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January 17, 2008
PRESENT: Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Sim*, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Zemke,
Vice Chairperson Giusti and Chairperson Prouty
Planning Division
City Attorney:
Engineering Division:
Police Department:
Fire Prevention.
Susy Kalkin, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Girard Beaudin, Associate Planner
Chadrick Smalley, Associate Planner
Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II
Sky Woodruff, Assistant City Attorney
Sam Bautista, Senior Civil Engineer
]on Kallas, Planning Liaison
Dave Scardigli, Assistant Fire Marshall
Chief Planner Kalkin noted that Judy Honan was unable to make the meeting to receive her commending resolution
and asked that the Commission postpone this to the next Planning Commission meeting. Consensus of the
Commission to present Judy Honan's resolution at the next meeting.
REORGANIZATION - Election of 2008 Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair.
Resolution Commending Judith Honan for Planning Commission Service
Commissioner Teglia suggested moving the reorganization to the end of the meeting. Consensus of the
Commission to do so.
Commissioner Teglia informed the Commission that he attended the topping off ceremony for the Centennial
Towers and distributed commemorative souvenirs to the Planning Commission.
1. Approval of regular meeting minutes of June 21st, July 19th, August 16th and September 6, 2007.
Vice Chairperson Giusti noted that she would be abstaining from the approval of the June 21~t meeting.
Commissioner Zemke noted he would be abstaining from approving the minutes of July 19th.
Commissioner Moore amended the June 21~t minutes to reflect that he stepped down from the dais for a few
minutes but then returned.
Motion Teglia /Second Moore to approve the minutes as amended. Approved by majority voice vote. Vice
Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Chairperson Giusti abstained from the June 21St minutes and Commissioner Zemke abstained from the July 19"'.
Commissioner Sim -absent.
2. Jin Xiuhua/applicant
SSF School District/owner
1400 Hillside Blvd
P07-0120: UP07-0022
Use Permit application for the East Asia Chinese Academy to operate in an unoccupied portion of the South
San Francisco Unified School District buildings at 1400 Hillside Boulevard in the School Zone District (S) in
accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.49 & 20.81
Public Hearing opened.
Associate Planner Beaudin presented the staff report.
Tiffany Jin, East Asia Chinese Academy, noted that they will have after school care, Saturday classes, adult classes,
a one hour Chinese class and different activities on the weekends.
Chairperson Prouty asked what the number of staff at the site would be. Ms. Jin noted that including her there are
two teachers and 7 children but they would like to grow in the future.
Vice Chairperson Giusti asked if this was a daycare or childcare center. Ms. Jin noted that it will be an after school
program only.
* Commissioner Sim arrived at 7:45 p.m.
Chairperson Prouty noted that there are several applications at the site with their own sets of conditions and asked
if the school has met their conditions. Associate Planner Beaudin replied that all the conditions have been met and
staff is still working with the School District on a master sign program for the properly. He pointed out that there
are banners attached to the fence and staff is expecting a master sign program for the property. Chairperson
Prouty suggested that staff inform the School District that further permits will not be approved unless the School
District submits a master sign program.
Commissioner Teglia agreed with Chairperson Prouty and added that he would also like to see upgrades to the
landscaping. He pointed out that the landlord has several tenants now so they need to consider a new landscape
plan for the site along with new fencing. He asked that staff inform the School District that they will need to
address these issues with any future application.
Public Hearing closed.
Motion Teglia /Second Giusti to approve P07-0120: UP07-0022. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
3. MarketShare, Inc/applicant
Antonio Cuneo Jr/owner
1309 Mission Rd
P07-0131: Signs07-0052 8: DR07-0079
Type "C" Sign Permit for temporary marketing signs for an off-site leasing office for Summerhill Homes at
1309 Mission Road in the Transit Village Zone District.
Public Hearing opened.
Chief Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. She added that one of the signs proposed to be located at the
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
entry driveway on McLellan Drive will need to be moved because it is located right next to a water main. The
applicant proposes to relocate it to the Colma Creek side or along the Mission Road side. She pointed out that
staff prefers the creek side.
Elaine Breeze, SummerHill Homes, gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on the project.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the trailers were a permitted use or if there was any type of approval granted for it.
