HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 5086-1969RESOLUTION NO. 5086 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONSENT TO CONVEYANCE OF PARCEL 4 WEST PARK 1 AND 2, EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS OR RELEASE, 'ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to execute the following: 1. Release of the parcels described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto from the agreement between the City of South San Francisco, Caesar Callan Homes, Inc., Michael Callan, Thomas Callan, Jr., and Joseph Caesar as individuals, recorded June 19, 1967, in Book 5322 of Official Records, pages 132 to 200, Records of San Mateo County. 2. Request for Deeds of Reconveyance for the following Deeds of Trust: a. Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents dated April 16, 1968, recorded on April 24, 1968, in Book 5463 of Official Records at page 448, Records of San Mateo County, California. b. Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents dated April 16, 1968, recorded on April 24, 1968, in Book 5463 of Official Records at page 451, Records of San Mateo County, California. 3. Escrow instructions and other authorizations with.respect to the release of said parcels fmom said agreement and request for said reconveyance, including a demand for retention of the sum of $1,000.00 to sedure the construc- tion and installation of two street lights on Carter Drive adj~acent to the 2.5 acre park site, location of which is shown on Drawing No. 160-0410-20 E1 dated August, - 1 - T lie 1964, Sheet 14 of 16, prepared by Theodore V. Tronoff, Civil Engineer. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of May , 19 69 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucelli~ pa%rick E. Ahern~ F. Frank 'Mammini~ Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp · " None "' None ATTEST: NOES , ABSENT, City~ - 2 - · ~~.-.~, k. EX'{IBIS' "A" ' "- "' " . · &~.,~.~r.~.~ ~ . · · . ' "~.at certain real property sltua~ in the City of South San . ' ' ~ranc~sco, County of San Marco, State of California, ~.: .... ~uu · . as follows: . A PO~TZO~ O2 LOT 48 in Block 2, and a Portion of Oa~.ont ~iva, - as oald ~t, Block and Drive are deslgnatod on the romp cntitlod . . · :'~'~STBOROUGH - ~'~ST PAP~K.:. UN~T NO. 2, SOL~H SAi'I i~P~:CZSCO, gal; ,"~"~'~..~ :... . .. ' .. · ... COUA~I, ~LZFO~", whi[oh map was flied in tho offic~ of tho 2~;,-;':.;'.~;r of the County of San ~o, Sta~e of California on i.~o,~J.u)e]. . as follows ~ 'e~~e 'ce BEGL~NZ~G at ~ha ~or~hwesterly co,er of ~ 49, in Block 2, · as said ~t and Block are sho~ on the aforesaid map. of "PZZSTBO~OUGi~- . ~'~'~ - thence North 37~ 30: 23"..West~ 30 fcc~, ~,~c,,co .~_~ ~A~< UNiT NO 2" * ~ - ' .. South 5i° 02' West 26.0Q fe~'U to ~he True P0in~ of ~cginning; ~kenc~ ".. ' ,.:.. from said True Point of..:Beginnin~ North '37~ 30' 2~" West 140 fee~, more or !ess, to a point on the Southerly line of a pro~Se~ Righ~ ~ay called King DrlvG; thence Easterly along said Southerly line and ".' . .. continuing along the ~est~rly ilne in a Southerly dlr~o~lon o~ a Aigk: of way ~aila~ Ca!lan ~ulevard to a poin~ dis~an~ Nor:h 5i~ . .. DESCRiPTiON · . ,o That certain i.ea'l property situate i'n the'City"of South San Franciscg,. County of 'San ~;~.teo,. S~a~e. of Cali£orniaj described '.. ~o~ follows "': "' ' .PARCEL ONE ~ " ' ' ': ' ' '" ' ' - . · · · · . · .. .. · . LOTS '28, 29, '3i:9',. 