HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd. 1428-2010ORDINANCE NO. 1428-2010 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO STATE OF CALIFORNIA AN ORDINANCE MAKING FINDINGS A~VI) AMENDING THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ZONIN(J MAP (RZ08-0001) AND ADDING CHAPTER 20.25 TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE (ZA08-OC-07), RELATED TO THE SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, TO ALLOW AND ESTABLISH REGULATIONS FOR MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR WHEREAS, the City of South San Francisco ("City") Planning Division staff and the City's consultant, Dyett and Bhatia, have prepared an amendment to t:he South San Francisco 1999 General Plan, which includes new zoning and design guidelines intended to facilitate and promote mixed-use development in the "Study Area," defined to include the southern corridor of El Camino Real, between Chestnut Boulevard and Noor Avenue ("Project"); and, WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Environmental :Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with the provision of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and CEQA Guidelines, which analyzes the potential environmental impacts of the Project; and, WHEREAS, a revised and recirculated Draft EIR ("h-E:1R")was prepared and circulated for a 45-day public/agency review period from November 25, 2009 through January 11, 2010, and a Final EIR ("FEIR") was prepared, which includes written responses to comments received on the DEIR (collectively, "EIR"); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing during the review period on December 3, 2009 to take public comment on the; rc;vised and recirculated DEIR; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on February 4, 2010, to consider the EIR and the proposed Project and take public testimony, at the conclusion of which, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council certify the EIR and approve the Project, including adoption of the zoning map and text amendments; and, WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on March 24, 2010, to consider the EIR and the proposed Project and take public testimony; and, WHEREAS, as required by State law and the South Sa:n Francisco Municipal Code, the City Council has independently reviewed the Project and the EIF:, and makes the findings contained herein in support of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that base-d ~~n the entirety of the record before it, which includes without limitation, the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code 21000, et seq. ("CEQA") and the CEQA Guidelines, l4 Ca.lifornia Code of Regulations § 15000, et seq.; the South San Francisco General Plan and General ]Plan EIR; the South San Francisco Municipal Code; the South El Camino Real General Plana Amendment, including related rezoning, zoning text amendment, and design guidelines, and the Draft and Final EIIZ prepared for the South El Camino Real General Plan Amendment and all appendices thereto; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the Planning Commission's study sessions on October 2, 2008, and June 4, 2009; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the Planning Commission's duly notice public hearings on December 3, 2009, and February 4, 2010; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the City C'ouncil's duly noticed public hearing on March 24, 2010; and any other evidence (within the meaning of Public Resources Code §21080(e) and X21082.2), the City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby funds as follows: SECTION I. FINDINGS A. General Findings 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made-apart of this Ordinance. 2. The Exhibits attached to this Ordinance, including the proposed Zoning Map Amendment (Exhibit A) and the proposed Zoning Text Amendments (Exhibit B) are each incorporated by reference as part of this Ordinance, as if each Exhibit ,were set forth fully herein. 3. The documents and other material constituting the record for these proceedings are located at the Planning Division for the City of South San Francisco, 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080, and in the custody of Chief Pla~zner, Susy Kalkin. B. Rezone (Zoning Map Amendment) Findings The Amendment proposes rezoning the Study Area from a combination of Retail Commercial (C-1) and Planned Commercial (P-C) tc- a new El Camino Real Mixed-Use (ECRMX) zoning district that implements both proposed and existing General Plan policies intended to facilitate development of a variety of residential and non-residential uses in the South El Camino Real corridor to create apedestrian-scaled environment. 