HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-16MINUTES October 16, 2008 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner Oborne, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Giusti ABSENT: Commissioner Moore STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Susy Kalkin, Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Mike Lappen, Economic Development Coordinator Linda Ajello, Associate Planner Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II Building Division: Barry Mammini, Senior Building Inspector City Attorney: Sky Woodruff, Assistant City Attorney Engineering Division: Dennis Chuck, Senior Civil Engineer Police Department: Sergeant Jon Kallas, Planning Liaison Fire Prevention. Tom Carney, Safety Enforcement Officer CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Kalkin noted that there were no changes to the agenda and added that the Planning Commission meetings are being streamed live on the City's website. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of meeting minutes of October 2, 2008. Commissioner Oborne asked that the minutes be corrected on page 5, third paragraph to reflect that she "was not concerned with height" and not "height limits" as reflected in the draft. Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to approve the minutes with the correction stated by Commissioner Oborne. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING 2. 2131217 EGrand -Alexandria Real Estate ARE-SF No 21 L.P./Owner ARE-SF No 21 L.P./Applicant 213 & 217 East Grand P07-0106: UP07-0017, DR07-0065, DA07-0001, SIGNS07-0059, TDMO7-0005 8 EIR07-0001 (Continued from October 2, 2008) Use Permit, Design Review, Development Agreement, Transportation Demand Management Plan, Master Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 Sign Program and Draft Environmental Impact Report to construct a 9-story 291,634 sq ft building for office/research and development, employee amenity area and afive-level parking garage on a 7.027 acre site associated surface parking, and landscape improvements, located at the northwest corner of East Grand Avenue &Roebling Road (APNs 015-041-050 and 015-041-300) in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32.060, 20.81, 20.85 & 20.120 Public Hearing opened. Economic Development Coordinator Lappen gave a brief presentation and noted that the Commission received the plans submitted on October 2"`' and a new set with revised pages only. He added that the project now includes the corner property and an addendum to the EIR was prepared and had been distributed to the Commission in their packet. He also pointed out that Caltrans submitted comments on the Final EIR and he informed the Commission that Caltrans comments had been previously addressed. Niall Malcolmson, DGA Architects, gave a visual presentation of the changes made to the project based on the Commission's comments from the previous meeting. Commissioner Prouty noted he was pleased with that design elements from the east elevation had been incorporated into the west elevation but was concerned that the glazing was not carried into the west elevation also. Mr. Malcolmson clarified that the intent of the glass on the Roebling elevation was to highlight the stairway and would create additional maintenance needs on the west elevation rather than serve a function. He stated that there is a grade change and the parking structure is going down into the embankment and would not appear to be 5 levels but rather as 3 with the ramping. Commissioner Prouty stated that it will still look like a five story building Commissioner Sim was concerned with privacy for the tenants of this building by having taller buildings, such as the hotel adjacent to it. He stated that layering the landscaping is a good way of protecting the site and suggested giving the facade more character with a horizontal band width or a use of glass as a windbreak and to ensure privacy for the building occupants. Mr. Malcolmson replied that there are about 80-100 feet of sheer walls on the elevation as recommended by their structural engineer, and they had added some depth and color changes since the last meeting. He pointed out that the strongest element on the west elevation of the building is the architectural precast grid. Commissioner Sim suggested further breaking up the elevation with layering /architectural detailing between the two precast walls. Vice Chairperson Teglia concurred that the landscaping was an improvement and felt that the open section looks like a wind tunnel and felt that screening it or adding glazing around it would make it functional and aesthetically pleasing. Commissioner Zemke questioned how the height of the new building compares to the height of the hotel across the street. Mr. Malcolmson noted that the proposed building is 160 feet to the top of the roof screen and the hotel is about 130 feet, but is on a bluff which would make them look comparable in size. Public Hearing closed. Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if the incorporation of the glazing effect from the east elevation to the west elevation could be added as a condition of approval. Chief Planner Kalkin replied affirmatively. Assistant City Attorney Woodruff aided the Commission with the motion as follows: Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council certify EIR07-0001, including findings and a statement of overriding considerations for traffic and air quality impacts; and Adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council: 1) approve UP07-0017, DR07-0065, TDM07-0005 to approve the Use Permit, Design, Sign Program, and draft TDM Plan for the 213-217 East Grand Avenue Office/R&D Project, including conditions of approval with the addition of the glazing element on the parking garage along the Forbes elevation as described by Vice Chairperson Teglia, Commissioner Prouty and Commissioner Sim and 2) adopt an Ordinance to approve Development Agreement DA07-0001. s:~n-t~wutes~riwali~ed rniwutes~2oo8~1n-i~-oR rzPC M~wutes.doc page 2 of ro Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 Motion Teglia /Second Sim to adopt resolutions 2676-2008 and 2677-2008 as stated by Assistant City Attorney Woodruff. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioner Oborne, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Giusti Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Moore Abstain: None Approved by roll call vote. Commissioner Sim and Commissioner Prouty thanked the applicant and architect for their high quality projects in South San Francisco. 3. Use Permit -Medical Services Smith, Kathleen/owner Chas Jones/Applicant 91 WESTBOROUGH BLVD P08-0064: UP08-0009 Sti DR08-0028 Use Permit and Design Review allowing a nephrology surgical center and an outdoor emergency generator, situated at 91 Westborough Boulevard (APN 013-260-010) in the Planned Commercial Zoning District (P-C- L), in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24, 20.81 & 20.85. Public Hearing opened. Associate Planner Ajello presented the staff report and gave a visual presentation of the project. Chas Jones, project architect, was present along with doctor's from the facility and Cynthia Jansen, business representative, to answer questions. Chairperson Giusti questioned if the patients would arrive by ambulance. Mr. Jones stated that the patients would not be arriving by ambulance but would walk into the facility. Commissioner Prouty asked what type of procedures would be conducted at the site. Dr. Louis clarified that the facility was not a dialysis center but an ambulatory surgery center, and its main function is to clean the access catheter that tends to block on dialysis patients. Chairperson Giusti questioned if the facility would be working in conjunction with the Brentwood Dialysis center. Dr. Louis stated that their company is not affiliated with them. There being no speakers, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Prouty questioned if the generator is for use in case of a power outage. Mr. Jones noted that this was correct. Commissioner Sim asked that the applicant clarify the detail of the green screen. Mr. Jones stated that it is a vinyl coated mesh planting trellis and is designed to be 8 feet high to screen the building. Commissioner Sim asked what the height of the shed was to which Mr. Jones replied that the shed has 8 foot walls and the roof peak is at 9'6". He further noted that the Design Review Board suggested additional screening on the site. Commissioner Sim requested that the applicant provide additional details on the green screen. Commissioner Zemke questioned what type of generator was being used and what the testing schedule was. Mr. Jones stated that it is a diesel generator and is tested for 30 minutes every month, with the fuel being s:~r~~wutes~~~walCzed n~Cwu~es~2ooR~2o-i~-o8 rzpc r~iwutes.doc Page s o f j.o Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 changed annually. Commissioner Zemke questioned if the fuel storage was incorporated into the structure. Mr. Jones noted that it is incorporated into the unit with its own tank. Commissioner Zemke questioned how many gallons of fuel would be onsite at a time. Mr. Jones noted that he did not have the answer at the moment but could provide it to staff. Commissioner Oborne questioned if this was an above ground storage tank. Mr. Jones stated that the generator is sitting on top of the tank and is above the concrete slab. Vice Chairperson Teglia acknowledged that the purpose of the generator is to ensure power in the event of an outage while the Doctors are in surgery and questioned if there was any need for after hours use of the generator. Mr. Jones noted that there is no need for this. Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if there would be any issues with restricting the generator to operate during business hours only. Mr. Jones noted that there is no need for it to be run after hours and noted it is much quieter than the background traffic. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that he has no issues with the generator as long as it is not running after business hours and a timer can ensure that it does not turn on after hours. Mr. Jones noted that he would check with the generator contractor if timers exist. Chief Planner Kalkin asked if the doctors would have any need for the generator to run after hours for any refrigeration purposes. Dr. Louis stated that they do not store any blood products and have no need for the generator after hours. Commissioner Prouty concurred with Vice Chairperson Teglia and noted that the senior center and adjacent residences could be disturbed if the generator is running after hours. Commissioner Oborne questioned the proposed color palette noting she did not feel they were well integrated with the neighborhood. Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if a color board was available. Associate Planner Ajello stated that the color copies provided in the Commission's staff report were the only samples submitted. Commissioner Sim questioned if the DRB looked at the colors. Associate Planner Ajello stated that the DRB did not comment on the color and were mostly concerned with the landscaping. Commissioner Sim questioned if the accent color would only be on the front of the building. Mr. Jones noted that the Chinese Red would be the secondary accent color. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the building will not be painted for some time and noted that they could require that the application return to the Commission with color schemes and boards. Commissioner Oborne added that the applicant can also submit pictures of the surrounding area at that time. Commissioner Prouty questioned if the applicant owned the building. Mr. Jones noted that there is a contingency on the sale based on the outcome of the meeting. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that some generators emit a lot of soot and questioned if the generator they will be installing is required to have particulate traps or if the output is clean. Mr. Jones stated that that with diesel generators there is soot on startup and clarified that the generator has to comply with the Air Resources Board standards in order to get a permit. Vice Chairperson Teglia stated that if there will be soot, he would like to add a maintenance requirement to make sure that it is cleaned off. Mr. Jones stated that an alternative is a gas generator with a propane backup which is a cleaner method if the Commission allows it. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the cleanest method is preferred and left it to the applicants' discretion. Motion Teglia /Second Zemke to approve P08-0064: UP08-0009 & DR08-0028 with the following amendments to the conditions of approval: Motion Teglia /Second Zemke to approve P08-0064: UP08- 0009 & DRO8-0028 with the following amendments to the conditions of approval: The generator shall operate during the clinic's business hours only • The generator exhaust shall be maintained to be free of visible soot • The final color scheme is subject to the Planning Commission's approval • The applicant shall submit details of the green screen for the Planning Commission to review. Approved by majority voice vote -Commissioner Moore absent. S:~Mivi.utCS~FiwA6iz.Ed Miv~.utC5~20G8~iG-16-0A. RFC Miw,utCS.dOG PRgC 9 ~f t0 Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 4. Parking Comp of America Airport applicant Hanna, Elias S/owner 160 Produce Ave P06-0088: PUD 07- 0003, UP06-0020 8~ DR06-0072 Commercial Planned Unit Development Permit allowing a combined on-site and off-site landscape area of 14,113 square feet instead of the minimum requirement of 47,350 square feet. Use Permit and Design Review allowing a new canopy entry and landscaping, 24-hour operation, generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips vehicles, fences greater than 3 feet in height within the minimum required street setbacks, and expanding the existing commercial parking use on several lots adjacent to San Mateo Drive(APNs 015-113-210, 015-113-290, 015-113-330 thru 350, 015- 113-440, 015-114-390, 015-114-420, 015-114-450 thru 500), in the Planned Industrial (P-I) and the Industrial (M-1) Zoning Districts, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.30, 20.32, 20.73, 20.81, 20.84 & 20.85 Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report. David Sincata, Counsel on behalf of Parking Company of America Airport (PCAA), stated that there has been a lot of activity in the past year and stated that when PCAA leased the property the information pertaining to the use permit and its conditions was not given to them. He added that the site is considered a "hot spot" by the County which is estimated to cost up to one million dollars in cleanup, and a portion of this is where some of the landscaping is and would be placed. He pointed out that the company is negotiating lease extensions. He pointed out that they hired a new landscape architect and want to resolve the issues to the Commission's satisfaction. He suggested that the Commission combine the four recommendations made by staff and require PCAA to return within 90 days with plans and deliver some of the items that are not being delayed due to the cleanup of the site. He stated that some of the items, such as queuing and the entrance could be addressed within the next several weeks. He pointed out that when they seek approval for the minor items, they could report on the status of the remaining items. Ethan Spiegelberg, Chief Operating Office of PCAA, understood the Commission's frustration with the length of the process and because they do not own the parcel they cannot make some of the decisions. He noted that they had recently changed their architect to expedite resolution of the issues. Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if the applicant had determined their commitment to the site based on the leases being extended or not. Mr. Spiegelberg stated that if they had a phased project, they could move on it quickly but some item, like the remediation, need additional time. Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if the owner are negotiating with PCAA. Mr. Spiegelberg stated that they are in negotiations. Vice Chairperson Teglia stated that the severity of the process or possibility of being shutdown needs to be clearly communicated to the property owners. Mr. Spiegelberg stated that the severity has been communicated and the risk of being shutdown would fall upon PCAA and their employees. Steve Kikuchi ,landscape architect, noted that he has been retained to work on the project and will be preparing plans for review by the applicant and property owner. Commissioner Prouty questioned if the architect has seen the previously submitted plans. Mr. Kikuchi stated that he has seen the plans. Commissioner Prouty expressed his frustration with the project and asked that a viable plan be submitted in short order. He questioned how soon a plan could be submitted. Mr. Kikuchi noted that it could be within a month, but it is contingent on what the property owners decide. Commissioner Oborne questioned what the level of contamination was and how much remediation needed to be done. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the contamination was probably caused by a leaking underground fuel storage tank and that while the removal and remediation would cause a disruption to the business that since it was such a large site that the business, should be able to continue while the remediation is underway. Mr. Sincata noted that he did not have all the details but knew that the last study S:\MivtiutCS\Fivi.Uli7Cd Mivi.utCS\2008\IOd6-08 RPC Miv~utCS.~iDC PAgC ~ Df IG Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 showed high levels of TPH and they need to remove the soil. He added that a report can be given to the Commission on the contamination. Commissioner Oborne questioned if the owner was participating in the clean up. Mr. Sincata stated that they have determined who they believe to be the responsible party and a claim has been submitted. Senior Planner Carlson added that it may be a leaky underground storage tank, being that SamTrans was operating at that time. Mr. Sincata confirmed that there are two tanks on the site. Senior Planner Carlson stated that there should be minimal disruption to the site. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the landscape plan can be submitted for review and the items that are in the contaminated location will have to wait until the remediation is done. Vice Chairperson Teglia added that the Commission had previously discussed the dangerous entry to the site and felt that the entry could be moved around the corner. Senior Planner Carlson stated that staff's concern was the entry and suggested improving it because the shuttles were disrupting the traffic. He stated that some of the solutions could be; 1) move the canopy further down on the site and provide some type of deceleration or access lane; 2) the entrance could be moved towards Terminal Court; 3); reactivation of the original entry on Terminal Court; and 4) proved signalization at Produce Avenue and Terminal Court. Vice Chairperson Teglia stated that this needs to be explored further prior to redesigning the canopy. Commissioner Prouty stated that the Commission needs to have a landscape plan within 30 days, a tentative ingress /egress plan no later than 60 days and take an action in 90 days. Vice Chairperson Teglia stated that there needs to be a commitment from the owners within 30 days. He pointed out that it is clear that a fence was placed where the landscape buffer used to be and whether this operator is there or not the owner is on the hook to correct this. Senior Planner Carlson asked that given this schedule if it would be acceptable if the landscape plan is conceptual but has not been reviewed by the Design Review Board. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that he would like to see this in a study session to make sure the issues are being addressed. Senior Planner Carlson asked if the Commission still wants to see 10% landscaping in the perimeter and interior. Commissioner Prouty stated that the plan has to meet the City's minimum standards. Vice Chairperson Teglia clarified that he could consider other options if the project as a whole made sense and if all the concerns were addressed. Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to continue P06-0088: PUD 07- 0003, UP06-0020 & DR06-0072 to review a preliminary plan with assurances of the concerns expressed by the Commission. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 5. BURNS 8~ MCDONNELL ENGINEERINGIapplicant Shell Oil Productslowner 135 N ACCESS RD P07-0135: UP07-0024 & DR07-0084 Use Permit and Design review allowing an 8 foot tall fence within the minimum required front setback, situated at 135 North Access Road (APN 015-173-140), in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.71, 20.81 and 20.85. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Roshy Mozafar presented the project with a visual presentation. Chairperson Giusti questioned if the plants will be mature when planted. Ms. Mozafar stated that the plants would reach maturity in five years. Vice Chairperson Teglia asked for clarity on why the applicant cannot accommodate the standard minimum landscaping depth. Ms. Mozafar stated that due to utilities, monitoring wells and security concerns they proposed to maintain the landscaping along the eastern portion of the fence but increased the depth of landscaping in the parking area and in front of the maintenance building. .s:~r.~iwutes`•~iwalized r^Cwutes~2ocs~to-iE-oa ~pc M~wutes.doc pace h of 2c Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if the K-rails were going to remain. Senior Planner Carlson stated that they would stay behind the fence. Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned if the City typically allows the use of k-rails. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the k-rails were a response from a comment from Homeland Security. He added that as long as they are screened and painted the k-rails should be okay. Ms. Mozafar stated that the k-rails will not be visible after several years. Commissioner Zemke questioned if there would bean automatic irrigation system and regular maintenance. Commissioner Sim asked to see what the landscaping would like when planted, atone year and three years growth. Commissioner Oborne concurred with Commissioner Sim. Commissioner Prouty added that the Commission has requested larger size trees with previous projects. Senior Planner Carlson stated that they could be 24 inch box size trees and 15 gallon shrubs. Ms. Mozafar stated that the proposed size of the plants were indicated on the plans. Commissioner Sim questioned if the monitoring wells and utilities can be moved or overlapped with landscaping or if there is a code requirement that does not allow this. Ms. Mozafar stated that there are security concerns, utilities and monitoring wells at the site. She noted that the monitoring wells are located just inside the fence and are shown on the plans. Vice Chairperson Teglia stated that some depth could be created in between the wells. Senior Planner Carlson stated that staff has no issue with this as long as Shell agrees. Vice Chairperson Teglia added that they could continue the matter to allow the applicant to reflect the change on the landscape plan. Commissioner Oborne also requested a sample of what the landscape would look like when installed. Commissioner Zemke questioned if the wells needed some sort of buffer to allow for the monitoring equipment. Ms. Mozafar stated that they have to be readily accessible. Ms. Mozafar distributed several color samples and asked for the Commission's preference for the k-rails. Vice Chairperson Teglia suggested that she compare the color to the landscaping that will be installed and match it to the natural green on the plants. Commissioner Sim would like to see a horizontal control of where the property line and sidewalk are and where the monitoring wells are located so that the Commission knows exactly what they are looking for. Senior Planner Carlson noted that a civil plan was prepared. Commissioner Sim asked what the center point of the monitoring well is to the edge of the sidewalk. The Shell project engineer stated that they are one foot away from the monitoring well, which is 6 inches but has a pedestal. She added that if the Commission wanted them to have landscaping around it, they could do it by offsetting the fence. Motion Prouty - to continue the item to November 20~h to allow the applicant to add more depth to the landscaping area that is currently shown as 4 feet deep. Ms. Mozafar how deep the landscaped area should be. Vice Chairperson Teglia and staff suggested 10 feet deep. Ms. Mozafar questioned why the Commission was requesting 10 feet to which Vice Chairperson Teglia and Senior Planner Carlson stated that this will allow room for trees. Ms. Mozafar questioned if there was a required amount of landscaping. Senior Planner Carlson replied that it is 10% and the proposed project is well below that standard Commissioner Prouty stated that the area is wide enough to accommodate trees. The Shell project engineer stated that a risk assessment revealed that trees are a concern because people can use them to climb over the fence. She pointed out that they are planting the trees where they had removed the visitor parking lot. Commissioner Prouty stated that the trees could be installed behind the wall to give it a stealthed look. Commissioner Sim questioned how long the easterly wall was. Senior Planner Carlson pointed out that the Commission is discussing a section that is about 160t to 200 feet long. The Shell project engineer stated that they will add trees and reflect them on the drawing and asked if they could retain the currently proposed .S:~Mi.wutes~FiwP.ii'zed Miwute5~2008~10-iE--OA T2pC Miwutes.dCc page ~ cf z0 Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 fence line with trees behind it. She noted that they would like to start installing the fence. Vice Chairperson Teglia stated that both options are ok but until they see what it wil- look like the location of the fence cannot be determined. The Shell project engineer questioned if they could begin installation of the fence if they agree to move it back 10 feet. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the Commission can agree to this and request that the landscape details return to them for review. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the Commission would be modifying condition of approval 1.3 to require 24 inch box trees, 15 gallon shrubs, and specify a time frame for the applicant to return with the landscape plan. He clarified that the fence would be 10 feet back from edge of the sidewalk. Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to approve with the modification to condition A.3 and returning with a 10 foot deep section landscaping detail in 30 days. Approved by majority voice vote -Commissioner Moore absent. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. 6 Month Review Urban Sprouts Daycare Center Joseph EberlelOwner Urban Sprouts, Inc./Applicant 1165 EI Camino Real Avenue P07-0113: UP07-0019, VAR07-0005 & DR07-0070 6 Month Review: Use Permit and Design Review allowing the conversion of a former private emergency service facility to a day care facility with weekday hours of operation between 8 AM and 6 PM, exterior building upgrades, and new fencing and landscaping. Variance allowing 4 parking spaces and an on-street passenger loading area instead of 7 on-site parking spaces situated at 1165 EI Camino Real Avenue (APN 010-391-200) in the Retail Commercial (C-1) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC: Chapters 20.22, 20.74, 20.81, 20.82 & 20.85 Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff and noted that there have not been any issues at the site. Motion Prouty !Second Teglia to accept the review. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that it should not take a long time to get the sprinklers installed. Safety Inspector Carney noted that the owner ran into financial problems and the Fire Department made some provisions to meet other life safety issues. He pointed out that there is an agreement in place and the Fire Department provided emergency preparedness training to the facility staff. Approved by majority voice vote -Commissioner Moore absent. 7. Intrinsic Deerfield 160 LLC/applicant Intrinsic Deerfield 160 LLC/owner 160 So. Linden Ave. P03-0057: UP03-0007 8~ DR03-0007 P04-0019: UP04-0005, DR04-0005 & MND04-0001 Use Permit and Design Review allowing up to 42,601 square feet for artist studios and offices suites ranging in size from 143 square feet to 1,080 square feet and ground floor retail area of 4,183 square feet in an existing 67,145 square foot 3-story building, upgrades to the existing building, new landscaping, 190 at-grade open parking spaces, and 9 at-grade open storage yards totaling 75,653 square feet, and generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, situated at 160 South Linden Avenue (APN 014-241-040) in the Industrial (M-1) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section: 20.30.030 (c) and Chapters 20.81 & 20.85. S:\Mi.v,.utes~ ~[v~.alized Miwutes~2oou~ io-i~-~8 ~~c Miwutes.doc pace 8 cf so Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 Senior Planner Carlson gave a brief staff report. TJ Bianchi, applicant, noted that the property is still in contract although the 12 months would have expired in August. He stated that the buyer is expecting to close by the end of October or early November. He pointed out that the developer is very interested in working with the City to have a quality development that meets their needs as well as the City's needs. He added that the new owner will continue the current use while they work with the City on a proposal. Commissioner Prouty questioned if the financing had been secured. Mr. Bianchi stated that they have asked their company to carry the loan for them and are looking forward to completing the purchase. Commissioner Sim asked if the developer is commercial oriented to which Mr. Bianchi stated that the developer does residential and commercial projects and can create a good project on the five acres. Motion Prouty to review the project in 6 months Senior Planner Carlson stated that there is no mechanism to require another review on the project and was reviewed Motion died for lack of a second Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to accept the review. Approved by majority voice vote -Commissioner Moore absent. Mr. Bianchi asked staff where the project currently stands so that he may provide the current buyer an update. Commissioner Teglia stated that they have a permit as long as they stay in compliance with the conditions and if there are any issues Code Enforcement will be contacting them. ITEMS FROM STAFF ITEMS FROM COMMISSION None Commissioner Sim noted that he was informed from a neighbor of development by Mid Peninsula on EI Camino Real. Chief Planner Kalkin replied that the City Council approved a loan for Mid Peninsula to develop a 2 acre site that is adjacent to South San Francisco High School (SSFHS) but noted that there is no formal application at the moment. Commissioner Sim stated that keeping the Commission informed of these developments ensures that the City Council and the Planning Commission are on the same page especially because the Commission is now looking at a General Plan Amendment for the EI Camino corridor. Chief Planner Kalkin noted that the project will be a mixed use project. Commissioner Sim suggested keeping the South San Francisco School District (SSFUSD) informed of the project on the site to which Chief Planner Kalkin replied that the SSFUSD was aware of the prospective project. Commissioner Teglia discussed that the entire site should be included in the project area in order to look at the entire corridor including the area where the buses used to park because this would create a future opportunity for the SSFUSD to sell the property if they wished to do so. Chief Planner Kalkin pointed out that the site is currently in the project area. Commissioner Sim noted that the site is in a redevelopment area and was concerned with the overall look of the EI Camino Corridor. He encouraged staff to utilize city resources to support the SSFUSD in their education efforts or to build new school. He explained that something similar to this has been done in another jurisdiction. Chief Planner Kalkin clarified that the project is not in a redevelopment area but that redevelopment funds are being used for it. She added that the EI Camino Real Master Plan guidelines were approved by Council and it allows the City to pursue grants for funding improvements in the City. S:~Miw.utes~Fin.aLized rniwutes~2oo~~to-~E,-oR~.PC. Mi.v~utes.doc PaG.e ~ o{ so Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 2008 Commissioner Prouty questioned if a health facility was going into the Oyster Point area. Chief Planner Kalkin informed the Commission that the new facility will be going into the Oyster Point Marina near the banquet hall and that the project approval went directly to the City Council because that is the process provided for all projects in the Oyster Point Marina. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC ADJOURNMENT None 10:00 P.M. Motion Prouty /Second Sim to adjourn the meeting to November 6, 2008. Approved by majority voice vote - Commissioner Moore absent ~--~/ - ,~- ' ,: Susy Kalkin ` Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco ~~'~./ Mary usti, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco SK/bla s:~r.~iwutes~FLwal[zed r.~iwutes~2ooa~io-ib-oA uac r-~[wutes.rAoc page io of io