HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-01MINUTES November Z, Z00T CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION TAPE 1 CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:30 n.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Residential Care Facility Eugene Gonzalez/applicant Kiss Enterprises/owner 637 Grand Ave. PCA07-0005: P05-0081 None One Year Time Extension of an approved Use Permit to allow a construction of a 15 bed Residential Care Facility for the Elderly in the Multi-Family Residential (R-3-L) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters. 20.20.030 and 20.81. Motion Zemke /Second Teglia to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Honan -absent PUBLIC HEARING 2. Park & Fly -Use Permit Mod. Park NFly/Owner Park NFly/Applicant 101 Terminal Ct P06-0064: UPM06-0004, PUD07-0002, SIGNS07-0045 & DR06-0050 Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Giusti and Chairperson Prouty Commissioner Honan Planning Division: Susy Kalkin, Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Girard Beaudin, Associate Planner Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II Building Division: Barry Mammini, Senior Building Inspector City Attorney: Sky Woodruff, Assistant City Attorney Engineering Division: Sam Bautista, Senior Civil Engineer Police Department: Lieutenant AI Normandy Sergeant John Kallas, Planning Liaison City Manager Marty Van Duyn, Assistant City Manager No Changes (Continue from October 18, 2007) Planning Commission Meeting of November 1, 2007 Commercial Planned Unit Development Permit allowing 20,500 square feet of off-site landscaping on an abutting portion of US Highway 101 in addition to providing 17,776 square feet of on-site landscaping in-lieu of providing all of the minimum required on-site landscaping; Use Permit and Design Review allowing an existing commercial parking facility with a total of 1,232 parking spaces in an open at-grade on-site parking lot to add new one-story parking carport canopies covering 596 parking spaces equaling an area of 91,044 square feet, a new one-story 1,632 square foot office building, a new 20 foot tall 140 square foot entry canopy, and new on-site and off-site landscaping, including the project frontage within a portion of US Highway 101; Type C Sign Permit allowing three flag poles 35 feet in height located at Address: 101 Terminal Court (APN 015-113-240) in the Planned Industrial (P- I) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32, 20.81. 20.84 & 20.85. Public Hearing opened. Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report. Leon Lawson, Studio 7, gave a presentation of the proposed project. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Sim questioned if their will be an impact on the freeway from higher elevations. He pointed out that the mechanical units would be visible despite the parapet on the roof. Mr. Lawson replied that the mechanical units are attached to the front side of the building and are screened. Commissioner Sim pointed out that the building is 72 feet tall and the freeway gets higher making the roof more visible. He suggested fully stealthing the fagade to conceal the mechanical equipment. Mr. Lawson noted the parapets are 4 feet tall which will cover the roof and with the site lines the roof structures will not be visible from any direction because of the elevation of the structure. Commissioner Sim reiterated his concern with being able to see the mechanical equipment from the freeway and it becoming a blight. Mr. Lawson added that there is a green strip along the fence line that will be landscaped and felt that the majority of the views were covered along the freeway. Commissioner Teglia was concerned with debris going into the slough or the bay and questioned whether the applicants have been required by BCDC to put up slats or netting because litter is dumped into the slough. Senior Planner Carlson added that the applicant will be obtaining a permit from BCDC. Chairperson Prouty asked about the type of material being proposed and the potential to cause problems on the freeway if the material was reflective. Mr. Lawson pointed out that it is a non reflective painted material. Commissioner Sim asked the Commission for direction on which version of the landscape plan they prefer. The Commissioners preferred the elongated plan from Studio 7. Commissioner Sim reiterated that the project needs to be fully landscaped and stealthed as much as possible. Chairperson Prouty was concerned that the landscaping is often not maintained on new projects and wanted to make sure this did not occur with this project. Senior Planner Carlson pointed out that there is a Condition of Approval that requires the landscaping to be maintained. Motion Sim /Second Moore to approve P06-0064: UPM06-0004, PUD07-0002 , SIGNS07-0045 & DR06-0050 in accordance with the Findings and Conditions of Approval with additional embellishment on the freeway side elevation and landscape coverage of the area per Studio 7 landscape plan. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Honan -absent. 