HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd. 1445-2011 ORDINANCE NO. 1445 -2011
WHEREAS, in July of 2010, after over two years of preparation and public hearings, the
City Council for the City of South San Francisco adopted a comprehensive updated to the City's
zoning ordinance, which repealed the then - existing Title 20 of the South San Francisco
Municipal Code, and replaced it with an entirely new Title that, among other actions, established
new zoning district, revised and reformatted many then - existing zoning provisions, eliminated
inconsistent and outdated provisions, and codified entirely new zoning provisions, including new
land use regulations and development standards; and,
WHEREAS, since adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in July 2010, the City has identified
areas of the Zoning Ordinance that require refinement, clarification, and/or correction, as further
set forth in this Ordinance; and,
WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance was adopted after preparation, circulation,
consideration, and adoption of an Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) in accordance with
the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq.
( "CEQA "), which IS/ND analyzed the environmental impacts of adopting the Zoning Ordinance
and concluded that adoption of the Zoning Ordinance could not have a significant effect on the
environment because none of the impacts required to be analyzed under CEQA would exceed
established thresholds of significance; and,
WHEREAS, the refinements, clarifications, and/or corrections set forth in this Ordinance
are minor in nature, the adoption of which would not result in any new significant environmental
effects or a substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified effects beyond those
disclosed and analyzed in the IS/ND prepared and circulated for the Zoning Ordinance, nor do
the refinements, clarifications, and /or corrections constitute a change in the project or change in
circumstances that would require additional environmental review.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that based on the entirety of the record before
it, which includes without limitation, the California Environmental Quality Act, Public
Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq. ( "CEQA ") and the CEQA Guidelines, 14 California Code of
Regulations § 15000, et seq.; the South San Francisco 1999 General Plan and General Plan
Environmental Impact Report, including the 2001 updates to the General Plan and 2001
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; the South San Francisco Municipal Code; the
Initial Study and Negative Declaration prepared for the Zoning Ordinance Update, including all
written comments received; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the
City Council and Planning Commission's joint study sessions held on February 20, 2008 and
April 19, 2008; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the Planning
Commission's study sessions held on September 18, 2008, November 6, 2008, February 19,
2009, April 16, 2009, August 20, 2009, September 17, 2009, and November 5, 2009; all reports,
minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the Planning Commission's duly noticed
public hearings on February 18, 2010, March 18, 2010, and June 17, 2010; all reports, minutes,
and public testimony submitted as part of the City Council's duly notice public hearing on April
28, 2010, May 26, 2010, and July 14, 2010; all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted
as part of the Planning Commission's duly noticed public hearing on May 5, 2011; all reports,
minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the City Council's duly noticed public
hearings on , 2011; and any other evidence (within the meaning of Public
Resources Code §21080(e) and §21082.2), the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
does hereby ORDAIN as follows:
Based on the entirety of the record as described above, the City Council for the City of
South San Francisco hereby makes the following findings:
1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Ordinance.
2. The documents and other material constituting the record for these proceedings
are located at the Planning Division for the City of South San Francisco, 315 Maple Avenue,
South San Francisco, CA 94080, and in the custody of Chief Planner, Susy Kalkin.
A. Historic Preservation Commission
(1) Add the following three items to the list of Planning Commission powers and duties in
Section 20.440.004:
L. Designate historic resources pursuant to Chapter 2.56;
M. Conduct design review of applications for the demolition, relocation, alterations,
and/or modifications to a designated historic resource in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 20.480 ( "Design Review ") and the design review guidelines: and
N. Review applications for, and issue Certificates of Alteration authorizing
alteration, demolition or construction affecting designated historic resources.
(2) Delete Section 20.440.006.
(3) Revise Table 20.440.011 ( "Review Authority "), as follows:
(a) Remove "Historic Preservation Commission" from the list of Decision Makers for
Design Review.
