HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3046-1960CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed under the provisions of Ordinance No. 449 to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the personnel system created in said ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby adopt the fol- lowing rules: RULE I PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS RULE IA PURPOSE The objectives of these rules are to facilitate elfi- cient and economical services to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management in the mu- nicipal government. These rules set forth in detail those procedures which insure similar treatment for those who compete for original em- ployment and promotion, and define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits and prohibitions which are placed upon all employees in the Competitive Service of the City. At the same time, within the limits of administrative feasibility, recognition shall be given to the fact that indivi- duals differ, that no two individuals react alike to reward and 'discipline or to uniform motivation and encouragement. For this reason, considerable latitude shall be given to those charged- with the duties and responsibilities relating to employee.~mqrAle discipline. A vanc.emen . A sa ar ncrease "':: steps within the limitS of the pay lished for a class. -~" ~.~ ..- Section 2. "Allocation": The assignmen~ of a single position ~o i~s proper class in accordance wl~h ~he dU$'les- performed, and the authority and'responsibilitles exercised. Section 3. Section .'Section 5.' "Appointing power": The officers of the city-who, in their individual capacities, or as a board~ com- mission, or city council, have the final authority to make the appointment to the position to be f. llled. "Appointment": The offer to and acceptance by a' person of a position in the competitive service-in accordance with the provisions of the Personnel Ordinance and Rules and Regulations. "Board": The Personnel Board established in pur- suance of the ordinance creating a personnel system for the city. 'Section 6. "Class": Ail positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, responsibility, and working con- ditions to permit grouping under a common title and the application with equity of common standards of selection, transfer, promotion, and salary. Section 7. "Competitive Service": The positions and employ- ments which are included or which may hereafter be included under the personnel system by ordinance. Section 8. "Demotion": The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a lower maximum rate of pay. .Section 9. "Eligible": ment list. A person whose name is on an employ- Section i0. S~ction 11. "Employment List": A list of names of persons who have taken an examination for a class.in the com- petitive service and passed, and are ranked on the list in the order of the score received. "Examination": (a) Assembled examination: An examination con- ducted at a specified time and place at which applicants are required to appear for competitive examination under the supervision of an examiner. (b) Unassembled examination: An examination con- sisting of an appraisal of training, experience, work history, or any Other means for evaluating other relative qualifications of applicants with- out the necessity for their personal appearance at a specified place. (c? .... Oral. examination:. , . A test or t~ ~ ,.,~4~ ~o l~ proper class tn accordance w~th the d~ies performed, and the authority and responsibilities exercised. Section 3. Section Section 5.' · Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. "Appointing power": The officers of the citywho, in their individu~l capacities, or as a board.,, com- mission, or city council, have the final authority to make the appointment to the position to be filled. "Appointment": The offer to and acceptance by &' person of a position in the competitive service-in accordance with the provisions of the Personnel" Ordinance and Rules and Regulations, "Board": The Personnel Board established in pur- suance of the ordinance creating a personnel system for the city. "Class": All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, responsibility, and working con- ditions to permit grouping under a common title and the application with equity of common standards of selection, transfer, promotion, and salary. "Competitive Service": The positions and employ- ments which are included or which may hereafter be included under the personnel system~-by ordinance. "Demotion": The movement of an employee from one Class to another class having a lower maximum rate of pay. Section 9. "Eligible": ment list. A person whose name is on an employ- Section I0. "Employment List": A list of names of Persons who have taken an examination for a class.in the com- petitive service and passed, and are ranked on the list in the order of the score received. Section 11. "Examination": (a) Assembled examination: An examination con- ducted at a specified time and place at which applicants are required to appear for competitive- examination under the supervision of an examiner. (b) Unassembled examination: An examination con- sisting of an appraisal of training, experience, work history, or any Other means for evaluating other relative qualifications of applicants with- out the necessity for their personal appearance at a specified place. Section 12. (c) Oral.examination: A test or tests in which an impartial, examiner or examiners, qualified in the same,professional field Or class, orally ques- tions the applicant'and receives his answers to evaluate his qualifications.. "Immediate family": The immediate family of an ~-~-loyee shall include: wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, grand- father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in- law and sister-in-law. Section 13. "Permanent employee": An employee who has success- fully compl---~'d his probationary period and has been.' retained as hereafter provided in these rules. Section 14. SectiOn 15. Section 16. "Personnel ordinance": Ordinance No. ~9,.which c~ea%es a person--~_l~ystem for the City. "Position": Any office or employment in the com- petitive service whether occupied or vacant. "Probationary"-. status. An employee who has probationary Section 17.~ "Probationary. period": A working test period dur- lng which an emploYee is required to demonstrate his fitness for the duties to which he is appointed by actual performance of the duties of the position. Section 3.8. r omotion : The movement of an employee from one positi6~ to another which is allocated to a class with a higher maximum rate of pay. Section 19. "Promotional list": An employment list resulting from apromotional examination. [ tO 3 Section 20. Section 21. "Promotional examinatlbn": An examination for a particular class, admission to the examination be- ing limited to one or more~clas,ses of employees in the competitive service or'other .as provided in these Rules and Regulations. , rrow.sional appointment'S: An appointment~acquired by a per~-~bn who possesses the minimum qualifications established for a particular class, and who hasbeen appointed to a position in that class in the absence of available eligibles. (RES. #3046 ADOPTED 7/25/60) Section 22. Section 23. "Re-employment lists": A list of employees who have probatlonar~ or permanent status and who have been legally lald off. "Reduction": A salary decrease within the limits of the pay range established for a class. Section 24. "Rejection": The separation of an employee from the serVice during his probationary period. Section 25. Section 26. "Suspension": The temporary separation from .service of an employee without Pay,. for dlsci linary purposes. "Temporary appointment": A~ appointment of aper- son ~o a pos~ion o~ limited duration.~ Section 27. Section 28. "Termination": The separation of an employee, from .the service of the city, by reason of death, dis- charge, displacement of~a provisional employee by a probationary appointment, layoff, resignation, retirement and work completion. "Transfer": A change of an employee from one position to another position in the same class or another class having essentially the same max- imum salary limits, involving the performanCe~of similar duties and requiring substantially the same basic qualifications. Section 29. "Types of service": Service refers to the number ofhours an employee works and t° the regularity with which he works. Service does not refer to an employee's employment status -- i.e., permanent, probationary, provisional, acting or emergency. There are four basic types of service: (a) full-time: a full-time employee works the ncrmal number of working hours as defined by this ordinance. .(b) part-time: a part-time employee works a fraction of the normal work day bUt normally fol- lows a pre-determined fixed pattern of working hours, (c) intermitten'~: an intermittent employee may work a normal work day or a fraction thereof, but such work is done on call at irregular intervals or without a set pattern; (d) seasonml: a seasonal employee normally works a full work day but is employed to complete a spe- cific project which r~:~urs annually and lasts for a limited period of t~me. Section 30. "Types of statug": There are five types of status. '~ey a~e ac~quir~d as follows: (a) permanent: acquired by an employee who has been lawfully retained in his position after the completion of the probationary period as provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules. (b) probationary: acquired by an employee who has been certified and appointed, but who has not com- pleted the probationary period as provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules, (c) provisional: acquired by an employee who possesses the minimum qualifications established for the class and who.has been appointed to"fill a position for which no eligibles are available. (d) acting: acquired by an employee who has been appointed in an acting capacity to fill one of the positions for which an acting appointment may be made as provided in. the Personnel Ordinance and these rules. (e) emergency: acquired by an employee appointed for a periOd of not more than thirty working ~ays....1 to a position necessary to meet the requirements ~i~j of an emergency condition. ,. (RES. #3046 ADOPTED 7/25/60) Section 31. el'an means S thirty days e war or in time of peace in a campaign or expedition for service in which a medal has been authorized by the Government of the United States, or during the period September 16, 19~0,~'to December 6, 19~1, clusive, or during the period June 27, 1950, to January 31, 1955, and wh~has been discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable, but does ~.~ include any person who served only in auxiliary or reserve component-~j~f the armed for- ces whose service therein did ~% exempt him from the operation of the Selective ~in.~ng and Ser- vice Act of 19~0. · RULE II GENERAL ~:ij~OVISIONS Section 1. D~.sclosure of religious or political affiliations: No ques%'~ in any ~ext,:in any application form, or in any ot~er personnel proceedings, or of any appointing authority, shall be so framed as to attempt to elicit informa- tion concerning political or religious opinions or affiliations of an aoplican~, eligible, or employee.