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September 20, 2007
PRESENT: Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner
Teglia, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Giusti and Chairperson Prouty
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division:
City Attorney:
Engineering Division:
Police Department:
Fire Prevention.
Susy Kalkin, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Girard Beaudin, Associate Planner
Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II
Sky Woodruff, Assistant City Attorney
Sam Bautista, Senior Civil Engineer
Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison
Dave Scardigli
Commissioner Teglia congratulated Sergeant AI Normandy on his recent promotion to Lieutenant. He also
commended the Police Department for providing a positive impact at Day in the Park to make sure that the
event went smoothly.
1. Approval of Planning Commission minutes of May 3`d and 17t" 2007.
2. CAS Architects, Applicant
BMR-475 Eccles, LLC
475 Eccles Avenue
P07-0060: UP07-0007, DR07-0040 & TDM07-0003
(Continue Off Calendar)
Demolition of 32,000 square feet of an existing building along the front facade, reconstruction of the existing
mezzanine within the building, and conversion of the building to office / R & D use. The project would include
90,000 square feet on the ground floor and 30,000 square feet on the second (mezzanine) level for a total of
120,000 square feet. The site is 256,618 square feet in area, or 6.1 acres. The proposed floor area ratio is
0.45. The project includes a Transportation Demand Management Program (TDM Program) targeted at a 30
percent mode shift in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32, 20.81 and 20.85.
3. New Single Family Residence
Javier &Elvira Valencia/Owner
Javier 8~ Elvira Valencia/Applicant
Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
648 Commercial Ave.
(Continue to October 18, 2007)
Planned Unit Development application to allow the construction of a new single-family house on a 7,000
square-foot lot located at 648 Commercial Avenue with the following exceptions to the R-3 Multiple Family
Zone District (R-3): front yard setback of 10 feet in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.20 & 20.84.
Motion Honan /Second Moore to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote with
Commissioner Honan abstaining from the May 3`d minutes.
4. Genentech Banners
Genentech, Inc/owner
Genentech Campus
P07-0062: SIGNS07-0022
(Continue from September 6, 2007)
Type "C" Sign - (Special Circumstances) application to allow Genentech to install and manage a
comprehensive sign program for: identified blank walls, glazed elements of pedestrian bridges, and glazed
elements of building stairwells on the Genentech Campus in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.76, 20.81,
20.85, & 20.86.
Public Hearing opened.
Associate Planner Beaudin gave a PowerPoint presentation.
Shar Zamanpour and Lisa Sullivan, Genentech Inc., gave a PowerPoint of the banner program, materials,
content and locations.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Teglia complemented Genentech on the program. He concurred with staff there are some
banners that do not meet current requirements but noted that if some of these are removed they will take
away from the positive effect that they have on the public. He noted that the building at the end of DNA Way
is dressed up by the sign and that that sign could be improved by making it a frameless design. He noted
that the banners are appropriate on DNA Way but the approval has to be specific to the Genentech Overlay
District so that this does not set a precedent for other areas of the City.
Chairperson Prouty asked if the approval is connected to the overlay district this would eliminate the spot
zoning situation. Assistant City Attorney Woodruff noted that it could be incorporated into the Master Plan for
the area and added that per Commissioner Teglia's recommendation the Master Plan would be slightly
amended to allow specific display program and that the zoning ordinance sign regulations would not apply.
He added that the Master Plan amendment process would be a different process that what the Commission
has before them resulting in a recommendation to City Council to amend the Master Plan.
Vice Chairperson Giusti noted that she walks the Bay Trail frequently and the banners humanize the area.
Commissioner Sim felt that the campus has unique characteristics and the signs can be used to create
elevation effects with blank walls. He noted that the signs have been oriented towards the bay. He noted
that the banner on Building 4 fit in with the building because it is an odd rectangular piece on a blank wall.
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
Commissioner Zemke agreed with the Commissioners that the sings fit in with the campus.
Chairperson Prouty noted his initial concern with the application. He noted that if the signs are incorporated
as part of the Overlay District the signs are fine for the area but was concerned with creating spot zoning if
the signs are not in the District. He added that the signs need to be oriented toward the interior of the
campus. He noted that the artistic work is nice and stated that the signs should be maintained and changed
on a regular basis. Ms. Zamanpour stated that the signs will be maintained on a regular basis. Chairperson
Prouty noted that he was concerned with 64 and B20 signs.
Commissioner Moore commended Genentech for working with staff on the banner program.
Commissioner Honan felt that the signs within the campus add to the campus like environment but was
concerned with the signs on the streets and agreed with Staff's recommendation with regard to the three
Assistant City Attorney Woodruff noted that the motion by the Commission would be to approve the sign
permit as recommended by staff so that consideration of those three displays could be reviewed as part of a
future application.
