HomeMy WebLinkAboutEast Jaime Court MMRP 11-2002MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM -EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM East Jamie Court Property CASE NO: ~~ UU q DATECIRCULATED:~Q l~~ ~ ~~0~ DATE RECOMMENDED: Ei~( (~~ ~U1~Q~ DATE APPROVED: NCr~t ~ ~ al City of South San Francisco November, 2002 Pursuant to California Public Resources Code, Section 21081, public lead agencies must adopt a program to monitor the mitigation of significant environmental effects. The program must be adopted, in this case, when and if the City Council and Redevelopment Agency approves the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and approves the Project, or alternative project. A monitoring and reporting program must be defined to implement the mitigation measures outlined for each significant adverse impact identified in the Initial Study. Other recommended conditions identified for less than significant impacts are not subject to the requirements of PRC 21081. Mitigation Measures discussed in the Initial Study are summarized in the table below. Titles with Roman Numerals reference the impact issues that were addressed in the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. Initial Stud Issue I. Aesthetics Mitigation Measures: a) Comply with policies of the East of 101 Area Plan (Policies DE- 1, DE-5, DE-17, DE-24, DE-52, DE-54, DE-56, DE-58) to take advantage of bay views and view corridors. d) Comply with East of 101 Area Plan Design Element Policy DE-29, regulating levels of security lighting. Responsible Party: Project Applicants and the City of South San Francisco Planning Division. When to Accom lish: At the Use Permit a royal sta e. Who to Verify: Marty Van Duyn, Community Development Director. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program Morehouse Associates -1- East Jamie Court Project MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM -EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT Initial Stud Issue III. Air Qualit Mitigation Measure: a) Comply with of BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines to reduce the impact of construction emissions (dust). Res onsible Party: Develo ers. When to Accomplish: During grading and excavation and whenever soils are exposed. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. Initial Stud Issue IV. Biolo ical Resources Mitigation Measures: a) Apply appropriate precautions during construction to avoid indirect impacts to avoided habitat. This should include installation of protective construction fencing as far as possible landward from the edge of wetland habitat. b) Protect mudflat and tidal salt marsh habitats from intrusion during construction and operation, by compliance with measures listed under section IV b) of the checklist discussion, including preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). A qualified biologist should be hired, subject to the approval of the City, to monitor construction activities to ensure compliance with Biological Resources mitigation measures. c) If the seasonal wetlands are determined to be Corps and RWQCD jurisdictional, provide replacement wetlands on-site or in the immediate vicinity of the site, and comply with requirements of Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act. Responsible Party: Project Applicants obtain permit(s) from BCDC, CDFG, Corps of Engineers and Regional Water Quality Control Board, as necessary. When to Accomplish: Prior to issuance of an approved gradin lan. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Morehouse Associates Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program -2- East Jamie Court Project MITIGATIONMONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM- EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT Initial Stud Issue VI. Geolo and Soils Mitigation Measures: a) ii, iii To mitigate for seismic impacts, comply with policies of the East of 101 General Plan (GEO-1, GEO-2, GEO-3, GEO-7, GEO-10, GEO-11, GEO-12) and the Uniform Building Code. Since the Initial Study has been released, the City has received, reviewed and accepted the geotechnical reports that comply with the General Plan Policies and satisfy the mitigation measures defined in the Draft Initial Study. See also XI b) Noise from pile driving. b)The landscape architect shall minimize erosion from precipitation or irrigation through accepted erosion control measures (BMPs). c), d) Conduct a geotechnical investigation to assess the potential for settlement and subsidence and comply with policies of the East of 101 General Plan (GEO-1, GEO-2, GEO-3, GEO-7, GEO-10, GEO-11, GEO-12) and the Uniform Building Code. Since the Initial Study has been released, the City has received, reviewed and accepted the geotechnical reports that comply with the General Plan Policies and satisfy the mitigation measures defined in the Draft Initial Study. Responsible Party: Project Applicants conduct engineering design based upon approved geotechnical reports. When to Accomplish: Prior to issuance of a proved grading permit. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. Initial Stud Issue VII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Mitigation Measure: a) Comply with all applicable regulations for the storage, use and handling of hazardous substances, as established by federal (EPA), state (DTCS), (RWQCB), California OSHA, California EPA, local (County of San Mateo), and City of South San Francisco regulations. Res onsible Party: Project A licants. When to Accomplish: Prior to issuance of an approved grading plan. