HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 5032-1969RESOLUTION. NO. 5032 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT OF STREET AND HIGHWAY EASEMENT FOR WESTBOROUGH BOULEVARD. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to accept a grant of a street and highway easement over the parcel described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and record or cause same to be recorded in the Official Records of San Marco County, same to be free and clear of liens and encumbrances, except those accepted by City and free and clear of taxes except those cancelled by City and other jurisdiction, .marketable title to be evidenced by a standard title insurance policy at the expense of Grantors. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted" by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of January , 19 69 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp " None NOES, ABSENT, None ATTEST: , Relazed to West Pa::k 3 Pan-czl Mmp and~ ian~ 90.00 .Fca? ~n wi~rn ;-:;'uafa ia mo C;t-/of' South Son , Sto,"o oF Cc~;fornio, d~scribod c~s nor;-hwo;;'ar,,, carnor o; ;hc~ curtain may onlltlocl No. 79~ ~,'¢:~borou~,,. ~,r;:t ;~ Sa.', Mc:':'ao County, Ca" ' ' .... ~Fo[n.~a "~ ~ ..~ ....... '' , ~ ~ ~ · 55 of .M=?s c~:: ~Se* ~6 ond.-~7~ S~a N~o ~ounr7 xccords; runn~n~ thonco ~rom sa~d POINT OF g[G1N~iXG along tho r, cr:'h~rl7 ~n'a oi~ ~a~ Tract 793- ~orfi~ 67° 42' fast ~8.19 root; .leavln~ sa~,~ nor~h~rly l~no of T?.:: 798~ ~o:~'h 22° :u g/c~ .~:,00 Foot to a ~n~ ;n ~'h~ northoa~-orly c, ro[on~;c, Nor, o~ tho souln¢,:~'art7 l~r,o of thc~I' cern'alt, :,:~-~ or,,~.,oo ~o,:-borough - 'West P, rk Unit ¢ No. 1~. South S,~n Fran¢;:co~ San Morea Coun:7~- 'C,a[:,"c. rnic~"~ wh'icn' map was tho Re,order of the County o,~ Son Mc~',,eo,.S~t-a o~' C.~li¢orn[a ,on November 19~ 1964~ in -Book · ' '"~ ~3, 14 15 ¢~nd 16; thon¢o c~Jong s=,~d ?ro[ongation Soui'h'67~ 42' 61 of Maps · '~Vesr 366.19 .fee,~ ~'o :'lie soufi;easl' cornor of ~aid mc::., o~ Wos"~=-orougn' - 6/a=t Park Unit No. 1~ · ,~henco along .~ou~hecs~'t. rly li.,',o o~ sa~d ma?.~,u,,,c' .,.c 67° ~4o,...~ West "~47.41 foot (South 68* 54' 25" · f .Wa~t 147.4G feel, map) on }h<~ arc of a cu,'vr~ to the iefl'~ rein@ant [-o tho la;~' ~id cour~ 'w~th ~ , · · r~dius of 545 fact, (544.}$ foe?.. ::.c.?) sub?or;ding a coa:'r~i angl~ of 32° 49' Dg", an otc die.nco .. . of 312.18 foa~; lear' ""-"' ' ~ng ~!