HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-10 e-packetP.O. Box, 71.1 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Franciscol, Cal,ifbmia 940583 CITY HALL IARGE CONFERENCE 400 "RAN DAVENUE TUESDAY, APRIL 1 01 2012 9-000 A.M. N( CE IS HITE Y GWEN, xov,eri:mlent Code of,dic State a B purstiant toSection 54956 of"the of" Calil'Ornia, the Overs'glit Board fo)r t1le Successor Age "'licy to the Cit""y of' Solid-i Sail Francisco Redevelopnicnt Agency will hold a Special Meet'i'lig Oil 'Fucsday, t rC I Oth day l'April, 20 1, 21 at 9,.-.00 aai,i, iti the Laige Conf'erence Roomn, I op Floor at City Hall, 400 Grrand Avenue, South an Francisclo, Calif'ornia. Ill accordance widi Califbriu,a (')'r, owl-nnict-it Codc Section 54 ,57.5, any wi-iting or docul'ilCtit that is a ptlblic record, relates, to an open session agmia iteni, and is distributed less than'72 hours pri'or to a regrular 4 jq� ti,ieeting will be iii-tlde avallable Rm- public in,spection, i,,,ii the City Clerk's Office loca,tcd at. City Hall. If, I # I however, the docunient. or writiligisnot distributed tit itil the regular ii'ieeting to w I hich it relates, dieli the docunienA or writing will be made awdlable to dit public at t.he location of the me -et as listed on t1iis I agenda. The address of'City Hall is, 400 Grmd Avenue, So,)titli Sa,,n,Francisco, Califomia, 94080, In conipliance Witli. An,iericans mth Disabilitics Act, if* you tiecd special ass,isUnicc to particil at ill th, is niceting, please contact the South San Francisco City! Clcrk's Of c at (650) 877'-8518. Notificatio 48 mil hours in advance of* (lie mecting l enable the City to, make rcasonablc arl-wigenients to ensure 'Jit�7 to t1i * accessibi is nieeting. Chairman: Selected , - W ... Neil, Cullen, Largest Special stfict of the type in H&R Code Section 34188 Vice Chak, Denise Porterfield San Mateo County Supefintendent, of Schools Deputy Superintendent, Fiscal and Operafional Services San Mateo County Office of Education I " I I =!- i a -LTj - ff 17 ro ='' .Mark, AddlegO Councilmember, City of South San F rancisco, Barry Aagel C ! ity Manager, City of South San Francisco Director of Community/Government Relations', San Mateo County COMMUnity College District Rey a Fames Deputy County' Manager,, San M'ateo County Labadle Ma, yor of the Oty of South San Francisel Mayor of the City of South San Francisco: Chancellor of Califomia Community College San, Mateo, County Board of Su San'Mateo County'Board of Supervisors (Public Member) (A,rF','RSI(',",I-I'T' BOARD MI.Erl"INC., APRIL 101, 2012 L Motion to approve the Minutes of theApril 3, 2012 Special �Meeting. 3. Iden-fification. of sta,ffing and salian'es in connection with the Successo Agency's proposed staffing of the, Oversight Bond. 4. Consideration of 'insurance and rl management matters., 5. Discussion of the composition,, of the Oversight Board. 4, 6. Consideration of reguilarl meeting, dates for the Oversight Boardl 7. Presentation an.d consideration oi the draft Amended Recognized Obligations Payments Schedule (ROPS) for the perl January through June 2012. a. Presentation on responses to questions from Oversight Boal b. Consialeration of motion, to approve draft ROPS. 8. Future Agenda Iteml Ilk . I . ..... . . . ..... City"cu ONTERSIC" iT BOARD MEF,"11NCr APRILL 101 2012 AG'rENDA I)A,(;"r'E 3 i i h 0 Meefing el,d at- MUNICIPAL, SERVICES BtAIDING COMMUNITY R1001M 33 ARROYO DRIVE S01JTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA n W, Ln CALL TO ORDER Time: 3:00 P.M., ROLL CALL Present: Boardrnernbers Addiego, Christensen', Famles, Nagel and Scannell, Vice Chairperson Porterfield and Chairperson Cullen. 2. Organization of Board a., Call fbr Nominations fbr Chairperson, (Steelej Boardrnernber Addiego �nominated Boardmemberi Scannell as Chairperson of the South San Francisco Oversight Board, which, nolmination was seconded byi Boardmernber Christensen. BOar III member Scannell nominated Boardmember Cullen as Chairperson of the South San Francisco Oversight Board. Boardmernber Cullen nominated Boardmember Farrales as Chairperson of the So th San Francisco Oversight Board. Boardmember Farrales, declined nomination and seconded the nomination of'Nefl Cullen. Motion— Boardmember Scannell/Second— Boardmember Farralels., to appoint Nell Cullen as, the Chairperson of the South San Francisco Oversight Board., "Unanimously approved by voice vote. b. Call fbir Nominations for Vice Chairp;1ers,on (Chair) Roardmember Chn"stensen nominated Boardmember Porterfield as'Vice Chairperson of the 4, South San Francisco OversightBoard. 4� W'j 0, iWotllon— Boardmember Chn'stensen/Second— Chairperson Cullen: to ap 'nt Denise Porterfield , pol I as the Vice Chairperson of the South, San, Francisco Oversight Board. Unanimously approved by I voice vote. list a 6 Ist Chair Culle limited, public comment to,3 minutes, per speAker. 3. Consicteration of Legal Services Agreement wit�h Craig Labadie. (Mattas) City Attorney Mattas presented, the agreement for retention of Craig Labadie as legal counsel t, the Oversight Board. He noted Mr. Labadie was, being recommended to the Board as a very experienced public law attorney. Cha,ir Cullen suggested certain moditications to the agreement. City Attorney, Maftas e�xplained the respective moldifications. He, further stated that the agreement would be signedby Chair Cullen, on behalf of -the Oversight Board, himself as f Counsel to the Successor Agency and by Mr., Labladlie as legal services provider. OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 31,,2012 MIWTES PAGE 2 Motion,— Boardmember Addiegol/Second— Boardmember Nagel to approve the Legal Services Agreement with, Craig Labadi'e with modified language suggested by Chair Cullen. On the question, Boardmember Farrales suggested that a "not to exceed" monetary term be considered for i nclusion in the e are gment. City Attorney Mattas adviSedi t hat, after the completion of Board action that would help to defin, the scope of Mr.Labadies work within the next ft�w weeks, consideration of suich a term woul be moire ap *ate. ., propn I r Motion— Boardmember Addiego/Second— Boardmember Nagel: to appi ove the Legal Services Agreement, with Craig Labadie with modified langutage suggested by Chair Cullen,. Unani'mously; approved by roll call vote. 4. Consideration of Rules of'Procedure and Future Meeting Dates. (Farrales/Mattas) City Attorney Mattas presented the staff report, recommending the Oversight Board adopt, by motion a regular meeting date and the recommended Rules of Procedure that had been presented in, the materials provided to Boardinembers in advance, of the meeting. 