 33401 of the Community Redevelopment Law and Section 316 of this Plan to alleviate financial burden; and 2) any funds required by Section 33334.2 of the Community Redevelopment Law and Section 335 of this Plan to be deposited by the Agency in a Low and Moderate Income Housing F1and as a result of such payments to taxing agencies. ti'r~-5-P3aiz- Section deleted as per SSF Ord. #1152-94, November 9, 1994. E. [Section 505J Other Loans and Grants Any other loans, grants, guarantees, or financial assistance from the United States, the State of California, or any other public or private source will be utilized if available as appropriate in carrying out the Project. In addition, the Agency may make loans as permitted by law to public or private entities for any of its redevelopment purposes. 26 VL (Section b00~ ACTIONS OF TAB CITY The City shall aid and cooperate with the Agency in carrying out this Plan acid shall take all actions naceHSary to ensure the continued fulfillment of the purposes of this Plan and to prevent the recurrence or spread in the area of conditions causing blight. Actinns by the City may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Institution and completion of pruuedings for opening, closing, vacating, widening, or changing the grades of streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way, dad for other necessary modifications of the streets, the street layo~it, and other public rights-of-xay in the Project Area. Such action by the City shall include the requirement of abandonment, removal, and relocation by the public utility coinpanierr of their operations in public rights-of-way as appropriate to carry out this Plan, provided that nothing in this PLt~n shall be construed to require the cost of Nuch abandonment, removal, and relocation b~ borne by others than shoes legally required to brar such costa, 2. Institution and completion of proceedings necessary for changes and impcovementa in private and publicly-owned public utilities within or affecting the Project Area. 3. Revision of the Zoning Ordinsnc;e or adoption of specific plans as appropriate within the Project Area to permit the land uses sad development authorized by this Plan. 4. Imposition wherevec necessary (by covenants or restrictions, condi- tional use permif.s or other mear-e) of appropriate controls within the Limits of this Plan upon parcels in the Project Area t~ ensure their proper development and use. 5. Ezecution of statutory development agreementtr where necessary and appropriate to facilitate deve)upments approved by the Agency. 6. Provision for administrative enforcement of this Plan by the City after development. 7. Performance of the above actions, and of all other functions and services relating to public health, safety, and physical development normally rendered in accordance with a schedule which will permit the redevelopment of the ProjRCt Area to be commenced and carried to completion without unnecessary delays. 8. Provision of services sad facilities and the various officials, offices and deparirnents of the City for the Agency's purposes under this Plan. 9. Provision of .financial axsistance in accordance with Section 500 of this Plan. 27 10. The undertrskin~ and con,pletin~ of any other proceedings nec;esicary to c,~srry out the Project. The fore~oin~ actionp to be taken by the City mny involve tirwnc-ial outlays by the Cily~ bul do not constitute a commitmeat to make such outlnyr. 28 VIL [S~cti~n 700) SNFORCgldBNT The administration and enlorcement of this Plan, including the preparation and execution of any dor;ulnentn implemantinQ this Plan shall be performed by the Agency artd/or the City. The provisionA of thix Plan or other dcx:umente entered into pursuant to this Plan awy oleo be enforced by court litigation in,rtiluted by either the Agency or the City. Such remedies airy include, but err not limited tv, xpecific performance, damages, re-entry, injunctionx, or any other remedies appropriate ~ the purposex of this Plan. In addition, any recorded provisionH ~+-hich are ex7~reesly for the benefit of owners of prnperty in the Project Arra may be enforced by such owners. 29 ett~~t t k *T T ~ ~ P } ~-- . . - e~re~ s e~-s e ~--- - ate--~~a=~be ad~ e-e€~ P t-i~ t 3~ ~ ~ e o e~ e~- ~ea~ - e~-t e ~-€T ~~t~~*e d a t ~-e-€ ~ a d~ bb i ~ } = t i ~~~ end-t#e-te e- ` ~r ~re~~-- ~i ~ d e - en-s g a - t d - PU~s ~a~ - = tee - -sal-eat-~-e~ ~ p ~e~~: - e-€~ee~-- ~ra 9-n-- a der-~h e a a , -=-~ € s a e~,~-~d en t , tk s ~l-azT-s~~ ~Hga-tie-r~s ran-t~~--~ e~t~ ~e dame- te ese-e~ --~e} ~ ~a~g~t~ t r n ~-be b ~rd~ ez-et~e~ d a =-~ ~~ -e -Yue - e ~ ~---e-~et~ Section revised as per SSF Ord. #1152-94, November 9, 1994. VIII. [Section 800] TIME LIMITATIONS Except as provided in Health and Safety Code Sections 33333.6(g) and (h), and except for any other authority in excess of the following limits that may from time to time be granted by statute (which authority shall be deemed to be incorporated into the provisions of the Plan by this reference and shall supersede the following limits): a. The time limit on the establishing of loans, advances, and indebtedness, adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33333.2(2), shall be July 12, 2009, unless the Plan is amended as permitted by law. This limit, however, shall not prevent the Agency from incurring debt to be paid from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Find established pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.2 and 33334.3 or from establishing more debt in order to fulfill the Agency's housing obligations under Health and Safety Code Section 33413. b. The effectiveness of the Plan (including, without limitation, the effectiveness of the Agency's land use controls under the Plan) shall terminate on July 12, 2029. After expiration of this time limit on the effectiveness of the Plan, the Agency shall have no authority to act pursuant to the Plan, except to pay previously incurred indebtedness and to enforce existing covenants, contracts, or other obligations. c. The Agency shall not pay indebtedness or receive property taxes pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33679 after July 12, 2039. The above time limits shall not affect the validity of any bond, indebtedness, or other obligation, including, but not limited to, any agreement entered into pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33401, authorized by the City Council or the Agency prior to January 1, 1994. Nor shall this time limit be construed to affect the right of the Agency to receive property taxes, pursuant to Section 33670 to pay such indebtedness or other obligation. 