HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.__Introduction I. INTRODUCTION A. INTRODUCTION The subject of this Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) is the Gateway Business Park Master Plan located within the City of South San Francisco. The Gateway Business Park Master Plan is intended to guide future development of the Gateway Business Park, particularly to achieve the property's highest and best use by the creation of a higher density, contemporary, high quality, life sciences oriented campus. This will be accomplished by phased and incremental replacement of the existing low scale buildings with a community of new buildings that are modem, more energy efficient and better support the life sciences industry. The lead agency for this project is the City of South San Francisco, California, located at Department of Economic and Community Development, 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA, 94083. A detailed description of the proposed project is contained in Section III (Project Description) of this Draft EIR. Because the proposed project will require approval of certain discretionary actions by the City of South San Francisco and other governmental agencies, the proposed project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City determined that the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment and that an EIR should be prepared. B. PURPOSE OF THE DRAFT EIR The City has prepared this Draft EIR for the following purposes: . To satisfy the requirements of CEQA (Public Resources Code, Sections 21000-21178) and the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 4, Chapter 14, Sections 15000-15387). . To inform the general public, the local community, and responsible and interested public agencies of the nature of the Gateway Business Park Master Plan, its possible environmental effects, possible measures to mitigate those effects, and alternatives to the proposed project. . To enable the City to consider environmental consequences when deciding whether to approve the redevelopment ofthe Gateway Business Park Master Plan. . To provide a basis for preparation offuture environmental documents. . To serve as a source document for information needed by several regulatory agencies to issue permits and approvals for the proposed redevelopment of the Gateway Business Park Master Plan. . To evaluate potential significant environmental effects of revisions to the General Plan, and related zoning maps and the redevelopment of the Gateway Business Park. Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-1 City of South San Francisco October 2009 The determination that the City of South San Francisco is the "lead agency" is made in accordance with Sections 15051 and 15367 of the CEQA Guidelines, which define the lead agency as the public agency that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project. This Draft EIR reflects the independent judgment of the City regarding the potential environmental impacts, the level of significance of the impacts both before and after mitigation, and the mitigation measures proposed to reduce impacts. As described in CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, public agencies are charged with the duty to avoid or substantially lessen significant environmental impacts, where feasible. In discharging this duty, a public agency has an obligation to balance the project's significant impacts on the environment with other conditions, including economic, social, technological, legal and other benefits. This Draft EIR is an informational document, the purpose of which is to identify the potentially significant impacts of the proposed project on the environment and to indicate the manner in which those significant impacts can be avoided or significantly lessened; to identify any significant and unavoidable adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated; and to identify reasonable and feasible alternatives to the proposed project that would eliminate any significant adverse environmental impacts or reduce the impacts to a less-than-significant level. The lead agency is required to consider the information in the EIR, along with any other relevant information, in making its decision on the Gateway Business Park Master Plan and the specific projects. Although the EIR does not determine the ultimate decision that will be made regarding implementation of the project, CEQA requires the City to consider the information in the EIR and make findings regarding each significant effect in the EIR. The City will certify the EIR for the Gateway Business Park Master Plan. Once certified, the EIR will serve as the base environmental document for the Gateway Business Park and will be used as a basis for decisions on site growth and development. Other agencies may also use this EIR in their review and approval process. This Draft EIR was prepared in accordance with Section 15151 of the CEQA Guidelines which defines the standards for EIR adequacy: "An EIR should be prepared with a sufficient degree of analysis to provide decision makers with information which enables them to make a decision which intelligently takes account of environmental consequences. An evaluation of the environmental efficts of a proposed project need not be exhaustive, but the sufficiency of an EIR is to be reviewed in the light of what is reasonably feasible. Disagreement among experts does not make an EIR inadequate, but the EIR would summarize the main points of disagreement among the experts. The courts have looked not for perfection; but for adequacy, completeness, and a good faith effort at full disclosure. " C. TYPE OF EIR The Gateway Business Park Master Plan (proposed project) is intended to create a high-density, contemporary, high-quality business park. This would be accomplished by a phased and incremental Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-2 City of South San Francisco October 2009 replacement of the existing buildings with new buildings that are modem, more energy efficient, and better support the ongoing evolution of the life sciences industry. Each phase undertaken during the planning horizon ofthe Gateway Business Park Master Plan must be approved individually by the City, in compliance with CEQA. Therefore, this Gateway Business Park Master Plan EIR is a both a Project and Program EIR that evaluates the effects of the Phase 1 Precise Plan at a project-level, and the entire Gateway Business Park Master Plan at a program-level. Section 15168( a) of the CEQA Guidelines defines a Program EIR as an EIR which may be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project and are related either: 1) geographically; 2) as logical parts in the chain of contemplated actions; 3) in connection with the issuance of rules, regulations, plans, or other general criteria to govern the conduct of a continuing program; or 4) as individual activities