HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 135-1997RESOLUTION NO. 135-q7
WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in accord with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of South San Francisco
Guidelines for the Implementation of CEQA; and,
WHEREAS, the EIR has been prepared to address the environmental effects of the Bay West
Cove Specific Plan, associated General Plan Amendments and rezoning of a portion of the site, Owner
Participation Agreement, Development and Disposition Agreement, and a Precise Plan;; and,
WHEREAS, the Final Bay West Cove EIR consists of the Draft EIR including the attachments
thereto, the comments and responses to comments made on the Draft EIR, and the Mitigation and
Monitoring Program; and,
WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was circulated for a 45 day public review period and a notice of its
availability was published in a local newspaper; and.
WHEREAS, the Draft Environmental Impact Report reviewed and analyzed the following
potential environmental impacts:
Land Use, including the existing and proposed setting of the site and consistency
with land use regulatory policies and program;
Visual Conditions, including existing aesthetic conditions, applicability of
appropriate regulatory policies and anticipated aesthetic conditions of the proposed
Transportation and Circulation, including anticipated impacts to local streets and
roadways and adjacent freeway interchanges, including cumulative traffic
Air Quality, including anticipated emissions of pollutants related to the project and
comparison with state and federal air quality standards;
o Noise, including both short-term construction noise and long-term operational noise;
o Earth, including seismic and geotechnical impacts of the proposed project;
Human Health, including the stares of site clean-up under the approved Remedial
Action Plan;
Hydrology and Water Quality, including potential impacts related to drainage,
localized flooding and water quality;
Biological Resources, including possible project-related impacts to plant or animal
Cultural Resources, including potential impacts to historic, prehistoric,
paleontological or other cultural resources;
Public Utilities, including electrical and natural gas service, communications, water,
wastewater and solid waste generated by the proposed project;
Public Services, including police, fire and emergency services, schools and
maintenance of public facilities;
Open Space and Recreation, including existing recreational facilities and
opportunities within the project area and the potential demand for additional parks
created by the project;
Geology and Seismicity, including the potential for groundshaking, ground rupture
and related earth hazards;
Population and Housing, including increases in population, employment and housing
demand created by the proposed project,
o Alternatives to the proposed project;
o Cumulative impacts; and
WHEREAS, a Final EIR was prepared, including responses to comments received on the
Draft EIR, and sent to all federal, state, regional, local and other agencies and individuals from which
comments on the Draft EIR were received; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, having reviewed and considered the information considered
in the Draft and Final EIRs, finds that certain specific economic, social or other considerations make
infeasible the project alternatives, with the exception of the preferred alternative in that:
A. The "No Project" alternative, required for analysis under the California
environmental Quality Act, involves maintaining the site in its existing condition, which would include
remediation from hazardous and potentially hazardous materials, but would not involve any new
construction. The community would not, therefore, benefit from new retail commercial and lodging
opportunities, construction-related employment, long-term employment, additional tax revenues and
community amenities which are proposed to be financed by the proposed project.
B. The Reduced Development Alternative, identified in the EIR would include
primarily retail commercial uses at a lower land use intensity than the preferred alternative and without
the lodging component. Implementation of this alternative would not allow the project site to reach the
full development intensity allowed by the General Plan nor would anticipated environmental impacts be
reduced in any significant manner. The feasibility of constructing the Bay Trail link through the site
could be jeopardized through changed project economics.
C. The Off-Site Alternative would include development of the project on another site in
another City, which has been identified as the Koll Center/Sierra Point Business Park in the City of
Brisbane. Impacts related to the alternative site would not be reduced to any significant degree from the
preferred alternative.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and carefully considered the
information contained in the EIR at a duly noticed public hearing held on November 20, 1997, and
recommends its certification as an objective and accurate document on the basis that it reflects the
independent judgment of the City in the identification, discussion, and mitigation of the project's
environmental impacts; and
WHEREAS, the required findings, attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, can
be made for each of the significant effects, which effects have been mitigated to a level of insignificance
because changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project, which avoid or
lessen its significant environmental effects; and
WHEREAS, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan has been prepared in accord with
Public Resources Code 21881.6; and
WHEREAS, the proposed mitigation measures for air quality and transportation cannot
reduce these two impacts to an acceptable level; and
WHEREAS, the required findings of Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines can be
made for each of the project's significant environmental effects, which effects cannot be reduced to an
acceptable level, with regard to air quality and transportation impacts; and
WHEREAS, the project cannot be approved unless a Statement of Overriding
Considerations is approved for the impacts to air quality and transportation as follows:
The project would generate 667 full-time equivalent jobs at full build out of the
project, thereby improving the City's jobs/housing balance and providing economic
benefit to the City; and
The project is expected to generate approximately $1.3 million in sales taxes and
approximately $900,000 in Transient Occupancy Taxes per year to the City at
project build out. The project also increases tax increment monies to the
Redevelopment Agency which will be used in part to improve traffic circulation in
the Project.