(b) Replace "Historic Preservation Commission" with "Planning Commission" as the
Decision Maker for Certificates of Alteration
(4) Revise Section 20.480.003 ( "Assignment of Design Review Responsibilities "), as
20.480.003 Assignment of Design Review Responsibilities
A. Chief Planner.
1. The Chief Planner may approve, conditionally approve, or deny sign
programs with less than 25 square feet of total sign area, additions to one -, two -
and three -unit residential structures, and residential second units not elsewhere
exempted from the procedures of this chapter, without the Design Review Board's
review and recommendations.
2. For items subject to review by the Design Review Board but not requiring
Planning Commission approval, the Chief Planner shall consider the
recommendations of the Design Review Board and shall approve, conditionally
approve or deny the design review application. If the Chief Planner fails to
approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application as submitted by the
applicant within 90 days following the date the final recommendation is received
from the Design Review Board, the application, as submitted, shall be deemed
approved, unless the Planning Commission grants the Chief Planner a reasonable
extension of time thereof.
B. Design Review Board. The Design Review Board shall conduct design review of
all other projects and signs subject to design review and provide
recommendations to the Planning Commission or Chief Planner as detailed in
subsections D and E below.
C. Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall have design review
authority for all projects requiring Planning Commission approval (such as Use
Permits and variances) and all new commercial, downtown, employment, mixed -
use, office and multi - family developments. The Planning Commission shall
consider the Design Review Board's recommendations and shall approve,
conditionally approve or deny the design review application. The Planning
Commission shall also conduct design review of all applications involving
alteration, and/or modification to a designated historic resource and may approve,
conditionally approve, or deny the design review application without the Design
Review Board's review and recommendations. When a project proposes new
construction following demolition or removal of a designated historic resource,
the Design Review Board shall conduct design review but no approval shall be
granted under this ordinance without approval of a Certificate of Alteration
pursuant to Section 2.56.130 ( "Certificate of Alteration ") of the South San
Francisco Municipal Code.
B. Definitions & Use Tables
(1) Amend Section 20.620.004 to add definition of "Automobile /Vehicle Sales and Service,
Towing and Impound" as follows:
Automobile/Vehicle Sales and Services.
Towing and Impound. Establishments primarily engaged in seizing and retaining
vehicles, in addition to parking associated towing vehicles.
(2) Amend "Table 20.110.002: Land Use Regulation – Employment Districts" to include the
"Towing and Impound" use, and identify the zoning districts where the use will be permitted,
permitted subject to a use permit (minor or conditional), or not permitted, as follows:.
Use Classification BC BTP FC MI Additional Regulations
Commercial Uses
Auto/Vehicle Sales and
Towing and Impound - - - CUP
(3) Amend Section 20.620.005, to add "Clean Technology" definition to the Employment
Use Classifications definition, as follows:
Clean Technology. A facility for technical research and the design, development, and
testing of technology that uses less material and /or energy, generates less waste, and
causes less environmental damage than the alternatives.
(4) Amend "Table 20.110.002: Land Use Regulation – Employment Districts" to include the
"Clean Technology" use, and identify the zoning districts where the use will be permitted,
permitted subject to a use permit (minor or conditional), or not permitted, as follows:.
Use Classifi BC BTP FC MI Additional Regulations
Employment Uses
Research and P P - P
Clean Technology P P - P
(5) Add a definition of "Rental Car Storage" to the "Automobile /Vehicle Sales and Services"
definition in Section 20.620.004, as follows:
Rental Car Storage. Parking or storage of operable motor vehicles for rental car
agencies, leasing agencies, or any company or business engaged in the rental or leasing of
motor vehicles, where more than thirty percent of annual rental transactions relating to
those parked or stored motor vehicles occurs off -site.
