HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 675-1938 RES0LVEDby the City Council of the City of South San F~ancisco that a special election be held in said city on the 20th day of September, 1938, for the purpose of sub- mitring, and at which election there shall be subs~tted to the qualified electors of said city the following propositions: PROPOSITION le The acquis.ition, c~nst~u~tion and completion of ~ecreation center buildings, in- eluding a swimming tank, appurtenances and equipment. · PROPOSITION The acquisition, const~uctionand, cempletion of-a central fire station an~ the furnishings and equipment for said station, and the acquisition_of a combination pumping engine ~n~ hose wagon, and the acquisition of an aerial ladder t~uck with a sixtY'five (65 foot ) ladder. BE IT FURTHER EESOLVEDby said City Council that, for the.purpose of holding said special mmicipal election~ said.ci~ybe, and the s_=~e hereby ~s_dAvide~ inte five (6) election pregincts to b® known a~ ConsoXidated_V~ting l~ecinct 'A', Consolidated_ _ Voting l~ecinct 'B", Consolidated Voting Precinct "O", 0onsolidated_Voting l~ecinet 'D' and 0onsolidated.Voting Precinct 'E#, respectively. Consolidated Voting Precinct "Aa shall include all the territory described in South San F~ancisco Precinct No- 1, ~mt~,SaF~anciscol~ecinct ~o. S an~ SOUth F~ancisco Precinct ~o, ~, as eSta~ishe~b2 that ce~ainresolutl~n e~titled "Resolution and o~der dividing Uah Mateo County into electionp~ecinGts and ~ablishing_bounda~ies thereof," passed and adoptadbytheBoax~'ofSupe~visox~ of the Ootmty ~fsan California, on the 17th day of Novembe~ 1937, and recox~ed in Volume ~4 of the mxnu~es s~id Board of Su~e_~visor~ at page 318 et seqe,, and the polling place for said Conso.~idAted Voting Precinct A' shalibe inPa~enti's Garage at No, 123 0~ange Avenue, in said city of South San Francisco. 0onsolidated Voting Precin~ct "B" shall include all the territ~ax-~yn _in S~ath San l~ancisco Precinct No. 4, South San Francisco l~ecinct No. 5 an~ South an Francisco County of San Mat,of and the polling pAs_ce rot saxa oonso-xaa~e ~xng ~re c~ ~ shall be in 0avassa s Garage at No. 478 ~aden Avenue, in said city. . ~ Consolidated Voting Precinct "C? sl~ll include all the territox~ described in South San Fx~acisoo Pl~Cinot, NOe 7, South San I~ancisco Precinct No. 8 and ~outh San Francisc~ l~ecinct' No. 11, as established by said ~esoluti.on of the Board of ~uperviso~s of said County of San Mateo, and th~ pollin6place for said OonsolidatedVotingl~ecinct "~" shall be in Blondini~s ~t~r~e at No. 51~LindenAvenne, in said city. Consolidated Voting Precinct "D# shall include all the territory described in South San F~ancisco Precinct No. 9 and ~o~th ~an ~ancisco Precinct No. 12, as established by said resolution of the Boax~l of Supervisors of s~i~ County of San Mateo, and the polling Place for said Consolidated Voting Precin~ =D' shall be in BellOne~s Garage at 209 California.Avenue, in said 0onsolidated Voting Precinct "E# shall include all the territory described in So. S. F. ,in South San Francisco _l~ec~ctN?, 1~, .as established ~y said resolution of the Beard [precinct of Supervisors o~ ~aid county of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Consolidated ~ No. 10 Voting Precinct "E" shall be in Capitelli's office at No. 222 Linden Avenue, in said ~ and , city. At said general municipal election the polls in each of said Consolidated Voting Precincts shall be opened at six ~) o'clock a. m~ of the day of election and shall be kept open until seven ~7) o'clook_p..m, of said day, when the polls shall be closed. Said City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said special election by publication thereof once in #The E~terpriseand The ~outh San Fra~cisco ~oum~al~, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in said city, in the.manner and form required by law. ", 0" 0""'0-- O' 0" O' O' O' 0"" O- O- O' I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this 17th day of August, 1938, by ~he following vote: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, D. W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts, M. Minucciani, A. J. Eschelbach Noes, Councilmen None. Absent, Councilmen None (Seal) Attest: Daniel McSwemey City Clerk