~ ~o appointment to or removal~from a Position in the competitiveservice shall be af- fected or influenced in any manner by any political or religious opinion or affiliation. Section 2. Violation of r~les: Violation of the pro- visions of these rules'~ll be grounds Tor dismissal, rejection, or suspension, or other disciplinary action. Section B. Amendment and revision ef rules: City Council may amend and revise rules~&nd r~E~at'ion~-~a resolu- tion. Prior to consideration, any amendment or revision shall be publicly posted at such places as the City Council shall prescribe, for at least five consecutive days together with no- tice of the time, place a~d date of meeting at which City Council intends to consider a resolution for adoption of'amendments or revisions° At the time of consideration, any interested person may appear and be heard. Amendments and revisions shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council following such hear- ing. Section 4. Waiver of rightS: Neither a candidate for employment nor any employee in the competitive service shall be required to sign any document whereby he waives any right or rights accruing to him under the Personnel Ordinance or the Rules and Regulations. . RULE III PERSONNEL BOARD Section 1. Meeting: The Personnel Board shall hold regular monthly meetings atsuch time and place within the city as shall be designated by the Chairman of the Board. Any regu- lar meeting may be adjourned to a time certain and to a place designated by the Chairman. In addition, the Board may ho~d special meetings upon the call of the Chairman or any three mem- bers of the Board. Three members of the Board s~alI constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 2. Public hearings: Hearings conducted by. the Personnel Board shall be"Dublie, unlit. ~ ~*~ ~ ~ re,eased under ~onditionS other" than dishonorable, but does n~t include any person who served only in auxiliary or reserve con;conent~'~'of the armed for- ces whose service thereih did ~%'t exempt him from the operation of the Selective Training and Ser- vice Act of 19~0. RULE II GENERAL P:i~:OVISIONS 1. Disclosure of religious~or political Section ques%'~ in any tex%,~.in any app'iica%ion form, affiliations: No or in any other personnel proceedings, or of any appointing authority, shall be so framed as to attempt to elicit informa- tion concerning political or religious opinions or affiliations of an applicant, eligible, or employee.''~o appointment to or removal from a position in the competit~Veservice shall be af- fected or influenced in any manner by any~poli~ical or religious opinion or affiliation. Section 2. Violation of rules: Violation of the pro- visions of these rules-~l~all be grounds ~or dismissal, rejection, or suspension, or other disciplinary action. Section 3. Amendment and revision of rules: City Council may amend and revise ~.uleg-~nd rs~Iati0n~-B'~a resolu- tion. Prior to consideration, any amendment or revision shall be publicly posted at such places as the City Council shall prescribe, for at least five consecutive days together with no- tice of the time, place and date of meeting at which City Council intends to consider a resolution for adoption of'amendments or revisions° At the time of consideration, any interested person may appear and be heard. Amendments and revisions shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council following such.hear- Section ~. Waiver of fish__ts: Neither a candidate for employment nor any employee in the competitive service shall be required to sign any document whereby he waives any right or rights accruin~ to him under the Personnel Ordinance or the Rules and Regulations. . ...... RULE III PERSONNEL BOARD 'Section 1. Meetings: The Personnel Board shal.1 hold regular monthly meeting~t~'~ch time and place within the city as shall be designated by-the Chairman of the Board. Any regu- lar meeting may be adjourned to a time certain and to a place- designated by the Chairman. In addition, the Board may ho~d special meetings upon the call of the Chairman or 'any three'mem- bers of the Board. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 2. Public hearings: Hearings conducted by.' the Personnel Board shall b~public, unless the Board shall de~. termine that a private hearing is necessary to secure all the... facts in the case. Whenever such a finding is made,, th~ .Board.. may Limit attendance.at the hearing to the members of the Board, the Personnel Officer, the employee requesting the hearing, and such repz~esentatives as the/employee designates, the .officer or officers.~from whose action the appeal was taken, and such. wit~ nesses and other persons as the Board may require to be present. The hearing need.not be conducted according to technical rules relating to ~idence and witnesses. ~:~'~: RULE IV cLASsifICATION SectiOn 1.~ Preparatlon"of plan: The Personnel Officer, or person ~or agency employed for that purpose, shall ascertain and record the duties and responsibilities of all positions in the competitive service and, after consultation with appointing authorities and heads of departments affected, shall recommend a classification plan for such positions. The classification plan shall consist of classes or positions in the competitive service defined by clsss specifications, including title, a des- Cription of typicaldUties and responsibilities of positions in each class, a stateme~t of the training, experience and other qualifications to be ~required of applicants for positions in each class. The ciassification~plan shall be so developed and maintained that all posi%ions substantially similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, authority, and character of work are included within the same class, and that the same schedules of compensation may be made to apply with equity under like work- lng conditions to all positions in the same class. The classi- fication shall be a general description of the kind of work in- volved lu the positions in the class. It shall not necessarily prescribe~hecomplete duties of any position nor limit the authority of administrative officers to prescribe or alter the duties or any~position. I04 ~(RES; #3046 ADOPTED 7/25~60) Section 2~ Adoption of Elan: ~Before the classifica- tion plan or any part thereqf.shalI'becOme effective, it 'Shalll first be~approved ~by the.~City~Council~ The City Council may make changes or modifications of the plan. Upon adoption by the Councii~ by resolution, the provisions of the classifica- tion plan shall'be observed in the handling of all personnel actions and activities. The class definition plan shall be amended or revised as occasion requires in the same manner as originally established. · Sec'tion B. A~cation of positions: Following the adoption of the classi~cabiofi plan,-the Personnel Officer shall allocate every position in the competitive service to one of the classes established by the plan. Each employee holding a posi- tion in the competitive service shall take the title of the class to which his position has.been allocated in accordance with the Personnel Ordinance and Rules and Regulations. Section 4. New pgsitions: When a new position is created in the competitive service, before the same may be filled, the appointing authority shall notify the Personnel Officer, and, except as otherwise provided by ordinance or these rules, no person shall be appointed or employed to fill any such posi- tion until the classification plan shall have been amended to provide therefor and an appropriate employment list has been es- Oablished for such position. Section~5. Reclassification: Positions, the duties of which have changed materially so as to necessitate reclassi- fication, shall be allocated by the Personnel Officer to a more appropriate class, whether new or already created, in the same manner as originally classified and allocated. Reclassification shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions sur- rounding demotions and promotions. Section 6. _Typical tasks: The list of typical tasks shall be illustrative of the kind of work involved in positions in the class. The examples shall be detailed but not necessar- ily complete or exclusive~ in determining what positions are to ~be allocated to a class, consideration shall be given to the com- plete sp~cification, rather t~n to particular examples of duties or responsibilities. Section 7. Minimum qualifications: The statement of minimum qualificatlons-~ll be a g&veral guide for the recruit- ment of employees to fill positions in the class. For recruiting purposes certain qualifications, when not expressly stated, shall be understood as required. These are: good physical condition, freedom from disabling defects, citizenship, suitable age, hones- ty, sobriety, and industry. Section 8, Amendin~ the classification plan: The City Council may create' new'c~aSses, an~ revise or abolish existing classes. ~ RULE V, COMPENSATION Section 1. Preparation of ~lan: Ail salaries for officers and employees in ~he competitive service shall be fixed by a salary schedule. Such schedule shall be established by Re~olution adopted by the City Council and may be changed or amended by the City Council~ The City Council o~ the person or agency authorized or employed for that purpose shall prepare a pay plan covering all classes of positionS in.the competitive service, showing the minimum and m~ximum rates'of pay. In riving at such salary ranges~ consideration shall be given to. pre,ailing rates of pay for comparable work in other p~biic~:and in private employment, including consideration of conditions of work as well as basic pay; to current costs of living; t~.~ug- gestiOns of department heads; and to the city's financial con- dition and policies. Thereafter, no position shall a salary higher than the maximum or lower than the min~mum~sa~ ary provided for that class of position unless the salary schedule for the class is amended in the same manner as herein provided for its adontion. Personnel Ordinance and Rules and Regulations. Section 4. New pqsitions: When a new position is created in the competitive service, before the same may be filled, the appointing authority shall notify the Personnel Officer, and, except as otherwise provided by ordinance or these rules, no person shall be appointed or employed to fill any such posi- tion until the classification plan shall have been amended to provide therefor and an appropriate employment list has been es- Oablished for such position. Section'5. Reclassification: Positions, the duties of which have changed materially so as to necessitate reclassi- fication, shall be allocated by the Personnel Officer to a more appropriate class, whether new or already created, in the same manner as originally classified and allocated. Reclassification shall not be used for the pu~'pose of avoiding restri~ctions sur- rounding demotions and promotions. Section 6. Typical tasks: The list of typical tasks shall be illustrative Of the kind of work involved in positions in the class. The examples shall be detailed but not necessar- ily complete or exclusiveo In determining what positions are to .be allocated to a class, consideration shall be given to the com- plete specification, rather t~n to particular examples of duties or responsibilities. Section 7. Minimum qualifications: The statement of minimum qualiflcations'~ll be a general guide for the recruit- ment of employees to fill positions in the class. For recruiting purposes certain qualifications, when not expressly stated, shall be understood as required. These are: good physical condition, freedom from disabling defects, citizenship, suitable age, hones- ty, sobriety, and industry. Section 8. $~mendin~ the classification plan: The City Council may create new'c~asses, an~ revise or%iaDolish existing classes. ~ RULE V COMPENSATION Section 1. Preparation of ~lan: All salaries for officers and employees in the competitive service~ shall be fixed by a salary schedule. Such schedule shall be established by Resolution adopted by the City Council and may be changed or amended by the City Council. The City Council or the person or agency authorized or employed for that purpose shall prepare a pay plan covering all classes of positions in ~the competitive service, showing the minimum and m~ximum rates of pay. In ar- riving at such salary ranges~ consideration shall be given to prevailing rates of pay for comparable work in other public and in private employment, including consideration of conditions of work as well as basic pay; to current costs of living; t~ Sug- gestions of department heads; and to the city's financial con- dition and policies. Thereafter, no position shall be ~sSigned a salary higher than the maximum or lower than the mini'mum~sal- ary provided for that class of position unless the salary schedule for the class is amended in the same manner as herein provided for its adoption. Section 2. Position schedule number and initial compensation: Each position in the competitive service shall be assigned a schedule number in accordance with the normal initial Compensation of such office of employment as shown ln~ the salar~ schedule. - (a) Original appointment: The first step of' the sal- ary schedule of the. particular Job classification shall apply to employees upon original appointment. However, the appointing authority may appoint at other than the first step if it is found it is not practical or possible to recruit qualified per- sonnel at the first step. (b) When an officer or employee is advanced from one position to another of a higher level, he shall as of the date of the advance to the new position receive not less than the equivalent of a one step increase and shall carry the new *anni- versary date to the new position. (c) Whenever a person is appointed to a permanent posi- tion at a step on the* salary schedule for that position'.