Chief Planner Kalkin noted that this was an accommodation made due to the intensive development on the Park
Station Lofts site since there wasn't any available area to place the construction trailer on the property. She added
that the trailer is temporary and has to be removed by no later than November.
Commissioner Teglia stated that he has never seen a special circumstance sign permit but there are two on the
agenda and questioned if this was something new. Chief Planner Kalkin noted that there have been several
"special circumstance" sign requests, most recently with Myers Development for their temporary sales banner. She
explained that a standard Type "C" sign permit allows for signs up to certain maximum sizes, and beyond that
there is a code section entitled "Special Circumstances" that warrant additional consideration where the required
findings can be made.
Motion Zemke /Second Moore to approve P07-0131: Signs07-0052 8 DR07-0079. Approved by
unanimous voice vote.
4. Urban Sprouts, inc/applicant
Eberle, Joseph E ~ Adeline/owner
1165 EI Camino Real
P07-0113: UP07-0019, DR07-0070 & VAR07-0005
Use Permit and Design Review allowing the conversion of a former private emergency service facility to a day
care facility with daily weekday hours of operation between 8 AM and 6 PM with building upgrades, and new
fencing and landscaping; and Variance allowing 4 parking spaces and an on-street curbside passenger
loading area instead of 7 on-site parking spaces located at 1165 EI Camino Real in the Retail Commercial
(C-1-L) Zone District SSFMC Chapters: 20.22, 20.74, 20.81, 20.82 & 20.85
Public Hearing opened.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Robert Shepherd gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on the design and landscaping of the site.
Jane Yurkevich noted that the daycare program is inspired by the Waldorf school system and their key focus is to
develop children's creativity.
Vice Chairperson Giusti questioned what the age range of the children would be. Ms. Yurkevich noted that the
children would be 2-5 years old. Vice Chairperson Giusti questioned if the 8-5 hours of operation would be
inconvenient for working parents since many parents need longer hours. Ms. Yurkevich noted that this is a normal
preschool schedule.
Chairperson Prouty noted his concern with regard to keeping the children safe. He asked if the parking area was
going to remain. Mr. Shepherd noted that they are going to retain it and will install a 6 foot fence that secures the
perimeter, and the gate will be replaced with a matching fence. Chairperson Prouty questioned if the guardrail will
be kept, and was assured it would remain for traffic safety reasons.
Chairperson Prouty was pleased with the location but was concerned with high levels of noise due to the slope.
Ms. Yurkevich noted that they collected signatures from the neighbors who were in support of the project. Mr.
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Shepherd noted that they initially designed the landscaping with noise in mind but found that the noise reflected
off the rear wall. They are proposing planting along the back area to conceal the existing fence and at the same
time mitigate the noise. He added that they could add some additional planting material if the Commission felt it
was needed. Chairperson Prouty suggested adding this as a condition of approval.
Commissioner Moore was pleased to see this type of business going into South San Francisco.
Commissioner Teglia was concerned with the parking area being located next to the children's play area. Ms.
Yurkevich stated that the teachers will park in the back before the children begin arriving in the morning. She
added that there will not be cars circulating while the children are in school. Mr. Shepherd added that there is a
handicap parking space on the site that is an ADA requirement, and added that there is a 5 foot buffer between
the building and the green screen. He pointed out that they are using planting materials and intertwining vines
that will create a barrier between children and vehicles.
Commissioner Teglia noted that the parking would be located on the side and the play area will be on the left side
of the green screen. He asked if the green screen is a security fence. Mr. Shepherd noted that the security gate is
at the street but the parking area is separated from the play area by a green screen. He added that the parking is
for staff only and there will not be any parents parking in there. Commissioner Teglia noted that children are
gated in while playing outside. He added that the on street fence could be eliminated since it will be open most of
the time and they could move the barrier to the back to make sure the children stay out of the parking area. Mr.
Shepherd explained that they had not considered removing the gate in its entirety because they wanted the
building to be secure and did not anticipate daily driving in the area.
Commissioner Zemke noted his support for the project. Commissioner Sim noted that the color board seems to
work nicely with the building as well as the landscaping.
Chairperson Prouty stated that there is a meandering path shown on the plans and asked what it was made of.
Mr. Shepherd noted that the path is an existing utility access way and they will fence the area. He added that they
will install a small path that will service the building and maintain the landscaping.
