HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3186-1961RESOLUTION NO. 3186 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE TKE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LANDS AED DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINER~ DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS -- CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO LOWRIE-BOTHIN-SWANSON PROJECT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, California, that W~EREAS, it is the intention of this City to construct and maintain street and street improvements in and for said City, all as more particularly described in the plans and specifications on file with the Engineer of said City. NOW, THE~FORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED and ORDERED, as follows: 1. That the public interest and necessity require the acquisition, laying out, construction, completion, reconstruction, replacing, repairing and maintaining of street and street improvements in and for said City, and work auxiliary thereto, and the taking of easements in, over, across and upon Parcels 1, 3, 6, 7 and 7A, within said City, and the fee simple title in and to Parcels 8, 9, 10 and 11, all as more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are necessary therefor. 2. That said proposed acquisitions and improvements are planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury, and all of said acquisitions are situated within the City of South San Francisco. 3. That the City Attorney and the law firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, attorneys for said City, be, and they are, hereby directed to institute and conduct to conclusion an act,.on in eminent domain for the acquisition of said easements and land, and to take such action as is necessary therein, and that compensation be fixed therefor at the reasonable value thereof. 4. That an Order for Immediate Possession be obtained in said action, and that a %~rrant be issued to the County Clerk, San Mateo County, California, in the amount determined by the Court to be so deposited as a condition to its right of immediate possession. 5- All costs, fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with said condemnation proceedings and the awards therein shall be assessed as an incidental expense cf the proceeding set forth in Resolution No. 3104, adopted November 7, 1960. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held this 15th day of May, 1961, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen: Noes, Absent, G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. None. None. ATTEST: ARTHI~R A. RODONDI City Clerk E..57,:~,~ :feet,_~ 'c'~e ~r~ of that of,. ~a~c'~1 ~ 6I a~'d~ser~ed: i~ '~he Deed fr~ the City ~~: ~..~n~F2~e~.f~.~ ~ ~. Q~rln and wzfe'~ ~ate~ November ~e'~;~ove~e~,:~.~ lg~. ~n ~ok' 1596 of Official '":~.I:~.-'~','~'~u~$~N 1e 22' 5il' E, T2'.T7,~feet; thence ,.leaving to,~h~':~lef, t~ ~$ng s ra~'or" ~ feet:'and a 27~'.~' , an a~c dist~nqa ~f'-28.T3~eet; t~ence ~e'ae~ng curve ~ 60" 2i* 22" E. il 72 feet; thence '~e" ~Zeeedl~z,c~se, SEly along the arc of a-e,urve to the of_4~'feet and a centraA angle o.. 91 .45 .06 ,'feet'-io'.a -~oi~ of- cusp; thence ~tangent to '~.~.~4I~'-~,2~0.68, feet and',a central, ang_e of 3 02 28 S~,ly~feet ;.. thence .tangent" to the ~ecedfng ~e,-~Cedlqg .,ghrve,.,~:y along tt~e, are .of,..a ~u~ve a'ra~ius 'o'f,~feet a~ ~,..c~tral a~e Of ~9~ 62.?0 fee~;, thence ~angent -~o the.~ec~dl~ - I RESOLUTION NO. 3186 (continued): a~]~ oo~ner of*.that.~';$ertaln itr'aq.~' "of l~nd'~onveyed - F~ ~a~ 10, . ~95q"' ~ recorded Ma~. '26, 1954 ~n-,B~k:,~ of, ~'~cords "~ '$~n ~a~'O~ Oouz~ty -a t p~; '55 ;'.: ~he~'~e .'from :s~ id ~" ~ i~.2~" 'f~et:~'.. tneuce', leaving said line' .,~ ..t~ N 25~ 25' .35" W."a!Ong the arc of s curve of 150 ,?~et and 'a cen,~r~, ~Dg!e of 2~° ' ' to ~e Sly li~ ~f aald'~a~el~ E ~ po~ ~glr n~ng .... ,, .the .nt of ~ . - -,* . . ~ ,, ~ ~ ..~ rs _..-. . . ~. ~ . .. .