3. Auto Repair & Sales Use Permit Richard Haskins/applicant Richard Haskins/owner 69 S Linden Ave P07-0074: UP07-0010 & DR07-0047 s:\M%wutes\~~wa~Lzed M%wutes\zoo~\s2-oi-off RpC MCv~,utes.doc page z o f ~ Planning Commission Meeting of November 1, 2007 Use Permit and Design Review allowing reuse of three existing buildings for an auto repair facility accommodating a maximum of 16 work bays, a new car wash, and auto sales with outdoor display, 111 at-grade open parking spaces for employees and customers vehicles, tandem parking, outdoor overnight parking, off-site parking, new site improvements and landscaping, upgrades to the existing buildings, generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, and allowing fencing up to eight feet in height in the minimum required setbacks, situated at 69 and 103 South Linden Avenue, in the Industrial Zoning District (M-1), in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.30, 20.74, 20.81, and 20.85 Public Hearing opened. Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report. Antonio Brandi, architect, presented the project to the Commission. Geraldo Kelly stated that he has had an auto repair business at 48 South Linden since 1975 which the City shut down. He stated that he complied with all the City's requirements but felt that he was denied his right to keep his shop open. He added that it was not fair to allow the current application to open at this site. Chief Planner Kalkin stated that this is an issue between Code Enforcement and the business owner at 48 South Linden Avenue and noted she would be available to answer Mr. Kelly's questions after the meeting with regards to his site. Mr. Kelly felt this was unfair especially since he has complied with the City`s requests and added that he should have his shop opened before the one at 69 South Linden is allowed to be opened. Chief Planner Kalkin recommended that Mr. Kelly set up a meeting with the Fire Department with regards to his location. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Teglia questioned how long it has been since the site has not been used. Senior Planner Carlson replied that there was a significant Code Enforcement issue and there were a number of uses at the site. Commissioner Teglia stated that the site needs a new fresh look. He added that they need to look at setbacks such as the fence and remove the sheds. Mr. Brandi noted that there is an economic factor involved but will try to make the building look better by adding improvements such as breaking up the metal look by adding plaster. He noted they are providing the setbacks and landscaping the front of the street but they cannot move the PG&E poles and requested that the Commission allow him to create a sidewalk that goes around the poles. He added that there are two other sites in the area where this has been done and felt that it should be allowed at this site. Senior Planner Carlson stated that one of the major concerns on the previous Budget Rent-a-Car application that had been processed on the site was moving the poles back. He noted that the cost of meeting all the obligations caused Budget to back out of the project. He added that the same conditions of approval were drafted for this application so that the site was not looked at differently than the other use. Chairperson Prouty reiterated Commissioner Teglia's comments with regard to the sheds. He added that the area needs to be upgraded and questioned what the life safety issues were with regards to the use and the PG&E pole. Assistant City Attorney Woodruff noted that he would have to return with information as to what is considered to be a legal nonconforming use on the site. He added that there are conditions of approval required to re-establish a use. He pointed out that if there are life safety issues, they would have been addressed with conditions by the Police and Fire Departments. Senior Planner Carlson informed the Commission that staff has been upfront with the applicant with regard to the power poles and previous conditions being met. Assistant City Attorney Woodruff suggested that the Commission continue this item so that staff and the applicant can re-look at the power pole issues. Chairperson Prouty asked that the applicant also look at redressing the building and maybe return to the Design Review Board for comments on design or back to the Commission. Senior Planner Carlson suggested continuing the item to December 6"' or 20"' depending on how much time the architect and applicant need to respond to these issues. Mr. Brandi reemphasized that the issue is not whether the owner wants to move the poles or not, but it is time and cost prohibitive. Commissioner Teglia suggested continuing the item off calendar. s:\Miwutes\~CwAlCzed M%wutes\2oo~\2i-oi-off izpc M%wutes.doc page s o f ~ Planning Commission Meeting of November 1, 2007 Motion Teglia /Second Giusti to continue P07-0074: UP07-0010 & DR07-0047 off calendar to allow staff to work with applicant to address the power pole and aesthetics issues and return to Design Review Board for comments. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 4. Study Session Kaiser Permanente Expansion Kaiser Foundation/Owner Kaiser Foundation/Applicant 1330 EI Camino Real P07-0014: EIR07-0001, GPA07-0001, RZ07-0001, ZA07-0003, UP07-0001, & DR07-00071 Use Permit Modification allowing expansion of the 14.328 acre Kaiser Medical Center at 1200 EI Camino Real (APN 010-292-210) incorporating a former motel situated on an abutting 1.376 acre parcel at 1330 EI Camino Real (APN 010-292-130) and allowing off-site parking between the two sites; Design Review Design Review of the conversion of a motel into a medical facility and an at-grade parking lot with landscaping; General Plan Amendment changing the Land Use Element designation from Mixed High Density Residential and Community Commercial to Community Commercial.; Zoning Amendment adding SSFMC Chapter 20.52 Office (O) Zone District; Zoning Reclassification of the parcel situated at 1200 EI Camino Real (APN 010-292-0210) from Planned Commercial (P-C) Zone District to the Office (O) Zone District, and the parcel at 1330 EI Camino Real (APN 010-292-130) from Transit Village (TV-C) Zone District and to the Office (O) Zoning District; Environmental Impact Report assessing the environmental effects associated with the proposed project. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Commissioner Teglia questioned if the top floor of the parking structure has been monitored to make sure that employees are parking there. Senior Planner Carlson pointed out that staff had not been particularly successful in gaining Kaiser's compliance in this regard, and thought that by eliminating the parking on EI Camino Real it would force the employees to start parking onsite. He added that there are enough parking spaces for their staff on site but he had not researched if staff is using the assigned parking. Chairperson Prouty noted that the proposed change in zoning results in loss of a hotel and Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT). He further pointed out that by making it an office complex, the Transit Village Zone is lost for the site and was concerned with an indefinite office complex if Kaiser decides they don't need the facility anymore. Senior Planner Carlson stated that it depends on how the office district language is drafted and whether it allows other uses that are consistent with the General Plan's vision for this area. Chairperson Prouty stated that it could be a hospital or keep it the current zones and land use. Senior Planner Carlson added that Kaiser is required to retrofit the hospital or build a new one by 2030. Commissioner Teglia discussed the purpose of the study session. He noted that the Council and Planning Commission need to determine whether there is interest in such a project and felt that the expansion of the Kaiser footprint is bad for the City. He felt that the project needs to be designed correctly and felt that Kaiser can have temporary uses to aid them. He noted that the temporary trailers took up parking stalls and they have not improved the facility in years. He added that issues such as these need to be discussed between the City Council and Planning Commission in a study session. Commissioner Sim noted that he would like to see the possibility of the site relative to the frontages on the EI Camino corridor. He stated that Solaire and Summerhill developments are working towards a transit village and questioned what staff's and the City's vision is for the Kaiser site. He pointed out that Kaiser could be designed to look like a campus. Chairperson Prouty agreed with Commissioner Sim and pointed out that the condominium land and this site can be looked at together rather than separate and work towards making it more transit oriented. Vice Chairperson Giusti agreed with Commissioner Sim's comments. Chairperson Prouty noted that staff needs to coordinate a meeting between the Planning Commission and Council to determine what is the best use for this site. Commissioner Teglia noted that the City should look at the EI Camino corridor to create design guidelines and rezone the area to mixed use. Chairperson Prouty stated that this s:\r~~wutes\~Cwa~Czed M%wutes\2oo~\2i-o2-off RpC MLwutes.doc page ~ of ~ Planning Commission Meeting of November 1, 2007 site all the way to Chestnut has great potential. Commissioner Teglia noted that the City has purchased property in the area and have envisioned a library in this area. He added that with a joint focus on the corridor there can be consistent guidelines in place. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the Council has created a moratorium to look at upgrading the specific plan for the area. Chairperson Prouty stated that the direction to staff can be to schedule a joint meeting with City Council and talk about the specific area from the condominiums to Chestnut Avenue. He added that this could give applicants an idea of what the City is looking for. Chief Planner Kalkin noted that staff will follow up on this item. Martha Gilmore, Kaiser Medical Group Administrator noted that there has not been a major expansion or renovation at Kaiser for 20 years. She added that there has been a lot of change in medical care practices and needs since then. She pointed out that the hospital needs to update and expand its medical care facility. She stated that the hotel property can serve as additional parking and office space during renovations. Charles Ackerly, project architect, gave a PowerPoint presentation of the proposal. He noted that they are looking at adding 90 additional parking spaces, seismic upgrading, remodeling the existing facility's landscaping and exterior for non clinical functions and removing the car canopy in the front of the building. Commissioner Teglia questioned if Kaiser has considered demolishing and reconstructing the facility. He suggested that Kaiser take a fresh look at the project and redesign it so that the City has a project they can be proud of. He added that the current easements could create some opportunities to expand into them . Commissioner Sim asked if a feasibility study and a phasing study had been conducted for this project. Mr. Ackerly noted that their scope was limited to the project at 1330 EI Camino Real. Commissioner Sim noted that there is a lack of information and because of it he cannot understand the vision of the project. Staff was directed to schedu/e a ioint meeting with City Council to discuss the p/an for the surrounding area inc/udina Kaiser Permanente, 5. 6 Month Review Genentech/applicant Genentech,/owner 1 DNA Way P05-0141: MP05-0001, TDM05-0006, RZ05-0003, ZA05-0001 and MPEIR05-0004 6 month review of the Genentech Master Plan Implementation Program. Associate Planner Beaudin presented the staff report. Shar Zamanpour noted that they are on schedule and gave the following update: • Bay Trail designation and employee signs -Completed in August • Design concepts and landscaping enhancements for Central Spine and North Campus - to be completed and implemented with B50 which has been approved by the Commission. • DNA Way and Grandview Drive public art and lighting enhancements -schedule was submitted in July for Staff review. • DNA Way and Grandview Drive street parking -Parking has been removed and striping for bike lanes and shuttle pullouts are in progress which will be completed in December. Commissioner Teglia noted that parking is still occurring along DNA Way and he has not seen "no parking" signs. He questioned if Genentech has informed their employees that parking is not allowed. Ms. Zamanpour replied that they have informed the employees and have recently installed "no parking" signs. She added that they have informed the employees that as of November 15` there will be no parking allowed on DNA Way. Commissioner Teglia suggested that Genentech security put notices on these cars to let them know parking is no longer allowed in that area. Commissioner Teglia noted that he has not seen turnouts for the buses and that it is important for them to be out of the thoroughfare. Ms. Zamanpour replied that this is in progress and with the striping of the street it will s:\n~Cv~.utes\~CwalCzed M%~.utes\2oo~\zi-o2-off izpc n~Cv~,utes.doc Age s of ~ Planning Commission Meeting of November 1, 2007 be apparent where the pullouts are located. Commissioner Teglia stated that the pullouts will be actual curb cuts where the shuttle will be able to pull out of the street. Ms. Zamanpour clarified that they are created through striping and not a landscaped island. Ms. Zamanpour continued her presentation by showing the Commission the campus entry, signs and greenspace options. • Enhancement and addition of campus crosswalks -some are completed and others will be at the end of the year. • Campus entries, green space and adjacent parking -two options have been submitted to the Commission for consideration. Commissioner Sim stated that he is intrigued by option 2 for the open space. Ms. Zamanpour noted that option 2 creates a feeling of being in a small private space away from other groups. Commissioner Zemke asked that additional features such as benches and picnic tables be shielded from the wind. Commissioner Teglia stated that the undulating grass is a good feature and agrees with Commissioner Sim that option 2 is the better of the two. He added that the roundabout is a good feature. He added that they will need to look at this and the road details. He noted his concern with the buses stopping in the bike lane. Ms. Zamanpour informed the Commission that during their studies for the bus turnouts, it was found that the width of Grandview Drive allows one 12 foot lane on each side and an additional 11 feet on each side for a bike lane or shuttle pull out. She pointed out that there is no need for a turnout because the street is too wide and it encourages faster traffic. Commissioner Teglia stated that this was discussed previously and the Commission specified that bus turnouts should be installed. He added that traffic calming can be achieved by other measures such as trees, medians and roundabouts in order to allow the shuttle turnouts. Chairperson Prouty stated that he was pleased to see the improvements and suggested an art feature in the center of the turnabout. He also recalled requesting bus turnouts and added that the campus entry concepts are headed in the right direction. He also noted that he prefers option 2 for the open amenities site. He specified that boulders should not be used for the roundabout and prefers another form of art. He questioned if the surface was to be asphalt pavement. Ms. Zamanpour noted that they have not determined the material but it could be colored or stamped concrete. Commissioner Teglia echoed Chairperson Prouty's comments and reiterated his concern with the shuttle turnouts. He added that the Commission has not seen concepts of what the concession is going to be and noted that the potential vendor is dependant on how well it is planned. He stated that details such as eliminating the second parking lot and phasing of parking in conjunction with the landscaping need to be discussed. He suggested having a design study session to discuss the details. Commissioner Moore concurred with the Commission's comments. Commissioner Sim questioned if the meandering path by the parking area has landscaping on each side such as berms. Ms. Zamanpour stated that there is a berm near the parking for stealthing purposes and near the sidewalk that is closest to the street. Commissioner Sim suggested placing landscaping on either side to give a meandering path feel and look to it. He stated that the circular node has two options and asked if Genentech preferred one over the other. Ms. Zamanpour noted that they had 9 or 10 options and it came down to putting in public art or not while eliminating elements that would attract individuals from walking in the middle of the street. She pointed out that if the piece of art does not go in this location, landscaping could be installed in way that large trucks cannot drive over it but around it. Commissioner Sim noted that there is lighting at night but seems that it is much lower for the pedestrian walkways. Ms. Zamanpour stated that Engineering staff was looking at lighting along Forbes Boulevard and Genentech prefers that the lighting in the green space be kept low so that it is with the scale of the intimacy of the location. She added in response to Commissioner Teglia's comments with regard to a vendor that they have been waiting to determine what type of business it will be to determine the footprint of the building or additional s:\MCwutes\F~wal%zed n~Cwutes~2oo~\ri-o2-off iz.PC n~tCwutes.doc page 6 o f ~ Planning Commission Meeting of November 1, 2007 possibilities for the area. She stated that they could return in 6 months with more details for the area. Commissioner Teglia asked Ms. Zamanpour why the sign on East Grand Avenue could not be done. Chief Planner Kalkin stated that this could not be done in the median because it is a public right of way, but they could install it on property owned by Genentech. Commissioner Teglia questioned if it was still a possibility if the Commission decided the signs could go in the public right of way. Chief Planner Kalkin stated that it would be a departure because it is a public street but is still possible. Commissioner Teglia noted that he is open to making Grandview a great entrance. ITEMS FROM STAFF None ITEMS FROM COMMISSION Vice Chairperson Giusti commended the Pacific Market for screening the roof equipment. Commissioner Zemke noted that a letter from Mr. Flaherty, in the Commission's mail, that states his concern with dilapidated neighborhoods, specifically cars parking in front yards. He questioned if front yard parking is restricted in terms of number of cars allowed or amount of concrete in the front yard. Chief Planner Kalkin replied that parking in the front yard is allowed only in a bonafide driveway. Commissioner Sim added that Mr. Flaherty lives in the Westborough area and he has also noticed that trees and landscaping are being taken down. He noted that the General Plan can include policies to improve front yards. Commissioner Teglia added that many businesses do not put in the required landscaping and pointed out that Code Enforcement needs to be proactive in having these businesses maintain their landscaping. He added that the Code Enforcement Officer position could be funded similarly to the Parking Enforcement Officer position and Code Enforcement could hire additional officers to go out and cite the businesses that are not in compliance with the Use Permit Conditions of Approval. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Ricardo Saucedo noted he is with the CERT (Citizen's Emergency Response Team) that works with the Fire Department and volunteers to walk the streets to bring code violations to their attention. He noted that will relate the Commission's concerns with regards to parking to the Fire Department for follow up. AD.7OURNMENT Motion Zemke /Second Giusti to adjourn the meeting. Approved by ,~ ,~° e Sus alkin )oh Secretary to the Planning Commission ( Plan r City of South San Francisco ~ City f mou 10:18 P.M. rperson Francisco SK/bla s:\M~wutes~~Lv~.alLzed rnCwutes~zoo~~i-oi-off RPC MCwutes.doc paged of ~