2. As required under State law, the South San. Francisco General Plan, and the South San Francisco Municipal Code, in support of the Rezone (1;:208-0001), the City Council finds as follows: (a) The proposed rezone of the Study Area is consistent with the City of South San Francisco General Plan (as proposed four amendment), in that the new El Camino Real Mixed-Use (ECRMX) zoning district would further a number of existing and proposed General Plan policies, including facilitating mixed-use residential, retail, and office development in the El Camino Real corridor (Policies 2-G-7, 3.4-G-2). (b) The proposed rezone is internally consistent: with the City's Zoning Ordinance (San Francisco Municipal Code, Title 20), as pre~posed for amendment, since the rezone meets the requirements and standards of thf; ~:oning Ordinance, and the procedural requirements of both Section 20.57.660 ("A,mendment Procedure and Guidelines") and the general zoning amendment procedurf;s in Chapter 20.87 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. (c) The proposed rezone furthers and is reasonably related to the public health, safety, and welfare, in that the new El Camino Real Mixed-Use (ECRMX) zoning district will allow for a higher intensity of uses in ~.rea that is already well served by schools, transportation, transit, and existing infrastnzcture. Accordingly, the new zoning district will create a more pedestrian-oriented. community and minimize reliance on vehicle use, thereby helping to address the City's climate change and public health objectives. C. Zoning Text Amendment Findings In addition to creating a new zoning district, the Amendment proposes adoption of specific land use and development standards for the El Camino Real Mixed-Use (ECRMX) zoning district. These land use and development standards regulate the types of uses that are permitted, and permitted with use permits, in the E Camino Real Mixed-Use (ECRMX) zoning district. They further establish standards for lot size, FAR, building heights, setbacks, parking and other design requirements such as building articulation and transparency. The land use and development regulations are intended to a:>sist implementation of the proposed General Plan designation and zoning district, and contribute to a mixed-use, pedestrian- oriented environment for the South El Camino Real corridor. 2. As required under State law, the South San Francisco General Plan, and the South San Francisco Municipal Code, in support of the Zoning .Amendment (ZA08-0007), the City Council finds as follows: (a) The proposed Zoning Amendment is consistent with the City of South San Francisco General Plan (as proposed for amendment), in that the proposed land use and development standards for the new El Cimino Real Mixed-Use (ECRMX) zoning district would further a number of existing and proposed General Plan policies, including facilitating mixed-use residential, retail, and office development in the El Camino Real corridor (Policies 2-G-7, 3.4-G-2;), development: of a streetscape plan for El Camino Real (Policy 3.4-1-1), and standards to further El Camino's development as a mixed-use use boulevard (Pc-licy 3.4-1-2). (b) The proposed Zoning Amendment is internally consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance (San Francisco Municipal Code, 'Title 20), as proposed for amendment, since the Zoning Amendment meets the requirements and standards of the Zoning Ordinance, and the procedural requirements of both Section 20.57.660 ("Amendment Procedure and Guidelines") and the general zoning amendment procedures in Chapter 20.87 of the South San Francisco M_uriicipal Code. (c) The proposed Zoning Amendment furthers and is reasonably related to the public health, safety, and welfare, in that the proposed land use and development standards for the new El Camino Real Mixed-Use (EC~RMX) zoning district will allow for a higr~er intensity of uses in area that is already well served by schools, transportation, transit, and existing infrastructure. Accordingl}~, the new zoning district will create a more pedestrian-oriented community and minimize reliance on vehicle use, thereby helping to address the City's climate change and public health objectives. SECTION II. ADOPTION OF ZONING AMENDIVIENTS Based on the entirety of the record, as described above, and for the reasons set forth in Section I of this Ordinance, and all Exhibits to this Ordinance-, t:he City Council. of the City of South San Francisco, does hereby amend the City's Zoning Map, as set forth in Exhibit A, and adopts a zoning amendment adding Chapter 20.25 to the South San Francisco Municipal Code, asset forth in Exhibit B. SECTION III. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Ordinance or the application theY•eof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Ordinance, including the application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in hill force and effect. To this end, provisions of this Ordinance are severable. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby declares that it would. have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be held unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable. SECTION IV. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE (DATE Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 36933, a summary of this Ordinance shall be prepared by the City Attorney. At least five (5) days prior to the Council meeting at which this Ordinance is scheduled to be adopted, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the Summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk's Office a certified copy of this Ordinance. Within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk 's Office a certified copy of the full text of this Ordinance along with the names of those City Council members voting for and against this Ordinance or otherwise voting. 'This Ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after its adoption. Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council ofthe City of South San Francisco, held the 24th day of March, 2010. Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council held the 14th day of April, 2010 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Pedro Gonzalez, Richard A. (sarbarino, and Karyl Matsumoto, Vice Mayor Kevin Mullin and Mayor Mark Ad.diego NOES: N ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ,::~ 1 ATTEST: ~ ¢~' ~-l'~,~~ ;~''~ ,: ''t ,~f'Ct3~'Cler1~-°' _.__,. As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hE;reby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 14th day of April, 2010. t:~ Mark A` dieg ,Mayo Exhibit A Zoning Map (As proposed for Amendment) r w a w r z ~ ww° Or dz= z OLLr ~ w z ti ~w~ o ~~i ark r Zar ~w E o~g a wwa~ zm ~ z~~~ w S~~N o ¢~noo a ~$~r~~~~ . . 7a..iN ~.-N~ s z ~o ~Q~ -~«FA ~O rr p~U'z--.Y~E ~O ~a 0 ~~~~°n$~ z::Flm~r~ os w~ ma 0 r ~amuowLL v O U _N n V O C ~ ~ N LL C C m O CA .N ~ L_ >_ 7 Q Z O ~ ~~ - N O C y i f0 ~ _ N Ua~ I : -:I' ~~ E ~ 9 ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~Q~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~a,: s~~a ~. ~g ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ `~! ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ Yy4~ ~~ ~ ~YiYY BAYS X68 i i ~a~aseia~~iR3~~ a$~i~~s~~!~~~~~~ ~~3Be3~~GG~a%~~ ag6i 6~i9eeee la1sE~€Eis;z:t d n O O N O O Exhibit B El Camino Real Mixed Use (ECRMS) District Zoning. -9- El Camino Real Mbced-Use District Draft for Review and Discussion EI Camino Real Mixed-Use Distlrict PURPOSE The purposes of the El Camino Real Mixed-Use district are to: 1. Develop the South El Camino area as a vibrant corridor with a variety of residential and non- residential uses to foster a walkable and pedestrian-scaled environment; 2. Ensure that active uses are located along and oriented towards El Camino Real to provide an engaging pedestrian-scaled environment; 3. Ensure that new mixed-use development is designed to minimize: traffic and parking impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods and is appropriate to thy: physical characteristics of the site and the area where the project is proposed; 4. Offer additional opportunities for housing for residents as well as improve access to a greater range of facilities and services for surrounding residential neighborhoods; and 5. Encourage the development of mixed-use projects that incorporate environmentally sensitive features and amenities to benefit the public as well as meet fiche needs of prof ect occupants. LAND USE REGULATIONS Table 1 below prescribes the land use regulations for the El Camino Real Mixed-Use District. TABLE I: EL CAMINO REAL MIXED-USE DISTRICT _ Use ECRMX Additional Regulations Permit Key: P-Permitted, MUP-Minor Use Permit, C-Conditional Use Permit Numbers in parentheses refer to limitations listed at the end of the table. Residential Use Types Single-Unit Dwelling See sub-classifrcations below - Single- Unit Detached (I) _ Second Unit (I) She Second Dwelling Units Single- Unit Semi-Attached (I) T Single-Unit Attached P (2) Mufti-Unit Residential See sub-classifications below Duplex (I) _ Mufti- Unit P (2) Senior Citizen Residential P (2) Elderly and Long-term Care P (2) Siee C~raup Residential Facilities Domestic Violence Shelter MUP (2) (3) Siee C>ornestic Violence Shelter Family Day Care Home See sub-classification below - Smal! P (2) -10- TABLE l: EL CAMINO REAL MIXED-USE DISTRICT Use ECRMX A~dditioncil Regulations Group Residential MUP (2) See Group Residential Facilities Residential Care Facilities See sub-classifications below General C (2) See Group Residential Facilities limited C (2) (4) Senior P (2) See Group Residential Facilities Public and Semi-Public Uses Colleges and Trade