Commissioner Honan noted that the master plan was approved 3 months ago. Commissioner Teglia noted
that the Master Plan approval was still open with regards to entrances and other items. Chief Planner Kalkin
noted that the Master Plan was adopted in March and it alludes to patient success stories but does not give
guidance on the process or that it is different than that in the zoning ordinance process for signs. She added
that the Master Plan would need to be amended with specific sign requirements and the Planning
Commission and Council would have to review this.
Motion Teglia /Second Giusti to approve P07-0062: SIGNS07-0022 as recommended by staff and
directing staff to prepare the appropriate documents to review and approve the 64, 620 and B36 signs.
On the question:
Chairperson Prouty asked for alternatives on the sign for B4 and B20.
Commissioner Sim added that there need to be alternatives for all three of the sites. He noted his concern
with the amendment allowing the three signs as they are being presented to the Commission and cautioned
staff against that. Chief Planner Kalkin noted that a Master Plan Amendment would specify a process to deal
with these banners outside of the standard sign program requirements and once this is in place the signs
would go before the Commission separately.
Assistant City Attorney Woodruff added that the details in the amendment would include design review by the
Commission giving them the opportunity to look at alternatives.
Ms. Sullivan noted this process is fine for them.
Ayes: Commissioner Zemke, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Moore,
Commissioner Honan, Vice Chairperson Giusti and Chairperson Prouty
Noes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Approved by roll call vote.
5. The Korean First Baptist/applicant
SSF Unified School District/owner
1400 Hillside Blvd
P07-0066: UP07-0008
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
Use Permit application to allow a religious assembly and associated office uses at 1400 Hillside Boulevard
within the School (S) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.49 and 20.81
Public Hearing opened.
Associate Planner Beaudin presented the Staff Report.
Jay Lee,applicant, gave a brief presentation of the project and noted that they decided to move to South San
Francisco after their studies indicated that a significant segment of the Korean population has moved into the
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Teglia noted that he has no issues with the project. He added that the school district has
landscaped the entrance and encouraged them to enhance the landscaping of the Hillside Corridor.
Commissioner Zemke asked if the driveway issue had been resolved. Associate Planner Beaudin stated that
the striping on Hillside Boulevard was freshened to accentuate the existing left hand turn lane and pointed out
that the school exit is now a right hand turn only to mitigate left turn onto Hillside Boulevard.
Chairperson Prouty asked what type of events would be done and when they would occur. Mr. Lee stated
that the special events are only 2 to 3 times a year only.
Motion Sim /Second Teglia to approve P07-0066: UP07-0008. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. Ng's Chestnut LLc/applicant
Ng's Chestnut LLc/owner
111 Chestnut Ave.
PCA07-0002: P02-0020
One Year Time Extension of Tentative Subdivision Map allowing the subdivision creating eight (8) parcels
and common area in accordance with SSFMC Title 19, Exceptions from the SSFMC Title 19 allowing lots
sizes less than 5,000 square feet and lots not fronting on a public right of way, in accordance the SSFMC
Title 19, Residential Planned Unit Development Permit allowing lot sizes smaller than the minimum
requirement of 5,000 square feet and reduced minimum required setbacks, and parking at a rate of 3 spaces
per dwelling unit instead of 4.25 spaces per dwelling unit, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.78,
Affordable Housing Agreement restricting twenty percent (20%) of the eight (8) units as affordable dwellings
in accordance with SFMC Chapter 20.125, and Design Review allowing for the construction atwo-story eight
(8) unit condominium development, situated at 111 Chestnut Avenue (APN 011-312-090) in the High Density
(R-3-L) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.85
Previously adopted Negative Declaration (ND02-0002)
Public Hearing opened.
Commissioner Teglia noted that he would be stepping down from the dais due to a conflict of interest.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Commissioner Honan questioned if Senior Planner Carlson was recommending a 3 month extension only,
rather than a one year extension. Senior Planner Carlson replied affirmatively.
Yolanda Manzoni, Counsel for project applicant, noted that the project has been delayed for a number of
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
years and added that they have been making a good faith effort to move the project along. She stated that
there was litigation and a mediation period and it was unclear who owned the title to the project which made it
difficult to finalize the project and pull permits. Since this has been resolved, they have gone through two
drafts of the map with their engineer which have not been submitted for final review to the Commission,
although they have been working with staff on the map. She pointed out that the common area lot has been
revised on the map to reflect common ownership and maintenance from the Homeowners Association. She
pointed out that when the project was approved in 2005, the applicant fulfilled an inclusionary housing
requirement based on 8 units and irrevocably dedicated 2 units to the City on Susie Way for affordable
housing purposes. She added that staff is recommending a 3 month extension but the applicant requests a
full year extension as is permitted under the law because their engineers have assured them that it will take 6
to 8 weeks to complete the revised tentative map and it will take the City 6 to 9 months to finalize the map.
