HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4065-1964 RESOLUTION NO. 4065 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING REASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 3 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, Californis that WHEREAS, said Council did on the 8th day of September~ 1964, adopt its Resolution ordering the Engineer of Work to make and file with said Council a reassessment of all parcels of property the former assessments upon which 'under Resolution of Intention No. 2671 of said Council, adopted on June 21, 1958, are designated upon the original Assessment and Diagram and confirmed by said Council on September R, 1958, and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of said City on September 3, 1958; WHEREAS, said Engineer of Work has filed with the City Clerk a Reassessment, together with a Diagram thereto attached; WHEREAS, said Council fixed Monday, the 19th day of October, 1964, as the time for hearing on said reassessment and caused notice of said hearing to be published twice in the Enterprise Journal, the first of which publications was fifteen days before said hearing: as appears from the affidavit of publication on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said hearing, no protests or objections were made or presented to the proposed reassessment, and all matters and things pertaining to said reassess- ment were duly heard and considered by said Council; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That said Reassessment and Diagram filed with the City Clerk of said City pursuant to Resolution ordering same, be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. 2. That the City Clerk of said City shall deliver said Reassessment to the City Engineer, together with a certified copy of this Resolution thereto attached, and said City Engineer shall thereupon record such Reassessment with a certificate at the end thereof by the City Clerk of said City that it is the Reassessment approved by the City Council on October 19, 1964. B. The City Engineer shall note opposite the several assessments in said original Diagram and Assessment that it has been displaced by said Reassessment, giving its date, and shall credit upon s'uch Reassessment all payments theretofore made upon the original assessment. When said Reassessment has been recorded, the City Engineer shall cause the original assessment involved to be cancelled. 4. The boundaries of the District in which the properties are reassessed are shown on the map referred to in Resolution No. 405?, A Resolution Fixing Time and Place of Hearing on Reassessment and Providing Notice, Industrial Park Unit No. B, adopted on September 21~ 1964 by this Council, and are more particularly described in the Exhibit hereto attached and made a part hereof, entitled "South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. B Reassessment District Boundary - ~212-1001-15, 9-16-64, PvG-lv". I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was reg- ularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a 19th day of October vote: regular meetin~ held this , 1964, by the followin~ AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, " ABSENT, " Patrick E. Ahem, Frank Bertucelli, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi Noue Noue ATTEST: CITY CLERK SOUTN SAN Fi~KISCO INDUSTRIAL PAlUC UNIT NO. 3 RE-ASSESS#ENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Ail that certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San &Brio, State of California, being 'more particularly described as BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of Lot I/+~ Block IG, as said Lot ar~ Block are shown, on that certain map entitled "SOUTH SAN FIIANCISCO INDUSTRIAl. PAILK UNIT #0. ~A'", t~hich n~p wes recorded in Volume 60 of I~ps~at .Pages 27 and 28, Records of San KBteo County, California, said Point of Beginning being a polnt on the southerly I lne of the subdlvislo~ shcx~n on the a~p entitled "SOUTH SAN FKANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PAIU< UNIT NO, SOUTH SAN IrlLANCISCO, SAN KATEO COUKTY, CALIFORNIA", recorded, July in Volu~e /+9 of fl~ps at Pages 25 .to 28 Inclusive, Records of San P, ateo County; thence from said. Point of Beginning along.said southerly llne of Unlt No, 3,S 53'O/+*O5' I/ /+60.OO feet;thence leevlng said southerly line S Zf/+e2/~3/~'' E 28,59 feet; thence S 58'00'00' ~/ 337.18 feet; thence t&ngent to the preceding course on the arc. of a curve to the right having · radlus of 57/*.83 fdet and a central eagle of k3'0~'57' ~n' arc dlstan~e ,of /+32,23 feet;' thence S I1'0Z~57' Id 20.OO feet; thence S~02'08~:~/+'t E 321.69 fee~t; thence from a tangent whlch bears S '87*5l"26' h/ on the arc of a curve to the right having I radius of 3,520,00 feet and · centre1 angle of an arc distance of 27k.