(6) Amend "Table 20.110.002: Land Use Regulation – Employment Districts" to include the
"Rental Car Storage" use, and identify the zoning districts where the use will be permitted,
permitted subject to a use permit (minor or conditional), or not permitted, as follows:
Use Classif cation BC BTP FC MI Additional Regulations
Employment Uses
Automobile /Vehicle P P - P
Sales and Service
Rental Car Storage - - - MUP
(7) Amend the definition of "Freight /Truck Terminals and Warehouses" in Section
20.620.005, as follows:
Freight /Truck Terminal & Warehouse. Facilities that handle third party goods for
local or worldwide freight, courier, local messenger, and postal services by truck or rail.
(8) Add a definition of "Hookah Bar /Smoking Lounge" to the Eating and Drinking
Establishments definition in Section 20.620.004, as follows:
Hookah Bar /Smoking Lounge. Businesses serving flavored tobacco or other products
for onsite smoking.
(9) Amend "Table 20.090.002: Land Use Regulation — Commercial, Office, and Mixed -Use
Districts" to include the "Hookah Bar /Smoking Lounge" definition, and identify the zoning
districts where the use will be permitted, permitted subject to a use permit (minor or conditional),
or not permitted, as follows:
Use Classification CC BPD CMX ECRMX Regulations
Commercial Uses
Eating and Drinking See sub - classifications below
Hookah C - - C
Bar /Smoking
C. Downtown
(1) Amend "Table 20.100.002: Land Use Regulations — Downtown Districts" to remove
"Automobile /Vehicle Service and Repair, Minor" from the list of allowed uses in the DMX
(Downtown Mixed -Use Zone District), as follows:
Use Classicatior DC DMX DRL DRM DRM Regulations
Commercial Uses
Automobile/Vehicle See sub - classifications below
Sales and Services
Automobile /Vehicl - C - - - See Section
e Rentals. 20.350.006
Rental Facilities
in Hotels
Automobile /Vehicl - C - - - See Section
e Sales and 20.350.008
Leasing. Automobile /Vehi
cle Sales and
., - - • - MUP - - -
c Scrvicc and 20.350.009
Repair, Minor. Automobile /Vehi
cic Scrvicc and
Service Station - C - - - See Section
cle Service
Stations and
Washing and
D. Transportation Demand Management
(1) Amend Section 20.400.004(A) to add additional required measures, as follows:
12. Bicycle Parking, Long -Term. The applicant shall install long -term bicycle
parking in compliance with the requirements of the zoning district. Bicycle
parking shall be located within seventy -five feet of a main entrance to the
building and all long -term spaces must be covered. Long term bicycle parking
shall be achieved by providing one or more of the following measures:
a. Parking in a locked, controlled access room or area enclosed by a fence
with a locked gate;
b. Lockers;
c. Parking within view or within or within one hundred feet of an attendant
or security guard;
d. Parking in an area that is monitored by a security camera;
e. Providing fixed stationary objects that allow the bicycle frame and both
wheels to be locked with a bicycle - locking device or the bicyclist
supplying only a lock and six -foot cable.
f. Additional measures may be approved by the Chief Planner.
13. Bicycle Parking, Short -Term. The applicant shall install short-term bicycle
parking in compliance with the requirements of the zoning district. Bicycle
parking shall be located within one hundred feet of a main building entrance to
the building. Security shall be achieved by using one or more of the same
methods use for securing long -term bicycle parking.
14. Free Parking for Carpools and Vanpools. Ten percent of vehicle spaces shall
be reserved for carpools or vanpools, with a minimum of one space required.
Such spaces shall be provided in premium and convenient locations. These
spaces shall be provided free of charge.
(2) Amend Section 20.400.004(B) to add the additional measure, as follows, and renumber
subsequent sections accordingly:
8. Reduced Parking. In accordance with General Plan Policies related to
Transportation Demand Management, reduced parking, consistent with projected
trip reduction identified in the preliminary TDM plan, may be permitted subject
to approval of the Planning Commission.
(2) Amend Section 20.400.005 ( "Submittal Requirements ") to read as follows:
All projects subject to the requirements of this chapter shall submit a preliminary trip
reduction plan in conjunction with the development application. Said plans must
demonstrate that, upon implementation, they will achieve the required alternative mode
use and shall include the following.
