HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1664-1951 RESOLUTION OF THE CITT COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF SOUT SAN E U S?n G CONSmVr OF COU. TO GONS~U~ A S~T~ S~ IN ~ ~JAC~ ~ ~E CI~ OF 30~ S~ F~CIS~O, ~ LYING O~SIDE ~E ~~I~ OF S~ C~. ~EAS the City Council of the City of South San Francisco did, ~n the ~th day of June, 1951, adopt plans and specifications for the constructica of a s~nitary se~er from Cortez Avenue to Alta Vista Drive, to which plans and specifications reference is hereby made; and ~EREA~ t~e ~rtion of the land, in which it is proposed to construct .said sewer is situate outside of said city of South San Francisco, but in a portion of 'land situate in the County of San Nateo and contiquous to said City of South San Francisco~ which landis situate Between E1 Camino Re~l, at Francisco Terrace, in the boundar~ lines of said city; and ~EREAS the distric% to be benefited by the construction ~ said sewer is ~ situate partly in said City of South San Francisco, and partly outside sa~d city, but withi~.!~%he~Co~nty of S~n Narco and ~aid City Council does not propose to assess any portion of the cost o~ constructing said sewer upon any land which is not situate in said City of South San Francisco; RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO that said City Coun- cil request the consent of t~e Board of Supervisors of the County of San Marco for permission to construct a portion of said sewer in land situate outside the said City of South San Francisco, as designated in the form of resolution of intention ~hich said city council proposes to adopt. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this re~olution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo with the request that said board of supervisors consent to the construction of said sewer at the place in said County of San Marco hereinbefore designated and desig- hated upon the plans for said work. Said City Council hereby proposes a resolution of intention for said work in the form hereinafter set forth, which form of resolution ef intention shall be submitted to said Board of Supervisors of the County of San Narco. The following is the form of resolution of intention which said City Council proposes to adopt: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF INTEITION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECLARING ITS INTUITION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEWI~ FROM CORTEZ AVENUE TO ALTA VISTA ~E. ~WtEREAS public interest and convenience require that the work and improvements here~ inafter described should be done; and WH~EAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, said contemplated work and improvement is, and is hereby declared to be of more than local or ordinary public benefit; and ~ an estimate of the cost and expense of said work has bben filed w~th the city clerk of said city; NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED b~ the City Council of the City of Sout~ San Francisco that it is the intention_of said City Council to order the following work and improvements to be done in said City: The construction of a wanitary sewer from Cortez Avemme to Alta Vista Drive. All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the special plans, pro- files and specifications for said work and at the location and to the grades shown upon said plans, which plans, profiles and specifications were heretofore adopted by said City Council on the ~th day of June, 1951, and are now on file in the office of said City Clerk. Reference ~s hereby made to said plans, profiles and specifications for a full des- cription of said work and for the location and the extent of the work to be done hereunder and for the grades to which ~id work is to be done, and for -a particular descrip~.ion of the boundaries of the district herein mentioned. Said City Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work and im- provement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, which said district is hereby declared to be the district benefited by said work and improvements, and that, therefore, the entire coat and expense of said work and improvements ~hall be and hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, exgept as hereinafter expressly provided, which district is within the City of Couth San Francisco, County of San Narco, State of .California, and particularly described aa follows: BEGINNING at the southerly corner of Lot 18, Block C, as shown upon that certain map entitled "Country Club Park", recorded in Book 2~ of~'Maps at Pages 5~, 55 a~ 56, San Marco County ~ecords: thence South 59° 22~ 15'' . West 1010.12 feet along t~e northwesterly line of the ~mbdivielon shown on that certain map entitled ~Bre~twood Subdivision No. 3~ recorded in Book 27 of ~1~ at Pages ~1, ~2, ~3, and ~4, Sam Marco County Record~$ thence North 15' West 128.