HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3185-1961RESOLUTION NO. 3185 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE TEE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LANDS AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS-CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO LIT~LEFIELD AVENUE & KIMBALL PROJECT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, California, that WHEREAS, it is the intention of this City to construct and maintain street and street improvements in and for said City, all as more particularly described in the plans and specifications on file with the Engineer of said City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMI~ and ORDERED, as follows: 1. That the public interest and necessity require the acquisition, laying out, construction, completion, reconstruction, replacing and repairing and maintaining of street and street improvements in and for said City, and work auxiliary thereto, and the taking of easements in, over, across and upon Parcels IA, 2A, 4A, SA, and 7A, within said City, and the fee simple title in and to Parcels 3A, hB, 6A, 6B, 8 and more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, within said City, are necessary for said improvements. 2. That said proposed acquisitions and improvements are planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury, and all of said acquisitions are situated within the City of South San Francisco. 3. That the City Attorney and the law firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, attorneys for said City, be, and they are, hereby directed to institute and conduct to conclusion an action in eminent domain for the acquisition of said easements and land, and to take such action as is necessary therein, and that compensation be fixed therefor at the reasonable value thereof. 4. That an Order for Immediate Possession be obtained in said action, and that a warrant be issued to the County Clerk, San Mateo County, California, in the amount determined by the Court to be so deposited as a condition to its right of immediate possession. RESOLUTION NO. 3185 (continued): 5- All costs, fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with said condemnation proceedings and the awards therein shall be assessed as au incidental expense of the proceeding set forth in Resolution No. 3131, adopted February 6, 1961. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held this 15th day of May, 1961, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen: Noes, Absent, G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. None. None. ASTEST: ARTHUR A. RODONDI City Clerk All thoS'~ ,~rtain parcels of real~ pf0perty~ sltus~ ii9' C&ty o£ ~ou~h;~San Frs~nc~is~, C~u~y of Ssn.