A. Preliminary TDM Plan
1. A completed checklist of the trip reduction measures chosen by the
applicant pursuant to Section 20.400.004 ( "Trip Reduction Measures ").
2. A description of how the applicable minimum alternative mode use will be
achieved and maintained over the life of the project, including, but not limited to,
the trip reduction goals targeted for the various measures. If the development has
not achieved the required alternative mode use, the applicant shall provide an
explanation of how and why the goal has not been reached and a detailed
description of additional measures that will be adopted in the coming year to
attain the required alternative mode use. Any and all additional measures must
include an implementation schedule by month.
3. A site plan that designates trip reduction design elements including:
a. External: preferential parking areas, paid parking areas, bicycle
connections, location of onsite amenities, passenger loading areas,
land dedicated for transit facilities and bus shelters, direct route to
transit, and pedestrian connections.
b. Internal: showers /lockers, information boards /kiosks, ATM, dry
cleaners, day care, convenience retail, post office, cafeteria, limited
food service establishment, exercise facilities, onsite transit pass
(4) Amend Section 20.400.006(C), as follows:
C. Final TDM Plan. The applicant shall modify the preliminary trip reduction plan
and submit the final trip reduction plan including additional conditions imposed
by the Review Authority as part of the building permit process. Prior to receiving
a building permit, the final trip reduction plan shall be reviewed and approved by
the Chief Planner to ensure all conditions imposed by the Review Authority have
been addressed.
E. Signs
(1) Amend Section 20.360.002(B) to remove temporary signs from the list of signs exempt
from requiring a permit, as follows:
B. Exempt Signs. The following on- premise signs are exempt from the permit
requirements of this chapter, and they do not count toward the total sign area limit
for a site, provided that they conform to the specified standards:
1. Bulletin Boards. One bulletin board not exceeding 20 square feet
in area or five feet above existing grade, for a public, or quasi -
public agency, community facility or institution, if located on the
premises of the institution.
2. Flags—and—Pennants. Flags may be erected and located in
accordance with the following standards.
a. Location. Flagpoles shall not be located within any
required yard setbacks.
b. Height. Flagpole heights shall be limited to 30 feet.
c. Number. No more than two flags per lot in residential
districts, no more than three flags per lot in all other
d. Size. Maximum flag size is 24 square feet in residential
districts, 35 square feet in all other districts.
3. Information Sign. Information signs not more than four square
feet in sign area. Information signs include wall or window signs
that identify the name and occupation of an occupant in a non-
residential building or provide information to patrons of an
enterprise such as credit cards accepted, menus, redemption stamps
or directories and signs incorporated into displays, machinery or
equipment by a manufacturer, distributor or vendor and identifying
or advertising only the product or service dispensed by the
machine or equipment, such as signs customarily fixed to
automated teller machines (ATMs), gasoline pumps, vending
4. Memorial Signs. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings or
date of building erection, when cut into any masonry surface.
5. Official Government Signs, Plaques, and Legal Notices. Official
notices issued by a court, public body or office and posted in the
performance of a public duty; notices posted by a utility or other
quasi - public agent in the performance of a public duty or by any
person given due legal notice; historical markers erected by a
governmental body; or other signs required or authorized by law.
6. Traffic, Directional, Informational, and Warning Signs. On -site
traffic, directional, informational or warning signs required or
authorized by a public utility, common carrier, or public agency
and not exceeding one square foot in area erected for the
convenience of the public, such as signs identifying restrooms,
public telephones, walkways and similar features or facilities or
indicating danger and aids to service or safety.