1, , e Board could establish whatever rules of procedure it preferred. as Counsel Labadie adv'sed th long as, such rules did not conflict with the Brown Act. Boardmembiers, discussed the various rules and idetennined that due to the amount of work that, needed tobe done in the i , mmedi,ate 'time peri od it was best, to continue with special meetings andla establish a regur meeting time at a later date., Boardmembers, farther discussed modifying the proposed, Rules of Procedure to remove language at: (1) S,ection, 5(b): requiriffig a majority, vote of the Board to place an item, on the agenda; (2) 'I as, th s of i Section, 9(a) requifing a, roll, call vote and, (3)) Sect on 5(c) establishing U.S. Mai, e mean packet delivery to Boardmembers. Voardmember Farrales in, oved to approve the Proposed Rule,of Procedure without modification. The motion not seconded,. The Board determined to address Section 5(e) under Agenda Item 6 below. Boardmembers agreed that Section 5(b) should be modified to include language that the OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 3,1 2012 MINUTES PAGE 3 Chairperson of the Board, in consultation with staff and one member ojf,the Board, could set, the agenda. This would stirike the language requiring a majority vote of the Board, to place an, item on the agenda and accommodate minon*ty concerns. For efficiency purposesBoardmembers agreed tio replace language requinng a roll call, vote with, language requinng, a voice vote in, Section 9(a). 5. Agenda Fortnat/Procedure. (Martinelli) City Clerk Martinelli explal'ned standard, procedure for posting and circulating City Council and Successor Agency Agendas, and proposed the same procedures for Oversight BoardAgendas. Board unanimously agreed to the Clerk's proposal via voice vote called, by Chair Cullen. 6. Packet Delivery/Electronic Capability. (Martinelli*) City Clerk. Martlliadvisied Boardmembers that Agenda packet delivery was available by U.S. Mail, e-mail andIPad. Boardmembers requested that FedEx delivery also be ail option depending on the length oftime between packet availability and the corresponding meeting. Via, voice vote called by Chajr Cullen,, Boa, 5(c) of the Rules, of Procedure to authon*ze U.S. Mail, FedEx, e-miall and,. IPad delivery of agenda packets, at the discretion of each member. 7. Availability of Contact, Information/Website. (Martinelli) sl Via a vioice vote calledby Chair Cullen, Boardmiembers preferred a general Over 'ght Board, el mail, address', mail -to which woluld be reviewed, by sitaff and ref6rred to the Board, for follow-un, OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 3, �, 20 12 MINUTES PAGE 4 8. Presentation and consideration of the Draft Amended, Recognized Obligations Payments Schedule (ROPS) for the pen*od January through June 2012. (San�hez/Steele/Mattlas) Director of Finance Steele, City Attorney Miattas and Redevelopment Consultant Sancbez 9 presented the staffreport recommending t h a t the Oversight Board review the amended draft Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule ("ROPS") for the penod January through June 2012 as, required, by Assembly Bill x 1, 261# Staff revi"ewed line items 1-72 and pas,sAhrough payments 'I �'l 4 on a line itembasis. Questions plosedby Boardmembers for staff f6flow-up are summafized, below. V"', t outstanding bonds and debt obli gations, Moardmembers, requested, follow-up, information regarding, the extent to which, bond obligations could be paid down with reserves such, that, there would be less, money available, now in exchange for interest savmgs and an. even payment schedule moving torward. Regarding HUD loans such as, those listed, at Item 6, Boardmembers requested clanification of' potential ffinding source options, for pay-off ROPS Items 18-23 pertaming to the, Oyster Point Ventures Project and, Disposition Development and other related agreements. Boardmembers requested information pertaining to the investment plan for fu-nds reserved foll this project and, sPecificalty pertaining to potential, interest on funds., I ro ing con ingencie�,, rahoardmembers requested a, more specific timeline for the p Ject includ' ,t, I . Boardmiember Christensen questionea the propn"ety of including the obligation in the ROPS given, that no obligation was wenti present fiscal year. Staffacknowledged that the entirety of the ""Total Remaining Debt or Obligations" column, wa'i optional and not required by the, State Department of Finance. Staff members explained, the purpose for including the column was to provide Boardmernbers, with complete knowledge of OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 37 2012 MMUTES PAGE 5 outstanding debt and obligations. Staff would consult the, State Department of Finance FAQ to, 6 1111 determine her inclusion, of contingent liabilities was permiss�i I we. Regarding the Oyster Point Flyover a Impact Fee, loan agreements, and/or terin-s wier,* frequested. It was, further requested that loan payback, be reflected on the Successor Agency's Budget. Boardmembers, requested additional information on the Harbor Dilstiiet Agreements speelfied at *fi lines 20 and,21 , including, speci. c, terms,, work completed and, terms met by the Harbor Di.strict. Build out scenanos for the entirety of the project were, requested., Boardmembers requested the estimated magnitu,ae of tax generation on the project. Finally, staff was requested, to