30 IZ. [Section 900j PROCl3DURB FOR Al[SNDIIBNT This Plan otiay be acunded by menus of the procedure ea~trabluhed in the Cc~nimunity Redeve)oprnent Law, or by any other procedure hereafter eetablixhed by ls-w. 31 ~' ORDINANCE N0.1056-89 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN/CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of South San Francisco has received from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of South San Francisco (the "Agency") the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk,-400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, california, and in the office of the Agency at the same address, together with the Report of the Agency including the reasons for the selection of the Project Area, a description of the physical, social and economic conditions existing in the Project Area, the proposed method of financing the redevelopment of the Project Area, a plan for the relocation of families and persons who may be temporarily or permanently displaced from housing facilities in the Project Area, an analysis of the Preliminary Plan, the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco, a summary of consultations with Project Area property owners and businesses, an environmental impact report on the Redevelopment Plan, the report of the county fiscal officer and the Agency's analysis thereof, a summary of consultations with taxing agencies, and a neighborhood impact report; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco has submitted to the City Council its report and recommendations concerning the Redevelopment Plan and its certification that the Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan for the City of South San Francisco; and WHEREAS, the Agency on February 8, 1989 received public comments at a duly noticed regularly scheduled meeting of the Agency on the Draft Environmental Impact Report ("EIR"), prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.), the Guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (14 Ca1.Adm. Code Section 15000 et seq.) and environmental procedures adopted by the Agency pursuant thereto; and the Draft EIR was thereafter revised and supplemented to incorporate comments received and responses thereto, and, as so revised and supplemented, a Final EIR was prepared by the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agency in Resolution No. 6-89 adopted May 10, 1989 has certified the adequacy of the Final Environmental Impact Report, submitted pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21151 and Health & Safety Code Section 33352, and has determined that the redevelopment of the Project Area pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan will have significant effects on the environment based upon the impacts identified; and WHEREAS, the Agency has made certain findings regarding the environmental impacts of the proposed actions with respect to the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project, and adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations indicating the positive aspects in support of implementing the Redevelopment Project by Agency Resolution No. 10-89 on June 28, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City Council and the Agency held a joint public hearing on June 14, 1989 on adoption of the Redevelopment Plan in the Community Room of the Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California; and WHEREAS, notice of the hearing was duly and regularly published in the Enterprise-Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, once a week for five successive weeks prior to the date of the hearing, and a copy of the notices and affidavits of publication are on file with the City Clerk and the Agency; and WHEREAS, copies of the notice of joint public hearing were mailed by certified mail with return receipt requested to the last known address of each assessee as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of San Mateo for each parcel of land in the Project Area; and WHEREAS, each assessee in the Project Area whose property would be subject to acquisition by purchase or condemnation under the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan was sent a separate statement to that effect attached to the notice of the joint public hearing, including a map and legal description of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, copies of the notice of joint pubic hearing were mailed by certified mail with return receipt requested to the governing body of each taxing agency which receives taxes from property in the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission, the report of the Agency, the Redevelopment Plan and its economic feasibility, and the environmental impact report, has provided an opportunity for all persons to be heard, and has received and considered all evidence and testimony presented for or against any and all aspects of the Redevelopment Plan and has made written findings in response to each written objection of an affected property owner and taxing entity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that: 1. The purposes and intent of the City Council with respect to the Project Area are to accomplish the following: (a) To expand the retail component of Downtown, providing diversification of offerings and encouraging major outlets as a draw to new shoppers. (b) To continue support of the various cultural and civic uses which provide major anchors, stressing special events which draw new attendees. -2- (c) To promote the areea as the financial hub, encouraging existing institutions to expand both physically and with related services. (d) To eliminate blight through abatement or code compliance, reconstruction and assembly of parcels into more developable sites for more desirable uses. (e) To improve public parking, other public facilities, services, utility lines, lighting, public safety and public transportation. (f) To create a pedestrian environment to encourage multiple stops by visitors and more frequent visits to Downtown. (g) To emphasize and highlight the existing architectural style and scale through rehabilitation and renovation of historic structures and encouraging in-fill developments that relate to existing structures. (h) To expand and upgrade the housing opportunities in the community to eliminate blight and improve housing stock and standards for the present population. (i) To promote new and continuing private sector investment within the Project Area to_prevent the loss of and to facilitate commercial and industrial activity. (j) To achieve an environment reflecting a high level of concern for architectural, landscape, and urban design and land use principles appropriate to attainment of the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan. (k) To retain and expand as many existing businesses as possible by means of redevelopment and rehabilitation activities and by encouraging and assisting the cooperation and participation of owners, businesses and public agencies in the revitalization of the Project Area. (1) To provide for increased sales, business license, and other fees, taxes and revenues to the City of South San Francisco. (m) To encourage maximum participation of residents, business persons, property owners, and community organizations in the redevelopment of the Project Area. (n) To create and develop local job opportunities and to preserve the area's existing employment base. (o) To replan, redesign and develop areas which are stagnant or improperly used. (p) To reduce the City's annual costs of providing local services to and within the Project Area. -3- 2. The City Council hereby finds and determines, based on substantial evidence in the record; including; but not limited to, the Agency's Report to the City Council on the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project, and all documents referenced therein, and evidence and testimony received at the joint public hearing on adoption of the Redevelopment Plan held on June 14, 1989, that: (a) The Project Area is a blighted area, the redevelopment of which is necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.). This finding is based on the following conditions which characterize the Project Area: (i) The existence of buildings and structures used or intended to be used for living, commercial, industrial or other purposes which are unfit or inappropriate