Schools, Public or Private MUP Community Assembly, 2000 Square Feet or Less MUp See Community Assembly Facilities Community Assembly, More Than 2000 Square Feet C See Community Assembly Facilities Community Garden p(5) Cultural Institutions C Day Care Centers P See Day Care Centers Government Offices P Hospitals and Clinics See sub-ciassificotion below Clinics C Park and Recreation Facilities, Public P Schools, Public or Private C Social Service Facilities MUP See Soci~d Service Facilities Commercial Uses Animal Care, Sales and Services See sub-classifications below Pet Stores P See Animal Care, Sales, and Services Veterinary P See Animal Care, Sales, and Services Artisu' Studios P Banks and Financial Institutions See sub-classifications below Banks and Credit Unions P (6) Check Cashing Businesses MUP See Check Cashing Businesses Business Services P Commercial Entertainment and Recreation C -11- EI Camino Real Mbced-Use District Draft for Review and Discussion TABLE I : EL CAMINO REAL MIXED-USE DISTRICT Use ECRMX Aldditional Regulations Eating and Drinldng Establishments See sub-classifications below BarslNight Clubs/Lounges C Coffee Shops/Cafes P (b) See Outdoor Seating Restaurants, Fu11 Service P (b) See Outdoor Seating Restaurants, Limited Service P (b) See Outdoor Seating Food and Beverage Retail Sales P (b) Live-Work Units P See L.ive:lWork Units Lodging See sub-classifications below Bed and Breakfast MUP See Bed' and Breakfast Lodging Hotels and Motels C Maintenance and Repair Services P Nurseries and Garden Centers MUP Offices See sub-classifications below Business and Professional P Medical and Dental P Walk-In Clientele P Parking, Public or Private P Personal Services P Retail Sales See sub-clossiications below Genera! Retail Sales P (b} Large Format Retoil C Of~Price Merchandise C Second Hand Store C Employment Uses Recycling Facilities See sub-classifications below Collection Facility C See Pecycling Facilities Research and Development P -12- TABLE I: EL CAMINO REAL MIXED-USE DISTRICT Use ECRMX Additioncrf Regulations Transportation, Communication and Utilities Uses Communication Facilities See suh-classifications below Antenna and 7ronsmission See A,nt~ennas and Wireless Towers MUP (~ Communications Facilities See Antennas and Wireless Facilities within Buildings MUP Communications Facilities Utilities, Major C Utilities, Minor P Other Applicable Use Regulations Accessory Uses See Chapter Accessory Uses Home Occupations P She Home Occupations Nonconforming Use See Chapter Nonconforming Uses Temporary Use See Chapter Temporary Uses Limitations: I . Permitted if existing. New units are not allowed. 2. Residential use types not permitted on the ground floor along EI Camino Real, except on the east side of EI Camino Real between First Street and West Orange Drive subject to approval of Use: Permit 3. Limited to facilities serving a maximum of 10 victims and may not be located within 300 feet of any other domestic violence shelter. 4. Subjett to State licensing requirements. 5. Subject to site evaluation based on prior use. 6. Drive-through facilities are not allowed. 7. Only building-mounted or completely enclosed in building. Not permitted on ground floor. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Table 2 below proposes the development standards for the ~l C;amino Real Mixed-Use District. Individual letters in the table -cells refer to subsections that directly follow the table. The "Additional Standards" column lists additional standards that apply in the district:. Sections listed in this column refer to other sections of the Zoning Ordinance, while individual letters refer to subsections that directly follow the table. The "Additional Standards" dre listed following the table. -13- Et Camino Real Mbced-Use District Draft for Review and Discussion TABLE 2: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS-EL CAM1N0 RE~-L MINCED-USE DISTRICT Standard ECRMX Additional Standards Lot and Intensity/Density Standards The consolidation of substandard parcels is Minimum Lot Size (sq ft) 20,000 encouraged even if the consolidated parcel size is less than the minimum lot size. Minimum Lot Width (ft) 50 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.6 exclusive of areas . for t;he purposes of this chapter, "site" is Minimum Floor Area Ratio, sites devoted to parking, of defined as a lot or group of lots on the larger than 20,000 square feet which a minimum 0.3 same, block that is proposed for FAR shall be active uses concurrent development approval in ~ccorda.nce with the provisions of this ordinance and is in a single ownership or vender unified control 2.5 (3.5 for mixed-use • the reciuirement for a minimum 0.3 FAR MaxIMUm Floor Area Ratio buildings with incentive ~f active uses does not apply to projects program (A)) vwhere 30% of the