HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1747-1952RFi3OLUTION ~!O. A RESOLUTIO~ OF T}iE CITY COL?~CIL OF T~ilE CITY OF SOU~t SAN FRA~'~CI~;CO, PROVIDING FOR HOLDING A GL?~ERAI, ?~UNICIPAL ~LECTION II',] SAID CITY ON T~!E 8TH DAY OF APRIL, 1952. RFjOLVED.by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, that, for the purpose of holding .the general municipal election in said city on the 8th day of Aoril, 1952, as provided by law, said city be, and the same hereby is Uivided into twenty-six (26) election precincts, to be ~aaown as Voting Precinct A, Voting Precinct B, Voting Precinct C, Voting Precinct D, Voting Precinct E, Votin~ Precinct F, Voting Precinct G, Voting Precinct H, Voting Precinct I, Voting Precinct J, Voting Precinct K, Voting Precinct L, Voting Precinct M, Voting Precinct N, Voting Precinct O, Voting Precinct P, Voting Precinct Q, Voting Precinct R, Voting Precinct S, Voting Precinct T, Votin~ Precinct U, Voting Precinct V, Voting Precinct W, Votirk~, Precinct ~, Voting Precinct Y, Voting Precinct Z, respectively. Voting Precinct A.shall include all t}~e territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 1 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 23, as established by that certain Resolution No. 6203 entitled: "RESOLUTION AND ORDER DIVIDING T~E COUNTY OF S~[ ~TEO, CALIFORNIA, INTO i~ECTION PRECINCTS ^~D ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARI~ THEREOF", passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, California, January 15, 1952, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct A shall be in Vincenzini's Garage, at No. 816 Grand Avenue, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct B shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 2 and ~outh San Francisco Precinct No. 29, as est~blished by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct B shall be in Oliver's Garage, at No. 700 Cirhle Court, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct C shall include all the territory in South San Francmsco Precinct No. 3 and So~th San Francisco Precinct No. 5, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct C shall be in Dini's Garage, at No. 555 Baden ivenue, in the City of South San Francisco. Votin~ Precinct D shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 4 and South San Francisco Precinct ~o. 17, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct D shall be in Togoella's Garage, at No. 601 Miller Avenue, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct E shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 6 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 13, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Votin~ Precinct E shall be in Ca~nacci's Garsse, at No. 112 Maple Avenue, in the City of So~th San Froncisco. Voting Precinct F shall i~clude all the territory in South San Franczsco Precinct No. 7 and South San Francisco Precinct ~o. lA, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the poll- ing place for said Voting Precinct F shall be in Mssciovechio's Garage, at No. 829 Linden Avenue, in the City of South ~ o~.n Francisco. Voting Precinct G shall include all the territory in South Ssn Fr~ncmsco Precinct No.9 and South San Francisco Precinct No. ll, as established bM said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct G shall be in Fisbher's Garage, at No. 205 Pine Avenue, in the City of So~h San Francisco. Voting Pr~cinct }{ shall inchde all the territory in South San Franczsco Precinct No. 10 and So~th San Francisco Precinct No. 16, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said vo{ing Precinct H shall be in ~ucco's Bsrber Shop, at No. 218 Linden Avenue, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct I shall include al% the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 12, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct I shall be in Hendel's Garage, at No. lO11 Bayshore Highway, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct J shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 8 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 28, as established by.'said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said voting Precinct J shall be in Grand Furniture Stare, at No. A69 Brand Avenue, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct K shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 15 and established b- said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct K shall be in ~mbrosio's Garaze, at No. 600 Hillside Boulevard, in the City of South S~n Francisco. Votinq Precinct I. shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. hO and in South San Francisco Precinct No. &l, ~ established?by said resolution of ~id board of supervisors, and the pollin~ plaice for s~id Votin~ Precinct L shall be Kobb'~ Gerage, ab ~.