~ i:ao ,=diully Soui'h 55° 07' 02" East 90,00 foot;' from a Nor,~h :34* 52~ $I" East/on ~'ho arc of a curvo to ~' ho r,r~n?/wii'h a radiu~ o.~ 455 i'oet~ subtandlnD c~ cc~r.~r~l an~le, of :32° 49' 09"/an arc dl.q'arice of ~0 i:~ol'; · thc POINT OF.~EGINNING. "' North 67° 42' East 75.41 f'eot; to ,, · E' .' ,ony'c'drndr Bf ~h~'~ cc?~aln mcp'cntiflc'd '~ract '- . . , .., . . ~ ,. . . in0 o contrc! cngle oi 33° 19'. i0~" on ,re ,:::~n~ oF' "~. ' · ' '* 7ua 66 foot; aa tho arc of a curvo 1o - ' "' ' 58' - c .~' ,,,t~ ' ' ' ' ' . from c ~ngent ~*:tO~ ~uth 78° 50 :~r,. ,,,,,, ~ rodlu~ o~'~55 ~eo~, s~btona~ng ~ 'conga~ ong!e .. , . · . . · . ~' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ IS° 23' ~9" ' "' ~' ' ,' ' ' ' " · . . . ~. ,n ~:6 ~.caco o~'223, i6 ~:~t to th,.nor~nw,~ori7 ~rncr o~ t~ cermln e ~' · · '.-' ·' ~" ' ., · of !end conv~ye, ~o'~h~.__,nb, O~ c~n }..',c;':~;o For " ' · . . ': .. .. .,...;.~., ' . .. ~, · t - ,, : ... . ..: N~,,,, 24~ ~ ~o;t.~,~ fcc't; on t};~ arc of a cu~o to the ~ftt ~ton, · .. erI7 l~no of s~o ~rcot~ ~-~- 24° " '' '- · , ., q .. q .'., , ' ~ ~., . . .' . . - ", . .. ~ ,.'*" ,' o tangon~ bc~r}ng Nor,n 31 '" · . ,,~,',. w~,'h d radius oF .1 ~5 feett ;ubtendihg a cen~l anglo -. "e ~ . .'' . , ~. .. ..i · ,,,. · '. ~", ,, . . . e ,. · . ·. .'. . . . . w' ..:: ':~f 13° ~' 19"/~n arc d~,~on~ oF 244'. i9 feet ,o o ~in.t of 'compouno cvrvatur~ on the arc o~ o '.~. ? - ~ .' -. ' .. · ; '. ' ., r - ' ,o:n~en~ bcarlng North 78° 58' 56" W~:t, With a'rfdlus oF 1,3~ fo~t, ~...carve. to t~ ~c.t, tram ~. * '. . . . . - ..... 0:>;. . ... . - ~ ,ubtending c coni'ra~ angl~ oF 33° 19' ~ '~n ~r~ dl,t~n~ 0~'755.99 ~ootj South 67° '~' ~ ...... · - -..: ~ ', . -., , , . ; . . .'~g .;. ' -. ~. . · .'.. . ~.- . . . ,~.,n~..,~,,~ 'tM ~o,t . cocdin cour~ with a . · : ~ J. ~- :~) , . ' ~ .'. ,. ,.. '. , . , · . '- · of'~5 fco~, ~ubt~nd;ng o con~'a; anglo o~ ~3° 09' 32'" ~n'~r~ d~}~,ncc'of' ' ' ' 791 01 foetj ~ut,~' '~ . · - ... . · - . . .~ . ,~.'- .. . · , . , ... -. , '.- . ., .... ~ . . '- ~ -; - ~- · .. · ---. _ .~,. . .. "" 27~ 32" ~c,~" ' ' ' . , ~.,6.42 ~etj. 0n ~'ho arc o~ o: curve to' thartght jtgn~o~t ~'o thc lest ~('coed;~,G co~:rm I· .. . · " ~ ' :. · , · . ~'~ . . . . · w~th a rc~[us oF 2i,.35 i~ot, ~ubtcndm~ ~. contro'i 'cngleo( ~o 0~ 3.2", 'oh"arc dl~cnc, or 3 !