units are restricted and i#ffordai:de to low- or low-moderate- incorne households. • $ee Section Rules of Measurement Maximum Density (dwelling unitslnet acre) Mixed-Use Buildings 60 ($0 with incentives program (A)} See Affordable Housing Regulations Residential-only Buildings 40 See Alffordable Housing Regulations Building Form and Location Height (ft) Minimum Height 25 (B) 80 (B) (I 20 for mixed- See I-jeights and Height Exceptions and Maximum Height use buildings with Suppldmental Standards incentives program (A)} Yards (ft) Front (EI Camino Real Frontage is Minimum 12; Building always considered the front of the Average: 16 {C} See Biuilding Projections into Yards lot; measured from curb) Minimum Interior Side (measured 0, 10 when abutting a See Building Projections into Yards from property line) residential district Minimum Street Side (measured 10 See Biuilding Projections into Yards from property line) Minimum Rear (measured from 15 (B)(D) See Biuilding Projections into Yards property line) Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot) 90 See Rules of Measurement -14- TABLE 2: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS-EL CAMINO REAj,L MIXED-USE DISTRICT Standard ECRMX Additiana! !ita,ndards Additional Standards - Minimum Usable Open Space (sq ft 150 per residential unit) Minimum Amount of Landscaping (% of site) I ~ See Landscaping Requirements Additional Development Standards: A. Increased Density, FAR and/or Height for Mixed-Use Buildings. A maximum FAR of 3.5, density of 80 dwelling units per net acre, and height of ]~20 :fee:t maybe achieved for buildings that contain a mix of residential and non-residential usf:s through a combination of the following, subject to conditional use permit approval: 1. 0.5 FAR, up to 10 units per acre and/or 20 feet oaf height for the incorporation of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) rx~ea~suxes specified in Chapter 20.120, Transportation Demand Management. 2. 0.5 FAR, up to 10 units per acre and/or 20 feet of Height for the following subject to Planning Commission approval: a. Projects that include high quality, innavati.ve design and product type, and magnum provisions for pedestrian and bicycle use. b. Provision of off-site improvements. This may include off-site amenities and/or infrastructure (other than standarrds requirements and improvements} such as funding for public safety facilities, libraries, senior centers, community meeting rooms, child care or recreation, or new or enhanced public spaces. c. Provision of green building measures over' and above the applicable green building cornplian.ce threshold required pursuant to Title 15 ("Building and Construction") of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. B. Heights and Building Stepbacks. 1. Ground Floor Height. The minimum ground floor height for buildings along El Camino Real with non-residential uses at ground level is 15 feet, measured from the average level of the highest and lowest point of the property along El Camino Real to the finish floor elevation of the second floor, wiiah a minimum 12 foot clearance from floor to ceiling The minimum ground floor height shall be 12 feet for buildings containing ground floor residential uses. 2. Street Wall Height. The minimum height of the street wall is 25 feet. The maximum height of the street wall is 35 feet. 3. Building Stepbacks: a. Front. A minimum of 50 percent of the sttreet facing building frontage shall be stepped back within the area defined by a '75 degree angle originating from the top of the base zone/street wall to a point SO feet from the average level of the highest and lowest point of the property along El Camino Real. The Chief Planner may approve a reduced stepback percentage of 45 percent provided -15- EI Camino Real Mbced-Use District Draft for Review and Discussion that a public plaza with a minimum depth of 25 feet, landscaping and seating amenities is provided on the ground'... level at grade; or other comparable public amenities are provided. Exceptions beyond that are subject to Planning Commission approval. b. Rear. Structures shall not intercept a 60 degree daylight plane inclined inward frcrn the rear property line. C. Front Yards. 1. El Camino Real Frontage and Front Yards Adjacent to Non-Residential Districts. Buildings shall be setback a minimum of 12 fleet, measured from the curb, with an average setback of 16 feet, measured from curb. The area between the building and curb along El Camino Real shall be paved with tile, stone, brick, concrete, or comparable material. The Chief Planner may approve a reduced average setback of 14 feet to allow for efficient site layout and configCu.ratio:n, provided that aten-foot clear sidewalk width is available (clear of landscaping, outdoor seating, planter strips, etc.) Exceptions beyond that are subject to Planning'Cornmission approval. 