Natasha Robovsky spoke in favor of the project and added that there is only one nearby Waldorf preschool, and
that is in San Francisco.
Rich Campbell noted that he signed the petition the applicant presented to the neighborhood. He questioned if the
variance was for four parking spaces. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the site can accommodate four and the
code requires one parking space for every 5 children which would require 7 spaces, so the variance request is for 3
parking spaces. He added that curb parking will serve as a loading area and the applicant will minimize parking
conflicts by having a staff member check in children as they are dropped off while another staff member walks the
children into the building.
Mr. Campbell asked whether the variance was granted for an indefinite amount of time even if a different business
goes in there. Senior Planner Carlson clarified that it is for the life of the project in question or if the business is
sold to another daycare. He pointed out that if the business type changes, the variance does not transfer.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Moore noted that there is a condition of approval for a six month review and at that time the
Commission can assess if there have been parking issues at the site.
Motion Giusti /Second Moore to approve P07-0113: UP07-0019, DR07-0070 & VAR07-0005.
Roll call:
Ayes: Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson
Giusti and Chairperson Prouty
Noes: None
Absent: None
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Abstain: Note
Approved by roll call vote.
5. Master Sign Permit for Lowe's and West Marine
Lowe's HIW, Inc./applicant
Project 101 Associates/owner
608-720 Dubuque Ave
P05-0097: Signs07-0055
Type C Sign Permit allowing a Master Sign Program for a two tenant commercial center consisting of
several building facade and two double faced monument signs with a total sign area exceeding 100 square
feet, situated at 608-720 Dubuque Avenue in the Planned Commercial Zoning District (P-C-L), in accordance
with SSFMC Chapters 20.76 and 20.86.
Public Hearing opened.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Virginia Schenck, Sign Consultant for Lowe's, presented the proposed sign program for Lowe's and West Marine to
the Commission via day and night video presentations of the site heading north and south on Highway 101. She
also gave a PowerPoint presentation on the specific signage proposed for Lowe's and West Marine.
Anthony Farman, Development Manager for Lowe's, announced that the South San Francisco Lowe's will be open
to the public the first week in March and invited the Commission to the "Contractor and Family Night" that takes
place a few days prior to the grand opening. He concluded that they tried different scenarios with the signs and
believes that they have presented the most appropriate sign program for the site. He added that the South San
Francisco Lowe's has cost $14 million to build in comparison to $8-$9 million for other Lowe's facilities.
Chairperson Prouty noted that the signs on the building are appropriate for the size and scale of the building. He
was concerned that the monument signs were too large for the location and questioned how the applicant arrived
at an 8 foot monument sign.
Commissioner Teglia concurred with Chairperson Prouty with regard to the building signs. He also felt that the
monument signs could be lowered. He noted that the use of the monument signs is to identify the driveways on
Dubuque. He pointed out that the Commission needs to look at the signs in light of what the intended audience
should be and whether the Commission will allow this type of signage along Highway 101. He pointed out that the
West Marine logo was deleted on the south elevation sign "b" and noted that the logo should be on all sides in
order to be consistent throughout the project.
Commissioner Sim noted that the Lowe's elevations have signage relative to each elevation. He concurred with
Commissioner Teglia in that the West Marine building signs need to be consistent. He pointed out that the
Commission will be sensitive to the size of the sign but that he understands that it is a freeway frontage that will
need to be looked at in scale with the building. He noted that 8 foot tall monument signs are out of scale and
need to see how it relates to the buildings. Chairperson Prouty stated that he is trying to understand the scope of
sign "F". Ms. Schenck replied that the monument sign "E" is setback 25 feet and sign "F" is setback 28 feet. She
pointed out that it is not going to impede on the customer's line of sight exiting the property with oncoming traffic
because they took into consideration the curve of the road and the speed the cars would be traveling.
Commissioner Teglia questioned what the purpose of the monument signs was. Ms. Schenck stated that the
purpose of the signs is to draw the customers in and wanted more height on the signs because the big setback.
Chairperson Prouty questioned if they were trying to get the traffic off of Dubuque or advertise the use from
Highway 101. Ms. Schenck noted that the monument sign is not to advertise but to get the traffic off of Dubuque.
