HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3318-1961SO8 RESOLUTION NO. 3318 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CERTIFICATE SETTING FORTH APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN AND CONTROL OVER ALL LAND AND WATER AREAS TO BE USED IN THE PROPOSED PROJECT, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that: 1. The certificate attached hereto and entitled, "CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SETTING FORTH SAID CITY'S INTEREST IN AND CONTROL OVER ALL LAND AND WATER-AREAS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH TH~ PROPOSED PROJECT, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA", is hereby approved and its execution and filing with the Small Craft Harbor Commission by the Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, Guido J. Rozzi, is hereby authorized, same bein~ in compliance with the Small Craft Harbor Commission's Regulation, Title 14, Sectitn 5103(~), California Administrative Code. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held this 6th day of November, 1961, by the followiu~ vote: Ayes, Councilmen Noe s, Absent, " G. J. Rozzi, Patrick-E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. None. None. ATTEST: ARTHUR A. RODONDI City Clerk APPENDIX "A" (RESOLUTION NO. 3318) CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SETTING FORTH SAID CITY'S INTEREST IN AND CONTROL OVER ALL LAND AND WATER AREAS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED PROJECT, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA I, Guido J. Rozzi, Mayor of the City of South San Francisco do hereby certify that the following sets forth the City's interest in and control over all land and water areas to be used in connection with the proposed project, South San Francisco Marina. 1. PROJECT AREA: The project area is described in Exhibit #1, attached hereto, entitled, "Description of Project Boundary, South San Francisco Marina, Division of Small Craft Harbors, South San Francisco, California, 10/26/61", to which is attached a plat of the described area entitled, "Division of Small Craft M Harbors, Project Boundary, South San Francisco arina , proposed by John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers, 61~ Howard Street, San Francisco. Title to the project area is vested in the City of South San Francisco as evidenced by litigation report of the California Pacific Title Insurance Com- pany, (Redwood City, California), #316966, issued October 20, 1961, attached here- to, as Exhibit #2. 2. CHANNEL EASEMENTS, SPOIL AREA AND SLOPE EASEMENT: The City of South San Francisco has acquired channel, spoil area and slope easements as required, which are set forth in attached Exhibits 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d and 3e, the same being copies of the Grants of Easements and Resolutions of the City Council accepting same. 3. ACCESS ROAD: Title to the property over which the access road is to be dedicated and constructed is vested in the City of South San Francisco (see Exhibit #2). The City by Resolution No. 3319 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING A RIGHT-OF- WAY FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT THEREOF - ACCESS ROAD TO PROJECT AREA, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA", attached hereto as Exhibit #4, has been declared and established a right-of-way for street and highway purposes and resolved to improve said right-of-way in accordance with Standard city specifica- tions for streets. 4. SANITARY SEWER: Title to the area over and through which the planned sanitary sewer line to the project area is to pass is vested in the City of South San Francisco (reference Exhibit #2). The City has by Resolution No. 3320, en- titled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DE- CLARING AND ESTABLISHING A RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RUNNING TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA PROJECT AREA", declared and established an easement for sanitary sewer purposes running to the project area and said Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit #5. RESOLUTION NO. 3318, APPENDIX "A" (Continued): 5. AREA BEYOND BULKHEAD LINE: The City obtained control over said area pursuant to Chapter 56, Statutes of 1925, whereby the Legislature transferred salt marsh, tide and submerged lands to the City of South San Francisco. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my signature this 6th day of November, 1961 ou behalf of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, having been auth- orized to do so by City Council Resolution No. 3318. GUIDO J. ROZZI May or ATTEST: ARTHUR A. RODONDI City Clerk Exhibit #1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT BOUNDARY SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA DIVISION OF SMALL CRAFT HARBORS, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA BEGINNING at the Northeasterly corner of Tide Lot 5, Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M. D. B. M., as shown on that certain map entitled "Map No. 1 Of Salt Marsh And Tide Lands Situate Iu The County of San Mateo, State of California", Prepared by Order of the Board of Tideland Commisslouers under the authority and in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "Au Act Supplementary To And Amendatory Of An Act Entitled 'Au Act And Survey And Disposal Of Certain Salt Marsh And Tidelands Belonging To The State of California Approved March 30th 1868' Approved April l, 1870"; and further described iu that deed dated January 27th 19~8, conveying title from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the City of South San Francisco and recorded February 19th 1948, in Volume 1462, Official Records of San Mateo County at Pa~e 2; from said Point of Be~inulu~ South 0° 00' 5~" East SSuth 89Oo59' 55" 1320.00 feet; thence 05" West 325.0~ feet~ thence North 0u 00' West 535 feet; thence South 89 59' 05" West 799.23 feet; thence North 0° 00' 55" West 165.00 feet; thence North 27° 29' 20" East 125.68 feet; thence on the radius of a curve to the left, radius 798.00 feet, central an~le 37° 36' 30" for a dis- tauce of 523.79 feet; thence North 89° 59' 05" East 988.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The area containing approximately 22.8 Acres. 9 ~99. 28' ,"JOHN A. ,BLUME AND ASSOCIATES, ENGINEERS 612 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO Div/o-/or. o£ Cp'o£t ./-/opbor$ RESOLUTION NO. 3318 (Continued): Exhibit l sv c£ 2424 BRO&DWA¥ EME.SON 6-9561 reply p/cafe refer re.. ApplA o&t~on Ho, ) 16996 After au mmmtnation of the offloXal r~oorde of the County of 8an Na~ee,- Orate of C~l/fornt&, exoep~ those heFolnaf~or marooned aud o£ the otrletal rOeo~do of ~ho Podortl COurte of tho dietflel tn u~lah the P,~P~rST here,tn doe,=rilmd *ia eJ. tuated, For the ~oXo benefit of City of South Sen Fruuetoooo Dtrector of ~abllo G:tty. HalX, from ~ld Foeords to be ver~od on Oetobor 20, 1961 Clef OF 80UTH ~ FRAHClOCO. a )tu~etpal ~z~r~t~e~ SUBJECT TOI 1, B/fAt to loeate, uae end matnta/n eleetrio traas~Loaten l!no md O~ md ~~o ~7,a embattle by ~ dat~ ~ ~.' 19~ f ~ ~~ ~ 6. lg~ ~ ~ok ~ of DeMo at ~o ~0 ~~ · ~ InatFument dated April ~0, 192~ ~ ~~ teb~ ~ 1926 Do,. ~ce~ u to ny l~a ~h~ located ~ ~ use, b b~t~ of ~ch ~ ~t eot~~ of ~co~. 2. Right of May for slopes, as met forth In tho De.od fr~m South Ban lPr~nc:Leco Land and Improvement C. mpany, a eorpo'rat, ton. ~o Bo.uth Frtnciaco Bolt Ra/!wayo a. corporatio, m, dated Oetobor 200 1925 recorded December 8, 1928 tn Book 385 of Off:total Reoo~ls of 8mn Nates County at page (239 0-B). - Said riAht of w&y has ~nce pas~ed to Southern P&aLf:l,c AI~ECTS THE SOUTtlME~YBRLY CORNER OF TIDg LAMD LOT 7 3. Rights and easements for commerce, navigation and fishery, in favor of the public, the United-States of America and the State of California. AFFECTS PARCEL THREE. ~. Easement for road purposes, with right of ingress and egress, over a strip of land 25 feet wide lying Easterly of the general ~esterly boundary line of Parcel One herein, as reserved in the Deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a corporation, to City ~f ~outh San Francisco, a municipal corporation, dated January 27, 195S and recorded February 19, 1~$$ in Book 1~62 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 2 (i5~i6-H~. 5. Easement for the construction of a public street or highway approx- imately 50 feet wide, as granted by South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a corporation, to the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, dated July 1, 1~$~ and recorded July 27~ Book l~58of Official Records of San Melee County at page 297 (~32~-H~. AFFECTS PARCEL O~E ALONG THE GENERAL WESTERLY BOUNDARY AND THE "TO?~HSR ~ITH EASEMENT" FOLLOWING THE DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL ONE HEREIN. ,!":.ii'!! ? 