HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 5063-1969RESOLUTION NO. 5063 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION WITHDRAWING FROM THE C0LMA LIGHTING DISTRICT THAT PORTION WHICH IS LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that: 1. The portion of the Colma Lighting District shown and described in Exhibit A attached hereto, which is presently located within the corporate limits of the City of South San Francisco, be and the same is hereby withdrawn from the Colma Lighting District; 2. That a copy of this Resolution be filed with the State Board of Equalization, the governing body of the Colma Lighting District, and the County Assessor in accordance with Street and Highways Code Section 192§0; 3. That the unencumbered funds be apportioned and distributed in accordance with Section 19290 of the Streets and High- ways Code. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the r~ular meeting March , 19 69 , by City of South San Francisco at a held on the 17th day of the-following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, ABSENT, " Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick £. Ahern, F. Frank Mamedni, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkam~ None None ATTEST~~ ' ,~ EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 5063 Descriptions and plat showing portions withdrawn from the Colma Lighting District. 1. All or that portion annexed to the City of South San Francisco by Ordinance No. 374, adopted the 29th day of August, 1955. BEGINNING at a point at the most woster!y corner of Lot 3 in Block 219 as~ said Lot and Block are designated on the map entitled "LI;~ OF Ti~ L~{DS OF'~i~. ~_~~'~ HOI.~STEi~ ASSOCIATIOE", which, m~p %v~ filed in tho Office of the. Eecorder of tko County of San S%ate of California, on january ~, i$72 in Book 15 of Deeds at P~Ze ~3.~nd a copy entered in Book I of Maps ~t_~'~'o-.~ 1~.;. thence from ~ po!nC' O~ bc~ ....... ~ e~terly ~!on~ the southwesterly =nd southe~tek-!y · ine~ of the City of South San _~°~"~~,~,,~~ the fol~owi~_ coup-scs and dis%encee' South Z~~ S6~ 0~" E~t feet and if. orth !7~ 24' 2G" E~t !04.57 fact to the . southwesterly line of HilLside Boulevard; thence av_n~ the boundary line o~ ~e above m~ntioned map ~.,c the corporate limit line of South San ~,~-~.~n~_--~oco and running ~-~n=.~ tho southw~s~'-~'- ~*~ of Hillside . Boulevard north 55' 38' 04" West 7S~.75 f~ot. to the northerly corner of ~' ~ in o~ of 'C' .o~ ~ B1 21~ n~ above mentioned map; thence leaving the southwesterly line of Hillside Boulevard ~.d '~,~~ along the nor~&hwesterlp line of Lot 3 .Blo~ 219 South 3~'*~ 23~ 5~" WesZ ~uO~' feet ~o the point of · All of that portion annexed to the City of South San Francisco by Ordinance No. 496, adopted the 3rd day of February, 1964. ~..o-..n~.no aZ a polng on <-'~ ~:~sginS corpora:o '~ ~'- -ghe Cigy of SouZh San ~..o..~, as esCab~ishad by C~gy Ordinance · '~o.303 (~,~sslon Gardzns ,-~.,.~.~"'~-=--~-".&~.~, .oassed ~y g~ CiZy Council of . . the Ci=y of Sou~h San.w~'~'~"~...,,.~.~co o on S~pt¢mber ~--~ ~ 1950, ...... said poin= . . o~ be~zn.._n~ b~iug ~b~C poin~" '~ ---.