HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-03MINUTES
Apri/ 3, ZOOS
PRESENT: Commissioner Oborne, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim,
Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Giusti
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Susy Kalkin, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II
Building Division: Barry Mammini, Senior Building Inspector
City Attorney: Sky Woodruff, Assistant City Attorney
Police Department: Sergeant John Kailas, Planning Liaison
1. Approval of ]oint City Council Planning Commission meeting minutes of February 20, 2008.
Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to approve the Consent Calendar
2. Oyster Point Parking Variance
Kashiwa Fudosan Inc./Owner
Robert L. Delsman/Applicant
395 & 400 Oyster Point Blvd.
P07-0053: VAR07-0002 & TDM07-0002
Parking Variance application and TDM Plan to allow a minimum of 3 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet and to
accommodate accessibility upgrades at 395 & 400 Oyster Point Boulevard, in the Planned Commercial (P-C-L) Zone
District, in accordance with SSFMC 20.24, 20.82 and 20.120
Public Hearing opened.
Chief Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
No Changes
Robert Delsman, representing Kashiwa Fudosan Inc., noted that they agree with staff's recommendation and
added that there have been no changes or additions to the building since it was constructed in the mid 80s. He
stated that the application is to bring the parking into compliance with ADA requirements.
Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2008
Public Hearing closed.
Motion Teglia /Second Sim to approve P07-0053: VAR07-0002 & TDM07-0002 in accordance with the Findings
and Conditions of Approval
On the question:
Commissioner Prouty noted that the TDM has a 20% threshold for alternative mode transportation with a penalty
clause and questioned how these were monitored for compliance. Chief Planner Kalkin replied that there are
monitoring and reporting requirements for annual and tri-annual reports. She added that many of the projects
that have been approved with TDM programs haven't gotten to the occupancy levels that trigger the
implementation of the reporting program.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Commissioner Oborne, Commissioner Zemke, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner
Prouty, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Giusti
Noes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Approved by roll call vote.
3. Wilsey Ham Engineering/applicant
1500-1600 GRANDVIEW DR
P08-0014: PM08-0001
Tentative Parcel Map application to create two new parcels on a 13.53 acre site at 1500, 1526 and 1600 Grandview
Drive in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.39, 20.40 and Title 19 (Subdivision Ord.). Parcel A is proposed to be
7.15 acres, Parcel B is proposed to be 6.38 acres.
Chief Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
Shar Zamanpour, Genentech was available to answer any questions the Commission might have.
Public Hearing closed.
The Commission did not have any concerns with the application.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Commissioner Oborne, Commissioner Zemke, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner
Prouty, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Giusti
Noes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Approved by roll call vote.
4. Haggarty, Claire Cecelia/applicant
Haggerty, Claire Cecelia/owner
3500 Callan Blvd
P07-0022: UP07-0002
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Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2008
6 month review of Use Permit allowing a small portion of the existing building to change from office to commercial
recreation within 200 feet of a residential district, and to continue allowing shared parking at 3560 Callan
Boulevard in the Commercial (C-1) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.22.020 (b), 20.020.30,
20.74 & 20.81
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
]oe Haggarty, applicant, noted that their facility has been open for 2 months and they have several handicap
clients who have improved their mobility.
Motion Teglia /Second Moore to accept the review as fulfillment of the Use Permit Conditions of Approval.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
5. Double Day Office Services/applicant
Krieger, Clarence/owner
340 Shaw Rd.
P03-0137: UP03-0026
Review of a Use Permit to allow outdoor storage of trucks and extended hours of operation from 6 AM to 2 AM in
the M-1 Industrial Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC 20.30.040 (a), 20.30.040 (b) and 20.81.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Commissioner Oborne questioned why the reviews took so long being that there are requirements to install catch
basins. Senior Planner Carlson stated that they had retrofitted everything but it was flowing over their catch basins
and surface of the property. He added that they share a line with the adjacent properly owner who would not
allow any installation on their property resulting in redesign of the catch basins.
Motion Oborne /Second Teglia to accept the review as fulfillment of the Conditions of Approval. Approved by
unanimous voice vote.
6. Fed-Ex Ground/Pat Esquino/applicant
222 Littlefield Ave
P06-0056: UP06-0017, DR06-0044 & TDM06-0005
One year review of a Use Permit to legalize a commercial postal facility with 24 hour daily operations and
generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, and off-site parking at 222 Littlefield Avenue; Design
Review of a new open at-grade parking lot and landscaping upgrades; Transportation Demand Management Plan
to reduce traffic associated with the development located at 222 Littlefield in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone
District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32, 20.74, 20.81, 20.85 & 20.120.outdoor overnight storage of up
to five (5) tractor trailers, and three (30 foot long loading docks, generating in excess of one hundred (100)
average daily vehicle trips, and twenty-four (24) hour operation; Transportation Demand Management Plan to
reduce traffic associated with the development located at 202 Littlefield Avenue in the Planned Industrial (P-I)
Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.71, 20.74, 20.81 & 20.85 & 20.120.
Heard in conjunction with item #7.
7. One Year Review -Federal Express Use Permit
Fed-Ex Ground/7im Bowman/applicant
202 Littlefield Ave
P06-0054: UP06-0016, DR06-0043 & TDM06-0004
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Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2008
One Year review of a Use Permit and Design Review allowing a two tenant building comprised of a 10,228 square
foot industrial use and a 17,600 square foot commercial mail distribution center with a 32,000 square foot indoor
garage for occupants of 202 and 222 Littlefield Avenue, outdoor parking for twenty-five (25) vehicles and indoor
parking garage for up to eighty-two (82) vehicles, outdoor overnight storage of up to five (5) tractor trailers, and
three (30 foot long loading docks, generating in excess of one hundred (100) average daily vehicle trips, and
twenty-four (24) hour operation; Transportation Demand Management Plan to reduce traffic associated with the
development located at 202 Littlefield Avenue in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District in accordance with
SSFMC Chapters 20.71, 20.74, 20.81 & 20.85 & 20.120.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Michael Nilmeyer, architect, presented Matt Francois, legal council who worked on the parking agreement between
the two parcels. Mr. Nilmeyer noted that he has met with Senior Planner Carlson, Fire Chief White and Code
Enforcement Officer Carney with regard to landscaping issues, the foundation wall, above grade footings, driveway
issues and tractors parked in spaces. He noted that the foundation wall pouring impacted the landscaping at the
rear of the building and the contractor has been contacted to install landscaping in a week. He noted that the
common driveway was required to be replaced by the Engineering Division. He pointed out that the parked tractor
has been requested to move and Fed-Ex is addressing this issue. He stated that they have had to look at
alternative mitigation measures to deal with the Fire lane. Mr. Nilmeyer added that the bollards were installed
because trucks would go through the landscaping and this was done to prevent trucks from destroying the
landscaping. He suggested painting the bollards an old fashioned green and adding additional landscaping.
With regard to the fine access issue Mr. Nilmeyer stated that he walked the site with staff and they agreed that a
fire lane could go around the building in the rear. He added that further into the process they discovered that the
proposed fire lane was on railroad company property and they had to move the fire lane.
Vice Chairperson Teglia was concerned that there was no facilities manager present to resolve or address the
issues and suggested that they be notified of the urgency in resolving the outstanding concerns and questioned
the timing for compliance. Mr. Nilmeyer replied that by May 1, 2008 most of the issues will be resolved and there
will be progress on the fire lane issues. Commissioner Prouty agreed to allow the applicant to address the
outstanding issues by May 1, 2008 with the understanding that the Commission can initiate revocation procedures
if they are not resolved.
Commissioner Sim noted his disappointment with the project and was surprised that a permit was allowed to
continue with serious life safety issues left unresolved, such as the fire lane. He asked Assistant City Attorney
Woodruff to comment on the life safety issues and the city being liable. Assistant City Attorney Woodruff replied
that although the City would be liable for allowing the situation to continue, Fed Ex has been made aware of the
situation and is making sure that the issues are taken care of. Senior Planner Carlson informed the Commission
that the Quint has prompted the fire lane requirements on the site to ensure they can enter the site; if they were
to have to fight a fire from the street there would be more damage to the building. Commissioner Sim noted that
the burden is on the applicant and the City has only allowed this to happen because they are expeditiously trying
to resolve the fire lane issue. He added that this is a good example of why a site survey and all the documentation
is needed prior to approval of any permit so the Commission knows exactly what is allowed on a certain property.
Commissioner Prouty stated that most of the items in the building are flammable, so a fire can become serious.
He added that if the fire truck can't get in an additional sprinkler system and hydrants need to be installed. He
noted that by the next meeting alternatives need to be given to the Commission. Mr. Nilmeyer noted that a fire
hydrant was installed as part of the project and they came up with alternatives for a turnaround.
Commissioner Oborne questioned if the debris depicted in the photos was on Fed-Ex properly. Mr. Nilmeyer noted
that part of the debris is on the applicant's property and some on an adjacent property. Commissioner Oborne
asked if there were measures taken to remove it since it has been there for some time. Mr. Nilmeyer stated that
he did not know how long it has been on the site and assumes that the contractor will remove it, but he agreed to
follow up.
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Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2008
Motion Prouty /Second Sim to review the item on May 1, 2008 with the following direction:
• Alternatives to the turnaround will be available to the Commission with a schedule showing tentative
completion date
• Removal of debris by May 1, 2008
All issues need to be resolved by the next meeting
• All contractors need to be in compliance with the Use Permit
Chief Planner Kalkin informed the Commission:
• 648 Commercial Avenue -The project has been appealed by a neighbor and will be scheduled for City
Council consideration
• April 19"' tour -The tour will follow the dedication ceremony of Centennial Park. She also added that
Council has added a PUC property and Ron Price building tour to the meeting. Chairperson Giusti
stated that she will not be in attendance at this meeting. Commissioner Sim noted he would check his
schedule as he might be out of town on business.
E-mail addresses -Please update a-mail addresses with Planning.
• Genentech Annual Report -Staff is looking at having the tour either on a Saturday or an off-Thursday
between regular meetings. She asked that the Commission look at their schedules to see which of the
dates they can attend. Commissioner Moore stated he would not be available on the off-Thursday.
• Meeting coverage -During Bertha Aguilar's absence Patricia Cabano, Building Division's Administrative
Assistant will be covering Planning Commission meetings.
Commissioner Prouty stated that the League of Cities conference was good. Commissioner Moore noted that it
was great to get new ideas. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that some cities have a form based zoning code and
noted that this could help SSF revitalize the downtown. He pointed out that the parking program and the rates in
Sacramento are based on supply and demand.
Pradeep Gupta noted that he attended a conference called Threshold 2008, which is an effort to address affordable
housing in San Mateo and commended the City for their effort in meeting housing needs for South San Francisco
and what is required by state law. Chief Planner Kalkin pointed out that the meeting provided information to the
public about the Housing Element with is due for an update in 2009. Mr. Gupta offered himself as a participant in
the update that the City will be undertaking.
Motion Teglia /Second Oborne to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Susy Kalkip'
Secreta to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Mary G sti, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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