40, 41, in Block 2, as designated on · the map entitled "WESTB0~OUGH - ~/EST PAP, K UNIT NO. i ;;'~'""'i FRANCISCO/ SAN MATEO .COU.N~-.CALi'FOR,NiA", Which ma'p"w.,~ ££icd in t:he office of. the Recorder'~of the. County of San Mai:o'S, $1;al:;o · ' of California on Nove~2~er i..9.,' .!964.in. Book.. 61 'of Maps a.=.. pages. Ii, 12 13 14 15 and 16 '.' ." · .. · .'. , , , · .. ... - ........_"- . . · PARCEL 55f0 ' : -'., i' ' '* ~"', , · , .' . .. · · LOTS 42, 43, 44,. 45, 4'6, 47, 48 and 49 in Block' '2, as designa.ted on the 'map~ entitled "WESTBOROUGH '- WEST' PARK UI~IT NO. 2 SOUTH SAAT FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO .COUNTY,, CALiFOR~NIA", which map. was filed in,he ~ffice of ~he Recorder'of. the County o~ San ~a~eo, · State of Californ'ia on November. i8,.'1964 in Book. 61 of Maps-a~ · · · · "pages i7; i8 and i9:. ',' ' .. ..EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A PORTION OF LOT 48 in .Block 2 and a portion" of Call-an BouleS,etd (formerly Oakmont Drive) as said Lot, .Block and Drive, are shown on chat certaim map entitled" · W~STBOROUGH-?FES~ PAP, K UE...NO. 2 SOUT;{ SAN FRA~,TCISCO: SAN F~%TEO COUNTY', CALIFORNIA", w'nicn map was "iled in the.office of the Recorder of. the Co.unty of San :.~aueo, Su~e of California on No%ember 19, 1964 in Book 61 of ~aps aU pages 17, .iS and 19, San Marco. County RecQrds, and more'..par=icularly. described as follows: e · · o BEGiNNiNG ar. t~:e centerline of Car=er Drive and Callan Boulevard (former'!y 'Oakmon~ Drive) .~s said intersection i.~ shown or..:he above menZioned map, t. hence along· the.cenUeriine of C~rter Dr~ve, Sou~h ~5i~ 02: We=t~ '!88.68 fee~; thenCe leaving said.cen,:er~ine ~oruk 38° 58~ Wes% 274.95 feet to a point in.=he a.foremenuioned 48, 'n Block 2, and'True Point cf Beginning; %hence from_said True Poin-~ of Beg:--~..,_. ~.g, ~orth. 38'~ 58~ West 141.88 fee= to a point on t%e... Souuheriy boundary of that certain map entitled ':~ ~ UL~ .~R~MONT~ DALY Cr ' '" ' ~ . which map was flied in ,~2 , S.~i~ M~T~O COU~, . CALIFORNIA"., the office of %he Reco=der of the County of San Marco, S=aUe of · -Ca'iforn~a on June 17, .1965 in Book.62 of ~aps at pages 29 30 32. San ~ateo County. ~ecords; thence Northeasterly' 'along =he aforesmid Sou' herly ~n_ of Serramonue Unit ~o 1 on ~he 'arc of a curve ~o ~he r:gk-~ from_ a tangent, ben~'~.~_....u :~or~h 51° 53' 16" Eas'= with a radius o= 600 fee% subtending a central angle of 13°~44' 12" an arc distance of 143 85 f.~et to a point of 'compound curuature; t~,ence ,earing ~ke aforesa~ Sou=hotly boundary of.Serramonte 'Unit No. i Nor~he~a=erly on %he arc. of a. curve to .=he right from a uangent bearing Notch 65* 37' 23'~ East with a radius of 30 feet, subtending, a central angle of 9~ 03~ 42" an .arc distance.of 4.74 feet to a. point'.on the Westerly r,gn~ of way line .of:.C~llan .Boulevard (fo~erly Oakmont'Drive) .. . . . .. .' . PARCEL and the' Easterly line of the aforesaid Lot ~3, in Block 2, as shown on the 'aforesaid map of Westborough - West Park No. 2; ~hence continuing Easterly 'and Southerly on the .arc of a curve to right from a tangent bearing .North 74° 4i' i0" East wi. Lb .~ of 30 feet, subtending..a cenv. rai angle of .73° 20' 53." ;~r, distance of 4i.02 feet.i!:to a .poin~ of reverse curvature; Souther!¥ on the. arc °f'a curve to the left from a tangent i~earing ' Sou~n 26 57' .59" Eas%.with'a radius of 792 feet subtending a cen~ra~ angle of.'