2. Front Yards adjacent to a Residential District. V1'here a site abuts a residential district on a street other than El Camino Real, ~khe minimum front setback, measured from the property line, shall be seven feet' for the property stretch along the residential district. D. Rear Yard Landscaped Planter. A landscaped planter,. a minimum of five feet in width, shall be provided along all rear yard property lines. SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS A. Building Length and Separation. The maximum di~nensic-n of the portion of a building above 45 feet from finished grade shall not exceed 125 fet:t and must be separated from another building by 30 feet. Exceptions and modificatipns to dimensional standards of up to ten percent may be granted by the Chief Planner, basted on the finding that adequate design features have been incorporated to create visual variety acid void alarge-scale, bullcy or monolithic appearance. Exceptions beyond ten percent art: subject to Planning Commission approval. B. Required Commercial Frontage. A minimum of 65 percent of the frontage of a site along El Camino Real shall to be devoted to active uses (such as ~reta.it shops, restaurants, bars, theaters and the performing arts, commercial recreation and entertainment, personal and convenience services, hotels, banks, travel agencies, airlline ticket agencies, child care services, libraries, museums and galleries). The Chief Planner may approve a reduced frontage of 50 percent to allow for fire access, driveways, and for efficient: site layout and site configuration. Exceptions beyond that are subject to Planning Comrni~sio:n approval C. Depth of Required Commercial Frontage. The minimum average depth of the required commercial frontage shall be 75 feet. The Chief Planer may approve a reduced average depth of 65 feet to allow for efficient site layout and Site configuration. Exceptions beyond that are subject to Planning Commission approval. D. Building Articulation. Buildings shall provide adequatte architectural articulation and detail to avoid a bulky and "box-like" appearance. Buildin€; facades shall include building projections or recesses, doorway and window tri~i, and other details that provide architectural articulation and design interest. -16- E. Building Transparency and Required Openings. A r~inimtun of 60 percent of street facing building facades containing non-residential uses an~ a minimum of 70 percent of street facing building facades containing retail uses shall provide transparency in accordance with the following: 1. Comprised of clear, non-reflective windows that allow views of indoor space between two anal 1? feet above the sidewalk. 2. Windows of portions of windows, located between the sidewalk and two feet above the sidewalk maybe glazed. F. Blank Walls. No street frontage wall may run in a colntirauous plane for more than 20 feet without an opening. Openings fiilfilling this requirement sha]]. have transparent glazing and provide views into work areas, display areas, sales areas, loblbies, or similar active spaces, or into window displays that are at least three feet deep. Exceptions. a. The maximum length of the wall ma,~y be 40 feet if it includes approved artwork approved by the City through t1~e design review process. b. The maximum length of the blank wall. may be 30 feet for retail establishments with a gross floor area of 25,000 square feet or greater. G. Exterior Building Materials and Colors. A unified palette of materials shall be used on alb sides of buildings. 2. Exterior building materials shall be stone, bricks stuco~, concrete block, painted wood clap-board, painted metal clapboard or other duality, durable materials approved by the City as part of the project review. H. Building Orientation and Entrances. 1. Building frontages shall generally be parallel Ito El Camino Real and the primary building entrances shall be located on El Carhino Real. Corner entrances may be oriented to within 45 degrees of a line drawn parallel to El Camino Real. 2. Entries shall be designed so that they are clearly def`med and distinguishable from the street. 3. Building entrances shall be emphasized with srrlall entry plazas, vertical massing, and architectural elements such as awnings, arcades, or po~:ticos. In residential mixed-use developments, entrances to residential units shall be physically separated from the entrances to the permitted commercial uses and clearly marked with a physical feature such as a recesls or projection incorporated into the building or appropriately scaled element applied to the facade. I. Limitations on Location of Parking. 