HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4288-1965 RESOLUTION NO. 4288 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM WEST PARK UNIT NO. 1 PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRIOT RESOLVED, by the Clay Council of the City of Sough San Francisco, California, as follows: 1. In its opinion the public ingerest and convenience require, and that it is the ingention of said Council to order the formation of a parks and parkways maingenance disgrict in a portion of said City, to be designaged "West Park Unig No. 1 Parks and Parkways Maintenance District", by which name it shall hereafger be referred to in all subsequent proceedings, including proceedings for the levy and collecglon of gaxes. 2. Said Disgrict, and the boundaries ghereof, benefited and go be assessed for ghe maintenance and operation of the im- provements hereinafter referred to, are situage in ghe City of Sough San Francisco, Coungy of San Mateo, State of California, and are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" aggached herego and by reference incorporated herein. 3. Ig is ordered that ghe expense of maintaining and operaglng all parks and parkways composed of common green areas and landscaped parkways now existing or hereafter go be con- sgrucged in said Disgricg, including Bhe cosg of necessary re- pairs, replacemengs, replantings, fuel, power, elecgri¢ current, wager, care, supervision, and any and all other items necessary for the proper maintenance and operation thereof, shall be assessed wholly upon Bhe real property lying wighin the Disgrict above described, which District said Council hereby determines will be the Distrlcg benefiged by ghe maintenance and operation of said improvements, and that Bhe amoungs so assessed are go be levied and collected in ghe same manner and by the same officers as Baxes for Oigy purposes are levied and collected. 4. The South San Francisco Enterprise-Journal~ a news- paper published and circulated in said City, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this Resolution of Intention to be published by two insertions in the manner and form provided by law, the first publication to be at least l0 days before the date set for hearing. 5. The City Clerk shall cause to be conspicuously posted in three public places in said District at least l0 days before the date set for hearing thereon, Notice of Proposed Formation of West Park Unit No. i Parks and Parkways Maintenance District, in the manner and form required by the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and Section lOl08 of the Streets and Highways Code. 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution, postage prepaid, to all persons owning real property within the proposed District according to their names and addresses as appearing on the last equalized~ assessment roll for City taxes or who are known to the City Clerk. Such notice shall also b® mailed to every owner of property assessed by the State under Section 14 of Article XIII of the Constitution at the address thereof shown on the last board roll transmitted to the County Auditor. 7. Notice is hereby given that on ~onday , the day of Norther , 196~, at the hour of 8:o0 o'clock p. M., Council Chambers, City Hall, South San Francisco', California~ any and all persons having any objections to the formation of said District or to the extent of said District,.or both, may appear before said Council and show cause why the formation of said proposed District should not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. -2- All that certel~ reel property situate iff the Cityof South lilllllllllG mt a point on the northmmterly prolongltlcm of tl~ c4mt~rliN ~ of Oelmont Drive.'dist~flt thereon II 21e0~'35'' ¥ 89.99 feet frQm the Inter-L: ~ctio. of said centerline uith the nortlMmterly b~',~d4ry ~lt ~. I-B ~ said Orive ~ seid..S~ivisi~ ~ ~ ~urN ~t~terly al~ h irc of I cu~ to th left ~i~ r~ius of ~.~ f~t ~ i ~trll ~le of 83'~'j2" ~ 4~ dil~ of ~.~. f~t; t~ t~t to ~ pr~l~ cu~e S 1~'15'~' ~16,~ fNt; Z~ t~t to tM p~i~ ~ur~ ~t~mrly th irc of i cu~ to th right ~1~ i r~ius of 217.33 ~trel ~gle of ~'17'~' ~ Irc dis~ of 357.67 fNt to the southimst'erly I Ina of lands formerly of San Ibteo County Title fl,y as described in Deed recorded in ¥olume ~]8 of official record~ of Sen I~tee County at Page 724; thence along said southuestor'l¥ I IM~ N 35'12'35" ¥ 1574.87 feet to the southeasterly line of I~.ds fOflerly of Title Insurlnce md Trust Coq)~n¥ es#r.~.scribed in lead reco~.r~, in -. Volulm ]215 of offlcill records of S4n ateo County at Page 214. tm along Said soutkiliterl¥ line S' 78'26'25" 14 87.33 feet to the most southerly c~rmir of said lands of Title Insurance incl Trust COllpllly bEil~ also a point on the northe~storly boundary line of Skyline loulevlrd; · tlmnce .along said northeasterly I ina of SkyI ina Bou.leverd II ~*12"~5' It 78&,92 feet; thlmce lelvinl said n~rtheasterly boundary of Skyline '11 26'41!]5" 14 900,0] feet; thence I 71'18'29" E 300.15 feet.; them~ It 7~e57']6'' £ 432.28 feet; thence N 51'02'00" E 89.~5 feet; tm S :18'58'Q4~' E 212.00 feet; thence II 51'02'0C~' E :13.50 feet;_ tm S 38'$8'1~' E 10.00 feet; tm I 51'0~'04~' E ~.50 feet; theec4 S ~e58'OlP' E I~,.00 feet; thence N $1'0~'04~' E ~OcJ,O0 feet; S 38~58',0(~' E 655.63 feet; thence tangent to ~ preceding cours~ south- easterly along the arc of I curve to the right h4ving · radius of" feet and a cent_~r4,1 ~lngle of I0'10~00'' an arc distance of 672.8& feet;. thence tlng~nt to the preceding curve S 28q~8'0~' E tmtgent to ~' t~ ri~t ~iaI · r~l~ ef 27~.~ f~t ~ ~ ~trel ~'le Gf 7'~2'~"' ~ Irc '1~ o~ 3~.~'f~z; t~ ~l~:-~ ~e ~ pr~i~- Point of ~iml~ The C41tf~rnle Coordin~ta Systal, h 3. Iiu bNn uNd for the hals' "' of I~Br[n~ for the parcel described horei~. Al I betriql give. era grid Im4ri~. Ali dist~nfas given ara ~rld distances.. To cemmrt grid dist~l~. ~"te ~und .dist~nca, ~ultlply grid dist~ by scale factor o(~ AI'flWVB= - SNT~L. S. ~17 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regula'~ introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of Sout~ Francisco at a reqular meeting held 20th day of Seotember , 196 5.., by the followir~ vote: AYES, COUNCII/~N Frank Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi. Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi NOES, " None ABSENT, " None ATTEST: