HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-08 e-packetL 0S= �'''�� REGULAR MEETING acz J O OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, California 94083 CITY HALL LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, TOP FLOUR 400 GRAND AVENUE TUESDAY, MAY 812012 2:00 p.m. PEOPLE OF SAN MATEO COUNTY You are invited to offer your suggestions. In order that you may know our method of conducting Board business, we proceed as follows: The regular meetings of the South San Francisco Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the in the Large Conference Room, Top Floor at City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, California. In accordance with California Government Code Section 54957.5, any writing or document that is a public record, relates to an open session agenda item, and is distributed less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall. If, however, the document or writing is not distributed until the regular meeting to which it relates, then the document or writing will be made available to the public at the location of the meeting, as listed on this agenda. The address of City Hall is 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, California 94080. In compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the South San Francisco City Clerk's Office at (650) 877 -8518. Notification 48 hours in advance of the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Chairman: Selected by: Neil Cullen Largest Special District of the type in H &R Code Section 34188 Vice Chair: Selected by: Denise Porterfield San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools Deputy Superintendent, Fiscal and Operational Services San Mateo County Office of Education Board Members: Mark Addiego Councilmember, City of South San Francisco Alternate: Barry Nagel City Manager, City of South San Francisco Gerry Beaudin Principal Planner, City of South San Francisco Selected by: Mayor of the City of South San Francisco Mayor of the City of South San Francisco Barbara Christensen Chancellor of California Community College Director of Community /Government Relations, San Mateo County Community College District Reyna Farrales Deputy County Manager, San Mateo County Paul Scannell Counsel Craig Labadie San Mateo County Board of Supervisors San Mateo County Board of Supervisors (Public Member) dvisory: Marty Van Duyn — Assistant City Manager, City of South San Francisco Jim Steele — Finance Director, City of South San Francisco Steve Mattas — City Attorney, City of South San Francisco Krista Martinelli — City Clerk, City of South San Francisco Armando Sanchez — Redevelopment Consultant, City of South San Francisco CALL TO ORDER RC11.1. CA 11, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AGENDA REVIEW PUBLIC COMMENTS OVERSIGHT BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 812012 AGENDA PAGE 2 Comments from members of the public on items not on this meeting agenda. The Chair may set time limit for speakers. Since these topics are non - agenda items, the Board may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed as allowed by the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54954.2). However, the Board may refer items to staff for attention, or have a matter placed on a future agenda for a more comprehensive action report. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Motion to approve the Minutes of the April 24, 2012 Special Meeting. 2. FPPC Conflict of Interest Code. 3. Presentation and consideration of the Recognized Obligations Payments Schedule (ROPS) for the period July through December 2012. a. Presentation of ROPS. b. Presentation of Administrative Budget including identification of staffing and salaries in connection with the Successor Agency's proposed staffing of the Oversight Board. c. Consideration of Motion to approve ROPS and Administrative Budget for the period of July through December 2012. 4. Financial /Cash Flow Updates: a. Review of letter from County Controller Dated May 2, 2012 on Tax Distribution. b. Review of Cash Flow. 5. Future Agenda Items. a. Administrative Budget: consideration of need for audit /RDA financial consulting assistance. b. Recommendations pertaining to disposition /demolition of properties previously held by the Redevelopment Agency. c. Report on any determination by the State of California Department of Finance on unfunded pension and liabilities being an enforceable obligation of the Successor Agency of a Redevelopment Agency. d. Report on legal analysis pertaining to Harbor District Agreement and consideration of motion approving Harbor District Agreement as enforceable obligation of the Successor Agency. ADJOURNMENT OVERSIGHT BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 812012 AGENDA PAGE 3 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES ° � - �l�' � y OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE CITY OF ° SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, California 94483 Meeting held at: MUNICIIA , SERVICES BUILDING COMMUNITY Roots 33 ARROYO DRIVE SOUTH AN FRANCISCO, CA TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2012 CALL To ORDER Time: 1 :00 p.m. PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE AGENDA REVIEW None. PUBLIC COMMENTS Present: Boardmern ers Addiego, Bea din, Christensen*, Farrales, and Scannell, vice Chairperson Porterfield and Chairperson Cullen. Board ern er Ciafistensen arrived at 1: o 1 p.m. Led by Boardrnemer Addieo. Comments is from members oft the public on items not on this meeting agenda. The Chair may set time limit for speakers. Since these topics are non-agenda items, the Board may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed as allowed by the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54954.2). However, the Board may refer items to staff for attention, or have a matter placed on a future agenda for a more comprehensive action report. None. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1, Motion to approve the Minutes of the April 13, 2012 Special Meeting. Motion— vice Chairperson Porterfield /Second` Boardrnernber Scannell: to approve the Minutes of the April 10, 2012 Special Meeting. Approved by the following voice vote* AYES Boardmembers Beaudin, Christensen, Parrales, and Scannell, Vice Chairperson Porterfield and Chairperson Cullen; NOES: None; ABSTAIN: Boardmember Addlego due to absence at April 13, 2 12 meeting; ABSENT: Done. 2, RDA Successor Agency .Asset list. Assistant City Manager and Director of Economic and Community Development Van Duyn presented the RDA Successor Agency Asset List to the Board. He noted this list was required to be prepared for submission to the state according to when the properties were acquired. At a later meeting, staff would bundle related properties, provide photos, details of intended plans and related other information. He further noted that under AB 26, several of the properties were operated for government use and night be determined as exempt from disposition. 3. Updated Cash Flow Projection and Review of Approved January — June RP S . Director of Finance Steele presented a revised cash flaw projection calculation underlying the approved January- June R+ PS. He noted that at the last meeting it was estimated that roughly $60 million would be available for bond defeaance. However, due to the accidental double counting of certain bond reserve funds, the actual amount would be closer to $50 million. Accordingly, he presented the option of amending line 75 of the January -June ROPS, which presently react " "not to exceed $60,000,000"' to read "not to exceed $52,000,000.19 Boardmembers pointed out that the lower $52,,000,000amount was encompassed in the presently approved $60,000,000 reflected at line 75. ,Accordingly, Boardmembers deter no amendment was necessary. 4. Presentation and consideration of the draft Amended Recognized Obligations Payments Schedule R PS for the period July through December 2012. a. Presentation of draft RPS. Director Vary Luyn and Director Steele presented the chaff ROPS highlighting changes from the previous R PS including: 1 that the Genentech property tax amount would drop off since the County advised it would be withholding the amount from property tax pay outs; and 2 the $2,600,000 Harbor District obligation reflected at line 7 represented $600,+000 of work. in progress on wave atten ators and $2,000,000 related to replacement dock work that was under contract. Boardmember Christensen requested updated information as to how the Harbor District trict obligations and the resolution of the Genentech property tax issue would ,affect cash flog. OVERSIGHT BOARD APRIL 24, 2012 b. Consideration of motion to approve draft RPS, Motion was not considered to allow time for the Successor Agency to preview and approve the draft RODS. Consideration of the motion would be presented on the agenda for the next meeting of the Board. 5. Future Agenda Items. a. Administrative Budget: i consideration of need for audit/RDA financial consulting assistance; (ii) identification of staffing and salaries in connection with the Successor Agency's proposed staffing of the Oversight Board. b. Recommendations pertaining to disposition/demolition of properties previously held by the Redevelopment Agency. . Report on any determination by the State of California Department of Finance on unfunded pension and liabilities s being an enforceable obligation of the Successor Agency of a Redevelopment Agency. d. Report on legal analysis pertaining to Harbor ,District Agreement and consideration of motion approving Harbor District Agreement as enforceable obligation of the Successor Agency. 