HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3130-1961I~.SO~ IO~ ~0, 3130 I~OLUTION OIVINO NOTICE OF I~OPO~ED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF $O~H S~ ~CISCO O~ ~~I~ ~I~Y ~~ ~~ ~ ~NA~ ~C~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~RANCISC0: 1. That, pursuant to the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Ter~itot-~ Act of 1939, a petition signed b~ own- erl of not; less than one-fourth of the land ~n the described te~-~itorT, b~ ama and b~ assessed value as ibsen on the last equalized assessment Poll of the Count2 of San Mates, was filed with the Council of the Clt~ of South San I~anclsoo on JanuarT 23r~, 1961, requesting annexation of the hereinafter described territot~j to said CSt2. 2. That the teFeitot-y which the petitioners request be annexed to the City of South San ~anctsco and who-oh said Clt~ and its Council propose to annex, is situate in the County of San Mates, State of California, hereby designated "Callan Park", and described as BEOI14'NINO at an angle point in the ~este~12 corporate l~mit line of the City of South San FTanclsco which point is the intersection of the easterl~ line of Junipers Seln. a Boulevard as des- oribed in Deed ft-om Jerse~ Farm Company t_o Joint Htghwa~ D~str~ot No. 10, recorded Jul~ 26, 1939 ~, ~k 835 of ~f~o~l Records at P~e ~, San ~teo Count~ ReooPds ~th the easte~l~ p~olo~a- t~on of the no~theFl~ boun~ line of t~ cer- tain ~p entitled "RO~GW~D NO. 3. S~ ~0, S~ ~0 CO~ C~IA," ~ecorded A~t 1~, 1955 in Velum ~ of ~p~ at ~es 16, 17, 18 and 19, San ~teo Count~ Reco~ds~ r~n~n~ t~nce alon~ said weste~l~ oo~a~e l~mib l~ne of b~ Cl~y of Sou~h San ~anc~sco and t~ easte~l~ li~e of sa~d Ju~l~ Se~a ~uleva~d, No~th ~o ~ ~5~ 582.67 feet; on ~he apo of a curve to the left, ta~e~t to the l~t p~eceding course, with a radius of~O76 feet, subtending a central anEle of 30° ~6' 36", an arc distance of 2,189.~ feet; t~nce leavi~ said corporate limit line of the Clt2 of South Ban ~ancisco and c~ossie= said Juni~ro Serfs ~ule- yard, ~uth 38° 51' 2~" West 152.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, f~ a tangent bearing North 51° 08' 36" West, with a ~l~ 9~ 3,92~ feet, subtendi~ a cegtral angle of 1" 19' 2~", an arc distance of 90.63 feet; No~th 52° 28' West 638.87 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last p~eceding course, with a ~adlue of 3,~76 feet, subtendi~ a central angle of 29° ~6' 19 , an a~c distance of 1,598.35 feet; westerl2 on t~ arc of a curve to the rtght, fr~ a tangent bearing South 69° 10' ~0" West, with a ~adius of 201 feet, subtending a central an~le of 91° 52' 20", an arc distance of 3~.30 feet; North 18° 57' West ~75.68 feet to a ~int on t~ cente~li~ of the northerly branch of ~elve-Mile ~ek and t~ no~th- easterl~ line of t~t certain 117.~ ac~e Panel, 9a~titioned to ~ilN ~ac2 in t~ ~igi~l ~c~e of Distribution of t~ Rancho ~ri B~i, as filed in ~k 10 of ~eds at Page 1, Ban ~teo Count2 Records; t~nce along t~ nort~rl2 line of said 117.80 acre Parcel, North ~o 56' West ~9.82 feet a~ North ~o 06' ~st 3~.~ feet to the eort~es- terl~ corner thereof, and the nort~asterl2 co~ner of t~ certain ~2.~ acre Parcel partitioned to A. I. ~ston in said ~cree of Distribution of the Rancho Bu~i Burl; thence along t~ nort~lN line of said ~2.77 ac~e Parcel, South 79° 30' West ~62.~ feet; North 63° 30' West 838.20 feet and South 66° 15' West ~.~8 feet to t~ north~eeterl~ corner t~reof, and a ~int in t~ northeasterly line of t~t certain 9~.91 acre Parcel of land partitioned to John ~ooks ie enid ~cree of Distrlbutio~ of t~ ~ec~ Bu~l Burl; t~nce alone t~ northe~ter- 1. That, pursuant to the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Tetn-itory Act of 1939, a petition signed by own- ers of not less than one-fourth of the land in the hereinafter described territory, b~ area and b~ assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of San Mates, ess filed #ith the Couuoil of the City of South San l~anoisoo on January 23~d, 1961, requesting annexation