She noted that staff has recommended that they return in 3 months and request a 9 month extension and
feels this duplicates the process and reiterated her request fora 12 month extension.
Senior Planner Carlson acknowledged that it takes the City some time to review a map but in this case it may
not take 6 to 9 months to do so. He stated that he prefers three months because the map can get back so
the Commission knows what they are approving. He also suggested continuing the hearing for 6 to 8 weeks
to allow the applicant sufficient time to complete the map and return to the Commission for their review.
Ms. Manzoni added that they are open to continuing the hearing but the Commission will have the opportunity
to review the map regardless of the decision making process. She added that continuing the hearing would
delay the process being that the applicant needs to go forward to Council for final approval. Senior Planner
Carlson clarified that the final map is an administrative review and staff will work with the applicant to revise
the map. He added that the Council needs to determine if the final map reflects what was shown in the
tentative map.
Marc Teglia spoke as a resident of Baden Avenue. He pointed out that the project has been through several
changes with the Commission and City Council. He noted that the Commission has also reviewed or denied
extensions with consideration as to whether the project might need to be revised. He noted that there is a
possibility that the continuation will also allow time to review the materials, height lines and size.
Ms. Manzoni added her surprise with the suggestion of a continuation because they filed for an extension on
a timely basis and the map is currently stopped pending the decision of the Commission at the meeting.
Public Hearing closed.
Chairperson Prouty and Commissioner Honan felt that the item should be continued. Commissioner Honan
stated that with previous projects there has been a mix up of plans and does not want to see this occur with
this project. She asked Senior Planner Carlson if a 3 month continuance, a 3 month extension or a 12 month
extension was preferred. Senior Planner Carlson noted that he supports the three month extension and
having the applicant return to allow the Commission to review the tentative map again. He noted that the
applicant can respond on their preference.
Ms. Manzoni reiterated that the expiration of the map is their primary concern and by granting a 3 month
extension this would allow the Planning Commission to vote on the map. She added that the Subdivision
Map Act allows them 60 days from the date of application until the Commission acts on the map, whichever
happens first. She stated that the 60 days are close and a decision needs to be rendered and would be
unable to restart the process.
Commissioner Moore felt that giving the applicant the full year extension would be the best option to avoid
duplicating the process.
Motion Zemke /Second Honan to approve a 3 month extension for PCA07-0002: P02-0020. Approved by
majority voice vote. Commissioner Teglia -abstained.
7. San Mateo County -Steve Alms /applicant
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
Bay, Community Housing Lp/owner
410 Maple Avenue
P07-0086: PCA07-0004
(Continued from September 6, 2007)
General Plan Conformity finding for the acquisition of this property by the County of San Mateo located in the
R-2-H Medium Density Residential Zone District, in accordance with provisions of State Planning Law (Govt.
Code Section 65402).
Heard in conjunction with #8
8. San Mateo County -Steve Alms /applicant
Michael Kuang, Allice Kuang, King Mun & Sao Lin Tom/owners
701 Grand Avenue
P07-0085: PCA07-0003
(Continued from September 6, 2007)
General Plan Conformity finding for the acquisition of this property by the County of San Mateo located in the
R-2-H Medium Density Residential Zone District, in accordance with provisions of State Planning Law (Govt.
Code Section 65402).
Chief Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
Chairperson Prouty asked if ADA requirements are triggered with special circumstance projects. Chief
Planner Kalkin noted that there will not be any changes above and beyond what already exists. Assistant City
Attorney Woodruff added that there are not any special circumstances for these properties because the
County is making them available for residential units.
Renee Smiley, Director of Children and Family services of San Mateo County representative and Beverly
Decker Davidson, Program Manager for the Adolescent Services program noted they were available to
answer the Commission's questions.
Commissioner Zemke asked how much supervision the young residents would have and if there would be
some staff onsite. Ms. Smiley noted that the property on Grand and Orange will have a successful
emancipated foster youth whose an adult be a resident at the property and an adult resident advisor will also
be on the Maple Avenue property. She added that these are adults who have emancipated from the foster
care system and who are required to be working or attending school full time. They are targeting the adults
that need additional supportive services and they will be in the case management after care program or
independent living programs. She pointed out that this offers additional support for those who have grown up
in the foster care system to help them become self sufficient adults.