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Morehouse Associates Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program -3- East Jamie Court Project MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM -EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT Initial Stud Issue VIII. H drolo and Water Quali Mitigation Measures: a) Comply with NPDES, SWPPP, the San Mateo County Urban Runoff Clean Water Program, BMPs, erosion control and filtration of runoff to reduce non-point source pollutants entering San Francisco Bay. d) Install and up-gradient box culvert that will reduce potential off- site flooding, based upon a drainage study prepared by the applicant's Project Engineer and approved by the City. e) Install an up-gradient box culvert acceptable to the City Engineer that will provide adequate capacity and reduce the potential for polluted runoff, f) Implement the water quality control measures required under Discussion VIII a). Responsible Party: Project Applicants for NPDES ermit and SWPPP. When to Accom lish: Prior to issuance of an a roved adin lan. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. Initial Stud Issue IX Land Use and Plannin Mitigation Measures: a) Allow a Base Floor Area Ratio up to 1.0 FAR to accommodate the Project proposal for 0.50 FAR, consistent with General Plan Table 2.2-2. b) Comply with requirements and guidelines of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) related to any land alteration within the "Shoreline Band", and consistent with potential habitat impacts discussed in checklist issue Section IV Biological Resources. Responsible Party: Project Applicants and the City of South San Francisco Planning Division. When to Accom lish: At the Use Permit ap royal stage. Who to Verify: Marty Van Duyn, Community Development Director. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Morehouse Associates Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program -4- East Jamie Court Project MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM- EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT Initial Stud Issue XI. Noise Mitigation Measure: a) Comply with General Plan noise mitigation policies NO-2 and NO-4, related to loading and auxiliary equipment areas. b) Comply with measures to minimize noise and vibration from pile driving, based upon ground conditions discussed in checklist Section VI Geology and Soils, and responsive to potential concerns about noise from people in the area by the City Engineer (Jim Kirkman, Building Official). Responsible Party: Develo ers When to Accom lish: Prior to issuance of a roved ading ermit. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. Initial Stud Issue XIII. Public Services Mitigation Measures: a) Comply with building and fire codes, use of keyed entry (Knox Boxes) during construction, and key pad digital equipment when the project is operational, for fire and police accessibility. b) Submit a "Security and Safety Plan" making provision for private security guards and provision for Knox Boxes to be on-site, commencing with the construction phase, and key pad digital equipment when the project is operational. Responsible Party: Project A plicants preparation of Security and Safety Plan. When to Accom lish: Prior to construction, operation. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. Initial Stud Issue XIV. Recreation Mitigation Measures: b) Coordinate improvements within and adjacent to the BCDC Shoreline Band, to minimize the potential for physical impact to the environment. Responsible Party: Project A licants to BCDC. When to Accom lish: Prior to issuance of an a roved grading lan and BCDC permit. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Morehouse Associates Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program -5- East Jamie Court Project MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM- EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT Initial Stud Issue XV. Trans ortation/Traffic Mitigation Measures: a) Prepare a TDM Plan -pursuant to the City TDM Ordinance - implementation of relevant General Plan Policies, and participate in the TIP for 7 intersections and 3 street segments listed on pg. Appx- 18 ofthe Draft Initial Study. In addition, the Project would contribute to the costs of improvements beyond the TIP at 8 intersections, on Appx-28. b) Prepare a TDM Plan pursuant to South San Francisco TDM Ordinance (Schedule 20.120.030-B). f) Reduce the amount of parking required by the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 20.74), pursuant to relevant policies of the General Plan (4.3-I-11 to 4.3-I-13), and action by the Planning Commission in determining that the amount of parking is supported by the overall TDM Plan for the Project. Responsible Party: Project Applicants and independent TDM consultant. When to Accomplish: Submit an Annual Survey and three-yearly survey on the anniversary of issuance of certificates of occupancy, for compliance with the final TDM plan, consistent with TDM Chapter 20.120.100 Monitoring and Enforcement. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Planning Division. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Morehouse Associates Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program -6- East Jamie Court Project MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM- EAST JAMIE COURT PROJECT Initial Stud Issue XVI. Utilities and Service S stems Mitigation Measures: b) Reduce the total volume of wastewater generated and minimize peak discharge rates by the Project by such measures as recycling, pre-treatment and off-peak discharge. c) Install an up-gradient storm drainage box culvert while protecting water quality and habitat values (see Issue N Biological Resources) d) Incorporate water conservation measures set forth in the City's General Plan and East of 101 Area Plan, pursuant to California Assembly Bill 325, which requires the use of low flow plumbing fixtures and drought-tolerant landscaping in new development. Encourage recycling water used in R&D processes, whenever feasible. Responsible Party: Applicant. When to Accomplish: Before the proposed Project is connected to the City's wastewater collection system. Who to Verify: City of South San Francisco Public Works Department and Planning Division. City of South San Francisco, November, 2002 Morehouse Associates Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program -7- East Jamie Court Project