of the hereinafter described territory to said City. 2. That the tern-itchy which the petitioners request be annexed to the City of South San l~'ancisco and which said City and its Council propose to annex, is situate in the County of San Mates, State of California, hereby desisnated "Callan Park", and described as follows~ B~GXNNING at an angle point in the ~esterly corporate limit line of the City of South San l~ancisoo which point is the intersection of the easterly line of Junipers Ser~a Boulevard as des- erlbed in Deed from Jersey Far~ Company ~o Joint Highway District No. 10, recorded July 26, 1939 in Book 835 of Official Records at Page 90, San Mates County Records with the easterly prolor~a- tion of the northerly boundary line of that cer- tain Map entitled "ROLLINGWOOD NO. 3, SAN faUN0, SAN MATE0 COUNTY, CAIJ~IA," recorded August 12, 1955 in Volume 43 of Maps at Fa~es 16, 17, 18 and 19, San Mates County Recordsj ru~ning thence along said westerly corporate limit line of the City of South San Francisco and the easterly line of said Juniper~ Se~ra Boulevard, North 20° t:~' West 582.67 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, ~ith a radius of~078 feet, subtending a central angle of 30° ~6' 36", an arc distance of 2,189.2~ feet; thence leavin~ said corporate limit line of the City of South San Francisco and c~ossing said Junipers Serfs Boule- vard, South 38° 51' 22" West 152.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 51° 08' 36" West, with a ~dius of 3,924 feet, subtending a central angle of 1~_19' 2~", an arc distance of 90.63 feet; North 52u 28' West 638.87 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3,076 feet, subtendin~ a central angle of 29° 26' 19", an arc distance of 1,598.35 feet; westerly on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 69° 10' 20" West, with a radius of 201 feet, subtendinm a central angle of 91° 52' 20", an arc distance of ~22.30 feet; North 18° 57' West 375.68 feet to a point on the centerline of the northerly branch of Twelve-Mile Cheek and the north- easterly line of that certain 117.80 acre Parcel, partitioned to Emily Tracy in the 0~iginal Decree of Distrlb~tion of the Rancho Buri Burl, as filed in Book 10 of Deeds at Fags 1, Ban Mates Count2 Records; thence along the northerly line of said 117.80 acre Parcel, North 5~° 56' West 669.82 feet and North 88° 06' West 396.00 feet to the northwes- terly corner thereof, and the northeasterly corner of that certain 22.77 acre Parcel partitioned to A. I. Easton in said Decree of Distribution of the Rancho Burl Burl; thence along the northerl~ line of said ~2.77 acre Parcel, South 79° 30' West 262.00 feet; North 63° 30' West ~38.20 feet and South 66° 15' West 777.48 feet to the northwesterly corner thereof, and a point in the northeasterly line of that certain 92.91 acre Parcel of land partitioned to John Brooks in said Decree of Distribution of the Rancho Burl Burl; thence along the northeaster- ly and northwesterly line of said 92.91 ac~e Farcel, South 66° 00' West 328.96 feet; North 83° 0' West 256.63 feet; North 55° 30' West 380.16 feet; South 89° 30' West 999.90 feet; North 57° ~5' West 410.69 feet and South 45° West 9?3.40 feet to the no~th- (RESOLUTION westerly corner of the said 94.91 acre Parcel, and NO. 3130 a point in the r~ortheaeterly bound_arT line of the ADOPTED 1/23/61)City of Pacifies, as described in "Affidavit of Count2 Clerk Relating to the Incorporation of the City of Pacifies as a 0eneral Law City', filed in the Office of the Count2 Recorder of the County of San Marne, State of California, on November 22, 1957, File Nmaber ~987Y P; running thence along said Pacifica boundat-y llne and the eeeterly line of said ~.91 ac~e Parcel, South 18° 15' East 935.98 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof and the northwesterly cot-net of the F~aucis Cunningham 165.0~ acre Parcel aa described in said decree of pa_rtition; thence along the ~esterl~ line of said 155.09 acre Parcel, South 27° ~6' East 908.59 