6. Consideration of Regular meeting dates of the oversight Board. Motion — Boardmember Beaudi /Second — Boardmember Addiego: to hold regular meetin. gs of the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency on the second Tuesday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Fall located at 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco. Unanimously approved by voice vote, ADJOURNMENT Motion — Boardmember Christensen /Second Boardmember Scannell: to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Pursuant to the alcove motion, Chairman Cullen adjourned the meeting at 1:48 p.m. Submitted: ... to ar x e l�i,''City "' lerl City of Sout "San Francis o OVERSIGHT BOARD MATES Approved: Neil Cullen, Chairperson Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency APRIL 24, 2012 PACE o�° Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board ��� Cn r) Staff Report DATE: May 8, 2012 TO: Members of the Oversight Board FROM: Jim Steele, Finance Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATIONS PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 2012 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Oversight Board approve the attached draft Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule (RPS and the Administrative Budget for the period of July through December 2012. BACKGROUND/DISCUS SION On April 24, 2012 the Board reviewed the draft ROPS for the period of July through December 2012. The draft ROPS was approved by the Successor Agency on April 25, 2012. The attached revised draft ROPS includes a lower estimate for interest earnings from what was previously shown. This in turn results in a higher funding request on the ROPS and a higher (by approximately $8,000) Administrative Budget since the maximum Administrative Budget for 2012-13 is 3% of the net ROPS funding request. The draft ROPS excludes the Administrative Budget which is shown separately in Exhibit B. This RP S will form the basis for the County's distribution of property taxes to the City as Successor Agency to pay enforceable obligations for the period of July through December 2012. By: h Jim Steele Finance Director Approve Marty Van Duyn Assistant City Manag and Director of Economic and Community Development Attachments: Exhibit A — ROPS for July through December 2012 Exhibit B — Administrative Budget for July through December 2012 KR/JS,'BN:ed to (D cc d ca 0 T d 0 N T T Q (D N cri a �o LU _0 a) CD ❑ C= a7 4 C D a} ❑ 0 E aD co z m N Rrm Q N w LLJ m FLU V LU ♦2 V r J M � � ■ l y 0 Ids LLI om L,I LL 0 LL LLI LLI J W L1: V U) i z LLJ a. U) (Z Q J 0 0 LLI Z CD 0 LL! w LL a d ti h r M C i� �1] C s i� L 0 a 0 0 a 0 CD CD co a ao Q a N o d a a s CD o a a Q a 0 a o a 0 a 0 a a a CD o 0 co Li] 0 a o LO o 0 o a M 0) N CD o It 0 a N, M CD 0 C5 d o 0 a Co A r a T co a oO cfl o co N a N C 0 2 x �y W CD 07 _ r tpr r r CD C,7 U-) Lo r 64 64 d CD CD d M V3, 0 a 0 0 a CD Ul)- CD 00 r tq 0 C� a d 0 co Q CD CD (D N ul)� o q Ca C) 0 C7 G"> CD CA T U7 a o a CD CD M tea- C7 N Cy LC7 CQ (D CD (D (Y Gg� r- 'If 6 0 a r) C}7 r- 61!> r- 00 09� Ca C7 m CO- C7 o a CD d Li? 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Board member Scannell will not be attending this meeting and given the extent of the property issues to be discussed, staff is recommending that this presentation be placed on the next Board meeting agenda allowing the full Board the opportunity to review and discuss property disposition issues. Thank You, Marty Van Duyn 0li 5�y o ° '` "r"",- 4?`� Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board L �1�.° Staff Report ��o� DATE: May 8, 2012 TO: Members of the Oversight. Board FROM: Jim Steele, Finance Director SUBJECT: FINANCIAL AND CASH FLOW UPDATE ITEMS Attached for the Board's information and discussion are three attachments: 1. A letter from the San Mateo County Controller's Office dated May 2, 2012 outlining the first distribution of former Redevelopment property taxes to taxing entitles. This distribution only includes the second installment of the fiscal year 2011-12 property taxes, and does not include any dollars to be distributed from South San Francisco's surplus reserves; 2. Are updated cash flow forecast incorporating the final approved January -June 1.S and the craft July-December ROPS being considered separately by the Board at today's meeting). Note this cash flow has always included not only the property taxes being distributed in 2011-12, as the Controller's May 2 letter incorporates above, but also includes the distributxon of surplus reserves, hich for South San Franc isco should equal $32.3 million. The County has indicated they expect to collect these funds from the former South San Francisco Redevelopment elopment Agency in late May or early ,Tune 2012 for distribution back to taxing entities. By: : A � Approve Jim eele Marty Vary I uyn Fin ce Director Assistant City Manager and Director of Economic and Community Development Attachments: County Fetter Dated May 2, 201 Updated Cash flow JrD May 1, 2012 Califomia Depwtment of Finance and All County of San Mateo Entities Receiving Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund ("R PT' F") Distributions RE- June 1, 2012 RPTTF-, DistribUtion Estimates Pursuant to Section 34182(c)(3) of the California Health acid Safety Code, the Cottnty Auditor-Controller is required to prepare and provide estimates of the allocation and distribution- of property tax revenues deposited in the RPTTF to both the entities receiving the distribution and the Department of Finance (D OF) no later than November I and May I of each year. In compliance with this requirement we hereby submit this report. The information in the report was obtaincd from the former redevelopment agencies' successor agencies and has not been reviewed for completeness or accuracy by either the Oversight Board (OB) or DOS, This report is also based on our current understanding of Assembly Bill X 126 (ABX 1 26). Revisions that impact the actual June I 2012 distribution may be made. On June 1, 2012 the County Controller's Office will distribute the monies in each RPTTF in accordance to Health and Safety Code section 34183. Section 34183 states the monies allocated from each RPTTY` shall be remitted in order to pay the former RDA's negotiated and statutory passthrough payments, the County Controller's costs, payments listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) approved by the CAB and DOF for the period July 1, 2012 — December 3 1� 2012 and the successor agency's administrative costs. Any remaining monies- ill be distributed to local taxing entities in accordance to Health & Safety Code Section 34188. Tb is report oontains the County Controller's estimates of the June 1, 2012 distribution as of May 1. 