.6'~ 23~ 45" an arc ~ - ~.stance of 83.4! fee~; S~u~k 5!~ 02~ West 3 79 = · ..~ee~ r.o a. poin~ on the aforesaid'Westerly' right of way line of Callan Boulevard (formerly Oakmon~ Drive) and the : Zas~erly line of the'aforezaid Lot 48, Block :2; thence continuing ' . 'on the last said ~.earing South .Si° 02' We.s~ 146.68 feet ~:0 ~he ~rue ' Poin~ of Beginning.. ... . · Containing 2 077 square fee=, more or less. PARCEL THREE : .. A PORTION OF LOT 48'.in Block 2 and a portion of Cai!an 5oulevard {former!y'Oakmont Drive} as said Lot, Block 'and Drive are shown on that certain map entitled" WESTBOROUGH-WE, ST PAPal4 UNiT ~NO. 2, SOUTH SA.~ .?RA~NCISCO, .SAN F~TEO COLr~TY, CALIFORNIA", which map was filed in .the', office of the Recorder of the. County o.f San . · Mat,o,' State of Ca!i~' ~ ~= .o.n,, .on November 19, 1964 in Book 61 of .a~ pages 17, 18 and 19, mo.r,e.particuiarly described.as'.foiiows: · BEG!NNI:';G'a~ the centezzlne of. Carter Drive and Caf!an .-Boulevard (formerly Oakmon~ Drive) as 'said intersection is' shown . on ~he above mentioned map; thence along the centerline of Carter· Drive, South 5!~ 02' West 188.68 feet; thence leaving said . cen=e_=zne North 38° 58' West 274.95 feet to a point in aforementioned Lot 48, Block 2, and th'e ~rue .Point of Beginning; un, nc, from qaid True Point of 3, ginning, North 38~ 58: .Wes= . 141.88 fee~ =o a poin~ on the Southerly boundary of tha~., cerr. ain mad enui%ied "SERRAMOb;TZ U~NIm ~:~0 I DALY CITY, SAN ¥~ATEO CALi.-~n'~x~"~':~.~, .... ,. which map was -filed in fhe office of the Recorder of County of Sar ~Mateo, S~aZe of California on june ~17, 1965 in Book 62 of 2<?.ps a= pages 29, 30 and 31; thence 'Northeasterly along..the aforesaid Souu?.eriy l'~::-e o= Serramon=e Uni~ No. 1, on the arc of a curve '=o 'the-' ri¥~.~, from a uangen~ bearing North 5!~ 53~ 16" East with a .radius of 600 feet sub~_ending a cen=rs1 angle of 13° 44' i2" an arc dis~anca of 143.85 les% =o a point 'cf compound curvature;' thence ieav~ng the aforesa~ d So'~-' '" - . ~ner~y looundary o~ Serramonte Unit No. i, Northeasterly on ~ke arc .qf a curve ~o' ~he right from a tangent bearing .Nor~_h 65~ 37~ 23" East with a radius of 30 feet, suDtending..a cen~ra.l ~: o 42" - an~_a of 9. 03' an arc .distance. of 4.74 ,feet to a poin~ or. %;es~eriy rig:~t of way line of Cailan Boulevard (formerly Oakmon-'- Drive) and ~he Easterly line of the. aforesaid Lot 43, ih Block 2, as shown on the aforesaid map of Westborouc~h-Wes~ Park'~o. 2; ~hence continuing E~terly'and Southerly on the arc of a curve to the righ= from a tangent bearing'~orth 74° 41' i0" ~ast with a radius of ~0 £ae.~ sub%ending a cen=rai angle of 7~- 20' 51" an' arc distance · · · · _. '_ '_' ........... .-~-. ::~-~- '...-r ............ ::.~.~: ..... ' ,. PARCEL "~'"~" '-"~.~.,.~ CONT!ATTED: of 41.02 feet 'to a point: of revers~ curvature; thence Southerly on the arc of a curve' to the ief~ from a tangent bearing South 26° 57' 59" East with a radius of 792 feet., subtending a centrol ongle of ~ 23' AS': an arc distance of..SS.A! feet; South 5'!° 02~ Wes~ 3.79 f.~,et to point on the aforesaid.'Weste~ly right of way line of C~] 1. an bouie.°v~rd (formerly Oakmont Driv®) and the Emsterly line of the aforesaid Lo~ 48 in Block ~2; ~hence continuing on .the last said bearing 51~ 02' West 146,68 feet to the True' Point'of Beginning · · Conta.in!.ng. ·21,077 square feet, more or~ less. ' · ~. Exhibit A