- we~n ~ha Land of D~vlnccnmi~.c--~ ~-:-~-'~',.,,,-- of H~nry l,~llar~ . now hnown as Francis=o :o San jose>, said c~v,~_o, Deeds a: pag~ 244 on .~nug. y 25~ _9_1 in ~ 1- (.Exhibit "A" ) (Exhibit "A" Resolution 5063, continued) 'San · ~_.,...t .-..o ~.,..,=,~,-'-4,_,,.,~.,.'-.--.=--" above.; ,~i~.~nca on ~_d ~,~a-.~ gaid d£vic'?.-.~-- far:ca li:a North 42° ~'~ ~o ~s~ lO6 26 "- ..... ' . '.'porata l~ of' ~;~ City' of Scu~' San ~'~- '~ pa~n~ of r. All or that portion annexed to the City of South San Francisco by Ordinance No. g98~ adopted the 17th day of February~ 196g. . BEGINNING ac a point in'the corporate limits of the City of Sou~h San Francisco, as said limits were esgab!ished by thc: certain resolution and order dated Augus~ 17, 1908~ declaring -' said City inco=poraged, said poin~ also being the ingersec=ion of ghe Southwesgerly prolonga=ion of the Southerly line of Oak Avenue with.ghe Wes~er!y line of Mission Road, referred to in said incorporation as the "Westerly line of ghe main County Road leading from San Francisco ~o San Jose"; =hance from said poing .... of beginning Northwesterly along said corporate limits and said Westerly line 1150 fee~, more or less, to ghe ingersection =here- of with ghe Northwesterly line of ~hat cergain trac~ of land described in Deed from Spring Valley Water Company, ~o =he City and Coun=y of San Francisco, (Parcel 2!) recorded March 3rd, 1930, in Volume 491 of Official Records of San tZm~eo Coun=y a: page 1 and the true poin~ of beginping of ~he lands ~o ba des- cribed hcrein~.~hence.from said =rue point of beginning Nor~h- westerly along said Westerly line of Coungy Road and said corpora=e limits and continuing along the corporate !imi~s of the Ci:y of South San Francisco: as esgablished by tha~ cern&in Ordinance No. 303 of ~he City of South San Francisco annexing Mission Gardens to said Ci=y~ adopted on September !2~ 1950 as follows: North 44O 20"Wes= 28 feet, more or less~ to ~he Nor~hwes~er!y'.line of a private road leading from the '~Flood and Mackay Trac=" to ~he said Coungy Road, Nor:h 44 20' Wes~ 250 fe~,~o=th 4'8° 50~ Wes: 200 ~eet~ Norgh 54° 00' Wes~ 527 ~ee.~ North 40 _9 Wes~ 300 feet, North 45° 3i' Wes~ 200 fee~, North 43° 41' Wes~ 150 fee:, North 42° 45' Wes~ 45 fee~ ~o ~ha Sou~heas~er!y line of a private road leading from ~he !~nds of H. Millet ~o ~a s~id Co~n:y .Road and conginuin~ along sa~d .corpora:e_~im~ lSne ~or~h 4~ 4~" ., 2 - (Exhibit "A" ) (Exhibit "A", Resolution 5063, continued) West to th& N~rthwe~teriy lind of sazd orivate roaa; unence con- :inu. in~alogg said We~e~y.~$ne ,of Cou~ay R~ad and said existing c. orpor~e lzmit line .N~Ch~:~$° 45 Wes~ ll~.z fee~ :hence ieav- zng said Was~erly line of the corporate !imi~s being also the . Wes~er!y line of :he County Road, Sou~h 40° 31' Wes~ 92.5 'fee: the Easterly line of ghe right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence along said Eas~er!y line of ~he righ~ way, as follows: South~50° ~3' East' 518 fee~, Sou~h 48° 15' Easg '166. fee~, South 45° 30'. East 147.5 fee~, South 44° !3' East 150 fee~, South 42o 16' Eas~ 150 fea~, Sou~h 40° 12' Eas~ 180 .fee~, South 46° 32' East ~!0.O fee:, Sou~h 76° 20' East 24 fee:' · South 47° 15' Eas~ 30 fee~. Sou~h !5° 28' Easg 23 feat, Sou~h 46 50' Eas~ 79 feet, Sou~h 54° 34~ Wes~ 67.5 fea~ amd South 30° 08' East !92 fee~ to the said Norghwes~erly line of and Coun=y of San Francisco (Parcel 2!)