~'Which higher than the first step of that salary schedule, all other persons previously employed in the same position shall be ad- vauced to that same s~ep-of the salary schedule as the entering employee and shall reta, in their original anniversary date. ':'"~'i[~-'?.~'' ~. : ' ' '.. ~'~' ' '~. ~ · :~ · ¥" i~d,' '~;i~ '.'~; : "' step"'~mbe~, :if any, whenever:he s.hall',have"been'.21asei'fl~d ~n ' his cu~ent step numbe~ for 0~.:[ (I).'~ea~ and his ~rfo'rm~ce meets the require~nts fo~ such, advancements', except t~t a 'newly recruited employee '.shall be advanced t'oj:the next step, should ':~ his pe~fo~noe meet the ~equt~ements for. such advancement, slx ,. months after his ~ee~ultmen~ appointment and shall be advanced ' to the next step;p~ov~ded h~s performance-meets the requirements for such adva~ce~Dt e~Ehteen (18) months :.thereafter. Sucoeedin~ step advanoements~?sha11 be at twelve (12) month ~ntevvals. ann~versav~ date of the recruited emDlo~ee:,~ as...lo~, ashe ~Ins In the .same class, shall the 4'kO e, :re :'the?i e, the purpose..of this pvov~sio~ be[nE tO'fcOm~nsate fo~ha% amounts to a ~educt~on in take home pay after six months of. ~evvlce be- cause of eompuleovy employees' retirement pro,yam. ~e afove- ~o[n~ provision shall appl~ to those employees who have on the date of the adoption of these Hules and He~ulat~ons sewed less than one yea~ and have not ~eceived their first step increase, and shall not be retroactive. ' Section 4. Overtime: The following st~e the condi- tions which d%~ermine when overtlm%:Pay shall.be~ranted: ' f (a).~Except for department heads, police and fire de- partment me~mberai:..when ~n.empl~yee is. called back to work on a regular non-WOrk:daY, 'he shall~'be~ gr~nted overtime pay for' the time worked, at one and one,half 'the hourly rate of pay which may be compensated'for with pay at said rate or compensatory time off equivaIent to pax:at-said rate'. Members of. the police and fire departments, shall'be granted pay fom'such additional time at the regular ra2e of:.'pay or-compensatory time off. (b) Except for department heads, police and fire de- partment members, employees working in excess of their normal work day, other than as set ~o~th hereinafter, shall be granted overtime pay for the time worked at on~ and one-half the .hourly rate of pay which may be compensated for with pay at said rate or compensatory time off equivalent to pay at said rate. Mem- bers of the police and fire departments shall be granted pay ' for such additional time at the regular rate of pay or compen- satory time off. (c) Except for department heads, police and fire de- partment members, whenever an employee is called back to work for less than one hour,.he shall receive a minimum of one hour overtime pay. Call back time commences from the time the em- ployee receives the call to report back to work to the time he returns home. ~or the time worked in excess of the one hour, the employee shall be. compensated for the time worked at the overtime rate of one and one-half the hourly rate of pay which may be compensated for with pay at said rate or compensatory. time off equivalent to pay at Said rate. Members of the police and fire departments shall be:granted pay for such additional time at the regular rate ofpay or compensatory time off. Section 5. MandatOry in-service training: Mandatory in-service training~shall n6t constitUte~overtlme; however, ex- cept for probationers, if ma~datory, training is requested by a department head and it is not feasible to conduct such training during regularworking hours~ employees engaging in such train- ing shall be given compensatory time. off for time spent in suc~ programs. The finaldeciston on initiating any in-service training on other than regular working hours shall be made by the City Manager. date-of the adoption of these Rules and Regulations. Served less than one year and have not received their first step increase, 'and shall not be retroactive. Sec~ion ~. Overtime: The following state the condi- tions which determine when overtiWe'pay shall begranted: ~' (a) Except for department heads, police and fire de- partment me:mbers,~when an employee lscalled back to work on a regular non-WOrkday, he shalt'~be granted overtime pay for'the time worked at one and one,half ~the hourly rate of pay which may be compensatedfor with payat said rate or compensatory time off equlvalent, to. pay~at~saidrate, Members of~ the police andfire departments shallbe grantedpay for'such additional time at the regular rs'ts of~'Pay or compensatory time off. (b) Except for department heads, police and fire de- partment members, employees working in excess of their normal work day, other than as set forth hereinafter, shall be granted overtime pay for the time workedat cna and one-half the 'hourly rate of pay which may be compensated for with pay at said rate or compensatory time off equivalent to pay at said rate. Mem- bers of the police and fire departments shall be granted pay ' for such additional time at the regular rate of pay or compen- satory time off. (c) Except for department heads, police and fire de- partment members, whenever an employee is called back to work for less than one hour,.he shall receive a minimum of one hour overtime pay. Call back time commences from the time the em- ployee receives the call to report back to work to the time he returns home. ~or the time worked in excess of the one hour, the employee shall be compensated for the time worked at the overtime rate of one and one-half the hourly rate of pay which may be compensated for with pay at said rate or compensatory time off equivalent to pay at said rate. Members of the police and fire departments shall be/granted pay for such additional time at the regular rate of, Pay or compensatory time off. Section 5. MandatOry in-service trainin$: Mandatory in-service training~shail n6t consti~ute~overtime; however, ex- cept for probationers, if mandatory, training is requested by a department head and it is not. feasible to conduct such training during regular working hours, employees engaging in such train- ing shall be given compensatory time off for time spent in such programs. The finaldecision on initiating any in-service training on other than regular working hours shall be made by the City Manager. Section 6. Work of less than fifteen minutes of duration: No compensatory t~me off' or payment of any Sort shall B'~ma~e for overtime work of less than fifteen (15) minutes' duration which is performed immediately following the'~regular hours of work. Section 7. Accrued time off - Time of taking: A de- partment head shall grant accrued time o~f toan.employee upon written request from the employee. Such time off must be taken within sixty (60) calendar days of the time accrued. Section 8. Report required.for compensatory time off: In order to be eligible'to receive compensatory flme off, all overtime in lieu of pay must be reported to the City Manager and Personnel Board on forms provided by said departmepts. Section 9. Determination of time reouired for em- plooyment: Any dispute~ or ques~i6n of fact as .to what time or times are of officer required for the any employment normally or employee shall be decided by the City Manager, and his de- cision shall be final. Section 10. .Pay increases affected by leave of ab- sence without pay: An employee's pay increase shall not be affected b~ any leave of absence without .pay, if he is off the payroll for less than two pay periods. If he is off the pay- roll for two or more successive pay periods the total amount of time off shall be made up before the employee shall be en- titled to such pay increase. SectiOn 11. SteP pa~..~: The pay Plan' includes a salary step plan consisting oi~ ~'c~ules' of salary ranges con- sisting of five scheduled amounts or steps of monthly co. mpensa- tion,~ and 'each of said r~nges is designated by a number herein named the Schedule Number. Each step predicated upon 5.%. in- (RES. '#S~46 ADOPTED~ ?/~. 5/60),~ '' ~ecti~fi~ 1~. Hourly' rates of"co~pensation~ ~e hoUrly r~'~; 0f compensa~6n ~or payr611 Pu~oses shall be com- puted on the basis of twelve times ?.the monthly rate divided by fifty-two times the number of working hours per week fo,'the position for which such hourly rate Is computed. :'.Hourly.rates for positions des~na~ed as "pe~ hour" positions, s~ll be com- puted on the basis of a forty-hour week unless otherwise vialed, except for firemen, in which case hourly rate shall be calculated by dividing the base monthly ele~n, which is the average 'number of'shifts .~n per month. ' ~"-~,~"~, RULE VI APPLICATION AND.APPLICANTS ' Section 1. Announcement: All examinations for class- es in the competitive service .shall be published by posting announcements in the City Hall, on official bulletin boards, and in s~ch other places as the Personnel Board deems advisable, including at least one newspaper circulated in the city. The announcement shall be published and posted at least thirty (30) days prior to time for filing applications. The announcement shall specify: (a) the title and pay range of the class for which the examination is announced. (b) the nature of the work to be performed. (c) preparation deslrable for the performance of the work of the class. (d) the dates, time~ place and manner of making application and method of securing a.pplica- tAChs. (e) minimum qualifications required. The notice may.contain such additional information as in the discretion of the Personnel Board seems pertinent. Section 2. Application forms: Applicatitns shall be made on forms provided by the Fersonnel Board. Such forms shall require information covering training, experience, citizenship, and other pertinent information, and may include certificates of one or more examining physicians, references and finger- printing, and may include provisions for investigation and re- port by city offices or others. Ail applications must be signed by the person applying. Section 3. Acceptance of applications: The applica- tion for appointment s~'ali be considered if it meetS in form and substance the requirements of this rule, is filed within the time prescribed, and said application has not been rejected for cause by the Personnel Board. Further information may be required of the applicant upon request by the Personnel Board. Section 4. Disqualiflc~tlon.