She added that most of the signs installed have a 15 foot setback and these particular signs are setback further
which is the reason for the height increase.
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Commissioner Sim asked staff if there was a precedent for signs with box retail such as Lowe's. Senior Planner
Carlson replied that it is unique on Highway 101. He pointed out that the Commission has been consistent
throughout the East of 101 area monument signs by reducing them to 6 feet or less, although the code permits 10
Commissioner Sim questioned if the sign has to look like an 8 foot high structure or if the 2 foot base could be
stealthed with landscaping to visually reduce the size of the monument sign to 6 feet. Ms. Schenck responded that
they could reduce visual impacts by landscaping the base of the monument sign.
Howard Hurlins, West Marine, noted that they spent a considerable amount of time on the signs and they removed
the logo from the south elevation to maximize the size of the letters on the sign because it is their most important
Public Hearing closed.
Ms. Schenck noted that they are surrounding the monument signs with shrubs. Senior Planner Carlson suggested
the Commission could consider making the "Lowe's" lettering smaller on the monument sign which would allow the
sign height to be reduced. He clarified that the lettering for West Marine would remain its current size being that it
is smaller than Lowe's. Commissioner Teglia noted that the issue is the height of the monument signs and being
consistent with other monument signs in the City. He added that if the intent is to guide drivers along Dubuque,
then the size can be lowered to 6 feet, otherwise 10 feet can be looked at if the intent is to have exposure on
Highway 101.
Commissioner Sim stated that he does not want to set a new precedent and there is a new circumstance with the
application and asked Assistant City Attorney Woodruff if this would set a precedent. Assistant City Attorney
Woodruff felt that there may not be many big box retailers in this corridor and the Commission has established that
any other office of biotechnology sites should limit the monument signs to be 6 feet. He pointed out that this is a
unique circumstance, type of use and property.
Commissioner Zemke concurred with the other Commissioners with regard to the signs on the buildings being
proportionate to the building size. He added that base of the sign could be disguised as suggested by
Commissioner Sim to minimize the impact of the 8 foot sign. He felt that there is some value to having a larger
sign due to the increased setback. Senior Planner Carlson cautioned the Commission against requiring more
berming of the landscaping in terms of how much room the applicant has to work with because the grades have
been established and the berms might be too steep. Commissioner Zemke clarified that he was considering
shrubbery rather than a berm at the foot of the monument sign.
Chairperson Prouty asked Assistant City Attorney Woodruff if the Commission can approve the building signs and
look at the monument signs at a later time. Mr. Farman noted that they are scheduled to open in a month and a
half, which means the building and monument signs need to be installed as soon as possible. He pointed out that
by returning to the Commission at another time the monument signs would be installed after the grand opening
and explained that if the signs are not up he will have to respond to senior management on why the signs are not
up. He stated that the monument signs are set back 25 feet, and the 8 foot height is the appropriate dimension
for site lines and is safe for the drivers to maneuver into the site. He added that they can add shrubbery or
planting to the base to make it appear like a 6 foot sign. Commissioner Sim clarified that the base is required to
be stealthed and if it does not visually look like a 6 foot monument sign, they will be asked to demolish the 8 foot
monument sign. Mr. Farman stated that he could work with this option.
Commissioner Teglia questioned whether the signage on all four facades of the West Marine Building and the
monument signs may be too much. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the only issue of concern to staff is the
missing logo.
Motion Teglia /Second Sim to approve SIGNS07-0055 (P05-0097) with additional Conditions of Approval for a
2 month review on the monument signs, stealthing of the monument sign base, and that the West Marine signs be
consistent by including their logos on all signs.
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Roll call:
Ayes: Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson
Giusti and Chairperson Prouty
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Note
Approved by roll call vote.
6. Richard Haskins/applicant
Richard Haskins/owner
69 S Linden Ave
P07-0074: UP07-0010 8~ DR07-0047
(Continued from November 1, 2007)
Use Permit and Design Review allowing reuse of three existing buildings for an auto repair facility
accommodating a maximum of 16 work bays, a new car wash, and auto sales with outdoor display, 111 at-
grade open parking spaces for employees and customers vehicles, tandem parking, outdoor overnight
parking, off-site parking, new site improvements and landscaping, upgrades to the existing buildings,
generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, and allowing fencing up to eight feet in height in the
minimum required setbacks, situated at 69 and 103 South Linden Avenue, in the Industrial Zoning District (M-
1), in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.30, 20.74, 20.81, and 20.85.