6. Possible Easement 5 feet wide for gas pipe line, as granted by Bouth San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a California corpora- tion, to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a corporation, by Grant recorded April 11 19~1 in Book 2052 of Official Records of San Mateo ~e~[ (29~68-J). Unty at a~ !:POSSIBL~ AFFECTS THE MOST WESleY PORTICIq OF PARCEL QqE ~,~. THE M~T tgESTERL! PORTXON OF THE "TOGETHER WITH EASEMENT, FOLLOk[XIIO THE Dil3¢RXPTION .OF SAID PARCEL ONE. HEREIN. I I RESOLUTION NO. 3318, Exhibit #2 (Continued): o .Jud~nont is~..~_Out. _of the. Superio.r Cour~ in and for the County of_ outh San Francisco, a municipal corporation, in favor of ~y and county if San Fr~.ncisco~ a muntcip~ corporation, .~o recover the sum.of 59301$, plus i_~.~/rest at ~ per annum on the partial sum of $197035 .r~a. and after NOVemb. er 30L. 19~O to 4ate of Judgaeat amounting to ~ $36.17J plus interest at ~ per annum on the partial sumof-~$1, ~'.10 .free aJ~d after Decembe_r~5, 19~1 ~o date of Judgment, amou~.ting to ~2~.98J plus interest at.5~ per' annum on the partial sum of $200,70 from and .a~terN, bovem er 26, 19~2 to date of Judgment, a~.umting to $16.~7. An abstract of said Judgment was recorded August 16, 19~ in. Book 263~ of Official Records of San Mates County at page ~AJ, (78618-L), AFFECTS PARCEL THB_E~. NOTE 1= The herein deecribedpropert7 w. as.EXEMPT bM the County Assessor for County Taxes for the_ fiscal year 1961-62, ~TE 2t The Westerly boundary of Tide Land L~t ? referred to in ~he ~ption of Parcel One herein does not coino~e with the Easterly line of'."~he Buri-~uri Rancho, thus creating min~r gaps and overlaps, but a~ ~.~lCity ~f 8curb San FrancSsco appe~r~ ~9,own.~a$~.Tt~e La~ Lot7 it '- no~ se necessary ~o se~ up any o~ec~zon xn tAXs ~ep~rt. DESCRIPTION cAll ~hat certain real..~property situate in the City of Sou~h ~an Free- lace, County of San Mates, State of California, described aa follows1 BEGIN~XNO at a p~int which bears South 1° 32' 56" East 2~..O feet North_ 88° ~' ~" Eut~ 7.2~ fee~ f~= ~e 8ou~terly co~er of ~ 0.~ acre ~el of I~d ~r~ by ~i~be~ B~ekae a of w~ch wU ~~ed ~hg, 1923 in ~k ~ of O~oi~ Reco~b of ~ '~teo Co~2'at ~e 381l thence f~ ~d ~int of NO~ ~o 58' 2~e~ 19~.3~ feetJ, th~ce No~h$O° ~Se 3~" ~ feetj th~ce Nq~h ~$e ~0 ~" East 93.~2 feetj th~ce No~h $6° O? ~" ~a~.~feeCj th~ce No~h 119.67 feetJ ~h~ce No~h 3~° $~' ~" West ~$.~6 ~eet ~ a .~in~ in ~he di~d~ line betwe~ ~de ~ts ~ ~d 26 p~Uced ~es~erly~ th~ce due ~t ~o~ s~d p~duc~ion 218.97 feet~O~t~ No~es~erly co~er of Tide Lot 7j thence the foll~ ~ea'/~d dia~ges ~ong the No,westerly ~d ~esterlyl~e of ~de, .8~u~ 30° ~5' ~es~ 50.82 fee~, ~ou~h 1~° ~'.~" ~t 198.~ feetj'j~-~8":~:"~O' West ~6.~ feet, No~h 85' ~' West 69.96 80 :'r'~ West 198.~ feet, ~uth 11° 15' ~" ~eat 112.207~tl th~e':~ 56° 15~ ~" West 112.20 fee~. ~outh 5° ~5t ~" Ne~t feet, :~u~ ~e 30' ~" ~s~ ~'02' feet, South 1~' 1~' ~" East ~9.~ feet,.: Bo~th }6' 1~ ~" West 26~.28 fee~ ~ a ~t in'the ~terlY ~e ef t~t c~n additi~ Ri~t cf ~ay for slopes ~fe~d ~ ~ P~c.el 1, _as "~ ~e le~ ~twe~ S~tiona "A" 10 pl~ ~ ~ "A" ~7 plus ~, ~ fee~" ~ ~ Deed f~m South S~ F~ciaco ~ ~d a co~~ioa. ~ted .Oco ~ 20, .192 ~ receded Dec~be~ g~ 1928 ~ ~ok )~ of 0fficl~ ReceSs of S~ ~t~ Cowry at ~e 2~ {~92~B)J t~e lea~ ~e~ line of* ~de ~d ~ ? on ~d ~ong tho 1~ of tho ~ght of Way For slopes above refe~ ~o on the.'~*~ a ~u~e.~oob,le~, · radi~ line ~~ th~ !u~ m~ttonod H~h 85 ~ ~3 West, ~M a rad,us o~ 6~o,~6 feet, a dto~ee of 16'5~ feet to a ~t~ th~ce No~h ~o 38' ~" West, a dis~oe of 55,~ fee~ a ~int w~ch bears Sou~h 86° 38' 07" hot ~5,~ feet f~m S~ey l~ne Station "A" ~O plus ~, as s~d s~e~ ~ine ~ desc~b~. in P~el 1 of ~t ce~n Deed ~co~ed Dec.bet 8 1928 in ~k ~ of ~fict~ ~co~s of ~ ~teo Co~y at ~e 289 ~2392~B) a ~~ l~e t~~ ~he ~ ~oned ~in~ be~s No~h ~ 38 07 ~StJ ~'~:~'~ th~ce on the ~ of a c~e to the left ~th a radius of ~5~,26 feet, a discs of 1~.2~ f~t ~ a ~tntJ th~ce No~h 12° 51' ~n"*~t ~g.~ fee~J'th~ce en the ~c of a com~d c~e ~o the le~ ~g~ ~ ~he ~t ~t~ co~8e at the ~ m~~ed ~t, ~ a ~iuo of ~8.~9 fee~ to a ~in~. a r~ ~e t~~ ~in~ be~o South 60° [?' WO~J thence on of lgO,~7 feet ~ a ~~ ~e at ~b ho~ ~i~ed b~ ~e ~ of a ~e ~t~ lb~ be~J~ge ~8~ metioa~ ~in~ b~8 South 1° 32' ~6~ RESOLUTION NO. 3318, Exhibit #2 (Continued): TOGETHER WITH an Easement for roadway purposes, with right of ingress aXid egress over a strip of land :g~nerall7 2~ feet in width lying contiguous to and adjacent the Northwesterly and Southwesterly lines of Parcel One above described, Said strip of land being more particularly described as follows~ BEGINNING at ~he Northwesterly corner of Parcel One as here.in describedl thence'from said corner South 39° $~' OO" East 95.45 feet to a polntl thence South 119,67 feet to a point~ thence South 56° 05'"00" We-~i~6~..,6~ feet to a point; thence South 35 ~0t 00" Yeet 93.02 feet to'~.