~, The Personnel Board shall reject and aUSho~ize the' ~,~a~ -o~'--- and~n:::$:~h'Other places as the Personnel Board deems advisable~ inclUdl~'at least one newspaper circulated in the city. The announcement shall be published and posted at least thirty (30) days prior to time for filing applications. The announcement shall specify: (a) the title and pay range of the class for which the examination is announced. (b) the nature of the work to be performed. (c) preparation desirable for the performance of the work of the class. (d) the dates, times place and manner of making application and method of securing applica- tions. (e) minimum qualifications required. The notice may contain such additional information as in the discretion of the Personnel Board seems pertinent. Section 2. Application forms: Applicati6ns shall be made on forms provided b~ the Fersonnel Board. Such forms shall require information covering training, experience, citizenship, and other pertinent information, and may include certificates of one or more examining physicians, references and finger- printing, and may include provisions for investigation and re- port by city offices or others. Ail applications must be signed by the person applying. Section 3. Acceptance of applications: The applica- tion for appointment shall be considered if it meets in form and substance the requirements of this rule, is filed within the time prescribed, and said application has not been rejected for cause by the Personnel Board. Further information may be required of the applicant upon request by the Personnel Board. Section ~. DlsQualif~catlo~n: The Personnel Board shall reject and authorize the Fex'~onnel Officer to reject any application which indicates on its face that .the applicant does not possess the minimum qualifications required £or the posi- tion. Applications also shall be rejected if the applicant is not a citizen of the United Sta~es; is physically unfit for the performance of duties of the position to which he seeks appoint- ment; is of bad character; is addicted to the habitual excessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor; has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; has made false statement of any material fact, or practiced, or. attempted to practice, any deception or fraud in his application; has reputation for course of conduct not compatible with duties he would assume. Whenever an application is rejected, notice of such rejection with statement of reason shall be mailed to the applicant by the Personnel Officer. Defective applications may be returned to the applicant with not,ce to amend the same, providing the time limit for receiving applications has not expired. Section 5. Residence requirement: It shall be the policy of the city to recru~t'personnel from residents of South San Francisco, if qualified applicants can be obtained. If the Personnel Board determines that recruitment from the city will not, in the opinion of the Board, provide a sufficient number of qualified applicants, then the Personnel Board may, by reso- lution, suspend the resident requirement for the particular position upon showing that such suspension of said provision serves the best interest of the public an~the personnel system except that suspension of the requi~ementfor promotional exami- nations shall be by resolution of the CltYoOuncll. RULE VII EXAMINATION Section 1. Nature and types .of examinationsi 'The selection techniques u~e~ ln,.¥the examination process shall De impartial, of a practical-h~U~.:~n~all relate to those sub- Jects which, in She oPinion ~f~?~h~?i!~~nel Board, fairly measure the relative capacities._o~ it~e~'~erson's examined to exe- cute the duties and responsibilitieSof the class to which they seek to be appointed. (RES. #3046 ADOPTED 7/25/60) Examlrtations shall consist of.~such recognized per- sonnel select'[Oh techniques as achievement tests, aptitude tests, evaluation of personality and background ~hrough per- sonal interviews, performance tests, evaluation of daily work performance, work samples, or physical agillty tests or any combination of them. Examinations shall be in two parts, one part written and one part oral. ..... · :' Section 2. Promotional examinations:. Promotional <~xaminations may be COnducted whenever theneeds of the service 'i'i'~qulre. Promotional examinations may include any of the selec- tion techulques mentioned in Section I of this rule, or any combination of them, and may ~uclude evaluation of prior city service' and accomplishment in speclal training courses. Only permanent employees who meet the requirements set forth in the promotional examination announcements n:a¥ compete ia promotional examinablons, except that when the.Personnel Board determines that the best interest of the public and the personnel system would be served by permitting in addition to permanent employees, others than permanent employees in the competitive service to compete in said examination, it shall forward said determination to the City Council and the City Council may by resolution sus- pend the requirement that the promotional examination be limited to permanent employees in the competitive service and determine the qualifications required for the permanent employees and others than permanent'employees necessary to make application for the promotional examination. Requirements for the examina- ticks shall be set by the City Council. All candidates must possess the' minimum qualifications necessary to perform the duties o~ the class or position to which promotion is sought. Section 3. Conduct of examinattons~ The Personnel Board shall determine the manner ~Sd method~'-aod by whom exam- inations shall be prepared and administered. The City Council, upon recommendation of the Personnel Board, may contract with any competent agency or individual for the performance by such agency or individual of the responsibility for preparing and administering examinations. In the absence of such a contract, the Personnel Officer shall perform such duties. The Personnel Officer shall arrange for the use of public buildings and equip- ment for the conduct of examinations and shall render such as- sistance as shall be requiredwith respect thereto. Section ~. Scoring examinations and 9ualifTin~ scores: A candidate's score in a given examination shall be the average of his scores on each competitive part of the examination, weighted sixty per cent (60%) for written parts; forty per cent (~0%) for oral parts. Minimum passing score for all parts of theexamination shall be seVenty per cent (70%). Failure in one part of the examination shall be grounds for declaring such applicant s~ ,mAXi~g in the enti~e examination, Or as disquali- fied *,,,' subsequent parts of an examination. The. Personnel o~ard may, in its discretion, include as a part of the examina- tion except promotional examinations tests which are qualifying only. Section 5. Credit points for Veterans and service in (a) Veteran status: A veteran who becomes eliglble for certification from eligible lists by attaining the passing mark established for the examination shall be allowed the fol- lowing additional credits: F~'~.e points, ex~ examlnations~~.'ud~d*A~!iof ,the Selec ticn techniques mentioned in Section I of thlsvule, or any combination of them, and may ~nclude evaluation ofprior city service' and accomplishment in special training courses. Only permanent employees who meet the requirements set forth in the promotional examination announcements n:ay compete in promotional examinations, except that when the.Personnel Board determines that the best interest of the public and the personnel system would be served by permitting in addition to permanent employees, others~than permanent employees in the competitive servic® to compete in said examination, it shall forward said determination to the City Council and the City Council may by resolution sus- pend the requiremen~ that the promotional examination be limited to permanent employees in the competitive s.ervice and determine the qualifications required for the permanent employees and others than permanent~employees necessary to make application for the promotional examination. Requirements for the examina- tions shall be set by the City Council. Ail candidates must possess the minimum qualifications necessary to perform the duties of the class or position to which promotion is sought. Section 3. Conduct of examinations~ The Personnel Board shall determine the manne~ a5d method~--aod by whom exam- inations shall be prepared and administered. The City Council, upon recommendation of the Personnel Board, may contract with any competent agency or individual for the performance by such agency or individual of the responsibility for preparing and administering examinations. In the absence of such a contract, the Personnel Officer shall perform such duties. The Personnel Officer shall arrange for the use of public buildings and equip- ment for the conduct of examinations and shall render such as- sistance as shall be required with respect thereto. Section ~. Scorin~ examinations and qualifFin~ scores: A candidate's score in a given examination Shall be the average of his scores on each competitive part of the examination, weighted sixty per cent (60%) for written parts; forty per cent (~0%) for oral parts. Minimum passing score for all parts of the examination shall be seVenty per cent (70%). Failure in one part of the examination shall be grounds for declaring such applicant a~ ~mAxing ira the entire examination, or as disquali- fied *,,.- ~ubsequent parts of an examination. The. Personnel o~ard may, in its discretion, include as a part of the examina- -tion except promotional examinations tests which are qualifying only. Section 5. Credit points for Veterans and service in _grad~: (a) Veteran status: A veteran who becomes eligible for certification fro~ eligible lists by attaining the passing mark established for the examination shall be allowed the fol- lowing additional credits: Fd.~e points, except for promotional examinations in which case no points shall be allowed. Such -credit shall be added to the percentage attained in the examina- tion by the veteran. The name of each shall be placed on the eligible list for appointment in the order and on the basis of the percentage attained in examination after the appropriate credit has been added. (b) Seniority credit: In all cases of promotional examinations an employee in the competitive service who be, comes eligible for certification from eligible lists by attain- ing the passing mark established for the examination shall be allowed the following additional credits: One-half (1/2) point for each year after the probationary year, but said credit shall not exceed eight points. Such credit shall be added to the per- centage attained in the examination. The name shall be placed on the eligible list for appointment in the order and on the basis of the percentage attainted in examination after the ap- Dropriate credit has been added. Section 6. Notification of examination results and review of papers: EacH-~h-~B~l~ate i~ an exan~ination shall be ~iv~' written notice of the results thereof, and if successful, of his final earned score and rank ¢~n the employment list. Any candidate shall have the right to inspect his own examination paper. Any error in computation, if called to the attention of the Personnel Board within one month after the date of mailing of notices, shall be corrected. Such corrections shall not, however, invalidate appointments previously made. RULE viii EMPLOYMENT LISTS Section 1. E__~loyment lists: As soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the Personnel Officer shall prepare and keep available an employment list consisting 6f the~ nsmes Of +Candidates Wh qUal_fied in the ex~mination, arranged in Order of' final s~ores,, from the highest to ~he !ow- est quali~ying score.' ~enever identical ratings are earned, name~ Shall be a~r~nged tn order of relative scores earned in the most heavily weighted or most important part>of the examin- ation. The employment list shall then be submIt~ed~to the Per- sonnel Board and the City Council, the C!ty~Macagerand the de- Partment head. ,Section ~'. Dur~t!on of emDloy~en~ '.Lists~ Employment lis~s shall ~ec0me'eff~.'~'~.'~n the ap~rova---~ thereof by-the Board, and upon its endorsing 'thereon a certification that the list was legally prepared and represents the relative ~atings of the persons whose names appear on it. EmpLoyment.~.~lia~, ex- cept promotional employment lists~ shall remain in six (~) months, unless sooner exhausted, and may be extended~ prior to their expiratio~ dates, by action of the City CounCil, for additional three month periods, but in no event shall an. employment list remain in effect fo~ more than one year. Pro- motional employment lists shall remain in effect for one year unless sooner exhausted, and may be extended by action of the Personnel Board for additional three (3) month perlods~ but in no event shall said list be extended for more than one addi- tional year. Section 3. Re-employment list{: The names'of proba- tionary and permanent employees who have been lald o£fjshall be placed on appropriate re-employment lists in the orde~'.'