Public Hearing opened.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report and added that there has been some work conducted at the site.
Chairperson Prouty questioned if the work was permitted. Senior Planner Carlson stated that no permits have been
issued for the site. He noted that it is unclear if permits are required for flat work but there are other aspects that
would likely require permits, such as large amounts of concrete and soil stacking. He noted that it appears to be
demo work being done and the applicant's representative was unable to get hold of someone who could inform the
City of exactly what they were doing.
Richard Poletti noted he was present to answer any questions from the Commission and noted that the work that
is being done is minimal work in anticipation of the use permit approval.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Teglia noted that the applicant has responded to the Commission's request and had no further
Motion Teglia /Second Moore to approve P07-0074: UP07-0010 & DR07-0047. Approved by unanimous voice
7. Britannia Pointe Grand II Modification
250-270 East Grand Avenue
P05-0159: UPM05-0004, PUDM05-0001, DR05-0094, TDM05-0004 8: EIR05-0005
a. Public Hearing to receive comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR05-0005).
b. Study Session -Use Permit, Planned Unit Development Modification, Design Review and Preliminary
Transportation Demand Management Program to demolish four existing 1 & 2 story buildings (177,938 sf
total) within the Britannia Point Grand Development and construct in their place three 3 story and one 5 story
office/R & D buildings (461,500 sf total) and an 8 level parking garage in the Planned Industrial (P-1) Zone
District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32, 20.81, 20.84, 20.85 & 20.120
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Public Hearing opened.
Associate Planner Smalley presented the staff report and noted that the Commission will conduct a Public Hearing
on the EIR and hold a study session on the proposed project.
Jon Bergschneider, HCP Life Science Estates, explained that Slough Estates USA was acquired by Healthcare
Properties (HCP). He added that 250 East Grand was acquired in 1997 and is one of their 7 biotechnology parks in
South San Francisco. He pointed out that they will be demolishing 177,938 square feet and rebuilding with an
increase of more than 283,000 square feet over what currently exists at the site.
Tom Gilman, DES Architects, gave an overview of the building design and landscaping improvements to be
incorporated into the site.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Sim commented that these buildings are 1980s architecture and the City has transformed in terms
of design. He pointed out that the Commission is looking for a higher level of design. He pointed out that the
driveway between Grand Avenue and the buildings should have a deeper setback, more landscaping or a
pedestrian type of feel through the use of trees. He pointed out that the Grand Avenue side should have a park-
like setting and the parking should be well behind. He added that the parking needs to include more landscaping
to stealth it. He pointed out that the Commission will be looking at a higher level of design especially along East
Grand Avenue.
Chairperson Prouty agreed with Commissioner Sim's comments and felt that the current design reflects buildings
that were approved years earlier. He noted other projects recently reviewed by the Commission are much more
exciting and have the parking in the back of the building with pedestrian spines created by berms, meandering
sidewalks or landscaping.
Commissioner Sim added that some developments also have a lantern effect where they light up at night.
Chairperson Prouty noted that other parking structures in the City look like buildings and are designed to not look
like a parking structure is behind the fagade. Chairperson Prouty added that along Oyster Point there are good
developments being constructed despite the topography issues and they are going to relocate the sidewalk. He
commended the applicant for getting the best use out of the land by redeveloping it. He encouraged the applicant
to include a water feature or green space to draw the public into the building.
Commissioner Teglia concurred with Chairperson Prouty and Commissioner Sim. He pointed out that this type of
building is this developer's signature building and has been done already in other areas of the City. He stated that
the parking structure facade can look like the R&D buildings and the development should strive to reflect a campus
feel by having a water feature, art, monument or plaza. He added that rather than having a linear tree line along
the street edge the Commission is looking for a forest like look, including a meandering sidewalk. He pointed out
that this is the entrance to that area of the City and it is important for the design to be commensurate to what the
Commission has been pushing to achieve in the East of 101 area. He encouraged the applicants to have their
architects come up with something new and fresh.
