HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4803-1968RESOLUTION NO. 4803 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING CERTAIN GRANTS OF EASEMENTS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the following grants of easements are hereby accepted: 1. Public Utility Easement (Anchor Easement). The Grant of Public Utility Easement dated February 17, 1967, executed by Cabot, Cabot and Forbes California Properties, Inc., February 17, 1967, and acknowledged by said corporation on that date, conveying to the City of South San Francisco a Public Utility Easement (Anchor Easement) more particularly described as follows: An anchor easement, 3 feet in width, for public utility purposes, lying in, on, under, over and along all that certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, being a portion of Lot 43, as said Lot is shown on the Parcel Map, which is a resubdivision of Lots 25 through 31, Block 1, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. i-A, said Parcel Map having been filed for record July 13, 1966, in Book 1 of Parcel Maps at Page 38, San Mateo County Records, the centerline of said anchor easement being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the 20 foot public utility easement within said Lot 43, said Point of Beginning being distant along said southerly line 5.62 feet westerly of the easterly line of said Lot 43; thence from said Point of Beginning S 01°35'14'' E 10.00 feet, said easement being contiguous at its northerly extremity with the southerly line of said.20 foot public utility easement, and at its southerly extremity with a line which bears N 88°24'46'' E. 2. Public Utility Easement. A Grant of Public Utility Easement dated February 17, 1967, executed by Cabot, Cabot and Forbes California Properties, Inc., February 17, 1967, and acknowledged by said corporation on said date, conveying to the City of South San Francisco a public utility easement over the parcel more particularly hereinafter described: An easement for public utility purposes lying in, on, under, over and along all that certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisoc, County of San Marco, State of California, being a portion of the lands of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes California Properties, Inc., as described in Volume 4663 of Official Records of Sa, .~ktco County at Page 546, said easement being more particularly described as follows: ZEGi~2~iNG at a point on thc southwesterly line of that certainrzon~'~'", granted to PacifJ.,- in Volume 5208 of Official Records o/ ~an Marco County at Page 24, distant thereon S 44024'34'' E 41.97 feet from the most westerly corner of said right; thence from said Point of Beginning along said southwesterly line S 44o 24'34" E 37.40 feet to a point on the general northerly line of that certain easement granted to Southern Pacific Company described as Parcel 5, sixth strip, in Volume 490~ O~mc~=i Records of San ~teo County, at Page 682; thence leaving the beforementioned southwesterly line along said general northerly line from a tangent that bears S 7i°20'08'' W southwesterly along the ar~ of a curve to nhe left, having a radius of 397.25 feet and a central angle of 13o20'08'', an arc length of 92.46 'feet and tangent to the preceding curve S 58°00'00'' W 9.20 feet tb a point thereon; thence leaving said genezai northerly line N 42°27'i2'' E 96.31 fee~ ~o the Deg~,n%ng. Gran~ of Unility and Anchor Easements. A Gzan~ of U~iligy and Anchor Easements dated Feb~ary 1962, executed by Cabot, Cabot and Forbes California Properties~ inc., and acknowledged by said corporation on said date, convey- idg the several easements which are more particularly herein- after desczibed: cascm,~n~s for public ui:iiity and 8nchor purposes, situate in the City bf $outi~ San Francisco, County of San Macao, State' of California, lying in, on, over, under and alan9 per,ions.of ko~ I0, Biock 16, as said 6nd ~oc[~ are shown on ~h~t c~rtain mop entitled "SOUTH SAN i:'~DUSY~,A~ PAR;i UNiT NO. 3-B, SOUTH SAN'FRANCISCO, SAN MAYPO gAkiZ~[.~ iA", flied for rocor~ in Volume 62 of M~ps a~ Pag~ 3 ~rough San ~,oteo County Records. ~nd a pgr~ion of go~ 17 ~hrou~h 20, BIo~k 6~ ta~% said ~kots and Bio~k are shown on :hat ~e~I~ ma~ "CAJOT, CABOT ~ FOR~E$ I;iDUSTRIA~ PARK UNIT NO. 1-A,'~OUT~ SAN SAN MAYPO COUNTY, CAkIFORNIA", filed fo~ re~o~4 i, V~l~e 64 ~f Map~ Pages 25 ~hrougi~ 27, Son Ma~eo County ~ecords. said ease~n~s belch"more par~icuiariy ~escribcd as follows: .:.. An eascmcn~ for public utility purposes lying in, on, over, undo~ and along a per,ion of said Lot lO, said easement being a strip of land 20 fec~ In wio~t~ lyin~ I0 fo~ on each side of the following described cen:criina: " 6EGJN[.