Commissioner Zemke asked how long the residents would stay at these properties. Ms. Smiley noted that
this is a two year program.
Vice Chairperson Giusti asked if they will be responsible for the rent and utilities. Ms. Smiley noted that the
program is a graduating program that gives them a 100% stipend for the first 6 months and it gradually goes
down by 25% every six months thereafter until they are completely independent and can live on their own.
Chairperson Prouty asked if this is being done somewhere else in the County. Ms. Smiley noted that they get
funding from the State for these programs and they are scattered throughout the County. Chairperson Prouty
asked if there were any drug or Police problems with the youths. Ms. Davidson pointed out that there are 35
to 45 young people who graduate from the program every year and have about 90% high school graduation
at the age of 18, which is much higher than the general population and they assist the youths just like a
parent would. She noted that they have high expectations for the young people and they are screened very
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
carefully before they are accepted into the housing program.
Vice Chairperson Giusti questioned if curfews are imposed. Ms. Davidson replied affirmatively and added
that in addition to curfews they would have a resident advisor be available to the youths in case of
emergency. She added that a staff member would be available to the youths to aid with educational
planning. Vice Chairperson Giusti asked if the students are required to be in school. Ms. Davidson stated
that they are required to work 30 hours per week or go to school full time and this plan has to be approved by
their staff before they enter housing.
Commissioner Honan questioned if the requirement of being in school was for completion of a GED, high
school, college or a trade school. Ms. Davidson replied that the youths are required to primarily be at the
community college and added that the youths are trained for four years while they are in high school one
night a week at the College of San Mateo on adult living skills. She added that they work with the students to
get them financial aid so that they can continue to a four year college.
Commissioner Teglia asked how many of these facilities the County owns. Ms. Davidson noted that they
presently are in scattered housing and have 52 youths in apartments throughout the County. Commissioner
Teglia asked if there is generally supervision on site with the existing facilities. Ms. Davidson added that the
nature of scattered housing does not allow for a resident supervisor but they do have case management in
place where they visit the youths to make sure they are doing well.
Chairperson Prouty questioned how many people would be at these sites. Ms. Smiley noted that there will be
normally 14 to 17 within 2 facilities depending if they put two people in the one bedrooms or not. Vice
Chairperson Giusti asked if the families of these youths could come and live with them at some point. Ms.
Smiley noted that the youths are encouraged to maintain contact with significant people in their lives but the
program does not allow any other family members to live with them. Ms. Davidson noted that they are always
in contact with these youths and would know if something like this were to occur.
Commissioner Teglia noted that the youths have a structured, supervised life with rules to make sure that
they will not be a nuisance to the neighbors. Ms. Davidson noted that at the age of 14 they start to learn
independent living skills and by the ages of 15 through 17 they attend weekly night classes at the College of
San Mateo for nine months of each year where they are taught to be good neighbors, financially responsible
and how to choose and pursue their educational goals. She added that they are also required to attend an
eight hour housing workshop where they are taught to be a good neighbor, a responsible tenant and to
communicate with their landlord.
Commissioner Moore questioned what the failure rate. Ms. Davidson noted that 60% of foster children will be
homeless within five years without a program like this. She pointed out that the help and support from the
County of San Mateo is extraordinary.
Commissioner Teglia asked who would be responsible for landscaping maintaining the landscaping. Ms.
Smiley noted that they are currently discussing if the County or a contractor would be maintaining the
Motion Teglia /Second Moore to approve P07-0086: PCA07-0004. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Motion Teglia /Second Moore to approve P07-0085: PCA07-0003. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Chief Planner Kalkin noted that there will be a Planning Commissioner training on October 25tH and if anyone
is planning to attend to please let Bertha Aguilar know prior to October 18tH
Vice Chairperson Giusti noted that the Roger Williams Academy has moved the fence and relandscaped the
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2007
Chairperson Prouty noted that Day in the Park was a successful event.
Commissioner Sim congratulated Lieutenant Normandy on his promotion. Lieutenant Normandy thanked the
Commission and noted that it has been an honor serving the Commission. The Commission commended
Lieutenant Normandy for his work with the Planning Commission.
Luminous Day Spa owners Dee and Veronica informed the Commission that they have opened a spa in the
downtown and wanted to introduce themselves to the Commission. They added that they will be before the
Commission for a therapeutic massage permit in the future.
Motion Honan /Second Moore to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Sus Kalkin ohn r ty„~ airperson
Secretary o the Planning Commission ; Planni Corn fission
City of South San Francisco ;City of Soutf~ an Francisco
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