provide a projected, breakdown of soft costs reflected, in line 23 and, re&renced in, relation to the Harbor District Projects. RODS Items 24-27 pertaining to items producing respective on-going, revenue, streams. Regarding ;the Miller Avenue Parking, Structure ref�rerieed at line 24, Boardmemblers requested A clarification as, to whether the State Department of Finance would make a determ, inafion on tne validity ofthe loan, forgiveness between, the Redevelopment Agency and the Parking Distfict; and �i if'so, the possible timeline for receipt. ROPS Items 28-31 pertaining to Train Station Improvements. Boardmembers pointed out that staff'research requested. above with, respect to the Department of Finance s position as to the propriety ofinclusion of contingent liabilities would determine whether Itern'No. 30 should be carried on this ROPS., GJROPS Items 32 and 33, pertaining to Two (2) Housing� Replacement'UnIAS. Boardmember Christensen requested that Counsel Labadile determine whether the statutory housing oblig,ation creating these obligations exists after dissolution of t e RDA. She off' - that AB 26, may have eliminated 'it and requested clarification on the point. o ROPS Items 38- 48 pertaining to grants and grant management. The Board quenied staff,costs far grant administration past the end,, ofthis, year. It requested, that f I I a staff confirm the, obfigation to monitor/man ge grants, in the wake of RDA dissolutioll, e ROPS Items 54-55 pertaining to consulting services related to auditfinainclal analyses and local tax compliance. Boardmembers requested that sitaff'res,earch, �whether items set forth here were: propefly accounted I * f6r as separate ROPS obligations as opposed, to, being categorized as a statutory administrative expense. OVERSIGHT BOARD APR1L 3, 2012 MINUTES PAGE 6 ROPS items 59 and, 60, pertaining to maintenance of commercial properties. Boardmember Chn"stens,en suggested, outsIde contractors could maintain properties for less than the expense incurred by utilization of City employee maiintenance wo rkers, and, requested that staff consider thi's option. ROPS Items 63, 64, i69 and 70 pertaining to administrative and property disposition costs,. Boardmembers requested, clariffication of administrative costs, and the administrative budget generally. It was ffirther requested that staff confirm that property, disposition costs were best treated as a separate ROPs l,ine item as, opposed to being folded into administrative costs,. e ROPS, Items 71 and 72 estimated legitimate retirement costs eligible as Successor Agency expense. Boardmembers requested clan* fication on the, accounting ifor this, expense, They ffirther requested an opinion ftom Counsel Labadie as to the identi fi cation, of forTner South San, Francisco Redevelopment Agency Employees. 9. Consideration, of need for Audit/RDA Financial Consulting Assistance. (Christensen/Farrales) This item was not heard,. 4 0 10. Identification of staffing and salaries 'in. connection with the Successor Agency's proposed staffing of the Oversight Board. (Farrales) If 9 Consideration of insurance and, risk management matters. (Farrales), Boardmembers requested, that Counsel Labadie ven4 that the Successor Agency will cover th,+ Oversight Board's risk exposure. 12. Discussion of the Composition of the Committee. (Christensen) Boardmember Chn,*stensen questioned the appointment of City Manager Nagel, based on an interpretation ofthe statute requifing that the Mayor appoint a representative of the largest employee organization that served, the former Redevelopment Agency. Counsel Labadie stated he would research and formulate a legal opinion for the Board's direction on this point,. 13. Future Agenda Items., (Chair) Chair Cullen determined, that Agenda Items 842 should, be placed, onthe upcoming Special Meeting Agenda for, hearing. OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 3, 2012 MINUTES PAGE7 FmAl I NW, M-11 MY - I In Motion — Boardmember Clins, ten sen/,-)ec ond— Board member F rales: to adjourn the nxeting. Unmimously aPproved by voice Vote. Pursumit to the above, Motion, the rneeting was a(bburned at 5,:45 pan. fit.d: OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 31,20,12 MINUTES PAGE 8 DATE-. April 10, 2012 TO,-@ Members of the Oversight Board FROM 6- Mar,ty Van Duyn, As&istant GRy. ages SUBJECT: Presentation. and consideration of'the draftAmended Recognized Obligations Payments Schedule (SOPS) for the period January through June 2012, RECOMMENDATION Staffre Comm ends, that the Oversight Board review staff s responses and provides direction as to, further inform, at ion desired or consider a motion to adopt the draft RORS wfth any amendments directed by the Oversight Board. I WWN�Iam The Oversight Board r i,ewed the Recognized Obligati .on Payment Schedule (R ) on April 2, 2012. The Board had a series of questions to which staff has prepared responses in the attached questions and answers document. Backup material is prov,i,ded for each the line items where appropriate. For your inforination we have also included a copy of the 3/28 draft RODS. X01110relffil SMINK Staff requests that the Oversight Board provide direction to staff. Attachments: RAPS questions and answers, Draft ROPS BLA"MVD 4-d 0 -C LO 4-1 44- 0 0 M �+-J 4-J 'M 0 01 -0, (1) 'M C), ul < +-j V) Ln C, 4-d E 0, "I'm -0 0 u 'u 0 Ln C a) = a) Cam' M 4-1 , mv 0 S-� c: wi = -0 Lo -0 (U 0 E, 0 cu .0 ul 4-1 cu .4) m 0 m -2 0 0 MO C CO 0 4- 0 o m m 0 -C 0 0 0 Ln Cu a) fu a) 4-d U m w 4-1 w -0 a) 0 3'ec 0 -% rN 11 Ln 1%%, r4I a) M Q) -0 C E 0 +a U L- 4 .. M Ln ft 0 > W 0 -0 fu 0 u w 0 0 V-4 '7t LMI 0, rN C: 0 -1 (1) m 0 # s- U 4-a 4-0 AJ)- tri. g u 0 aj c C), m 0 M U-) 00 o 0 u 0 u u m 0 -0 Q) E LIM m 4-1 4�6IIIIIII� ui d 0 4-1 Ln 0 Z r-i 4-J LO M +1 -0 0 -0 < 6 c - 70 0 -0 0 0) u rD (u w cif 0 im U a) 0 0- w a) 0) m >, 4--J u 0 0 Q) 4mJ u Ln �.2 ca E u c u W r- (1) 4-J 0 u U, 0 0 4-1 CL > -0 co + m 0 0 U o ol 4-1 -0 < 4-d w < = > 0 0 m CL co 3: Q) a) C) LL. 