HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd. 1436-2011 ORDINANCE NO. 1436 -2011
WHEREAS, Metron, PTP (Owner) and Stuart Welte, AIA (Applicant) have proposed
construction of a four -story mixed -use residential and commercial development, consisting of 20
residential condominiums above approximately 5,200 square feet of ground -floor commercial
space and 35 on -site and six on- street parking spaces ( "Project ") on an approximately 17,582
square foot (0.41 acre) site, which is currently vacant, located at the northwest corner of
McLellan Drive and Mission Road ( "Project Site ") in the City of South San Francisco ( "City ");
WHEREAS, Applicant seeks approval of Zoning Amendments, Use Permit, Design
Review, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Affordable Housing Agreement for the Project; and,
WHEREAS, approval of the Applicant's proposal is considered a "project" for purposes
of the California Environmental Quality Act, Pub. Resources Code, §§ 21000, et seq. (CEQA),
and in accordance with CEQA, an Addendum to the Supplemental Environment Impact Report
for the 2000 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment (2000 SEIR) was prepared,
analyzing the Project and explaining why a subsequent EIR was not required; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on December
2, 2010, to consider the Addendum to the 2000 SEIR, the proposed Zoning Amendments, Use
Permit, Design Review, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Affordable Housing Agreement for the
Project and take public testimony, at the conclusion of which, the Planning Commission
recommended that the City Council certify the EIR and approve the Project, including adoption
of the zoning map and text amendments; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed and carefully considered the information in the
Addendum and the Final 2000 SEIR, and by separate resolution, adopts the Addendum, as an
objective and accurate document that reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City
with regards to the Project's environmental impacts; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on March 9, 2011, to
consider the Addendum to the 2000 SEIR, the proposed Zoning Amendments, Use Permit,
Design Review, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Affordable Housing Agreement and take public
testimony; and,
WHEREAS, as required by State law and the South San Francisco Municipal Code, the
City Council has independently reviewed the Project and the Addendum to the 2000 SEIR, and
makes the findings contained herein in support of the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that based on the entirety of the record before
it, which includes without limitation, the California Environmental Quality Act, Public
Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq. ( "CEQA ") and the CEQA Guidelines, 14 California Code of
Regulations § 15000, et seq.; the South San Francisco 1999 General Plan and General Plan
Environmental Impact Report, including the 2001 updates to the General Plan and 2001
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan, and
the 1993 Environmental Impact Report, including all attachments and technical reports thereto;
the 2000 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment, and the 2000 Supplemental
Environmental Impact Report, including all attachments and technical reports thereto; the
Addendum to the 2000 SEIR prepared for the Project; all reports, minutes, and public testimony
submitted as part of the Design Review Board meetings held on July 21, 2009 and May 18,
2010; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the Planning Commission's
meeting held on December 2, 2010; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part
of the City Council's duly noticed public hearing on March 9, 2011; and any other evidence
(within the meaning of Public Resources Code § 21080(e) and § 21082.2), the City Council of
the City of South San Francisco hereby finds as follows:
A. General Findings
1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution.
2. The Exhibits attached to this Resolution, including the proposed Zoning Map
Amendment (Exhibit A) and the proposed Zoning Text Amendments (Exhibit B) are
incorporated by reference as part of this Resolution, as if each were set forth fully herein.
3. The documents and other material constituting the record for these proceedings
are located at the Planning Division for the City of South San Francisco, 315 Maple Avenue,
South San Francisco, CA 94080, and in the custody of Chief Planner, Susy Kalkin.
4. The proposed Project, including the Zoning Amendment, Use Permit, Design
Review, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Affordable Housing Agreement are consistent and
compatible with all elements in the City of South San Francisco General Plan. The 1999 General
Plan includes policies and programs that are designed to encourage the pedestrian and transit
oriented mixed -use development in the El Camino Real corridor. Further, the land uses,
development standards, densities and intensities, buildings and structures proposed are
compatible with the goals, policies, and land use designations established in the General Plan
(see Gov't Code, § 65860), and none of the land uses, development standards, densities and
intensities, buildings and structures will operate to conflict with or impede achievement of the
any of the goals, policies, or land use designations established in the General Plan.
5. The proposed Project is consistent with the standards and requirements of the
City's Zoning Ordinance (as proposed for amendment) and with the provisions of the Transit
Village Commercial and Transit Village High Density Residential Districts. The parcelization
and development of the Project Site would result in a 20 residential condominiums above
approximately 5,200 square feet of ground -floor commercial space, and would meet minimum
design standards.
6. The site is physically suitable for the type of development and density proposed,
as the mixed -use development will benefit from being located on a major thoroughfare, and the
size of the retail and the number of residential units is appropriate for the location and meets the
City's land use and zoning standards.
7. The environmental impacts of the proposed Zoning Amendment have been fully
analyzed in accordance with CEQA in the 2000 SEIR and Addendum to the 2000 SEIR, and
mitigation measures proposed in the 2000 SEIR are proposed to be readopted as part of the
Proj ect.
