HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4077-1964RESOLUTION NO. 4077 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the Classification Plan of the City of South San Francisco is amended to include the following new positions: Chief Account Clerk General Park Foreman BE IT FURT}ER KESOLVED that the title, description and typical duties and responsibilities, statement of training, experience and other requirements as set forth in Section 4.O1 of the Rules and Regulations, which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A", are hereby approved. City of South San Francisco at a meeting held on the 2nd day of by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the remular November , 19 64 Patrick E. Ahern, Frank Bertucelli. Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca. and Guido J. Rozzi NOES, " None ABSENT, " None Attest: 3am~l~ancleco CHIEF ACCOUNT CLERK DRFIN ITI ON: Under direction, to perform the more difficult and complex accounting work required in the m~intensnce of fiscal records; to supervise the work of all assistants; and to do related work es required. JOB CHARACTERISTICS: The class of Chief Account Clerk is distinguished from that of Benior Account Clerk by the difficulty agd responsibility of the assign- ment as indicated by the complexity of accounts kept. Judgment reculred in applying rules, regulatloa, and procedures, the technical know/edge required, and the supervisory responsi~i!ity entailed. Incumbents of positions in th~, ciasa may also be assigned a variety of other responsible cle~-1aal duties'which generally require the exercise of considerable In~t~stive and !~dependence and an understanding of the rules, policies and procedu:'es of the department. _TYPICAL DUTIES: Maintains general ledger and Journals; prepares monthly trial balances, revenue and expenditure reports, and year-end statements in conjunction with the ~uditor; s.~?erv!ses and assists in keeping records and the recordin~ and ,~hec~n~ of financial transactions; sorts and classifies ~isnal docum~nts and ~.epsres schedules; prepares reports for state and federal a~encies; helps to ~afntaln integrity of the system of internal, checZs and control: computes special t~ assessments and ~tains schedule o" bond MIN] MUM QUA LI F ]' CATI~ ?;~ e.: Knowledge of: Principles and r~r.ct!~,.,~ of ~ow~r~mentsl and commercial Modern ~"~ Ability to: Examine and ver~,f~ f'In~ncia] document~q and reports; Make arithmetical calculet!on~ ~th speed and accuracy; Maintain tec.hnlc~l bud~et an~ ~counti~ records; Originate and develop ~ecount]n~ orocedures, fo~,. and records; Operete calculet~n~' ,nd bookkeeolnF machines; (T~n~ at a speed of at least 35 words Ocr m~nute ~ desir~ble. ~t not a requirement.) Supervise and direct the work of other~; Maintain coopers~ttve work~nF re]~t~on~h~ps w~th fellow workers and the public. Chief Account Clerk - 2 - July 1~64 Education: Equ;va]eut to compl, et~on of ,*,he twelfth ;-r~de, supplemented by completf~n o~' reco~.n~,z,;d courses In advanced sccounti~K, cost A major Ir-~. ac~':~unt~a~r at a reer~n!zed four-year co]!e¢~ rosy bo substlt~>te~ for the reouired excer~ence on t~ basfs of one ac~edic year for one year o~' reoufrad experl, ence to a maxtm~ o~ Experionc-: Four ya,qrs ,~" pr.:_og~msstvely ra,~oonsible supervl..qory experleoce pcrf~'~rm~n'. ~}~o more dlff~cult work required in accountin~ ~y~temS ~Olt~ cf 5curb Sa. l~eucisco oeteber 1~ · .D. EFINITI 0~, Under direction of the Superintendent, assumes ~esponeibility for tim field services and pe~onnel of the Park Depertnaent by planning, organizing, and directing work in the parks; and does ~eleted wor~ aa r~quir~d. ~fPICAL. Supervises and directs activities of the Park Department lneludlng eonstr~ction, maintenance, and ~epair of grounds, buildings, r~e~eation a~eaa, and other facilities; p~opagetton and planting! personnel and equipment. Prepares wo~k schedules. Assigns full'ti~e and seasonal personnel. Prepares reports; takes action on eom~lalnts and requests pe~tetnlng: to work of the Departmaent! ir~pects ar~as, facilities, and equt~ent to dete~ae safe~y, adeq~ey, and need of ~imte~nee. Evaluates employees' work performances! ~ecomends changes in statue for ~egular personnel~ maintains cooperative working relationships w~th employees l ~esolves p~oblems and g~ievanees at departmental level. Conducts o~ientation, indootrinatton, and tx-elaine programs in back, round and teehniques of public park services amd departmmmYal operating regulations and policies. MIN~ ~ALIFICATI0~$ Knowledge of~ Current concepts of recreation and park funot~or~; Development, maintenance, and operation of reereetio~ and park and facilities; Plant n~eenolatu~e and adaptabilities as applied to the Otty environment ~ Horticulture, plant pathology, arborieultur~, and ps~k ~armgement. Ability tot Read and interpret construction plan~ and Plan, schedule, and ~pe~ise ~k fo~ ~st uttlisation of ~ ~eisions obJeoti~ly~ ~e~ ole~, acetate, and concise Esta~ish ~d maintain o°ope~ative wo~ki~ ~latio~pa with e~loyeea ~d t~ ~blio. Experience (P~aotioual) t Five year~ of ~eeent experience in the Pa~k Depa~dm~nt of the 0try, three yearn of which was aa a Park Foreman.