Development of the project site pursuant to a Specific Plan would ensure that it
occurs in a comprehensively planned, controlled and interrelated manner, rather than
on a piecemeal basis.
The project site is currently underutilized and designated for Planned Cornrnercial
and Planned Industrial uses by the City's General Plan. The proposed project would
fulfill the pertinent goals and objectives of the General Plan.
As a part of the proposed project, the project developer has proposed to construct a
link of the region-wide Bay Trail adjacent to San Francisco Bay in front of the Bay
West Cove project; and
WHEREAS, the contribution of the project in meeting or achieving the goals and objectives
of the General Plan as described above outweigh its unavoidable, adverse impacts; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council concur with the
above findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby certifies the Bay
West Cove Environmental Impact Report as adequate, based upon the required findings, and approves
the Statement of Overriding Considerations, and approves the associated Mitigation and Monitoring
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a rogul ar meeting held on the
day of December , 1997 by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmemb~.sr ,]am~..q I. Ilatzman, ,lnqpph A.
Karyl Matsumoto and Mayor Euqene R. Mullin
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilmember dohn R. Penna.
City Clerk
Exhibit A
Bay West Cove
Environmental Impact
EIR Findings
Findings for Environmental Impact Reports are required by Section 15091 of the California
Environmental Quality Act, and are made for each significant effect identified in the EIR for the
Bay West Cove project. Significant unavoidable environmental impacts for which a Statement of
Overriding Considerations are included in the Certification Resolution for the EIR.
At least one of the following findings must be made for each significant project impact:
1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the environmental effect; or
2) The Lead Agency lacks jurisdiction to make the change, but another agency does have
such authority; or
3) Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation
measure or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR.
Visual Conditions
Construction of proposed new uses could result in substantially obstructing public views and view
corridors, and be would be inconsistent with East of 101 Policy DE-17, requiring that loading
docks and service areas be located at the rear or side of development. Also, proposed loading
docks and service areas within future development could face the Bay and be inconsistent with
efforts to provide a visual pleasing open space band and pedestrian path adjacent to the Bay.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
The Specific Plan text has been changed add a design standard requiring loading docks and related
service areas to be located on a side of future buildings facing away from the Bay.
Bay West Cove EIR
Exhibit A-EIR Findings
Page 2
Transportation and Circulation
Imp_ ac~
Construction of the proposed project would result in a decline in Level of Service below a Level of
Service D for the following intersections for the Year 2000: Bayshore Freeway (US 101) off-
ramp, Airport Blvd./Sister Cities/Oyster Point and Oyster Point/Gateway.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation measure has been incorporated into the EIR to require the applicant to pay a fair share
fee based on the project's contribution to increased traffic impacts at each of the above-named
Air Quality
Construction of the proposed project would increase the amount of air-borne fugitive dust.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation measure would require adherence to a number of dust control measures as
recommended by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. These include frequent of
watering of graded areas, limitation on vehicle speeds of construction equipment and stabilization
of graded areas by revegetafion or similar means.
Existing soils on the project site are generally composed of uncompacted fill located on Bay Mud,
which could result in differential settlement when buiIdings or other loads are placed on the site.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Mitigations imposed on the project include completion of a detailed site geotechnic investigation
and adherence with specific engineering recommendations identified by the soils engineer in the
investigation to avoid impacts related to existing fill. Specific construction measures could include
special foundation design, special structural construction, compaction of existing material and other
Bay West Cove EIR
Exhibit A-EIR Findings
Page 3
Imp_ att
The project site could be subject to lateral spreading u4ggered by strong seismic activity such as
ground shaking or liquefaction.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
The measure required to mitigate uncompacted fill (above) will also mitigate lateral spreading
The project site could be subject to liquefaction, which is defined as a loss of shear strength in fine
granular, saturated soil.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
The measures required to mitigate lateral spreading potential and uncompacted fill soils would also
mitigate potential impacts related to liquefaction.