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C M .2 4-1 u O� M 3� Cu U U CU -0 ! E - 0 "d cu M 4-1 a) 't) 4-J ro Q) Ln w 0 > ul 0) 4-j > 3:' u J_- 0 U :E 0 .0 -{p, 0 -0 (U +.a Zn 0; E a) 0 c- 4-di 0 4-1 c m ro 4-J Lol) 1 0) 0 1 M :V) M o V) C 0 0 > N 4-1 N) m C C= _0 'A E E U ro +-J 0 u rj x Lw 0 W E u (1) -C +-J =$ U u C) -C 0 ro o IL Ln .0 m r4 Ln MI > 0 cu < E w w U E 0 a) 4-j M m 0 >- cu m 0, 4-1 4-j kon -C CU u C: < U C: o a) 4 -1 a) I 0 4-1 0 4-J M Ln w 0 0 0 u 0 -ri Jo u cl .0 (U 0 w < 4-J M 4-1 ro 4-J 4-J a), (A (U to 4-1 Ul a) a) m 4-1 4-J m 4-J E CDL 0 - a 0 %�- 0 Lol V) ro M F- > m 4-d cr) 0 cr) ci >-I > C -0 4�--J OC 0 0 m Ln E Q) _a < . l..j 4-1 0, 0 (A 0 C> 0 0 4-J M I m E c cu 00 w > cu 4- L�- c T W , 4- fA k&- r- c 0 W 4-J M 4-0 C 0 3:1 C: > 7:3 C: MI M :o (1) V) u Ln Cl) M M '-P U'.J = 4"a LZ -0 (V CU 4-1 M 0 M > 01 0 -0 0 -2 MM Ln (A C: E tn- L_ 4-4 cc, L- C: (V 01 4-1 0) -0 C, 0 m W C) E >- 4-1 M C: 0 .0 0 QD -C ai u c 0 o >. 0 4o-J Q) M -0 W -C 4-1 > U Ig y�cw > -C m CU r'4 U a) ra U c V) M L2 C LL 4-d V) 1 C) 0 Ln bz < (V C) Cl co < 0 0 o +j 0 Q) m 0 :3 4- 4-, 4-J M L/) 4- (-4 UP) re 4-d 7; m 4-0 III, I L/JI N 4-1 Q) W e- C: Q) (A (U ICU C) E 0 -C 4-1 Ol w 0 bZ 4-J U Ln 0 (U . C 0 Ol Q) (u u +'j 40- > w m v) -0 yy (U E 0 2 -0 n- (A M 0 (3) (U E 0 C: CL +..JI C 4-J �+'j = -0 4-d -0 0. 'L' tLo o cu z M 0 cc .2 C.; E 4- -0 0 c I, 0 0 40- Ln C: C: 0 a) 0 Ln 4-J M U, 4 (D (V 4--J -0 CU ?: U z M I 4-J , DL Q) I-�e - ro +." (V u 4-1 c Ln 0 0 0 E r>o <bn ED- m 0 UO ul yiwwyyk C) -0 V) 0 0 0 I 4--J *� I m NF Ln V) CD co 0 101 M, L _0 ol 4NNNNJI (U Ln NNNO 0 NNC' c c c U 4-J LU Lol NI +-JI 4-d (U r- 'j- (2) Cu x 0) -0 0) 4-j 1 x ICU > o 4- +-j NNINNJ U QN) 4-J' u w o u 4., w w E 4-J E 4-J1 E (U E vi CU Nol QN) .0 = LR < N, a) >- E �= I .4-- Q) (V W ICU 4-NJ W C +-J +-j +' >N. CD a) -0 0 (U W a) 0 4-0 0 L- 4-4 M 4-J 4-d C) -1 C: 4 J 5 - +j >1 > > 0 M INN, 0 CU M 0 m 4 -F 4--; 0 NINI ro Cu > V) V) (u, Y Ln C 1 V) C: V) 0 4-J 0 -% 0- 0 +-.? * w -�e . 0 w V) E 0 u 0 u 0 Q 0 u rD > M 4--J -0 o a") l Nimm"Al 'T V) M +-j Cu > m Cu IN "NO I ci 4-d' (v oil r- o w 4- Q c m E v) Iry (U m ICU M (U 4 >- 0) 0 C' ou; o' CU Lol (D c: (A CU V) w (Jill) Q) to V) 0) 4-d 0 .. L-r 0 m 4ml 0 4-1 C L- m 0 (1) 0) (1) a) (A to CU ^rvr 0 4-d 0 a) 0 +-j 0 V) V) Ln NINNNNJ 4-J E *4--j 1 . 0 a:' LZ CL C) 0 a- M c 0 4-J u 0 a) 0 #111), (u 0 0 4-j >- -0 u +NNP E 4 c 4 =3 0 z 2 z z M w — E > m U (1) 4-J 0 Z3 1 C, ol M U E +-J� +-J OL > 0 M a) ANn 0 m a) 4N-J ro W CL E E a) IV) U, iNNN- V) M 0 -0 u C Q) "C (3) 0' L41) 0 0 0 0 o 4-J r-H a) Q) 46-J Q ) . .1- -0 ro (D (3) W L- (U �-0 CU -0 W 0 ci 4-j c 'C: a) r- 4-J >- 4-1 -0 (A l 0 =I I m 0 (u -10, M ro 7 5 .2 ro cu +' 4-J 0 4-NNO V ) u +' I ro 0 4NNJ Ul IM +-'I M vi ra m c o Ln " #- ."" N— -0 W L... E E m <U U 0 U M 0 0 U -0 o Q Ln u Q (D U 4mJ cu %4w C -0 o 4-),J IM u u u V) a) b4 0 0 r", 00 -01 — = 0 "a M LI -r- rz a) L- = L- 3:1 a- I V) 4-J E" oc NNFO E -2 75 U 4-W 4m-J w Q (U X cu E m E 01 E NINN-1 01 +-j E 0 MI :3 M 10 0 W u jo -0 LE ro +-j 4- -C u C Q) Q u u u A u u = 1 (3) 0 0 V) 4 0 :M Vj 4-1 M (u M (:) L m 4-J o NINNNNJ m 4-J Is 4.1 m 4-j 4-1 V) co 0 M .0 4-d E - 0 4--' CD Im 0 Im 0 m C) E L/) (1) Q) 0 cu E 4-Il Ln NINNJ Jc' M +-JI 4--P CL ru o 4NNNO N'T. 4T 76 0 u ol �.b t/) QD cu 0 = _0 -0 0: a) 0 0- U) 4- 0 a) L- C 0- V) I V) C < C Q) c 0 NO (Ul 4-1 u +-A u 0 0 M a) u cc. 0 4-Nj 4-J (U CL u L- o LLJ N- 4-J -F6 U U, Q U M u U V) 10 :M C o M ro M u )0 qry ul (3) (D + 0 kn 0 0 .2 NNI C " 0) 0 CID m (V 0- (V -01 Im Q) m I Ln' a) 0 a) ro CL cr m Sw- -5 U 0 c x 72 >e r s-- C) U ro 0 > > o 4- 4- 0 Ln 0 tA 0 0 M 1- < 0 V) u V ) 0 0, CL 0- = NIII (3) 0 4--d Q) 4-J 4-Ndl to 0 q. 0 1 Ill cr - -- cr, 4NNJ E: 40-j u < u >NNI t, V) e-A ull 4-d' ol 0 .2 CL u (1) 0 !1-, 0 u (3) . 7) CL 4---)' %4- 111, 0 , 0 a- 0 (3) 4-d 0 0 u 1 rL C 0 0 CL M V)� Un (3) a) M 0 FO 0 A 4f OL V), +-j L- CL 0 Ln 0 0 ICL, 0 0 0 rl-- 00 rml r`4 0 LIN) IN.,o QD �o LLJ 0 KO yY r-i . .......... Irk IF ww qj ■ Is yY r-i AA-k-cl^s^g�' 1 to, Property Tax Estimate City of South San 'Fray ndl'sco Genotd Fund !ond Redovetop m ent Agenq Proposed, Pro" ed Analysis Oywiter Point Busiben'Fam" Odo6ar2 I Item Amount 1.00% Of 13.55Med, VOIV'e' 15.096% of the 1 .00% $773,670ABO, 1510% of piro"O"'Orly WX S11110409101 k 5622:583,539 CIO- 1,00% 56F225;835 59.44% of Jax increment $3t7OOt637 $3. $4,810o7l,2`7 F� CSRE C-q hsuihmij, 10/14/7 NAT8cM-5WWcYNPMI "�!'OQHk' 006124 5K5\WcrW,rsV E)arurrwr4s\F4W ImpadIVS ie TI < C J 0 < LU "o 0 z m it L Of, Z C) uj CLI co LU >X CL, w Q U�, Z Z 0� :C� ILI a. 3, z Lu U. j co, U), 01f, z LL W W Q, W Cr. io 0 '0104 N �17,,�,u' Af, 2 Lul Z,:: A Z a- di Eli UL cf) (r), LL n CL co 0- x 'A a LL, D, UJ 70 LL �K, LL, Lu w a. R/ LLI �,A U- UL 0 1 :�v - knrmi Old CL CIO < n z Aiff < U'Ji ILJ.Jl� F20.7"'Ap I w < W L CL LLJ LU S, 4 .. . . .. .. . Mai �:A 7, Cl�,,�-'11 ................. -A!Yl.... ... 0� �k Xfy "le k )"N"A � "Ji 7, "KE 44A t lid f�,ggl �in 0, NO 7 411 cl, - �xl 14 LIJ, TS gi j ;U, 7, oP 'A*.40,4 j7g$ `4 F 1, Rk fe, Al �V 7 W vy, 17 'A -'11 W A !N j, I'll I I I . . . . . . ... I v V Al Exhibit 3.ZB Estimated Eta Met Schedule I C This Exhibit sets forth the Parties' reasonable est'mates of proje t mi stones based on � & h 4th each Party's good-faith, diligent pursuit of their respective responsibilities in compliance wi applicable law. Thesemilestones include the items listed below, for illustrative purposes only. I - 1nitiate preparation, of'EIR and project entitles -name: Third quarter 2009 2. Complete environmental review and Agency and City approval of project entitlements.