to occupy for such purposes due to deterioration and dilapidation, age and obsolescence, mixed character of buildings/shifting uses, faulty interior arrangement and exterior spacing, and defective design and character or physical construction; and (ii) The existence of properties which suffer from deterioration and disuse because of inadequate improvements, facilities and utilities, which cannot be remedied by private or governmental action without redevelopment, particularly deficiencies in the circulation system, street and infrastructure systems, parking facilities, storm drainage, water and sewer systems, environmental hazards, and the existence of parcels that are of irregular form, shape, or size for proper usefulness and development; and (iii) A prevalence of social maladjustment; and (iv) A prevalence of impaired investments, and economic maladjustment. Such conditions are causing and will increasingly cause a reduction and lack of proper utilization of the area to such an extent that it constitutes a serious physical, social and economic burden on the City which cannot reasonably be expected to be reversed or alleviated by private enterprise acting alone, requiring redevelopment in the interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the City and the State. This finding is based on the fact that governmental action available to the City without redevelopment would be insufficient to cause any significant correction of the blighting conditions, and that the nature and costs of the public improvements and facilities and other actions required to correct the blighting conditions are beyond the capacity of the City and cannot be undertaken or borne by private enterprise acting alone or in concert with available governmental action. (b) The Project Area is an urbanized area. This finding is based upon the fact that not less than eighty percent of the privately owned property in the Project Area has been or is developed for urban uses, as demonstrated by the Agency's Report to City Council. In addition, as demonstrated by the Agency's Report to City Council, the Project Area is part of an area developed for urban use. -4- (c) The Redevelopment Plan will redevelop the Project Area in conformity with the Community Redevelopment Law and in the interests of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. This finding is based upon the fact that the purposes of the Community Redevelopment Law would be attained by the Project by the elimination of areas suffering from economic dislocation or disuse; by the replanning, redesign and/or redevelopment of areas which are stagnant or improperly utilized, and which could not be accomplished by private enterprise acting alone without public participation and assistance; by protecting and promoting sound development and redevelopment of blighted areas and the general welfare of the citizens of the City by remedying such injurious conditions through appropriate means; and through the installation of new, or replacement of existing public improvements, facilities and utilities in areas which are currently inadequately served with regard to such improvements, facilities and utilities. (d) The adoption and carrying out of the Redevelopment Plan is economically sound and feasible. This finding is based on the fact that under the Redevelopment Plan the Agency will be authorized to seek and utilize a variety of potential financing resources, including tax increments; that the nature and timing of public redevelopment assistance will depend on the amount and availability of such financing resources, including tax increments, generated by new investment in the Project Area; that under the Redevelopment Plan no public redevelopment activity can be undertaken unless the Agency can demonstrate that it has adequate revenue to finance the activity; and that the financing plan included within the Agency's Report to the City Council demonstrates that sufficient financial resources will be available to carry out the Project. (e) The Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco. This finding is based on the finding of the Planning Commission that the Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan for the City of South San Francisco. (f) The carrying out of the Redevelopment Plan will promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the City of South San Francisco and will effectuate the purposes and policies of the Community Redevelopment Law. This finding is based on the fact that redevelopment will benefit the Project Area by correcting conditions of blight and by coordinating public and private actions to stimualte development and improve the economic, social and physical conditions of the Project Area, and by increasing employment opportunities within the City. (g) The condemnation of real, non-residential property, as provided for in the Redevelopment Plan, is necessary to the execution of the Redevelopment Plan, and adequate provisions have been made for the payment for property to be acquired as provided by law. This finding is based upon the need to ensure that the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan will be carried out and to prevent the recurrence of blight, and the fact that no property will be acquired until adequate funds are available to pay full compensation therefor. -5- (h) The Agency has a feasible method and plan for the relocation of families and persons who might be displaced, temporarily or permanently from housing facilities in the Project Area. This finding is based upon the fact that the Redevelopment Plan provides for relocation assistance according to law and the fact that such assistance, including relocation payments, constitutes a feasible method for relocation. (i) There are, or are being provided, within the Project Area or within other areas not generally less desirable with regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families and persons who might be displaced from the Project Area, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and available to such displaced families and persons and reasonably accessible to their place of employment. This finding is based upon the fact that no person or family will be required to move from any dwelling until until suitable replacement housing is available for occupancy, and that such housing must meet the standards established in State law and regulations. (j) All noncontiguous areas of the Project Area are either blighted or necessary for effective redevelopment and are not included for the purposes of obtaining the allocation of taxes from the area pursuant to Section 33670 of the Health & Safety Code without other substantial justification for their inclusion. This finding is based on the fact that, as shown in the Agency's Report to City Council, each of the nine Project Area subareas is individually blighted in one or more ways and the Project Area is blighted as a whole. (k) Inclusion of any lands, buildings, or improvements which are not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare is necessary for the effective redevelopment of the entire area of which they are a part, and any such area is not included solely for the purpose of obtaining the allocation of tax increment revenues from such area pursuant to Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law without other substantial justification for its inclusion. This finding is based upon the fact that, as shown in the Agency's Report to City Council, each of the nine Project