~Mateo~ "State of forn~,: ~d mo~'e ~ti~,'~ly described as follows: ., ''~ '~'~'": "~ ~'~.portion.of the l~nds described in ~rcel Tw6 of:the' Deed from U, 8; Pipe ?nd Ma~fs~%urihg'~Compsny, a co-partne~hiP, et '~al,..~o ~%f0r~i~: Pacific T~tle:[-InSuraneeq~mpany, a~c°rporatlon-- ' '.3~d September 1~, 1959 and.'re~'Grded October 6, 1959 in ~ok 36~ :Of OffiolSi Becords of San'Mdt~o"C'Sun~, st P~ge 38 (937~B), mora ~tl~lg:~y described as fOllows: ~'~ J~ ~ ~2N~N~ st s Dolnt on the Sly li~ of East Grand.:~venue ~[~ t~.~.~i~2-;q~ South San Francisco, said pOiM.t being distant l~..fe[~:~Snd:W ~1380.52 feet" from a gr~.~t~ monument set ~O Cb'Sins ~:~ the'~.oo~ner 2ommon to S'ections '22.r~'$-26' and 27, T. 3.S. B, .~$~M.D.B.e:.M; ~unnin~ the'nee N 56o ~'~'/ 18" ~/. along the Sly O~,~st~G~nd Bven~e ~0i[897 feet t~ %he tFue point of ~in~; .thence .along the arc of a curve ~o .She Ief.t tsngent:.to the preceding ,'BOurSe r$~ius 30 feet ~nd havlng's~ central angle of 88~ 23' 43~' 4i~$ane~..3.~6.282 feet; thence S ~2o 58~. 27" W. tangeq~ to ~he ~re- ceding.cUrve '70.969 fe~t; thence N 55~ Ot' ~]" E. 5.00 f*~; hence N.35" ~' 2Z~ E. tO0 feet to the aost Nly corner of the ~d~ c~lb~.tbe"above mentioned Deed to California Pacific Title I.n~ s~nce jOompsn~ (File 937-0~H); thence S"56° .37' 18" Es. bt 34.173 ~.~$O Sh~ ~ue point of beginning. ~ontaln~ 680 square feet more or less. ....... ~ po~tlo~, of the lands d'escri'bed in Par. eel Two 0F thee' De'~ . afo~esaLd ~ere particularly ~eacribe6 as fohlows: Beginnl~ a~ a point on the Sly li~e of East G~and ~venue, fee~.and W 1~80.52 feet from N Of'the corner:-common to said pol.~t;~bei~ng distant S 1.27 g~an~te .'~humen.t set 10~ chain,~, 2~-23-26 ~nd ;~-7; T. 3 o., R~;'5 W., M~D.B & M; running thence ~N 56~ 7 ' ..18" W.'alos~'.the Sly line of East Grsn~ z%venue 436.070 feet,' ~nning ~e~ee-S] ~4° ' 27'~. W'j tOO./feet-t~ the true point of,be~innin~;. %~enceS 55''-.O1': 33" E 5.00 'feet ;. ~thence S. 34° 58' 27' W, 75.483~ feet; themce,,~lonE~ th~ arc of a curv~,,]bo .tbe,.left tanEent to the~ Preceding- cSmr~.sa~d curv% havin~a ~sdius "of: '145.00 feet central ~ngle: 27~'~ar~ ..di~nce ~,51 feet; 'thence .S.. tangent to the ._. ~ecedi~ curve 10.~92 feet -tO the'~N~M_right-9~-way line -8outhemn ~oifl~ ~ompany; thence[. S'~,,~T 55~ 96~ W. 5.00.feet; '~. ~7;76,'feet; tBenee N.. 3~' 58~: 97 '~. 123,.10 feet~to th'e' point of begi~ln~',. . ~ ~ntalning 1,104 sq,.re, f~et,, more~ or less.-. B~-~nnln~ at a ooint on the Sly line .of Swlft'~ve.'~ [s-[,~-po~n~.t;elng'-tbe'NEl~ ,cOrner o~' the.Metal and Th~'rmlte'? tract and"'seid'Poi~t':bei~ distant .N. 293.64 'fee~ ~ W. ~)~8~8.,l~..feet 'from s grsnit~ monument set l~ chains N of ~he'..co~on[: '~[':~ ~~.thence S 56~ 57'~1 18". E. 49.98 feet;. - thence S, 34" 58' fe~t 'to ~h~ :~ue poifit of beginning; thence 8. 7-~.57 9 55 ' ' - [ *-- '- ' " ' "' '. 