(2) Amend Section 20.360.004(J)(4) to allow the City to allow temporary signs or banners in
the Downtown, as follows:
J. Signs on Public Property. No person shall paint, mark, or write on, or
post or otherwise affix any handbill or sign to or upon any sidewalk,
crosswalk, curb, curbstone, street lamp post, hydrant, tree, shrub, tree
stake or guard, post, railroad crossing, electric light or power or telephone
or telegraph pole, or wire appurtenance thereof, or upon any fixture of the
fire alarm or police communications system, or upon any lighting system,
public bridge, public building or wall, drinking fountain, street sign, or
traffic sign or any other public place, except:
1. Signs or handbills posted by a public officer or public employee
in the performance of a public duty;
2. Legal notices that are authorized by law;
3. Messages placed on transit shelters sponsored or contracted by
the applicable transit agency pursuant to a contract with the transit
agency and with its consent.. -; and
4. Signs, banners, or similar authorized by the City Manager to be
posted by a public or non - profit agency within the Downtown area
for special events.
(3) Amend Section 20.360.006(Q) to include Temporary Signs in the list of signs that require
a permit, as follows:
Q. Temporary Signs. Any temporary sign, banner, balloon, pennant, valance or
advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard
or other light materials, with or without frames for any event of limited duration
including, but not limited to, entertainment, sporting events, elections,
construction, sales of goods, and real estate sales and rental may be erected and
located in accordance with the following standards.
a. Maximum Total Temporary Sign Area:
i. Residential. Six square feet, no portion of which may be
higher than seven feet above existing grade.
ii. Nonresidential. Twenty -four square feet, no portion of
which may be higher than 10 feet above existing grade.
b. Distance between Signs: Minimum two feet.
c. Time Limits. Temporary signs shall be removed within 30 days after they
are placed, erected or installed, or 15 calendar days after the conclusion of
the event to which they relate occurs, whichever is later. The Chief
Planner may, for good reason, grant an extension of up to 45 days based
on the sign owner's written application. In no case shall a temporary sign
remain in place for more than 90 days or be allowed more than twice per
(4) Amend Section 20.360.009(A), which is the sign permit review process, and number the
following sections in the Section, as follows:
A. Sign Permit Type. The physical classification of signs and the review criteria are
as follows:
1. Type A. Temporary and permanent signs that are used by individual
business establishment and have a maximum freestanding height of six
feet or less and have a maximum surface area of 25 square feet or less.
2. Type B. Signs that are used by individual or multi- tenant businesses and
have a freestanding height of more than six feet and less than 10 feet and
have a maximum surface area of more than 25 square feet and less than
100 square feet.
3. Type C. Signs that are used by individual or multitenant businesses and
have a freestanding height of 10 feet or more, and less than 20 feet and
have a maximum surface area of 100 square feet or more and less than 300
square feet.
4. Master Sign Program. See Section 20.360.010 ( "Master Sign Program ").
B. Authority. The Chief Planner shall review and approve all Type A and Type B
sign applications. The Planning Commission shall review and approve all Type C
and Master Sign Permit applications.
C. Design Review Required. All signs 25 square feet or more in size are subject to
the design review provisions of Chapter 20.480 ( "Design Review ").
D. Sign Permit Required. Except for certain signs exempted in compliance with
Section 20.360.002 ( "Applicability and Exemptions, ") no sign shall be erected,
re- erected, constructed or altered (including change of copy or face change),
except as provided by this section, unless a Sign Permit has been issued by the
Chief Planner and a building permit issued by the Building Division.
E. Applications for Filing, Processing and Review.
1. Filing and Filing Fee. Application for a Sign Permit shall be
made upon forms furnished by the Chief Planner and accompanied
by the required fee and working drawings adequate to show the
location, construction and design, including colors, materials,
lighting, electrical elements, and advertising copy, of the sign in
accordance with applicable sign design guidelines.
2. Compliance with Standards.
a. Upon acceptance of a sign application, the Chief Planner
shall review the request for compliance with the standards
and requirements of this chapter, and with any standards
established in a Master Sign Program pursuant to Section
20.360.010 ( "Master Sign Program ").
b. The Chief Planner's decision shall clearly state any
conditions of approval or reasons for disapproval and
applicable appeal provisions.
c. All signs must meet the requirements of the Building and
Electrical Code. No permit for construction will be issued
until design review, if required, has been granted and the
application has been found in conformance with the
approved design.