Area subareas is individually blighted in one or more ways. In addition, all properties within Project Area boundaries were included because they were underutilized because of blighting influences, or were affected by the existence of blighting influences, or were necessary either to accomplish the objectives and benefits of the Redevelopment Plan or because of the need to impose uniform requirements on the Project Area as a whole. (1) The elimination of blight and the redevelopment of the Project Area could not reasonably be expected to be accomplished by private enterprise acting alone without the aid and assistance of the Agency. This finding is based upon the existence of blighting influences, including the lack of adequate public improvements and facilities, and the inability of individual owners and developers to economically remove these blighting influences without substantial public assistance. -6- (m) The effect of tax increment financing will not cause a significant financial burden or detriment to any taxing agency deriving revenue from the Project Area. This finding is based upon the fact that all affected taxing agencies were consulted with or had the opportunity to be consulted with regarding the fiscal effects of the Redevelopment Plan, and the fact that with regard to certain taxing agencies, the Agency has or will enter into fiscal detriment alleviation agreements under which it will make payments to such agencies to alleviate identified financial burden or detriment. 3. The City Council is satisfied that permanent housing facilities will be available within three years from the time residential occupants of the Project Area are displaced, and that pending the development of such facilities, there Will be available to any such displaced residential occupants temporary housing facilities at rents comparable to those in the City of South San Francisco at the time of their displacement. No persons or families of low and moderate income shall be displaced from residences unless and until there is a suitable housing unit available and ready for occupancy by such displaced persons or families at rents comparable to those at the time of their displacement. Such housing units shall be suitable to the needs of such displaced persons or families and must be decent, safe, sanitary and otherwise standard dwelling. 4. Written objections to the Redevelopment Plan filed with the City Clerk before the hour set for hearing and all written and oral objections presented to the City Council at the hearing have been considered, and in the case of written objections received from Project Area property owners and affected taxing agencies have been responded to in writing and are hereby overruled. 5. That certain document entitled "Final Environmental Impact Report for the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project", a copy of which is on file in the office of the Agency Clerk, and in the office of the City Clerk, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby incorporated into this ordinance by reference. All activities undertaken by the Agency and/or the City of South San Francisco pursuant to or in implementation of the Redevelopment Plan shall be undertaken in accordance with the mitigation measures set forth in the Final Environmental Impact Report, and the Agency shall undertake such additional environmental reviews as necessary at the time of implementation of such activities. 6. That certain document entitled "Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project", the map contained therein, and such other reports as are incorporated therein by reference, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Agency Clerk, and the office of the City Clerk, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby incorporated in this ordinance by reference, and as so incorporated is hereby designated, approved, and adopted as the official "Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown/Central Project". 7. In order to implement and facilitate the effectuation oi" the Redevelopment Plan hereby approved, the City Council hereby (a) pledges its -7- Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held the 28th day of June - 1989, Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held the 12th day of July 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mark N. Addiego, Jack Drago, Richard A. Haffey, Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ~'~ATTEST: ~ y er As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 12th day of July lggg, ay or -9- • .~ ~, ~~ .. ~,~ co ~~1 t t r ~~ !~r Po41t ~~e ~`~ Exhibit A of ei DOWNTOWN/_CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN s~ 0 0 I~ L ~, O Boundary Q Subarea ~ 1 MOIITM ~ ~ye9 0 000 X000 ~~oo ~~ CENTRAL RECOR.Sl~ ~-~. _ .._ ~yc ~~ EXHIBIT "B" LEG]~L DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA RBVIBED 4-89 All parcels numbers being County of San Mateo Assessors' Parcels Numbers as assigned as of August 1, 1987 AREA 1 Beginning at the southwesterly corner of parcel #012-303-010 easterly on and along the northerly boundary line of Miller Avenue 1150'; thence N15'33'E 100'; thence N74'27'W 40'; thence N15'33'E 560'; thence N74'27'W 50'; thence N15'33'E 360'; thence N74'27'W 10'; thence N15'33'E 507.5'; thence S74'27'E 220'; thence S15.33'W 87.5'; thence S74'27'E 50'; thence S15.33'W 200'; thence S74.27'E 50'; thence S15'33'W 380'; thence S74.27'W 50'; thence S15'33'W 140'; thence S74'27'E 100_'; thence S15'33'W 420'; thence N74'27'W 16.67';thence S15'33'W 140' thence S74'27'E 166.67'; N15.33'E 140'; thence northerly across Lux Avenue to the southwest corner of parcel #012-175-210; thence S74'27'E 191.64' to the westerly boundary line of Cypress Avenue; thence N22.14'S0"E on and along the westerly boundary of Cypress Avenue 1444.49' more or less to intersect with the southerly boundary line of Armour Avenue; thence N33'25'28"E to intersect with the northerly boundary line of Armour Avenue; thence easterly on and along the northerly boundary of Armour Avenue to the southeasterly corner of parcel #012-102-070; thence N33'25'28"E 42.78'; thence N9'06'48"W 74.39'; thence N56'34'32"W 625' more or less; thence S33'25'28"W 95.12'; thence southerly directly across Armour Avenue to the northwesterly corner of parcel #012-143-020; thence S15'33'W 146.96'; thence N74'27'W 160' to intersect with the westerly boundary line of Linden Avenue; thence on and along said boundary line to the southeast corner of parcel #012-141- 410; thence N15'33'E 188.58'; thence northerly on and along the southerly boundary line of Armour Avenue 58.91'; thence northerly directly across Armour Avenue to the southwesterly corner of parcel #012-101-100; thence northerly on and along the westerly boundary line of said parcel 100'; thence N56.34'32"W to the northeasterly corner of lot 1 of block 2 of Valley Park Subdivision No. 1 as shown upon the subdivision map recorded in volume 12 of maps at page 22, records of San Mateo County; thence N57'44'E 60.40'; thence N32'16'W 233.91'; thence N44'20'W 105.05'; thence N60'40'S9"E 138'± to intersect the westerly boundary line of Hillside Boulevard; thence northerly on and along the westerly boundary line of Hillside Boulevard to the southeast corner of parcel #012-061-020; thence N26' 39'W 214.1'; thence easterly directly across Hillside Boulevard to the most northwesterly corner of Lands of Sciandri as described in book 6147 O.R. page 467 San Mateo County records; thence N81'28'E' 21.39'; thence