- First quarter 2011 -er 3, Approval and execution of Disposition and DevelopmentAgreement to govem transf of the King Leas es and Conveyed Property; First quarter 201 1 4. Projected date for exchange of interests in, King Leases and Conveyed Property pursuant to Disposition and Development A,greement: Second q.uarter 20,13 5. Projected establishment of a communities facilities district and issuance of Mello-Roos Boards: zi econd quarter 201 3 61. Projected date to commence construction of Phase I'Improvements: Third quarter 2013 The Parties recognize that despite weir respective diligent -good faith effolts, the achievement of these inilestones. is subject to circumstances and actions of 'others beyond their respective reasonable control, such as actions by other governmental agencies, market Conditions, financing, and other business and, econbmic,flaGtors, and that such, circumstances are taken into dccuunt in the DDA and DA. This estimated schedule doe's not affect the Partiles" rights. or remedies under any termination provisions that are included in the DDS. and DA. MN1615727J. MN 1 615 72 7. 1 n[. C3 p v r Jul ' QD 110 L6 v Lj " " la In - a. u M i �69 49 Aq Cf) co ICu 69 Ili W sa,ift q r n. w... 0 CS�dM d T CIO w OD LL 0 X71? �' 4 C. I%Z 4, 4 r; Nr 4*; ' I 10 C5 Im w O 0 4C� C w ] r w ci f5 w q p 4Cn, tn I 60) 401 3 40 An ba 0 w 'C3 c7 Y a C9 wr y �p It- CD r", m a LO E3 IC] iii M ED � �� �* rN Ip�p IF � CMk M�uq n 1") c s * W rI i j i CL CL > 1 u O' Lml . l M " C. CL m T `" �i. g4W, D " .. 4i] 4b y Cr tsar _ Im w IM > cy c: a 0 5 � � � r u = ""�" 01,1 c °a1 E y'. w- - - IM) yC wx9 w r9!n pi GIB E qwA to CL 13L dA r- wra .Y w- Cb m CL rL ti, $ I � y6. CL ` C° CIi d99 to U +• g tri7 49 "�. to qU fi y vq 1 IL.. CD ? 7 � k vi cq In In 41i Pi vi f1i 1J cq fqj ra [ iii i Intentionally Deleted. In 6nn 2.5.3 At Closing, a niemorandum ofthis Right of First Reffisal the f attached, hereto as ExhibIt.2,5.2, shall be executed by City or Agency (as applicable) and recorded against the ROFR Property. Upon such time that Developer n,io longer has � i the right to exercise its Right of First Refusal pursuant to the terms of this Section,2.5, Developer shall promptly ex,ecute and acknowledge anny docuinient reasonably requested by City or Agency (as applicable) to tenn, i,nate the aforementioned mem.orandum, including, without tati on7 a quitclaim deed. 2.5.4 The, provisions of this Section 2.5 and Developer"s Right of First, Refusal to purchase tbe'Property pursuant to the tenns hereundier shall survive the Closing,,, V HIM r1liff, w'' I 0 3.2 of'Development. The Parties inticind Jiat tbei Redevelopment Project will be undertaken In Phases as described in this Section and Exhibit 3.2A. The project schedule attached as E,xhibit, 12B (the "Project Scheidulo"') represents the Parties' reasonable esti e imat: s W RedevelopiTient Project milestones. I'n no event shall any fai'lure to meet the tim,eframe set forth in', the Project Schedule be considered a default under this Agreement. MN161'3885 8 0 W Streets and utilities, (including grading, subgrade,, base", paving, curb and sidewalk, street lights, storm, water, sanitary sewer, eombined,trench fdr gas, electric and teleeom, impermeable, utility trench at samtary landfill areas,, and temporary, streets, and utilities) in the following locations:, (1) At the future Hub axeal; Extending east firoin, thle Hub across the Man'na M= 41 Repair of and/or upgradie to, the clay cap covenng the Oyster Point Landfill on specliflied City-owned parcels and raising the level of certain portions of the Oy-ster Po M*t Landfill and its perimeter t o counteract the proji ected effects of sea, level rise,, (in") Reconfiguration and reconstruction of existing parking, areas on specified, Clity-owned, parcels; ,tru, 1 (iv) Grading and cons ctoon of open space, recreation areas on specified, Cit�y�-owned arcels; p City-owned parc,els, (v) Demolition and grading at the future ',hotel site,,, on speciffied (vi) Landscaping of the beach/park area on speCified parcels of th�- Conveyed P erty; 'rop , and, (vii) Landscaping and othe e r' W improvemnts including construction ofportions of'Bay Trail, public restrooms an,d palm. promenade, on, specified, City�-owned, parcels, all as shown on that certain Conceptual Site Plan, for the Public Realm with Phase One SiSK's Development dated, February 22, 2011 shown on Exhibit "Phase ID I I !�Aproyements. Developer w'll c*nstruct the Phase ID Improvements desmibed in this Section 32.2 on the Conveyed Property. The public 1 , mprovement/remediation components of the Phase ID Improvements will be fmancedin pwt by Developer and, at the option of Developer, in part wl"th UD'Proceeds pursuant to Section 3.4 below. The Phnse: ID Improvements consist of the following improvments, as more particularly descnl'bed and identified in Exhibit 3.2.2-. (1), Repair of the clay cap coIveiing the Oyster Point Landfill on (ii) Rem., ediation of the area identified on Exhibit 3.2,2 as "'Sump M ('141) Installation of methane control and monitoning systems on the (iv) Other improvements and construction activities necessitated by building on landfill on the Conveyed Property; (v-) Relocation of refuse on the Conveyed Property to accommodate new buildings; and (vi) Development of research and development and/or office 1. buildings on the Conveyed Property consisting of an aggregate of not less than Five Eundred Ei 0 1 To, Thousand (508,000) square feet and not more than Six Hundred Thousand (600,000) square feet. 3.3 Additional Development. As of the Effective DateI, the parties intend that the development of the City PropI and Developer Property will incl-ude the additional improvements described in this Section 33. Notwithstanding the foregoing or, anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, neither Pa-rty shall have any obligation to consftuct. the Improvements described in this Section 3.3, orI, if su, ch, improIvements are constructed, to construct their in zany particular order or in accordance with any particular schedule. Except, for (a),Agiericy. s obligation to fund, the clay cap repair as set forth in Section 3.3.2(a)(iv), below (which, the Parties agree is an express obligation ofthe Agency),, and (b), Deve1oper"s obligation to provide fundliig f6r certain has 11C Improvements, as set forth below, which, obligation shall be contingent upon Agency's determination to proceed with the Phase IIC Improvements pursuant to this Agreement, this