Commissioner Zemke echoed other Commissioners' comments and reiterated that they are looking for more of an
urban-type setting than what is there at the moment. He asked if the additional square footage addressed in the
EIR was considered in the most recent traffic analyses in the area. Associate Planner Smalley noted that this
development was contemplated in the traffic projections done during the Genentech Master Plan Master EIR
process because the application was pending at the time the Draft EIR was in preparation.
Commissioner Zemke stated that it will be interesting to see what type of traffic issues surface when all the
buildings are completed and occupied because the Genentech analysis projected queuing problems. Chairperson
Prouty added that the TDM program attached to this application will help mitigate the traffic problems.
Commissioner Moore noted that the box style development is no longer acceptable in the City and recognized that
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
there is a traffic problem in the East of 101 Area.
Commissioner Teglia added that the Commission should probably start looking at the General Plan in the East of
101 Area. He pointed out that because of the encouragement given to biotechnology companies the industry has
flourished. He noted that Oyster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue are the main arteries into the East of 101
and questioned if the City has exceeded capacity. He stated that the fees associated with the Oyster Point
Interchange were in place to help alleviate the traffic, but now there is a need to look at other ways to alleviate
traffic in and out of the area, such as improving the Caltrain Station or improving the Grand Avenue interchange.
He noted that the Commission needs to look at how much development in the two corridors is going to be allowed
and whether the infrastructure is able to support more growth. Chief Planner Kalkin noted that staff is embarking
on an update of the entire traffic scenario and looking at the General Plan thresholds in the East of 101 Area. She
pointed out that there is traffic mitigation fees associated with the East of 101 Area Plan for several street
Commissioner Teglia added that the biotech corridor is between Grand Avenue and Oyster Point Boulevard and the
rest of this area is industrial. He pointed out that manufacturing businesses have been trying to locate in the rest
of the industrial park and have been having difficulty because cities along the bay are looking more for retail uses.
He recalled that the biggest sales tax generators were medical equipment warehouse sales that put money into the
general fund and added that R&D's contribution is limited to property taxes. He suggested having an evaluation of
a mix of uses. He pointed out that the City has not looked at ways to enhance the industrial park with more
traditional uses and it is time to focus on the infrastructure and the mix of uses that South City has traditionally
Chairperson Prouty added that the City has to look at South Airport Boulevard and putting an interchange in to
alleviate the stress on Grand Avenue and Oyster Point Boulevard. He agreed with Commissioner Teglia that a mix
of industries is good in order to avoid problems when an industry declines.
Public Hearing closed.
Direction given to the avv/icant.
8. Starbucks
Armanino, Rosemary/Owner
Starbucks /Applicant
329 Grand Ave.
P05-0012: UP05-0003 & DR05-0010
6 month review -Use Permit to allow a 1,776 sq. ft. coffee shop with an approximately 192 square-foot
outdoor seating area in an existing building at 329 Grand Avenue in the Downtown Commercial (D-C-L)
Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.26 & 20.81.
Chief Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
Vice Chairperson Giusti noted that the site has recently been cleaner than in the past.
Commissioner Sim noted that Starbucks still seems dark and suggested they add more light to reflect the lighting
at Peet's Coffee.
Chairperson Prouty asked Sergeant Kailas if the loitering issue in front of Starbucks has been alleviated or whether
it had worsened. Sergeant Kailas stated that there were some problems with the transients in this block of Grand
Avenue but the bicycle program and frequent patrols have helped alleviate the problem. He noted further that
there will be the occasional transient who will want to loiter even though the Police Department has been trying to
keep them moving. He added that Starbuck's and the surrounding businesses have been informed that they can
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
call the Police Department if they see a persistent problem. Chairperson Prouty noted that it had been a problem
for some time and is glad to hear that it hasn't worsened. He questioned if the Commission could include another
six month review on the Use Permit.
Assistant City Attorney Woodruff noted that the Conditions of Approval called for 6, 12 and 18 month reviews and
being that Code Enforcement is closing their case on Starbucks there is not a mechanism for the Commission to
request another review. He pointed out that the appropriate decision by the Commission is to accept the review
and if there are problems in the future the Commission can initiate a Use Permit revocation process.