N84'S6'36"E 50.85' more or less to intersect with the east boundary line of a 10' California Water easement (Vol 2398 O.R. 94); thence southerly 69.31'± on and along said easement boundary line to intersect with the west boundary line of North Spruce Avenue; thence N42'24'E 116.09' to the northeast corner of parcel #012-046-250; thence easterly directly across North Spruce Avenue to the southwest corner of parcel #012-070- 1 350; thence N86'il'42"E 185.06'; thence S32'16'E 491.87' to the northwest corner of parcel 1012-070-OSO; then easterly on and along the northerly boundary line of said parcel to the northeast corner of said parcel; thence S41.58'40E 145.44' more or less to the northeast corner of parcel #012-070-060; thence easterly directly across S.B.E. 145-41-1 parcel 2 and S.B.E. 135-41-4 parcel 3 to the southwesterly corner of lot 24 as shown upon the subdivision map Pecks Heights recorded in volume 36 of maps at page 27, records of San Mateo County; thence S74'40'13"E 325.63'; thence S50'55'12"W 40't to the northwest corner of parcel #012- 081-350; thence southeasterly on and along the westerly boundary line and said line prolongation of parcel #012-081-350 to intersect with the easterly boundary line of Airport Boulevard; thence southerly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the easterly extension of the southerly boundary line of parcel #012-176-050; thence westerly direcly across Airport Boulevard to the southeasterly corner of said parcel; thence southerly on and along the westerly boundary line of Airport Boulevard to the southeasterly corner of parcel #012-319-020; thence S74.27'E to intersect with the westerly boundary line of the Bayshore Freeway; thence southerly on and along the westerly boundary line of the Bayshore Freeway to intersect with the westerly boundary of S.P.R.R. Company S.B.E. 872-41-26A Par 5; thence southerly on and along the westerly S.P.R.R. right-of-way line to the southerly corner of parcel #012-338-150; thence westerly directly across Airport Boulevard to the southeasterly corner of lot 17 as shown upon the subdivision map South City Village recorded in book 24 in maps at page 22, records of San Mateo County; thence N13'20'10"E 82.46'; thence N22'14'40"E 390.26'; thence N74'27'W 454.54'; thence S15'33'W 240'; thence N74'27"W 85'; thence S15'33'W 230' thence N74'27"W 160'; thence N15'33'E 630'; thence N74'27'W 200'; thence N15'33'E 200'; thence N74'27'W 1410' to the northwest corner of parcel #012-321-010; thence S15'33'W 200'; thence N74'27"W 180'; thence N15'33'E 600'; thence S74'27'E 160'to the southwest corner of parcel #012-302- 180; thence S74'27'E 55.15'; thence easterly on and along a curve having a radius of 30' and an arc length of 23.56' concave northeast; thence tangent northeasterly 31.72'; thence tangent easterly on and along a curve having a radius of 30' and an arc length of 70.69' concave southeast; thence S15'33'W 30'; thence S74'27'E 250'; thence N15'33'E 16'; thence S74'27'E 50'; thence N15'33'E 204'; thence S74'27'E 50' to the point of beginning. AREA 2a Beginning at the point of intersection on the easterly boundary line of Airport Boulevard and the easterly extension of the northerly boundary line S76.38'E of lot 3 of parcel A as shown upon Pecks Subdivision No. 1 recorded in volume 5 of maps at page 11, records of San Mateo County, thence S76.38'E to intersect with the easterly boundary line of S.P.R.R. Company S.B.E. 872- 41-25A Par 9; thence northerly on and along said boundary line to the northwest corner of tide land lot 18 of of Section 15; thence Z S2'30'W 249.57 feet to the northwest corner of tide land lot 31; thence east on and along the northerly line of said lot 1,290.30' thence north 1320'; thence west to intersect with the City limit line of the City of South San Francisco; thence southerly on and along said City limit line to the point of intersection of the easterly extension o! the northerly boundary line S76'38'E of parcel A as shown upon Peck's Subdivision No. 1 recorded in volume 5 of maps at page 11, records of San Mateo County; thence southerly directly across Airport Boulevard to the point of beginning. AREA 2b Beginning at the northeasterly corner of lot 1 parcel A of as shown upon the subdivision map Peck's Subdivision No. 1 recorded in Book 5 of maps at page 11, records of San Mateo County; thence N76'38"W 241.69'; thence S13'22'W 130'; thence southerly directly across Randolph Avenue to the northeast corner of parcel #012- 094-220; thence S51'06'W 1199.58' to the northwesterly corner of lot 31 parcel Q; thence N24'40'W 44.09; thence S50'S5'12'W 165.34'; thence S50'55'12" W 40'± to the northwest corner of parcel #012-081-350; thence southeasterly on and along the westerly boundary line and said line prolongation of parcel #012- 081-350 to intersect with the easterly boundary line of Airport Boulevard; thence southerly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the easterly extension of the southerly boundary line of parcel #012-176-050; thence easterly directly across Bayshore Freeway, Dubuque Avenue to the southeasterly corner of parcel #015-021-090; thence N37.32'40"E 2371.62' to the northeast corner of parcel #012-021-080; thence N52'31'32"W to intersect with the easterly boundary line of Airport Boulevard; thence northerly on and along said boundary line to the point of intersection of the easterly extension of the northerly boundary line S76.38'E of lot 3 of parcel A as shown upon Peck's Subdivision No. 1 recorded in volume 5 of maps at page 11, records of San Mateo County and the easterly boundary line of Airport Boulevard; thence northerly directly across Airport Boulevard to the point of intersection within the Airport Boulevard right of way, of the easterly extension of the northerly boundary line S76.38'E of parcel A as shown upon Pecks Subdivision No. 1 recorded in volume 5 of maps at page 11, records of San Mateo County and the City of South San Francisco City limit line; thence westerly directly across Airport Boulevard to the point of beginning. AREA 2C Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of parcel 2 as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 12 of parcel maps of San Mateo County, at page 29, thence southerly on and along the west boundary line of said parcel N3'48'30"W to a point on the northerly line of the 34.562 acre parcel described in the deed 3 recorded in book 82 of official records of San Mateo County at page 95; thence along last said line N86.14'15"ES10 feet, more or less, to a point of a tangent curve to the left; thence continuing along last said line tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 645.00 feet and a central angle of 22'08'20" an arc distance of 249.225 feet to the most northerly corner of last said lands and a point on the northwesterly line of the lands shown on the map of South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 3B recorded in volume 62 of maps at Pages 3 through 8, San Mateo County Records; thence easterly directly across the Southern Pacific Transportation Company 872-41-34J Par 35; to the northwest corner of parcel #015-081-090; thence N50'03'35"E 453.5' to intersect with a curve having a radius of 345.39' and an arc length of 26.75' concave easterly; thence easterly on and along said curve to intersect with a curve having a radius of 655' and an arc length of 163.18'; thence easterly on and along said curve to intersect a line having a bearing of S88.54'S8"E; thence on and along said line 123.591' to intersect with