~o~ 93 Jefferson Street, in the City of SoYth San Francisco. Voting Precinct M shall include all the territtry in South San Francisco Precinct No. 27 and South 3an Francisco Precinct }!o. 3~, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, ~nd the potlin{ place for said Voting Precinct ~{ shall be in the l{~rtin School., at School Street, in the City of South San Francisco. ~otin~ Precinct N shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct t'~o. 18, as established bM said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the po~l;mg Dl~ce for said ~YotinE Precinct N shal~ b& in Petroni's Garage, at No. ~O7 ?~est Orange !venue, in the City of South San Francisco. Votin~ Precinct 0 shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct >~o. 19 and So~th Ssn Francisco Precinct ~o. 30, ~s established by said resolution of s.~id bo~d of super- visors, and the polling place for said Voting{ Precinct 0 shall be in Glindinn~n~'s Gara~e, at ~o. !~+! Knoll Circle, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct P shall include all the territo~z in South San Francisco !~recinct :o. 20 ~nd South S~m Francisco Preci:~ct ~o. 22, ~'~s established by said resolution of said board of super- visors, ~nd the po!iin~ place for said Vtting Precinct P sball be in Edward's Gara~e, at :o. 120 Mulberry ~enue, in the City of Sn~th San Francisco. Votinz Precinct > shall include all. t~e territor~, in South San Francisco Precinct ?~.o. 21, ~' ~ "~ an~ the pollin~ ~lace for said :~s e.~,.~ ~1 ....... d by said reso].u~,ion of said board of supervisors, ._ Votin.= Precinct ~ shall be in ~o..~unmty Hall, st :o 200 Victory ~renue, in the City of ooutb San Francisco. Votin~ Precinct R shall include all the territory in Sot~tk San Francisco Preci,:ct :o. ~nd Jo~th San Francisco ~recinct :o. 26, as established by s~id re~oluti~n of sai~ b~ of super- vi~ors, and the pollin~ place for said voting Precinct R shall be in Burke's Ga. raze, at No. 200 MaZn~ood ,~ay, in the City of South S~,n Francisco. ¥ot~.n~= Precinct 3 sisal! include all the territory in South San Fr?ncisco ?rec~ct ~o. 25 and. So~th San Francisco Precinct ~o. 36, as established by sai~ resolution of said board of super- ¥~sor~, anal the ~_~ollin~ [~lacr~ for sai~ Voting Precinct S shall be in Fontans's Garage, at No. 109 R~venwoo~ !?ay, in the City of South 3an Fr~cisco. as established b':- said reso!~tion of z,~i.d bo~rc~ of superv~_sors, an? tl~e pollin2 place for st~.l i)e in Hildebrand's Gara.~e, st No. 317 Nortbwood Drive, in the City of Poring Irecinct T "~" 3o~th ~an Francisco. Voting Precinct U shall include all the territory in '3o~th San Fr~.ncisco Precinct No. 31 and So~th Sa~ Francisco Precinct No. ~3, ~s established b: said resol~tion of said board of supervisors, an-~ t',,e.~]~ r ...... s r~Zece for said Voting Precinct U shall ~e :in Olson's C~ra~e, at No. 28 E1 Campo Drive, in the City of 3outh San Francisco. Voting Precinct ¥ shall include all the territory in South 3en Francisco Precinct No. 32, and South San Francisco Precinct ~!o. ~<3, as established by said resolution of said board 9f super- visors, ~nd the pollinz pi?ce for said Votin!~ Precinct V sh~ll be in the Gaas~ Gor~e, at No. 200 indic Drive, in the City of toutS; San Francisco. Voting Precinct ~ s?~all i~ciude f.1 the territory in South San Francisco Precinct ~o. 3~ and 3outb 3a~ Francisco Precinct No. L2, as es~}olished by said resolution of s~id board of su~er- visors, a:d the po!lin~ place for said Voting Precinct U shall be in the Donovan's O~r,~e, ~t :o. ]15 Verano Drive, in the City of South San Francisco. Votin~ Preci~ct E shall include all t?~e territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 35, ss established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said. qar~ at ~!o. 1~ Francisco Drive, in the City of Votin~ Precinct X shall be in the Stuller's ~..:,~, . South San Francisco. Voting Precinct Y shall include oll the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. A~ and South San Francisco Precinct No. AS, as established by said resolution of said board of super- visors, and the polling place ~or said Voting Precinct Y shall be in the Beccone's Garage, ~t No. 18 Oraystone Drive, in t~e City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct Z shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 39 as established by said resolution of s~id board of supervisors, and the pollin~ place for said Votin~ Precinct Z shall be in Brill's Garage, at No. 505 L~rch ~venue, in the City of South Francisco. L Votim~ Precinct R shall include all the territory in So~tk San Francisco nreci~ct '-o. 2L ~nd Jo!lib Jan Francisco Precinct No. 26, as est~.blisbed bM said re~oluti.~n of s~i~ bo~ of s.~per- visors, and the pollin~ place for sai~ voting Precinct R shall be in Burke's Care!e, at No. 200 MsF-~ood~ ,,;a.y, in the City of South S~n Francisco. Voting= Precinct 3 s?al! include all tlc territory in South San Francisco Precinct '~ro. 25 ,~nd So~th S~n Francisco Precinct No. 36, as establishe~ by said resolution of said board of super- v'~soro, anti the pollin~ placr~ for sai.