8 ~ 28 W 5 O0 feet, thence ~ 66 ~9 feet, thence N. '" f t E:, 8.723 ee to Zhe true poet-of beglnn.l~. 218 RESOLUTION NO. 3185 (continued): W.,, 28"* ~St .., W5 5.00 feet; ~o'e.-~¢ 20~.~ .¢ee~- ~benoe ?, ~'~;~?:.. ' ~e.~l~i~g'~ the ~,t cor~e~;-,:~. ~h~,t certain 6.~:ac~..pa~ of'~nd describe8 i~*.~he. Deed fro~.,c~.$outh~n Franc~soO'~$~d';- · ~p~ 28, 2~9 in Bo~.~',.78 ct-, ~ at,~P~ge '~i,. R~cord~ 0f ~an ~O Oo~,ty-; said 'point',~ing thc 'ttr~e,,p~in~,~f beginning,; ~hence (S~,~92.~9 f~et~ ,thenue ~Et, 5. ~''f~> tDene~''N, .392'.'K96 feet; thence ,: ...1. ,.2: . .Co,tanning l~.~.rmqua~e feet~ more or less. ;-: },..f. ,,'." : , , ,, . ,~69.63.¢~e~;~0,~,~ grani~ ,;o~er~t Set 10 ch'sins N of't~.e corner. "'~:~.'th~ N Ely :ernst Qf. Zba~-6,~6' aez. e frs ~t formerly. Owned bY · *-':being a_ fesc~ip{ion of an Fly p~tlon ~f¢ the hereinBefOre ~ntioned 6.06 aar'~ pa~*eei',; then0m 3. 9~,8k fo, et to t~m,'t,ue' pola'~ bf beginning; :~f?i~enue ¢ ~,~', !B" W A~5,757 fee't;, thence,~long the a~c o¢a curve ~':,j~*';j~J,~'j~,. ~i¢~-'~ent ¢~ '"'She ~r~Oe~ing cot~s,e t~adiuS ~ ~ ,,..'~Z;O .,:~, , · :, ,, , ,- . . - . ~~--'38 . 2~,/56% ~'~n-a~c' ,l~$,t~nce 01'. 0D.931 ;feet; "~henee along '.~~q'. 0~ ,~ ;A,~ve~P~.:'a~r%' , t~, bh'e' leTt ,,radials ~0, 00 fe'~%~ ce ntis!. -' *,~ Con~a~lnz,5,1a? square is'et,more Oz' less, .... Be'~',Ing_~t a ~ol~'~.whlch is distant S ~28;78',':feet and W 1~9 ~ fe~,,,¢~b~ .~'S ~g~¢nite (moment set ,~ ahair~ -~ °¢' th'~ cor~e'~- oom~n to. Be~lo~'; 22; '23}'"~ a~d;:iTi T."~ 8.',J::~i(.5 ~d~., sa,id;:~oin~ ~e$~". ,~heiNEI' ~'~er"~t.. ~hat 6: 06' ecre-',~O'~' f~me~i~ .owned' '~ Am~'.' eriCa~~rble-, ~ 'MO'~io.-~m.. pa~, ~eeord'e~,~ll: ..... . 28, 1919 in Book :218- .¢~' ~e'dg'.'at '~ '83Z-~ '~e~o~ds of San ~8teo' Couh~¢ the~e S .,,~;.'f'~n[li~. '~n~ E 35,~ Ce~t;; tb'enc~e-'S"29,748:. fe~; %henOe' ~'rad&~s o~5~ O0 ~ee~,,,¢ ,cer,~a'~:~:~le 0¢' 143 29 2¢,,and,., .';~;~f.:~:/'. t'e~th ~"~5'122 feet-; ~b~nce $ ~7'~ 'fee~"tc the t~e poin~, o~., ;4.,~.~i~ - ~,, -~ ,~ .... ¢.. ,,. ~ ..... ~, , · ' . ,. , .,., ',¢:: ,.,,.. o ,,. . '_ .... - ,' -Be~nnin~ s~'a point ~nhich J~ dlsta~ N. 598.09 fe~t and W ~-'~.53 feet i'r~m s co~ner cc,~mon to 2ecb'l~n~ 22, 23, 26 and 27, [T;'~3'8.~'...~?~5 W.~ M.,,~D..~ B. g ~; running' th~n~}e' S. 20.00 feet; -'~n~e ~.~ 8~° 35' 28 ~W% 5.00 feet; '~he~.c'e]N. 20,00 fe~t; thence ~%? · ~ 55 .'~... F. 5.~ fact ~') t~e pointI Of beginning. ~.~ ~ ~$e~lnoi~g ~ the ~,~ cor~er..~ t~t certain 6.~ ~cre'p~r~el of ~'nd~descr.Lbe~'in'.the Deed ~ro~.]$~ South .San Frsn~soo'Lsnd" . Ap~.-~ ~8, '1~9 tn Bo~.+:278 of-.~e~ at Page ~I, Records of San Mated Co~ty; said po~.n%~ b, inG th~ ~true p$in't"~f beginning; thence 'S~.392.~9 feet] .thenoe ~E.. 5.~)"f~':~p tnen~%-.. N. 392.~'96 feet; thence ~.