a curve having a radius of 30' _ and an arc length of 47.12' concave southeasterly; thence southeasterly on and along said curve to the west boundary of Eccles Avenue; thence N89.38'13"E directly across Eccles Avenue to intersect with the east boundary line of Eccles Avenue; thence northerly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the south boundary line of Oyster Point Boulevard; thence easterly on and along said boundary line to the northwest corner of parcel #015-082-180; thence N89'38'13"E 289.48'; thence easterly on and along a curve having a radius of 545' and an arc length of 160.41'f concave northeast to the end of the south boundary line of Oyster Point Boulevard; thence northerly directly across Oyster Point Boulevard to the southeast corner of parcel #015- 190-020; thence north 590'; thence S64'45'W 214.8"; thence N81'45'W 339.24'; thence south 460.02' to intersect with the north boundary of Oyster Point Boulevard; thence westerly on and along said boundary line to the southwesterly corner of parcel 3 as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 23 of maps at page 27, records of San Mateo County; thence southerly directly across Oyster Point Boulevard to the northeasterly corner of parcel #015-023-100; thence westerly on and along the southerly boundary line of Oyster Point Boulevard to the point of beginning. AREA 3 Beginning at the northwesterly corner of parcel #014-080-070; thence N74.27"W 237'; thence westerly directly across Spruce Avenue to the northeasterly corner of parcel #014-121-190; thence N74'27"W 1048.98' to the northeast corner of parcel #014-112-310; thence N15.33'E 945.52't to the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue; thence easterly on and along the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue 3390.73' to the southeasterly corner of lot 17 as shown on the South City Village Subdivision 4 Map, recorded June 20, 1944 in Book 24 of maps at page 22, records of San Mateo County; thence easterly directly across Airport Boulevard to the post southerly corner of parcel #012- 338-150; thence N32'S8'49"E 341.82'; thence N33'30'35"E 153.30'; thence N34'23'03"E to intersect with the east boundary line of the Bayshore Freeday; thence southerly on and along the east boundary line of the Bayshore Freeway to intersect with the north boundary line of Southern Pacific Transportation Company right of way S.B.E. 872-41-34J Par 38; thence N34.23'03"E to intersect with the center line of the Bayshore Freeway; thence southerly on and along the center line of Bayshore Freeway to intersect with southerly boundary line of South Airport Boulevard; thence westerly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the easterly boundary line of Produce Avenue; thence S74'48'il"W to intersect with the westerly boundary line of Produce Avenue; thence on and along said boundary line to intersect with the easterly boundary line of San Mateo Avenue; thence southerly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the northerly boundary line of the Colma Creek easement; thence easterly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the west boundary line of Produce Avenue; thence southerly on and along said boundary line to the southeast corner of parcel #015-113-240; thence N81'26'35"E 448.17'; thence N51'13'39"W 505.87; thence N78'21'E 166.66' more or less to intersect with the west boundary line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company right of way S.B.E. 872-41-27C Par 6; thence northerly on and along said boundary line to the south east corner of parcel #015-114-450; thence northerly on and along the east boundary line of said parcel to the southeast corner of parcel 015-114-460; thence northerly on and along the east boundary line of said parcel to the southeast corner of parcel #015-114-470; thence westerly on and along the south boundary line of said parcel to intersect with the east boundary line of San Mateo Avenue; thence N78'21'W 60' more or less to intersect with the west boundary line of San Mateo Avenue; thence on and along said boundary line to the northeast corner of parcel #015-113-520; thence westerly on and along the north boundary line of said parcel to intersect with the east boundary line of San Francisco Water Department right of way #093-320-040; thence westerly across said right of way to the northeast corner of parcel #015-115-340; thence westerly on and along the north boundary line of said parcel to intersect with east boundary line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company right of way S.B.E. 872-41-27C parcel 8; thence~N50'04'W across said right of way to intersect with the west boundary line of said right of way; thence southerly on and along the west boundary line of said right of way to intersect with the easterly extension of the southery boundary line of parcel #014-103-020; thence westerly to the southeasterly corner of parcel #014-103- 020; thence westerly on and along the southerly boundary line of said parcel to intersect the westerly boundary line of Linden Avenue; thence northerly to intersect with the southerly boundary line of South Canal Street; thence westerly on and along the S southerly boundary line of South Canal Street to the point of beginning. AREA 4 Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of lot 8 as shown upon subdivision map of South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No: 2A, recorded August 22, 1958, in volume 49 of maps at page 39, records of San Mateo County; thence N89'S5'28"E 625't; thence easterly directly across S.P.R.R. Company S.B.E. 872-41-34J Par 38 to the point of intersection of the west boundary of Harbor Road; thence NO.06'30"E to intersect with the northerly boundary line of S.P.R.R. Company S.B.E. 872-41-34J Par 38; thence N89'S5'28"E to the point of intersection of said line and the westerly boundary line of Littlefield Avenue; thence northerly on and along the westerly boundary line of Littlefield Avenue to the point of intersection of said line and the southerly boundary line of East Grand Avenue; thence N33'30'12"E 100' more or less across East Grand Avenue to intersect with the north boundary line of East Grand Avenue; thence northwesterly on and along the north boundary line of East Grand Avenue to the southwest corner of parcel #015-041-290; thence N56H37'19"E 150.39'; thence N89'S5'28"E on and along the north boundary line of East Grand Avenue to intersect with the east boundary line of Forbes Boulevard; thence southerly directly across East Grand Avenue to the northwest corner of parcel 015-042-190; thence westerly directly across Harbor Road to the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of Harbor Road and the southerly boundary of East Grand Avenue; thence on and along a line S89'S2'30"W to the northwest corner of parcel 015-031-010; thence southerly on and along the westerly boundary of said parcel 37.65'; thence S8'45'39"W 885.43' to the southwesterly corner of parcel 015-031- 110; thence S89'S5'28"W to intersect with the center line of Bayshore Freeway; thence southerly on and along the center line of Bayshore Freeway to intersect with the south boundary line of South Airport Bouelvard; thence easterly directly across Bayshore Freeway to the northerly corner of parcel 015-122-050; thence on and along a curve having a radius of 285' and an arc length of 344.31' concave southwest; thence easterly directly across South Airport Boulevard and PG&E S.B.E. 135-41-50 Par 2 to the point of intersection of the