.of>:their seniority. Such names shall remain thereon for a perlodOftwo (2) years unless such persons are sooner re-employed. When a re-employment list is to be used to fill 'vacan- cies, the Personnel Board sh~ll certify from the top of such list the number of names equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, and the appointing power shall appoint such persons to fill the vacancies. Section $. Recognition of prevlpus employment lists: Employment lists in effect a~' the time of ~he effective date of the Personnel Ordinance are to be recognized as lists established under the ordinance. These lists shall remain in effect as pro- vided in Section 2 of this rule, such effectiveness to date back to the time the lists were originally established. Section 5. Removal of names from lists: The name of any person appearing on an employment, ~-employment or promo- tional list shall be removed by the Personnel Officer if the eligible requests in writing that his name be removed, if fails to respond to a notice of certification sent by certified mail to his last known address, within ten days after mailing of such notice, or if he has been certified for appointment three times and has not been appointed. The person affected shall be notified of the removal of his name by a notice mailed to his last known address. ~e names of 'persons on promotional employment lists who resign from the service shall automatically be dropped from such listS. six (~)months, prior to their expiration dates, by action of the City OoUn~!l, for additional three month periods, but in no event shall employment list remain in effect for more than one year. Pro- motional employment lists shall remain in effect for one (1) year unless sooner exhausted, and may be extended by action of the Personnel Board for additional three (3) month periods, but in no event shall said list be extended for more than one addi- tional year. Section 3. Re-employment lists: The namesof proba- tionary and permanent employees who have been laid off,shall be placed on appropriate re-employment lists in the ordebof~their seniority. Such names shall remain thereon for a periodOftwo (2) years unless such persons are sooner re-employed. When a re-employment list is to be used to flll%acan- cies, the Personnel Board shall certify from the top of such list the number of names equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, and the appointing power shall appoint such personsto fill the vacancies. Section $. Recognition of p~evious employment lists: Employment lists in effect at-the time of the ef~ec~ive'da~e of the Personnel Ordinance are to be recognized as lists established under the ordinance. These lists shall remain in effect.as pro- vided in Section 2 of this rule, such effectiveness to date back to the time the lists were originally established. Section 5. Removal of names from lists: The name~of any person appearing on an employment, re-employment or prom°- tional list shall be removed by the Personnel Officer if the eligible requests in writing that his name be removed, if fails to respond to a notice of certification sent by certified mall to his last known address, withinten days after mailing of such notice, or if he has been 'certified for appointment three times and has not been appointed. The person affected shall be notified of the removal of his name by a notice mailed to his last known address. The names~of 'persons on promotional employment lists who resign from the service shall automatically be dropped from such lists. RULE'IX METH, OD OF FILLING VA~CANCIES Section !. Types of appointment: All vacancies in the competitive service'shall be Tilled by re-employment, trans- fer, demotion, or from eligibles certified by the Personnel Board from an appropriate employment or promotional list,, if available. In the absence of persons eligible for appointment in these ways, provisional appointments may be permitted in accordance with the personnel ordinance and these rules. Section 2. Notice to Personnel Officer: Whenever a vacancy in the competitive service is' to be filled, the depart- " ment head shall notify the Personnel Officer. The Personnel. Officer shall advise the appointing power, City Manager and de-~. partment head as to the availability of employees for re-emploY- ment, requests for tra~sfers,' or demotion and of eligibles on employment or promotional lists for the class. Section 3. Certification of ell6ibles: The apPoint- ing power shall indieatekhether it iS'desired ~o fill the va- cancy by re,employment, transfer, or demotion, or whether cer- tiflcation from a promotional or employment list is preferred. If appointment is to be made from an employment or promotional list, the names of all persons ,illlng to accept appointment shall be certified. Section $. Order of certification: Whenever certi- fication is to be made, the'employment Ii,ts, if each exists, shall be used l~the following order: re-employment list, promotional list, open-competitive list. Whenever there are fewerthan three names on a promotionallist or an open-competi- tive list the appO~ting authority may make an appointment from among such eligibles Or may request the Personnel Board to es- tablish a new list. When so requested the Personnel Board shall held a new examination and establish a new employment list. ' 'i seCtion 5,~'Appolntment: As a prerequisite for em-'~' Ploymen~'and aPPOintmen%~theel~glble shall be fingerprinted '~ and identification verified b~ ~he Police Department.and he shalleS'Zablish his residence in the C'lty of South San Francisco within one (1) year afterappoin~ment and before~permanent appd!ntme:~t. The"' Personnel period 'for establishing residence~'f0r one actt'on not to exceed a total 'of six bationary period shall' b· extended'for the~same length of time. The City Council shall beC'the appoin$1ng"power for all departs ment head classes or positions.. After"interview and investiga- tion and recommendation of th~.'.City Mansger, the City Council may make appointment from among those certified, and shall im- mediately notify the Personnel Officer of the person or persons appointed. The City Manager shall be the appointing power for all classes or positions below the position of department head. After interview and investigation and recommendation of the department head, the City Manager may make appointment from among those certified, and shall immediately notify'~the Person- nel Clerk of t~e person or persons appointed. The Personnel Officer shall notify the person appolnted, and if the applicant accepts the appointment ~nd presents himself for duty within such period of time as the appointing authority shall prescribe, he sha~.l be deemed to be appointed; otherwise, he shall be deemed to have declined the appointment. Section 6. Provisional appointments: In the absence of appropriate employment lis~s, a-provisional appointment may be made by the appointing power of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. An employment list shall be established within six months for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. The Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extend said period for any provisional appointment and list for not more than thirty days by any one action, not to exceed three (3} such extensions. When a position is to be filled by provisional appointment, or a provisional appointment is to be extended, the Council shall direct the City Clerk to record such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. No special credit shall be allowed in meeting any qualification or i~ the giving of any test or the establishment of any employment or promotional lists, for service rendered under a provisional appointment. Section 7. Emergency appointments~ To meet ~the im- mediate requirements of an emergency condition, such as'extra- ordinary fire, flood or earthquake, which threatens public life or property, a member of the City Council, City Manager, depart- ment head, or their designated legally competent officer or em- ployee may employ such persons as may be needed for the duration of the emergency without regard to the personnel ordinance or rules affecting appointments. As soon as possible, such ap- pointments shall be reported to the Personnel Officer. RULE X PROBATIONARY PERIOD Section I. Regular appointment following probation- ary period: All original and pi~omotlonal appointmenbs shall be ~e~tative and~subJect to a p~bationary period of not less than one (1) year. The City Council may, by resolution, es- tablish a longer probationary~per~od for specified classes. The Personnel Officer shall notify the appointing authority, department head and the probationer concerned one month prior to the termination of aoy probationary period. In those classes in which the City Manager is the appointing power, the department head shall submit a report to the City Manager as to whether the probationary employee has such period of time as the appointing authority shall prescribe, he sba3.1 be deemed to be appointed; othe~wise, he shall be deemed to have declined the appointment. Section 6. Provisiona~ ~Opolntments: In the absence of appropriate employm~nb lis2s, a provisional appointment may be made by the appointing power of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. An employment list shall be established within six months for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. The Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extend said period for any provisional appointment and list for not more than thirty days by any one action, not to exceed three (B) such extensions. When a position is to be filled by provisional appointment, or a provisional appointment is to be extended, the Council shall direct the City Clerk to ~ecord such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. No special credit shall be allowed in meeting any qualification or in the giving of any test or the establishment of any employment or promotional lists, for service rendered under a provisional appointment. Section 7. EmerRenc~ appointments: To meet .the im- mediate requirements of an emergency condition, such as~extra- ordinary fire, flood or earthquake, which threatens public life or property, a member of the City Council, City Manager, depart- ment head, or their designated legally competent officer or em- ployee may employ such persons as may be needed for the duration of the emergency without regard to the personnel ordinance or rules a£fecting appointments. As soon as possible, such ap- pointments shall be reported to the Personnel Officer. RULE ? ?RpB~TIO~NARY PERIOD ~ ~ectlon I. Regular appolntm~nt followin~ probation- ??'~ry period. Ail ori~inal ~nd pvpmotional appointments shall be te.~.~ative and.~subJe'Ct to a probationary period of not less than one (1) year. The City Co~gcii may,'by resolution, es- tablish a longer probationary%ip~iOd fo~,.Specifled classes. The Personnel Officer shall~i~6jti~the~apPolnting authority, department head and the pr0~A~ioner concerned one month prior to the termination of aoy probationary period. In those classes in which the City Manager is the appointing power, the department head shall submit a report to the City Manager as to whether the probationary employee has been satisfactory or. unsatisfactory~ The City Manager shall endorse thereon or add his recommendation and forward the de- partment head's report, together with his recommendation, to the Personnel Board. The City Manager shall then continue or terminate the employment at the close of the probationary per- iod. In those classes in which the City Council is the ap- pointing power, the City Manager shall submit a report as to whether the probationary employee has been satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The City Council shall endor~e~thereon or add its recommendation and forward the City Manager's~report, to- gether with the City Council's recommendation, to the'Personnel Board. The City Council sh~ll then continue or terminate the employment at the close of the probationary period. During the period of probation, quarterly reports of the probationer's performance shall~.