$ .~hance Easterly, leav- ing said Eas=erly line of the right of way, o~ ~ ~.a Paci 21~ Neath $0o 26' E~s~2$O ~ee~ ~e or ~s~'~o . .~ · All o~ ~h~ per,ion ~nnexed ~o ~he City o~ Sou~h S~n FPancisco hy Ordinance No. 508, adopted ~he 15~h o~ Jul~ l~q. BEGINN!-NG at a point.' 'l'r~ the ~- co. po..~e limits o£ the City of South San Fr~cisco as said limits v~ere established by that certain resoiu~ion and order dated August 17, 190S, declaring said City incorpo~atod, said point also being the intersection of :he south- v~esterly prolongation of th~ sou~nerly~li~e of Oak Avenue with the . · . sou~h~,es~eriy rz~ht-of-~ay l~ne of ~-~~ Road re~erred ~o in said nco.~o~a~lon as the "~;es~erly ilne o~ tk~ ma~n CDunty P~d !oadin~ , froz San Francisco =o S:n. Jose"; ~h~nce fl'o:~ said 9oin~ s~xd corporate limits a~d said ~ou~hwestor!y northwesterly aloha . line of ~ission ~ad, l!SO feet, more cz- less, %o She '~ .. _~ne of tha% certain~.r~ct~. of-land · descried tn ~ed from. Spring Valley Wa=er Company to the City County of S~ Francisco ~arcel 21) recorded Haych 3, 1930, in Vol~ 4~1. of Official P~cords of San Eateo County at .page l; thence leavin~ said corporate l~its 'souZhwos~ '- ~ Scm'ah 40° 28' WesZ (called Nor~ 40° 46' East in said Deed), alon~ %he north~osteyly lia~ of said. ParCel 21~ 2~0 feoZ, sore or !ess~ to the intersection ~hereof ~ith . the northerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific ~ilroad Company, and the westerly corner of sald.P~=-coi 21; thence . ~OO. . . . 0S' West 28.0 foot, more or ~oss; ac~-oss a road easement; ~honce (Exhibit "A" ) ._ (Exhibit "A", Resolution 5063, continued) continuing along the Southern Pacific Railrond Company right- of-~my on tho s~e bearing North S0° 08' West, iG4. O foe~ to POint; ~hence turnin~ nnd' proceeding northeasterly, North' 54° 34' East for a .distance of 87.5 feet to a pein:;, thence turning and procoo~ing in a nor=h%~steriy 'dzroction North 40° S0' West 79.0 fee~ to '~ ~la~; thence ~Orth lg° 28~ West, ~3 fee~ to a point; . ~est~ 150 fee'~ to a point; thenc~ Nor.n 4 30; Was:, 147.5 . s~%e ~'~'"----,s North 50° 33' W~st, 25 feet (:croSs z 'prlvat~ .road) . and IiS.O fee: to'a poin~ (all of the dis:~noea and -.,,~ wes~crty corner 6£ Pa~cal 21 h~v~,~.' boon on the northerly right-of-way llne of the Southern Pac"=~ ' !y/~ ~nd proceeding In ~, noz ~!~e-~ ~e~ .-ac ~'i NotCh z~0°a~' ' 92.5 feet, along ~he easterly lane o~ tho Pacific Gas ~ ElecSric Co. property to a point which is the northeasterly corner of~the property ov~ned-in faa by ~he Paci£ic'Gas & ~.~-'"-'~'-.~.~ Co. ~ud ~hich " is also the southerly proper~y line of Hiss!on Road; thenc~ ~urn- and p~ocoeding in a ..o..n.~s~e~y di~ac~-.o~._~ the So. th ; , (Exhibit "A" ) (Exhibi~ "A" Resolution 5063, continued) and proceeding in a southwesterly direction Sou~h 48° 36~ Wests !0G.26 £emt~ along the v~osterly property-line of the Pacific O~s & Electric Co. proI~r~y to a 'point~ v~hich'is on' the Southern o~ific P~ilro~d Co ~:"~:~;'~ :~i ~." ~ · thence turning and proceeding in a north~,esterly direction North 50° 33'- ~?ost~ 337.2G feet ____~~n.