easterly boundary of said S.B.E. and the southerly boundary line of Mitchell Avenue; thence N89'55'28"E 300'; thence north to intersect with the north boundary line of Mitchell Avenue; thence westerly on and along said boundary line to intersect with the east boundary line of West Harris Avenue; thence northerly on and along the east boundary line of West Harris Avenue to the southwest corner of parcel #015-123-640; thence northerly on and along the easterly boundary line of West Harris Avenue 190.61'; thence northwesterly across West Harris Avenue to the southeasterly corner of parcel 015-123-490; thence N58'24'S5"W 210'; thence N31'30'40"E 375'; thence N89'55'28"E 291'± to the point of beginning. i AREA 5 Beginning at the northeasterly corner of parcel "A" as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 5 of maps at page 29, records of San Mateo County N80'57'E 400'; thence S8'46'10"E 699.80'; thence N81'13'E 925'; thence S8'47'E 300.56' thence east 443.98'; thence N8'33'W 981.15'; thence N34'30'10"E 1509.44'; thence S65'45'W 478.14'; thence S55'38'36"W 88.65'; thence S56.50'36"W 1392.36'; thence S69'57'W 169.99'; thence S87.12'W 621.02'; thence N24'32'34"W 139.85'; thence N55'48'W 619.96'; thence S85'12'W 179.99'; thence S56.12'W 530.18'; thence westerly directly across Airport Boulevard to the northeasterly corner of parcel 2 as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 44 of maps at page 1, records of San Mateo County; thence southerly on and along the westerly boundary line of Airport Boulevard to the southeasterly corner of parcel X015-172-170; thence easterly directly across South Airport Boulevard to the point of intersection of the easterly boundary line of Airport Boulevard and the southerly boundary line of Access Road; thence easterly on and along the southerly boundary line of Access Road to the point of intersection of the southerly extension of the easterly boundary line of parcel "B" as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 5 of maps at page 29, records of San Mateo County, thence northerly directly across access road to the southeast corner of said parcel, thence northerly on and along a line N8'4b'10"W to the point of beginning. AREA 6A Beginning at a point on the southerly boundary line of the southwesterly corner of parcel 2 as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 51 of maps at page 97, records of San Mateo County, thence north 115.08', thence west 20.78'; thence north 201.65'; thence along a non-tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 30 feet, a radial line of said curve through said point bearing S43'30'30"E, through a central angle of 47.00'8" an arc length of 24.62' thence tangent to a line S86'49'42"E 874.36', thence on an along NO'14'37"W, across East Grand Avenue to the southeasterly corner of parcel 32 as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 43 of maps at page 23, records of San Mateo County, thence NO'14'37"W 259.34 feet, thence N86'44'37"W 992.94', thence N3'15'23"E 140', thence N86'44'37"W 35'; thence along a tangent curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 65', through a central angle of 164'32'02" an arc length of 186.66', thence tangent to a curve concave northeast having a radius of 10' through a central angle of 74'32'02" an arc length of 13.01', thence tangent to a line N3'15'23"E to the point of intersection of said line and the westerly boundary line of Point San Bruno Boulevard, thence northerly along the westerly boundary line to the northeast corner of parcel 16 as shown upon the parcel map recorded in volume 41 of naps at page 18, records of San Mateo County, thence on and along the westerly 11ne of Point San Bruno Boulevard N30'28'28"E 249.60', thence easterly directly across Point San Bruno Boulevard to the point of intersection of the southerly line of the S.P.R.R. Company S.B.E. 872-41-24 Par 48 and the easterly line of Point San Bruno Boulevard; thence S60. 30'E 144.62' and intersect with a curve having a radius of 367.24' and an arc length of 400.10' concave southeast thence intersect with a line S2'53W 262', thence intersect with a curve having a radius of 367.24' and an arc length of 53.19' concave southwest, thence easterly directly across the Southern Transporation Company S.B.E. 872-41-24 Par 48 to the north corner of parcel #015-093- 080; thence S20.30'E 230_.90'; thence S36'E 302'; thence S53'10'W 155'; thence S55'39'29"W 521.06'; thence S3.15'23" 624.45'; SO'14'37"E 458.99'; thence westerly on and along a line S89'53'25"W 2164.80' to the point of beginning. AREA 68 Beginning at a point on the southwesterly corner of parcel 3 as shown upon the subdivision map Cabot, Cabot i Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 2 recorded October 10th, 1969, in volume 70 of maps at page 13, records of San Mateo County, thence south 13.08'18" east directly across Forbes Boulevard to the point of intersection of said line and the southerly boundary line of Forbes Boulevard thence easterly on and along the southerly boundary line of Forbes Boulevard to the point of intersection of said line and the southerly line extension of the easterly boundary of parcel #015-231-020; thence NO'04'35"W 634.57' more or less to the northeast corenr of parcel #015-231-020; thence N89'55'25"E 405', thence SO'04'35"E 367.8', thence S76'51'42"W 168.70', thence S13'08'18"W 262.29' to point of beginning. • ~~ ~Ci~ South San Francisco 8edevebpmeat Agency Downtown/Ceatral Redevelopment Project PE4POSSD PUBLIC Il[PROV~1'S AND PACILITIBS P»OJl3CTS L STBBST Il[PBOVBi[BNTS PF~OJSCTS Intrtallation/Construction/re~conatructaon of curbs, gutters, aidewa]ka, paving, landscaping, railroad cmasing, and undergrounding of utilities: Area 1 1. R,econr~truct Miller Avenue from Airport Boulevard to Spruce Avenue. 2. Reconstruct Badea Avenue from Airport Boulevard to Spruce Avenue. 3. Provide catch basin moditications throughout downtown revitalizatioa area. 4. Overlay aD downtown revitalization streets and lanes and repair curbs, gutters and sidewalks in Area 1. 5. Underground utilities along Cypress, Miller, Third, Linden, and Second S tree ta. 6. Construct beautification improvements along Linden and Airport Streetx. ' T. Underground utilities on Airport Boulevard iroai Miller Avenue to Northerly City limit. 8. Acquire School Street from San Francisco Water Department and improve to City standards. 9. Reconstruct Armour Avenue. 10. Underground utilities on Spruce Avenue from Baden to Miller Avenue. Area 2b 1. Construct beautification improvements along Airport Boulevard. 2. Underground utilities along Airport Aoulevard. 3. Relocate and reconstruct Dubuque Avenue. Area 2e 1. 1/iden Oyrter Point Boulevard. 1~38.saf/4 032288/bl [Bzhibit "C," Page 2) 2. Underground utilities along Oyster Point Boulevard. 3. Improve railroad crossings on Oyster Point Boulevard. Area 3 1. Construct North Canal Street improvements between Magnolia Avenue and Orange Avenue. 2. Overlay Railroad Avenue and South Linden Avenue. 3. Provide new frontage road from Shaw Road to Produce Terminal Ct. (along Highway 101). 4. Remove or improve railroad crossings on Linden, Spruce, and Magnolia Avenues. Area 4 1. Improve Sylvester/Associated/Baker Roads. 2. Reconstruct and restripe Aarbor Way to two lanes southbound and one lane. northbound. Provide new sidewalks, curbs and gutters, street lights and pavement. 3. Underground utilities along Eset Grand Avenue. 