Section, �3.3 is set forth herein foIr explanatory purposes only and shall not create any obligations or liabilities on the part of either Party. (a) Development of streets and Iutiliti6s at the Business Nrk Propetty- 7 MN1613885 10 (b) Relocation and expansion of capacity, of Sewer Pump Station'No. I (c) Landscaping within I 00-foot shorelin, e band at the Busm'ess Part (d) Development of''buildings, for research anddevelopmentand/or office use so that the FAR across the entire Business Park Property and', C I onveyed Property (including that portion of the Conveyed Property developed in Phase ID) will be 1.25, comprising a total of up to approximately 2.2 5'— 2.25423 0 milli on gross square feet ofstich development. Reffisal, as set forth in Section 2.5. Developer to fund sewer pump station at the MarinJ, (fi) Agency to fund, cl,ay cap repair at specified City Property (Parcel 11C) at the Man"na, 'in accordance with the requirements of the, R: ional Water Quality e9i Control Board-, ( 11i) Agency to fimd rep * 04 aving ofexisting parking areas at speciffied City Property (Parcel 1IC) at the Marina; and Agency to fund landscapm"g of cwai*n City Property withi the jun'sdietion of San Francisco Bay Conservation, and Development Ommission (11-BCDC11) 0 CityPareel 11C. 04, ALI 3.4.1 Improvement Costs. The Parties have estimated the cost of''the Phase I Improvements (the "'Phase IC provement Costs") and the Phase ID Improvements (the I MNI 613 885 M 613885 2 palm promenade, and Marina parking lot, including but, not hinited to increased costs required by BCDC; (b related to agreements reached, ith, the Harbor District- and, (c) irel,ated to) change Ix ) W1 I En scope or quality requested or, required by City.; 14.5 [Intentionally Deleted] 31.4.7 Allocation of Rp,§pqns1b.J.1jty. Agency shall be responsiblie, for �pa'yment o all Phase 111C Improvement Costs not, reqed to be paid by theDeveloper Funding Requil"rement, and shall pay for any cost overrun's above, and shall, be entitled, to retain any cost W savings below, tile, estimated, costs of such Improvements., MN1613885 13 Property taken as a result of such proceeding, in which case this Agreement sh,all other-wise remain in full fo�rce and effect, and Agency shall be entitled to any condemnation, awards. 4 14 Maintenance of the Conveyed Property. Except the ex,tent such matters, are the responsibility of' the Developer in its capacity as the le ' se under the King Leases, between Agency's execution of this Agreement, and tie Closing, Agency, shall maintain the Conveyed Property in good order, condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and shall make all repairs, maintenance and replacements, of the Improvements and any Personal Property and othemrise operate the Conveyed Property In the same manner asbefore the making of this Agreement, as if Agency, were retaining the Conveyed Property, 4.15 Develo, er's Consent to Contracts and Leases Affecti the Conveyed Provert Termination of Existing, Contracts. 4.15.1 Agency shall not, after the Effective Date, enter into any new feases or contra cts relating to the Conveyed Property, or any amendments thereof, or terminate any lease, or waive any rights of Agency under any contract, without in, each case obtang, Developer* S written consent thcreto r (wb o ich consent shall n prio t br, unreasonably withheld), Agency shall terminate prior to the Cillosing, at no cost or expense to Developer, any and all Service Contracts affecting the Conveyed Property that are not Assume 6 Contracts (excluding any Service Contracts en, tered 'into by Developer in its capacity asthe lessee under the King Leasies). I 4. 15'.3 From and a-fter the Effective Diate, Agency shall not further, encumber tb Conveyed,Property with any �monetary or non-monetary Hens or encumbrances. i 4.16 Insurance,, "11-irough the Closing Date,, Agency shall maintain or cau,se to be mal I n"tained., at Agency's sole cost and, expense, Agency"s existing policy or policies set forth in the ABAG Memorandum of Coverage providing shared risk, coverage for the Conveyed, Property- KNEVNIfORM11111M� I I I � I � � i rp 51 Enviro=enta'l Remediation. The Parties antpate that development. of the ,t I Redevelopment Projec w*11 require enviromnental remediation and related geotechnical. work, 4 including icleanupi of sumps on the Ma Tina Property, a methane monitoning system as set forth in S ecti on 5.3. relocation of refuse., 'and re p air and[or replacement o f the cl ay cap co vering the landfill. The Partics, agree to allocate costs for these remediation activities as set forth in Exhibit 3.4.1, M'N* I 6 13 885 24 I FIFFF r. all 8, arr wu AL J m MN1613885 25 AM 11 '9 Of I Mf MA -w<� ,+MM aY �, ,� � ,� MYb- ,MAw �A, lip f rT# Ofi: im418,3 I H8rbo'r District, r r t (3-24-11) F On May 27P 120091, the. Pates. entere'd'jhto a Memorandum -of Understand"ng (WOU") as an expresslon of preliminary VoInts of agreement among the Paftlos concerning- development of the Project, This Agreement will, 5upers"ede any points of ag reom'ent contained withih the, MOU. "Ia u 11MAZ 221111 W 91 W, section 5 Lea-so k6venue, In 'the event the King Leas-es, are: conveyed. tio the City or Agiency and thereafter terminated I 'prior, to, District's payment of its existing- d6bt obligations to DBVV which as of the 16134183 2 Harbor Distriot Agreemel 1(3-24-111), IS c aera lon Kti-on 6 arina0t' It All I q ligill 11 111 1 SRI 0 IIt Section 7 Districto"ice. S -1 0,11I IN 16134,1 8,3 Harbor District Agr men ( (3-124-11) improvements-wilthin, the space, District shalt a[sio a,y all, utility costs, maintenance costs, custaidial P services. and applicable, taxes for the temporary off ic'6 lease space du ring, the, term. of the I-ease, its L K M r PoINIF4111:111111is bftL D; ot." I . ur aniy addition'81debt skbrOd by- any SlectTO'nIO: Add itf.6 A a 1: D6 will'n'dt"ho W ue. M' or th pro "erty itself witho'ut first tat "h 06 -erztedb,' h' arina"'Propert 6, p ob Inii g ;express written ,gen y t e ty consent frdm",the'Ot�] Oft A N. AP W 40 41111 -ME I fforrm lip Ot 1613418A 4 H a rbor Di s trid Ag re e M, e n ( �3-24-1 I ), "77 tff, Line 60, Maintenanceof Properties . . .......... ................ ......... . ............ p Osition T'itle -A 0 L* 0.25 $46,1415 I I 19 1, We", rr 0,81 0. 25 I�i63,461 46,415 Legal' Costs, $10,000 $ 1 000 Consultant Costs $25,3917 $25,397 'Tota, f-costs .... . . .................. $198II85a $156,5011 0.18 $44,240 0.05 .. . ..... ........ L* 0.25 $46,1415 I I 19 1, We", rr 0,81 0.56 I�i63,461 $12 1,1 10� 0 Legal' Costs, $10,000 $ 1 000 Consultant Costs $25,3917 $25,397 'Tota, f-costs .... . . .................. $198II85a $156,5011 CL CL CL 0 0 0 0 (Di 4-d 4-31 4-J 4-; 4--J 4-.o 4llij +4 4-J 4-J < U, 0 0 0 0 u C) o (3) 0 0 01 0 Ill C: C: 4-J C: 4-J r_ C)- L- 0, ::3 C: NU r- W UJ U.J 0 0 0) `1E E Cu cu :0 U c: C c c E C 0 c E E 0 ro c w 0 c 0 w I I- (m M 0 w �= �w w 4-j :D a) LL > > > (In u m 0 LLIJ Im Ln U (00 -a u Ln I Il 'C� Ul ull O�J- J- u 4-J V) m cu Q) 0 V z u C: 0 V) 0 0 E 0 V) 0 4- T)' E 0 V) U11 0 10 0 4..., cj 4-d' CL E E 4-j V)l +-J 0 Vl a) 4-J 0 Ln w 4-J U 0 0 0-14- 0 rD CL cu m OL (1) m CL 1 0) m m- -0 a) 0 Ll m M m m :3 rID m :3 M C: m x u Q- (U ol o v) U u CL OL 0 > L- C (1) U) c C: cu Ln C: 1%S n CL (n 0 0 0 4-d of ­0 1 :L-j C: 4-j L- CL 01 0- CL M M o 0 0 0 l V, vi (1) 0 Ln (3) 0 L- w z 40- 01 z o C) C) C) 0 CD C) C) 0 0 0 0 C (D Ln Ll Ln ull V) cu (U 0 4--� 4-) Q- vi U) u 0 0 0 0 CA C) ro M m m CL > > I > JCL >% 4-J L- , 4"1 S- t t o) ICU a) C) aj CL C) 0- (2) a- a) 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CL 0- 0- 0. 0 L4- 0 4- 0 4- 0 4- 4- 10, 4- of 0 C C: c c C C 0 0 10, 0 0 0 0 4-J 4-J 4-J l 4-J 4-1 0 0 01 0 0 LA 0 Ln 0 UP) 0 OL 0- CL C1. 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CD C� M CD 10 cs) cr 0 cr Er CD m 0 C1 0) m oil i�N CV X C.) (.3 M U) 8.) 4) = 0 u C, CD 0 a U) I i r7 = 0 0 0 :t� o :3 0 1 .9 J) U) (do IV) (01 U) M '0 'a I E m E 8 4) 15 -6 _yc ie-- -lule- c 0 0 CL 0 .5 U) .5 >9 >9 �2 >0 >0- >0- 0 -tw� 0 1r) E2 0 CND < m z z z z z z z z z z z z z z 0 0 *8 V) U) 0 '0 4-- o 4= L3 0 iE *6 0- .1- 46 46 - CL '66 0 0 18 16 Is 0 0 V) Q) 14 u 0 8 �g 0) 0 14 14 lie -14 c 0 (D 5 o c n e m .0 4= .9 _F3 E m Im m Ca! CIS M ::3 M M M A 1 1. oi to to 40 to m .�Yw m 0 C, m 4) Q C: (D ILA U) Vol M W LL LL CD LL to U) u): 4) 10 iri 0 ID X (a -z! t t to (4) m 's 0 V) ims-aso, S2,00-d'o M (o CL cr. w W 0 & CC w 12 (D ED co m w CL (D V) to C U) w CL M -0 c 0 m 0 0 0 m -0 0) 9) 0 M 0 _0 CN CN C4 2 xr 7i 0 C) CO > Co 0 EM Co 0 o 0 w CL IM �R C> 0 > < T- M IM 0 o 0 Co m m M CL L- o i 0 U) X C.) 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C) C5 C-4 c) cr) c; .,- co C:) C,4 C5, C) C) Lo CD C> M (D M C) r- C) pi C) C) 0 m m m w C) m 0 1-t n 0 U-) cli CD 0 V,! E 0 C) 0; cl� Q� a) N cli C6 r- 0> CN cfa d 06 V- C%4 ui 6 r C) 05 N�, V-: tl: C), 0- - - CS "- C)" cm- V- U-) Co Ln CO C:) M C4 C" C%j C9 c Cq ch p. 0 cq C6 Lf) P.: C-4 (D (n ta (D co cq (D W m c ua 0 0) Ka 0 CD U) — 2 c W I-- a 0 CL 8 0 IU 0 C: to CJ CJ C: c �c 70 0 L) CD cn E 0 0 E E E E 0 0 = g g li 0,- ? E 0 cTa LL :3 -C m cr ?� M :3 co 0 c ca m (a c c 2 2 2 0 0- 5 2 2 %0- 2 'c �.Lo-- —JM:l 0 cx (a m E C: — Z� E (a m E E CL a a a CL a CL CL CL a w cn E 0 a 'lo- E r 0 CL E m E CD *6 Eo 0 4) 0 0 c c 0 0 c a 0 0 0 0 o = .0- *,a OM a c C C C a Q w m CL 16 m a) o o o o o o 'S o U- m a CL = a) 0 CL CL 0 19 c V �41 CL C c a c m m 0 T 2 - L- L-% 6 m w *a (a - c 1 0 0 4) c a a) 0 :5 0 c: (D CD CL w il- (n (1) 0 (D CL iii E 0 C) L) -0 =3 d) a (V U) U) r- co W C 0 w a 0 ca 0 0 - 75 a 10 0 0 0 c :3 :) = (.) :r-- 0 0 0 CD Z) 0 2 0 -0 as CL a) cm tm 0) 4) C r U) co . c to 0 0 (n C o o M 0 0 0 U) 7C) =3 z z w m 0 = L) 4) ca - - 0 Ir w m ca P E CLl Ca m 4- E E 0; LL U) U) Z. cr x U) U). U) U) in u) D aq Um) LL Lj- 1 0 Lo 0) a) LL 0) U) to 0 w 0 0 0 (D 3: x U- LL U- LL LL LL LL LL U- LL 4) 0 4) 0 0 M x M 0 I 1 0 0 2 ul (D co 0 _j -1 _j _j -j _j -j -J� -j -j a) C E > 0 E c 0 CWD 0 Ic: o T- C� 0 CL .0 M r-- D) W TL 0 X m CM c 0 p -8 -E a- I OE. m CL EL 0 z 1. (n 1. C: 0 m m 0 E IT (L CL a) U) E 1 E 0 8 (a z c CL 0 03 c r- CD -j "M (D CD C: 4- a a U) (A C) m m 4) w z CL CL. w W Mi M 2 c: a' Z (D , 'L L c) Q) E , C M UJ 0 c g 4) = 0 0 2: Z 0 (D (2 >1 m o 05 U5 1: mi 0) M CL CL rj) a) E -0 < cr tm 0) CL 13 t s Z3 CL 0 0 0 0 0 C cr- k! x (1) E CL LU (1) M 0 0 10 a 10 10 1 0 M 0 CL m zi FA 0 o 0 E > 0 cp, a G a C D tm 0 W z z m m 0 .0- i> X > 8 Q 0 0 c c > ? 0 >1 0 0 0 m m 0 1- a) asa 4- 0 MME c (a ca E E U) CL 0 0 E Lm -0 C7 -0 cL Ca 0 CL E E E IL 0 to E E: E E L) Z 0 M .9 m cc U) U) in im a) 0 u-, 44 m m 6 z MnN Icl) (Y) V) ce); OD a) C) C9 Cf) I �l V- lqt 0) C) mv it LO L09 -.1 (C) Ff q R q Lo uq) to to 9 cm' q. z z E Ynnny CIO CL C> v 4- 0 V- ♦9 C, a) C14 co M, CL C9 C14 co :R M U- V CL 0 0 < 10 Jc i. I IN. i 0 012 C3 E CL 0 E z 0 fII • • • rl • Yi wr I` • # • „1 Y ■ fi 1. N1 i ii A 0 co E a co co CD cm FXYA 0 CL C14 .r- RIP� C) C4 w z M 0 m 0 z C3 0 w CL w 3: 0 W w w U) z w z Iii 04 110 cx 0 0 CL 0 ............ 111-11 imol, it I it WI f fr 1. it is • I II �j wr Ili DO Kim 0 raniffiffirmoNg BMW mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Answer to Row 71(a) The definition of "enforceable obligation" in California Health & Safety Code Section 34171(d)(1)(C) includes "legally enforceable payments required in connection with the agencies' employees, including but not limited to, pension payments, pension obligation debt service, unemployment payments, or other obligations conferred through a collective bargaining agreement." Section 34177 of the H &S Code provides that successor agencies are required to "(a) [c]ontinue to make payments due for enforceable obligations, "and to "(b) [p]erform obligations required pursuant to any enforceable obligation." Further, the statutory scheme governing CalPERS expressly provides for a succeeding agency to become a contracting agency if it is not already one. Under such circumstances, "[a]ccumulated contributions held for or made by the former agency and its employees, and assets derived from those