~fntl, the~.ce South 50° 58' 30" West 168,6~. feet to a pOint; thence SoU~.~o ~8~ 26" ~est 197,35 feet to a point; thence on the arc of a compoUad curve to the r~_gh~ a radial line through the last mentioned point ' 56" bears South 1° 32 East, with a radius of 100 feet, a distance of 52.29 feet to a point, a radial line through the last point bears South 22° 51t ~est; thence on the arc of a curve right with a radius of 275 feet, a distance of 180.57 feet ~o a radial line through the last mentioned point bears South 60 WestJ thence on the arc of a the right a curve to with radius ~f 200 feet~ a distance of 158.59 feet to a point, a radial line at the last mentioned point bears North 77° 0~' West; thence tangent to the last men~toned curve South 12° 51' West 118.12 feet to a point in the North- easterly line of that certain additional Right of wa~ for slopes referred to in Parcel 1, as on the left between Stations A '5 plus 53 to A 10 plus 00, 25 feet" in the Deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a corporation,_to South San Francisco Belt Railway, a corpoFation, dated October 20, 1928 and recorded December 8, 1928 in. Book 385 of Official Records of San Mates County at page 289 (23920-B]~ thence on and along said line on the arc of a curve to the left~ a radial line through the last ~entioned point bears South 75~ 55' 10" ~est, with a radius of 55~.26 feet, a distance of ~0.68 feet to a point; thence leaving said line North 12° 51' East 75.05 feet to a pointj thence on the arc of a compound curve to the left, tangent to the last mentioned course with a radius of 175 feet, a distance of ]30.01 feet to a~int, a radial line through the last mentioned point bears South 60° 17' West; thence on the arc of a'curve to the left with a radius of 250 feet, a distance of 165.06 feet to a point, a radial line through the last mentioned point bears South 22° 51' West; thence on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 75 feet,, a distance of 31.72 feet to a point; thence tang~ut to the last mentioned curve South 88° 27' 15" West 8.63 feet to a point in the Easterly line of the lands of the South San Francisco Belt Railway, a corporation; thence along_ said lands, North 50.0 feet to the Southeasterly corner of t/~at 0.156 acre parcel of land acquired by Wildberg Brothers, a description of which was recorded March 9, 1923 in Book 66 of Official Records of San Mates County at page 381~ thence North ~o 58' 26" East 186.?? feet to a point, North 50° 58~ 30" East 165.22 feet to a pgint~ thence North 35° 50' O0" East 94.15 feet to a point, North 56° 05' O0" East 2~8.~? feet to a point~ t~ence North 100.OO feet to a point~ thence North 39° ~5' OO" West 106.22 feet to a point in the dividing line between Tide Lots 7 and 26 produced Westerly~ thence along said line East 32.52 feet to the point of beginning. mO BEGINNING at a point which bears West 32.52 feet from the Northwesterly corner of Parcel One above described; thenCe South 39° $5' 00" East 106.22 feet to a'pointj thence South 100.OO feet to a point; South $6° 05' OO" West 138.86 feet to a point; thence North 27~.0[: feet to a point in the dividing line between Tide Lots ? and 2~ Produced Westerly; thence along said dividing line East 32.08 feet to the point of beginning. Tide Land Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Section 23, Township 3 South, Rang~ 5 West, Mmunt Diablo Base and Meridian, as shown on Map No. 1 of Salt Marsh and Tide Lands situate in the County of san Mateo, State of California, prepared by Order of the Board of Tide Land Co~ssioners under the authority and in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "an act supplementary to. ~ud amendatory of an Act, entitled an act.to survey and dispose of certain salt marsh and tide lands belonging to the State of California, approved .March thirtieth eighteen hundred and sixty eight", approved April 1st 1870. RESOLUTION NO. 3318, Exhibit #2 (Continued): ' · , ~ .. .. .:¢' ,7',.