1. Buildings shall be placed as close to the street, o~ public plaza or open space provided along street, as possible in compliance with the #equire~d setback, with parking located either underground, behind a building, or on the int:er:ior side or rear of the site. 17- EI Camino Real Mbced-Use District Draft for Review and Discussion 2. Above ground parking may not be located witthhin 4t) feet of a street facing property line. Exceptions may be granted with the appriaval. o:f a conditional use permit when the following findings can be made: a. The design incorporates habitable spade built close to the public sidewalk to the maximum extent feasible; and an~ parking within 40 feet of the street facing property line is well screene with. a wall, hedge, trellis, and/or landscaping. b. The site is small and constrained such that underground parking or surface parking located more than 40 feet from'the street frontage is not feasible. 3. The maximum height of a parking podium visible from El Camino Real is five feet from finished grade. J. Parking Lot Access. Parking lot access shall be provided according to the general standards of Chapter TBD, On-site Parking and Loading, as will ass the standards of this subsection. Parking lot access shall be provided from a side streeia or alley wherever possible. Curb cuts shall be minimized and located in the location least Iik~ly to vrnpede pedestrian circulation. K. Pedestrian Access. On-site pedestrian circulation and access must be provided according to the following standards. 1. Internal Connections. A system of pedestrian walkways shall connect all buildings on a site to each other, to on-site automobile',and. bicycle parking areas, and to any on-site open space areas or pedestrian amenities. 2. To Street Network. Regular connections befiuveen on-site walkways and the public sidewalk shall be provided. 3. To Neighbors. Direct and convenient access shall be provided from commercial and mixed-use projects to adjoining residential ar~d commercial areas to the maximum extent feasible while still provided for safety and security. 4. To Transit. Safe and convenient pedestrian connections shall be provided from transit stops to building entrances. Sidewalk "bulb-outs" or bus "pull-outs" maybe required at potential bus stops. 5. Pedestrian Walkway Design. a. Walkways shall be a minimum of five feet wide, shall be hard-surfaced, and paved with permeable rnaterials. b. Where a required walkway crosses driveways, parking areas, or loading areas, it must be clearly identifiable through the use. of a raised crosswalk, a different paving material, or similar method. c. Where a required walkway is parallel and. adjacent to an auto travel lane, it must be raised or separated from the auto travel Iane by a raised curb at least four inches high, bollards, or other physical barrier. L. Standards for Residential Uses. 1. Entrances. All units located along El Camino Real shall have the primary entrance, either individual or shared, facing El Camino lZeai and shall incorporate a projection 9 _~g_ (e.g. porch or stoop) or recess at least 40 square,feet: in area, with a minimum depth of five feet. Alternative designs that create a welaomin€; entry feature facing the street, such as a trellis or landscaped courtyard entry, may bf: approved by the Chief Planner or Design Review Board. 2. Setbacks. In order to provide light and air for residential units, the following minimum setbacks apply to any building walk containing windows and facing an interior side or rear yard. The following setbacks shall. be provided: a. For any wall containing windows, a setback of at least ten feet shall be provided. b. ~ For any wall containing bedroom windows, a setback of at least 15 feet shall be provided. c. For any wall containing living room or other primary room windows, a setback of at least 20 feet shall be provided. d. The required setbacks apply to that po~tio:n of the building wall containing and extending three feet on either side of any window. 3. Usable Open Space. A minimum of 150 square.. feet of usable open space is required per residential unit and may be provided as common. or private open space. Private areas typically consist of balconies, decks, patios, fenced yards, and other similar areas outside the residence. Common areas typically consist of landscaped areas, patios, swimming pools, .barbeque areas, playgrounds, turi:, or other such unprovements as are appropriate to enhance the outdoor enviro~rrie~nt of the development; these can be located at the ground level, on parking podiuans, or on rooftops, provided they are adequately landscaped. a. Minimum Dimensions. i. Private Open Space. Private open space located on the ground level (e.g., yards, decks, patios) shall ~avf: n.o dimension less than 10 feet. Private open space located above ground level (e.g., balconies) shall have no dimension less than 6 feet. ii. Common Open Space. Minimum dunension of 20 feet. b. Usability. A