~? feet to the easterly corner of Lot 15, Block 11, as shown upon that certain map entitled ~Avalon Park", recorded in Book 30 of Maps at Pages 32, 33, and 3&, ~an Marco County Records; thence along the southwesterly boundary of said Avalon Park,South~d° 57~ West 788.33 feet to the easterly line of Junipero Serfs Boulevard; thence northerly along theeasterly line of Junipero Se~ra Boulevard 1582.8~ feet to the northwesterly boundary of said Avalon Park; thence along t~he .boun- dary of .said Avalon Park North 58° ~5~ East 902.70 feet, North 31~15~ West 357.12 feet, North 55o O7~ East 1016.61, South 31°17~ &O' East 269o~9 feet. North 77° ~2t ~O· East 1~O.~O ~n+._ R~,+.~ ~eo e~, ~., ~eo A~ ,..~ .............................................. public interest a~ ................................................................................................. con~en;~erlee require that the ~ork and improvements here. inafter described should be done; and WH~EAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, said contemplated work and improvement is, and is hereby declared to be of more than local or ordinary public benefit; and ~1~ an estimate of the cost and expense of said work has bben filed w~th the city clerk of said city; NOW, THeREFOrE, RESOLVED b~ the City Council of the City of Sout~ San Francisco that it is the intention ~of said City Council to order the following work and improvements to be done in said City: The construction of a wanitary sewer from Cortez Aweaue to Alta Vista Drive. All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the special plans, pro- files and specifications for said WOrk and at the location and to the grades shown upon said plans, which plans, profiles and specifications were heretofore adopted by said City Council on the ~th day of June, 1951, and are now on file in the office of said City Clerk. Reference ~s hereby made to said plans, profiles and specifications for a full des- cription of said work and for the location and the extent of the work to be done hereunder and for the grades to which mid work is to be done, and for ~a particular descrip.bion of the boundaries of the district herein mentioned. Said City Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work and im- provement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, which said district is hereby declared to be the district benefited by said work and imprOVements, and that, therefore, the entire cost and expense of said work and improvements ~hall be and hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, exgept as hereinafter expressly provided, which district is within the City of Couth San Francisco, County of San ~atec, State of .California, and particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southerly corner of Lot 18, Block C, as shown upon that certain map entitled "Country Club Park", recorded in Book 2~ of~'Maps at Pages 5~, 55 and 56, San Marco County Kecords: thence ~outh 59° 22~ 15' t West 1010.12 feet along the northwesterly line of the ~bdivision shows on that certain map entitled "Bremtwood Subdivision No. 3" recorded in Book 27 of Ma[~ at Pages ~1, ~2, ~3, and ~4, Sas Marco County Record~ thence North 31u15' West 128.87 feet to the easterly corner of Lot 15, Block 11, as shom~ upon that certain map entitled "Avalon Park", recorded in Book 30 of Maps at Pages 32, ~3, and 32, 8an Marco County Records; thence along the southwesterly boundary of said Avalon Park,South~° 57' west ?88.33 feet to the easterly line of Junipero Serfs Boulevard; thence northerly along theeasterly line of Junipero Stere Boulevard 1582.8~ feet to the northwesterly boundary of said Avalon Park; thence along t~he boun- dary of .said Avalon Park North 58° ~5~ East 902.70 feet, North 31'15' west 357o12 feet, North 5~o 07' East 101~o$1, South 31°17' &O' East 269.$9 feet, North 77° 52' 30" East 180.50 fest~ South ~5° 58' East 1~2.69 feet, North 31° 57~ East 192.88 Feet, North ~3 00' East 99.95 feet, North 85° 20' East 62.95 feet, and North 59° 00' East 52.55 feet to the northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, in said Avalon Park; thence along the north- westerly boundary of the parcel of land described in the deed to Herman E. Hetzer, recorded under File No. ?O08F, ~ Marco County Rscorde, North 5~° East 167.3~ feet ang North 75° East 150 ~eet to the westerly corner of that certain parcel of land ~eecribed in the deed to MeCahon, recorded under File No. 819~2E, San Mateo County Records; thence along the northwesterly line of said lands of McCahon and the lands of Collins described in the deed recorded under File No. 15368G~ San Marco County Records, North 60° 30~ East 300 feet, North 67° East 100 feet and North &9° 30~ East 160 feet to the westerly corner of the parcel of land described in the deed to Antonio M. Moreno, recorded under File No. 82~$T, San Marco County Re~ords; thence along the northwesterly boundary of said lands of Moreno and the northwesterly boundary of the lands of Bruno Luchesi as described in the deeds recorded under l~le Nos. 20~6F and 72~lOF, North 27° ~5~ East 551.~1 feet andNorth 58u~5' East ~99.95 feet to a point 3~ feet at ri&hr angles southwesterly from the southwesterly line of E1 Camino ,Real; thence parallel to and 3~ feet at right angles louthwesterly from the I~uthwesterl~ lineof El Cmaino Real, South 31 o 15' East 1320.25 feet, thence ~orth 58~5' East 105.O0 feet; thence South 31o 15' East 10 feet; thence South ~8° ~5' West 115.00 feet~to a point 64 feet at right angles southwesterly from the southwesterly line of E1 Camino Real; thence par- allel to and ~ feet ~outhwesterly at right angles fro~ the ~outhwesterly line of El Ca=~no Real, North 31 o 15' West 1320.25 feet to a point 10 feet at right angles ~outheasterly from the northwesterly boundary of the aforesaid lands of Luchesi; thence parallel to and 10 feet at right angles ~outheasterly frc~ the northwesterly boundary of said lands of Luchesi, Moreno, and Collins, South 58° &5t West 407.97 feet, South 27° 45' West 5OO.76 feet and South 49° 30t West 163.17 feet; thence South 63° ~2t 2A# We~ 1~.97 feet to ~he corporate l~ts bo~Ua~ of ~he 0~ty of South S~ ~sco; thence alof~ a.aid corporate limits boundarYoSouth 31° 15' East 404.43 fee_t, South 58v 45~ West 890 feet, North'~l 15~ ;West ~0.90 feet, South 58° 45~ West 330 feetS South 31°15t East 320.81 feet, South 16° O2~ West 530.81 feet, South 31 1~t East 330 feet, North 58° ~5~ East 50 feet, and ·outh 31° 15' East 280 feet to the point of beginning. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and to bear interest at the rate of FIVE PERCENT (5%) per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner provided BY Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code, in the Improvemnet Bond Act of 1915, and the last insta//ment of such bonds shall mature fourteen (1~) years frc~ the 2nd day of July, next succeeding ten (10) months froa their date. The South San Franci~o Eater~rise-Joursal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City of South San Francisco, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this rewolution of intention shall be published, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published by two (2) insertions in the manner and form required by law. Said city clerk is also directed to mail a notice of the adoption of this resolution of intention, postage prepaid, to all persons owning real property which is proposed to be assessed to pay any part of the cost of said work, w~ose names and addresses appear on the last equalised assessment roll, or as known to said city clerk. The Superintendent of Streets shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement, and not more than three hundred (300)feet in distance &pa~t, but not less than three (3) in all, and along the open streets within said district at not more than three hundred (300) feet in distance apart on each such street, notices of the passage of this resolution of intention, in the manner and form required by the .~Improvement Act of 1~11." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Monday, the 25tS Say of June, 19~1, at the hour of 8:00 o' clock p.m., in the council chamber of said City Council of the City of South San Francisco, any and all persons having any objection to. the proposed work and improvements may appear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed work and improvements should not be carried out. Except as h~~r~ provided, all the herein proposed wOrk shall be done pursuant to an act of the Legi~tueeo~fttae State of California designated as "I~provsmant Act of 1911." I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scuts San Francisco this day of June, 1951, b~ the following vote ~ Ayes, Councilmen Noes, Councilmen Absent, Councilmen Attest~ City Clerk The city clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors.of the County of San Marco with the request that said board of supervisors consent to the construction of said sewer at the place in said County of San Mateo hereinbefore designated and designated upon t~eplans for said work. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly Sntro~uced and adopted by the City Council of the City o~' South San Francisco this 4th day of June, 1951, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Victor Boiao, Charles K. Elder, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, ~ailio Cortesi Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel J. Hyland City Clerk