~ ti:o southerly prope~-ty line of the D~vlncenzl Annexation to the C,~y o£ South S~--u Francls¢o, C, rdinan¢o ~o. 456~ .~eb'~uary 3~ ~hick is the soUth%vosterly corner of the D~vincenzi l~'opo~~ty; thence :urning and pz-oceeding in a no'~'~heas~-~'~,~ .diroction~ No---th ~:2°~ 3G' East, 146.$2 feet $oa poin~ on the present southerly right-of-way !Ir~ of .. ~ission'P~ad .~--ud on ~ha city limits lina; thonc~ turning and pro- coeding in a northwesterly direction North 4S° 09' west for a , ~~, the present city limigs of the City of South San Yranclsco (and the southerly Izns o'f ~isslon Road) to a polar; .~r.¢e ......... ~ h.v...g the s~~..~--o,-q~.... as ~,.,~ ~rav-~ous-course (North 49° 09' WosZ) -,--~e-r,;'-w~v llne o£ .~ission ~nd v~hlch line southerly June !2~ !957,-a Co!ma~ ,~o the southerly right-o£-,~ay i!n~ o£ t"ns old Roi!v/ay; "~-~"~.~__ *,,~-~'~. .... .~ and~. .... ~---~-~'~'~_~ _':n a north~osterly ~,,y l , . .. . . .. ~ ~. - .. . , . .,.. .. , ~ - . · · , . . - 5 - (Exhibi~ "A" ) (Exhibit "A", Resolution 5063, continued) 'Aug=s~ 21, 1950; thence procee ~ ~ d.n~ southwesterly along the easterly · p~'o~rty line of the T~-oasura. Island prop. orty ?54 foot, recto or loss, to the ~-~-+~'~ · .~...~y ~ight-of-v/~y !'~ ..e o~ E1 C~i=o P~al; th~ce East, ..207 foct~ more or less ~' ~-'-~ o-~ ~,,~ fly ,. Igh ~-o~-~ay line of'E1__~,~~.'~ .~a~. , which %v~s annexed to '~he' City ,.,,." -° South of $40.2S feet; thence proceed!nE f;-om tho end of a curve on a ~-.,,~.~,- to tho southeast, ~"'"'~ $0° 44' zO" Wast -' -- -~... ~ ~o. a dls~ance of .552.57 See~ to th~ B. C. ~f a cuzco to th~ right hav~g a radius of feet and an arc distance of GOS.~O feat to the end of the to a po-~; thence turning and ~roceedi~g South. Z~l° 20' 20" Wesg ~,~.,~-~-way &~no of El C~ino [~! in a southeasterly dlrec~ioa South ~7° 14' ~0" Eas~ 373.'=~ foot ~;o gho' B C o2 a ~u~e to the radius o~ 783 £e¢'~ and a~ arc _eno:m ~f I0 fee~; rlght-o~-way line of EI__,_..~~ ..~,_~ south i9° ~0~ 40" E~s~ on a . ~'~-~,-.~'~+ 2or m distanc~ of 2S7 72 feet to tho left '~-~'~ z-adaus Qf ' .~.__~ a 767 fo~t; ';k~zc~ · cu~e' v/nlch is ~,~ no-t~e'~'' ,..~--~_~,.w ~-'- zed the northe'~-ly city ~___'~*''':':'. '~.-_~'""--.--.. of the City . . -6- (Exhihi~ "A" ) (Exhibit "A", Resolution 5063, continued) South g$~ "":' 'East for a dls'~auco of 1175ol feet o~_ ~ ~.'-~-~* to ~he B. C of a curve to the '"'~'"'~'"' ~~_~... i~ii. 53 ~.; thonc~ proceeding southonsterly. . alone the ~ortherly rigkt-of-way lin~ cf E1 C--,__o South ~S° for a distance o2 244.23 ,.,~'°--"~ tea point; Eor%h 5J° 12" Eas~ 420 £cet, ~ore or less~ a!o~g the prolongation · · ~ou ...e. I y of the southerly line of O~ Avenue, to a~o_...~ ~+ on'"'-~-o = '"~ ~ ~ ~'-=~ line of C..y risht-o~-~ay !ize of ~issio~.Road and the city ~ :'~ ~- ~f Sou'~h Snn ~--a=cisco which, is the ~olnt cZ ~---~'?~.....o-~; and' contain- in$ 7i Acres, more or less. - 7 -. (Exhibit "A" ) · Ii I ~,ssoc .n oo° ,~ (~-xhibit "A" ) .\ un( -,3,,3t~t PE RO '\ , /,-