~ '~&% ,~ . . o~ed' WI~.. liar'.Of t~e ~bove:~se~ibed .. .... ,. ,- ~ ~. ~-~ -* said Wly line/of San Bruffo Bo~d 'al~c~. the Nly line of,,Said lands, .N..T8© ~, 20'~ w. ~2~.00 feet;."thenc~ ~eaving said line algng 8 line par?llel to said Wly line of Sa~ Bruno Road N .~I0 30" ~0" E. 75.86 fe~%; thence tangent to ~he'~pre~edt~ course, ~ly along-the arc of $ curve to the left~ having a radius of 40 feet and a central , an arc d'Istance of 33.7S feet; thence tangent. to ~he p~ecedin$ curve, Nty and Ely al6ng the arc of a curve to the rigBt'..baVing a radius.of 60 feet and a central angle of. l~l° 50' ~'j, an' ~rc diStanCe of 1~8.'5~ feet to said Wl~ line of Sen Br~o Road; ~snce al~ said line ~ 13° 20' 16" W 100.06 feet, and S ll'- ~0" W 1~0.22 feet to the point of 'beginning. ~gcel 7 , .. BEOI~NINO a~ a poln~ o~ ~he Wi~ llne o2 San Bruno .~oad, ~h3oh Doin~ ls ~he ~1~ corne~ o~ %ha~ certaZn parcel or land conveyed Bo%bin Eeal EsBate Company, a compora~lon b~ deed da~e~ Ma~ I~5~ and recorded June I, 1955 in Book 2808 of Offlc~al.~ecords of San Marco County at Page 3J5; thence from said point of beginn~g Nly along said Wly line of San Bruno Bo~d Nll° 30' ~0" E 110.22 feet, a~.N 13~ 20' 16" E 100.O6 feet; thence leaving said Wly llne fr~ a tangent that bears S 74° 57'46" E, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 60 feet and a central angle of 42° , ~n are distance of 44 13 feet; thence tangent to t~e preced- ing curve, SEly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 40 feet and s central ahgle of 41* 43' 03", an arc distance of ~9.13 feet to the ly i © .El6 line of San Bruno Road; thence alo~ said Ely'line S 3 20 W 60:69 feet; thence leaving ssi~'Ely line from a tangent that bears N"88° 0~$' 44" W, aloag the arc of a curve to the left ~avlng ~ radius of 40 feet and a central angle of 80~ 24' 36", an arc distance of 56.14 feet to the centerline of' said San Bruno Road; thence along said. centerline, tangent to the preced- ing curve, S ll' 30' 40" W 1562.48 feet; thence continuing alo~ said centerline S 8~ 31' 38" W 90.23 feet; thence continuing S 4° ll' 8" W 193.61 feet; thence leaving said centerllne of San Bruno ~oad, tangent to the preceding course Sly along the arc of a .~urve to-the left having a radius of lO0 feet and s central angle of 4~° 05' 14", an arc distance of 83.93 feet to the Ely line of San Bruno Road at ~ point which is distant thereon N 1© 22' 5~" E 130.19 feet from the ~ corner of that certain 3.341 acre portion of Parc~ 26 as described in the dee~ from the City and County of San Francisco to Ed R. Ouerin and wife, dated November 3, 1348 and recorded November 24, 1948 in Book 1596 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 5~; thence along said Ely line of San Bruno R°ad2.S2 ' l° 22' 54" W 72.77 feet; tMence leaving said Ely line N 60° 21' W 3.57 fe~ thence tangent to the preceding course, ~?~ly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 150 feet and ~ central sngle of 34~ 55' 47", an $~c distance of 91.44 feet to the Wly line of San B~uno- ~d; thence along said ~qy line of San Bruno Road the following' courses: N 1° 22' 54" E. 12.22 feet, N ~o ,ll' 38" E 266.91 feeS, ~ 8~ 31' 38" E 92.34 feet~ and Nll~ 30' 40" E 1482.92 feet to pOlut of beginning. Pa~oel 7~-A ' BEGINNIN(~ a~ @ .polnt on the Ely line of San Bruno H~d, distant .~$he~ve'On~ N 1° ~2~' 54" E 47.~2 feet from the NW corner of that certain ~'~4%acre portion of Parcel 26 as described in the deed from the ~'~ <'~ ~O'~ty~snd~Ooum~ty of San F~ancisco to Ed B; Guerin @nd wife,, ,~ated /~vembqr>~~, 1R~8 and recorded November 2~, 1948 in Book 1596 of EXHIBIT "A" (cont.) Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 544; thence continuing along said Ely line of San Bruno Road N. 1© 2;." 