2012. The allocation and distribution -estimates provided in this -report should be reviewed in coujunction with the limitations below. These estimates were based on a draft ROPS for the period July 1, 201 2 —December 31, 2012 prepared by the successor agency. This draft BOPS has not been reviewed or approved by the OB or DOS` and may vary significantly from the estimates used for this report, The passthrough payment amounts used to prepare this report are the sucoessor agencies' estimates. We have not reviewed these passthrough calculations, The actual pas gthroe gh calculations for the June 1. 2012 distribution will be based on our work. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Kanchan Charan, Deputy Controller, at [email protected] or (650) 363-4893. Very truly yours, /d�ro Bob Adler-, Controller 0 555 County Centel., 4th Floor Rob Adler Redwood City, California 94063-1665 Controller Telephone- (650) 3634777 Email! [email protected] man www.co.sanmateo.ca.us�controller Coffin of San Mateo Kanchw K Gharan Office of the Controller Deputy Controller May 1, 2012 Califomia Depwtment of Finance and All County of San Mateo Entities Receiving Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund ("R PT' F") Distributions RE- June 1, 2012 RPTTF-, DistribUtion Estimates Pursuant to Section 34182(c)(3) of the California Health acid Safety Code, the Cottnty Auditor-Controller is required to prepare and provide estimates of the allocation and distribution- of property tax revenues deposited in the RPTTF to both the entities receiving the distribution and the Department of Finance (D OF) no later than November I and May I of each year. In compliance with this requirement we hereby submit this report. The information in the report was obtaincd from the former redevelopment agencies' successor agencies and has not been reviewed for completeness or accuracy by either the Oversight Board (OB) or DOS, This report is also based on our current understanding of Assembly Bill X 126 (ABX 1 26). Revisions that impact the actual June I 2012 distribution may be made. On June 1, 2012 the County Controller's Office will distribute the monies in each RPTTF in accordance to Health and Safety Code section 34183. Section 34183 states the monies allocated from each RPTTY` shall be remitted in order to pay the former RDA's negotiated and statutory passthrough payments, the County Controller's costs, payments listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) approved by the CAB and DOF for the period July 1, 2012 — December 3 1� 2012 and the successor agency's administrative costs. Any remaining monies- ill be distributed to local taxing entities in accordance to Health & Safety Code Section 34188. Tb is report oontains the County Controller's estimates of the June 1, 2012 distribution as of May 1. 2012. The allocation and distribution -estimates provided in this -report should be reviewed in coujunction with the limitations below. These estimates were based on a draft ROPS for the period July 1, 201 2 —December 31, 2012 prepared by the successor agency. This draft BOPS has not been reviewed or approved by the OB or DOS` and may vary significantly from the estimates used for this report, The passthrough payment amounts used to prepare this report are the sucoessor agencies' estimates. We have not reviewed these passthrough calculations, The actual pas gthroe gh calculations for the June 1. 2012 distribution will be based on our work. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Kanchan Charan, Deputy Controller, at [email protected] or (650) 363-4893. Very truly yours, /d�ro Bob Adler-, Controller VJ 0 C O i 0 L) 0 L(} N CO CU r- C7x N 1- ED vi M z o w LC} 1 T CV rn cri - as C [*] (i? to) f m CV m Li3 L F 11 C C7 1- LL"} r. w Lf3 op 1l- N m N ai LO r r LO rl- r- c+'j CF) T r 1 1 CD p] T L1 l LO L7? L1 J' C� CD C7 O Do (dC) CY) N Lt l L7i C) OD CD O T Lf} CO C! — Cc C7 1�l C+'3 C7 ' "t 't r - v) a) 00 CV CO 1-- g C+1 al . T, C) Lrj C4 Tl� CD CD Cd .may. L( V CO �QD 1 LO 0 TI- Nt LO Cki CD 0: yU:k N r /Ty CV LO ti4 f 4 V Y {tihi y.LV T T" 6" 1 _ CV Ld] r C1 LO 0 T CN - In M L: J M a � J D bg 69- iA w {j C13 9�- CP qt r CD Cf) C''} 074 La'} LO C 0 Ci: , CD k Nr 00 LO mt r- LC} 0 Cap M at} M M CD Ln r Q N �t CO CD CL1 � m W CD a) tl 0 0 ce) Ci) N LO 4t ' C7 " C- L � LCD 0 w Cl) CV ( � T" Cal CV CO Ln LF} C : C: � L� 1 Lsj op 05 0-) c) Nt lit ? 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