F. Appeals. Decisions by the Chief Planner may be appealed subject to the
provisions of Chapter 20.570 ( "Appeals and Calls for Review ").
(5) Amend Section 20.360.010(E) to make the Planning Commission the Review Authority
for Master Sign Program, as follows:
E. Review Authority. All Master Sign Programs are subject to review and approval
of the Review Authority for the project with which the signs are associated, but at
a minimum require approval by the Planning Commission. A Master Sign
Program may be submitted as part of the Use Permit application for the project.
(6) Amend Section 20.360.010(H) to note that the Chief Planner may refer revisions to
Master Sign Programs to the Planning Commission, as follows:
H. Revisions to Master Sign Programs. Revisions to an approved Master Sign
Program may be approved by the Chief Planner, or the Chief Planner may refer
the matter to the Planning Commission.
F. Residential
(1) Amend Section 20.080.005(C)(5) to clarify and account for maximum number of
driveways for corner lots with frontage on two streets, as follows:
5. Maximum Number of Driveways per Lot and Maximum Driveway Width.
Driveway approaches (curb cuts) shall be permitted only to provide access to
approved garages, carports and parking spaces.
a) For lots less than 85 feet in width, a maximum of one - driveway up to 20 feet
wide is permitted for required parking.
b) For lots 85 feet wide or more, the combined width of all driveways may not
exceed 28 feet.
c) Corner lots may be allowed more than one driveway if the lot has more than
one approved garage, carport, or parking space.
(2) Amend Section 20.100.004(C) to correct internal cross - reference to Supplemental
Regulations for Residential Districts, as follows:
C. Residential Development. Residential development in the Downtown districts is
subject to the supplemental development regulations for Residential Districts in
Section 20.080.004 ( "Supplemental Regulations ").
(3) Amend Section 20.330.005 regarding parking standards and dimensions, as follows, a re-
letter subsequent provisions as necessary:
A. Residential Uses. Required parking for a residential use shall be located on the
same lot as the dwelling(s) served. Parking shall not be located within required
setbacks except for Second Dwelling Units, subject to the following conditions:
1. The parking shall be 10 feet wide by 20 feet deep;
2. The parking area shall be surfaced in accordance with Section 20.330.011(E)
( "Surfacing "). The paved area shall be limited to 10 feet wide by 20 feet
3. There shall be a minimum of 20 foot setback from any structure to the
property line or the back of sidewalk, whichever is less, so that vehicles will
not project into the public right of way; and
4. Parking in the required setback area is restricted to passenger vehicles only;
5. The Chief Planner may approve open (uncovered) parking spaces with
dimensions of not less than 8 feet and six inches wide by 18 feet deep.
B. Nonresidential Uses. Required parking spaces serving commercial, employment,
and other non - residential uses shall be located on the same lot as the use they
serve, or in an off -site parking facility as provided in subsection D below.
C. Required Yard Limitation. No required yard space in any zoning district shall
be utilized for required parking, except required parking for residential use may
be permitted within an accessory structure.
(4) Amend Section 20.080.004(D)(5)(a)(i) to correct the required minimum dimensions for
private open space, as follows:
a. Minimum Dimensions
i. Private Open Space. Private open space located on the ground level (e.g.,
yards, decks, patios) shall have no dimension less than eight feet. Private
open space located above ground level (e.g.) balconies shall have no
dimension less than six feet.
(5) Amend Chapter 20.350 to add new Section 20.350.020 (Gated Communities) as follows,
and renumber existing Sections 20.350.020 through 20.350.036 accordingly:
20.350.020 Gated Communities
Gated residential communities are prohibited within the City of South San Francisco.
Existing, nonconforming communities are subject to the requirements of Chapter 20.320
( "Nonconforming Uses, Structures, and Lots ").