4. Improve railroad crossing at Fast Grand/Littlefield and Littlefield/Aarbor Way. II. TRAFFIC. CIItCULATION, PARHING AND TRANSPORTATION D~iPROV>3t[SNTS PROJECTS Area 1 1. Six public parking lots or garages containing an estimated 1,190 spaces to be located st: 100/200 and 400 blocks of Grand Avenue; 300 block of Baden Avenue; 300 block of Miller Avenue; Linden Avenue north of Miller Avenue; end Airport Boulevard between Miller and northerly City limits. 2. Replace or upgrade traffic signals at: Airport/Linden; Linden/Hillside; Linden/Miller; Spruce/Grand; Baden/Linden; Baden/Airport; Linden/ Railroad; Grand/Linden; Grand/Maple; Spruce/Baden; and interconnect Linden and Baden Avenue signals. 3. Construct inter-modal transportation center in the Southern Pacific/Air- port Boulevard corridor. 4. Develop public transportation system from BART to transportation center and rapid water transit terminal. (Exhibit "C," Page 3~ Area 2a 1. Construct Oyster Pt. overcrosxing located north of Oyster Pt. Boulevard at Highway 101. 2. Provide direct access from Sierra Pt. to connect with Oyster Pt. Boule- vard and Airport Boulevard. Area 2e 1. Provide traffic signal at Oyster Ft. Boulevard sad Bccles Avenue. Area 3 ]. Provide traffic rignal and improve access at Terminal Ct./Produce Avenue. 2. Improve traffic aignesl at SprucelRailroed Avenue. 3. Construct North Canal Street overcroaeing between South Linden Avenue and Produce/San 1~lateo Avenue. 4. Rechannel intersection of San Matec~/Produce Avenue end other axaocinted improvements in the ad,jecent areas to maintain acceptable levels of service by creating greater roadway capacity and encouraging vehicles to use alternate routes to Highway 101. Area 4 ]. Install traffic signals at Rast Grand and Littlefield Avenues. 2. Realign northbound Highway 101 off-camp at old Eset Grand Avenue. Area 6b ]. Construct connection between Forbes Boulevard and Oyster Point Ltarina/Oyster Point Aoulevard. III. STORL DRAINAGE, FLOOD CONTROL. AND SBRSR WPEOVB1riBNTS Area 1 1. Construct Armour/Airport Stores drain system. 2. Construct storm drainage improvements along Luz/Calitoraia Pine. 3. Construct now sewer along Armour/Cypress/Airport corridor. Area 2b 1. Replsee exiwting Sanitary sewer. (~chlbt! "C," page 4j Area $ 1. Upgrade sanitary sewer pump Station No. 9 and force mein at San l~lat,eo Avenue/Colma Creek. 2. lncrea~-e (flood) capac.~ity of Co1mA Creek (i.e., San Mateo Avenue Bridge and Southern Pacific Railroad) and construct linear park from San Ltat.eo Avenue to Spruce Avenue. 3. Upgrade drainage pampa at Airport Boulevard/Southern Pncilic Ra~lroed crossing. Area 4 1. Upgrade sanitary sewer line on Harbor Way. 2. Correct flooding on Harbor Way by increasing drainage capacity. 3. Improve Sanitary sewer pump at Station No. 4. Area 6a 1. Construct improvements to San Bruno Creek and Colma Creek. 2. Construct building for Pump Station No. 6. 3. Upgrade Water Quality Control Treatment Pant. Area 6a 1. Increbse capacity of sexes lines. 2. Improve Sanitary sexes pump foc area. Area 6b 1. Improve Sewer pump etstion. IV. PUBLIC FACILITIBS Il~[P80VBf(}~T Area 1 1. Construct improvements to City Hall including: nex Council Chambers; second story addition to City Hall Mnex; Covered xalkxay throughout Civic Center; Addition to Library; and amphitheater. 2. Remodel ezterior and interior of Fire Station No. 1 and upgrade site improvements. 9. Remodel ParadiAe Valley Recreation Center. 4. Construct improvements at C~pcess/Pine and Pecks playL~t. (Exhibit "C," Page 6) 5. Convert Cypress Avenue front Baden Avenue to hiller Avenue info a pedestrian Plata. V. SAORSLTNR AND OTHER HISCBI.LANROUS IIQ~YR3[RNTg Area 2a 1. Correct methant gnH/soil problems. 2. Pmvida shoreline improvements. 3. Construct rapid water transit terwinal and parking garage. Area 2b 1. Provide shoreline improvements. Area Zc 1. Correct soil contanunetion problems at old refining facility on Oyster Point Boulevard. Area 3 1. New corporation yard nt Magnulia/North Canal Street Area 5b 1. Fill in "fingers" and restore natural bayfrvnt. 2. Improve access between fingers and North Access Road through ease- ment.. 3. Correct Soil contamination. Area 6a _ 1. Construct shoreline improvements. 2. Correct soil contamination. 3. Correct mud boils. ORDINANCE NO. 1152-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE DOWNTOWN/CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Part V, Section 504 of the Downtown Central Redevelopment Plan is hereby deleted. SECTION 2. Part VIII of the Downtown Central Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "TIME LIMITATIONS. Part VIII applies to the Project Area established pursuant to Ordinance No. 99G-86, adopted on January 8, 1986, as described in Exhibit A (the "Project Area") attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Part VIII supersedes any inconsistent provision of the Plan. Except as provided in Health and Safety Code 33333.6(8) and (h), and except for any other excess of the following limits that may from granted by statute (which authority shall be incorporated into the provisions of the Plan reference and shall supersede the following Sections authority in time to time be deemed to be by this limits): a. The time limit on the establishing of loans, advances, and indebtedness, adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33333.2(2), shall be July 12, 2009, unless the Plan is amended as permitted by law. This limit, however, shall not prevent the Agency from incurring debt to be paid from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.2 and 33334.3 or from establishing more debt in order to fulfill the Agency's housing obligations under health and Safety Code Section 33413. b. The effectiveness of the Plan (including, without limitation, the effectiveness of the Agency's land use controls under the Plan) shall terminate on July 12, 2029. After expiration of this time limit on the effectiveness of the Plan, the Agency shall have no authority to act pursuant to the Plan, except to pay previously incurred indebtedness and to enforce existing covenants, contracts, or other obligations. c. The Agency shall not pay indebtedness or receive property taxes pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33679 after July 12, 2039. The above time limits shall not affect the validity of any bond, indebtedness, or other obligation, including, but not limited to, any agreement entered into pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33401, authorized by the City Council or the Agency prior to January 1, 1994. Nor shall this time limit be construed to affect the right of the Agency to receive property taxes, pursuant to Section 33670 to pay such indebtedness or other obligation." SECTION 3. EFFECT OF AMENDMENTS All provisions of the Plan not specifically amended or repealed in this Amendment shall continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be published once, with the names of those City Councilmembers voting for or against it, for at least fifteen (15) days, in the enterprise-Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. 2 Introduced at a reQUlar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held the 26th day of October 1994. Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held the 9th day of November 1994, by the following vote: AYES: _ Councilmembers Ja k Draggy Robert Yee and Mavor Jn~PDh A Fernekes NOES : None ABSTAIN:- Councilm tubers John R P nna and Roberta ~+rri T~91ia ABSENT: _ None ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 9th day of ~lovPmhPr , 1994. /s/ Joseph A. Fernekes Mayor Dn1n-Cnt.Ord 3