~ ~¢oting Precinct S shall be in Fontans's Garage, at No. 109 R~ver. woo~ !?a-~r, in the City of South San as established b~- said resoling, ion of s~i.d board of s~perv[sors, an~ tlc poll. inZ place for s~fi~ Voting Precinct T sh~l], be in Hildebrand's Garage, at No. 317 Northwood Drive, in the City of 'So~th ~an Francisco. Voting Precinct U shall include all the territory in So~th San Francisco Precinct No. 31 and South Sar~ Francisco Precinct No. &3, r~s established b!f said resol~tion of said board of supervisors, an'~ t:~e. pol!ing niece for said Voting ?recinct U shall be in Olson's Csrage, ~t No. 28 E1 C~mmpo Drive, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct ~ shall include all the territory in South 3eh Francisco Precinct No. 32, and South San Francisco Precinct No. "3, as established by said resolution of said board qf super- visors, and the pollinz ~0!~ce for said Votin~ Precinct V shall be in the Gaas' Garage, at Wo. 200 Ind~_o Drive, in the City of 5out~ San Francisco. Voting Precinct ~' s?~all i~cludef.], the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 34 and South 3an Francisco Precinct No. A2, as es~,~'~blished by said resolution of said board of snoot- visors, a~'~d the polling place for said Voting Precinct ~T shall be in the Donovan's Car~e, ~t ~o. ].15 Versno Drive, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Preci~ct ~ shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 35, as established by said resolution of said board of supervisors, and the polling place for said. Voting Precinct X shall be in the Stuller's Gara~e, at No. 15~ Francisco Drive, in the City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct Y shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct Mo. A~ and South San Francisco Precinct No. ~5, as established by said resolution of said ~oard of super- visors, and the polling place ~or said Voting Precinct Y shall be in the Beccone's Garage, at No. 18 Graystone Drive, in tl~e City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct Z shall include all the territory in South San Francisco Precinct No. 39 as established by said resolution of s~id board of supervisors, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct Z shall be in Brill's GaraEe, at No. 505 L~rch avenue, in the City of South San Francisco. The following ~amed persons are hereby appointed as member of the election board for Voting Precinct A: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Emnm Robinson ~ielen Eatherly Elsie M. Dotson Katherine Battella The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct B: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Blanche Johnson Sarah Henkel Anita, Vincent Lena Medeghini The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct C: Inspector 3ophie Dancak Judge 7ey Ferron Clerk Rena Rin~e Clerk M~rie lmprescia The following named persons are hereb~.' appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct D: Inspector Clara Rowe Judge Anna Schurk Clerk Elizabeth Fox Clerk ~y D. ]~ight The following Precinct E: named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Josephine Rossetti Harriett H. Blank Lillian M. Cavassa Gertrude ~olinari The following named persons are hereby appointe~ as member of the election board for Voting Precinct F: Inspector Mary Lonati Judfe Jessie Chimenti Clerk Ida F. Penna Clerk Alice M. Sel]ick The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct G: Insoector Judge Clerk Cl~rk ~ou~se Bertoldi Fiorina Beltrami Josephine Fracchia llbert J. Kirstine The follo¥~n~ named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for 7oting Precinct H: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Claire Fischer Helen Aresta Marie Howard Anna H. 3endner The following named persons are hereby aopointed as members of t>~e election board for Voting Precinct I: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Hazel V. Arola Jennie $chultz Julia Casella Cecile D. Painter The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct J: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Dorothy Y. Gebhardt Beatrice Rasmussen Franc~s Rostoni Lillian M. Dezell The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct K: The following Precinct L: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk named persons are hereby ap,oointed Mary R. Monroe Margaret E ~illiams ~aude M. Lambert Irene Carlson as members of the election board for Voting Inspector Florence G. Baber Judge I~ILma R. Scbmidt Cler~ ¥ivian Carlson Clerk Arvilla I[. Carrey The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct M: Inspector JudMe Clerk Clerk Antoinette Kozlowski Josephine L. $campini Ida P. Milne Judge Clerk Cl~rk Fiorina Beltrami Josephine Fracchia ~[lbert J. Kirstine The follo~.