~elforwarded tothe Person-' nel Board in the same manner as above'provided for the fina~ report prior to the termination of the probationary period. Section 2. Objective of probatiomary ~eriod: The probationary period sha-Yl-~-~ega~B as a ~ar-~of ~the testing process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employ- ee's work, for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to his position~ and for rejecting any probationary employee whose'performance does not meet the required standards of work. Section 3. Rejection of probationer: During the pro- bationary period an employee may be rejected at any time by the appointi~g power without cause and without the right to appeal, except as hereafter may be provided. Notification of rejection in writing shall be served on the probmtioner and a copy filed with the Personnel Officer and the Personnel Board. The Board may review such action and make a recommendation, but no such recommendation shall be binding on the appointing power unless the Board shall find such d~missal was the result of political, religious or racial discrimination. 110 "-.'a'~,' ' Section 4, te3e~tion' promoti~n:' i Ployee rejected during the proba~9110wl'n~ ~y em- · ionary'perlod fo~lowing'a .' i. promotional appointment, or at the conclusion.of'the prOba~lgn_ ""' ary/.period, shall b~ reinstated-to the position from which::he waspromoted unless charges~ are:.filed and he is dis,chargedlin the manner PrOvided in the ~ersonnel ordinance and these ~Ules fOlr'p'osltton's in the competitive service. RULE XI ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES Section 1. 2nnual vacation leave: Vacation leave wl~h pay shall be granted to full time employees as follows: Ten work days to those with continuous ser- v-~e from one to the completion of the ninth year of service. Fifteen work days to those with'continuous service from ten to the completion of the nineteenth year of service. In the tenth year of service the employee shall be en- titled:to request fifteen working days va- cation leave, hut if after taking said leave he shall fail to complete said tenth year, a pro rata adjustment shall be made in his termination pay deducting the amount of unearned vacation leave. Twenty work days to those with continuous sWrvi~e for twenty years or more. In the twentieth year of service the employee shall be entitled to request twenty work- ing days vacation leave, but if after tak- ing said leave he shall fail to complete said twentieth year, a pro rata adgustment shall be made in his termination pay de- ducting the amount of unearned vacation leave. An employee may, with the approval of the department head and City ~ianager, defer one (1) calendar ~eek of his annual vacation leave to the succeeding calendar year. The employee shall file written request to defer with the department head, whoit toSha!l'the Cltyup°nManager.end°rslng his ~pprova! or disapproval, submit Employees who terminate employment shall be paid in a lump sum for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of termination. ~o such payment shall be made for vacation accumulated contrary to the provisions o~ these rules. For the purpose of determining earned vacation per month, divide, number of days annual leave due"~mploYee by rea=' son of his years of continuous service by twelve. The times during a calendar year at which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by the department head and approved by the City Manager with due regard for the Wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the',ser- vice. Vacations shall be taken in increments of one week. If the requirements of the service are such that an employee must defer part or all of his annual vacation leave in a parti%eUla~ calendar year, the department head shall file request fog.'Such deferment with the City Manager and obtain his approval. De- ferred vagation which is not taken during the calendar ...... : ...... v~ from one to the completion of the ninth year of service. Fifteen work days to those with continuous service from ten to the completion of the nineteenth year of service. In the tenth year of service the employee shall be en- titled to ~equest fifteen working days va- cation leave, but if after taking said leave he shall fail to complete said tenth year, a pro rata adjustment shall be made in his termination pay deducting the amount of unear~aed vacation leave. Twenty work days to those with continuous service for twenty years or more. In the twentieth year of service the employee shall be entitled to request twenty work- ing days vacation Aeave, but if after tak- ing said leave he shall fall to complete said twentieth year, a pro rata adjustment shall be made in his termination pay de- ducting the amount of unearned vacation leave. An employee may, with the approval of the department head and City Manager, defer one (1) calendar week of his annual vacation leave to the succeeding calendar year. The employee shall file written request to defer with the department head, who shall, upon endorsing his ~pproval or disapproval, submit it to the City Manager. Employees who terminate employment shall be paid in a lump sum for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of termination. No such payment shall be made for vacation accumulated contrary to the proviz.Ions of these. rules. For the purpose of determining earned, vac~ation per month, divide, number of days annual leave due"6mployee by rea-. son of his years of continuous service by twelve. The times during a calendar year at which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by the department head and approved by the City Manager with due regard for the wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the' ser- vice. Vacations shall be taken in increments of one week. If the requirements of the service are such that an employee must defer part or all of his annual vacation leave in a partiCUlar calendar year, the department head shall file request for. such deferment with the City Manager and obtain his approval. De- ferred vacation which is not taken during the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in.which the vacation leave was deferred shall be .compensated for. In the event one or more municipal holidays fall within an annual vacation leave such holidays shall not be charged as vacation leave and the vacation leave shall be ex- tended accordingly. In the event an employee is not permitted to take all of the vacation to which he is entitled in a calendar year, he shall.be permitted to accumulate the unused portion to his credit, provided, that on January 1st of any calendar year he shall not have a total credit of more than thirty working days of vacation except that in case of fire, flood, or other ex- treme emergency an additional accumulation may be approved by the City Manager. The Personnel Off:'.cer shall keep proper records and schedules of vacations accumulated and granted and shall make such reports thereof to the executive officer as he may from time to time require. Section 2. (a) Si.~'l~,ave: Sick leave shall not considered as a privi!eg~-~w~O~:~~an employee-may use at his be ,:;..~., . discretion, but shall be allowed .o~Iy in case of necessity and actual sickness or disability or death in immediate family. Absence from duty by reason of requi~red attendance upon ill or. injured mother, father, husband,, wi~e, son, daughter, :lrother or si~ter, mother-in-law or father-in-law, or by reason of death of person related by blood, by adoption,' or by marriage, or any person residing in the immediate household of the em-' ployee shall not exceed five (5) days of any calendar year. · , Sick leave with pay may be allowed to full time em- ployees at the rate of one week day for each calendar month of servi~;": a~cumula~e, at the 'r&~e,,.~.:.~..twelve.. (~2)'"'de'~s.,.a .~ear to "';,~'. tgtal of sixty (60)'days for full: time e~..~y~,e~ · (lO).~ea~s'or. lees Continuous.service and ~in~. (9O)'da~$ ~l~t~me'.~mplOyee~., with .mor~'..than'ten (lO) and'less 'than.twen- :~7".(~O.):Ye:~rs':'cont'inuous"~[cc,, and One hundl-e.d ~nd (120),dayS'::fo~'ffUll(ti~e employees with twenty (20] yea~s 'or, more :cOntinuous serVice~i~:.."~ ' , . -, ii! In order 't~?receive compensation while absent on sick ~ employee shall no~if~ h~ts department head prior to, or within four (~) hours aft~'r~'the"time set.~'for beginning his daily duties, or as specif!e'd'b~-~,.th~.head of"his department. A :departmen~:head.shallmotlfy thel~Ci%Y..M~.nager in the same manner. Should th~abs, enCebe for one day, a personalaffidavit may be requested,.~SH~uld, the absence be for more than one day, the em- ployee shall file with the department head a physician's cer- tificate, or personal affidavit, whichever may be required in the discretion of the department head, or City Manager in the case of a department head. Upon written approval of the depart- ment head, filed with City Manager, sick leave shall be granted not to ~xceed ten (10) working days. Should sick leave be re- quested for, or extended for a period more than ten (10) days, the employee's written request must be approved by the depart- ment head and by the City Manager. t~pon such approval by the City Manager, sick leave)pay shall be granted for a period not to exceed forty-five (~5 working days. Should sick leave be required for more than forty-five (45) working days, employee's written request shall be forwarded through department head and City Manager to City Council; and upon the Clty:.Council's ap- proval, sick~leave shall be granted for a period not to exceed a total of sixty (60) days for full time employeeS with ten (10) years or Ies~ contindous service and a total of ninety (90) days for full time employees with more than ten years and less than twenty (20) years continuous service, and one hundred and twen- ty (120) days for full time:employees with twenty (20) years or more continuous service.. ~A report of sick leave shall.be made to the Personnel Board so that it may be reviewed. Such leave credit earned for service under the prior ordinance, and rules Shall be continued under Ordinance No'~ 449 and these ~uleS and Regulations. Se6tlon'2. (b) Sick leave in addition to disability indemnity for industrial~lnJur~: An employee who is entitled to %emporary disability indemnit~ because of injury in course of employment may elect to take .as much of his accumulated' sick leave, or his accumulated vacation, or his accumulated compen- sableovertime, as when added to his disability Indemn~ty~Will result in a payment to him of not more than his full salary or wage. When computing vacation, sick leave or overtime under this section, the employeo shall be given credit for any holl- days that occur during the period of absence hereunder. He is nevertheless en.titled to medical, surgical, and hospital treat- ment as provided under State law for Injuries Im course of em- ployment. When accumulated sick leay~, vacation or oVertime, or all, are exhausted, he is still entitled to receive disabil- ity indemnit'2. . .. 'Section 2. (c) Reimbursement for c~m~ensable injury': When an'emplbyee uses sick leave or vacabion or ooth, because of an injury compensable as one a~ ~'~.o,,~ (RES. #; AI]Ot TEl 7/25, ~ PhySician's.cer- tificate,' or Personal affidavit, 'whichever may be requl~ed in the discretion of.the department head, or City Manager in the case of a department head. Upon written approval of the depart- ment head, filed with City Panager, sick leavesha11 be granted not to axceed ten (10) working days. Should sick leave be re- quested for, or extended for a period more than ten (10) days, the employee's written request must be approved by the depart- ment head and by the City ~anager. ,Upon such approval by the City Manager, sick, leave pay shall be granted for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) workir~ days. Should sick leave be required for more than forty-five (45) working days, employee's written request shall be forwarded through department head and City Manager to City Council; and upon the City Council's ap- proval, sick-leave shall be granted for a period not to exceed a total of sixty (60) da~s for full time employees with ten (10) years or Ies~ continuous service and a total of ninety (90) days for full time employees with more than ten years and less than twenty (20) years continuous service, and one hundred and twen- ty (120) days for full time employees with twenty (20) years or more continuous service. A report of sick leave shall.be made to the Personnel Board so that it may be ~eviewed. Such leave credit earned for service under the prior ordinance, and rules Shall be continued under Ordinance No'~' ~$9 and these Rules and Regulations. Section~ 2. (b) S~ck leave in addition to disability indemnity for industrial.