B. Zoning Amendment Findings
1. The proposed Zoning Amendment consists of amendments to: (i) the City's
Zoning Map to correct an inadvertent omission from the Zoning Ordinance Update identifying a
portion of the Project Site as Transit Village Commercial (TV -C) and to reclassify the remainder
of the Project Site from Transit Village Medium Density Residential (TV -RM) to Transit Village
High Density Residential (TV -RH); (ii) Zoning Ordinance Figure 20.250.004(D) "Maximum
Building Height" to reclassify the Project Site's maximum allowable building height from 35
feet to 55 feet; and (iii) Zoning Ordinance Figure 20.250.004(E) "Setback Requirements" to
reclassify the Project Site's Mission Road frontage setback requirement from C -1 -60 to C -1 -80.
2. The Zoning Text Amendment proposes an amendment to Figure 20.250.004(D)
"Maximum Building Height" to reclassify the maximum allowable height of the subject parcel
from 35 feet to 55 feet. The Zoning Text Amendment also proposes an amendment to Figure
20.250.004(E) "Setback Requirements" to reclassify the Mission Road frontage from C -1 -60,
which has a setback minimum of 10 ft and maximum of 15ft, to C -1 -80, which has a setback
minimum of 0 ft and maximum of 10 ft, with 80% of the building required to be built to the
minimum setback. The change to the smaller setback requirement would be in keeping with
adjacent buildings, including the Verano development to the northwest (minimum setback of 8
ft, with stairs at property line), and would help to define the edge of the Mission Road pedestrian
environment the same as the McLellan Drive frontage.
3. As required under State law, the South San Francisco General Plan, and the South
San Francisco Municipal Code, in support of the Zoning Amendment, the City Council finds as
(a) The proposed Zoning Amendment is consistent with the City of South San
Francisco General Plan (as proposed for amendment), in that the Project would
further a number of existing and proposed General Plan policies, including
facilitating mixed -use residential, retail, and office development in the El Camino
Real corridor (Policies 2 -G -7, 3.4 -G -2) and transit - oriented development of the
McLellan Boulevard Area (Policies 3.4 -I -3, 3.4 -I -5).
(b) The proposed Zoning Amendment is internally consistent with the City's Zoning
Ordinance (San Francisco Municipal Code, Title 20), as proposed for amendment,
since the Zoning Amendment meets the requirements and standards of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the requirements in Chapter 20.550 of the South San Francisco
Municipal Code.
(c) The subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone in
terms of access, size of parcel, relationship to similar or related uses and the
proposed change of zoning district is not detrimental to the use of land in any
adjacent zone.
(d) The proposed Zoning Amendment furthers and is reasonably related to the public
health, safety, and welfare, in that the proposed land use and development
standards for the Transit Village Commercial and Transit Village High Density
Residential Districts will allow for a higher intensity of uses (compared to
existing uses) in an area that is already well served by schools, transportation,
transit, and existing infrastructure. Accordingly, the new zoning district will
create a more pedestrian- oriented community and minimize reliance on vehicle
use, thereby helping to address the City's climate change and public health
obj ectives.
Based on the entirety of the record, as described above, and for the reasons set forth in
Section I of this Ordinance, and all Exhibits to this Ordinance, the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco, does hereby amend the City's Zoning Map, as set forth in Exhibit A, and
adopts a zoning amendment by amending Figure 20.250.004(D) and Figure 20.250.004(E) of the
South San Francisco Municipal Code, as set forth in Exhibit B.
If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Ordinance, including the
application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected
thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, provisions of this Ordinance are
severable. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby declares that it would
have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof
irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs,
sentences, clauses, or phrases be held unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable.
Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 36933, a summary of this
Ordinance shall be prepared by the City Attorney. At least five (5) days prior to the Council
meeting at which this Ordinance is scheduled to be adopted, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the
Summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk's Office a certified copy of this Ordinance. Within
fifteen (15) days after the adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the
summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk 's Office a certified copy of the full text of this
Ordinance along with the names of those City Council members voting for and against this
Ordinance or otherwise voting. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after
its adoption.
Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco,
held the 9 day of March, 2011.
Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South Francisco at a regular meeting of the City
Council held the 23 day of March, 2011 by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Mark Addiego, Pedro Gonzalez, and Karyl Matsumoto,
Vice Mayor Richard Garbarino and Mayor Kevin Mullin
NOES: None
-` r te '
• As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing
Ordinance this 23 day of March, 2011.