~ feet;thence tangent to the preceding curve on the arc of a curve to the left having a ridlul of 3,680 feet and a centre1 angle of 6el~tlO'' an arc distance of LH)O.53 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 86'O5~50'! t/ 500.63 feet; thence S 86.'50~1:~' ti 86.62 feet; thence S 86e05'50'' V 3~6.~5 feet to a point on the $ouJ;heasterty tine of Lot 2/+, Block 15 es said Lot and Block are shown on the abOva-men.tloneKl, map of SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNfT NO. 3; thence along said south- easterly i lne of said Lot 2/~ from a tangen,t which bears N 37e~O~38' E on the arc of a curve to the left hevlng e radius of 368.39 feet and a central ingle of 8'15'38' in arc distance of 53.11 feet; thence tange~,t to the pre- ceding curve N 2,c)'25~OO' E 228;50 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course on .the arc of a curve to the right having · radius of 3J~8,:~9 feet and a central angle of 13':~/~'29'' an arc distance of 82,5/~ feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N /~2'59'2~" E 1087,L~8 feet; thence tangent to the pre-, ceding course on the arc of a curve to the right having'a radius of feet end a centre1 'angle of 7'0~'O6" an arc distance of/+2.~3 feet; thence tangent to the preceding Curve g 50e03'35'' E ?O5.~O feet; thence tangent to the preceding ¢ourbe bn the arc of a curVe to the right hiving a radius of 3~8.39 feet and · central angle of 2'57'07" an irc distance of I7.95 feet; thence' tangent to the preceding curve N 53'00'/+2" E #212-1001=15 ~-l&-6~. '2' feet; thence'tangent to Chi preceding course on the arc of a curve to the left having a radlus o.f ~68,]~) feet and a central angle o~ 2'S7'07" ~n arc dls~ance o~ 18.g8 Eae~; ~hence ~angen~ ~o ~he preceding curve N SO'O~iS~ ~88.18 feet; thence tangent to the precedlng, course on the ~rc of · curve to the right having a radius of ~,~9 feet ~nd · central angle of ~'23~59'' an arc distance of 26.75 feet; thence from a tangent which bears N ~'26~02' E on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 655.00 feet and · central ~ngle of 1~'16~2~'' an arc distance of 163,18 faet~ thence S 88'5~58 12~.59 feet; thence N 8g']~i3'' E 6~.22 feet to the general ~sterly i ina of geld South ~n Francisco Industrl~1 Park Unlt No, 3; , thence fr~ a tangent which bears S 75'57~'' E on the erg of a cu~e to 'the right havl~ . a r~lus of ~76.67 feet and a central angle of 3G'16'0~' en arc dlstance '-' of 301.7~ feat: thence cofltinulflg aloflg sald line N OeO0~S' V 9~.30 f~t; thence fr~ I tlngant ~lck b~rs S ~7'00t 1¥' E on the arc of · c~rva t'o the rl~ht having a radius ~f 530.2G'feet and a central angle of 32'53'27" an arc d;sCanca of 30q.qO feat tothe intersectl~ of said line ~Ith the Sahara1 southerly line of the lands conve~ by ~uth San FrancisGo ~nd and I~rov~ent C~any to Anna ~ulse Carter by De~ rKorded in ~k of Off[cia1 ~ords of San ~teo County at P~ge 227; thence e1~g sald g~eral southerly line N 75'53~1~'' E 25.00 feet; thence IMvlng seld southerly line along the genera! ~sterly line. of the ll~s ~veyed by ~uth'San Francisco ~nd and I~rov~ent C~peny.to the C. lty of S~th Sen FranGlsc~ . by Deed recordS. In ~k l~2 of 0fficial ~eco~s of San ~t~ C~nty at Page.2. fr~ a tangent ~hlch bears S 1q'06'q7" E on the arc of curve to the right ~ving a ~ius of. 555.26 feat a~ · centrll angle of ]7'27"~5"; an'arc distance of 1~9.23 feet to an angle ~Int thereon; thence c~tlnu;~ $ :'~"39~O2'' .l 55,00 feet; thence fr~ ~ tangent '~lch.b~rs S 3*20~58' V on the ~rc =f ~ cu~e to the right having a r~lus of 610.26 feet ~d a centra'l angle o~ !*2~)30' an arc al]stance of 15.OO feet to a point on the general ~sterly l lne of Tide ~t 7 in $~tion 23~T ~ ~ ~unt Dlabl= ~rldlan; thence'along 1mst said line S 56"10'25' V 13.78 fNt to an ~ngle point thereon; thence continuing 5 22'1~25' V f~t' to ~he southwest corner of said Tide Lot 7; thence along the southerly Ilne of said Tide Lot 7 N 89'55'25" E 21.07 feet; thence S 0'0q'35' E 367.80 feet; thence S 76'51'~2" v 81q.59 feat~ thence S 53'0~'05' V 60,51 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 83,ql acres of land, more or lass,