~.O0 feeS. to the p~nt':of b~nn~ng' ., Conta~nin~ t~,aqua~e feet~ more or less _ ~'~i~i~.~t a p°~n%~w?L.rh i~'dlsLa'nt S 128.78 feet end !'~. ~169.63..¢~e~jr~,6 a ~rani~e mo~0~ent set 10 chains N of the corner. ~ommon-to SectiOns ~9, k~, '~6 and '27, T.. 3 S.: El 5 W., Said point .'~ '~. NEll. :or~e~ ur. %h9= 6.~C6 a~ro trs :t formerly-owned by ~ :~{0~' ~b'l~. and M~ss.S:Q,'t~,:p~ny, ~,,ec~rded April 28, 1919: !n Book .'278 of ~edS.-at~;~ ~3]., Becord~ of S~n MaCed County ;~. .the followi-ng "~'belng a ..de'sc~iPti°n of, . an ~ly p~tion. , of the hereinbefOre~ ' " ~'mentioned · ~ '6.06 acre palcel?;.theno, ~.~96.8& f(,et tort, t,ue point of beginning; ':.j""'~enue S ~:.~' 1~' W ,!]5..75{ fee%;.thence,along the arc of a curve tO' "~.'~,.~:'~'~'m ri~ ~n~ent ~ th~ preceRing course ~adlus XOO.~:~ee%, .~entral ?:~..,...,.~,.,~ B8 ~20*~ 56,% a~n arc. ,~lS, tance ol ob.931.feet; .thence along ./:"::./-"'' '~.'~.:%~Q:o~ .~ :,"ever~e'ou:'%.m t(, bh~' leT~ radius ~0,0© fe,~ centNa-1. ~gle 4~.0 ~.~: ~',' ".D~ ~u~:Dg ~n ara dist~ne of aO.581,'.~et;, thenoe E 6~,~. feet;' thence': ~'' T 2Z9~OA. fees' to the ~ue point ~ beginning. : con,fining 5','la~ sqdare fset,more'%r less. - BeEl~lng~t 8 ~oi~whim~ is dlsts~t S ~128:78 .feet end W I~9.6~ fee~,.g~0m's granite-mon~ent set tan chains ~ of tha corhe~ common to B~'%~ions-:. 22'] 23, ~ snd'/2?~' T. ~ ~.', 'E.: 5 ~.~ said$oint be~ .~he~NEi'~ ~ner"'~. that 6.06'ecre :~' formerly owned SM A erican:'~rble ~" Mos~i~ ~ompany, ~ec. orded :~rll 28, 1919 in Book-278' O~~ ~eeds:' st P~e ~3'I.~ ~eco~ds of San M~teo County, the~e S B25~855 fee~- th~ t~m point of be~iani~' of t~e..'p~Srce~' ~to be de~ribed ~ere- , . . , . l~;..~unH!~ ~Benc~ E 35.00 fee~.: ~benee S ~g.7~8 fee~ thence 9.812.feat~.'~hence ~l~,the a~c::~f ~a cu~v'~ to the right' an~ S "l~radius Of-.'SO'.O0 fee~,. ,a ce~:t~a:l?~6gle 0,: 1 SB 29 26 .and.. an ~.le~gth ~f~'I25'122 .feet; 'thence E ~,.'00 fee~'tc the trU~ point ~". ,rig:, ~ ~n: ~'~0;~:~t' ~nd ~.E ~160.3 fees. from a'gra.ni~e ' ~ aet-~for the,"e~~' to~S. ec%ions.~l, 22, ~7 ~mnd 25, .T. 5 ..W~; M; 'D .,: ~B~:~:~' ~,:~ j~ning ,t~ne, ..E 10.00 feet ;" thence ~ 6 'f~a~'~.;~ 8"0~' iS--~l~7.7.~,.,~eet; Shence N.~6~ 05i W.8:~I~ ~h~.~' :'X~'iS~' ~' ~.".$he p.~in~ of beginning. ~ ~ . :;_Co~t~ni~ 1,'~02'.~ sq~"feet, more ,or less ~ - , ,.-..~. "'"' a .~1~' distant N 52Q.~ feet and E 4.160~3 · mOment-s.e8 for. ~he,'corner ~6 Sec%io~..2l, ~R. 5 N.i ~. D. B.. & M; the~e S.- 'of [beginn~g; themoe .S 25.96~ Peet;: ~h~ E., 2.3.~9 .~eet; 'tbe~e N ~6° '05' W ~.538 Teet. to ,more ON less. ' ~e~ing 'at a point d. ia.t~'~. N 520.00 f~et and frem~i~. ~'rar~Ate m~numen~ .-~et .for-the corner to ~cCio~S '21, fe~$~'~O"~the t~ue poi~ :of beginning; t~nce S. 8" ~' 13" ,7$Safe~$; _.~he~a~ E )l~ ~99'5 -~fee~; ~eDca. N 1~.657 feet to She . ,C.~n~aining'~8~,Z.:s~are ~e~, ~re or less.