carried out under the same authorizing statutory or regulatory authority and having generally similar environmental effects which can be mitigated in similar ways. Section 15168(b) of the CEQA Guidelines indicates that use of a Program EIR can provide the following advantages. The Program EIR can: 1) Provide an occasion for a more exhaustive consideration of effects and alternatives than would be practical in an EIR on an individual action; 2) Ensure consideration of cumulative impacts that might be slighted in a case-by-case analysis; 3) Avoid duplicative reconsideration of basic policy considerations; 4) Allow the Lead Agency to consider broad policy alternatives and program wide mitigation measures at an early time when the agency has greater flexibility to deal with basic problems or cumulative impacts; and 5) Allow reduction in paperwork. As stated earlier, this EIR is also a Project EIR that evaluates the Phase I Precise Plan proposed for implementation as part of the Gateway Business Park Master Plan. As required by CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the Project EIR examines all phases of the Phase 1 Precise Plan including planning, construction, operation, and reasonably foreseeable phases. With respect to other development projects that may be proposed during the Gateway Business Park Master Plan planning horizon, CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines state that subsequent projects should be examined in light of the Program EIR to determine whether additional environmental documentation must be prepared. This EIR analyzes the maximum buildout that could occur under the project. If no new significant effects would occur, all significant effects have been adequately addressed and no new mitigation measures would be required, the subsequent projects within the scope of the Gateway Business Park Master Plan could rely on the environmental analysis provided in the Program EIR and no additional environmental documentation would be prepared. The subsequent documents may also rely on the Program EIR, as appropriate, for general discussions and for the analysis and cumulative impacts, but Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-3 City of South San Francisco October 2009 would be tiered to allow the subsequent documents to focus on more project- and site-specific impacts. In either case, CEQA findings must be made for subsequent projects. D. DRAFT EIR REVIEW PROCESS A Notice of Preparation (NOP) was prepared and distributed to the State Clearinghouse, trustee agencies, responsible agencies, and other interested parties on June 16,2008. Distribution of the NOP established a 30-day review period for the public and agencies to identify environmental issues that should be addressed in the Draft EIR. A revised NOP was issued due to changes in the Project Description (the addition of a General Plan Amendment as part of the project). The revised NOP was circulated from October 22,2008 through November 20,2008. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15205(b)(2), the Draft EIR will be submitted to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to state agencies. Submittal of the Draft EIR to the State Clearinghouse will also commence the 45-day review period. During the review period, copies of the Draft EIR will be available for review at the City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department and at the South San Francisco Main and Branch Libraries during normal business hours. The following are the addresses for the City of South San Francisco Municipal Services Building and the South San Francisco Main and Branch Libraries: City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 South San Francisco Main Library 840 West Orange Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080-3125 Grand Avenue Branch Library 306 Walnut Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 Written comments on the Draft EIR may be sent via U.S. mail and addressed to: Mike Lappen, Economic Development Coordinator City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department P.O. Box 711, South San Francisco, CA 94083 Following the public hearing and after the close of the written public comment period on the Draft EIR, responses to written and recorded comments will be prepared and published. The Final EIR which will consist of the Draft EIR Gateway Business Park EIR comments on the Draft EIR written responses to Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-4 City of South San Francisco October 2009 those comments, and the Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP), will then be forwarded to the City for its consideration. To consider approval of the proposed project, Section 15090 of the CEQA Guidelines requires the City to certify that: . The Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA . The Final EIR was presented to the City, and that the City reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR prior to approving the project . The Final EIR reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis In conjunction with their certification of the Final EIR, the City must also adopt written findings that address each significant environmental effect identified in the Final EIR, consistent with Section 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines. The City must also adopt the MMP to ensure implementation of mitigation measures that have been incorporated into the project to reduce or avoid significant effects during project construction and/or implementation. If feasible mitigations and/or alternatives are not available to reduce significant environmental impacts to a less-than significant level, those impacts are considered significant and unavoidable. If the City elects to approve the proposed project, and the proposed project would have significant unavoidable impacts, the City will also be required to identify the specific reasons for approving the project, based on the Final EIR and any other information in the public record. This "Statement of Overriding Considerations" would be incorporated into the Findings and would explain the specific reasons why the benefits of implementation of the proposed project override the unavoidable environmental effects that would result from project implementation. E. INTENDED USES OF THE EIR This document serves three purposes. The City will use this EIR to evaluate the environmental implications of adopting and approving the Gateway Business Park Master Plan and the Phase 1 Precise Plan. If the Gateway Business Park Master Plan is approved, this EIR will be used to focus environmental review of subsequent phases of the project. Lastly, this document may be used as a source of information by responsible agencies with permitting or approval authority over the project. As defined by CEQA, a Lead Agency is the public agency with the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project. The