contributions, shall be merged with analogous contributions under the contract of the succeeding agency;" and "[t]he liability to [CalPERS] with respect to service credited under the former agency's contract shall become a contractual liability of the succeeding agency." Cal. Gov. Code Sec. 20508. This analysis also is consistent with February 29, 2012 FAQ responses that have been sent out by the Department of Finance. a copy of which is attached hereto. That FAQ states in part that "Successor Agencies should also estimate the value of other employee benefit obligations as part of their overall long -term asset and liability plan and establish a reserving plan to fund them." This section refers directly to other non -PERS employee benefits such as retiree health. The salary and current benefits including PERS for the positions at issue were partially funded (proportionate to each person's share of redevelopment work) by the Redevelopment Agency. We have not located any definition of employees in AB x126 or the former redevelopment act or case law regarding redevelopment agencies. However, case law stands for the idea that if a statute refers to employees without defining the term, that Court's generally apply the common law test of employment to determine if someone is an employee. Metropolitan Water District v. Superior Court, 32 Cal.4th 491, 500 (2004); Bradley v. Court of Appeal, 158 Cal.App.4th 1612, 1626 (2008); Board of Retirement of the Kern County Employees' Retirement Assn. v. Court of Appeal, 126 Cal.App.4th 781, 789 (2005). In fact, one Court noted that "it has long been common in the supplied -labor context for an employee to be deemed to have two employers. Id. at 790. In essence, the common law test is whether the agency has "a right to direct and control the means and details" of the individual's work. That is a 20- factor test to determine whether common law employment status exists. A brief summary of the twenty factors are as follows: (1) is the worker required to comply with instructions by the entity for which he provides services about when, where and how he is to work? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (2) is the worker receiving training by an experienced employee working with him, by correspondence or by required attendance at meetings, etc.? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (3) are the worker's services a cog in the business machinery of the entity for which he provides services? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (4) is the worker required to perform the work personally? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (5) does the employer hire, supervise, and pay other workmen on the same job as the worker? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (6) does the worker provide continuing services for the person for whom he works? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (7) are the worker's hours set by the entity for which he is providing services? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (8) is the worker required to devote his full time to the activity? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (9) does the worker work on the premises of the entity for which he provides services? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (10) is the order or sequence of work performed by worker set by the entity for which he provides services ?(if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (11) does the worker have to submit oral or written reports to the entity for which he is provides services? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (12) is the worker paid by the hour, week or month rather than by the project? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (13) is the worker's travel or business expenses paid by the entity for which he provides services? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (14) are the tools, materials used by the worker supplied by the entity for which he provides services? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (15) does the worker make investments in the facilities he uses to work (such as equipment, office furniture)? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (16) is the worker in a position to realize a profit or suffer a loss as a result of the work he performs? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (17) does the worker work exclusively for one agency or for a number of different entities? (if for one agency only, more likely to be common law employee) (18) does the worker make his services available to the general public? (if yes, more likely NOT to be common law employee) (19) does the entity for which the worker provides services have the right to discharge the worker? (if yes, more likely to be common law employee) (20) can the worker quit the job at any time without liability or is he legally responsible for completing a project? (if he can quit at any time, more likely to be common law employee; if legally responsible to complete project, more likely NOT to be common law employee) With regards to the work done by the employees for whom the redevelopment agency reimbursed the city, the answer to these questions support a conclusion that the workers would be defined as common law employees of the Redevelopment Agency. Thus, staff believes these one time charges are enforceable obligations. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INTER - OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 9, 2012 TO: Oversight Board FROM: Assistant City Manager Van Duyn SUBJECT: Agenda item #7 Please find attached information regarding line 59 — Maintenance of Property which was accidentally omitted from the staff report and information for line 23 — Harbor District Agreement. Additionally, answer 28b should be corrected to reflect that the "Redevelopment Agency" entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement rather than the City. �muwuwu rlrr} °AIYIM!" 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