Commissioner Teglia concurred and noted that the reviews don't change the requirements and the transient
problem is not Starbucks problem but being caused by another business. Chairperson Prouty commended the
Police Department for patrolling the area, especially with the bicycle patrols because they have a broader view of
what is going on in the streets. Sergeant Kallas added that the Police Chief has high'~quality of life" standards that
keep the Police Department on top of all issues in the City.
Motion Teglia /Second Giusti to accept the review. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Parking Comp of America/applicant
Hanna, Elias S/owner
160 Produce Ave
P06-0088: PUD07-0003, UP06-0020 & DR06-0072
Commercial Planned Unit Development Permit allowing a combined on-site and off-site landscape area of
12,884 square feet instead of the minimum requirement of 47,350 square feet.
Use Permit and Design Review allowing a new canopy entry and landscaping, with 24 hour operation,
generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips vehicles, fences greater than 3 feet in height within the
minimum required street setbacks, and expanding the existing commercial parking use on several lots
adjacent to San Mateo Drive in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.30, 20.32, 20.73, 20.81, 20.84 8~ 20.85
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Tape 2
Brent Winestreet, Executive Vice President of Parking Company of America, stated that they have responded to the
Commission's comments from the last meeting; they have updated the plan and are providing options for the
Frank Kluber, Landscape Architect, gave a detailed presentation of the landscaping and alternative options for the
Commission's review.
Chairperson Prouty questioned what the approximate spacing between the trees is. Mr. Kluber noted that it is 35
Commissioner Teglia noted that the spacing is being based on a best case scenario canopy growth and questioned
what the trees will look like in the future. He also asked if the spacing could be decreased and the number of trees
increased based on what they will look like at full growth. Mr. Kluber noted that in many other municipalities the
tree spacing is 30 feet along a sidewalk area. He stated that he has staggered the trees to give the illusion of
denser planting.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the trees will stand South San Francisco's wind and soil type. Mr. Kluber noted that
the tree type has worked in other South San Francisco sites.
Mr. Kluber continued with the PowerPoint presentation.
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
Chairperson Prouty noted that he prefers option number 2 because of the denser landscaping. The other
Commissioners concurred with Chairperson Prouty and the need for increased landscaping.
Commissioner Teglia noted that in the middle of the parking lot there are some triangles and questioned if the
applicant considered installing tree planters. Mr. Kluber noted that they have looked at improving the outside of
the properly and then will concentrate on the inside of the site. He suggested that the shrubs on the inside be
kept and some potted planters can be included in the future.
Direction Qiven to the anv/icant to address oatstanding concerns,
Chairperson Prouty thanked the Commission for allowing him to be the Chairperson for 2007.
REORGANIZATION - Election of 2008 Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair.
Resolution Commending Judith Honan for Planning Commission Service
Chairperson Prouty opened nominations for Chairperson.
Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to nominate Vice Chairperson Giusti as the 2008 Planning Commission
Motion Zemke /Second Moore to close nominations for Chairperson.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Chairperson Giusti opened nominations for Vice Chairperson.
Motion Zemke /Second Sim to nominate Commissioner Moore as the 2008 Planning Commission Vice
Commissioner Moore respectively declined the nomination.
Motion Moore /Second Prouty to nominate Commissioner Teglia as the 2008 Planning Commission Vice
Motion Zemke /Second Sim to close nominations for Vice Chairperson.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Chairperson Giusti presented Commissioner Prouty with a plaque showing the Commission's appreciation for the
direction given as Chairperson during 2007.
Commissioner Moore pointed out that he has been with the Commission for one year and appreciates the
Commission's comradery. Chairperson Prouty added that the year has been exciting but the Commission has
worked through many projects in the past year.
Chief Planner Kalkin informed the Commission that the Council overturned the Chief Planner's determination and
the Planning Commission's decision on the 435 Grand Avenue appeal. She added that staff was directed to draft
an ordinance to provide clear guidelines for when it might be appropriate to allow office on the ground floor
commercial space.
Chief Planner Kalkin added that there will be a joint study session with the Council on January 30"'. She also
noted that the Commission is invited to attend some APA seminars and also asked the Commission to coordinate
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Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2008
their attendance to the Planner's Institute with Bertha Aguilar.
11:05 P.M.
Motion Prouty /Second Sim to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
~'~ ,/~
Susy Kalki
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Mary Gi ti, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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