Human Health
On-site construction activities could expose sensitive receptors, such as construction workers and
future employees and visitors to the site to unacceptable hazards, such as airbome particulates,
dermal contact and/or contact with contaminated water.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Adherence to the site Clean Up Order and the associated Health and Safety Plan will reduce the
impacts related to exposure of sensitive receptors to hazardous materials. The Health and Safety
Plan contains standards for training of on-site workers, dust suppression and recordation of deed
restrictions where remediated materials are deposited.
Hydrology and Water Quality
Excavation associated with proposed project development could demolish an existing drainage
culvert crossing the eastern pon/on of the site. This would have the effect of interrupting the
Bay West Cove EIR
Exhibit A-EIR Findings
Page 4
discharge of storm water south of the site and would contribute to the flooding of Oyster Point
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation measure would require that the existing culvert be connected with the project drainage
system to ensure proper site drainage that no flooding to Oyster Point Boulevard would therefore
Implementation of the proposed project is expected to increase the mount of storm water runoff
from the site, increasing the discharge of non-point source pollutants and contributing to
cumulative water quality degradation. Additional storm water flows from the site could also have
negative effects on the man-made marsh in the slot.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Mitigation measures have been imposed on the project to ensure that Best Management Practices
will be employed to reduce non-point source pollution to acceptable levels. Best Management
Practices will be listed in a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan which will be submitted by the
applicant prior to issuance of grading permits.
The project could cause significant localized flooding and degradation of water quality.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Mitigations are included in the EIR to require that the project drainage system be designed to
accommodate storm water mn-off with an overland release flow from Gateway Blvd./Oyster Point
Blvd. if the storm drain system becomes blocked. Other mitigations will serve to reduce
degradation of water quality to acceptable levels.
Biological Resources
Implementation of the proposed project could disturb wildlife foraging and nesting activities within
the wetlands area located within the "slot" portion of the site.
Bay West Cove EIR
Exhibit A-EIR Findings
Page 5
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation measure has been recommended to require the construction of a three to four foot tall
mesh fence within the band of native plants to surround the slot. This will limit the intrusion of
unleashed dogs and other human activity within wetland areas.
Cultural Resources
Implementation of the proposed project could disturb unknown cultural artifacts and resources as
part of construction, although preliminary indications are that no such significant resources exist on
the project site.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Mitgafion measures have been imposed on the project to ensure that any cultural resources
discovered during project construction will be protected and any impacts reduced to a less-than-
significant level.
Imp_ a~t
Implementation of the proposed project would increase current dry weather flows to the City's
Water Quality Control Plant, which is presently operating under a Cease-and-Desist Order issued
by the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation measure would require that the project applicant coordinate with the City's Public
Works Department to ensure that the phasing of the Bay West Cove project, and associated
demand for increased wastewater treatment capacity, is in harmony with the planned improvements
to the water quality control plant. This will ensure that wastewater flows from the project can be
adequately accommodated by the plant.
Construction of the project could overcommit the treatment capacity of the WQCP, resulting in
only partially treated effluent discharges.
Bay West Cove EIR
Exhibit A-EIR Findings
Page 6
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
The mitigation proposed for the impact above will also mitigate this impact as well.
Development of the proposed project could place an undue burden on aging wastewater collection
facilities in the vicinity of the project, specifically the Harbor Way sewer line and nearby pumping
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation measure has been imposed on the project to ensure that the project developer pay a fair
share of upgrading the Harbor Way sewer line and pump station.
Construction of the proposed project and other planned projects in the East of 10! Area could
result in cumulative impacts to the City's wastewater treatment system.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Previous mitigation contained in the EIR would reduce this impact to a level of insignificance.
Public Services
Implementation of the proposed project would increase the need for additional police resources to
provide protection to the project
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
Mitigation measures have been imposed on the project to provide for the submittal of a Safety and
Security Plan by the applicant as well as for the applicant to provide funds to purchase one-half of
a new police vehicle. The Safety Plan would include design features to be incorporated into each
precise plan, coordination between the South San Francisco Police Department and private security
forces and other measures as identified by the Police Department.
Bay West Cove EIR
Exhibit A-EIR Findings
Page 7
The proposed cost to maintain the Bay Trail linkage through the project could result in a significant
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the environmental effect.
A mitigation has been imposed on the project to ensure that trail maintenance through the Project
be the responsibility of the project developer.