~[~.iG at the most westerly corner of Lot ;s sinews on said ,,ap entit)ed'iiSi~UTH SA~ FAA~CISCO iNDUST~iAL PA~K . UF~JT NO. 3-~"; thence from said Point of. Beginning along the general nor~har]y tine of said Lot )O, N 78'OO'31" W 30.OO fee~; thence contln~ "' lng along t~st~ said l~na tangenL Lo the preceding c~urse along the arc '"' of a curve to the left having a radius of 318.78 feet and e central ~ ~n ~rc distance of 1.27 feet tO the TRUE POll~ OF .. BEGJNZlIHG of ti~a ccn~crllna of ~he casement [o be herein described;. ~hcnce fro~ s~id TRUE POth~ OF 8EGII~HING leaving said general northerly " iine 50i~1'G7'' ~ 2.52 feet to thG sputharly line of said Lnt IO, ~.~id -'"' e~ser.)cnt being contiguous at its northwesterly extfcmity with the s~id . northerly tine of Lot )O and at its southeasterly extremity with the ......... 9cn~ra~ southeriy line of said Lot ~EGiNNii';G ~t tho northwesterly corner of said Lot 20; thJnce fr~ said : ?olnc of ~a~innlng along tho westerly line of snld Lot 20 5.05 fcet Lo a poin~ thereon; thence leaving last said line S i5.45 feec ~o a point on thc southerly tine of that certeln ZO f~t public utiil~,/ easement lying within said Lot 20 as shown on said map entitled "cADeT, CABOT & FORBES' INOUST~IAL PARK UNiT NO. i-A", last said point being thc ?RUE POIN'F OF BEGINNING of the centerllne to be described het'oin; thence fr.an s.p.id TRUE POINT.OF BEGINNIN~ ~.55 feet. .4. Uciiity Easement. A Grant of Utility Easement dated January 3, 1967, executed by Crocker-Citizens National Bank, Truste~, and acknowl- edged by said ........ = ~s~ue on said date, conveying to the City of South San Francisco the utility easements hereinafter more particularly described: Zasements f~r public utility purposes, situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Morea, State of California, lying in., on, over, under ~nd along portions of Lot 5, Block 16, os sold Lot Jnd Block ara shown on that cart,aim map entitled "SOUTH SAN r u,,~CISCO IhDU~,RiAL PARK UNIT NO. 3-8, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN ~,/:.TEO COU~Y CALIFORNIA" filed for record in Volume 6~ of Maps · ac Pages 3 ~h. rough 8, San Ma~eo County Records, said easements being strips of 1mid 20 feet in tvJd~h lying I0 feet on e~ch side o7 thc fol lowing doscrJbed centerl Jmes: [~EGIN~'(iNG at the most northerly corner of sold Lot 5; 'thence from said Point of Beginning along the northwesterly line of. said Lot 5, S 50°03'3C'' g 13q.76 feet; thence continuing along said northwest- erly linc t~ngent to the precedjn9 course ~)on9 the arc of n curve to the right having a radius of 280.00 feet and a central angle of ~O"h7' 15", ~m ~rc distance of lOl.~'a feet to the TRUE POIHT' OF BEGIN- HING of ~he ccntcrline of ~he oasemont to bo herein described; thence from s~id TRUE POINT OF dEGINNIHG leaving said northwesterly llne S O1"11'47" E 42.~ feet to tho southerly line of sold Lot 5, said easement, being contiguous at its northv~esterly extremity with the said northwester)y lin~ of Lo~ 5 and at its south~asterly extremity with tho general southerly lin~ of said ~ot 5, 5. BE IT FURT~R RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the following ~rants.°f Easements are not accepted and are hereby rejected by the City Council: a. Easements No. 2 and 3 set forth in the Grant of Utility and Anchor Easement~, executed by Cabot, Cabot & Forbes California Properties, inc., a Dols.,ware Corporation, o, the 17th day of February 1967 and acknowledged by them on that date. b. Easement No. 2 se~ forth in the Grant of Utility Ease- ments executed by Crocker-Citizens National Bank, Trustee, on the 3rd day of January, 1967 and acknowledged by them on that date. The Cigy Clerk is authorized to record or cause the recording of the aforesaid grants in the office of the Recorder of San Ymteo County and do any and all acts and execute any and all cer~ificages necessary to complete said recordings. i hereby cergify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of Sounh San Francisco at a meeting held on ~he 19%h day of by the following vote: regular February , 19 68 , AYES, C0bi{CiL~N NOES, ABSENT, " Patrick E. Ahern, Frank J. Ber~ucelli, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rozzi N5ne None ATTEST: ~~