~ ~*".r~. "~ ' I.K'kZ. RESOLUTION NO. 3318, Exhibit #2 (Contlnued' RESOLUTION NO. 3318 (Continued): Exhibit CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I, LOUIS H. GOSS, Director of Public Works of the City of South San Fran- cisco, applicant for the construction loan, herein certify that I have examined the description contained in the Liti~ation Report No. 316996, same bein~ Exhibit 2 to Document No. 4 and that the description in said Litigation Report containe the land designated as the project area in Exhibit 1 to Document No. 4 and also contains the area over which the access road and sewer easement are to pass. Dated: November 6, 1961 LOUIS H. GOSS Exhibit #3a GRANT OF CHANNEL AND WATERWAY EASEMENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That CROCKER LAND COMPANY, a California corporation, for valuable consid- eration paid by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, does hereby ~lve, grant, transfer and convey to said City of South San Francisco a channel or waterway easement and right of way for the construction, improvement, operation and maintenance of a channel and right to the use of water over, across and through the followin~ land situate in the City of South San Francisco,' County of San Marco, State of California, to wit: A 200.00 foot easement for the excavation of a navl~ation channel and the placement of piles for use as navigation aids for access to the South San Francisco Marina; the center line of which is described as follows: From the Northeasterly corner of Tide Lot 5, Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M., as shown on that certain map entitled "Map No. 1 Of Salt Marsh And Tide Lands Situate In The County Of San Mateo, State of California", Prepared by order of the Board of Tideland Commissioners un- der the authority and in accordance wlth the provisions of an act entitled "An Act Supplementary To And Amendatory Of An Act Entitled 'An Act and Survey And Disposal Of Certain Salt Marsh and Tidelands Belongin~ To The State of California Approved March 30th 1868' Approved April 1, [870"; and further described in that deed dated January 27th 1948, conveying title from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the City of South San Francisco and recorded February 19th 1948, in Volume 1462, Offi- cial Records of San Mateo County at Page 2; the POINT OF BEGINNING bears due South 100.00 feet. FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING: thence due East 1320. feet more or less to the Easterly line of Tide Lot 3, Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the easement and interests hereby ~ranted shall revert back to the Grantor hereunder or its successors or assigns (15 if the Grantee hereunder, its successors or assigns, does not commence the construction of a navigation channel in connection herewith within one (1) year and complete such construction within five (5) years from the date hereof; or (2) in the event of the abandonment of said easement, and after the initial use hereunder of such easement non-use for a continuous period of one (1) year shall be conclusive evi- dence of the abandonment thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our signatures as of this 20 day of November, 1961. CROCKER LAND COMPANY By W.F. Morton Its Vice President GRANT OF SPOIL AREA EASEM~ENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That CROCKER LAND COMPANY, a California corporation, for valuable consid- eration paid by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, does here- by give, grant, transfer and convey to said City of South San Francisco a spoil area easement for the depositing of material excavated from the channel for the South San Francisco Marina on the land situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California to wit: RESOLUTION NO. 3318, Exhibit 3b (Continued): A 100.00 foot easement for depositin~ material excavated from the channel for the South San Francisco Marina; the center line of which is described as follows: From the Northeasterly corner of Tide Lot 5, Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M., as shown on that certain map entitled "Map No. ! Of Salt Marsh And Tide Lands Situate In The County of San Mateo, State of California", Prepared by order of the Board of Tideland Commissioners un- der the authority and in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An Act Supplementary To And Amendatory Of An Act Entitled 'An Act And Sur- vey And Disposal Of Certain Salt Marsh And Tidelands Belon~in~ To The State of California Approved March 30th 1868' Approved April 1, ~87~"; and further described in that deed dated January 27th 1948, conveying title from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the City of South San Francisco and recorded February 19th 1948, in Volume 1462, Official Records of San Mateo County at Pa~e 2; the POINT OF BEGINNING lies due South 250.00 feet and thence due East 150.00 feet. FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING: thence due East 1170.00 feet more or less to the Easterly line of Tide Lot 3, Se~tion 