Kevin Mullin, Mayor
Exhibit A
Zoning Map Amendment
Existing Zoning ivlap for Project Site
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Exhibit B
Zoning Text Amendment
Existing Figure 20.250.004(D) — Maximum Building Height
..p,.. 4 4 35' 40"
..4. /s s
0 ■ t ';' °;,*,„ 44 ( ' 4s , 40„
i ?
l' - ,- ',I-, %, , .:-... i f t ., , 4%,,,,:.' ■ 4
1 IIIII . 11 . 1111 Orb 4410111' 'I,?r'' \\NIV I :41% 4
\\$0 # It** • \ .< 4
40 /0" N ■ 4
• . \. # ilk A i
\ 4.4
. A
' l t *
.,. \
tip_. .. A * 4&. W Aati■- .W .‘ ■,.. 4‘. A., v•.#4. ■. ■
0 1/8 1/4 1/2 , ,
I 25 Feet
35 Feet
...:....:.:.:.:_ 45 Feet
55 Feet
Proposed Amendment to Figure 20.250.004(D) — Max Building Height
• Ai r "v7 ■ ■
S i * *
Ir \ \ .s.:\ ■ , 4 ,,,,,*.*\'':: 44 = e ,,,, , 0 s
• s
‘• oz# ,ss • S s
N ' .0*% • ■
, •
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N , , 1 •
0# • S %
,.. ■ , ,
■■ Ai" ...? ..z.: 1".•,„, i - 0 S 44
4 1 4 ._.,r___, • ,.
k -----,------_-_ 44. • *, N
I ■ t 1 A .44 k ,■ A' *':
r4Z :;;; - t - 4 :, t . C4,4, ' i ' ' - + L.ii•-:_,_--7. • ,' " ,,e,.: 4 4, 1 0 .. „ t j P
• .... . . 45,<,-,e•- - -_ - --,, \N„ 04, 4.,,, a *,
.... • . si
• IN. Is • as " l _, , , ,, , ,N , Ak-7.A_ -NI.— #4 • *
L- ■
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I s s% i iit:03 1 1 i tt
• 70 W 4 8: ' 1 w * ■
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r / X 4 . ,%.
• *::::W
ed■ ' '4 0
\ 411
■ ■
t .*4 _
6_ .. . ... ■ .e.ft._. .. ... AA. V 4,4■*41. %
0 1/8 114 1/2 igi li,
25 Feet
tringl 35 Feet
45 Feet
55 Feet
Existing Figure 20.250.004(E) — Setback Requirements
„ \ a .cxy�,' ,' °y ob �":1tF ���,* ,���,,, ,,,,�
V .'°.'"' . N ,4 .,.,
. „_ _. .41, .... A
--------- . 0 I�I %
it i i j S ■MIA�i�9 `'' mi 4
% \S • i r #4 ■
$ SO 0 4 N ,.„,,,,,,,,,.....,,, „.• . .
*- • N-,..N• v
. ,..*,_.. __-_ 4 \ \It %
- ..-4. •
• ■ ■ Nt
_ 4,...- J.. AAP ito: .. ■ -1■ 444 _ 4,,, kb. A. Aft. .
0 1/8 1/. 1/2 „
A -i -80 6 feet minimum to 16 feet maximum,
80% of building to streetwall.
B -i -80 No Setback
80% of building to streetwall.
C -1 -80 0 feet minimum to 10 feet maximum,
80% of building to streetwall.
C -1 -60 10 feet minimum to 15 feet maximum,
80% of building to streetwall.
I I C -3 -60 5 feet minimum to 15 feet maximum,
60% of building to streetwall.
I. Longest Facade Length. Large parcel structures shall have breaks in their facades, in
order to create a sense of a walkable block scale. Breaks must be complete through the
structure, and may provide pedestrian walkways or a combination of pedestrian and
vehicular access. In some cases, if not feasible to break through the development
block, then a deeply recessed break or other facade articulation may be acceptable
upon design review.
Proposed Amendment to Figure 20.250.004(E) — Setback Requirements
\ \N„: 44 4, t, 44.4.4 40: ■ Iv 7 No ■
0 IP , gi at , \ _q„.
� � e •I. ♦ I -♦ � �Q
I is r ir tirk A : ■ ":-.1, - 4: Nip * * 4
-, \ 40 4:
f il i 11* °'''' N - ■ ''''' ''4•4 x e$ 4 11
St* * • / ' N /C'' ‘ ‘',4' Z■ 4
\ %
�. - � I�a ._ ..■■ ■ .■ ■ _ *i. e _ ♦ice ■
0 1/8 1/4 1/2 AI ii■
IIIIMIIIM A -1 -80 6 feet minimum to 16 feet maximum,
80% of building to streetwall.
B -1 -80 No Setback
80% of building to streetwall.
C -1 -80 0 feet minimum to 10 feet maximum,
80% of building to streetwall.
''''' = C -1 -60 10 feet minimum to 15 feet maximum,
80% of building to streetwall.
I I C -3 -60 5 feet minimum to 15 feet maximum,
60% of building to streetwall.
I. - Longest Facade Length. Large parcel structures shall have breaks in their facades, in
order to create a sense of a walkable block scale. Breaks must be complete through the
structure, and may provide pedestrian walkways or a combination of pedestrian and
vehicular access. In some cases, if not feasible to break through the development
block, then a deeply recessed break or other facade articulation may be acceptable
upon design review.