HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4952-1968 RESOLUTION NO. %952 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED FROM SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SCAVENGER cOMPANY,'A PARTNERSHIP. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the Grant Deed from South San Francisco Scavenger Company, a partnership, to the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, conveying to City the parcel therein described, which description is set forth on Exhibit "A" attached.hereto, is hereby accepted and it is authorized that said deed be recorded in the Official Records of San Mateo County. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the .2ity Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the %6~h day of ~~aber , 19 68 ', by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertuce%~i, l~trick E. Ahern~ F. Frmak ~ni, Andrew Roec&, &ha Warren Steir,~-~,,~. NOES, ABSENT, " EXHIBIT "A" _ - . BEG!NNI''~ at a po nt on 'the North~.~y i'"-' ~.~: i s . described in th~ D~ed from Mary Rarre'~t Cart~'~ a san22c woman~ to South San Francisco Scavenger Co~ a parzn~rship: dated June 2:1959 and recorded June S~ I339 in ~ook 36t5 Offici~ Records of San 5~ateo County~ pagm 54~ (5~465~R), which point b~ars South 45.!9 feet and Ncrth 88° 27' 14" East 538.17 fc~ .from a 6 inch grznit~ monument set 6~0 feet South of the corner common to Sections 14~ 15~ 22 ~nd 23~ ~o?~.ship 3 South Range 5 West~ M~unt Diablo Base and Meridian~ said monument ' be~n~ distant I p ~' ~ _ . z~.~t North from the Southwesterly corner of ~he lands described in the Deed from South San Francisco Land and hnprovem~nt Comp .... y, ~ .,- . .a co~po;'a~zon~ 'co Irvzng v Wildb~r~ Arthur A ....~ . ~; ..~ n~ooo!d Oppenheimer~ Co- partner~ doing businass ur.d~r fi~ name and s~yi~ of Wiidber~ BrOS,, dated March S~ i923 and recorded Batch 9, 1923 in Book 65 Official Records of San Marco County, page 581 (2369-A); ~ .... ~'.n.~: '~- oz~ beginnin, along the genera! Westerly ,,:..~e of ~nc ~.:~ d~scribcd ~r, Parcel ~"A" of the Deed from Sou~n ........ c~ Francisco za,~d and !m~ovement_ Company~ a cor~ . pora' ..~'~ ~o C'ty of Sou'cZ San. '~_~.~%cisco~ a Municipal corporation dated january 27~ ~9~S and recorded February 19, I948 in Book ~..,62 Official ~,~cords of..~.~c"" H, az~o Counry~ rage. 2 (15916 }{), ~ following co,arses arid di:-'~ances: Nor~Zhea~terly and Southeasterly along a curve to the right from z ".:'...&~tt wk-ch bears North 88° 27' ';:.-.'<. 19"East havinz a .rod:us of !00 fee':~ a cenz:~i a~,gie of 24 13'4 .... :'"'":'""-"'"" ~a of 42.29 r-eat ~o a poin'; comoound curv~ a .'-:..,...:...:~.- and ~:n arc l~n~~'' * . · · -:'-~'--- -" .ngent at said last men'ioned~ ',,.~int.:.~ b.~aring. South 67° ~9' East~ ~ :_:... Southeasterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 275 feet~ a central anglo of. 37° 36~ and an arc le'ng'~h of 180.47 fee~ ~v,.,nound c~:'rv,~ So~:theasteriy and Sou'cnurly alonR to a point of - - ' '- havin~ iu of Z00 fec~ .-~' · curve to the r~g,;t ~-,a rod :; *: a central angle. . of 42° 34' nnu an ,~rc le~z~: of .~ 5:; fee* arc u::~;~:c to c,ta prece corner of ' k~ ,ands desc--:LL.'~d : ko "" 'e . · . Mary Barrott CaruJr to uke South San Francisco Scavenger C .-'thence South 71-;° 54' OS" ~':~s: alon~ the Southerly ' ~nc of ~.nds described in the last mantzoncd Deea~ ~ ~ -, point in the i:aster!y line o'~ Lo% 29~ 5_cc:c 16 of "SOUY}[ :'-'' F~NCiS~O INDUSYRiAo PARK Uv~ ~ ,,~T NO 5" a, said Lot and Block are . ,_ ,o,,m on that .c, .... in map recorded ia ~ook 49 of Maps at pales . ~6 27 and 2:~ ' ~i uhe of:ice 25, - , ~ , ~ o~ ~:he Re~,d~r of the Co~ty of San. ~.~aueo'~ State of Caiiiornia' thence Northerly .....aion~ said Haszerly ~ine of saqd Lot ~9 amc i~s Nor+'~,_,,westerly proiong-tion, alonfi a c~rve 'cc Uhe 'ef-t kavir.~ a t;o .... bearing of North !~ 04' ~o,, ,~ s ~ ' a central angle o~. 41 39~~=S" a,,d., an arc i=n-Zr,,, o~- 385.60 .. ,,il ..... ,- .:,,Parcel , to the Northwes~e'~ly line o: ih~ tan~s qcsc~il~c,: .~ of the Deed from c '-"em Pacific Cot:-'::::,;, a corporation~ to U'Cah C~'-~tr:.~'ion_,.> ,-:': .... i ;'- '-:, C;.::.;:,'-.::~ . . ¢ cerwe'ration ... dated July ~4' ~ 19o8 and recor,'o~: ,T-~':y_ ~ ..,.,,,' ":' ':", boo o,+25 Official Records of San 51a~eo Cs.t~~-+'' '~r,:5:~ ~35 (525,57-0x- 't~ along '~he Northwesterly line of said i. xs'c r~cn'::'.o,.-~, .,.':'~,~s : a curve to t~ - nc "ight having - tano~.nr oea':inq o7 ko 'c[~ .,leo 56" Eas'C~ a ~dius o~- i95.'9 ;oct a cenzra~ annie or o° '<' and an arc l,:~::~:...~ of 21 09 feet and ~'an~cnt to the precesc: n~ curve North 55o~'~c'~, !9~, Eas.~. 5R...44 fcez to -he Nort't,=rly'- corner o~ said. Parcel ~'..'~ uhence ):orth 35~"~,:~ feet to a poin't which is . d~stant South 2c 00 ~,~et fr,.m c,,e So~tne~st~u' cornor or the lands descr~.~cc i'~ ~ne abov:~ ,',c:,~tioncd ~'~ -' :% · .- ,,. ,,ucd recoL-',..,oc, ,,'7cii 9 1925 in Book 66 c-f 'Offic; ~ d ~a~ l~ecor.s of San. >[a,,ea Cc~:n~:>.'~ 381 (2569-A; ~,ence North 88° 27' l.[.":as~ /.90 fee':: to point o-F_ o_,.