HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4481-1966 RES0LUTIOI~ NO. 4~81 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTN ~ FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION AUTNORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A DE~ FOR PUBLIC UTILIT~ EA~ -- CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the deed for public utility easement granted by Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 1 be accepted. I hereby certify that the foregoim~ resolution was regularly intro- duced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of June, 1966, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio NOES, ABSENT, " Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. None. None · ATTEST: I Ii I ; #212- 062Ll 7-23-65 J OW- I v P~OPOSED EASEMENTS Easements lying over all tt~at certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Morea, State of California, lying within Lots ] and 8, G1ock 2, as said Lots and Block are shown on that certain map entitled "CABOT, CABOT IIIDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SA2 F~TEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed for record in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 45 through 49, San Morea County Records, said easements being more particularly described as follows: EASEMENT NO. 1 An anchor easement lying 1.50 fee~ on each side'of the following described cen~erline:~ BEGiNNiNG at the most .~out~herly corner of said Lot 8; thence frown said Poin~ of Beginning along thc soulheast~rly line of said Lot 8 N 33'22'10'' E 25.00 fee~ to a point thereon, last said point being ~he intersection of last said line with the general northerly line of that certain 20 foot ~ublic Utillty Easement lying within said ko~ ~, a:~ :~hown on said map; thence leaving said :~ou~hcasterly line along said general nor~lu~rly t in~ N 56~37'50'~ ~ hl./I6 f~ot; th,.~u.~ contin,~ing tang~n~t to thc ;~r,~,:eding course along tl~,~ a~ ' ,~f o c,.~v~, to tl',,~ I~'i'L havi,~j :, ~;:,ti,~ uf 1,i~',l.O6 Feet and ,, .... ; ..,,,. il i.:'''~ ';~ ~,,~u aL its ~outhw~s~orJy extremity A ~,ot,or e,~s,.,..nt lying i.SU Fuet on each side J)f the following d~s,:rihc, d c~'nLeriim~: [~&ttININ8 at cbc s,),~hwu:,~:riy ~,~tr~'nii~y of the ccntorl[ne dcscrlbe~ ,., Ea~u,?,.:n~ No. J ahoy,..; tl~.~ic,: fr~n uaJd Point of Beginning aIong of 1,1~,~.,,:: f,,,~t ~l;,d a c~u~trul ~mlle ~f g~1~6'41' , an arc distanc ,,f 2Ul.b?, f,,¢,: t() the TRU[ POI~T OF GEGt;~NJ:'IG of the centerl Ine h,,r,,in ~(.:'.crihcd; thence from said TRUE POINT OF ~J :',,'~D6'h()" i I0.00 Feet, said easement hcing contiguous aL its r,,,rti~c,~ucerly c~Lre,nity wlLt~ .) linc wl,;ch bears N 69~53'20'' W and ~t i~s ~o,~thwcs~erly extr,m, lty wi~h ~l~e ~aid general northerly llne. I , II [ #212-062~,- 15 7-23-65 Page -2- F. ASEME~ NO. 3 An easement.for Public Utility purposes described as follow§: B£GIH~ING at a point on the general northerly llne of said 20 foot Public Utility £asement, soid Point of Beginning being a point on the easterly line of the lands conveyed from Cabot, Cabot & Forbes California Properties, thc. to Division Warehous~ Co. by Deed recorded in Voiu~e 4924 of Officici Records of San ~teo County ac P~ge 627, distant thereon N 0°22'i0'; E 25.08 feet from the southessterJy corner of last said lends; thence from said Point of Beginning leaving said easterly and general northerly lines S 89°37'50'' E 90.66 feet; thence S 73°13'42':E 157.60 feet to a point on the general northerly line of ~aid 20 foo~ Public Utility £~sement~ thence along last s~id 1.ina from a tangent which bears N 73°13'42'' W northwesterly along the arc of a curve to ~he left having ~ radius of 1,181.06 feat ~nd a central angle of 11°57'04'', an arc distance of 246.35 fee~ ~o th~ Point of B~ginning. NO. 4 An anchor easement lying 1.50 feet on each side of the follow:ng described ccntorline: B~GINN~:~G at the ~ngle point *in th~ general northerly line of above descrii;e~ E~sement ~o. 3, said Point of Beginning b~ing $ 89°37'50'' ~ ~0.66 feet from tho most westerly corner of said E@semcn~ 3; ~honce from s~id Point of Beginning N ~°28'10" IO.O0 feet, s~id E~s~men~ No. 4 b~Ing contiguous at its northeasterly extremity wi~h ~ lin~ which besrs N 81°3I'50'' W end a~ its westerly ex,ramify wi~h the. general northerly line of the above- described ~$emen~ N~. 3. '~-~ASEH~N% NO. 5 An ~nchor emsemen~ lying 1.50 feet on each side of the f0iiowing describcd cenLerJ[ne: BEGIN~J~G at a point on the southerly line of a Public Utili~y Easement in said Lot I, said Point of Beginning being S 89°37'50'' £ 18.37 feet from the northeasterly extremity of ~hat certain anchor easement lying.in said Lot I; thence from said Point of Beginning S 16°51'10'' W 15.00 feet, said Essemen~ No. 5 being contiguous at its northeasterly extremity with ~ line which beers $ 8~°37'50'' E and et its southwesterly ex,ramify with a line which bears N 73°08'50'' ~. W. B. WRIGHT -,'L. So 2917 I I! I #2i2-0624- ]5 t--" t-65 JO~V- Iv PROPOSED QUIT CLAIM OF ANCHOt~ EASEME~',ITS All those anchor easements shovm in Lots i and t3, Block 2, as said Lots and Block are shown on that certain map entltied "(;A3OT, CABOT & FORDE$ I~,~DU$- TRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO COUi.~TY, CALIFORNIA", fi'lcd for record in Book 61 of Mops at Pages 45 '~hrough 49, San Marco County Records. · APPP, OV~D: W. B. WRIGHT - I?. S. 2917 '] l[ 'l