feet to the intersection thereof wi~h the eaaterl~ line of Sk~lirm Boulevard Road IV SM 55 A, as described in Deed f~om Ansel Easton to the State of Califor- nia, filed in Volume 52 of 0ffiolal Records63at°page 28~, San Marne County Records; thence South West ~0.00 feet to a point on the oen~erline of said Skyline Boulevard at Engineer's Station 287 / 82.72; thence continuing along the easterly corporate limit line of said City of Paolfica and the oenterline of said Skyline Boulevard, South ]6° 25~ East 2,~07.17 feet to the intersection thereof with the southerly line of the e. foresald F~anois Cuuningham 165.0~ acre Parcel a~ Engineer's Station 311 / 91.89 of the oen- terline of said Skyline Beulevard, said Point being also a point in the northwesterl~v corporate limit line of the City of San B~uno, as annexed July 1956 by Ordinance Number 688 and certified by the Seo~etar~ of State of Febt. uarT 25, 1957~ thence leaving said corporate limit line of the City of Pacifies and running along said San B~uno coffee, ate limit line and the southerly line of said acre Fa~cel, North 67° ,2~ East 1,6~6.~1 feet to the north~esterl~ co~ner of that certain Parcel of land containing 2~.2679 acres of land o~veyed b2 Western Slope Land Corporation, a oorq~oration, to Ray $. E. Button b2 Deed dated ~oh ]0, 1955, corded May 13, 195~ in Volume 27~6 of Official Records at Page 5]], 3an Marne County Records, (50670~) and the northeasterly corner of that cer- tain Parcel of land conve~ed by California Pacific Title Insurance Compauy, a oorpo~atiou, to Stonesou Development Corporation~ a co, potation, by Deed dated ~eptember 25, 19~B, ~eoorded September 2~, 1958 in Volume 3~65 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 21~ (79019~); thence along the divi- ding line between ~he last t~o Pa~eels ~efet-~ed to, South ~6° OR' 26" ~ast 2,608.59 feet to the moat southerl~ corner of said ~.~679 ac~e Parcel; thence continuing along the eaaterl~ line of the a~oresaid lands conveyed ~e Stoueson Development Corlx~_~attou Berth ~o_2~ 22" East 86~.78 re,ti Bout_h. ?~o 51~ 23 East 62.59 feet and North 89 08 17" ~aet 98.19 feet to an angle point in the northerly boundaw'y line of that certain Map entitled "ROI,IJ~OWOOD NO. 3, BaD*NO, SAN MA"~O COUNTY, CALI~~", reeoededA_~ t 12, 1955 in Volume ~3 of Ma~s at pages 16, 17, 18us and 19, ~an Mateo County Records; ruunSng thence along the northerly line of said Map of Rolllng~ood No. 3, North 8~o O7' 5~" East ~O.73 feet to the southwesterly cor~er of that certain 9.0~0 act. e Par- cel conveyed by Deed f~.om Ray S. E. Button to Ban B~uno Pa~k School District and ElementaA'2 3chool District of the County of San Mateo, State of Call- fol. nia, dated December 18, 1959 and recorded Decem- ber 22. 1959 i, Book 3724 of Offlctal Weocn. ds at 165.O9 acre Parcel as described in said decree of partition; thence along the ~esterly line of said 165.09 acre Parcel, South 2T° 56' East 908.59 feet to the intersection thereof with the easterly line of S~li~e Boulevard Road IV SM ~5 A, as descried in ~ed ~m Ansel ~ton ~o t~ 3tats of Caldor- nia, filed in Vol~ 52 of ~iolal Reco~s6~ato~e 2~, San ~eo Count2 Records; t~uce South ~' West ~0.~ fee~ to a ~iut on ~ oen~erllne of said S~line ~ulevard at Engineer's Station 287 / ~.72; t~ce continuing along t~ e~terlyco~ate limit li~ of said Cit2 of Pacifica ~ t~ centerli~ of said S~li~ ~uleva~d, South ~6° 25' ~t 2,~07.17 feet to the intersection t~of ~lth t~ soub~ line of ~ ~o~aald ~anois Cu~ing~ 165.~ ac~ Parcel a~ Engineer's Station 311 / 91.89 of ~ cen- re,line of said ~li~ ~uleva~, said Polu~ ~ing also a ~int in' t~ no~thveste~12 conclave limit line of ~ Ci~2 o~ San ~u~, aa an~xed Jul2 11, 19~6 b2 ~l~noe N~r 6~ a~ oert~led ~o~a~ of State of ~b~a~ 25, 19~7~ t~e leaving said oo~o~ate limit ll~ of ~ Cit2 of Paoifioa ~d r~ning along said ~an ~uno oo~a~e limit li~ and t~ sout~ line of said ac~ Parcel, North 67° ~2' ~at 1,6~6.