~. · . _ . .. . · ' · ' . · .. ' .' : . · ~eb ~h 67° 42' W~st 4Q.92 ~oe~; ~ut4 36°'2~; Eo,t 36.0? feet1 ':Norih 67* 42' E,st'302.0¢ . · ,, ,e .., . , , · . · . ~ ' , northwesterly on ,no ore o~ ~ cuba to'tho 1o( ' "' " ' trom'¢ t,n~,nf ~or[n~ North 52° 31' 37" ~eo~/'to ~'/~;r,t of.rovers¢ curv~wo;.:'~ ~'ho arc bt r~ ¢~vc ~'o ',he ~i~'~r, ~rorn o t0ng~,t~t ., , ,. -' ,, ". . . ' Naris 5? 31' ~1" We;t~ with u.r,d~us oF 21 r ~ ,- ,e~?, ~btor,,~ng a 'central cngle o~ 75° 47' 06"t . " J' ~' " ' '~ 2' (Exhib%Z "A") · .. climb'anco o~' 27.78 £c,~t, to a _~....lnt of revers~ curvc~ture; .... on th°"'0r¢--of a curve to the leirt~ from a tcng~n~' beae~n~ North I7° 15' 25" ".:~'~ w~th a rod~u~ of 255 £o~t, ~u'btending a central on~lct o~' 32e 42' 57"; an arc distance ,~¢ ,45.61 ¢o<~r,: North 15e ~/' 32" West 437.02 f'ooti on the '~' ~ of 54° 48* o.,. ,. c,n ~rc d[~:'cmc-c of 435 25 J'~¢t, to a .point of compound subi'ond~n0 a ¢on,~, an~~o '~'~" · ' · · curvature; on the arc o, a cu,-v~ t.o t;:~ r~5,,,.. From ~ ~n~'en? boc~rln(; North.39' 2I' 00" Eo~t~ · feet; Nor:'h 67° 47.;. £ost.67.28 foefriand~ on ~'ha arc Of a cu,-va to ~h~ r/ghtt tangent to the last' ! ' o · 798; th~nce, c~o,.~g ~a]¢[ Iino Nc, rl'h 22~ 18* W~i' 23.00 ~eot to thai Point or Boglnn['r,-j. · therefrom:. · · .... ' "'.City of South San Franclsco~ A strip of l'and 9'0.'00 feet in w~c~zn s~,uato in ,no · '~F. GiN~[NG a,' ~'he' northwesterly cSrner o~: that certain map. entitled "Tract No. 798, West.boroucjh U4it IB~ S~n M~oo County~ Ca:[,r'drnJa"~ Fi~cd Augus~ 3~ 1961, in l~ok 55 o~ Maps a~ pages 16 ar, d 17~ San Mai'aa Couni7 Records; running thence From said POINT OF . . , · , gEGINNING a'i'0ng tho nor;'h~rly I/no o~ ,a~d Tra,~ 798, Nor;'h 67° 42'.~ast 438.19 ~oot; loavlng ,aid nor,hotly Iino o~ Tmc~ 798,.North 22°'18' Wast 90.00 ~oet to a ~int in tho no~thea,terl~ . prolonga~'ion, of the sou,r, eostor~7¢' ' ~no" o~,,,~"~,~' certain m~p'enti~,,~ '~cstborough - Wa'st Park Unit No. 1, South Sn~ Fr~nci,co, S~a Ma;'~o ~u~Tt ~;fomla", ~ Which m.p ~s filed in tho ,. ~no Coun~7 o~ San M~;'oo, State o~ C. lifornla on Novom~r 19t 1964~ jn B~k ~1 of ~p~ at p,gos 1i, 12, let .14, 15, and 16j l'henco along ~aid prolongal'lon South 67* 42' -. .... · ?~r~. , . th~c c:loa~ aouti~vs~erl/ l:~[e o; said mup So,jth 6'7° 42' %'V¢~t 147.41 foot (South ' ~" Souih 55° 07' 09" E~,~ 90 O0 f~ot; from c ~ng~r,t bc~ring ; . c~ntrei a'nsle o; 3~" ,a. an ,re a~m~'~ o~ ~~ foot;- Nor,n 67e 42' Ealt' 75.41 feo~ io ',. .' ., ., · · .o · · .° . .o : o, .o.