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M. PROVIDED, H0~EVER, that the easement and interests hereby ~ranted shall re- vert back to the Grantor hereunder or its successors or assigns (1) if the Grantee hereunder, its successors or assigns, does not commence the construction of a navigation channel in connection herewith within one (1) year and complete such construction within five (5) years from the date hereof; or (2) in the event of the abandonment of said easement, and after the initial use hereunder of such easement non-use for a continuous period of one (1) year shall be conclusive evi- denceof the abandonment thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our signatures as of this 20th day of November, 1961. CROCKER LAND COMPANY By W. F. Morton Its Vice President Exhibit #3c GRANT OF SPOIL AREA EASEMENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That CROCKER LAND COMPANY, a California corporation, for valuable consid- eration paid by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, does hereby give, grant, transfer and convey to said City of South San Francisco a spoil area easement for the depositin~ of material excavated from the channel for the South San Francisco Marina on the land situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California to wit: A 100.00 foot easement for depositing material excavated from the channel for the South San Francisco Marina; the center line of which is described as follows: From the Northeasterly corner of Tide Lot 5, Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.C.B.M., as shown on that certain map entitled "Map No. 1 Of Salt Marsh And Tide Lands Situate In The County Of San Marco, State of California", Prepared by order of the Board of Tideland Commissioners un- der the authority and in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An Act Supplementary To And Amendatory Of An Act Entitled 'An Act And Sur- vey And Disposal Of Certain Salt Marsh And Tidelands Belon~in~ To The State of California Approved March 30th 1868' Approved April 1, ~87~"; and fur- ther described in that deed dated January 27th 1948, conveying title from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Compan~ to the City of South San Francisco and recorded February 19th, 1948, in Volume 1462, Official Records of San Mateo County at Pa~e 2; the POINT OF BEGINNING bears due North 50.00 feet. FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING: thence due East 1320 feet more or less to the Easterly line of Tide Lot 30, Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the easement and interests hereb~ ~ranted shall revert back to the Grantor hereunder or its successors or assigns ~1~ if the Grantee hereunder, its successors or assigns, does not commence the construction of a navi- gation channel in connection herewith within one (1) year and complete such con- struction within five (5) years from the date hereof; or (2) in the event of the abandonment of said easement, and after the initial use hereunder of such easement non-use for a continuous period of one (1) year shall be conclusive evidence of the abandonment thereof. IN WITNESS ~gHE~EOF we have hereunto set our signatures as of this 20th day of November, 1961. CROCKER LAND COMPA~Y By W. F. Morton Its Vice President RESOLUTION NO. 3318 (Continued): Exhibit #3d GRANT OF SLOPE EASEMENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That CROCKER LAND COMPAB~, a California corporation, for valuable consid- eration paid by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, does here- by give, ~raut, transfer and convey to said City of South San Francisco a slope easement for depositing fill material and the installation of a temporary debris fence for the South San Francisco Marina on the land situate in the City of South San Fran- cisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, to wit: A 150.00 foot easement for depositing fill material and the installation of a temporary debris fence for the South San Francisco Marina; the center line of which is described as follows: From the Northeasterly corner of Tide Lot 5, Section 93, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M., as shown on that certain map entitled "Map No. 1 Of Salt Marsh And Tide Lands Situate In The County Of San Mateo, State of California", Prepared by order of the Board of Tideland Commissioners under the authority and in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An Act Supplementary To And Amendatory Of Au Act Entitled 'An Act And Survey And Disposal Of Certain Salt Marsh And Tidelands Belon~inz To The State of California Approved March 30th 1868' Approved April 1,-18~0"; and further described in that deed dated January 27th 1948, conveying title from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the City of South San Francisco and recorded February 19th 1948, in Volume 1462, Official Records of San Mateo County at page 2; the POINT OF BEGINNING lies due South 200.00 feet and thence due East 75.00 feet. FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING; thence due South 1120 feet more or less to the Northerly line of Tide Lot 13, Section 93, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D .B.M. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the easement and interests hereb~ ~ranted shall revert back to the Grantor hereunder or its successors or assigns ~1~ if the Grantee hereunder, its successors or assigns, does not commence the construction of a navigation channel in connection herewith within on e (1) year and complete such construction within five (5) years from the date hereof; or (9) in the event of the abandonment of said easement, and after the initial use hereunder of such easement non-use for a continuous period of one (1) year shall be conclusive evi- dence of the abandonment thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our signatures as of this 20th day of November, 1961. CROCKER LAND COMPANY By W. F. Morton Its Vice President Exhibit #3e GRANT OF SLOPE EASEMENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARINA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, a Pennsylvania corporation, for valuable con- sideration paid by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, does hereby give, ~rant, transfer and convey to said City of South San Francisco a slope easement for depositin~ fill material and the installation of a temporary debris fence for the South San Francisco Marina on the land situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, to wit: A 100.00 foot wide easement for depositing fill material and the installa- tion of a temporary debris fence for the South San Francisco Marina; the center line of which is described as follows: From the Northeasterly corner of Tide Lot 12, Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, M.D.B.M., as shown on that certain map entitled "Map No. 1 Of Salt Marsh And Tide Lands Situate In The County Of San Mateo, State of California", Prepared by order of the Board of Tideland Commissioners un- der the authority and in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An Act Supplementary To And Amendatory Of An Act Entitled "An Act And Sur- vey And Disposal of Certain Salt Marsh And Tidelands Belongin~ To The State of California Approved March 30th 1868' Approved April 1, 1870"; and further described in that deed dated January 27th 1948, conveyin~ title from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the City of South San Francisco and recorded February 19th 1948, in Volume 1469, Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 2; the POINT OF BEGINNING lies due East 150.00 feet thence due South 50.00 feet. 318 RESOLUTION NO. 3318 (Exhibit ~3e) (Continued): FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING; thence due West 2070 feet more or less to the Westerly line of Tide Lot 10, Section 23, Township 3 South, Ran_~e 5 West, M.D.B.M. PROVIDED, HOWEVER,=that the easement and interests hereb~ ~ranted shall revert back to the Grantor h~reunder or its successors or assigns ~1~ if the Grantee hereunder, its successors or assigns, does not commence the construction of a navi- gation channel in connection herewith within one (1)~year and complete such construc- tion within five (5) years from the date hereof; or (~) in the event of the abandon- ment of said easement, and after the initial use hereunder of such easement non-use for a continuous period of one (1) year shall be conclusive evidence of the abandon- ment thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our si_~natures as of this 17th day of November, !961. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY By S. S. Cort Vice President Acknowledgment STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO On this 17th day of November in the year 1961 before me B. W. Robbins, a no- tary public in and for the State of California, County of San Mateo, personally appeared S. S. Cort known to me to be the Vice President of the corporation that executed the within instrument on behalf the corporation and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. B. W. Robbins My commission expires August 31, !964