~1 fee~ to ~ no~t~es~e~ co~e~ of t~ certain Parcel of land con~aini~ 2~.2679 ac~ea of ~nd o~veyed b2 Western Slo~ ~nd Corporally, a colorlon, ~o R~ ~. E. Bu~on b2 ~ed dated ~oh ~0, 195~, corded ~2 1~, 195~ In Vol~ ~6 of ~fiolal Rec~ds at P~e 5~, 3an ~teo Count2 Reoo~, (506TOM) and the ~r~as~erl2 co~ of t~t cer- tain Parcel of land couv~ed b2 Callfo~ Pacific Title l~ur~ce C~a~, a colestid, to Stomach ~velo~nt Cor~a~ion~ a o~pora~lon, b2 ~ed dated ~ptember 2~. 19~, ~eoo~d Sep~em~ 19~8 in Vol~ 3~6~ of ~fic~l ~ec~ds of San ~eo Count~ at Page 21~ (7~1~)1 t~noe along b~ did- ding line bergen ~he ~st ~vo P~oels ~fe~d to, 3curb 56° ~' 26" ~st 2,608.59 feet to t~ aout~ oo~ of said 2~.~679 ao~ ~aroelt t~noe continuing along the easterly line of She aforesaid lands oo~_ve~ed bo StouesonDevelopment Cor~_l'ation South 55° 28' 22" East 865.78 fe~t; South 75° 51' 23" East 62.59 feet and North 89v 08' 17~ East 98.19 feet to an angle point in the uo~therl~ bouuda~ line of that certain Map entitled "ROLLINGWOOD NO. 3, SAN BRUNO, SAN MATZO COUNTY, CALIF0~IA", reeoeded August 12, 1~55 in Volume 43 of Maps at pages 16, 17, 18- and 19, ~an Marco Count2 Recol-de; running thence along the northerly line of said Map of Rolllng~ood No. 3, North 8~o 07~ ~# ~ast 90.73 feet ~o the southwesterly comaer of that certain 9.0~O act. e oel conveyed by Deed f~o~Ra~ S. E. Button to Bt, uno ~ark School Dilt~ict and Elemental'2 School District of the Count~ of San Hateo, State of Cali- fornia, da~ed December 18, 1~59 and recorded Deoem- be~ 22, 1959 in Book 372~ of Official Reoo~.ds at Page 516, S~n Mateo Count2 Recot-ds~ thence leaving said San B~uno corporate limit line and the exterto~ boundar~ of said 9.050 ao~e l~el of land, North 103.82 feet; East 125.00 feet; North ~0.00 feet; North 6o 1~ 21" East 90.89 feetj~North 3~° 37' 5~" East 88.77 feet; North ~0° 20' 52" East 115.79 ~et; North 260 33' '16" East 126.29 f~et; North 16~ 03' 23" East 110.17 fee~; South 72~ 24' ~1" East 687.8~ feet and South 31~ 07' 58# West 535.00 feet to a point in the afot-esaid line of Rolllng~ood No. 3 and the northerly corpor- the City of 3a~ Bpunoj thence along atesaidlimltline, li~esouthof64o ~' 02" East ~0.08 ~eet; NoFth ~o 26' ~" East 357. feet and North East 1,198.~$ feet ~o the POINT OF 3. That the County Boundat-y Co~mission of San Mateo County, Califo~ia, did in session dul~ assembled ma Januar~ 1~, 1~61, consider t~ p~oposed audition b~~ies of said "Callan ~rk", as above descried, a~ as su~i~ed to said Co, lesion ~ ~he p~oponen~s of ~id ~ue~lon, and did In Resolution N~ 612 of said ~unda~ C~isolon approve ~ That Monday, March 6th, 1961, at the hour of 8100 P.M., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, California, is here- by fixed as the time and place when and where any person own- ln~ leal property within the uninhabited te~Itor~ above de- scribed and proposed to be annexed to the City of South San Feanciaco, and having any objections to the proposed anuexa- rich, may appear before the Council of the City of South San Francisco and show cause why such uninhabited ter~itor2 should not be eo annexed ~o the City of South San F~ancisco. The pro- test must be in w~lting, may be filed at any time before the hour set for hearing objections to the proposed annexation, and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of p~operty affected and the description and area of such p~.oper- ty, in general terms. 5. The City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this lutlon to be published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week, in the Enterprise PX-ess, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of South Ban Francisco, the city to which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid terri- tory, and also in the San Mateo Times, a newspaper of general circulation published outside the City of South San Francisco, but in the Count2 of San Mateo, California, the county in which is located the terrlto~ proposed to be annexed to the City of South San Francisco, said publication to be complete at least twenty (20) days prior to the date set for hearing. 6. The said City Clerk is further authorized and di-. rected to cause w~itten notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within the te~ritor2 proposed to be annexed was assessed in the last equalized (RESOLUTION NO. 3130 ADOPTED t;lon, ~ ~p~r be~o~ ~ Councll o~ ~he 01~ o~ 3ouCh San F~afloleco and show c~uee ~h~ such uninhabited te~i~o~ should not be so annexed ~o the Clt~ of South San ~anclsoo. ~ p~o- test m~ be In ~iting, ~ be filed at ~ ti~ before the hou~ set fo~ ~a~ing objections to the p~opoaed anme~ti~, and shall s~ate t~ n~ or n~s of the o~e~ or o~ne~a of p~o~t2 affected ~ the description and a~a of such t~, in ge~ral te~a. ~. ~ Cib2 Clerk of ~he City of South ~an ~ancisco Is ~eb2 authorized and d~cted to cause a copy of ~hia ~ao- lution to be publla~d at least t~Ice, but not oftene~ once a ~eek, In t~ Ente~ise ~ss, a ~spa~ of circulation publia~d In said City of South Ban ~a~clsco, the cib2 to which it is p~o~aed to annex ~ ~oresald te~i- to~, and also in t~ ~n ~eo ~i~s, a ~apa~r of general circulation published outside the City of South San ~anolsco, b~t in the Count2 of San ~eo, California, the count2 in ~hlch ia located ~he territo~ proposed to he annexed to ~he City of Boubh San ~ancisco, said publica~ion to be complete at least t~ent2 (20) d~a prior ~o the date se~ for hearing. 6. The said Ci~2 Clerk is further authorized and di- rected to cause ~itten notice of such p~o~sed an~xation be ~iled to each ~rson to ~hom land ~ithin t~ terri~o~ pro~sed ~o be an~xed ~as assessed in ~he last equalized co,et2 amsessment ~oll available on t~ d~te the above said p~ocee~i~s were initiated, at the add~eses aho~n on said aasesa~nt roll or known to said Clerk, and ~o a~ pe~on ~ho ~s filed his ~ ~d add~ss a~ t~ desig~tlon of t~ i~ ~hich he ~a an integer, eit~r leal or equitable, ~ith said Clerk, such notice to be given no~ lees t~n t~ent~ (20) d~s befo~ t~ filet public hea~ing on the pro,sad aane~- tl~. 7. ~ Oit2 Clerk is authorized and di~cted to mit o~ cause to be t~mitted a cop2 of t~ ~eaolutlon to the go~ning bo~ of each school district ~hich In ~t, ~hole, is incladed in t~ te~lto~ so,hr to be included in the city, and ~h~ch ~s ~e ~itten request t~refor. 8. ~ acid City ~lerk ia fu~t~ authorized and di- ~ected ~o ca~ae ~ltten notice of such ~aed an~tion to ~ ~iled ~o each ~raon to ~hom land ~ithin t~ territo~ p~posed to ~ a~exed is assessed In t~ last eq~lized seaa~n~ ~oll available on t~ date t~ ~oceedings ~e~ ini- t.~ted, at t~ ~se sho~ on ~sess~nt ~11 or as ~o~ to ea~d Clerk, and to a~ ~son ~ho ~s filed hie n~e a~ add~es and the designation of the lands in ~hich he ~s (RESOLUTION NO. 3130 ADOPTED 1/23/61) interest, either legal or equitable, with said Clerk. 9. In the event an~ land within the territory proposed to be annexed is o~rned by a county, the City Clerk is directed to cause ~rritten notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the Board of Supervisors of such county, such notice to be given not less than twenty (DO) days before the first public hearing on the p~oposed annexation. 10. In the event there is, upon the lend proposed to be annexed to said City, a structural Improvement o~ned, being acquired or leased by & county fire protection district, the City Clerk ie directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be Tailed to the governing bod~ of suoh district, such notice to be sent not less than twenty (20) da~s before the ~irst public hearing upon such proposed annexation. Il. The Clt~ Clerk is directed to cause written notice to.be ~iven to such other persons as ma~ be legally entitled thereto, in the manner required by law. I hereb~ certify that the fot~egolng ~esolution regularly introduced and adopted b~ the City Council of the r~Rular City of South ~an l~rancisco at a adjourned / meeting held this .~rdda~ of January _ , 19~1, b~ the follo~lnS vote~ AYES, COUNCII,~EN _ ~ndrew ~occa, Em~li? Cortesi, G. J. Rozzi, and Patrick E. Ahern. None. Leo J. Ryan. NOES, " ABSENT, "