~n~ named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct H: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Claire Fischer Helen Aresta Marie Howard Anna H. 3endner The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct I: Inspector Hazel V. Arola Judge Jennie Schu]_tz Clerk Julia Casella Clerk Cecile D. Painter The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct J: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Dorothy V. Gebhardt Beatrice Rasmussen Franc~s Rostoni Lillian M. Dezell The followin~ named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct K: The following Precinct L: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk named persons are hereby apDointed Mary R. Monroe M~r~aret E ~illiams Maude M. Lambert Irene Carlson as members of the election board for Voting Inspector Florence G. Bab~r Judge ~lLma R. Schmidt Cler~ Vivian Carlson Clerk Arvilla M. Carrey The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct M: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Antoinette Kozlowski Josephine L. $campini Ida P. Milne Adelaide Eisenber~ The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct N: Inspector Norma Guglielmetti Judge Anita Pera Clerk Nellie A. Blick ,~i ~rl¢. Levia Mangini The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct O: Iospector Bessie K. Carlyle Judge Maude M. Bertrand Clerk Myrtle R. ~'~od Clerk Ethel D. Potvien The followinE named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct P: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Fayetta A. Nordstrom Jeanette E. Curtis Ira E. Stanley Rose M. Leonard The following named persons ~re hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct q: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Orilla C. Church Dorothy Gailegos M~ry Lazzari Frances Bono i2 The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct R: Inspector Judge Clerk Cle~ Alyce W. Burke Frances V. Sanborn Ruth C. Robinson Belle B. Hillman The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct S: Inspector Judye Clerk Clerk Elsa M. Riccomi Lee E. Klyne Julia J~ cobson Ellen iappa The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for VotlnK Precinct T: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Esta Apman Marjorie A. Smith Vera Orchard~ ~ Joan B. Langley The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election, board for Voting Precinct U: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Maurine !~est Sylvia M. Sadler Carol A. Pstricia Royal The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct V: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Jane W. Michello June A. Sousa Edith M. Devlin Mary E. Stewart The following named persons are hereby appomnted as members of the election board for Voting Precinct ~: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Cynthia Goss Anne Jeffries l~arbara Jones Ester Makowski The followinE named persons are hereby appomnted as me~bers of the election board for Voting Precinct X: Inspector Rose M. Cornell Judge Doris MorEan Clerk Marion Bloss Clerk Agnes Tbeim The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct Y: Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Claire J. Clark Lilly F. O'Leary Lillian A. Bushor Donna Fields The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct ~ Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Peggy M. Peil Elizabeth B. Pitt E~ma Oliver A?~brosia Cerri A sufficient number of ballots shall be and is hereby directed to be prepared and caused to be printed for such precincts, as provided by law and upon the proper kind of paper, to wit: The same as used at the general elections in the State of CAlifornia, by the clerk of the City of South San Francisco and shall be furnished and provided for the use of the voters at said general electio~. The city clerk is hereby al~o directed to procure the necessary votin~ booths and to see that they are properly erected and to secure all necessary election materials and supplies re- quired by law. Said City clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said election by publication thereof twice in the South San Fr~ncisco Journal, a newspaper of ~eneral circulation, published and circulated in said city, in the manner and form required by la~.~. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this 3rd day of M~,rch 1952, by the following ~ote: Ayes, Councilmen Victor Boido, Charles K. Elder, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Emilio Cortesi Noes, Councilmen, None Absent, Councilmen, None Attest: Daniel. J Hyland Clerk 124 RE3OLUTION NO. 1748 Resolved by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the name of the recreation center in said city known as Elm Court Recreation Center be, and the same hereby is, changed to HELF~ E. SIEBECKER k~i~ORIAL C~TER. I hereb? certify that the foregoing resolution was re~ularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 17th dsy of M~rch, 1952, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Victor Boido, Charles K. Elder, Adolph Sani, Jose!~ Bracco, Emilio Cortesi Noes, Councilmen, None Absent, Co, nciLmen, None Attest: Daniel J }!yland City Clerk