HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4861-1968 RESOLUTION NO. 4861 COUNCIL, CI~"f OF SOUTH SAN F~{NCISCO, STATE OF C. ALIFORiiiA A RESOLL~ION APPR.©Vi~;G AND SPECI $2C,~C('i0, THE WORii AND CALL~../G 1968 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RESGL'PED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, California, ~ma~ ~REAS, plans and specifications providing for cer- tain improvement work have been submitted, which plans and specifications are entitled: 1968 Street Improvement Project and, ~r~-~FcEAS, the City Council desires to approve said plans and specifications, authorize the wo~'k and call for sealed proposals; NOW, THEREFORE, IT iS H~REBY 'ORDERED that: 1. The plans and specifications hereinbefore named and identified are hereby approved and the work therein provided is hereby authorized, and said plans and specifications are referred to and by this reference made a part hereof the same as if recited herein verbatim. 2. The City. Clerk of said City is hereby directed to publish by two (~) consecutive insertions in the "Enter- prise-Journal," a newspaper published and circulated in said City, a no,ice inviting sealed proposals or bids for said work in accordance with the plans and specifications herein- before named and identified and on file in the Office of the City Clerk, the first of whigh publication shall be at least ten (10) days prior to ~he tmme fixed for opening bids. A copy of said notice entitled "Notice to Bidders" is attached hereto and referred to and by th%s reference made a part hereof ag ~f set forth verbatim herein. Ail proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's or ce~~ check, payable ~o the order of the City of South San Francisco, in an amount equal to not less ~han ten per cent (10%) of the bid figure,.or by a bond in said amount drawn in fa¥or of sai~~~executed by a corporate surety. Sazd check shall be forfeited by bidder, or said bond shall become payable to said City in case the low- est responsible bidder (or bidders) depositing the same does not, within the time set forth in said plans and specifications, enter into a contract with said City, the faithful.performance of which shall be guaranteed by an undertakzng in the amount of one hundred per cent (100%) of the sum bid, said undertaking being that of a corporate surety satisfactory to said City Council, and which con- tract shall be accompanied by a labor and materials bond of a corporate surety, also in a sum equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the amount of said bid, as required by the provisions of Title I, Division 5, Chapter 3, of the Government Code of the State of California. In case of a forfeiture, as provided for in the preceding sentence, the defaulting bidder shall be liable to said City for any additional expense to which it may reasonably be put tn connection with obtaining full and complete performance of the particular work of improvement with which this Notice to Bidders is concerned. 3. Bids will be received by the City of South San Francisco, California, at the Office of the City Manager of said City, City Hall, Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, California,~ at or before the hour of 2800 on ?uesdey , the 2nd day of July , 19 68 said time not being less than ten (10) days from the first publication of notice, the bids will be publicly opened, examined and declared at said time and place and award will thereafter be made by the City Council of said City to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, subject, however, to the right of said City Council to reject any and all bids, which right is hereby reserved. I hereby certify that the foregoing ~esolutton was regularly introduced and adopted by the City COuncil of the City of South San Francisco at a r~lar meeting held on the 17th day of June , 196j, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucalli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Prank Maeaini, Andrea Rocca and Warren Steinkaep NOES, " ABSENT, " None ATTEST: 2~ PUBLIC ElOlll~ J~N FI~i~CI'8CO~ O~~ ~ERTA IN TO-WI~ ~ "J-968 ~ ~ICE IS ~REBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the o~ maC,als fort and the performance of, the public a~ter described will be received by the City of Sou~h Ca~ifonia~ at the o~fice of the City Manager of said Ih~L~.,~Gr~nd Avenue, Sou_th Sa~. Fr_an..?.J. sCo, th~ - ~Jad _._day of auzy 19~..said_ not f~ss than ten (lC) days frOm the first publicatzon notice'~ Ail bids w~ll be publicly opened~ examined and said time and place~ Award of contract w~l thereafter ~ City Council of said city to the. lowes, t ~:bid~ subJect~ however~ to the r~ght ox Sald Y ~re~eet .any and al~ b$ds~ which right is hereby '~he work hereinbefore referred to consists of th~ .tructing~ repairing, and rep~ving the following '.C$ty of Bouth 8an Francisco. Forbes Boulevar Harbor ~ay, Industrial ~ay, Arroyo Driver taLo~aDrive~ Del ~onte Dr~ve~ Alta~esa and Junipero ~erra Intersection, ~rroyo at ~rra Intersection, Incorporated in the items of grading, basing, asphalt leveling curb~, ~utters, and sidewalks~ and ~ncidental ite.m~. for a cOmplete and work~anlike ~mprove~ent of the stz~ts· The following are the ~tems of work involved: l, Bemove and dispose of A,Co pavement at pavement square yards ........ and ste, c:dq~le Forbes Blvd's,' 25~0, dispose of' aggregate base at pavOment fatlur~~ yards o.$~regate ba~e 13~0 cub~ yards ~, .~., ,...... ......... /~ and place plant-~ixed cement treated 1305 ton~ and place plant-~ixed a~phalt paving, [and pr~ ooats, 30,9 ton~ ' : and pl~ aa~t conc~ pav~nt~ 3~ ~d ~x aa~alt ~v~n~ 196~010 ~qu~ ~on~nte~ cleanouta~ and l~pholes~ 13 · · "~. ~olee~ 74 each .~'~ ~' ~e.~ ~1~1~ feet on oi,' stoup bo.b; ,, All 88td-.Womb/ mm' / ' __ '~" ~S &nd In the 3~ ~d to t~ l~s ~d ~s, ud tn ~nfo~~ ~i, ~tatled ~vln~ ~d s~otftoatto~ tho~for ~i~ ~n ~p~ved ~ ~op~d by s~td City ~notl ~ ~ °n file tn the ~t~ of ~e Clty ~oFk of ~by m~e to sald plu~ ~ftles, detailed :1~8 for further ~rtAoul~ copies o~ ~td Clty Cler~ v~n the m~ng of a ) ~11 ~ ~fun~ed u~n the In g~d c~ditton wlthtn the bld d~, or bids shell be ~co~npanted by paysble to the order of the Clty of, an amount equal to not lo88 than ten ~ or by a bond In sald amount drawn executed by a corporate surety, Sald by bldder~ o~ sald bond sh~ll_ become pa~able l~oot responsible bidder (or bidders) de vlthln the time set forth in Bald plans and ~ contract with 881d Clty~ the falthful be guaranteed by an undertaking In the ~oent (100~) of the sum btdo sald undertaking surety satisfactory to Bald Clty Council, ~hall be accompanied by a labor and materials gurety~ 8/80 Ina sum equal to one hundred amount of said btd~ as required by the provisions o2 5 Chlpter 3~ of the Government Code of the In o~ee of a foz~eitau~e~ ~ provlded for tn tho defaulting bidder shall be llable expense to which it say reasonably bo k vlth obtaining full and o~nplete perform&nee work of Improvement wlth which thls Notice to X~ BriCklayer Modcarriex Carp~ate~ ! ~70 ·205 Cement Finisher .... -'~'~"~ 4.92 Electmical Worker ......... ' .................................. 6.12 Group 1: Group Indentured Apprentices 1st six months end six months 3rd six months 4th six months 5th six months 6th six months 70% of Group 7A wages 75% of Group 7A wages 80% of classi£ication to which assigned 85% of classification to which assigned 90% of classification to which assigned 95% of classification to which assigned Group. ii: ...Group Group 4: Group Group Group Group f 6:~ ................................. 7: 7A: Group 8: Group 9: Group 10: Group 1].: '5~25 ';: .' 5.375 .............. ~.: .... .............................................. '~'~: <t 16'']6 5,76 5~76 ~ 5~885 IRON ~.O~XERS All All ~orcing Steel Workers ........ ~r- ....................... Group 2: Group 3: ....................................... - - - - - 4.275 4~'175 PAI}Y~ERS Painters and Paperhangers _-_4 ......................... 5~22 PLASTERERS PlaS%erers and ~odellers ............................. 5~69 Plaster Hodcarriers .................................. TEamSTERS Steamfitters, t~e!ders, Caukers, Pipe Fitters of all descriptions ......................... Dura9 Trucks - Under 4 Yards (water level) ............. Dump Trucks - 4 Yards and under 6 Yards (water level)--' Dump Trucks - 6 ~/ards and under 0 Yards (~;ater level)-- Du~p~1 ,TrllC~ - 8 Yards and over (water level) ........... Flat axle Si~le U~ Rack (2 unit) ................. -~- Single ~$t. ~ ,:~. Flat Rack (3 ~le unit) ................. ~ ¥tater Tru~ ~rivers - unde~ ~.,500 gals .............. -'a %~ater T~uCk Drivers - Z,500 gals and under 4,000 gals-- %~ater Truck Eu-ivers - 4,000 gals and over ............. Teamster Oiler and/or Greaser and/or Service Man ....... Fuel a~d~or Greasd. Truck Driver or Fuelman ........... Road Oil; Trucks or Bootman ............................ Combination Bootman and Road Oiler ............ 5'~~ 945 4.50~ 4.60 5;/04 4.60 4.'70 -4.715 4 ,815 For al~ wage scales and classifications not listed above ~irectl~ shown, the prevailing Union Scale established for Count~ shall apply. The r~tes for legal holidays and overtime work, and the all°w..' ances for vacations, pensions, and health and welfare, sha~lbe in accordance with the local trade agreements in effect a~e time of bidding. Dated this .,,/W~' .... 'dayof City Clerk 1968