34" E. 72.77 feet~ thence leaving said Ely line from a tangent that bears N 43° 53'~-"~ W, ~ly along the arc of a curve to the right havlng a radius of lO0 feet a~d a c~nt~sl angle of 48© 05' 1;~'', sn ~rc distance of 83.93 f~et to s point of cusp, which point is a point on the center- line of San ~unO Road; thence Sly along said centeriine of San Bruno Rcad S 4° 1]' 3~" W 71 24 feet~ ~r]~ S 1° 22' 54" '.'I 54.77 feet~ thence leaving said centerline of S~n Bruno Hoed from a tangent that bears S 46° 21' 17" E, SEly alon~ th~ arc of a curve to the left having s radius of !50 feet and a central angl~ of 14~ CO' 05", an arc distance of 36~65 feet~ ~l~n.~e t~ngent Zo the precedinE curve S 60° 21' 22" ~ 3.57 feet t~ the point of beginning. Farcel 8 BEGINNING at a pclnt or: the Ely iine of San B~uno Road, which point is the i~Z,/iy co~De~ of t~a'c certain :~.3~1 ~c.ce oor~ion of Parcel 26 as dasc'ribe~J in the deed from th,~ City and County of San Francisco to Ed R, ~uer.~.n and w:i. ie, dat, e~ :f~,~,e'z~..r 3, 1948 and recorded November 2a, 1948 in Doolc 1596 of '~' Mateo County so page 3~ ~ thence leavi.',G ss~d :,ly line of San Bruno Bead S 89° 51' 31[" W j3.O! feet to a point, o~ vne centerline o[~ San Bruno Road; thence along saia centerline of San Druno Road N 1~ 22' 54" E 8i 10 feet~ thence leavi~]g saic ceuterline of San Bruno Road from s tangent that bears S 46© 21' 17" ~, SE!y along the arc of a cur~e 5o the 'heft havin~ a radius of 1~0 feet and s central annie of ].4© 00' O5"~ an sro distance or 36.65 feet; thence tangent . to the preceding curve S 60° 21' 22" E 3.57 ~eet to a ~ooint on the Ely line of San Bruno Hoad; thence along, said Ely lmne of San Bruno Rca fl S 1° 2~' 54" W qv .~9 ~eev ~o the p~int of beginning. Parcel 9 BEGINNING ut e point on the centerline of San Bruno Road, which point is distant S 89° 3!~ ~4" ~.,~ 33.Ok feet from the ~ly corner 2o of that certain 3.3ql ~cre portion of Pa;cc.[ as described in the Deed from the City and Counvy of S~n Francisco to Ed R. Guerin and w~e, dated November~'~, lq48_ and recorded November 24, 1948 in Book 1596 of Orficia! E,:co~ds of San ~atec County at Page thence leaving said centerlln~ of San Bruno Road S 8~° 51' , , __ .o~n I~runo Road; thence W 33 O1 f~et to a point on th: TM %'[ly line of c alon~ said Wly line of San Bruno Ro~d L i~ 22' 54" E 1~5.33 ~h~ce leaving said ~ly lin~ of. San Br~o Road fmom a tangent ~a~s S 25'.25' ~" E, SEiy along the arc'of s curve to t~ lef~ havln~ ~ radius ~f 150 feet and s central angle of 20° 55' 42", an a~ distance of' 54.79 fee~ to a point .o~ ~e cente~llne of San ~Road; thence ~long said centeriine Of San Bruno B~d S 1" R~'~ B 81 10~ to the poin~ of beginning ~ ~ b~I~I~ a~ a point on %be Ely l in~ B~uno~R~d whloh ~ poi~ is the ~ly, co~D~r of that certain 3.34~ acre ,portion of ~'- Parcel 26 as de. sc. rfbe~ in the deed f~om the C i~ and.~nty ~f~ '~ -:~m~Frane!~co[~'~ R. Guerin and wZfe, dated November 3, 19~ ''~.~ ,~orded Nev~r_2~, ~$.in Book 15~ Of Of~icial-mee?~ of j~," ..... ~'~ sm~d:~.yl~e':Of san:Bruno B~d N 1~ .22. 5~ ~E 57,'~2],fee~,; ,m~enc~ .t ,~ving s~& EIy ilne 'of sad Br~o Road S ~0 21' 22 E'5i91 fee~; -~'t ' ae.'~ n ~t to ~e~' receding 'urse ~long ~he arc of. ~ ~arve ~e-~i~t, .having a raalas of 40 feet ahd a cringes.1 a~le_~f ~. ~, ~'n,'ar~dist~nOe, 6f 62,70 feet t0~tbe. Nly l'i~ of said 3.?~t ,acre, .~rcel COfiVeyed by deed desCribe$~ab~ve-; ~he~e alpng said Nly ~ ' 8 89* '51' 34" W ~1.57 feet to the point of beginning. ~ ' P'~rc~l il ~GI~iNG a.t.s point on the Ely ~line of San Br~o Road, which p0~t is the ~l.y c~ner of that certain 3.3~1 acre portion of . Parcel 2~ s.$ described in.the Deed from the City and CountN of San F~anoisco tO Ed R. Guerin and wife, dated N~vember 3, 19a8 and recorded November ~'4, 1948 in Book 1596 of Official Records of San ~teo Coun'ty st p~e 544~ thence from said point ~f beginning lng..San Bruno Roadslong the Nly line of said 3.3 1 acre parcel, N 89© 51' 34" E 21,.57 feet; thence leaving said Nty line from a t~ngent that Oea~s S 29° 26'~ 59" W, along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 696,15 feet and a central angle of 4© 09' 31", an arc distance of 49.11 feet to said Ely line of San Ely line of San Bruno Road N 1© 22' ~uno Road: thence a!o~ said 54~' E 43.5~ feet to the point of beginning.