City of South San Francisco is the Lead Agency for approval of the project. Upon completion of the EIR process, the City will certify the Final EIR for the Master Plan. Specific development projects will be reviewed for consistency with the Master Plan prior to start of construction. The project would require the following actions or approvals: . Certification of the EIR Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-5 City of South San Francisco October 2009 . General Plan Amendment to increase the FAR on the site from 1.0 to 1.25 . Zoning Text Amendment to SSFMC Chapter 20.57 to accommodate changes to building coverage, setbacks, and parking requirements . Approval of a Development Agreement . Approval of the Gateway Business Park Master Plan . Approval of the Phase 1 Precise Plan . Adoption of a TDM Plan . All future developments will be subject to a separate permit approval, precise plan, and CEQA review as established in SSFMC Chapter 20.57 The following is a list of City agencies and their responsibilities in approving the proposed project. . Department of Economic and Community Development o Building Division: · Building Permits, Certificate of Occupancy . Planning Division: o Use Permits, Minor Use Permits, Mixed Use Permits, General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments, Design Review, CEQA Reviews . Engineering Division: o Grading Permits, Subdivision Permits, Encroachment Permits, Transportation Impact Fees, Utility Impact Fees, Plan Check . Police Department: o City's Security Issues Compliance . Fire Department: o Fire Code Compliance In addition to the City, there are also federal, regional, and state responsible agencies that may have discretionary authority over specific aspects of the proposed project. These include, but are not limited to, the following: . Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) - Issuance of a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) for construction activities disturbing more than 1 acre and permit for dewatering during construction, and approval of operational stormwater treatment . California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) - Ensures compliance with all traffic related standards relative to state highways Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-6 City of South San Francisco October 2009 . Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) - BAAQMD ensures that all applicable federal and state air quality standards are achieved and maintained . San Mateo County Flood Control District - Design approval for on-site flood control . Federal Aviation Administration - Height limits and noise contours relative to the operation of the San Francisco International Airport . City/County Association of Governments, San Mateo County, C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee - Review height limits, zoning amendments and general plan amendments F. ORGANIZATION OF THE DRAFT EIR This Draft EIR is organized into eight sections as follows: Section I (Introduction): This section provides an introduction and a description of the intended uses of the EIR and the review and certification process. Section II (Executive Summary): This section includes a summary of the project description, environmental impacts that would result from implementation of the proposed project, proposed mitigation measures, and the level of significance of the impact before and after mitigation. Section III (Project Description): This section presents a complete description of the proposed project including project location, project characteristics, and project objectives. This section also provides an overview of the study area's environmental setting including a description of existing and surrounding land uses, history and background of the proj ect and proj ect site, and a discussion of related proj ects to be analyzed in the EIR. Section IV (Environmental Impact Analysis): This section is the primary focus of this Draft EIR. Each environmental issue contains a discussion of existing conditions for the project area including the regulatory setting, analysis methodology, thresholds of significance, an assessment and discussion of the significance of impacts associated with the proposed project, proposed mitigation measures, cumulative impacts, and level of impact significance after mitigation. Section V (General Impact Categories): This section provides a discussion of the potential growth inducement of the proposed project as well as a summary of any significant unavoidable impacts associated with the proposed project. Section VI (Alternatives to the Proposed Project): This section includes an analysis of a range of reasonable alternatives to the proposed project to provide informed decision making in accordance with Section 15126(f) of the CEQA Guidelines. The range of alternatives selected is based on their ability to feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project and avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project. Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-7 City of South San Francisco October 2009 Section VII (Preparers of the EIR and Persons Consulted): This section presents a list oflead agency, other agencies and consultant team members that contributed to the preparation of the Draft EIR. This section also identifies persons consulted during preparation of the Draft EIR. Section VIII (References): This section provides full references of sources cited in the Draft EIR. G. LEVELS OF SIGNIFICANCE This EIR uses a variety of terms to describe the levels of significance of adverse impacts identified during the course of the environmental analysis. The following are definitions of terms used in this EIR: . Less than significant impact: Impacts that are adverse, but that do not exceed the specified standards of significance. . Potentially significant impact: Significant impacts that may ultimately be determined to be less than significant; the level of significance may be reduced in the future through further definition of the project detail. Potentially significant impacts may also be impacts about which there is not enough information to draw a final conclusion; however, for the purpose of this EIR they are considered significant. Such impacts are equivalent to significant impacts and require the identification of feasible mitigation measures. . Significant impact: Impacts that exceed the defined standards of significance and that can be eliminated or reduced to a less than significant level through the implementation of feasible mitigation measures. . Significant and unavoidable impact: Impacts that exceed the defined standards of significance and that cannot be eliminated or reduced to a less than significant level through the implementation of feasible mitigation measures. Gateway Business Park Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report 1. Introduction Page 1-8