surface shall be provided that allows convenient use for outdoor living and/or recreation. Such surface m~.y be any practicable combination of lawn, garden, flagstone, wood planking, concrete, or other serviceable, dust- . free surfacing. Slope shall not exceed 10 percent. c. Accessibility. i. Private Open Space. The space shall'. be accessible to only one living unit by a doorway to a habitable morn or hallway. ii. Common Open Space. The space shall ~be accessible to the living units on the lot. It shall be served by any stairway or other accessway qualifying as an egress facility from a habitable room. !0 -19- EI Camino Real Mbced-Use District Draft for Review and Discussion M. Truck Docks, Leading, and Service Areas. Truck docks, loading areas, and service areas must be located at the rear or interior side of buildings and be screened so as not to be visible from public streets. N. Screening of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment. All exterior mechanical and electrical equipment and antennas shall be screened or incorporated into the design of buildings so as not to be visible from the street, highway, BART hacks, CalTrain tracks, or adjacent R districts. Equipment to be screened includes, but is :not limited to, all roof-mounted equipment, utility meters, cable equipment, telephone entry boxes, backflow preventions, irrigation control valves, electrical transformers, dull boxes, and all ducting for air conditioning, heating, and blower systems. Screening, rna.terials shall be consistent with the exterior colors and materials of the building. HEIGHT AND FAR RULES OF MEASUREMENT A. Measuring Height MeasuringBuildingHeight. Building height is measured from the average level of the highest and lowest point of the property along'El Camino Real to the highest point of the roof ride, or parapet wall. 2. Measuring Height of Other Structures. The h~igh~t of other structures such as fences is the vertical distance from the ground level i~rnmed.iately under the structure to the top of the structure. Special measurement provisions are also provided below. a. Measuring the Height of Fences on Retaining 4VaIls. The height of a fence that is on top of a retaining wall is measured from the ground level on the highest side of the fence and wall. b. Measuring the Height of Decks. Deck height is determined by measuring from the ground to the top of the floor of the deck. B. Determining Floor Area. The floor area of a building xs th-e sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of a building or other enclosed structure. 1. Included in FIoor Area. Floor area includes, but its not limited to, usable basements and cellars that are below the roof and within'the outer surface of the main walls of principal or accessory buildings or the centerlines of party walls separating such buildings or portions thereof or within lines d~?awrl parallel to and two feet within the roof line of any building without walls. In the case of a multi-story building that has covered or enclosed stairways, stairwells or elevator shafts, the horizontal area of such features shall be counted only once at the floor level of their greatest area of horizontal extent. Excluded from Floor Area. Floor area does riot ~inc:lude mechanical, electrical, and communication equipment rooms that do not ~exce:ed 2 percent of the building's gross floor area; areas that qualify as usable oper>G space:; and areas used for off-street parking spaces or loading spaces, and driveways, ramps between floors of a multi- levelparking garage, and maneuvering aisles that a.re located below the finish grade of the property. Non-Residential Uses. For non-residential uses, gross floor area includes pedestrian access interior walkways or corridors, interior courtyards, walkways, paseos, or corridors covered by a roof or skylight. Nora-residential gross floor area does not include arcades, porticoes, and similar open ~.reas ghat are located at or near street -20- level and are accessible to the general public but arE: not designed or used as sales, display, storage, service, or production areas. C. Determining Floor Area Ratio. Floor area ratio (FAR) is the ratio of the floor area, excluding the areas described below, of all principal and accessolry buildings on a site to the site area. To calculate FAR, floor area is divided by site area, and typically expressed as a decimal. For example, if the floor area of all buildings on a site totals. 20,000 square feet, and the site area is 10,000 square feet, the FAR is expressed as 2.0. Excluded from Floor Area in Calculating FAR. a. Basements. Usable basements and cellars below finished grade. b. Parking. Parking areas located below filnished grade or finished floor where the vertical distance between finished grade and finished floor is five feet or less. I2 -21-