~inJury: An employee who is entitled to temporary disabi~ity {ndemn~%~ because of injury in course of employment may elect to take as much of his accumuIate~slck leave, or his accumulated vacation, or his accumulated compen- sable overtime, as when added to his disability Indemnlty-~ill result in a payment to him of not more than his full salary or wage. When computing vacation, sick leave or overtime under this section, the employeo shall be given credit for any holl- days that occur during the period of absence hereunder. He is nevertheless entitled to medical, surgical, and hospital treat- ment as provided under State law for injuries i~ course of em- ployment. When accumulated sick lea~, vacation or overtime, or all, are exhausted, he is still e~titled to receive diSabil- ity indemnity. Section 2. (c) Reimbursement, for c~mpensable injury: When an emplbyee uses sick leave or vacatio6 or both, be0ause of an injury compensable as one as ~'result 'oran accident cc, curriog in course of employment, and the City is reimbursed by a third person for its damages by reason of such use, there shall be granted, for credit to the employee's sick leave or vacate, on account, sick leave or vacation equivalent to the amount so used or proportionately ~f reimbursement is only in part. If the City does not collect from the third person the full amount of the compensation paid and other damages for which it is liable to the employee, and if the amount collected is not itemized so that there may be ascertained the amount col- lected in reimbursement for the sick leave or vacation used-, the sick-leave or vacation to be credited shall be in the same ratio to the sick leave or vacation used as the total amount collected bears to the total amount of the City's damages. "Sick leave" or "vacation" as used in this rule includes sick leave or vacation credit used to augment disability indemnity. Section 3. Military leave: Military leave shall be granted in accordance withe%ne provisions of state law. Ail employees entitled to military leave shall give the appointing power an opportunity within the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. Section ~. Leave o? absence: The City Council may grant a permanent emp!o~-~;e--l-e~U~--8-f-~sence without pay for not to exceed cue year. No such leave shall be granted unless writ~ ten request of the employee approved by the department head and City Manager is filed with the City Council. Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave~ or within a reasonable period of time after notice to return to duty~ the employee shall be re- instated in the position held at the time leave was granted. Failure on the part of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expiration, 'or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty, may be cause for discharge. Section 5, Hours of work: All offices of the City, except those f~r which'special regulations are required, shall be kept open for business on all days of the year except Satur- days and Sundays and holidays continuously from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. ' . ,~;. ,, ,~ .,..;'.:" schedule t~n. t~;';~ene~ll~ appl~e~, s~ll; ~rk. aooo~ns ~o ~ulat~ons p~~d' by. the ~es~ct'~.. sup~r~'~S~ official 'and approved"~¥:'~he'":Oit2 ~nag~ and ~he City Co,oil. Section 6. A,ttend~..nce,, .;EmployeeSi~:s.ha~!:.'be'..in.at~ln- dance at their w0~k.,in ac.cO,dance wish .the~l~:S'~-[~~X~- of work, holi~y~d~lea~S~., , ~llU~m~:~t~. ~t:,-~>a~':'emplo2- .ee. absent ~lth~t 'leave, to ~.-~~ :~o dUt~. <~!~h~n .~ent~-four to' ~ause (2~) hours 'afte~ notice ~~ ~.~b.~":. ~ iron' · ~ ..... . ~ - ~;~. .~ /,.': .' . ', '.. /::. ?.~':. Section 7. Hol~da~'s=,.~:~n~clpal.o~f~cea shall '~'~b'Sed on the following ~egal :~O~i'~aFs~. ~;~,;?~' · .?~,:c.."~-' (a) ~ Year's ~y,~':Li'ncoln 's'.B~thday,. ~( ?' ...~'~ton's Birthday, ~rlal '~:~, Admission ~y, ~b:~ ~y, Ool~bus ~y,::. .~ ;..:?~anksgivi~, ~mistiee ~y, C~is't~s, Good~ ~iday f~m twelve noon until thefhour of -' - .... thee, ~st ~ridian ':and.eve~ ~2-On~ which an election is held th~u~out the'~state.~ ' ~ (b) ~en a holi~Yfalls on a'~t~day, ~11 ti~ employees, except for de~rt~nt ~ads, s~ll have a day off as approved by delft-. ~nt head. ~en a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the followi~ Monday. c) ~ployees of the Safety.~partments. Fire, Police and Sanitation) shall be com- pensated fop the following holidays: (New Year's~ ~y, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington.s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, AdmissiOn Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day Thanksgiving, Armistice Day, Christmas$ by an additional daB's pay, or compensating time off, if the'holiday, or. day of obser- -' vance, falls on said employej'%s working day..' or day of rest. Should the+employee be un- able to work on a holiday, which is his day of work, due to an injury in course of his employment, he shall receive-an additional day's pay or compensating time off provided he does not receive compensation for said day from other sources. Should the employee be unable ~o work on a holiday which is his work day because of sickness, he shall be en- titled to an additional day's pay provided he makes up the day Of work. RULE XII PAY AND ADJUSTMENTS Section 1. Applications of rates= Employees occupy- lng a position in the competitive service shall be paid a salary or wage within the range established for that position's class under the pay plan as pPovided 'by Rule V.. The minimum rate for the class generally shall apply to employees upon.~riginal.aP, pointment. However, the appointing authoritY~ may,:When circum- stances warrant it,~appoint at. other thanthe.first'step. Of-.. fleers and employeeS re,employed after layoff'shall' recelve..a ' rate within the range established for the class, and according. to seniority, and approved by the City Manager and the' appoint- ing power. Whenever an employee or employees are recruited for a position ara step other than the first within a range, all employees inthe same position in stepsbelow the recruitment step shall be raised to the step at which the new employee or employees were recruited. (a.)" New Year's Day'~YLt'ncoln's~'B}~thday, Wash- ington ' s Birthday, MemO.rial ~y~**: Inde~ndeP~e :".~2, Admission Day, ~bo~ ~y, Columbus ~anksgivl~, ~istlce ~y, C~ist~s, Good' ~iday from twelve noon until the: hour of three ~st meridian and eve~ ~y on which an e~eetton is held th~ughout the state. (b) ~en a holiday falls on a' ~t~da~, ~11 time employees, except for de~rt~nt ~ads, s~ll have a day off as approved by de~rt- ~nt head. ~en a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the followi~ Monday. }c) ~ployees of the Safety.~partments Fire, Police and~..~nitatlon) shall be com- pensated for the following holidays: (New Year's~ ~y, Lincoln' s Birthday, Washington. s Birt~y, ~morlal Day, Independence Day, ~issiOn Day, ~bor ~y, Columbus Day~ ~a~Sgivl~, A~istice Day, Christmas) an additional day's pay, or co~nsati~ . ti~ off, if the *holiday, or. day of obser vance, falls on said e~loye~'-.,s Worki~ day. or day .of ~st. Should the~.e.~loyee be un- able to work on a holiday, which is his da2 of work, due to an inJu~ in course of his employment, he shall ~ceive an additional day's pa2 or compensati~ ti~ off p~vided he does not 'receive compensation for said day from other sources. Should the employee be unable ~o ~ork on a holiday which is his work day because of slc~ess, he shall be en- titled to an additional day's pay p~vided he ~kes up the day Of' work. RULE XII PAY AND ADJUSTMENTS Section 1. ~pplications of rates: Employees occupy- lng a position in the competitive service s~all be paid a salary or wage within the range established for that position's class under the pay plan'as p~ovided 'by Rule V. The minimum rate for the class generally shall .apply to employees upon..original aP, pointment. However,.the appointing, authority may,:when circum, stances' warrant it, appoint at:other than the first'step. Of,' fleers and employees re-emPloyed after layoff shalZreceive..a rate within the range established f°r the class, and accor~lng.~ to seniority, and approved by' the City Manager and the' appoint- ing power. Whenever an employee or employees are recruited for~ a position at a step other than the first within a range, all employees in the same position in steps below the recruitment step shall be raised to the step at which the new employee or employees were recruited. Section 2. Advancement: No salary advancement shall be made so as to exceed the maximum rate established in the pay: plan for the class to which the advanced employee's position i~i' allocated. An employee shall be eligible for advancement when he has been in the, step for one year or the prescribed time,~.' provided his performance meets the"requirements for advancement, as exemplified by recommendations of his supervising official, '~ length of service, performance record, special training under- taken, or other pertinent evidence. RULE XIII TRANSFER, PROMOTION~ DEMOTION' SUSPF,NSION AND .R~_INSTATEMENT 'Section 1. Transfer: After notice to the personnel Officer, an employee may be transferred by the appointing power at any time from one position to another position in the same or comparable class. If the transfer involves a change from,' the Jurisdiction of one supervising official to another, bo%h must consent thereto unless the'City Council.orders the trans- fer for purposes of. economy or efficiency. Transfer shall not be used to effectuate a promotion, demotion, advancement, or reduction, each.Of which may be accomplished onl/2~/as-prOvide~ in the personnel ordtnanoe'.and in these rules;~.iNOperson shA. l~ he'.transferred to a position for which he.dO~s~ not possess the minimum qualifications..-~,'u? -..~;.,.,:.,: 'section 2. PrO~:tlon: Insofar as.practtcable~£~d? consistentWith .the best*interests of cies in the.competitive gervtce shali~be.fllle~ by'.:!Promotton Sect/On ~. Reinstatement: N/th the approval of the apPo/nttng powe~ ~n .~employee who has res~ed w~th a go~d rec- ord · ay be relnstated..w~thln one ~e&r .to ~h~". fo~ ~S~/~n, ~f ~cant, ~o~.to a ~vaeant pos~t~o~ In 'the s~e o~ comparable ' Section~:.l, Discha~e~ An employee in the 'Co~etitive service ~y~.~be~.diS~ge~:as ~ereln p~i~ and as provided In the personnel/o~l~nce.-~ '~e City O~unell ~y o~deP~dXsmissal of a de~rtment ~head. ~e.. Clty..~ger before exerclsi~ the power of dismissal of a ~part~nt '~ad shall: first obtain auth- orization to so dismiss '~om the City Council. ~e City ~nager may dismiss any emplOyee in' the competitive service below the class of de~rtment head. ~partment heads, before exereisi~ the power of dismissal as to employees In thei~ debutants, shall first obtain ~uthorl~ation from the City ~nager. ~ ~..~ Section 2,.