(6) Amend the Zoning Map to revise the maximum density for the Treasure Island Trailer
Park site from RH -40 to RH -35, as illustrated in Exhibit A of the attached Ordinance.
(7) Amend the Single -Unit Dwelling definition in Section 20.620.002 ( "Residential Use
Classifications ") to amend the definition of a single dwelling unit to include a reference to all
rooms being internally connected via habitable area within the dwelling unit, as follows.
Single -Unit Dwelling. A dwelling unit designed for occupancy by one
household, where all rooms are internally connected and internally accessible via
habitable space, and located on a separate lot from any other unit (except second
living units, where permitted). This classification includes individual
manufactured housing units installed on a foundation system pursuant to Section
18551 of the California Health and Safety Code.
(8) Amend Table 20.080.003(A) to add two footnotes, one regarding extending substandard
setbacks and one regarding side yard setbacks for substandard lots, and add appropriate
references to the new footnotes in the Table, as follows:
RM--1 0,
RL -5, 6, 15, and RH-30 Additional
Standard RL -1.3 and 8 17.5 and 35 Regulations
Building Form and Location
Minimum Yards
Front 20 15 15 15 See Section
Projections into
Required Yards
Interior Side 10 5(1)(2) 5 5 for the See (F) and Section
first two 20.300.011
stories, 10 Projections into
thereafter Required Yards
Street Side 10 10 10 10 See Section
Projections into
Required Yards
RM --10,
RL-5, 6, 15, and RH-30 Additional
Standard RL -1.3 and 8 17.5 and 35 Regulations
Rear 20 (G) 20(1)(2) 20 (G) 10 for the See Section
(G) first two 20.300.011
stories, 15 Projections into
thereafter Required Yards
1. Extending a Substandard Setback. Sub - standard side and /or rear yard setbacks may
be extended on the ground level only and by no more than fifty percent of the existing
wall length. In all instances, side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of three feet and rear
yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 16 feet.
2. Side Yard Setback for Substandard Lots. The side yard on any lot with an average
width of fifty feet or less shall be a minimum of ten percent of the lot width, but in no
case less than three feet.
G. Miscellaneous
(1) Amend Table 20.110.002 ( "Land Use Regulations — Employment Districts) to remove
Minor and Major Automobile /Vehicle Repair from the use of uses allowed in the Business
Commercial Zoning District, as follows:
Use Classi, fieation BC BTP FC MI Additional Regulations
Residential Uses
Automobile /Vehicle - - - P(5) See Section 20.350.009
Repair, Major. Automobile /Vehicle
Service and Repair
Automobile /Vehicle - - - P(5) See Section 20.350.009
Service and Repair, Automobile/Vehicle
Minor. Service and Repair
(2) Amend Section 20.490.002 ( "Applicability ") regarding Conditional Use Permits for 24-
hour operations in the Mixed Industrial zoning district, as follows:
20.490.002 Applicability
B. Any use with hours of operation between 12:00 midnight and 6:00a.m., except for
properties within the Mixed Industrial Zone District that do not directly abut
another zone district.
(3) Amend the text in Section 20.350.032(B)(2)(c) ( "Recycling Facilities ") to remove the
term "street line" and replace it with "property line" as follows:
c. Shall be set back at least ten feet from any property line and shall not obstruct
pedestrian or vehicle circulation;
(4) Amend text in Section 20.330.006(B)(3) ( "Shared Parking ") regarding the need for
parking demand studies, as follows:
3. If the Chief Planner requires a parking demand study, the study shall be prepared
by an independent traffic engineering professional approved by the City supports
the proposed reduction;
(5) Amend Section 20.340.003 ( "Temporary Uses Requiring a Temporary Use Permit ") to
remove the Seasonal Sales use, and renumber Section 20.340.003(B) to 20.340.003(A).
(6) Amend Section 20.340.002 ( "Temporary Uses Not Requiring a Temporary Use Permit ")
to include Seasonal Sales, as follows:
D. Seasonal Sales. The annual sales of holiday related items such as Christmas
trees, pumpkins, and similar items may be permitted in accordance with the
following standards:\
1. Time Period. Seasonal sales associated with holidays are allowed up to a
month preceding and one week following the holiday. Christmas tree sales
are allowed from Thanksgiving Day through December 31
2. Goods, Signs and Temporary Structures. All items for sale, as well as signs
and temporary structures, shall be removed within ten days after the end of
sales, and the appearance of the site shall be returned to its original state.
(7) Amend Table 20.110.002 ( "Land Use Regulations – Employment Districts ") to include
Business and Professional Office as a permitted use, as follows:
Use Classification BC BTP FC Mill Additional Regulations
Commercial Uses
Offices See sub - classifications below
Business and P P C P
(8) Amend Section 20.370.003(D)(1) to remove duplicate language.
(9) Amend Section 20.370.003(D)(1)(c) to correct a statement regarding the separation of
wireless facilities, as follows:
c. On existing non - residential structures such as buildings, communication
towers, existing signal, power, light or similar kinds of permanent poles,
or utility facilities not subject to the City's franchise agreements and
located less than 600 feet from a residential district.
(10) Amend Section 20.300.005(C)(2) to revise the locations from which chain -link fence
materials shall be visible, as follows:
C. Materials
2. Limitation on Chain -Link Fencing. Chain -link fencing is not permitted
in residential districts. In all other districts, chain -link fencing shall not be
visible from the street, highway, public open space, commuter rail ROW,
or adjacent Residential districts.
(11) Amend Table 20.110.002 — Land Use Regulations — Employment Districts, to require
Salvage and Wrecking uses to obtain a Conditional Use Permit, as follows:
Use Classification BC BTP FC MI Addit Regulat
Employment Uses
Salvage and Wrecking - - - CUP
(12) Amend Section 20.350.021(D) to allow signs for home occupations where required by
law, as follows:
D. No sign or advertising that identifies or otherwise draws attention to the home
occupation or any product of the occupation shall be published or displayed on
the premises, unless required by State law. If applicable, the applicant shall
provide the necessary evidence that identification is required by State law.
(13) Amend Table 20.110.002 — Land Use Regulations — Employment Districts, to allow
"Parking, Public or Private" subject to a Conditional Use Permit, as follows:
Use Classification BC BTP FC MI Additional Regulations
Commercial Uses
Parking, Public or MUP MUP P(8) CUP
(14) Amend Section 20.040.009(A)(2) to clarify when parking is included /excluded from
Floor Area Ratio, as follows:
A. Excluded from Floor Area in Calculating FAR.
1. Basements. Usable basements and cellars below finished grade.
2. Parking. Parking areas located entirely below finished grade or entirely
beneath the finished floor of habitable space where the vertical distance
between the finished floor of habitable space and finished.
If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Ordinance, including the
application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected
thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, provisions of this Ordinance are
severable. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby declares that it would
have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof
irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs,
sentences, clauses, or phrases be held unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable.
Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 36933, a summary of this
Ordinance shall be prepared by the City Attorney. At least five (5) days prior to the Council
meeting at which this Ordinance is scheduled to be adopted, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the
Summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk's Office a certified copy of this Ordinance. Within
fifteen (15) days after the adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall (1) publish the
summary, and (2) post in the City Clerk 's Office a certified copy of the full text of this
Ordinance along with the names of those City Council members voting for and against this
Ordinance or otherwise voting. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after
its adoption.
* * * * *
Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco, held the 8th day of June, 2011.
Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South Francisco at a regular meeting of the City
Council held the 22n day of June, 2011 by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Mark Addiego and Pedro Gonzalez,
Vice Mayor Richard Garbarino and Mayor Kevin Mullin
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilmember Karyl Matsumoto
City 441
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing
Ordinance this 22n day of June, 2011.
Kevin Mullin, Mayor
Exhibit A
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