~ ~2~ff: ~e appointi~ powe~ ~y lay off an employee in the c0mpe~l~lve se~lce because of ~terial change In duties or organizatlon~or 'shortage of work ~r funds. ~n working days before the effective date of a layoff, ~he appoint- i~ authority shall noti~ the Personnel Officer of the intended action ~ith ~asons therefor, 'and:' a statement certifying whether or not' the services off the e~loyee have been satisfactory. A copy of~.aUch notice shall be given the e~loyee affected. If certified as having given saCisfacto~ service, the name of the employee laid off shall be placed on the appropriate employment list as' provided by these rules. If not certified as havi~ given satisfactory service, the employee lald off ~y interpret ~he action as a discharge and request a hearing as provlded by the personnel ordinance and these ~les. (RES. #304 ADOPTED .7/25/6£ Section 3. Resicnation: An employee wishing to leave the competitive service in good standing shall file with the supervising official a written resignation stating the effective date and reasons for leaving. No formal acceptance of the res- ignation is required. A resignation which would by its terms be effective immediately or effective upon filing with the super- vising, official terminates the emploMment. A resignation which by its *terms is effective on a day certain term/nates employment as of close of business of sald day. The resignation shall be forwarded'to the Personnel Officer w/th a statement by the ap- pointing 'power Ur department head as to the resigned employee's service, performance and other pertinent information concerning the cause for resignation. from within the competitive service, after a promotional exami- nation has been given and a p~omotional list established. If, in the opinion of the appointing power, a vacancy in-the position could be £illed better by an open, competitive examination instead of a closed, promotionai 'examination, then the appointing power may instruct the Personnel Board to call for applications for the ~acancy and arrange for an open, com- petitive examination and for the preparation and certification of an eligible list. Section 3.. Demotion: The appointing power may demote an emplOyee~whose'ability tb~perform his required duties falls bel°w-s~andard, °r~'for disciplinary purposes. Upon reouest of the employee, a~ with consent of the prospective~supe~vising official, demotion may re.made to ~ va~amnt position as a sub- stituti°n~f°r layoff.' ~No'employee'~shall be demoted to a posi- tion for which he 'does not possess ~the minimum c~ml~,~,~o ~tty I~na~er. :': "i:~' *~ ."~,~:'~'~Sectlon 12~'?.~~, The appointin~ power may lay off 'an emPlOyee in t~e C6mpe~ltlve'servlce because.of material chan~e In duties or or~anizaC$on.or shortage of work ~r funds. ~n wo~kinE days before the effective date of a la,off, ~he appoint- ~n~ authority shall not~ the Personnel Off[ce~ of the ~ntended action with ~easons therefor,'and a statement certifying whether or not the serVices of the e~loyee have been satisfactory. A copy of such notice shall be given the employee affected. If certified as having given satisfactory service, the name of the employee laid off shall be placed on the appropriate employment llst as'p~ovided by these rules. If not certified as having given sa~isfacto~y service, the employee laid off ~y interpret the action as a diseha~ge and ~equest a hearing as p~ovided by the pe~sonnelomdinance and these ~les. Section 3. Resignation: An employee wishing to leave the $ompetitive service in good standing shall file with the supervising official a written resignation stating the effective date and reasons for leaving. No formal acceptance of the res- ignation is required. A resignation which would by its terms be effective immediately or effective upon filing with the super- vising official terminates the employment. A resignation which by its terms is effective on a day certain terminates employment as of close of business of~said day. The resignation shall be forwarded' to the Personnel Officer with a statement by the ap- pointing ~pOwer ~r department head as to the resigned employee's service, performance and other pertinent information concerning the cause for resignation. from within the competitive service, after a promotional exami- nation has been given and a promotional list established. If, in the opinion .of the appointing power, a vacancy in'the ,position could be filled better by a~ open, competitive examination instead of a closed,.promotional 'examln~ation, then the appointing power may instruct the Personnel Board to call for applications for the ~acancy and arrange for an open, com- petitive examination and for the preparation and certification · of an eligible li~t. Section B.. .Demotion: Th~ appointing power may demote an employee..whose'abi!ity to,perfOrm his required duties falls below.Sb'~ndard, .or.~for disciplinary purposes. Upon request of the employee, a~'with consent of the prospective supervising official, ~demotion may te.made'"to ~ vacant position as a sub- stitution~for layoff. No'employee 'shall be demoted to.a posi- tion for which he 'does not possess the minimum qpalifications. Written notice of~.the demotion sh~!2, be mgiven, th~employee be- fore ~he effective da'te of'the demotion, and~A~ copy filed with the Personnel ~fficer~ Should su employee b~h'demoted because of inability t° pehfor~ duties $~Tor disc plinary purposes, the smployee may request a'heari~g before the Personnel Board. Sectton~. Suspension:. 'The City Ciuncil, City Mana- ger,~ and department heads, each, except-as limited herein or/as limited in ~the personnel ordinance, Shgll have authority to sus- pend an 'employee for disciplinary purpose or for other Just cause for a period'or periods not to exceed thirty (BO) calendar days in a fiscal year. Suspension orders shall be filed with the Personnel Officer. Suspension of department heads shall be by the City Council, or by the city. Manager, after he has first ob- tained approval to so sdspend from the City Council. The City Manager may'.suspend any employee below the class of department head for a period or periods not to exceed thirty (BO) calendar days in a fiscal year. The department head shall have the auth- ority to suspend employees u~der his supervision for a period or periods not to exceed thirty (BO) calendar days in a fiscal year. Total suspension periods for an employee shall not exceed thirty (BO) calendar days in a fiscal year. An employee may, upon be- ing suspended, file an answer or objection to said action with the Personnel Board and said Board shall make an investigation, which shall include an interview with the officer suspending the employee and the suspended employee, with or without a hearing as it deems necessary. The Board shall render a decision within a reasonable time after the hearing or investigation. The sus- pension action shall stand unless modified or revoked by the Board. (RESOLUTION #3046 ADOPTED 7/25/60) RULE XV APPF..qI~ AND HEARINOS Section 1.-~'.~.'Complaints: Any employee in the competi- tive service shal!..have the'right to appeal to the Personnel Board relative tO. any disciplinary action, dismissal, demotion, or alleged violation~of the Personnel ordinance or rules, ex- cept in instances where the right of appeal is prohibited by the personnel.,ordinance or'these rules. The employee may:file a complaint im~Writing'.with the Personnel O~.f!cer. It shall be the duty of ~he Personnel Officer to inform each of the Person- nel Board members and%he appointing power.or othen person com- plained against of the filing of the complaint. Section 2. Invest~ations and 'hearinF~s: Upon the making of any complaint, the ~ersonne[ noar~ shall make such investigati'on as it may deem necesmary. The hearing authorized by the personnel ordinance shall be held within twenty'daYs af- ter the request for the hearing, In all hearings the applicable provisions of the .-personnel ordinance shall apply. Whenever a hearing on any complaint"..~s' tO" be '~held, the Personnel Officer shall notify the person requesting, the hearing. and the' appointing power or other officex~ from whose~ action the appeal is being taken, of the date, time and plac'e .of. the hear- ing and shall publicly post.at such placeS.'.'~As' Board shall prescribe, a notice of the date., time. and plac~ Of the hearing. Unless incapacitated, the person making-the complaint. shall appear personally before the Personnel Board at the hear-' lng, and he may be represented by any person or attorney .he shall select. Upon the conclusion of any investigation or hearing, the Personnel Board shall cause its findings and determinations to be prepared in'. writing and shall certify the same. Such findings and determinations shall be countersigned and filed as a permanent record by the Personnel Officer. The Personnel Offi- cer shall deliver a certified copy of such findings and deter- minations to the City Council and to any other officer or em- ployee affected .by such findings and determinations, or from whose action the appeal was taken, and to the employee or offi- cer ' s representative s. Any member of the Personnel Board may submit a minor- ity or supplemental report which shall be filed as a per=~nent record by the Personnel Officer. If, due to the absence from the city, or the illness or disability of a majority of the Personnel Board, any emPloyee would be deprived of the right of a hearing by the Personnel' Board, in the event he were laid off,' demoted, reduced, or dis- charged, the appointing power shall defer action until the Board is able to function, unless the case be an emergency, in which event the appointing power may suspend the employee until the Board is able to function. The findings and determinations of the Personnel Board shall be final and shall affirm, modify or revoke the disciplinary action, dismissal, demotion, or other action on the alleged violation of the personnel .ordinance or rules. ' RULE XVI TRAINVNG OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. RespOnsibility fo_r training.- . Responsi-. bility for developing training prog~'a~ ~%~ emp1'~yees Shall be assumed Jointly by the Cit~ Council~ City Manager, the Personnel Officer and department heads. Such training program may include lecture courses, demonstrations, assignment of reading matter or such other devices as may be available for the purpose ~of improv, ing the effectiveness and broadening the knowIedge ~of .municipal officers and'employees in the performance of their respeot.ive duties.' - - Section 2. Credi~ for. training: .. ParticiPation. in and successful complet ot%'h-'~f spec~-~~nlng.. C°'urSes'.may':be considered in making advancements and'iPromotions,.:i'. E%idence of such activity shall be filed by the employee with.'the depart-. merit head for filing with the Personnel Officer. (RESOLUTION #3046 ADOPTED 7/25/60) RULE XVII REPORTS AND RECORDS SectiOn 1. Roster cards: The Personnel Officer shall maintain a service or roster card ~or each employee in the ser- vice of the city showing the name, title of position held, the department to which assigned, salary~ changes in. employment sta- tus, and such other information as may be considered pertinent. Section 2. Change of status re?gr_~_t: Every appoint- ment, transfer, promotion, demotio~'c4ang~ 'of salary rate, and any other temporary or permanent change in status of employees shall be reported to the Personnel Officer in such manner as may be prescribed by these rules and regulations. Section 3. Destruction of records: Roster and pay- roll records shall be kept permanently. ~11 other records re- lating to personnel, including correspondence, applications, examinations and reports may be destroyed after one year. Any temporary record may be destroyed at any time by the Personnel Board with the consent of the City Council and the City Attorney. RULE.XVIII COOPERATION .Section 1. Cooperation of municipal officers and employees. Every officer and employee of the Cltyof South San ~anclsco shall coopera~e withthe Personnel Board and the Personnel Officer in order completely to fulfill the ob- Jectives and. purposes of the personnel ordinance and these rules. RULE XIX OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ~ull time City employees shall not carry on concur- rently with their public service any private business or under- taking, attention to which affects time for public service, quality of their work, or discredits the public service. Outside employment shall not be undertaken unless the appointing power first approves said employment, determining that it will not adversely affect employee's quality of service, availability for service, or time required to perform his pub- lic service. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at an adjourned regular meeting held this 25th day of July, 1960, by the following vote: AYES, . COUNC'~LMEN ABSENT, " Leo J. Ryan, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi and Patrick E. Ahem None AndreW Rocca ATTEST: Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk